TRUE SEA CHANGE ZOO “Of Animals and Men” tells a fascinating story in a clumsy manner. JUNE 17, 2021 / 7 TAMUZ 5781 PAGE 22


WHAT IT MEANS TO BE JEWISH IN $1.00 OF NOTE Why Do LOCAL People Call Vandalized BLM Sign Prompts Israel an Mt. Airy Vigil More than 50 people decry the incident. Apartheid Page 4 State? LOCAL JESSE BERNSTEIN | JE STAFF Gratz College Names Zev Eleff HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH, a nongov- as President ernmental organization, published a Paul Finkelman to report on April 27 called “A  reshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the become chancellor. Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution.” Page 6 At more than 200 pages, the report Baruch Frazier’s Juneteenth seder plate in 2020 Photo by Koach Baruch Frazier details the ways in which “Israeli author- BOOKS ities methodically privilege Jewish Israelis ‘The Netanyahus’ and discriminate against Palestinians,” Is Reviewed concluding that the Israeli government’s On Juneteenth, Joy and Also, a Philadelphia “intent to maintain the domination of native considers her Jewish Israelis over Palestinians across Grief Mingle for Black Jews childhood. Israel and the OPT [Occupied Palestinian Territories]... coupled with systematic SASHA ROGELBERG | JE STAFF Frazier puts away their Passover seder Page 21 oppression of Palestinians and inhumane plate on the 22nd of Nisan, like many acts committed against them” amounts to WHEN KOACH BARUCH FRAZIER Jews, and, on June 19, instead favors “the crime of apartheid.” prepares their seder plate, they nestle another seder plate, heaped with foods Volume 134 It is a charge that the Israeli govern- beets next to okra, blackeyed peas, eggs tinted crimson, representing “ingenuity Number 10 ment denies with vigor and has denied boiled in hibiscus tea, hot red peppers, and resilience and bondage,” in obser- Published Weekly Since 1887 since it rst was leveled against the state baked sweet potato and cornbread, all vance of Juneteenth. in the 1970s. arranged in a plate set next to a kiddush Juneteenth is the national recogni- Mark Regev, an adviser to outgoing cup zzing with red soda. tion and celebration of Union Army Gen.

See Apartheid, Page 14 See Juneteenth, Page 15 THIS WEEK IN THIS ISSUE

4 HEADLINES Local Israel National Global

16 OPINION Columns Kvetch ’n’ Kvell Seminar teaches how to raise Former Gratz College educator Revisit a recipe from 18 race-conscious kids. Uziel Adini dies at 83. The Book and the Cook.


23 TORAH Miriam’s Advice Well Philacatessen COMMENTARY ADDRESSING ABOUNDING OUTDOOR ISSUES COCONUT PUDDING Now that people are getting out and about and socializing again, a Food columnist Keri White is always in search of new ways to use 24 COMMUNITY reader wonders, “What are the best practices for staying comfortable coconut in both sweet and savory recipes. That’s why she was Deaths and respecting other people outside?” Miriam responds, in part, pleased to develop a recipe for coconut pudding that’s perfect for Calendar with, “The most important standard to keep in mind is whether the the summer, because it doesn’t require an oven for baking. Read people you’re interacting with and impacting are comfortable with Philacatessen, her online blog, for the recipe, as well as suggested 40 CLASSIFIEDS your choice.” Read Miriam’s Advice Well for the particulars. From modifications based on your diet requirements. And check dating to parenting, Miriam welcomes all questions. Email yours to Philacatessen regularly for food content not normally found in [email protected] and put “Advice Well Question” in the the printed edition, such as other recipes, restaurant reviews and subject line. food news from around the . CANDLE LIGHTING June 18 8:14 p.m. abounding-outdoor-issues/ June 25 8:15 p.m.


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2 JUNE 17, 2021 JEWISH EXPONENT JEWISHEXPONENT.COM 2100 Arch Street, 4th Floor, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 2018 MAIN PHONE NUMBER: 215-832-0700

JEWISH FEDERATION OF GREATER PHILADELPHIA David Adelman and Gail Norry, Co-Chairs Michael Balaban, President and CEO Steven Rosenberg, Chief Operating Officer

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JEWISHEXPONENT.COM JEWISH EXPONENT JUNE 17, 2021 3 HEADLINES ‘BLM’ Sign Vandalism Sparks Vigil in Mt. Airy

LOCAL for Community Transformation 12 speakers or musical performers. and the greater Mt. Airy Jewish “Here I am: a Black, lesbian, SASHA ROGELBERG | JE STAFF community (though not ali- Jew-by-choice, and my life ated with the GJC itself), was a matters,” she said. THE GERMANTOWN means of standing in solidarity To Purnell, the phrase “Jewish Jewish Centre hosted a vigil with Black Jewish community Lives Matter” is similar to “All on June 10 in response to the members, and Black community Lives Matter:” a statement she vandalization of a “Black Lives members more broadly. believes, but one that detracts Matter” sign on its campus, “We want to say very clearly from what the movement is visible from Lincoln Drive. that Black lives matter, and that trying to articulate. GJC co-organizer Rabbi we will not allow that to be a “I do believe that all life Adam Ze said that on May 28, statement that is diluted in any matters. It’s just that some a community member noticed way,” said Linda Holtzman, life is more endangered than that the “Black” in the “Black one of the event’s organizers others; that’s the di erence,” Lives Matter” sign had been and speakers. she said. “You don’t have to crossed out, and “Jewish” was For Andrea Jacobs, a say this life matters, so this instead written in its place. member of both the GJC and life doesn’t. is life matters e GJC mailbox and a lamp the CTC, countering racism and because this one does, because post were gratied with spray supporting Jewish communities we are all one.” paint to read “Jewish Lives are not mutually exclusive. Ze was unsure about the Matter.” “We stand in solidarity, identity of the perpetrator or “It was somebody trying to because we’re really clear as motive behind the vandalism. Rabbi Adam Ze of Germantown Jewish Centre speaks at the vigil. make a statement that being white Jews, and as Jews were The vandalism followed Photo by Sasha Rogelberg Jewish means being anti-Black,” broadly, that our liberation and an increase in antisemitic said Jared Jackson, founder and confronting the machinery of incidents nationwide, including ‘we commit to engage in the members to learn about race executive director of Jews in All antisemitism is 100% in align- the vandalism of the Horwitz- work’ ... of eradicating racism in and racism. Hues, an advocacy organiza- ment with and contingent upon Wasserman Holocaust Memorial our hearts, eradicating racism in While Ze hopes to elimi- tion for Jews of color. “It’s also confronting and dismantling Plaza in May. our community and eradicating nate racism in his community, erasure of Jews like myself, who the machinery of anti-Black “So many Jews are scared racism in the world,” Ze said. he believes that right now, are Black and Jewish.” racism.” right now,” Greeneld said. Jacob said that in addition to the GJC’s focus should be on ough there had been other e rally, which took place “And I know that this is not forming the CTC a few years ago handling discrimination when incidents in Mt. Airy of “Black at the GJC’s “Black Lives isolated from that.” as a response to an anti-Black it inevitably occurs. Lives Matter” signs being Matter” sign, had more than 50 Moving forward, the incident within the synagogue, “What we need to do is not vandalized and discarded in attendees, many holding their GJC wants to continue to the GJC has hired and contracted hope that they don’t [happen], people’s yards, the large sign own “Black Lives Matter” signs. discuss racism and make consultants to run audits on the or cover them up when they do, at the GJC remained unaltered As cars passed the rally, many internal changes to “become organization to identify areas of but have a way of dealing with for nearly a year, according drivers on Lincoln Drive honked an anti-racist community,” inequity. them,” he said. l to Ze . in support. according to Jacobs. The GJC will continue The vigil, organized by Danetta Purnell, a GJC “To put up the sign and say holding programming and [email protected] | members of GJC’s Committee community member, was one of “Black Lives Matter” is to say, opportunities for community 215-832-0741 Mission: Volunteer 52 Times in 52 Weeks

LOCAL career and probably the last 40 di erent charities in the time, more free time,” Lyons Philadelphia area since begin- DAVID STATMAN | JE FEATURE said. “I was in a mood where ning in December. I was given to be thankful to Many have had to do with LIKE THE REST of the world, things and think about things food insecurity and homeless- Jaret Lyons went through a lot you want to do. I came up with ness — not necessarily by of change in the last year and an idea aer chatting with my design, Lyons said, but because a half. wife to volunteer more, and those organizations were simply In the fall, Lyons le his because I like to go big when more likely to pick up the phone. old company aer 14 years. I think of ideas, I thought, Lyons also has volunteered

And amid a once-in-a-lifetime Jaret Lyons and his son, Brandon Photo by Laura Rimmer what if I could volunteer for with many Jewish charities over pandemic, he suddenly found 52 organizations in 52 weeks?” the past several months. On himself with some spare time on New Jersey, Lyons was never schedule, Lyons decided to go Lyons’ idea manifested his website, Lyons lists shis his hands. a stranger to dedicating free bigger than ever before. itself in what he calls “Mission: with Temple Emanuel, Jewish A board member of Temple time to charitable endeavors. “I knew that I’d have, for the Possible,” which has seen Emanuel in Cherry Hill, But to ll the new gaps in his rst time in my professional him put in shis for nearly See 52, Page 23

4 JUNE 17, 2021 JEWISH EXPONENT JEWISHEXPONENT.COM MossRehab_Steinberg_Esquenazi_Shrier_Jewish_Exponent_Ad_2021.indd 1 5/28/21 10:46 AM JEWISHEXPONENT.COM JEWISH EXPONENT JUNE 17, 2021 5 HEADLINES Gratz College Names Zev Eleff President

LOCAL and addition to the college’s to network and oversee Gratz’s understood both the Jewish administrative team takes undergraduate, graduate and history and the critical role SASHA ROGELBERG | JE STAFF place aer Gratz experienced adult learning programs, that Jewish thought has played, a 35% increase in enrollment while the president works to in history, and particularly in GRATZ COLLEGE WILL over the past four years under engage more with the broader American history,” Elias said. undergo a change and expan- Finkelman. community and prospective “As well as a person who is an sion in administration at the “We made the strategic students, Jewish and not. accomplished administrator of beginning of the 2021-’22 decision that the college was Though the search for a college or university, as well academic year, with Zev Ele in a position where we felt that Gratz’s new president was as a person who is innovative becoming president on Sept. we could make goals to expand announced right before the and energetic.” 1, and Paul Finkelman, the our network, our reach,” said start of the pandemic in March Ele t the bill, Elias said. current president, taking over Kathy Elias, chair of the Board 2020, it didn’t begin until late Ele is the chief academic the newly created chancellor’s of Governors at Gratz. summer of last year. adviser of the Hebrew position. e chancellor’s position “We were looking for a eological College, the vice The transition within allows Finkelman to continue president who thoroughly provost of Touro College Illinois, as well as professor of Jewish history at Touro’s UNITS2 AVAILABLE!BEDROOM Graduate School of Jewish Zev Ele Courtesy of Zev EleŒ Studies. As president, Ele hopes to through its transition to synergize the skills from his becoming completely remote NOW LEASING! UPPER DUBLIN previous three roles into “the when COVID-19 restrictions MODELS OPEN ability to convene di erent prevented in-person activity. modes of education, to reach “We were able to pivot to various populations and being 100% online within two to reach them on their own weeks of closing our building,” levels,” he said. Finkelman said. Gratz’s ability to be Finkelman was grateful for “nimble,” is what drew Ele . the opportunities during his He touted its ability to have not presidency to honor commu- only a diversity in the degrees nity members and guests, who and certications it o ers, but shaped Gratz’s legacy, with the also its clear goals in Jewish Gratz Medal and honorary education and ability to “make degrees. meaning” in the lives of its Moreover, Finkelman is students, as well as to build grateful to have learned more relationships with outside about his community. UPSCALE LIVING organizations. “I grew up in a very small “[Gratz] has the combi- town. We were, what I would STEPS ABOVE IT ALL! nation of humility, integrity call, a one-synagogue town,” Designed with luxury in mind, The Residences at the Promenade and self-condence to be able Finkelman said. “I have gained o er lavish apartments situated above a beautiful town center. to understand its capacity to a much stronger knowledge of partner,” he said. “I’ve seen the incredible diversity of the • Park Trails • Dog Parks & Washrooms • Bocce Court that whether Gratz partners American Jewish community.” • Pool with Sundeck • Media & Game Rooms • Fitness Center with donors and stakeholders As Ele makes the transi- Amenities too many to mention! or with other organizations, tion to succeed Finkelman, he’s Gratz understands that it takes eager to brave the suburban Clean Juice • Sprouts Farmers Market • Lululemon a village. “ real estate market and make Fine Wine and Good Spirits! • Home Goods During Finkelman’s tenure, new roots in Philadelphia and he created four new programs, Melrose Park and to begin his Coming Soon! including three master’s time at Gratz. programs in interfaith leader- As Gratz begins its 126th Banfi eld • La Scala’s Fire • Trinity Physical Therapy ship, human rights and camp year, Ele made it clear the Smashburger • Carbon Health • Starbucks • Serenity Nail Bar management, and a doctoral value he hopes to maintain as program for Holocaust and president of Gratz: “the notion Welsh & Dreshertown Roads • Dresher, PA genocide studies. that applied Jewish wisdom can Because Gratz had 90% of and should be for everybody.” l 833-238-1100 its programs online before the pandemic, Finkelman was able [email protected] | A Bruce E. Toll Community to e ectively guide the college 215-832-0741

6 JUNE 17, 2021 JEWISH EXPONENT JEWISHEXPONENT.COM HEADLINES Workshop Informs on Teaching Kids About Race

LOCAL Within for Communal Change: own children guided their work what kind of people they are? Racial Justice Workshop Series,” the most. If they’re good people; if they’re SASHA ROGELBERG | JE STAFF hosted by the Jewish Federation One day, Silverman recounted, bad people; if they’re smart of Greater Philadelphia’s Center her 8-year-old daughter marched people; if they’re dangerous WHEN A PASSENGER on City Kehillah and jkidphilly. around the house with a people; if they’re safe people. an airplane gets ready for e two educators apply yswatter in her hands, chanting, at’s bonkers!” Silverman said. takeo , they are reminded by the Jewish principle of Elu “Black lives matter,” mirroring “at’s totally bonkers.” the ight attendant that, in case v’elu (both/and) to teaching the behavior of protesters, though Chapman, a Caribbean- of an emergency, they secure their children about racism, some would argue she was too American immigrant raising their own oxygen masks before advocating for viewing an issue young to understand the nuances three Jewish children with her helping their children. from multiple perspectives. of the movement. wife, teaches race-consciousness Imani Chapman and Franny With that foundation, both “at’s how ideologies work,” di erently than Silverman, who, Silverman, equity educators, understanding and teaching Chapman said. “We start doing Franny Silverman (left) and Imani along with her child, is white. advocates, collaborators (and racism can be done through it before we understand it.” Chapman at a work retreat She’s responsible for not Jewish parents), argue that the lens of the “Four I’s of To Chapman and Silverman, Courtesy of Franny Silverman only instilling a sense of aware- this same idea can be used for Oppression:” ideological, insti- those instances underscore the people have the idea that Jewish ness and consciousness of teaching children about racism. tutional, interpersonal and necessity of holding conversa- people run the world” (which, racism in her children, but also For children to learn about internalized, from the abstract tions with children early on. Silverman clarifies to her teaching them to have a positive race and racism, rst the parents ideas society teaches us about For white Jewish children, daughter, is “bonkers”), some self-concept, particularly in her must be interested in learning race, to the thoughts we have Silverman said, explaining individuals feel the same way 7-year-old daughter. about racism themselves. about race and racism within. antisemitism can be a about people of color. “One of the ways I do that is I Chapman and Silverman Though Chapman and jumping-o point for discussing “In the world,” Silverman really surround her with a lot of spoke about parental respon- Silverman have 50 years of oppression and discrimination said to her daughter, “there are heroes,” she said. sibility to educate children on educating and consulting more broadly. people that think that people But even children of color race and racism on June 9 as between them, it was clear that Silverman explained to her have di erent skin colors that the second part of the “Looking the experiences of raising their daughter that just how “some actually has to do with like, See Race, Page 23

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JEWISHEXPONENT.COM JEWISH EXPONENT JUNE 17, 2021 7 HEADLINES Longtime Gratz Educator Uziel Adini Dies at 83

OBITUARY Party, and his mother was the His dissertation, completed audience,” Tali Adini said. “So rst religious woman to address in 1969, was a preview of what many of his students have come JESSE BERNSTEIN | JE STAFF the Zionist Congress. All four was to come: It was about up to me and said, ‘He was the of Adini’s grandparents died the transmission of Jewish best teacher I’ve ever had.’” UZIEL ADINI, an educator in Auschwitz; his parents, and values to high school students In addition to his time as and administrator who won the parents of his wife, Tamar through Hebrew literature. a professor at Gratz, Adini admirers across the country (Löw) Adini, all lived and died Tamar Adini knew something spent 23 years as the director for his dedication, innovation in Tel Aviv. about that; for 28 years, she led of the Jewish Community High and energy for Jewish educa- ough Adini le Israel the Hebrew, and School of Gratz College, and tion, died on May 27 at the age for Philadelphia in the 1960s, Foreign languages department he eventually served as the of 83. Adini — Uzi, to those never to return for an extended at Akiba Hebrew Academy school’s vice president. who knew him — had battled period, Israel was entwined (now the Jack M. Barrack Adini loved riddles and jokes, leukemia for some time. with everything he did. Hebrew Academy). and had a lovely singing voice. Adini, wrote Joseph Davis, “Israel was instilled in every In 1965, Adini began He led seders, and when family a professor of Jewish studies aspect of his life,” said his teaching at Gratz, an associ- members celebrated milestones, at Gratz College, “was one of daughter, Tali Adini. ation that he would maintain he would come up with a special the leading Jewish educational Aer completing his Israel for the rest of his life. At a time gematria of the person’s name. administrators in the United Defense Forces service, Adini when Hebrew language educa- His weekly recitation of the States from the 1970s until his earned bachelor’s and master’s tion was ourishing, Adini Kiddush, Tali Adini said, will retirement in 2007.” Uziel Adini Courtesy of Tali Adini degrees in Bible, Hebrew was an expert in contemporary be greatly missed. Jonathan Sarna, the famed literature and education and Biblical Hebrew, and he Adini is survived by his scholar of American Jewish Adini was born in at the Hebrew University of instructed students at Gratz as wife, Tamar; his brother, Ami; history, wrote in an academic Mandatory Palestine in 1937. Jerusalem. Following that, he well as at Temple University. his daughters, Tali and Ronit; forum last week that “we His parents, Leah and Yisrael and his wife packed up and He was a beloved teacher, and four grandchildren. l extend deepest condolences to Adini, were active members le for Philadelphia, where according to his daughter. Prof. Adini’s family, colleagues, of Ha-Poel Ha-Mizrachi, the Adini studied for a doctorate of “He really knew how to tell [email protected]; students and friends.” Religious Zionist Workers education at Dropsie College. a story, how to captivate an 215-832-0740 Joe Zuritsky to Receive Award From AJC

LOCAL part of supporting an University President Zionist organizations, found a organization that I hold John A. Fry in the home at AJC. JESSE BERNSTEIN | JE STAFF in high value.” virtual ceremony where “He’s a role model, a mentor Zuritsky, a patron Zuritsky will receive his and innovator, someone JOE ZURITSKY, chairman of many local, national award. not afraid to tackle issues,” and CEO of Parkway Corp., and Israeli organiza- Bronstein was not yet Bronstein said. “And Joe will be honored with the tions, said he is attered AJC’s regional director embodies what AJC stands for. American Jewish Committee he was selected for when she met Zuritsky He is a centrist. He will work Philadelphia/Southern New the award, though he for the first time. with everybody on both sides Jersey’s Human Relations admits that, having been Working in develop- of the aisle.” Award at the organization’s honored in a similar ment and engagement, Zuritsky, for his part, sees the annual meeting on June 23. fashion so many times her rst contact with AJC as a bastion of well-trained, Zuritsky, a longtime AJC over the years, he looks Zuritsky was on a cold intelligent representatives of board member and a key forward to when he call; she “wanted to tell the Jewish people, bringing a supporter, was an obvious won’t impose on friends him a little bit about “diplomatic approach” to sensi- candidate to be this year’s for their support. Joe Zuritsky Courtesy of Parkway Corp. who we are and what tive, important issues for Jews recipient, according to Marcia “Hopefully, this is we do, because he didn’t around the world. Bronstein, regional director the last honor I’ll get,” know.” Zuritsky agreed “That’s something that of AJC Philadelphia/Southern he laughed. Israel, and advocating for to a meeting, and it was a the Jewish people really New Jersey. Per the AJC, Zuritsky “has democratic values and human fruitful one. need: really highly quali ed e Human Relations Award been a stalwart member of rights for all. Joe has long been The AJC “captured his spokesmen to speak around “is for a person who’s near AJC’s Board and Executive a supporter of interfaith and imagination,” Bronstein said, the world on Jewish and Israeli and dear to AJC, like a family Committee for many years. intergroup dialogue, and a by dint of its impact on local issues. And that’s what the AJC member,” Bronstein said. “at He is a passionate advocate for lifelong learner.” and national politics. Zuritsky, does,” Zuritsky said. l really does mean Joe, to a T.” AJC’s mission of protecting e 2021 annual meeting, with his interest in intergroup “I am honored, very much Jewish lives and communities, AJC’s 77th, will feature a relations and ensuring the [email protected]; honored,” Zuritsky said. “It’s ensuring a safe and secure keynote address from Drexel future success of Jewish and 215-832-0740

