Outline/Full Business Case TRANSFORMING CITIES FUND 1 - SCHEME DETAILS 1.1 - SCHEME & APPLICANT’S INFORMATION Rotherham Town Centre Active Travel Package Scheme Name: [The official name of the scheme] Rotherham, S60. Scheme Location/ Address, [Provide full details of the scheme location, including address, including Post Code and Local postcode and Local Authority area(s) - in addition please also Authority Area: append a site map/ plan] Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Regeneration and Environment Riverside house Main Street Applicant Organisation, Size & Rotherham Company Registration Number (if S60 1AE applicable): Large [The full (legal and official) name, address, size (S/M/L) and registration number (if applicable) of the applicant organisation – this is the organisation who will receive any funds] Mr Nathaniel Porter Senior Transport Planner Contact Name and Role: [Provide details of the project lead for this scheme within your organisation] Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Regeneration and Environment Riverside House Main Street Address: Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council S60 1AE [Address details for the project lead]
[email protected] Email: [E-mail address details for the project lead] 01709 254377 Telephone: [Telephone number for the project lead] Muse Developments Limited, as development partner for Forge Island Footbridge and wider development Other Delivery Partners and Roles: [Provide details of other delivery partners and their role(s) in the delivery of the scheme] Date of Issue - June 2020 1 Outline/Full Business Case TRANSFORMING CITIES FUND 1.2 - FINANCIAL SUMMARY Sheffield Road Cycle Route: £8,826,108 Frederick Street: £819,000 A - Total Scheme Cost (£) Forge Island Footbridge: £1,289,518 Total: £ 10,934,626 [Provide total scheme costs - (B+C+F=A)] £ 289,518 as part of Forge Island development.