Bradford to Shipley along Beck

Because is underground in Spinkwell, which fed a spa in the 18th Bradford centre, you have to walk century, and the second is Boar’s Well, asso- for a while before getting the chance to ciated with the famous Bradford Boar which see it. This linear walk takes you on an is reputed to have terrorised local inhabi- interesting route out of the city centre tants in the 14th century. Eventually you before joining the Canal Road Greenway come out onto busy King’s Road. beside the beck. 3. Turn right up King’s Road to the traffic Length: 6km. lights. Carefully cross the road so that you Terrain: A climb at the beginning and one in continue walking up Kings Road on the left the middle, otherwise easy going. hand side. Take the first left down Bolton Starting point: The beginning of Bolton Lane, then the second right along Hollin Road by the flight of stone steps near the Close Lane. Follow this unmade road as it entrance to Bradford . BD1 4DA. eventually bears right up a slight incline. GR167332. When you reach the last house on the right, Parking: There are numerous car parks in take the narrow footpath on the right of the Bradford City Centre. house. Go through the metal bollards and and train: is a continue straight ahead, climbing uphill. ten-minute walk away, is five At the end, turn left and continue straight minutes. ahead to emerge onto a road. 1. Go up the flight of stone steps 4. Turn left and walk along the road to a (signposted Dalesway Link Path). Continue metal barrier. Go past the barrier and walk uphill and emerge onto a road. Turn left, down the road, past the metal gates, to the and take the second turning on the right end. Turn left, and where the road bends into a cobbled road (Captain Street). Follow left, take the clearly marked path on the this road, crossing two streets, and at the end right -- this is the Canal Road Greenway. cross the road and turn right into Bolton Walk down the path to meet Bradford Beck, Road to walk up to the traffic lights. Turn constrained in a brick-lined culvert. left for a short distance to the pedestrian 5. Turn right and follow the Greenway, with crossing, and cross the main road to rejoin the beck on your left, for approximately Bolton Road on the opposite side. 2.5km, until you reach a temporary 2. Continue up the road for approximately footpath signposted on the left. At the time 275 metres and take the first left down of writing, this crosses the beck by a cobbled Lawson Street. At the bottom turn footbridge and crosses meadowland to ar- right and enter the Boar’s Well nature re- rive at the entrance to Shipley Station. Alter- serve at the end. Follow the level path natively, you can carry on along the straight ahead through the reserve. Look out Greenway until it emerges onto Road. for two wells on the right; the first is Turn left here for the station.

18 Above right: Spinkwell. Below: Bradford Beck alongside Canal Road. Below right: Bradford Beck near Shipley.