8 JUNE 17, 2021 JEWISH EXPONENT JEWISHEXPONENT.COM HEADLINES Food Redistribution Guides Abbe Stern

LOCAL Prevention Point Philadelphia and SEAMAAC, in partnership ANDY GOTLIEB | JE STAFF with the City of Philadelphia and several nonprots to provide free PEOPLE FIND THEIR paths lunches to the needy. More than in life at di erent times and, 50,000 lunches were provided for Abbe Stern, that moment through April. came at Johnson & Wales As project manager for University while her professor Step Up to the Plate, Stern was lecturing. faced numerous pandemic-re- “e professor said, ‘ere’s lated challenges, noting that enough food on the planet to “waste occurs when something feed everyone. e problem is unexpected happens.” distribution,’” Stern said. At rst, Stern had to scurry A couple years later, while to nd places for the food that working in the food service pandemic-closed restaurants industry, Stern saw rsthand the were giving away before it ineciencies and waste in food spoiled. And then there were distribution and took action. di erent challenges, such as “My trigger point was when shelters no longer being able to I saw a trash can full of bread,” serve food indoors. at created she said. “I just lost it. Why did the need to nd ways to coordi- we throw this away?” nate meals at other sites. At rst, Stern, 31, collected Earlier this year, Stern joined leftover bread from the Too Good to Go, the European- Rittenhouse Hotel where she based organization that debuted was working and brought it to in Philadelphia in February. the Sunday Breakfast Rescue TGTG’s app links consumers Mission. Soon, she was collecting with food businesses, allowing and redistributing bread from retailers to sell surplus food, multiple sources to several local while consumers get value, too. food rescue organizations. While various e orts are Stern’s work has made others making a di erence in getting take notice, as she’s one of ve food to where it needs to be, nalists for the National Museum there’s still a long way to go, said of American Jewish History’s Stern, a Wynnewood native who Hometown Hero inductee into celebrated her bat mitzvah at its Ed Only in America Temple Beth Hillel-Beth El. Gallery/Hall of Fame. “The access to food is e museum solicited nomina- atrocious,” she said, adding that tions for Hometown Heroes anyone looking to donate food — “everyday citizens who strive should make sure their chosen to make their communities a organization can accept it, better place and made particularly needs it and wants it. “Hunger impactful commitments during is something we should be easily the pandemic” — in May, and able to solve.” voting continues until June 21. A benet of working in food NMAJH cited Stern for volun- redistribution comes from the teering with Jewish Federation of thanks received. Stern recounted Greater Philadelphia’s Mitzvah delivering food to an ill — but Food Program, founding Fooding grateful — woman through to connect food business Mitzvah Food Program. with nonprots to share excess “I felt so privileged to do that food, and for working with Step Up work for her,” she said. l to the Plate during the pandemic. e latter is a 2020 collabora- [email protected]; tion of the Broad Street Ministry, 215-832-0797


Power Washing Paper Hanging ISRAELBRIEFS ELDER LAW Window Washing Painting AND Chandelier Cleaning Deck Sealing Israel Bombed AP O ce Because Hamas Was Hardwood Wax Estate Clean Outs ESTATE PLANNING Gutter Cleaning Carpet Cleaning Developing Anti-Iron Dome Tech in Same Building ISRAEL’S U.S. AMBASSADOR told e Associated Press that BRUCKER’S the Israeli army destroyed the building housing its Gaza bureau Wills Trusts Home Maintenance because Hamas was developing technology designed to jam Powers of Attorney Israel’s Iron Dome anti-missile system, JTA reported. Living Wills 215-576-7708 Hamas’ research and development and intelligence arms were “We x what your husband repaired” Probate Estates Insured PA054592 in the building, said Gilad Erdan, who is also the United Nations Protect assets from ambassador. nursing home 5HYHUVH0RUWJDJH “ e unit was developing an electronic jamming system to be 5HYHUVH3XUFKDVH used against the Iron Dome defense system,” Erdan said, according LARRY SCOTT AUERBACH, ESQ. 6HUYLQJ3$ )/ to a release by the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C. CERTIFIED ELDER LAW ATTORNEY BOOKEEPING Israel authorities gave residents and workers an hour to CPA-PFS, J.D., LL.M.,MBA 0LFKDHO)ULHGPDQ 1000 Easton Road evacuate before it bombed the 12-story building on May 15. mls 1310 SERVICES Abington, PA 19001 $)LQDQFLDO3ODQQLQJ7RRO Erdan told AP o cials that Israel did not believe the news $6DIHW\1HW)RU Quickbooks Experience organization knew Hamas was headquartered in the building. For consultation call 6HQLRUV2OGHU$GXOWV Hamas launched about 4,500 rockets at Israel between May 215-517-5566 or 1-901-1 610-715-3637 10-21. About 1,500 headed for built-up areas, and Iron Dome 1-877-987-8788 Toll Free LQIR#UHYHUVLQJPWJFRP Website: ZZZUHYHUVLQJPWJFRP intercepted about 90%.

Egg Prices to Rise e Ministry of Agriculture announced that egg prices in Israel JEFFREY HORROW will increase 6.5% to keep up with rising costs, including a 17% To advertise in our Personalized Tax Preparation hike in the price of feed, Globes reported. and Accounting For Individuals e increase is the  rst in seven years and is part of a wave of and Businesses. price hikes to products under government supervision. DIRECTORIES A dozen extra-large eggs will now cost $4.04, a dozen large eggs 610-828-7060 will cost $3.71 and a dozen medium-sized eggs will cost $3.44. Call 215-832-0749 [email protected] Israel to Allow Individual Tourists Starting July 1 Tourism Minister Orit Farkash-Hacohen announced on June 10 that vaccinated individual tourists will be allowed in Israel starting on July 1, e Jerusalem Post reported. HEALTHCARE DIRECTORY “ e time has come for Israel to open up to tourism and to take advantage of its status as a vaccinated country for the bene t of its economy,” Farkash-Hacohen tweeted. We help you to keep A spokesperson said there won’t be limits on the visitors allowed in, but travelers will have to present their vaccination family traditions at home. certi cate before boarding the plane, along with the results of their polymerase chain reaction, or PCR, test. We understand the importance of keeping your loved one in the place they love — their home. Griswold Home Care is here to help. Foreign nationals haven’t been allowed into Israel for more than a year, with a few exceptions. Philadelphia 215.515.8679 Some selected tourist groups were allowed into Israel starting in May.

Israel Strengthens West African Bonds Via Chess Israeli and several West African chess teams competed on June 16 as part of the Chess4Solidarity initiative, e Jerusalem Post reported. A NOTICE TO OUR READERS e initiative has hosted multiple chess events — including 21 in the past year — to connect people from Israel and other countries through chess. e event was arranged in the memory of Shlomo ere will be no print edition of the Jewish Exponent Hillel, who was Israel’s  rst ambassador to Guinea and Ivory Coast the weeks of July 1 and July 29. in the late 1950s and early 1960s. He died four months ago. More than 180 people from the West African countries ese weeks, please visit us online at, competed, including from Niger and Algeria, which do not have diplomatic ties with Israel. e event was broadcast though where the paper will be available in digital form. Facebook pages in Israel, Senegal, Cameroon and Ivory Coast. e competition was won by Guy Levin, 17, from Rishon Lezion, Israel. l — Compiled by Andy Gotlieb


Writers Remove Anne Frank, Israel References Warsaw Ghetto Wall Vandal Now Teaching the pathway should be included “in any economic Because of Social Media Complaints British Teachers About Antisemitism recovery or infrastructure legislation.” BESTSELLING AUTHORS Elin Hilderbrand and A journalist who wrote “Free Gaza and Palestine” on e liberal social justice advocacy group Bend the Casey McQuiston removed references to Anne Frank former Warsaw Ghetto walls was tasked with teaching Arc initiated the letter, which was signed by 19 national and Israel from their novels a er reading complaints British teachers union members about antisemitism, groups, including HIAS, the Anti-Defamation League, on social media, which created controversy in the JTA reported. the National Council for Jewish Women, Jewish Women literary world, JTA reported. Ewa Jasiewicz, who spray-painted the slogan International and the Jewish Council for Public Aairs, Hilderbrand’s new novel, “Golden Girl,” contained in Poland in 2010, gave three sessions titled as well as organizations representing the Reform, a line of dialogue in which two teenage girls discuss a “Understanding Antisemitism,” the of Conservative and Reconstructionist movement. Many plan for one of them to hide in her friend’s attic. One London reported on June 8. state-level Jewish groups also signed the letter. girl jokes that she would be “like Anne Frank.” Before the sessions, Jasiewicz asked participants to Some Instagram posters said the joke was read materials that “challenge common Eurocentric Bhad Bhabie, Lil Yachty Invest $1 million in antisemitic and demanded that Hilderbrand understanding of antisemitism” and prepare to hear High-end Jewish Dating App Lox Club apologize. She did so, saying the passage would be “four prominent black discuss their Rappers Bhad Bhabie and Lil Yachty invested $1 removed from future printings. experiences of racism in the Jewish community.” million in a Jewish dating app for people “with In McQuiston’s 2019 novel “Red, White & Royal Marie van der Zyl, the president of the Board ridiculously high standards,” JTA reported. Blue,” the president jokes that the U.S. ambassador of Deputies of British Jews, called Jasiewicz’s role e rappers made the investment in Lox Club in to the United Nations “said something idiotic about “grotesque” in a letter to the teachers union. partnership with Adam Kluger, an agent for musical Israel, and now I have to call Netanyahu and person- artists, Variety reported. Kluger was Bhad Bhabie’s ally apologize.” Jewish Groups Press Biden for Citizenship manager and partners with Lil Yachty on invest- Some Twitter users said that even mentioning Path for Undocumented Migrants ments. Bhad Bhabie’s father is Jewish. Israel in ction “normalizes” the occupation of Multiple Jewish Groups are pushing President Joe Lox Club, which was founded late last year, says it Palestine. McQuiston said the line would be changed Biden and congressional Democrats to create a citizen- is looking for “authentic, well-rounded people. ose for future printings. ship path for undocumented migrants,Bulletin JTA reported. Print Adwith ambitious dreams and careers, who can make eCelebrating authors’ decisions eachto remove life the like passages no other.e letter sent June 9 to Biden, Vice President you both think and laugh. We don’t care about your from future printings have received criticism from Kamala Harris, Senate MajorityIt's simpleLeader Chuck to customize Instagram following.” this ad l for your location. some in the literary world. Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, said — Compiled by Andy Gotlieb ROOSEVELT MEMORIAL PARK 1. Change the documentBulletin name Print of Adyour ad by Trevosespacer 215-673-7500 Celebrating each life like clickingno other. on "Change Document Name" at the top It's simple to customize this ad for your location. of the page. ConsiderWE including HONOR INTERFAITH size, date and ROOSEVELTROOSEVELT MEMORIAL PARK abbreviated publication1. Change name.MARRIAGES the document name of your ad by  spacer MEMORIALTrevose PARK  215-673-7500 clicking on "Change Document Name" at the top 'R

NATIONAL Jewish Experience the day it unusual collection designed to necessity. As Jews in opened to the public, she was bring relics of Southern Jewish the South gravitated JONAH GOLDMAN KAY | JTA moved by seeing her family’s life out of the region’s closets toward cities, these rural history represented more formally. and attics. communities were at NEW ORLEANS — Janis “I look at the museum, and it Unlike Jews in the North, risk of being forgotten. Rabin’s family emigrated from is such a beautiful representation who largely congregated in As a last-ditch e ort, Poland, eventually settling in of what it means to have your urban centers, Jews who settled community leaders Bogalusa, Louisiana. For years, roots, your identity validated,” in the South spread out across would ask Hart to take she and her relatives had kept she said. the region’s small towns and their ritual objects memories and stories of their Like Rabin, many of the cities.  e museum features and Judaica.  ere are family’s Jewish experience visitors on the museum’s large Jewish communities in also more unorthodox to themselves or shared them opening day May 27 were New Orleans and Atlanta along- items in the collection, An exhibit at the Museum of the Southern casually with friends. Southern Jews themselves, eager side lesser-known, but equally including a prosthetic Jewish Experience in New Orleans focuses on So when Rabin entered this to nd evidence of their family vibrant, places like Dumas, leg that once belonged the large number of Jewish Southerners who became traveling merchants. The museum city’s Museum of the Southern lore or share artifacts with an Arkansas, which had several to a Russian Jewish opened to the public in late May. Jewish mayors in the late 19th immigrant who settled Courtesy of the Museum of the and early 20th centuries. It also in Lake Providence, Southern Jewish Experience B’H highlights the fact that Southern Louisiana. Jews o en found careers as For years, the collection was of a group of people sitting in a traveling salesmen, moving displayed at a small museum at eld.  e photo, she said, was from one town to another. the Reform movement’s Jacobs taken by Paul Arst, a Mississippi In the center of the museum’s Camp in Utica, Mississippi — a Jewish man who was ghting Proud To Recognize Our 2020-2021 rst room stands a peddler’s cart town of fewer than 1,000 people, with the Allies in Germany. lled with the wares they might a 45-minute drive southwest  e people in the photograph have sold.  e piece connected of Jackson. A er the museum were Jews who, until the troops with many of the visitors, who closed in 2012, the 4,000 items arrived, had been abandoned related it back to their own in the collection were put into in a cattle car a er their Nazi family’s origins. storage. But people continued g u a r d s  e d . Presented to teens and young adults who “My relatives were merchants to donate artifacts even as the “ is photo has never been demonstrate outstanding commitment to and shop owners,” said Martin collection languished out of sight. seen before because it was Philly Friendship Circle. Covert, whose family came to In 2017, a group of prominent tucked in a family scrapbook,” New Orleans in the late 1800s. Jewish lay leaders launched a $10 Tucker said. “ e parts where they talked million fundraising campaign Indeed, during the opening, about commerce ... really to move the collection to New Tucker was casually approached resonated with me.” Orleans, home to some 10,000 by several visitors who wanted Platinum (120 Hrs): Nicole Banner, Madison Gindea,  at’s exactly the point, said Jews, and give it a new, perma- to share their own family’s Jonah Katz, Andrew Kineke, Ida Narli, Ben Wolf, Anna Tucker, the museum’s nent home.  e museum’s three heirlooms or o er stories about Ri­y Wolpert curator.  e South is a massive galleries now occupy part of a photographs in the exhibit. region and each community had nondescript downtown building. While many of the visitors Gold (90 Hrs): Leon Abramson, Elisheva Apple, a unique experience. So rather It’s a small space, approximately at the opening had personal Eric Cohen, Livvy Kaliner, Shoshana Pontell, than set a singular narrative, 9,000 square feet, though the connections to the stories in Alexa Sussan, Shira Tillman, Zachary Zeaman Tucker used familiar objects to museum has plans to expand as the exhibition, the goal of the tell a speci c story. its collection grows. Museum of the Southern Jewish Silver (60 Hrs): Dovi Baram, Solvej Berman, Yishai “If you didn’t know the story Most of the recent additions Experience is to be an educa- Daniel, Tali Erlbaum, Ilana Illfelder, Sarah Joseph, behind them, a lot of the artifacts have come from donations tional resource for both Jews and Shayna Kaye, Noah Miller, Yasmine Pomerantz, here would just look like an by community members who non-Jews. Jay Tanenbaum, the Lindsay Reisner, Aaron Silber, Josie Solomon, Bobby everyday object,” Tucker said. rescued them from closets and chair of the museum’s board, Taieb, Alexa Verne, Carly Zeitzer “But once you start listening attics in their families’ homes. said he expects about 30,000 to the conversations around it, With so many items to exhibit, guests annually, most of whom then you’re like, ‘wow, this is so the museum plans to rotate the will not be Jewish. As part of the Bronze (30 Hrs): Hannah Berman, Jessica Dubin, much more.’” displays every few months, so it permanent exhibition, there is Talia Erlbaum, Jack Hagner, Sarah Kideckel, Maddie  e Museum of the Southern can show as much of its collec- a section dedicated to Jewish Klein, Ilana Mitlas, Tyler Orens, Je­rey Perlmutter, Jewish Experience is the product tion as possible. terms and practices. Jenna Rovner, Brian Smithman, Jonah Thomas, Avi of more than three decades of  e museum has a form on “We want to educate visitors Wood, Skylar Zeaman, Fallyn Zeitzer concerted work to preserve the its website for people to submit about who we are as Southern heritage of Southern Jewry. their items, but many of the Jews and how we are part of When Macy Hart started donations came through word of the American community,” collecting artifacts from small mouth. In a section focusing on Tanenbaum said. “At the end of Jewish communities in the the Holocaust and World War the day, education is always the South in 1986, it was out of II, Tucker points to a large photo best way to ght antisemitism.” l

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Apartheid So what it is apartheid? How Apartheid, instituted in Continued from Page 1 is it dened legally? When 1948, inaugurated a system did critics of Israel begin to of segregation that deprived Prime Minister Benjamin describe their actions as apart- many Black South Africans of Netanyahu, denied the charge heid, and why? Which actions citizenship, barred them from and cast aspersions on HRW by the Israeli government are marrying white South Africans itself, telling e New York critics referring to today when and gave the state power to Times that, “ e mendacious they use the term apartheid? evict millions of them from apartheid slur is indicative of And what do the people who their homes. Other non-Af- an organization that has been deny the charge present as the rikaner racial groups were plagued for years by systemic exculpatory evidence? discriminated against, as well. anti-Israel bias.” Prior to the development A system of racial classi- Apartheid, and whether it of a legal denition, apartheid cation helped the state to is an accurate description of was a policy of segregation keep non-Afrikaners from the Israeli government’s policy and resource distribution in using the same public facil- toward Palestinians living South Africa. It was intended ities or attending the same An Israeli security checkpoint. Such restrictions on Palestinian freedom under its control, is a frequent to ensure white South Africans social events as their Afrikaner of movement are central to the charge of apartheid made by some against topic of correspondence from could dominate a country in countrymen. It restricted job Israel. Photo by James Emery via Flickr (licensed under CC BY 2.0) Jewish Exponent readers. And which they were a minority. opportunities, housing, educa- for good reason: It is a grave e term “apartheid” was tion and movement within the “inhumane acts ... committed in the new Israeli government, charge, freighted with history developed by Afrikaner clergy country. Internal repression of in the context of an institu- “factually debunks apartheid and sometimes complicated as “a moral project to preserve, dissidents could be brutal. And tionalized regime of systematic altogether.” Romirowsky’s by countercharges of antisem- protect and upli the Afrikaner though the system was eventu- oppression and domination by position, that Israel is not itism toward those who would nation,” said David Gordon, a ally dismantled, the legacy of one racial group over any other committing the crime of apart- make it. professor of history at Bowdoin apartheid remains. racial group or groups and heid, is shared by Israel and the During the recent ghting College. Apartheid, according to committed with the intention U.S. State Department. between the Israel Defense e Afrikaners were white Ian Lustick, a professor at the of maintaining that regime.” Lustick did not take the Forces and Hamas, as well as South Africans, typically of University of Pennsylvania, So what does this have to do same view. the skirmishes between civil- Dutch descent. Apartheid “was was given a legal denition with Israel? For a time aer the 1967 ians over the evictions in vaguely dened by a polit- outside the bounds of South According to Asaf war, most of the world, he said, Sheikh Jarrah, the charge of ical party commission prior Africa in 1973. The UN Romirowsky, executive accepted that Israel ruled over apartheid was made loudly to the election in 1948, when General Assembly promul- director of Scholars for Peace in Palestinians in the West Bank once more and countered the Nationalist Party, headed gated “The International the Middle East and a fellow at and Gaza Strip in a manner with the same volume. But in by one of these clergy, came Convention on the Suppression the Philadelphia-based Middle consistent with international notes from our readers arguing to power using ‘apartheid’ as and Punishment of the Crime East Forum, applying the term law. “But with the extensive either side, it became clear that an election slogan,” Gordon of Apartheid,” which dened “apartheid” to Israeli policy processes of land expropria- few appear to have an accurate added. What it would come to apartheid as “inhuman acts toward Palestinians “speaks to tion and settlement,” Lustick idea of what actually consti- mean in reality took more time committed for the purpose of the lack of understanding and said, “including the transfer of tutes apartheid. to work out. establishing and maintaining the lack of education, or under- almost one-tenth of all Israeli domination by one racial group standing, of what is actually Jews across the Green Line, of persons over any other racial happening on the ground in and with declarations by Israeli group of persons and systemat- Israel.” e push to charge leaders that Israel will never Steven Rice is currently on the ically oppressing them.” Israel with apartheid, he said, withdraw and never allow National Kidney Registry (NKR) Those “inhuman acts” has its roots in Palestinian Palestinian independence, the but the average wait is 5 years or included actions like “legis- Liberation Organization control of those areas, and of longer. The only way to shorten lative measures and other propaganda campaigns in the their populations (who have no the wait time is for him to get a measures calculated to prevent early 1970s, and has become political rights in Israel) have transplant from a Living Donor. a racial group or groups from the bedrock accusation of increasingly and legitimately Even though most of us are born participation in the political, the boycott, divestment and been understood as a consol- with 2 kidneys, we only need 1 social, economic and cultural sanctions movement. idating regime of systematic healthy kidney to live. That means life of the country,” as well “If you fast forward from discrimination against you, or someone you know, could as internal suppression of that understanding into the Palestinian Arabs in favor of save a life by choosing to be a dissidents, ghettoization and use of media, and then the use Jewish Israelis.” donor. Kidneys from living donors land expropriation. is was of social media, and the rapid- In Lustick’s view, and that can last twice as long as kidneys intended, in part, to dene ness of what happened now of some independent NGOs from deceased donors. apartheid as not only a crime in Gaza, it is no surprise that and think tanks in Israel and against its victims, but against every group out there, Jewish abroad, the actions of the To learn more about the living donor process for Steven Rice, humanity. and non-Jewish, are accusing Israeli government constitute please contact us at [email protected] In 2002, the International Israel of ethnic cleansing and the crime of apartheid. l Criminal Court issued the apartheid,” Romirowsky said. You can also contact our transplant center at “Rome Statute,” defining He believes that the inclu- [email protected]; “the crime of apartheid” as sion of Ra’am, an Islamist party, 215-832-0740


