PPhhiillaaddeellpphhiiaa AArreeaa JJeewwiisshh GGeenneeaallooggiiccaall RReessoouurrccee DDiirreeccttoorryy VV55..00 1100//3300//0088 11/1/09 1 2 TThhaannkkss This resource guide was developed as a project of the Jewish Genealogy Society of Greater Philadelphia with help from members of the local Jewish community. We appreciate the responses in answering our questions, reviewing our findings and providing pictures. Special recognition goes to: Fred Blum Joan Gross Don Orenbuch Harry Boonin Joanne Grossman Kaye Paletz David Brill Mark Halpern Philadelphia Jewish Archives Center Don Davis Gene Hurwitz Bernard Platt Shelia Eskin Elaine “Bunny” Kolinsky Joan Pollak Evan Fishman Joseph Levine Joan Rosen Ed Flax Richard Levy Aaron Roetenberg Rabbi Gary Gans Mark Melmed Rabbi Bernard Rothman Gina Glassman Allen Meyers Shelda Sandler Bennett Goldstein David Mink Stan Sandler Eric Greenberg Larry Moskowitz Geoffrey Shutzbank James Gross Selma Neubauer Jack Weinstein Thank you. Steve Schecter, Project Coordinator “The reward of having a thing well done is to have done it.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson) The Jewish world of Philadelphia is dynamic and constantly evolving. This guide is and always will be a “work in progress” to reflect these changes. It is made available now even though it is incomplete and may contain errors and ommisions. We need your help in keeping it up to date and making corrections. Please review your Shul[s] and cemeteries. Also look at places you have visited or know. Then send corrections and suggestions to mailto:
[email protected]. This is Version 5.0 (compiled on 10/30/08). As additional information and corrections are suggested, updates with new version numbers and dates will be published.