Juneteenth Moreover, Black Americans something that cannot be Continued from Page 1 have celebrated Juneteenth for co-opted,” Gordon said. “It’s more than 150 years. what the rest of us who see Gordon Granger announcing Many white Americans (and these historical markers, these the emancipation of enslaved many white Jewish Americans) events, these commemora- people in Texas, the most are only now learning about tions, it’s what we bring to isolated of the southern states the holiday. As Juneteenth them.” and therefore slowest to makes its way into broader Like many Jewish holidays, emancipate enslaved peoples. popular culture, it runs the Juneteenth is the mingling of is declaration, which took risk of being commercialized joy and grief, past and present, place on June 19, 1865, came or diluted. ancestors and those around almost 2½ years aer Abraham In the face of this, Gordon this year’s table. Lincoln gave the Emancipation suggested that his celebra- It’s an opportunity to reect Proclamation, declaring the tions remain for him and his and grow, for those who observe end of slavery in the south. Lewis Gordon Courtesy of Lewis Gordon community. Juneteenth and those just now e rst Juneteenth celebration “ ere’s no such thing as educating themselves about it. took place in 1866. “I hope that as people either Frazier wears many hats. learn about Juneteenth, or they ey are a student at the start celebrating Juneteenth, Reconstructionist Rabbinical that they become more aware College and rabbinic intern at I hope that as people either learn about Juneteenth, or they start of just how ... we actually don’t Kol Tzedek synagogue in West celebrating Juneteenth, that they become more aware of just how ... we have genuine and real libera- Philadelphia, and as a member tion,” Frazier said. “And I hope of the Black Jewish Liberation actually don’t have genuine and real liberation. And I hope that people that people are able to, through Collective, have worked are able to, through this holiday, to see that.” this holiday, to see that.” l alongside Jews for Racial and Economic Justice for the KOACH BARUCH FRAZIER [email protected]; past three years to create a 215-832-0741 Juneteenth seder for Black Jews around the country. The Juneteenth seder just the month for observing great spiritual technology,” Frazier organizes is similar to Juneteenth, but also for Frazier said. a Passover one: ere are bless- celebrating LGBT Pride Month While Jews mark the passage ings, candle-lightings and the and Black Music Appreciation of time weekly on Shabbat, the telling of the story of liberation month. changing of the seasons with from oppression. e intersection of these Sukkot and Passover, Frazier Exclusive Women’s Apparel Boutique Among the familiar rituals, holidays also serves as a uses the rituals they have culti- Frazier incorporates new ones, reminder that oftentimes vated for Juneteenth as a way such as the telling of ances- the intersection of holidays of denoting not only the eorts tral stories, starting with the also provides opportunities of ancestors to pursue libera- Made in USA attendee with the oldest story. to highlight intersections in tion, but also in reecting on Custom designs, color options and “It’s not just the telling of identities. the devastation of slavery: why free alterations available the story of Juneteenth, but the “ ere’s no such thing as it took so long for enslaved telling of family and ancestral a Jew who’s only a Jew,” said people in Galveston, Texas, to Evening Gowns story, which is really powerful, Lewis Gordon, a professor hear of their emancipation, Suits/Separates particularly for a group of and head of the philosophy why anti-Black racism is still people who have had our department at the University so pervasive today. Cocktail Dresses stories stolen,” Frazier said. of Connecticut, where he also Current racism is one of For other Jews, Juneteenth holds an appointment in Jewish the reasons why Jackson’s rituals look dierent. studies. “Jews are always Jews Juneteenth practices, though Jared Jackson, founder and plus.” a time for ritual and joy, are executive director of Jews in To Jackson, his identity as subdued. 61 Buck Road All Hues, an advocacy group a Black person and a Jew are “ ere’s a thought process, Huntingdon Valley, for Jews of color, has spent the inseparable: “So as long as I’ve you know, like if we celebrate past ve Juneteenths spending lived as a Jew, I’ve lived as a this too hard or too so, will PA 19006 time with his child, nding Black person.” it disappear? Or will there intentional time to go to the In the case of Juneteenth be another ‘whitelash’ or (215)953-8820 park, toss a Frisbee around and celebrations, Frazier is able something like that?” Jackson nd joyful moments. to synthesize the meaning of said, referencing the portman- Make an appointment today! Ideally, Jackson said, June Juneteenth with their Jewish teau of “white” and “backlash,” Consult with the designer to should be a month of “contin- practice of marking time. coined by CNN commentator explore your style options. uous celebration,” as it’s not “ e rabbis gave us such Van Jones.


Israel Slandered When Described as an Apartheid State the actions of a government or conquest of the region and have sections of the West Bank (Areas in the West Bank commute to country is necessary to keep had a continuous presence in A and B) that are controlled by Israel daily to work. Apartheid them in check. However, the Israel for the last 3,000 years, the Palestinian Authority, and is racial discrimination, not appallingly inaccurate part 19th- and 20th-century Jewish the U.S.-designated terrorist seperation based on nationality of the post is the insistence immigrants did not “replace” organization Hamas controls — if dividing people based on that Israel is a “settler colonial, the Palestinians, nor has Israel the Gaza Strip. erefore, these national citizenship were apart- apartheid state.” As we’ve ever committed anything close areas will not be included in heid, the whole world would be seen countless times, false to “genocide.” this conversation, as they are guilty. erefore, either Israel demonization of Israel can In fact, the British Peel separate political and national has done a remarkably bad job lead to a surge in antisemitic Commission Report in 1937 domains. at being an apartheid state, attacks. More to the point, by reported demographic trends According to the United or lies and propaganda have employing buzzwords such as that y in the face of the Nations’ International Con- masked the truth that Israel is BY JESSE FOX “settler colonial” and “apart- “replacement” canard: “ e vention on the Suppression the only liberal democracy in heid” to describe Israel, PAO Arab population shows a and Punishment of the Crime the Middle East. PENN HAS MORE than 600 is indulging the widespread remarkable increase ... partly of Apartheid, apartheid is In sum, slandering Israel as student organizations — a political ploy to delegiti- due to the import of Jewish dened as denial equal rights a “settler colonial” state or an laudable source of pride for our mize the Jewish state. e capital into Palestine and to people, falsely impris- “apartheid state,” is factually school. I love seeing Instagram logic is simple: “Apartheid” other factors associated with oning people, and genocide incorrect and academically stories and Facebook events that regimes are not reformed — the growth of the [Jewish] against people based on race. irresponsible. I’m a proud highlight new student initiatives they are dismantled entirely. National Home.” is increase Citizens of Israel, regardless of Zionist and ardent supporter in pursuit of academic honesty But in the context of Israel, in the Arab population was their race, religion or gender of Israel, and I recognize and exploration. However, such accusations could not be due, in part, to migration into all enjoy the same rights and that criticizing the country’s recently, I’ve begun to see some more inaccurate. Let’s take a Mandatory Palestine from protections under the law. actions, or any country’s for that are very disheartening. In deeper look at how wrong their neighboring areas. Given this Arab citizens of Israel (some of that matter, is legitimate. 2019, student activists formed slander against Israel is: historical reality, why are Jews whom identify as Palestinian) However, slandering Israel Penn Students Against the According to one academic the only ones called settler can vote in Israeli elections, by employing falsities shows Occupation. After scrolling denition, settler colonialism colonists? is is an inherent and many choose to serve in that PAO has no qualms about through their Instagram page, “is an ongoing system of power double standard. PAO’s the army. ere are majori- lying to t its agenda. I’m I encountered many posts that that perpetuates the genocide pronouncement that Israel is a ty-Arab political parties that sorry to see a student organi- propagate full of half-truths and and repression of indigenous settler colonial state indicates comprise a substantial portion zation on Penn’s campus feed lies. One stands out as particu- peoples and cultures.” Most either a misunderstanding of of the Knesset (Israel’s parlia- unassuming people lies and larly misleading. denitions ri on themes such the denition of their own ment). ere are Arabs who sit hatred. l On Feb. 1, PAO shared a as “replacement,” “resource terminology, or historical on Israel’s Supreme Court. e post titled “Criticism of Israel exploitation” and “coloniza- ignorance. second-largest bank in Israel’s Jesse Fox graduated from the — a settler colonial, apartheid tion.” Aside from the fact that eir post also slurs Israel chairman is Arab. Many University of Pennsylvania in state, by default is not antise- the Jewish people inhabited as an apartheid state. It should Palestinians who live in Areas December and is a 2020-2021 mitic.” Of course, criticizing the land long before the Arab be noted that there are certain A and B (not citizens of Israel) CAMERA Fellow.

Conversion Students are Asking Me If it’s Safe to Become Jewish. This is What I Tell Them In 12 years of teaching reading about attacks on Jews said, it is like any other item ere is no single right answer, “Introduction to the Jewish in New York City, and in West of personal safety: Trust your only the answer deep in each Experience” through Hollywood. She talked about instincts. If you don’t feel safe, individual heart. HaMaqom| e Place in the the fact that the synagogue leave it o or put it out of sight. e young woman said, San Francisco Bay Area, no she attends was vandalized a Then I asked another “No, rabbi, I want to be a Jew!” student had ever asked me that few months ago. She talked question: “ is happens to the I recognized the passion in her question in those words. about how Jewish friends are Jewish people from time to voice, a passion that I still feel is year three students concerned about safety. time. Are you sure you want to aer 25 years as a naturalized have asked it of me. e rst “Am I being silly?” she pursue conversion?” I assured Jew — my word for a Jew- was a young woman, a conver- asked. “Do I need to worry her that I would not think by-choice. We love the Jewish sion candidate, and she made about this on the streets of badly of her if she chose the people and we are not going an appointment to talk to me Oakland and Berkeley?” safer path. Confronting fears anywhere. BY RABBI RUTH ADAR outside of class. Yes, I said, this is real. We like those is how we sort out Conversion to Judaism is I answered with a question: are living through a time of who we want to be, what we more complex than a change “RABBI ADAR, IS it dangerous “Why are you asking this increasing antisemitism. As far want for our children, what to wear my Jewish star?” right now?” She talked about as the jewelry is concerned, I we want for our descendants. See Adar, Page 20


Don’t Wait for War to Defend Israel KVETCH ’N’ KVELL Farewell Homemade Goodies and pronouncements from Defensive advocacy is members of Congress. Aer necessary at times. Proactive THAT WAS A VERY NICE ARTICLE about Roz Bratt and the Israel was forced to use military measures are vital. Going closing of her bakery on Fih Street called Homemade Goodies power to stop Palestinian-Arab forward there must be a barrage by Roz (“Kosher Bakery Owner to Hang it Up Aer 24 Years, terrorists, who red more than of advocacy/activism to take May 27). 4,000 rockets targeting Jewish back the truth and to regain I met that nice lady once and found her to be warm and communities last month, our peace of mind. Strength hospitable. I’m not in that neighborhood, but I’m sure she will and defensive measures were carries the day. be missed. intentionally falsely depicted Individuals, organizations And thanks to Roz Bratt for so generously sharing her Jewish throughout traditional media and institutions — all of klal Apple Cake recipe with your readers. Delicious. and social media, Jew-hatred Yisrael — must be engaged Best to Ms. Bratt in her future endeavors. intensied from the street to and do a better job of boldly Mary-Ann Feldman | Philadelphia BY STEVE FELDMAN the media. telling Israel’s and the Jewish Know this: Anti-Israel/ people’s story. We must know No Judaism Without Torah STREETS IN LARGE and anti-Zionist words and actions the facts and insist that news small cities throughout are anti-Jewish. Diaspora media o er balanced reporting Rabbi Cherry, I’m one of those Jews who believe that Torah is the America have been the scene Jews are targeted because of and accurate information Tree of Life for the Jewish people and that, without Torah, there of anti-Israel/anti-Jewish professed a ronts by Israel. with proper context regarding is no Jewish people (“Korach, Racism and Pruning the Tree of demonstrations. Israel is targeted because it events in ancient times, in the Life,” June 10). at’s what I would teach my students. Print, broadcast and is the sole nation-state of the 20th century and currently. I would teach my students that God chose the Jewish people as electronic media are forums Jewish People. To paraphrase Social media must not censor His beloved, and there lies the responsibility that we Jews have to for an abundance of anti-Is- a slogan that has been popular pro-Israel messages. obey His commandments set down in the Torah. rael and anti-Jewish articles, in recent years: It’s you they are Most who attack Israel I would teach my students the importance to the Jew of analyses, columns, opinion aer. Israel just happens to be rhetorically or who participate Shabbos, kashrus, the yom tovim and the meaning of the 17th of pieces and letters. between them and you. Israel in anti-Israel protests would be Tammuz and Tisha B’Av. Social media activity by is singled out by international hard-pressed to locate Israel on Let us never retire Torah Judaism. “celebrities” and others has organizations, “human rights” a map and don’t know a thing Zachary Margolies | Philadelphia been an a ront to decency and groups, columnists and others about Israel. ey go with truth. as a pathway to attack Jews the ow regarding the social Store Owners Need Holocaust Education e owners of hatWRKS (“Nashville Store Apologizes for Selling ‘Not Vaccinated’ Yellow Jewish Stars,” June 3) should drive two Most who attack Israel rhetorically or who participate in anti-Israel hours to Whitwell, home of the Paper Clips Project, to learn protests would be hard-pressed to locate Israel on a map and don’t how the required wearing of yellow six-pointed stars morphed into the Nazi slaughter of six million Jewish and ve million know a thing about Israel. They go with the flow regarding the social non-Jewish civilians. justice cause-du-jour and do not question the propaganda. Our Hopefully the owners will then understand why 6,500 message must become the dominant one. Tennesseans, whom we just memorialized, made the ultimate sacrice ghting against hate and ignorance as shown by them. l Paul L. Newman | Merion Station

Labor unions have approved and Jewry. We must realize justice cause-du-jour and do STATEMENT FROM THE PUBLISHER or are considering anti-Israel/ this fact, understand it and not question the propaganda. We are a diverse community. The views expressed in the signed opinion columns and let- anti-Jewish measures. make clear that we are onto Our message must become the ters to the editor published in the Jewish Exponent are those of the authors. They do Anti-Israel/anti-Jewish this scheme. ere is no point dominant one. not necessarily reflect the views of the officers and boards of the Jewish Publishing Group, the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia or the Jewish Exponent. Send manifestations have made in any Jewish person denying Israel and the Jewish world letters to [email protected] or fax to 215-569-3389. Letters should be a their way into K-12 schools, what is abundantly clear — recently commemorated maximum of 200 words and may be edited for clarity and brevity.Unsigned letters will not be while such activities at univer- except to try to deceive oneself. another anniversary of the published. sities and colleges have been As the anti-Israel/ Israel Defense Forces’ miracu- standard fare for years. anti-Jewish propaganda lous victory in the 1967 Six-Day We must ght back aggres- becomes more pervasive, it sows War. Deliberate misinforma- sively and proactively. more Jew-hatred, which in turn tion about the events leading Join the Anti-Jewish rhetoric sows more physical assaults on up to this defensive war and and behavior increased people and property; these sow the war’s outcome has caused conversation! in recent years: observant panic which sows a reduction Israel/the Jewish people to be Tell us what you’re thinking and interact with the Jews assaulted in New York, in public support for Israel and inverted from “David” into community at murders, property damage even fear of being identied as “Goliath” in the eyes of much during some Black Lives Jewish; weakness sows more of the world. Connect with us on Matter-related events, hostile attacks and the vicious cycle environments on campuses worsens. See Feldman, Page 20

JEWISHEXPONENT.COM JEWISH EXPONENT JUNE 17, 2021 17 COMMUNITY NEWS The Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia mobilizes financial and volunteer resources to address the communities’ most critical priorities locally, in Israel and around the world.

Women’s Philanthropy Rises to Challenge Under Julie Savitch’s Leadership in Di­cult Year WHEN JULIE SAVITCH became the Women’s vulnerable, and we advocate for those in distress. Philanthropy chair, she did not expect her rst year of a In my “free time,” I am a CASA, or court-appointed two-year term to be during a global pandemic. But Savitch special advocate. As a CASA, I have represented seven quickly regrouped, switched gears and rose to the occasion children over the last six years, making sure that all of their to lead the anity group of the Jewish Federation of Greater basic needs are being met. ese kids are the most vulner- Philadelphia and bring the community together through able, with parents in prison and addicted to drugs, living in this isolating and challenging time. poverty in poor communities with few resources. I advocate “e women who are involved with Women’s Philanthropy for my kids at school, at home, in the foster care system, with are amazing. roughout this pandemic, they were their doctors and therapists. supportive, interested and involved,” said Savitch, who is As chair of Women’s Philanthropy, I am drawn to all of also on the Jewish Federation’s board of trustees and Women the programs that advocate for the most vulnerable in our of Vision Advocacy Committee. “We did not miss a step community, ensuring that they are getting what they need and continued with our programming and our fundraising and beyond, with compassion and respect. virtually, so that our community’s needs could be taken care of without a pause.” Women’s Philanthropy Chair Julie Savitch Why do you donate to the Jewish Federation? showed true leadership as she guided the A dedicated leader and philanthropist, Savitch views the aƒnity group of the Jewish Federation I am so fortunate to be able to give both my time and my response to the pandemic as a testament to what she has long through a challenging year. nancial resources to tikkun olam, and it is both my privi- Courtesy of Jewish Federation known — that the Jewish community is always there for of Greater Philadelphia lege and my obligation to support the Jewish community one another. in Philadelphia, Israel and around the world. e Jewish “Despite unforeseen events, we are such a strong community who care about Federation is uniquely positioned to know what the needs are throughout the the most vulnerable. even when we ourselves are thrown o balance,” explained community. We have a birds-eye view and, therefore, can make critical alloca- Savitch, a child welfare advocate and Radnor-based mother of three. “We even tion decisions based on needs in our community as a whole. had a very successful virtual class of new leaders in the Women’s Leadership Development Program!” What do you think is the impact of Women’s Philanthropy on our Jewish As Savitch begins her second year, we spoke with the Women’s Philanthropy community through its collective giving? chair to learn more about her, her passion for Women’s Philanthropy and the Collective giving builds community. Women’s Philanthropy connects women Jewish Federation and her aspirations in the year ahead. of all ages, providing networking opportunities, peer support, mentoring partnerships and leadership models for so many women. Additionally, by What are you looking forward to in the second year of your term? working together for a common goal, our voices are ampli ed. We are able to I am so excited that people are getting vaccinated and becoming more impact the community in a much more powerful way than if we just donated comfortable with in-person events. We are starting to oer some small group, on our own. outside events with limited attendance and are hopeful that we will be able to oer some hybrid events during the next year. We will be rolling out some new What is something people probably don’t know about you? initiatives this fall, so keep your eyes open for some more exciting ways to make Here are a few little-known facts: a dierence! • I have three chickens in my backyard coop that I built myself • I love taking ceramics classes, and my pots are taking over my house How has Women’s Philanthropy supported your Jewish journey in the • I play tennis and canasta in my free time community? • I am in three book clubs, plus I review books so that I have access to even I have so many mentors, and though none of them had been leaders during a more titles pandemic, all of them have oered words of wisdom, encouragement, and each • I am taking Hebrew by Zoom with an Israeli teacher, so I can communicate lied me up. ere is a strong contingent of past Women’s Philanthropy chairs on our next mission to Israel who continue to guide and support me. Plus, I am lucky enough to be working alongside an amazing professional team, Lindsay Davidman and Marni Davis, What advice would you give someone who is looking to get involved with who help me to reach beyond my comfort zone, answer my texts at all times of Women’s Philanthropy? the day and provide the support so that I can lead more eectively. If you want to get to know a dynamic and interesting group of philanthrop- ic-minded women of all ages, join us! ere are so many ways that you could What is an organization, program or cause that the Jewish Federation make a dierence in our community. We warmly welcome all newcomers — just supports that personally resonates with you? Why? call, text or send an email. I don’t have one answer to that question. e Jewish Federation makes For more information about Women’s Philanthropy, contact Lindsay a vital dierence in serving a variety of vulnerable populations, addressing Davidman, assistant director of Women’s Philanthropy, at ldavidman@ the full-range of social service needs. We provide a safety net for the most or 215-832-0502.


FOOD and turmeric, and sauté for another minute. Add the heavy KERI WHITE | JE FOOD COLUMNIST would be divine on grilled cream, bring it to a boil and sh or chicken, stirred into lower the heat to reduce it by THOSE OF YOU who have tuna or chicken salad, or even half, about 5 minutes. lived in Philly for years and drizzled over grilled or roasted Add the sh and cook it a were active on the culinary vegetables. few minutes until it is done and scene may fondly recall e e carrots are a fantastic opaque throughout. Remove Book and the Cook food fest side dish — plenty going on so it from the heat, and add from the early 1990s. that they can jazz up a plain two-thirds of the panko mixture It was a weeks-long celebra- main dish, with wonderfully along with the parsley, chives, tion of restaurants and cuisine, complex avors marrying sweet lemon zest, salt and cayenne. which partnered local food and salty. Allow it to cool. professionals with chefs For dessert, K served some Using your hands, form from near and far. Together plain cookies with a dish of the mixture into cakes and they would cra a menu, strawberry ice cream. Perfection. dip them into the remaining and patrons would enjoy a panko mixture to coat. Place sumptuous meal showcasing MOROCCAN FISH CAKES the cakes on a parchment or two culinary talents. Makes 12 sh cakes, or about 6 wax paper-lined cooking tray I hadn’t thought of this servings and refrigerate them until you for years, but I had the good are ready to cook. fortune to be invited to 1½ cups panko Heat the canola oil in a large dinner at my friend K’s house 1¼ cups flour skillet over medium high, and on Saturday night, and she 2 tablespoons olive oil sauté the sh cakes until they prepared a meal based on one 1 small red pepper, finely are crispy and brown on the of those long-ago events. chopped outside. Drain them on paper “I went on a date to one 2 ribs celery, finely chopped towels and serve with the of the events — the guy is 2 tablespoons ginger, grated cilantro dressing. Moroccan fish cakes Photos by Keri White long gone — we did not hit 2 cloves garlic, crushed it o,” she said. “But I still 6 scallions, white part only, CILANTRO DRESSING have the cookbook! e focus thinly sliced Makes 1 cup of the book is Mediterranean, 1 teaspoon ground and doesn’t always conform cardamom is is so amazingly delicious to kosher cooking, but I’ve 1 tablespoon ground cumin that I could practically eat it with adapted some of the recipes to 1 tablespoon turmeric a spoon. K recommends making accommodate a kosher diet.” 1 cup heavy cream a double batch so you have extra I thumbed through “Matt- 1 pound cod filet or other for tomorrow. Note: e original hew Kenney’s Mediterranean fish, chopped recipe requires toasting and Cooking: Great Flavors for 2 tablespoons chopped grinding the cumin seeds, but the American Kitchen” book fresh parsley I am perfectly happy to use the while K cooked; it was funny 2 tablespoons chopped ground version. If you want to to see how ingredients that are fresh chives take that step, I won’t stop you. commonplace today required a Grated zest of 2 lemons footnote — there was a lengthy Pinch cayenne 1 cup fresh orange juice explanation of panko, which Salt to taste (about ½ teaspoon) 1 tablespoon ground cumin can practically be bought at a ¼ cup canola or other mild 1 cup cilantro convenience store these days. cooking oil ½ cup canola oil e dish below is adapted Cilantro dressing (see below) 1 tablespoon fresh lemon from a Moroccan crab cake juice recipe. K used raw cod that she Mix the panko and our; set Salt and cayenne to taste chopped nely, but cooked cod, it aside. or any sh, can be used, and In a large skillet, heat the In a small saucepan, heat the it is a great way to repurpose olive oil over medium, and sauté orange juice to a boil and reduce leovers. If you use cooked sh, the pepper and celery. When it to about ¼ cup. is will you can reduce the time in the the pepper and celery begin to take about 12 minutes. Let the saute pan by a minute or two. soen, add the scallions, ginger reduced juice cool slightly, and e sauces is a revelation. I and garlic. Continue cooking add it to the blender with the plan to make it regularly with until fragrant. or without the sh cakes. It Add the cardamom, cumin See Food, Page 20 Moroccan spiced carrots


Food 1 pound carrots, cut on the Adar Continued from Page 19 diagonal into thick coins Continued from Page 16 1 tablespoon honey cilantro; puree. (You don’t want ½ teaspoon kosher salt of creed. Judaism is not only convert? Don’t you know that no matter what history brings, it boiling hot or it will cook 1 generous tablespoon a religion; it has elements of the Jewish people at the present so I give her advice: the cilantro, and you want it to fresh lemon juice culture, ethnicity and people- time are anguished, suppressed, “Go sit with the Jews when stay fresh.). Add the remaining Scant ¼ cup black, oil-cured, hood as well. To become Jewish despised and harassed, and you feel shaky. You will see, ingredients and puree until pitted olives is to become heir to a history hardships are frequently visited when there are frightening blended. 1 tablespoon chopped and a way of being in the world. upon them? (BT Yevamot 47a) things on the news, synagogue cilantro It is dierent from conversion Every convert to Judaism services ll up, gatherings ll MOROCCAN SPICED 1 tablespoon chopped mint to Christianity, in that it means makes a journey across up, we all show up somewhere CARROTS becoming a target for antisemi- the religious, cultural and to be with the Jews. As a Serves 4 Toast the pine nuts, either in tism. In the earliest description emotional frontiers of Judaism. people, we draw strength from an oven at 350 degrees F on a of a rabbinical court, or beit One of the milestones on that one another. When bad things K came to my seder this year baking tray for about 8 minutes, din, for conversion, the Sages journey is the moment when happen, there’s nowhere I and brought these as a side shaking occasionally, or in a warned proselytes of the antisemitism ceases to be would rather be than with my to accompany our brisket. I small, dry skillet over medium dangers inherent in becoming theoretical, when it is felt in Jewish family. had meant to request the heat for 5 minutes. If you’re using a Jew: the kishkes, in the gut. “Whether in my synagogue, recipe then, but forgot about it. a skillet, watch them carefully The Sages taught in a I have never regretted or someone else’s synagogue, Imagine my delight when they and shake them constantly. baraita: With regard to a poten- becoming a Jew. I give thanks or at the Jewish Film Festival, appeared on my plate alongside Heat the olive oil on high tial convert who comes to a every morning that God has I feel better when I am the cod cakes last weekend. in a large skillet and place the court in order to convert, at the made me a Jew, and that the surrounded by our people.” l Like the cilantro dressing, the carrot slices in the oil in a single present time, when the Jews are Jewish people were willing to original version of this requires layer. Cook the carrots for a few in exile, the judges of the court have me. I feel sure, listening Rabbi Ruth Adar is executive toasted and hand-ground minutes on high, then lower say to him: What did you see to my student, that she will say director of HaMaqom|The Place in cumin. Again, I opted for the the heat and cook another 2 or that motivated you to come to the same thing aer 25 years, Berkeley, California. lazy cooks’ version. One more 3 minutes until they are so. note: Cooking the carrots in Shake the pan and move the olive oil adds richness, depth carrots around with a spatula to and avor, but it also adds fat. If prevent sticking, and add salt. Feldman this is a concern, omit the olive Drain the carrots and pour Continued from Page 17 oil and simply steam the carrots them into a bowl. Economic until they are cooked through; cook’s tip: Save the oil, cool it e same misinformation is slanderous, if one is in a and Israeli ags and signs with follow the subsequent steps as and use it for salad dressing. — today with the active partic- social media debate and needs slogans in support of Israel. directed. Add the honey, olives and ipation of the media — warped the facts, contact us at oce@ Get busy on social media lemon juice; allow the mixture perceptions about Israel’s legal correcting lies and replacing 2 tablespoons pine nuts to cool partially. When it actions and military defense The mobilization must them with truths. Meet with 1 tablespoon ground cumin reaches room temperature, add in response to Gazans’ rocket begin immediately. local reporters, editors, news ¼ cup olive oil the fresh herbs, stir and serve. l attacks. Denials of Jewish Some other simple things we directors and other media history, Jewish self-determina- each can do: Contact ocials in gures in advance of crises. tion and geo-politics make this every city, township, borough We must also circulate the a “perfect storm.” and village to press for strong truth about groups and individ- e truth campaign must resolutions in support of Israel uals out to harm Jews and Israel. take on media outlets, educa- as the nation-state of the Jewish Point out that what is proered tional institutions, social people and the necessity that it as “pro-Palestinian” is actually media in uencers, politicians must defend itself (not that it anti-Israel. ose activists make and even some within our own has a “right” to); press school no pleas to reform Palestinian- community. We must call; board members to incorporate Arab government or society write; post on social media; accurate, factual history and — they solely attack Jews and and speak with family, friends, current events regarding our Israel. Let’s put Israel’s enemies neighbors and colleagues. close and important ally Israel; on the defensive. Our organization, the Zionist make sure every congregation We each need to be a Organization of America — has a strong, vibrant, unapol- part of this eort lest we all the longest-serving pro-Israel ogetically pro-Israel advocacy become victims of the anti-Is- organization — has a wealth of committee with regular events rael/anti-Jewish tsunami information on the key issues, and activities; give every bar that threatens to make life in and we can guide advocates mitzvah and bat mitzvah America as Jews dicult. l and activists to original source boy and girl Israeli ags; and materials and teach eective encourage “buy Israel” projects. Steve Feldman is executive director advocacy. Also: If you see or Why wait for a war? Gather of the Greater Philadelphia Chapter hear a discussion or article friends and stand near a busy of the Zionist Organization of about Israel that one suspects intersection with American America.

20 JUNE 17, 2021 JEWISH EXPONENT JEWISHEXPONENT.COM LIFESTYLE/CULTURE Books: Bibi Netanyahu as Fiction, Childhood in Philadelphia Remembered

BOOKS Jewish clan, who are mortied Cohen is a writer of morally that their daughter has been serious fiction. His work JESSE BERNSTEIN | JE STAFF taken beyond the boundaries grapples with his own pieties of Manhattan. eir daughter, and beliefs, and considers The Creation of Judy — Judele, to Blum’s that they might be wrong. parents — is a high-achieving His language is more essay- Netanyahu child of an America that still istic than it used to be; the “ e Netanyahus: An Account believes in the possibility of Cohen of “A Heaven of Others” of a Minor and Ultimately meritocracy, who is also willing and “Witz” appears to be good Even Negligible Episode in to go to terrifying lengths to x and dead, replaced by the the History of a Very Famous her long, bony nose. Cohen of “Moving Kings” and Family” I read that broad portrait “Attention.” I miss that Cohen, Joshua Cohen of easily identifiable Jewish but for a novel like this, it helps New York Review Books “types” as Cohen’s acknowl- to just say what you mean. edgment of how seductive the Cohen recently gave an IT APPEARS, for now, to be Bibi view of the world can interview where he described Courtesy of New York Review Books over. ough the howling of a be. History and Jewishness his “deep and lasting enmity Courtesy of Ragged Sky Press few MKs may have drowned of the word, this is a curiously both become simpler to think against Jews from Philadelphia” out Naali Bennett’s rst infrequent topic of discussion. about when there is a “fixed — spoken like a true New of her childhood, Terranova speech as prime minister Joshua Cohen’s new novel and enduring ‘Jew,’” one Jersey Jew, I might add. But breaks up this short book into before the Knesset, the reign of barely mentions the current who is basically unchanged at least for this Philadelphia named chapters, some no more Benjamin Netanyahu — Bibi, standard-bearer of the in function within the larger Jew, the enmity is not recipro- than a few paragraphs long. Melech Yisroel — has come to Netanyahu surname. But it Christian world, rather than cated; I just don’t see another e result is something like a an end. No one ever spent as does try to answer the question many Jews created by their American-Jewish novelist prose poem, a sepia-toned walk much time as the established of his creation, and ask a great particular circumstances. working at his level right now. among the row homes with a Israeli state’s chief representa- many others about Jewish life That’s Benzion’s intellectual black cherry wishniak in hand tive to the world as he did. in America and Israel. project, to explain Jewish and Terranova whispering in ough Netanyahu’s time “ e Netanyahus” is mostly existence in this way, and your ear, reminding you — or, as prime minister is nished the story of a visit by Bibi’s real that’s how Cohen is able to Memoir Takes a in my case, letting me know (maybe), Bibism will outlast father, Benzion Netanyahu, to tell the story of Benjamin by Look at Personal for the rst time — about what his term. His two-pronged the ctional Corbin College in telling the story of Benzion: was here, and what it did to the approach to diplomacy, with the winter of 1960. e novel the son carrying out the History in people who lived in it. its dierent tones and rhetor- is narrated by Ruben Blum, a project of the father, and Philadelphia ere are trips to Shibe ical touchstones for Israelis Jewish historian who is “not an expanding it. Park, and secretive jaunts to and Americans; his Manichean historian of the Jews,” the rst Over the course of the “ e Diamond Cutter’s Fairmount Park for makeout sense of absolute good and evil, distinction of many between weekend of the Netanyahus Daughter” sessions. Terranova recalls a whereby all enemies of the state Blum and Netanyahu, who incursion into the Blum Elaine Terranova tortured relationship to eating are descendants of Amalek is very much an historian of home — let’s just be cheeky Ragged Sky Press and to her own body, not helped and all Jews ghting for Israel the Jews. and call it their occupation along by a mother who believed descendants of the Maccabees; Perhaps it’d be useful to — the clash between the two Speaking of Jews from a woman’s place was in the his barely-concealed disdain think of “ e Netanyahus” as families is obviously more than Philadelphia! Elaine Terranova’s kitchen. For Philadelphia Jews for the Diaspora, and so on. an American Jew’s extended a matter of manners, culture new memoir of her childhood of a certain age, the world she ose qualities of Netanyahu’s investigation into the distinc- or economic status. In reading and adolescence as the daughter writes about will be instantly are frequently reected in the tions between Blums and Netanyahu’s ruminations of a Sansom Street diamond recognizable. Israeli state’s attitude toward Netanyahus. Blum, the lone on Jewish history, especially cutter is a tender, clear-eyed Sometimes her descrip- their American cousins, and Jewish faculty member among regarding the Inquisition, interrogation of the world that tions of family life are so aren’t going anywhere any colleagues who cannot stop Blum comes to see that the created her. ough interroga- beautiful I got the sense she time soon. reminding him of this, is future Netanyahu wants is as tion probably isn’t the right word; was showing o; reading an How did the world’s tasked with hosting the obscure xated on the elimination of Terranova is an eminently fair, extended comparison of her most-famous Cheltenham Netanyahu for a weekend as Blum-ism as it is on the ingath- forgiving writer, and though she’s cra (poetry) with that of her High School graduate become the latter interviews for a job ering of the world’s Jews. not afraid to name exactly what father’s (diamond-cutting), I this man? How did his attitudes at Corbin. Blum’s half-admitted fear, was wrong in that world, she’s could feel her over my shoulder, regarding , the Galut Blum is of “Ukrainian/ Netanyahu’s self-assured hardly out to put it to the rack. ready to do the Michael Jordan and the world-historical role Russian” Jews, accommo- prediction and one of Cohen’s Fragments are in, and shrug. of the Jews in the goy imagi- dating, meek and unable to stop questions is about whether the Terranova, a much-lauded is is a lovely, unique memoir, nation come to be? For a man apologizing; his wife, Edith, world’s Blums will just do it to poet, is into fragments. Rather with much to oer anyone — on a nickname basis with most is of a haughty “Rhenish” themselves. than a straight recapitulation even non-Philadelphians. l

JEWISHEXPONENT.COM JEWISH EXPONENT JUNE 17, 2021 21 LIFESTYLE/CULTURE Clumsy Documentary Tells Fascinating Story

FILM more oen. e lack of identication ANDY GOTLIEB | JE MANAGING EDITOR happens throughout the lm. Moshe Tirosh, who hid at THERE’S NO SHORTAGE the zoo with his family while of interesting material in “Of a small boy, oers gripping Animals and Men,” a Polish details about his time there, yet documentary about Jan we never learn his name — it and Antonina Żabiński, the seems like that identication is Catholic Warsaw zookeepers something taught in documen- credited with sheltering about tary lmmaking 101. 300 Jews during World War II. ere also are suspect juxta- eir story was detailed positions, such as footage of capably in 2017’s “The bombs dropping and the zoo Zookeeper’s Wife,” which animals being startled. Given starred Jessica Chastain, but the other shoddy editing, it’s A camel is led through the streets of Warsaw to the Warsaw Zoo. this documentary directed not clear if the animals are by Łukasz Czajka misses the being upset by the bombings, 300 Jews. mark. While it does tell all the or if it’s just random footage In 1944, Jan Żabiński joined salient parts of a fascinating of lions roaring and monkeys the Warsaw Polish Uprising, story, the poor organization, a screeching, interspersed with was injured and taken prisoner lack of accompanying informa- newsreel footage. by Germany, leaving Antonina tion and ham-handed editing So, aer all that, is “Of Żabiński to continue his work. make this feel like a lm school Animals and Men” worth Aer the war, Jan Żabiński project. watching? resumed his role heading the For example, at the begin- If you’ve seen “The zoo, a role he maintained into ning of the lm, which is Zookeeper’s Wife,” which the 1950s when he resigned dubbed in English, viewers are presents the events fairly faith- aer clashing with Communist presented with footage from fully, there’s probably no need overlords. inside the Żabiński family to see this. But if you haven’t In 1965, the Żabińskis home at the zoo. e parents — or you want to go deeper — received the Righteous Among Antonina Żabiński often played specific pieces on the piano to warn those and two children are sleeping this may be worth a watch and, the Nations award, and a hiding in the house of possible dangers. in a room, while turtles, a at 70 minutes, it covers a lot of tree-planting ceremony in bird, a hedgehog and an otter ground briskly. their honor was held at Yad gambol about. For those who don’t know Vashem three years later. Cool stu, but the narration the background, Jan Żabiński, As scattered as it might at the time is describing the who was a zoologist, and be, “Of Animals and Men” family’s origin at the zoo — his wife Antonina, a writer, does capture the extent of the while the footage is from aer co-founded the Warsaw family’s humanity. the war, which isn’t apparent Zoo in 1929, and he served And there are plenty of until much later in the lm. as its director until Germany interesting tidbits, such as one Nor is there any explanation invaded Poland in 1939. e survivor living in the family’s of who shot the lm or, for bombings kill many of the zoo basement describing how that matter, who is narrating. animals and others are taken Antonina Żabiński warned (e press materials say it’s away by the Nazis. when there was danger by Antonina Żabiński, who died e Nazis appointed him playing “La Belle Hélène (e in 1971, so apparently it’s from superintendent of public Beautiful Helen)” by Jacques an archival interview). parks, which proved important Oenbach, and performing the Teresa Żabińska-Zawadzki, who died earlier this year, was the daughter of Daughter Teresa Żabińska- because it gave him access work of Frédéric Chopin when Jan and Antonina Żabiński. Courtesy of Outsider Pictures Zawadzki, who died earlier to the Warsaw Ghetto. e it was safe again. Another this year, is also interviewed Żabińskis begin to help their detailed a failed attempt to dye “Of Animals and Men” accomplished. on camera at several points, Jewish friends immediately, their hair blonde. wraps up on a hopeful note, but Fathom Events is presenting but there’s never a graphic providing escape routes, along Tirosh describes how those the short run time aorded the “Of Animals and Men” on June identifying her. Viewers will with shelter within the empty in hiding were kept separate possibility for someone other 22. See think they know who it is, but animal cages at the zoo, as well from each other — by design. than Żabiński-Zawadzki, who events/Of-Animals-And-Men it’s not clear for a while. Her as the family home. at way, if one person or was born in 1943 and, thus, for details on theaters and narration meanders at times, Oen the stays were tempo- family was captured, they would have no direct recollec- show times. l too. Granted, it’s ne for her to rary until the Jews found refuge couldn’t be forced to give up tions of what happened during reminisce, but tighter editing elsewhere, but the Żabińskis the others — others they didn’t the war, to reect on the lasting [email protected]; would have kept her on point are credited with saving about know about. impact of what her parents 215-832-0797


CANDLE LIGHTING June 18 8:14 p.m. Life in Interesting, Challenging Times June 25 8:15 p.m.

BY RABBI ERIC MOLLO our brothers perished at the process of transition, a spark of some of our greatest advocates way, let us endeavor to always instance of the Lord! Why have renewed hope can manifest in for progressive change. And yet fall forward by embracing the Parshat Chukat you brought the Lord’s congre- ways we may have never before the debates go on, and today we liminality — planting our gation into this wilderness for us considered. again nd ourselves in transi- feet one in front of the other, GATHERING IN ANGER and our beasts to die there? Why Some may argue that it’s our tion as a nation. Many of us taking step aer courageous against our leaders is a tale as did you make us leave Egypt to past that informs how we will use the past as an instruction step, accepting the discomfort old as time. bring us to this wretched place, transition. Others will argue manual as best we can for how of change happening around us Today in the United States, a place with no grain or gs or that trying to predict the future to handle each new challenge we and facing our fears of an uncer- peaceful protests and giving vines or pomegranates? ere is will set us on the right path. face, while others choose to see tain future by taking ownership voice to our displeasure are the not even water to drink!” Others still, perhaps those who only what’s before them, neither of those fears. rights of every American citizen. In response to their follow the Taoist philosophy, looking ahead or behind. Once we can name those According to the Torah, the grumbling, Moses pleads with would say that the middle path We live in interesting and fears, we can tame them by Israelites also may have enjoyed God for water, and God tells him — the combination of our past challenging times. Every day we pulling from the courage of similar freedoms of speech and to “order the rock to yield its experiences and our shared struggle with how we can make our past, keeping the faith for a protest, though not without water.” Instead, enraged by the vision for the future — is what the old new again. An ancient better present and working for the occasional consequence of protesters, Moses chooses to hit we should look to for guidance people, Jews are well acquainted the promise of seeing ourselves, being beset by ery serpents or the rock to produce water instead as we navigate waves of change. with the task of bringing the and future generations, stepping swallowed by the Earth. Much of speaking to it. While the same Like Moses, Aaron, Miriam past into our present every over that next high threshold as today, when those among us result was achieved through and the Israelites navigating the day. Making Torah relevant, toward new beginnings. l continue to participate in protests Moses’ more forceful approach, wilderness without a clue as to using Torah as a guide for the that have previously been met the resulting consequence of when their Promised Land will many hard decisions we face Rabbi Eric Mollo is the rabbi of with acts of violence, the poten- disobeying God’s command- be realized, we also are living throughout our lives, has been Temple B’nai B’rith in Wilkes-Barre. tial of a perilous outcome never ment meant that he would be in interesting, challenging times. the glue that continues to bond The Board of Rabbis is proud to seemed to prevent the Israelites prevented from ever setting foot It seems that our past is Jewish faith and culture to our provide diverse perspectives on from constantly questioning in the Promised Land. catching up with us again world despite the innumerable Torah commentary for the Jewish Moses throughout their wilder- In times of transition, there each time a new conversa- losses we have suered. Exponent. The opinions expressed ness wanderings. is loss and, with loss, inevitably tion about race, civil rights, We live in interesting and in this column are the author’s own In this week’s Torah portion, comes various stages of grief in gun violence, climate change, challenging times, but we can’t and do not reflect the view of the Chukat, the Israelites once again no particular order. Eventually, health care, etc. comes back allow ourselves to fall backward. Board of Rabbis. blame Moses for a lack of essen- we are able to acknowledge into our public discourse. Each We’re going to fall — we have tial resources. As if in one great that things will never again be time they appear, it’s like we fallen many times, but we learn chorus, the Israelites proclaim, exactly as they always were, somehow believed that we had from the falling. So when we “If only we had perished when but someplace within the buried these issues along with inevitably stumble along the

52 For Lyons, Mission: Possible people think to get a volun- Race discussions about race. Continued from Page 4 has served several purposes. teering shi somewhere.” Continued from Page 7 “ e core of racial anxiety ere’s the personal satis- So far, Lyons has completed for people of color is: I’m going Family and Children’s Service of faction and growth that he his volunteer work with 39 of can harbor internalized racism, to walk into a situation and Southern New Jersey, KleinLife, feels from volunteering and his goal of 52 organizations, Chapman said, as children learn somebody is going to be racist,” PJ Library and the Jewish setting a strong example for leaving him well ahead of about race from others besides Chapman said. “And the core Federation of Southern New his 15-year-old son, Brandon. schedule for his planned nish their parents. for white people tends to be: I am Jersey, among others. In doing so, More than that, however, is date of Dec. 9. There were times when going to walk into a situation, Lyons said he’s found a new way the opportunity to show people But the completion of Chapman’s daughter would and I will be perceived as racist.” to express his Jewish identity. that volunteering is easier and Mission: Possible won’t mark cling close to her when they However difficult these “I’ve always tried to be less time-consuming than they the end of Lyons’ newfound walked past a group of Black conversations are, “not saying vanilla in the world of sales, may think, and to encourage hobby of volunteering: Already, men. Chapman used that as an anything sends a message,” but I’m proud to be Jewish, and others to do the same. he’s brainstorming ideas for opportunity “to give her a narra- Silverman said. it brings me even greater pride “A lot of people may look sequels in the years to come. tive that’s not the narrative that ough necessary, Chapman to volunteer for PJ Library or at volunteering as a huge “I’ve made so many connec- she might get somewhere else.” and Silverman argue, the discus- the Federation and deliver investment of time and logis- tions with places I haven’t even ose men remind me of sions don’t have to happen at meals to Holocaust survivors,” tics,” Lyons said. “I’m the vice volunteered at yet,” Lyons said. your tio, your uncle, Chapman once. For parents and children Lyons said. “ at was special. president of a very successful “Some organizations don’t accept would say. Remember when he alike, becoming conscious of at was something I’ll never company, and I have my own volunteers due to the pandemic. would sit with his friends, play racism is a lifelong journey. forget. e idea that there are responsibilities. I nd a way to “ ere’s no way I’m going to dominoes on the street corner? “We are striving,” Chapman Holocaust survivors still, and t it in, and when you really turn them away when things Chapman and Silverman said. “We do not arrive.” l here’s me pulling up in my car think about it, it’s only a couple start to open up.” l don’t think this work is easy. and delivering a couple bags, hours here and there every Everyone, regardless of race, [email protected] | it was a humbling experience.” so oen. It’s a lot easier than David Statman is a freelance writer. experiences challenges having 215-832-0741




Caryn and Howard Co of Holland Marjorie and Marc Boxbaum of Upper Gwynedd and Minka and announce the engagement of their David Goldstein of Potomac, Maryland, announce the birth of daughter, Allyson Beth Co, to their grandson, Miles Lev Goldstein (Mordecai Lev), son of Lisa Gregor Read Homan, son of Boxbaum and Joseph Goldstein. Penney Read (Richard Cohen) Miles is named in memory of his maternal great-grandpar- of Tenants Harbor, Maine, and ents Lois and Martin Bachman, and paternal great-grandfather Michael Homan (Kim Sizelove) Maurice Krasow. of Brattleboro, Vermont. Sharing in the happiness are aunt Rebecca, along with many Allyson, a graduate of Lehigh aunts, uncles and cousins. University, works in the music industry. Gregor, a graduate of Photo by Lisa Boxbaum Macalester College, works in mental health technology. GRADUATION Sharing in their joy are their grandparents E. Pat Rosenthal and the late Dr. Ronald Rosenthal, the late Shirley and Dave Co, ARIELLE LAUREN YACKER Bill Read and the late Libby Chase Read, Sid Rose and the late Ellaine Quint Rose. Also sharing in their joy are siblings Sarah Arielle Lauren Yacker, daughter of Shira and Scott Yacker Co (Michael Matza) and Samuel Homan (Nicole Brynes) with of Easton, graduated Columbia University and the Jewish children Elijah and Ruth. eological Seminary in April. Allyson and Gregor plan to marry in Roxbury, New York in She majored in human rights and Jewish thought and will August. attend law school in the fall. Courtesy of the CoΠfamily Photo by Shira Yacker

COMMUNITYBRIEFS Area Man Releases Music Video About Local Resident to Present at August Disability, Connection During Pandemic Genealogy Conference MICHAEL BIHOVSKY RELEASED a music video Sharon Taylor of Upper Dublin will present at the for “Paperweight,” a song about what it’s like to be 41st annual International Association of Jewish disabled during the pandemic. Genealogical Societies International Conference on Bihovsky, who deals with a rare connective tissue Jewish Genealogy, held virtually from Aug. 1-5. disorder called Ehlers-Danos Syndrome, said he Taylor will present “Schlep Me Home Country hopes “the video will help bring awareness to the Road: A Virtual Visit to our Ancestral Shtetls” condition and to chronic illnesses and disabilities in and a poster session titled, “Wish You Were Here: general.” Postcards from Eastern Europe.” Both presentations Bihovsky, 34, who grew up in Wynnewood, was feature images of Jewish life in Eastern Europe prior featured in a May 2020 Jewish Exponent article about to the Holocaust, and participants are encouraged a pandemic parody called “Trapped Inside the House” to think about shtetl life in a nuanced way, beyond that was based on a song from “Les Miserables.” stereotypes. He is an alum of Perelman Taylor is a writer, researcher and speaker, as well and what’s now Jack M. Barrack Hebrew Academy. as a member of the Jewish Genealogical and Archival He graduated magna cum laude from New York Society of Greater Philadelphia and a member of University’s Gallatin School of Individualized Study Gesher Galicia, an organization dedicated to genea- in 2009, majoring in musical theater performance logical research in the former Austrian province of and composition, with minors in astrophysics and Galicia. l mythology. He also studied orchestration at e — Compiled by Andy Gotlieb Juilliard School. “Paperweight” can be viewed at Sharon Taylor Courtesy of Sharon Taylor watch?v=zMYM74hbOHE.

24 JUNE 17, 2021 JEWISH EXPONENT JEWISHEXPONENT.COM ven if your name does not appear on this list we may still have property for you. otice of ames of Persons Appearing to e wners of A andoned and nclaimed Property. Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia Counties isted in Alpha etical rder y ast nown eported ip ode Frascella David W Magalhaes Audrey G Christopher Berman Unknown Freedom Oss Markow Harry G Sorocinova Victoria Bernhardt Harold F Freiberg Randy Marrazzo Diane E, Matthew Sotomayor Timothy Bi County Medical Assoc 19 Gallagher Colleen N Marturana Joan Spadaccino Taylor, David Billman John 2020 Connections Gang Wu Mclean Kevin M Spiecker Caren lank Max Accentra Inc George Jennifer Mcquillan Brendan P Steele Lori Blevisbal Radhika Advanced Nutrition Inc Gocial Morris Mcveigh Diane A Stenosource Llc Bloom Scott Albanese Stephen C Godfrey Harry A Meyer Ernest W Steudel Helmut Bollard David J Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity Goodenough Donald R Miller Brian Stuart Andrew Bolognese Anthony J American Bulldog Rescue Org Goodenough Mary P Est Mirales Stuart David Bonaker Arthur J American Home Buyers Gordon Thomas Est Mitchell James C Sukharenko Igor Bond Catherine C Audrey G Magalhaes Est Graff Melissa Mlpf&S Sun Lucy Bradley Brian Baddeley Taylor Greiner Janice M Mohammed Maha Suss Woodcraft Usa Bradley Lawrence C Barberides Savva J, Anne R Gress Robert Monagle Carrie A Sykes Matthew S Bradley Lisa C Barner John Groen Marcel L Mp Management Sylogent Llc Breeze Hvac R Barrans Rachael Guise Eric Mulder Martha W Tafel Melissa Brough Kevin S Bearden Anthony Hall Tessa Napiecek Dan Tang Soo Brown Holly Benjamin Marsha Ann, Paul B Halper Korinne Nassau Capital Partners Terry Douglas P Brown Patricia A Bercute Charles C Est Hammer Michael, Sherri National Biopharmaceutical Torok Nathan A Brundage Mark Brundage A Bill Marsh Ford Han Susan Newtown Athletic Club Total Eye Care & Cosmetic Burns Kathleen Biocore Holdings Llc Han Xiaodong Nicholl Eric Townsend James Cantor Terry Blow Michael C Hashemian Mac Normans Gift Shop Tracey Arthur J Cardiology Associates of W Rdg Borine Farrell Haynes Christine Nosenchuck Ruth Lee, Norman H Trimble Kathy Casey Thomas G Brawn Robert 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Lawrence N Jr Wasek Ann Council Rock Orchestra Parents Cau Karins James Powhatan County School Dist Wertz David Credit Connection Group Chaoqun Shao Kauffman Teresa xec Protner Matthew Wright Joshua Daab Courtney Chapuis Mathiew Kayla Rae Designs Qing Xiao Wrightstown Family Med Dabrow Judith S Chawla Dharamvir V, Surenchala Kear Gareth Ramanathan Maheshwaran Youkey Jennifer Clark Dambrosio Luca Community Association Underwriters Kearns Joanna N Reliance Clinical Research S Zagoreos Mary L Daniel Alan S Cornerstone Consulting Services Khoudeir Yaser Reynolds James, Olivia Zavodnick Eve Daniel Alissa Credit Acceptance Corp King Mary D Riar Harbir S Day Maureen D Curtis Kyle B Kinley Doris M Richerts Joseph Deangelis Helen C Dalessandro Lillian Klein Barry Richter Alfred 19 Dern Patricia A, John A Delaware Valley Second Chance Klein Judith K Riley Edward M Jr, Abigale A Ferguson M Discover Delmore Sharon Kravitz Theodore M Roach Stephanie E Abba Holdings Llc Doan Cynthia L Derito Frank D Krh Third Llc Robinson Jennifer Akhavan Cristina F Donahaue Shane Deutsch Craig L & Y Marketing Roggeskalicky Lisa Ann Ally Financial Ariba Dubin Steven Diorio John Laberge Richard J Rosa Josefina, Raymond Arana Lydia Dynan Joseph Diviney David S Landis Robert Roza Victoria L Auerbach Evelyn, Frank E Young D Elizabeth H Trauscht Ua Lauber Laura Rubini Krista M Bagnell Robert Jr Ecib Gsm Ccda Attainment Falk Ira fbo Amy Sue Levien Ina C Sawyerr Gosford Baranek Michael Eckstein Judith G Fallows John Lomadze Polina Schultz Elizabeth A Beatty Robert Elizabeth Fell Ada M Long Maureen Patricia Seeleylopez Ross Beecher Christopher Fanelle Diane, Kerri Female Pelvic Hlth Cntr Longsdorf Joshua Semenov Svetlana Bell Mr and Mrs Fanelli Alexis Feng Ma Louis J Gringeri DO Shirley Hart Retained Annuity Benn Margaret Est Fariss James S Fitz Floyd Bill To Lydon Kathylee Forrester Silcox atricia L Benshimol Asher Farren David Frank Begg Inc Madden Patrick M Smith Margaret Bentz Window Cleaning Fieldprint Inc

JEWISHEXPONENT.COM JEWISH EXPONENT JUNE 17, 2021 25 Fincl Elan Sigman Marilyn Friedman Desiderio Ida M Mccorvey Kenneth Alsaleem Luma F Freedman Neal L Silkin Cary M Deyoung Bruce Mcdermott Brenda Ambulatory Surgery Center Froggatt Catherine E Silva Sandra Dimopoulos Dimitris Mcdonald Margaret Amirtaev Kuanyshbek Gartside Joe H Skrabak Joseph W Dipete Ella J Mcfadden Daniel T Angeline Doherty Gaynor Edward B Sliwinski Ronald F Dixon John Mcginnis Paul Appalaraju Srikanth, Suneetha Geiger Jacqueline A Sloan Theodore A Domingues Steven Mchugh Ruby J Aquarian Plumbing Heating George Stanley Smart Structures Donnelly William M Mcphillips Dorothy J Asiegbu Benedict E MD Gibbons Thomas P, Rose H Solid Wood Cabinet Co Dougherty Thomas Mealeys Furniture Atkins Rita Gilmore Dorothy Sommer Christopher Drewery Karima Messick John R Bail Mildred F Giubilo Erin Soni Adarsh K, Ranjit R Driscoll James Middle Earth Inc Bailey Dorothy Goldberg Rebecca L Soto Manuel, Pauline A Durkin Joan M Est Miles Ronald Baker Richard K Gopal Madan St George I Inc Dye Nancy W Million Al Balascsak Robert J Goykhman Svetlana, Igor Stathis Constantinos C Eisenmann Claudia Mirochnik Bogdan Ballantine Lift Equipment Hackett Alexandra Sullivan Kathleen Enyedy Frank Mizrachi Jaccov Baron Gary L Harman Christophe Surmach Pavel Epstein Marlene Mj Lavish Limo Sev Barth Rosemarie K Harris Theodore, Allenda Tanner Industries Inc Escobar Marlio Monaghan Anna Marie C Basavaraj Suresh Harrison Doris M Tedrow Donald G Fairbanks Margaret Navitsky Helen Batushansky Milla L Harrison Roger D Teufel Helene Feldman Thomas Naylor Joan L Beecher Deeneen Hartman Frank P Est Thompson Elizabeth Flaherty Thomas Neilson Nicole Bellerby Madeline T Est Haviland Paul R Torng Jessica Fleming John Nicholson William Bendinsky Frank J Hearing Center of Southampton Tri County Eye Physicians Flowers Francis E Nicollin Olivier Pierre Bercute Charles C Hiltwine Olga S Turner Yvonne L Ford Normajean Oriordan Joseph P, Anna Bookspan Edna Hoffman Thomas Tyutyunikov Victoria Fox Mary st Pena Aureliano Bornmann Kurt Holland Produce and Deli Vandegrift Maryanne Frazier George D Penske Warminster Inc Brandywine Senior Li Homolash Judith Vaze Geeta M Fuller John Petra Management Llc Brann Joan A Hudson Stephen Visco Frances Goelz Louis P Phila Kfc Advertising Corp Brennan Katherine A J and E Real Est Vogel Norman Est Goodman Debrah R, Louis E Phillips Elizabeth T Brickman Group Jackson Lisa Wable Samarjeet S Gorman Charles F, Gloria Pickle Harris Bridge Florence L, John R Johns John N Warburton Jacqueline M Gravez Marc J Pinnacle Financial Services Brightview Landscapes Jolly Matthew Weisser Geraldine M, William W Gredone Towing Preet Properties Llc Bucks County Endocrinology Jrs Dist Llc Welcker Fred E, Fred G Greenwald Steven J Prentice Esmond B Bull Edna Kearney Jill Wenger Hilda Est, Ed Griffith Danielle Qiu Zi Cheng Bunin Thomas E Kearney Nicholas, Ryan Whelan Frances Griffith xteriors Quinn Leo I Burak Thelma T Khemiri Wissal Wolf Joseph F Jr Guzman Pelegrin Ralph Lipshutz Family Byrne Chase Kilburn Ruth Women Financially Independent Hackett Fred Ranweiler Joseph S Calkins Jacqueline E Tr, Frederic H Kimmel Kenneth R Wytish Peter Haegele Martha Rapid Deployment Products Calanese Tiffany M Kojevnikov Vyacheslav Yeagle Janet D Haines Jennifer Reed Alberta Caparas Lee Koridze Giorgi York Justin Halpin Thomas H Rice David A Carfagno Eleanor R Krecko Michelle Zach Laporta Michael William K, Judith Hara Atma Llc Richard Laigaie Carman Kenneth Krimershmoys Igor Gary K Hara Joseph O Riddle Polly Carolina Coastal Railway Lakeside Environmental Consult Zazula Janek Hassis Carolyn Roache Shirley Carson Annette Lanser Richard Zeller John Hayden Jonathan Roberta Loser Est Carter Kathryn, Wanza Lauber Laura Zhou Fang Heinrichs Howard G Robinson Rakay Chamberlin Kathryn R Lee Jang Hey Jeffrey s Robson Joanne L Chesner David J Leonard Melissa 1 9 Hindman Patrick Rosario Jose Cipriani Cheryl L Leonardi Letterio A Haber G Holmes Jennifer Rourke Dennis O Clancy Jennifer C Leone Carlo Abel Lucille Horizon Hvac Inc Ruth Stock Tod Clarendon Social Ctr Leung Wai Lun Ajayi Ayomide Hunan City Chinese Rest Salguerocastillo Oscar Coleman Zoey Carolyn, Christina M Levy Steven A, Dana M Anastasi Stacy Irene Soffer Co Sanelli Rita A Committee to Elect Juan F Ramos Liberty Elaine Ardmore House J Ball & Sons Inc Santiago Johanna L Costigan Lynne M Lighthouse Strategic Proj Arellano Fred J S Mechanical Inc Schaefer Walter W Courtyard Langhorn Live Oak Land Holding Lim Arndt Christopher James David Schrope Robert E Daner Stephen J Luciw Joan Ashfield Healthcare Jeronis Margaret A Schum Daniel R, Diane L Davis Jacqueline Luff John H Ata xpress Llc a Johnny T Haviland Memorial Seeger Michelle M Deeney Jennifer L Lynch Brett B Pain Management Johnson Marie A Seller Lori B Doberenz Mary A Maier John M Baker Leslie Est Johnson Patricia J Serafin atricia Donnelly Thorkatla Make A Difference Childrens Baldwin Donald J Johnsonbynum Jacqueline Sharf Roman, Anna Doyle Michael F Manion Mary T Ball Carmen B Jones David P Jr Sinchi Carlos Ivan Eagle Carrier Mcguigan Dawn E Banurianpa Llc Kalavataben Patel Sklar Andrew R Eckert David, Abe M Mchugh Dolores Est Beans Evelyn M Keefe Marion Skudris John P Eckert Daniel Lee Est, Hope Est Mellon Taylor Beaver Ruth Kehler Bryan Son Auto Bod Edna Bookspan Trust Ua Meltser Alexander Beier Terri L Kennedy Jeffrey Speedway Investments Eubanks Eric Miller Brian K Bellis Melissa Kennedy Sean Spodobalski Carol Evan Pilaras Mills David Biguenicollin Karine C Khan Farah Stericycle Inc Evans Patrick Mish Jon F Jr Bolak Stephen J Kneedler Edward K Strengthening the Midatlantic Feinstein Peggy A Molineux Drew Bormes Barbara C Konopelsky Zdzislaw J Strosser Annina M Fiallo Augusto Moodley Hadessah Bosco Lucy Kopchinski Richard S Taunt Kellianne Fitch Sharon Mueller Betty Est Brandow Chrysler Jeep Co Kovnat Beverly Teklinsky Roman S, Mary E Flaherty Diane F Neeld Erik Brassell Donna Kpg Enterprises Inc Teklinsky Revocable Trust Fn Depot Inc Network Connections Bresler David A Est Kravitz Rosalie Thelma R Williams Est Foreman Steven Noll Richard Brian Mcvan Stretch Ira Kuczynski Bogdan Thesportlocker Com Fortunato Delores, Frank Obrien Joyce Broskley Mark Lagsdon Kate E Thurman Clarissa J Fos Elizabeth ffice of Affotato and Rehiel Cardinal Financial Laszcynski Richard Tiburcio Jose Fox James Open D Estates D Cardone Deborah Lau Orvil Toor Omar Frazer Richard W, Nicole L Passanante Augustine J Jr Cargill Allen Lebedinskaya Manya Torres Gilbert Frenette William J Paterson Amanda L, Derek Carlton Pools Leger Alice Mae, Alton Jr Transcontinent Cc Aquis Fsi Pianka Norma Castellanosmondragon Martha Lemunyon C Barbara Treubert David Fuller Benjamin M Platt David H Chesnut Lynette T Levin Hermene Tyson Walter J Gallagher Ron Ploppert Christopher J Ciccimaro Ashley Levine Robert A Underhillsmith Catherine Garcia Mariana T Prudential Clement David R Lewis Anthony Us Plastic Corporation Us Gindin Insurance Agency Pruss Paul Jr Climatic Testing Systems Liem Han Villa Madeline Girl Scout Tr 0 Freedm Vly Qatawneh Abdulrohman A Co Trustee S Clair Lipshutz Liftex Corporation Vorobeychik Gulshan Grapp Oleg Rapone Nick Cohen Joshua L Lindeman Taylor Walsh Orla Great American Pub Inc Richardson Raymond Collective Empowerment Group Lips Kristin N Warta Jacquelynn Gunning Martin, Megan Ritter Margaret Collision Max of arminster Loetterle Marvin F Waters David A Gursky Melissa Roman Marie A Convery Christopher, Cynthia Lopez Mario Whalen William J Harvest Group Financial Rosenfeld Steven Convery Sandra, John R Loria Michael Williams Colleen, James Heaver Brian W Rosenthal Susan Cooney Harry J Loser Roberta Williams Samantha Hidden Valley Veterinary Hosp Rudd Taylor R Cornine Rochelle S Lux-Hale Coly D Williams Samuel P Hill Karen Ryan Lesher Foundation Coryell Kathryn J Lyons Jeanette D, Joesph R Williams Thelma R Himalayan Crafts Safran Hannah E Courtleigh Alfred Mackrell Robert W Wilson Janet Hines Michael D Saleh Karna Crc Industrial Magenta Charissa Wowk Anna Hollis Lynette E Scanlon Jason Crowe Charlotte Magnifico Catherine ffert randon Holt Ann Schaefer Prescott Cruz Daniel Majestic Oaks Nursing and R Yondura Linda M Hoverson Jason Sees Anne M Curran Dawn D Maldonado Rachel Yuhao He Hubbard Justin Seliga Jake Da Vinci Dental Specialists Mambu Dominic Zielstorf Donald K Est Ingram Leonard Semlali Karim Dascoli John Manning Jacqueline Est, Jacqueline M International Prosourcing Shadle Gregory D Dashevsky Railya Margaret Pollock A 19 J G Foods Inc Shapiro Craig Davis Harold W Marlei Jewelry Arts and Crafts Acument Securities Inc Jambro Robert D MD Sheehy Joseph J Davis Jessica Matz Luanne Adamsslusser Michele Jambro Robert Douglas Shelmire Kevin, Kathryn Debro Amelia Maye Anthony Advanced General Surgical Jarvie James Shred One Security Corp Delia Lorraine Mccabe Joseph Est Alexander Alice Jasuta Carol E Shvartsman Lyudmila, Oleg Demarco Hazel E Mccabewaters Jill B Alfaro Waldo Javie Foundation or Charity Siegfried Charles Dental Specialists of Eastern Mcclease Aharon Almeida Pammela Johnson Stephanie

26 JUNE 17, 2021 JEWISH EXPONENT JEWISHEXPONENT.COM Jowett Kimberly A Seaver Ryan Damron Ann Louise Kush Enterprises Inc Smith Laura A Juchno Christopher T DMD Sergeev Ivan Dashow Susan Laccardi June M Est Smylie Joseph Est Kalinowski Dariusz Shanberg Dorothy, David S Davis Lorelei C Lang Robert Smylies Restaurant Kaminski Darren Sheroff Stella Davis Matthew J Laube Taryn Spadea Nicholas R Kanesky Alexander Skinner Alice R Est Davis Samuel Lavelle Felicity T Spartan Electrical Const Kass Brooke A Sommerfeld Clifford A, ileen M Dayton Dragons Baseball Lee Ki N Spec Educ Svcs Inc Keenan Edward Soriano Myrna MD Decrosta Emma Lee Lens Bernard Specialized Educ Ofmo Kelley Richard, Susan St Mary Medical Center Dees Pamela M Leonard Gayle Squires Lillian L Kerler Glenn B St Mary Rehabilitation Hosp Delaware River Joint Tollbridge Lind Arlene Steacker Clayton E A Kerschbaum Jonathan Stark Ryan D Delellis Laura Lockhart Samuel Stebbins Russell M Kidney and Hypertension Asso Starnes Michael Delrio Arturo Luis Gonzalez Llc Stephens Bryan, Jamie Kidsville of Bucks C Stone Lukas Demario Karen Lurie Alyson Stonemanclarke Cheryl L King Clayton Summit Trace Co Desantis Alexander Mackie Elizabeth L Stryker Samuel Klemp Robertc Szamboti James Dettra Gerald Madison Damian J Grands Sweeney Daniel Knapp Margaret J Taurino Jeremy Dhanesh Motiani Llc Maiatico Francine R Sweeney William J Kowalsky Kyle Taus Lynne F MD Di Anthony F Maida Gianna Sweitzer Megan Kramer Financial Services Technology Health Inc Dietric Suzanne Uhler Marini Anthony A, Lynn C Szul John M Krause Laura Thirupathy Sribala W Dms Auto Sales Mario Abad MD Llc Thibaut Atrous Kuestner Norman S Thomas Wessels Jr Est Dorchak Frances Markey Mark R Thomas Jeff Kumar Ajay Tinsman Isabelle H Dorsey Alfred Markloff Michael K Thompson Bradford Landscaping Misty M Tiscavitch Amanda S Dougherty James Marshall David Tice Patricia A Langhorne Dental Asso Ua 02 0 2 Wilson Family Dunstan Robert J Martin Christopher Torre Alberto R Langhorne Emergency Phy United Balance Dutcher Elizabeth Martinson Margaret M Torresdale Pediatrics Langhorne Gardens Health Vandermiller Brian E M Angeline Lpc Martynuick Brandon Tps V of Pa Llc dba Schc Lee Kathleen R Wackenhuth Barbara Edelman Wealth Management Marzi Edward Michael, Elmer Trageser Elizabeth Lehigh Valley Toxicology Wallace Daniel Edmondson Kenneth W Maslow Marc D Trigueros Alfredo Li Qin Ward Kenneth Ellis Christopher J Mattis Michael A Ua Lichtman Andrea Waters Joseph M Ellis Rachel E Matzko Maryann Univar Usa Inc Long Philip G Watson Andrew J Fairservice Brian Mcallister Joseph S Urbaniak Thomas F II Lopresti Christopher Weber Elizabeth Fallsington Friends Meeting Educ Mccaffreys Supermarket sx Corporation M Donnelly P Wenitsky Susan A Fanelli Andrew Mcdermott Maureen B Utman Cragg B Mahdavi Seyed A Wessels Thomas L Jr Farrell James Mcnamara Bryan Va Agent Cashier Mamatov Ilkhom Wilson Virginia M Fioravanti Frank Medimedia Animal Health Vaid Anuj Marco Christine Decd Witoldjania Cecylia Fischer John Melis Graziano Vanweezendonk Robert Martinez Severina Woodard Tony Fitzpatrick Anna B Menard Joseph Varall Richard C, Catherine May John R Jr Wyman Kelly M Foreman Timarah R Merickel Casey J Vaso Diagnostics Inc Mcafferty Car Star Yanez Thomas Fpo Mier Paul Vega Anthony Mccafferty Auto Group Yeager Ronald Frenier Patricia R Milley Lauren N, Robert T Velcera Mccafferty Ford Sales Zientek Thomas J Friends of Borda and Mcnamara Mills Grace E Velez Iris Mccaffreys Gallagher Sarah B Miranda Rosina E Vetter Pharma Turn Mccoy Andrea C 19 Gaynor Edward Molder Annie Vidal Mario A Mccoy Thomas Aaaaction Pool Srvc Rpr Geary Gloria Montero Elijah Viskovich Fred S Mcdonald Michelle Abel Optics Llc Geiger Maureen Morgan Christophe Wang Xin Mcgrath John Adams Jennifer C, Ryan Gelak Frank Morley Lavina P Warner Dona Medina Alice Adlakha Monisha Genovese Caroline Moroto Danilo Watts Randall J Metzger Daniel Affinity Land Geradts Hendrika F Morrisville United Methodist Webster Sarah Michael Stecklair Alexander Linda Ghauri Baber Moskowitz Linda R, Seth Wenjin Miao Milas Lee Allen R Edwin Glickman Melissa Moyer Heather A Whitenack Lynn C Mirza Nasir Anastasia Anderson Goldschmidt Rhonda J Mr Smoker Tobacco Shop Williams Eric L Misty Mountain Landscaping Angle George C Goodwin Ryan A Munoz Tomas P Williams Mattie Mitchell Anna J Anna B Fitzpatrick Est Gotkis Stephen J, Judith K Nene Tushar Williams Richard Monk David Apt Water Grant Harold R Nevmerzhytskyi Mykola Winterrowd W Perry Moore Anthony Ashby Antonia Grey Richard A New Horizon Learning Center Wolfram Marylou Nora Est, Todd A Moore Helen C Athmakuri Ravi Gross Mark E Nieves Orlando Wood Crossing Apartment Moran Patrica Atrous Thibaut Grussler Dolores Norgren Eugene Wrzenieski Charles W Mr Rooter Plumbing Barnes Ronald Guardian Angels Home Health Obrien Colin P Wrzesniewski Edward J Jr Mueller Patricia A Barot Megha A Hammond Tom Odhner Tessa Yarborough Timothy Musleh Katherine J Barrett Paul Hansbury John G Ogolo Data G Yazujian Ellen S Ttee Nahay Susan J Barrows Susan R Hansen Katie Okeefe Neil Zargiel Elizabeth Nedal Carl F Bedwell Scott R Harkins Sarah J Olsen Michael Zuchero Frances H Nelson Charles Est Belko Valeriy Harrison Melanie J Outcalt David H Zunga Marlon J Nemes Betsy L Bello Michael Francis Harrison William W Panzitta Kathryn No More Pain Inc Belson Karen A Haug Fred Park Temmy G Northampton Neurology Bennett Kelly E Henderson Donald W Parrish Kenmontee Nostrand Chicken Inc Berman Margoleath Hersch Joan Parsons Walter T Jr, Deborah E Novo Aboutone Investment Bernard Ric Ann Higley Lowell H Patricia Sweitzer 19 55 Nowell Martha A MD Blank Alfred W Homes Kontz Peacock Samuel si Nowosielski Eugene, Violet lue Galaxy Group Hopkins Mark Pente Erin R Abate Construction Nun Richard A Est Bogenrief Bruce Howell Teodora Pettigrew Sedonia Accutome Ultrasound Orrison Clyde J Bpg Management Co Lp Huber Mark Philiph Zachary Aguilar Phillip strosky Alexander M MD Bpg Management Services Hyde Benjamin px Ct Alan M Kidd Jul xford Valley ok Inc Bpg Mgmt Company Tra Intraoperative Monitoring Proper Villains Llc Albazaz Mazin Panaia Anthony J, Frances A ranagan Francis -J, Maureen T J Lambert M Pye Rose Marie Animas-Corp Parolyrampart Security Systs Breece Samuel A Jackson Steven Quesada Alvaro A, Rosa M, Anuar Appicciafuoco Jack Penndel Middletown Emer Brenna Carolyn Jagoe Lawrence Dwight R Technologies Arevalo Zandra Picciotti Lynda S Brey Anita M Jaslar Kenneth J Ramagli Monica Arnold Robert C Pivot Consulting and Serv Brody Michael D Joann Mueller Revocable Trust Ramsey Thomas M Assoc for the Advancement of Wound Polito Anthony B Brodywasilewski Ryan John Renna Reed William D Atkins Timothy Posey James Brown Dave Johnson Dave Regional Independent Medical Aventis Pharmaceuticals Princeton Oaks Homeowners Burd Thomas Johnson Tania Reiss Laurel P Aery Alex Psi Group Inc Pennsylvia Burkhardt Laura Jones Barbara, Morgan Revenue Partners Ayala Jorge A R Heep Phd Buss Esley Jones Tacy A Ribaudo Bridget Barchi Elizabeth Rahmani Enterprises C H Construction Jordan Almonds Plus Llc Riben Michelle A Barli Pradeep Ramanathan Iyer G Caballero Diana G Joseph Amati Inc T A Gutter Richard E Mistler Barnes Laurie A Ramirez Carlos E Cadwallader Nancy Joseph Denise M Rivella David Bartle Janice A Randy S Fluck Chebotareva Elena Jupa Andrew J Rogowyl Tatiana Bernia Katie Reedman Chevrolet Inc Cheng Xiu Kalmar David Rook Andrew L Bond Kathleen C Reedman T Lp Chernysho Max Kamp Daniel C Rose Denise M Boromeo Francis J Reedman Toll Svc Cherrybon John Ent Karsor Ruth Rosenbaum Fran S Bothner Darren Regional Hematology Oncology Chino Stephen Kash Samantha Rossi Ruth Brogan Rose Est Reiff Jeremy Ciambrello Anthony Katz Marilyn, Harold Rubin Ruthellen Brown Lisa Renaissance at Woodlands Asso Clarke Jamie Lee Kauffman Mary Lou Ryan John G Brown Maryann E Ridge Veronica J Jtwros Commonwealth Ram Jv Kearney Mutawassim E S Mlpf Cust Bryan Darrin P Riether Josephine Community Baptist Church Kelly Celeste A, Lawrence Sandhu Sukhmeet K Bryant Leann S Rivera Victor C Comprehensive Investment Keltz Jean Saunders Jay C Bunchai Aumapon Rjb Painting Robert Byrne Cooper Lorrain Kerr Jake Sautter Daniel Business and Legal Resources Rollenas Antonio C Jr Cornish Custom Builders Kess Louise Schaeffer Joanne L C2j Services Llc Russel S Bleiler III DMD Prof Crane Douglas Kirlin James J Schiefer Doris I Cantrell Charles S & L Painters Llc Crawford Candice A Kirsch Melissa M Schulte Geraldine, Ronald Capper Elizabeth Saint Mary Phcy Langhorne Crouse Denise L Klatzkin Elizabeth Schulz Devin P Caputo Mary Anne San Francisco Mont Bays Foa Cullen Gerard M Klugiewitcz Tomasz Schwartz Est Carriage House Santos Jill Cumming Robert B Kneiser Frank Shea Miriam E Carver Ryan Micah K Curtin And Heefner Kontz Ariel Mckenzie, Alijah Mckenzie Six Apart Inc Castro Robinson J Schwartz Barbara D E Love Associates Krupp Paul, Ruth Smith William, Alison Center for Education & Employ

JEWISHEXPONENT.COM JEWISH EXPONENT JUNE 17, 2021 27 Centocor Mack Timothy Vanguard Group Davila Steven C Lease Honda Chatham Properties Major William A, Noreen L Vanguard P Total In Davis Daniel L Lee Judith G Chester Valley Snf Malvern Preparatory School Vaughn Clarissa J Davis Richard S Lender Allies Cho Kyung Massa Eve Versacold Us Inc Deantonio Louis, Linda Lenthe Alice L Ciafre Albert J May Porter Eugene Wang Zilong Debottis Steven Liss Marshall D Cima Labs Inc Mcarthur Robert M Wendys Company Deconte Arhtur R Lo Virginia A Est Clement Patricia A Mccusker Thomas M Jr, Judith E Wert Grace E Delaney William J Long Hannah J Cloutman Christopher Mcdonnell Kyle What A Good Dog Delgrande Joseph F Est Lopatynski Fred Coffey Riley J, Joseph Mcfetridge Elizabeth William Force Company Dell Angelo Lillian E Lura Bio Sciences Cohen arricia A, Jeffrey Mcgivney William Wilson Robert Demchyk Nicole Lynn Artisey Comaskey Mairead Mclennan John S Wojnarowski Lisa Deereux Kanner Lytle James C Est Contracting Strategic Medley Gertrude Wood Tracey Ann Devirgilio William J Maitland Cheryl Cusano Antenette Medx perating Co Xiao Yi Jin Didonato Mark Malavolta Marc Cvs Mei Y Prime Dirocco John A Managed Care Strateg D Liberati Inc Michall Daimion Htg Distefano Deborah A, Emidio Maningas Cynthia Dabhi Bernard Miller Tatiana K 19 Dobson Andrew Est Marberger Michael Dawson James T Moffat Clyde A A P Mynders and Assoc Doherty Lawrence J, Nancy A Martens Katherine Q Day Zimmerman Group Monaghan Michael Abror David Dommerich Group Martinez Alejandro Debes Millicent G Monkey Tail Llc Academy Professional Settlement Dougherty Kevin T Mattia Donna Decisionone Corp Montgomery County Inter Access Cons Drake Kim M Mcclintolk Louise L Deitch Mary Morato Ana I Access Group Inc Lal Dreby Timothy S Mcclure Susan Demiral Coskun Mordon Deborah Adams Mary Driscoll John M Mccombs W Terry Destefano Paul C Mullen Brian J Agamalian Catherine C, Robert G Dunn Claire Mcfadden Brian Dharmapala Vishwanatha S Muntz Jonathan Ahmadinaini Cyrus Dusinberee Sandra B Mcgee Kevin Didonato Christopher M Nelson Maria V Ahn Peter H MD Dutta Rumjhum Mcginley John Didonato Elizabeth L Norcini Evelyn Alden Cutshall & Freda Cutshall Tr Eckerd Corporation Mcguinn John Divided Sky Music Nsr Yorktown Center Altemp Berkshire Mechanical Egan Designs Inc Mclaughlin James J Dockray Lisa A Nyalakonda Deepthi American Green Foods Corp Ejr Group Llc Mcveigh Michael Dollar Financial Group Pabin Antoinette A American Nuclear Society Del Valley Elizabeth Plasser Ke Medical Claim Service Donato Christina Patel Navinchand Anderson Industrial Machinery Epstein Pamela Mele Rande Dondero Nolan Paul W Lemert Angelini Christine Fabiucci Lona Est Messina Paul Doyle Matthew S Peduto Louis J Animas Corp Faust Herbert A Miesse Jeane Doyle Veronica P Pennhurst Group Arkuszewski Helena Ugma Fearless Planet Moreett Jill Dudley Martin G, Alison R, George Est Pennline Melissa L Armbruster Calob Flores Delma Morrett Charles M Dyndal Lukasz Pitts Rodney, Troy E, Sara Armstrong Marie M Foo Michael Morris Gary Eberl Builders Plunkett Robert Aroya Corporation Ford Taylor Mynders Joel M Ebersole Barbara L, Barbara A Prescott Dean Artz Robert T Fortunato Edward Naughton John T Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc Progressive Business Compliance Associates for Womens Healthcare Fredericksen Virginia Ni Qianqian Environmental Resources Mgmt Progressive Business Pub Atp Galen International Health Nicholson David D Eshenower David S Pusch Tara V Bacher Christopher Gallagher Ryan Nobel Learning Comm Eswaran Anuradha Quaker Global Tactical Allocation Back John A Gallagher Susan Nolan Shannon Evans Brendan Rajanna Sunil Baker Alberto J Garner William Nugent Gary olution enefits Consulting Reichelle Elizabeth Ann, Elizabeth S Bako Timothy K Geary Barbara Oconnell Katie Evolution Consulting Reiss Andrea L Baughe Jeanne Est Ghazi Nasser K O’hara Karen Failla Giuseppe, Annamaria Reitnour Philip A Beckwith Matthew Gilbert Rose Oleski David Fairley Shannon Reitz Kira Bernhard Suzanne Gilbert Shayna E Ugma Orselet Nancy Fang Yuan Ristorante Pizzeria Valle Daosta Best Zachary Gonzalez Gabriel Parker Electric Inc Fiioc Rodriguez Amy Bohn Peter Gonzalezchavez Isidro Parkway Cleaners Follman John P Rollins Albert W Est Bohs Connor F Gorman James Parry Ethan Foraker Katrina Rosato Michael M Borough of West Chester Taylor Gouesse Kpeh Pennewell Barbara A Foy John H Saint Gobain Ceramics & Plastics Bowers Charles Grabicki Valerie, James M Phillips Kathryn Frey Stephen Est Sanchez Alfredo Boys Pep Grabowski Christopher A, Louisa Lee Pickett Walter L Friends of East Whiteland Fire Sanello Virginia Brendan Greene t a Grateful Beans Grand Sport Autobody Piergalline Helen A Funk Sandra Davis, R Edwin Sarah Siravo Brett Kerry Noel Gustaninis James F Piombino Louis M Fusaro Bus Solutions Sardesai Mangesh Sudhir Brewer Theresa H B R Awards Elizabeth Pizza Properties In Gallagher Evelyn J Sarikonda Bhaskar rill Jeffrey Haltner Arthur J Point Llc Garrity Samantha Schiemann Jimmy A Briney Lester S Haraburda Jack Potter Christopher T George B Hofmann Ttee Schusko Kim Brokers Land Investments Harris Beatrice L, Marshall K Premier Web Stores Great Valley Landscaping Sct Corporation Brophy Kevin R Harris Eleanor H Press Ernst Great Valley Lockshop Selgan Maria Brown Earlene H Harry Robert rimeex Great Valley Nature Center Seljan Marie P Brown Sandra J Hart Samuel R Proclaim America Haas Group International Main Serclain Josephine Buchanan Tyler Hartigan James Psoras George N Hadden Leggett Family Irr Service King Round Rock Burns Robert Alvin Hasan Souria A R M Fields Lp Hall Lauren Sharr Christopher T Burton Neil & Associates Hayes Alice Marie Est, Dianne M Rafter Thomas J, Terri A Haly Oil Company Shelly Moving Storage Burton Neil Assoc Pc Heacock John L Rancelperez Julimar Harsh Riley Siemens Healthcare Busch Maggie Hegland Annemarie, Robert F Ransom Jeffrey Haynes Susan E Siemens Medical Solutions Health Byrne Sara Henley Samuel Redditt Rosanne C Heck Catherine A Siemens Medical Solutions Us Div Caldwell Kathleen Lydia, Harry H Hill Pauline Reed Brittany Heller Alvin Siemons Robert Callaghan James Jr Hoffrogge Charles Reed Kyle D Henry Chris Siravo Sarah Estate Camachomorales Emilio Holt Felicia Restoration Solutions Hiland Sara Alice Sisemore Janice Campus Get Aways Honorato Alina Rhodes Thomas Hille Carsten Society Chartered Property Cas Carlson Joseph W Hook Brian Ricci Vincent C Hmp Travel Sonsini Albert V Carnathan Nora K Hufnagel Mary Ricciardi Joseph Holliday Edward Sookhai Ryan Carter Carrie L Hunter Beverly Ann Rice James Hopkins David Stager Roger Cassidy Juline Huss Jennifer Ridley Henrietta B, Walter N Imtiaz Ahmad MD Facs Pa Pension Storecast Merchandising Corp Cephalon Inc Huss Sharon E Cust Robinson Theodore D 2nd Imx Medical Management Stratton Mackenzie S, Kathryn A Chatham County Power Products Iacobucci Karen Rogers Rhogenes Infor Global Solutions Greenville Stream Companies Chester County Fund for Women & Girls Ibisi Bonnie Rokosz Michael Institutes The Sullivan Brian Chester County Obstetrics & Gy Ing Van Kampen Capital Growth Rosado Francisco Intelligeeks Inc Susquehanna Commercial Finance Chester County Tax ureau Ingram Thomas W Rosoff Michael, Janet Jackson Georgie L, Clarence Sweeney Thomas J Chester County Tax Claim ureau J & B Importers Inc Ruggiero James J Jr, Michael J Jackson Lisa A Swencki Bethany Chester County Treasurer J Wall H Rumble Charles John illcox Mary L illcox Target Retirement Ref Chiros Christopher Jameson Ruth M Ruotolo Michael J Jose Ramirez M D P A Tasos Papadopoulos Cirka Kevin Jeffrey Reinert Ruth Vonkummer Kanter Allen Tauber Justin Clark David S Jennings Gary Salinas David Kapourelos Maria A Taylor Gary Neal Clevenger Alfred D Jennings George Broo Sanchez Efrain Q Karen B M Tektagen Inc Cochran Josephine B Jiten P Gohel DMD Pc Schiffer Margaret Karim Mala R The Vanguard Group Collazo Iris G Johnson Barbara Y Schmitt Theresa Kennedy John C Things Remembered Inc Collins Betty Rae Johnson Henry C Jr Schulz Stephanie Kessling Robert F Thomas Matthew Connor Emily S Johnson Pearl Sedillo Anthony M King Jeff Thomas Medical Products Cop Them Kicks Jordan Jeffrey G Shannon Edward J Kline Randi M Thompson Michael Cotrufello Andre Kase Dorothy H Shea James Konchek Eric Thomson Mark A County of Chester District Attorney Keleher Annie M Sheppard John P Krill Andrea, Brian Tickner Thomas Crawford Virginia J Keleher Nora E Sheri Donley Ups Kyada Jatin B Timm Medical Technologies Crowe Jolie Kelly Margaret P Shie Irena Leach Scott T Timney Harry Culinary Deliveries & Pizzeria Kennedy Patricia Shinde Sharad P Liberi Albert Q Tolley Suzanne M, Albert R Culleney Edward C Kent Eleanor F Silenzi Nicole Liberty Property Trust Toner Organization Cutshall Alden, Freda Kirby Michael J Sirianni Dominic J Lorusso Joseph Traffic Com Daily Joseph I Kleinschmidt Michael Small Stephen Lotz Robert W Trout George E, Rose V Dang Samuel Kona Jyotsna Smith Abigail Ludwig Family 2 42 2 Trustees Milden White Dasari Venkateswara Konecny Catherine Smith Colleen M D Controls Company Turn David Yantis Sta Kratz William III, Patricia Smith D Michael Ma Michael Usa Technologies Inc Daidoff Teresa L st Lal Amrit Smith G Ralph II Macintyre John P Vail Monica Davidson Kevin Lasko Metal Products Smith Nancy

28 JUNE 17, 2021 JEWISH EXPONENT JEWISHEXPONENT.COM Snow Robert A, June D Cary Howard Patt Jefferson at esttown Phillips Jordan A Amoroso Ronald Stepanik Chad Michael Casey Nikki J Jennings Gary W Pineda Yonahandi Ankarcrona Nils E Stewart Brandon Cassell Nancy P Jerez Brenda Sue Est Polito Joseph R Jr Appalucci Michelle Storck Richard W, Jane K Catona Christopher Johannes Daniella Portlock James L Aqua America Inc Sullivan Miriam G Cavallo Auto Body Joyce Robert T Potma Brian J Aqua Illinois Inc Synthes Usa Cbna Kammerer Steve Prodigal Atkinson G R Szkil Megan E Chamberlain Daniel Kane Robert R James Conners Trust Barbieri Irene K Tarr William G Jr Est Chanda Madhulika Kashishian Bonnie Ray Naomi Est Barnes Angela Taylor Duane B Charles Plaza Inc Kaufman Maryanne Reilly Richard J Barrack Leonard Tew Nancy E Chester County Treasurer Keith E to the Estate of Chattin Retamar Maria Basilavecchio Stefani Thompson Kalai Children of Martin Mcgonigle Kelly Anthony H Reyes Rolman Behling Kathryn C Thresher William Chytla Kimberly A Kenion Helen W Ribble Jack T Blanchard Jean V Tobin James M Classic Coachworks Kenny Francis H, Heather M Richardson Geraldine A Bloom William B Townsend Elaine B Coleman Caitlin H Kenny Ryan M Rivera Carlos Bravo Pizza of Bryn Mawr Tucci Rusty Conchapedraza Giuliana J Kinka Scott D Robinsonbarnes Leigh A Bray Jillian Tucker Edward J Conners Eleanor F, Jt Kinsley Valerie J Rocchio Dominick J Brodie Brieanne, Harris Vanguard Use V 2 464 Connolly Peter G Ko Paula Rocky Llc Brodsky Bruce L Vanvooren Heidi Considine Patrick Koia Joan Rolland Lauren K Brown Charlotte Vargasavila Eligio Cooper Group Llc Kolb Tara Rose Marueen B Ira Brunelli Peter Vasek Deborah A, Megan Cost Timothy P Konstance Pneumatics Roseman Mark R Bryn Mawr Fire Co Vishwanadam Sudheer Costick John L IV Koominclean Minho P Rouse Angela, Mark Bryn Mawr Medical Specialists Vogel Virginia Craney James E Kornacki Julian, W J Ryan Alan Bryn Mawr Trust Company Vonbargen Derrick Paul Cunningham Claire Krauss Ellen Est Sai B Sajja Bryn Mawr Womens Health Voya Financial Inc Cycle Adventure Ltd II Krishnappa Mohan Sanchez Ana Buchan Tami Vu Vivianne Damera Sitha Land Rover Wc Sandra Kenion Est Buck Laura Thomas Charitable Walter Robert J Dan W Welch Inc Land Services Usa Sassa Jack R Burk Marlene J Walters Doris M Est Dan Yon J Landis Robert Sbarbaro Jr John L Butler Nora Lee Walton Fred Dance Kristen F Langa Jamie Schell A M C Del Property Management Ware Donald Danielsen Carly Larson Spencer M, John Schweppenheiser Casey Caratelli Rosalie M, Carl L Webster Paula E Darrel Dorothy B Laura Prescott Scott Audrey M Carlin Thomas Weckerly Lawrence B, Gladys Darrel Stillman A Lawson Dorothy I, Charles Scott John L Casey Karen E Weintraub Alan Harris David P Naidich and Jocelyn Cohen Lebra Barbara Lee Est Scudder Richard C Center for Interventional Pain Werner Christopher Davila Steven C Leibowitz Alan Selzer Norman, Elena Cetroni Victor J Werny Lisa J Delpercio John Lengel Thomas L Sesay Salamatu Chalfant Laura West Chester Borough Digiandomenico Joseph Leon Anthony Shaffer arara Ann Charter Fairmount Institute West Chester Gi Assoc Dilorenzo Kathleen M Lesesne Carmen Shahzad Anum Chiumento Robert J Weston Solutions Dimichele Kevin Lewis George A Est of Jr Shenoy Rathan Clayton Andre White Darlene E Donnelly Htg And Ac Lindsey Hester H Shetty Roshan A Clodfelter Jonathan N Wickland Julia Donohue Vincent Lins Decoration Contractor Shirleyredd Collins Edward Jr Wileczek John Dorothy B Darrel Est Lpl Financial Smith Aaron M Conboy Drew P Williams Avis Dougherty Sean Lubberman Robert G Smith Kevin Costa Anthony R DMD illiams Maxwell Douglass Prileau Burial Trust Ludewick Janice Rae Sodilo Sandra Shane Womans Specialty Center Douglass Tekia Y Lutterman Brandon J Solomonsolomon Rosa Craparo Frank Wood Kristin Doyle Brian R Madiraju Abba R Spruce Grove Tree Farm Dalal Deepajagtish Shandra Yanko Margaret, Richard Drake David L Marberger Michael J Starr Margaret A Dangelo Gregory A Yarnall Margaret K Drescher Herbert Marchetti Florece C Steve and Wills Lllp Dangelo Vincent Yoder Richard B Drotleff Jill Marie S Smith Restricted Burial Stokes John Del Val Settlement Youngs Auto Body Drumheller Shane Marsha Cook Suglia Nefthalie Dewitt Lee Zaborowski Nicole Eagle National Bank Marshall Marcy Sullivan David Dicandilo Nicholas Josep Zajac Nicole G Earley John A Martinez Jesse Sullivan Dennis P Dillon Joseph F III, Joseph Zak Diana M East Gate Church Mary E Harris Restricted Burial Swaray Yahya A Dimarco Robert R Zhou Quangang Edgar Theresa M Mary Lou Hale Ira R O Szydlik William J Doan Khanh Edna V Thompson Restricted Burial Mathews Steven Taylor Ellen Doan Khanh N 19 2 Electronic Boutique News America Matthews Debra A Teka Lili Domenic Angeline 00 West Miner Street Oper Elshahed Susan L Max Louies Gourmet Del Terrel Mary Dorothy Templeton Absolute Mortgage Company Eppehimer Anna Maxine J att Terrell Maxwell Du Xiaoping Advanced Audio Visual Sales Eugene J Barth Est Mccarthy Kelly J Thomas Lawrence S Eastwood Brooke Anne Ager Jean Barrington Everhart Carol Mccool David Thompson Anthony W Erial Road Management Ahramjian Sylvia xecutie Conference Corp Mccool Judith Tidwell Catherine Ernesto A Lee DMD Alkhudaydi Mona Ali Fenceworks Co Inc Mcdevitt Lawrence D, Sara Ann, Brian A Tomayko Denise L Esf Inc Andjelani Rebeka Fijan Robert S Mcfadyen Joseph A Toney Mark F & H Main Line Lp Anne D Gallagher Revocable Living Filiaggi Tara A Mcgonigle Matthew Total Building Maint Serv Faseyitan Olufunsho K Anro Incorporated Flagship Credit Corp Mcgowan Michael T Townsend Stephen Fisher Julia Arkuszewski Seweryn Cust Flicker John Mcgurk Kieran Vassalotti Amelia Forster Lynn S Armillay Megan Fluegge Evelyn G Mckeeby Raymond S II Verbovsky Steven Fred Yannessa Trustee Ashley Mack Fly High Field Hockey Mcshane Madeline Vernon Matthew Freeman Belknap B Beatty D Follmar Warren W Md Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine Vetter Ingeborg E Frey Samuel J Bachinsky Carol S, Brian Ford Eva Mezzanotte Sarah Violated Records Fritz Adam Back Jennifer Forever Stone Llc Midas Auto Serice xperts Voss Margaret D Fulmer Carson Bank of America Founds Funeral Home Miller Hope Vrencur Daniel Gasparre Dick Barakat Brendan G D S Mills William, Susan Wagner Craig Gilmore Joaquina M Barnatt Benjamin R Galilea Ivar R Milton Hall Michael Est Walker Devon Ginesin Sheila Barth Eugene J Gallagher Joseph W, Joseph, Anne Minerva Surgical Walsh Brian E Ginsberg & Harkaway Basford Benjamin Gallagher Mary, Hugh Mitchell Tony Warner Robert Goldberg Elyse H, Marc J Bendinelli G J Gambone Bros Dev Co Moharir Rajesh R, Snehal R Watt Jane Gupta Vivek Bennett Co Llc Garrahanmasters Mary P Monahan William Wayne Michael Gurubhagavatula Indira Bimmerworks Ltd Generation Life Moore Edward F cu ff Campus Housing Hackman Elizabeth, Kenneth Black Thomas Geraldine A Richardson Trua Morrison Rolette Webster Rebecca Hagin Gregory oddorff James Glass Kathleen D, G Daniel Morton Jon Wesley Yvonne Haines Erin Boice Sara Est Glassberg Samuel Moul Edward Lee Westtown Township Haq Omar Boninfante Jodi Gomez Wilfredo C Msl Residents Tenants Council ifi Integrators Harding George J III Boothbarbarin Ann Goss Brian Murray Sarah Wiggins Shredding Hardy Jennie Bowie Shelia Gracegreen Crystal L National Foam Inc Williams Mary A Harris Alfred Boyer Naomi E Grant Warren Neary Sarah Willistown Hunt Homwowners Hemcher Daniel J III Braddock Kenneth Est, Kenneth M Gross Shirley Neff Jenny Windstein Lawrence L III Henderson John M Brady Marie T Gullaksen Gil Nelson Erik N Woutersz Lisa Hilldale Partners Lp Brander Ronald George Gutknecht Jim Nicholson Stable Llc Yancey Judith Hirano Lema Andrews Brian E Walsh Inc H B Sportswear Inc Noel Madelyn Yedida Srinivas Hodge Mary Ella Bright Source Solutions Hagenbach Patrick Obrien Thomas E, Mary E Yellow Goat Design Hutchins Diana H Bright Work Orginal Interiors Hale Mary Lou Obrien Kevin M Youngs Auto Body Inc Indelicato Karen Broody Marion Hardie Christopher Occhiolini Nina M Zamorski Steven Institute for Leadership Educa Brown Avery Hartman Michael Ochs Terry Zurakowski Jeffrey Jackson Leigh Alexandra Bruno Rich Hb Sportswear Corp Ockey Mildred J Jafco Burial Louvenia J Hernandezislas Fructoso Oswald John N Jaffe Christina Burkhardt Frances W Hoffecker Thomas Otto Joseph Jamison Leonard N Butler Meredith Hoffman Herert Packaging Strategies Jeffrey C ado D Butz Edgar O Holman Kimberly A, Wesley Pacropis Danielle 19 1 Joaquina M Gilmore Revo Cai Yongming Horn Patience Parkhill Denise 2 2 Land Company Lp Jones David Capone David Howard Stephanie ear Sox 4 N Brighton Avenue Llc Jung Sung K Carlisle Suites Corp Hugger Erin D Perez Juan Academic Urology Kateusz Brian Carlos Pernia Juan Hughes Michael K Perez Ricardo Achievement House Cybercharter Keller Andrew Carosella Vincent Jr Image T Inc Petka Bredt E Alliance Hsp Greend In Kelly John Carson Karen Ingram Engineering Ser Pham Peter Altman Robert H Kindig Richard, Ian Carter Seneca L Jackson Stephen W Phillips Debra L American College King Stephen

JEWISHEXPONENT.COM JEWISH EXPONENT JUNE 17, 2021 29 Kiszely Andor Aronchick Craig Monaco Stephen A Certainteed Gypsum Holm Craig Klinges Robert M Sr Banerjee Devaprem Murphy Vincent J Chakraborty Abir Holuba Rob Krishnan Sriyesh, Anne F Barclay Moses Gailay Nardi Deborah M Chandrasekaran Kavitha Hope Bringing Krug Rhoda S Barr Rashad Neun Diane N Charles H Macdonald Electric Hope Worldwide Lauer Susanne D, John M Berman Anne Newhope I Llc Chiang Soong T, Elaine Hopkins Anne Lee Alex H Blade Jason Nicely Laurie, John Chiumento Robert Hopkins Barbara C Lee Hwan Bottomley Bruce Jr Obrien Marion Cisco Systems Capital Corp Horn Robert M Lee Kuk Zin Bradley Brothers Gen Cont Olympic Linen Clemens Alvin Hth Worldwide Insurance Serv Letter Michelle Brooks Matthew J Ondik John S Clemens Valerie Hull Donald Lloyd Charles W Buckley Hilary Oneill Thomas Clickpath Media Huonrakes Linda Lohner Ronald A Burdzy Jonathan Osinski Maria Est Clinical Laboratory Management Iberdrola Renewable Energy Loughlin Je O Bushey Leslie Diane Packard Lynne D Clinical Laboratory Standards Ictv Brands Lu Jin T Calciano Elizabeth A, Richard A Parris Nicolas D Cmg All Seasons Master Fund Ingelsby Thomas A Lyons Megan Cancro Craig Patsko Zita Coladonato Paul Insource Inc Macaulay James A Carlin Alice M Peru Samuel T Est Coleman Brittany N Insurance Delos Maclaren Louisa B Carroll James etrosky Jeffrey Colleran Francis T International Jsp Macula Eye Care Casaccio Architects Llc Philly Ad Club Community Health Systems Ipr International Llc Ipr Magee Michael Cascarina Paula L Professional Health Services Connolly Joseph J J Hawke & Associates Main Line Health Cassanelli Lee V Pyle Florence Est, Alfred Conway Thomas Jackson James Zachary Mallory Jason Charles B Gans Plumbing Qiu Kefeng Correll Wayne E Jackson Sam Mariwala Taarika Cipriotti Frank Quinn Colleen E Cortendo Ab Jarrettbarthel Genevieve A Marwah Paul Clark Miguelina Quinn John Craig Peter Jd Mcgillicuddy Mc Quade Carol M Comerford Amy Jean Rcn Telecom Serv of Havertown Crest Services Jeffersonille Soccer Clu Mcquade Marianne, Janes Cunningham Joseph Ries Charles Crothall Svcs Group Jg Wentworth Metz Albert G III, Maria E Dahm M Jayne Rivera Mario D Cui Chenhao Jim S Berwyn Auto Repair Center Monahan Kathleen T, Frank J Dangelo Joseph Ruiz Marcos D V B Optical John E Smith Jr Morris Ouida Fae Est Daniels Leon Schiavoni Joseph A, Stella E Dahill Jessica Johnson Jeanette J, Derek W Mundt Ray Delgado Najee Segal Howard B Dalamar Corp Johnson Matthey Browse Murai Shin Demilio Paul F Shannon Hazell Trust Dang Quan Johnson Matthey Inc Murai Yuko Diarcangelo Anthony J Sindaco Jean M Danica Pension Jones Ricky E Myers Raphael Diluca Anthony Sofield Suette A Danske Invest Vaekst Karas Eric S Nahan Irving Dooley John F Jr Stephen A Kuliasha Est Davison John R Karen Ridgley Intervivos Trust New Life Landscape & Tree Care Douherty Shannon Stranzl Elliott De Joseph Evelyn Kathrein & Co O Brien Margaret Harvey Downes Kevin J Strong Daniel Decision One Katz Joyce Orthopaedic Specialists Pc Durieux Linda A Stump Robert E Delage Landen Financial Kazanci Selda Our Mother of Good Counsel Church Elisa Taraborrelli Surgery Center of Pennsylvania Delage Landen Flooring Kazi Altaf Park Wonse Ellison Christopher Susan Fricker Delos Insurance Company Keithley Ross J Paul Hemmerquate Engle Roy L Swan Barbara Demopolos James A, Emily Kelly Industrial Serices Pierson Eleanor Est Eppright Mark Taglianetti Libro G Jr Denny Joseph Kelly Patrick Pollak Sharon Lsw Fagan Charles W Tiberio Megan A Dhlp Limerick Golf C Kenexa Corporation Powers Maureen Felton Blaine J Toll Matthew Donnella Michael Kenexa Technology Inc Joseph Smith Prime Ins Services Felzer Jack H U Haul Co of Pa Donnelly Matthew Keycare Inc R & R Nj Llc Flanagan Edythe Udinskey Joseph R Doody John Jack, Jack Khanna Sandeep Ray Lonnetta, Edward Francis R Iacobucci Jr Valerio Matthew Doreian Raymond W Kildare Capital Inc Rhode Alan Stuart Gallagher Mike Van Duzen Elizabeth Drugdev Inc And Subs Kim Sarah L Richmond James Gallen Marie Viggiano Joseph Dynamic Energy Solutions Kim Sookrang Riddle Memorial Hospital Gerson Gary Villegas Sara Nieves Dynamic Home Therapy Kinney Mary Riegel Graciela Y Giordano Deborah A Welding Jennifer Ellington Wayne R Jr Kistler Tiffany Companies Rishforth Melinda Gray Gerald J Sr Welker Isabella H Est Ember Paul Klinger Joan Roman Douglas Hagan Joshua Yang Kun Emerson Healthcare Kloss Daniel Romano Jacqueline Harris Matthew Young George G III Employment Publishing Knoll John A Romanzi Kenneth G Hatzell Johanna Yuzuk Mark Enterprise Leasing Co of Phila Komlo illiam Jeffrey Rosenberg Emma K, Debbie Haverford Management Co Estate of Ruth E Secules Kovan Christine M Rosenfeld Bernice T Haverford Twp School Dist 19 Evans James J Kozar Robert Rubinstin Micheal Havertown Soccer Asso Academiccme Evans Phillip Kozeracki William Ruiz Olivier P, Anne V Hawkins Kathleen Aci Everson Ted Kramer Hannah Montgomery, Samaniego Duchi Floro Hayward Gladys Est Acsys Inc Ferrari Philomena C Est Margaret M Sargent Russ Healy Mary Admin Concepts Fidelity National Information Serv Kravo Kravo Schantz Susan P Heinsohn William B Administrative Concepts Filip William J Lambert Robert T, Scott Schiffrin Susan Hensel Linda L Aftra Health & Retirment Fisher Alice Belmont Latham Elizabeth Schoof William Hoa Uan Airgas Inc Fitzgerald Peter J Law ffice of Lisa Charleston Scotch Irish Foundation Hunter Scott Akinwale Tunde Fleck Michael Lazarus Frank Scott Carol Hutton William A, Andrew Al Harthy Jokha Flickinger Cordelia Leavenworth Benjamin Scott Kevin C Immel Ronald Alade John Folan Timothy Levine Marshall S Sherman Barry L Industrial Steam Cleaning Phila Amerisource Bergen Drug Corp Food Buy Lewis Patrick Sherman Jot Enterprises Irish Ryan Anderson Kathryn Ford of the Main Line Lewkowicz Tamara Shih Yen Jay Janzer Francis J Andravida Builders Inc Frazer Eileen J Liberty Valley Initiative Shipley Elizabeth F Jennie Derose Andrews Jeanne R Frumer Richard Lincoln Financial Dist Simms Iris Jerry Gray Auto Body Arc Plan Inc Fu Chunmay Lindsay Patrick Slack Lawrence Jerry Grays Auto Body Fender Archbishop John Carroll High Furniture and Feathers by Ka Lopera Pablo A Sligo Enterprises L P Jess P Armine Dc Rn Facfei Argosy Real Estate Partners II G Christopher Dallas Inc Lorine Denise Smith Sally John Quinn Est Arnesen Catherine S Gardner Jason Losciuto Laura E Snider Garrett C Jolaoso Tammy Assurant Solutions Genex Serices Loveland Margaret J Snyder Nancy M Kim Damico Fink Avb Music Incorporated Geoblue International Health Lowe Maureen E Sokol Seth R Kirlin Theresa C Barbosa Jamie L Germeraad Douglas W Lucky Duck Toys Sood Akshay Kocis Gail M Barrad Lisa Gillin Leslie Lundquist Charles, Joyce L Soslow Theodore J Kuliasha Theresa M Barry Galen Girivin Robert Madden & Ryan Body Works Spangenberg Ed L and P Care Ambulance Bassil Michelle Gluck Levine Roberta Madison William Spices Donald Lakewood Country Club Bast Robert L Goswami Prajal Malhotra Sumit Staub Michael Law ffice of aul Schofield Bazany Michael A, Margaret L Govberg Brian Mandarino Michael Stauffer Jane Leach Joseph Beatty Grace C Gpx Communications Manova Michaela Stephens Dennis B Liu Yusheng Beharrllall Shawn Grace Charles Marcucci Lisa Stewart Sarah Llanerch Fire Co Bernini Adele Gravagno Emilio A Margulies Hayne E Surgical Specialists Pc Loeb Margaret G, Harry Bing Shawn Green Ardena O Marie B Landry Rev Trust Sydney Audrey E Loizos Konstantinos Bjorhus Stacy W Gregory A Smith xec Matz Land Transfer Services Terrace Bryn M Loney Kathleen Blackburn Joanne Griffel Howard Mavenwire Llc Twadelle Taylor Lowry Maureen Bligh R Quin Groff Nancy N Mccauley Brian Vascular Access Services Lucas Loretta R, Robert F Bolger Kevin Grubb And Ellis Real Est Mccloskey Michael, Ashley Victor Courtney Luciani Lois Boller Jeanne Haines Margaret S Mccormick Michael Voiner Jonathan L Lumpkin Meghan S Boschi Steven J Hammer Frederick P Medecision Inc Walker Joseph M Lyons Joseph Est Bpi Hammond Parker K, Lois M Mercer Earlene H einfeld Alexandra Mack D T Brandes Martin, Carol Hartford Life Distributors Merrittbandelier Vance Wentworth J G Macleod Sage A Braund Kristyn J Hawley Beth Mfs Intl Research Equity Wilder Gordon Mastrocola Bernice Est, Primo Bryn Mawr Trust Co Heckscher Mary R Miccolis James P Wilson Robert D III Mccarthy Kevin Bunting Kerith L Hegarty William Michau Paul J Woolston Harry W Jr Mccaughan Elizabeth Butler Francis H Henrico Self Storage Micro Center Xander Media Group Monitor Mcdevitt Mary A Byrd John, Dana Hess Mark E Molitor Amanda Xia Yihua Mcgrath Brendan A Cacciutti Joan Heston Andrew W Molloy Associates Yaya Enterprises Llc Mcgrory Stephanie Callahan Daniel R Hicks William A Moriarity George M Yu Eric Mercy Community Outpatient Callands Harry Hill Kathy Denise Morris Alan Messinger Todd Calvitti Vincent A Himmelreich Janet K Morris Christopher M 19 Migliore Richard W Carey Francis Hogg Robinson of Penns Moskovitz Dorothy A Foot Above Podiatr Mil Edward Est Cashel Development Hollinger Frank P Mozhdehi Brian Addy Jennifer S Miller Gerard Cellular One Holly Bess Mroz Chester J

30 JUNE 17, 2021 JEWISH EXPONENT JEWISHEXPONENT.COM Mroz Marissa K Transcend United Tech Foster Albert L T Simpkins L Ira Milton Saligman T Msg Paul Karpowich Found Trapp Dylan Frankel Frederick Tabasso Louise Jerome L Markovitz Tr Muldowney William B Triump Group Inc Friedberg Lorraine Teltser Mike Jm Consulting Mulioli Leah R Est Trua -No- Loretta S aton Fuchs Abraham M, Lucille R Thomas G Goldkamp Jonathan M Cohen Llc Murphy William J, Arlene V Turner Aurisha Galardi Sandra Est Thomas Paul L Est Joseph S Lubeck DO Mustacchio Tracey Turner Marion Gaskey Steven W Tomris Daghan Kadyshes Arthur Neary Christine, Bryan C Tv Guide Magazine Llc Gerhardt Kathleen Trinchi Kristian Kallenberg Roger A Neumann R Andrew a Alexander Cassatt Greenbaum & Pinto Tucker Kaleif I Kedson David Newspring Mezzanine Partners a Alexander Cassatt Gross Evelyn C Ua 2 Allison Hillary Reeves Kehal Harjinder S Next Generation Reporting Uderman Scott Guhm Sihnwoong Vascular Lab Associates Kim Eunice H Norristown Centre A Vallinino Douglas R DMD Hanh Nhon Doan MD Wagner Peter Klxk Radio Northwestern Human Services Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Co Harris Ashley Wainer Bruce R Krakower Luca J Octagon Research Solution Vanguard Group Haslam Mary Walker William John Laboratory Charter School for Comm Odonnell Thomas Varallo Margaret M Haugh Christine Weiss Michael A, Douglas A Lewis Asher M Ohalloran Gerry T Vino Cava Llc Heilman Dawson White Stephen Liberty Healthcare Corp Olde City Financial Inc Visual Communications Hollinee Llc Whitpain Hills Homeowners Assoc Litvin Robert Omalley Matthew Vivatson Alvin L Est Horsham Medical Assoc Williams Herbert L Admin Litwinmoskowitz Danielle P Vartanian T Walker Amy S Hsu Anfei C Williams Herbert L Sr Est Live Nation Pa Geoblue Waltzing Matilda Usa Hsu Victor Willner Joseph P Marital Trust Palgutt William Wang Chao Hudson Kevin Willow Grove Get Well Martin Collision Center Park Dooyoung Wang Harrison Hughes Resyna R Winters Barbara Mary Lee Chen xecutrix Parseghian Ellinor Watson Bolyn Hyer Erin E Wozniak John W Maurtua Victor A Patterson Leah Wayne Center Genesis Iatesta John D Wu David Maynardsargeant Karlene Paul Wendy D Weldie Robert G Jafara Mehran Yim Duck Hyun Mc Adams Richman & Ong Pdm Of America Inc Wellington Hu Irrevocable Trust Jefferies Florida Trust Zhang Michele Mcadams Richman & Ong Peachtree Life & Annuity Group Wellington Richard Jefferies illiam H Zhu Zhaoshi Mcdonald Daceia Peachtree Settlement Funding Welsh Richard J Johnson Christopher B Zoller Sandra Mckeon Gregory T Peking Restaurant Inc West Virginia Chapter Kalabat Anthony G Melchiorre Mary Ann Penn Liberty Bank ilcox Feter Kaplan Rachel, Wayne 19 Menendez Gelvin Penn Virginia Corporation Wills Charles E Kelly Brad Aamco Transmissions Fleet Milton Hershey School ensioenfonds Voor De Grafische Wojnowski Christie Kelly Daniel Ayo Hudson Mundy Virginia A ilgrim axgter Assoc Wood Forti Sarah Kimmel & Silverman Barbieri Irrevocable Life Ins Murphy Patrick D Pipeline Deals Llc Wright Robert Klein Edward A Behrends Sharon L Nikparvarfard Mehdi Pizzaland Brick Oven II York Brian Knab Maria Benjamin Darryl J Nordo Ray Police Township oung Alexandra Knoblock Diane Better I Dont Llc Okane John Pq New York Inc Zampieri Patricia Konefsky Leonard S Birkmire Thomas Okay Tours Llc Prendergast Joan M Zapiec Kirsten M Lee Jin Blank E Robert Open Center of Bala Cynwd Primiano Leonard N Zoeller Eileen Levin Margery F, William F Blementhal Robert Open Mr Inc Psf Trust Zuraw Qing C Levy William Est Blumenthal Ellen Overes William Pulver Ellen A, Jane R Li Ye Bodden Joan P & J Auto Body Pvr Partners L P Licht Philip Boucasneto Sarah Pace Kevin Qliktech Inc Living Trust Ua 4 2 00 Brynmawr Energy Company Paty Laurent Quakertown Regional Realty Lodek Frederick Capalbo Jim M Paulet Carlos Radnor Fc Wayne 19 2 Lopez Mike Capstar Radio Operating Co Peg Bandwidth Accounts Payable Radnor Township A C Gentry Inc Lorenzo Cathy Carbone Nicholas Peg Bandwith Raymond Paul C Acostaduran Cesar Heriberto Lynch Robert Carganilla Cristeta Phila Recylcing Company Relevante Inc Adzic Andjelija M Lois Chase Usi Employee Ben & Comm Philadelphia Indemnity Ins Renovay Llc Air Vent Duct Cleaning Maloney Frederick Ci 6e Lancaster Aveneue Asso Philadelphia Ins Co Reporting Nextgen Allan Roger Martin Reddington Real Est City Line Family Medicine Plan Wayne V Reynolds John Almond Ann Mascia Gabrielle Cma Primavera Systems Inc Rhs Xc And Track Booster Anderson John Matcovich Elizabeth Cohen Daniel Prywes Ruth Ribbon Factory Lofts Condo Andrew Rusnak J Mathews Charles C, Dorothy D Cohn Meta G Qian Hao Richardson Susan Corrigan Armstrong John C Mccartney Frank G Jr Commonwealth Insurance Co Rosemary F Markovitz Family Ridgely Karen S Bachand Kay C Mccloskey Michael Corbau Nathan Rosenberg Raymond, Joyce Risen Jonathan G, Andrea Baily Howard O Mcintyre Edith M Est Corbman Bruce Rosenblum Jay S Riverside Consulting Group Bank Citizens Mcmichael Bruce Corporate ffc rop Rothman Joseph, Judy Robbins Tille Bast Robert Mcnamara Steven M Corventis Inc Rowe Katherine Robert Mcintyre Insurance Bebey Jennifer E Mcnulty Michael Cubbin Robert J S Boucasneto Tr Fbo Robinson Tori Berkadia Commercial Mortgage Minnick Jamie, Susan Curtis Greely S Jr Saltzburg Levin Inc Rodgers Travel Inc erman Alexander Mitchell Alexander Daniel Shmuel Yitzchok Sarah Boucasneto Tr Fbo Rzepski Elaine M Bittner Abigail A, Lucas M Moore Cassandra, Robert Deksnis Aldona M Est Schwartz Michael Saligman Robert Vansant, Ira Bleiler Russel S Morace Gregory Dellafranco Paul Scott Imports Inc d b a Mart Sallustio Nicole Blizard Gail Morgan Jeffrey L Dilella Vincent Est Sherman Daniel, Evelyn Savitski Michael Bommarito Vito Moulton Reilly Kimberly Dotsey Margaret A Shopa Alexander, Sandra A Schneider Capital Mgmt Braithwaite Matthew Mccoy Murphy Vicki Doumet Salomon A Slater Loretta Scholz Beatrice Holly, Jonathan Kark Brandi Frazer Needleman Carolyn E Robert Blank Trust Snow Shoe Auto Schulman Rhoda Est Brennan Jude Nentwig Mary Ann Earlrogers Ronald Sorkin Stephen Seb Aspf Aktiesparfond Ab Brooke Elyse Hurwitz Irrv Obrien Charles A Eastern Chemical Prod Corp Spieler Eric L Seb Globalfond Bucci Jeremy Obrien William J Endocrine Metabolic Sposato Angela Seb Skadinaviska Enskilda Banken Ab Calhoun Melvin Jr Olsman Robert Faaland Susan D Steinberg Joan H Seb Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken Ab Campbell Ross L Ortiz Timoteo C Faris Richard Stumpo Allison M Seb Varldenfond Varf Ab Carpenter Jane Patel Minaben D, Dipak I Fine Laurie Susquehanna Capital Group Secules Ruth E Chamblee Nancy J Pennington Mary Finkelstein Sidney J Susquehanna Int L Group Semanik Mary F Charen Jerome M Perezcerezo Cirilo Fox Chase Medical Ctr Radilology Susquehanna Intl Grp Service Direct Group Llc Cheston Morris Est Peterson Benjamin Freedman Susan H Susquehanna Investment Group Shaffnerhenry Jacuelyn Chewy Chums Inc Plunkett Danielle A Freedom Ardmore Lp Susquehanna Securities Sharer Cyrus J Clearkin Ashley Clearkin B Pratley Thomas Furth Emma Elizabeth Tait Lorne C Est Sheronas Steven Collins Daniel J Quest Diagnostics Inc Garg Ajay Takeuchi Toru Shire Pharmaceutical Commercial Berkadia Rapine Molly A George Joyce L Thompson Ahmir K Shire Us Holdings Llc Concannon William J Rappgaines Leslie J Gillin Mary Mrs Tokio Marine North America Slate Sarah Connors William P Reed Howard Est Gjeka Armand Trivedi Bhairav S Slattery Frank P Jr Costello Tonya L Reeves Thomas C Global Harness Systems United National Group Smith Brenda D Agostino Phil Disc Cpt Reidanderson Phyllis Goerlich Tammy Walker Franklyn Sokolova Galina Daniel Kelley Et Riolo Jennifer Goetz Mary Wallace Robert Sowden Jeanine D Deaon Caligari Roger Ann Golan Power Inc Wbeb Fm Spellman William H Delconstruction Co Romano Jeanne C Gottehrer Anne Carlin Weinberger M D Tal E Spieler Julia Dempster Ruth M Rozek Roman Gottlieb Daniel Winds Holdings Llc Storage Partners of Waterbury Deric Claire B Ruffhouse Records Ruffoy Greater North Commercial Clea Wireless Infrastructure Part Storeroom Solutions Dhole Tiffany N, Raa M Sah Jinhee Greater Philadelphia Radio Wombough Ashley Stuiver Gerda R, Elko Dickman Toby L Scheid William Greenbaum Shirley, Jacob Yaskin Joseph C Sukovich William MD Diegel Robert L Scottodicesar Giuseppina Haitz Martin A Zuber Avraham Sundaram Ganesh Dimaria Frank M Semen Tanya Hamilton Lane Advisors Sungard Ar Financing Dimitri Craig Shon Chang Hampton Inn 19 Sutton Deanna Doan Hanhnhon MD Signature Financial Service Harris Kevin Adetimehin Adekunle D Swedbank Robur Ab Ellington Joruetta, Jelani Sirot Frederic Harrison Windsor Co Ahuja Mohan Syed Fazaluddin Naeem Elvidge N Barry Skeans Donald W Haskell ffice Llc Allied Steel Industries Tantalo Angelo End David Slater Amy Herslovitz Tonya Anna Daly Tapper Danielle Evanshunger Deborah E Smith August Hirsch Hirsch Anna M Breslin Est Taylor David J Fadelsak Thomas F, Marci Soto Ines Hirsch Kenneth Arbeter Fraida The Logoworks Fekrat Roshanak Springhouse Corp Hodges Kellyn W Armon Louis Thornton Ruth E Ferro Mary Steinman Daniel Hoffman ruce Asplundh Susan L Toa Lititz Fishbone Brian Stewart James M Jr Hurtubise Vincent Astillero Ambrocio R Jr Tooties Brasserie Llc Fleisher Cary Strehl Gene Ickes Olivia Audi of Huntingdon Valley Traditions of America Flores Christina Strosnyder Michelle R Imx Medical Management Ser Austin Nicole D

JEWISHEXPONENT.COM JEWISH EXPONENT JUNE 17, 2021 31 Baker Camille M Parisi Josephine E Shahmirzadi Robabeh Akbari Barbin Harry C Esq O Shea Robert Bala Electric Corp Parker Alice F Smith Dorothy H Binns Sarah P H, Sarah Ph Obrien Charles P Baratashvili Vakhtang Patel Chimanbhai A Stears Mary B, Kate Blackbarn Lois A Oconnor Gertrude Bendel Carla Pelosi Barbara A Templer Suzanne, David Blank Philip J Fbo, Carol B Ohanlon Elizabeth Berenholz Paula S Petlakh Rita Thek Karen Blofstein Sara K Ohene George A Bishop Mcdevitt Ice Hockey Club Pfaehler Herman F Vecchia Concetta Della Bloom Frederick R Orchard Counseling and Education Bogen Communications Piliero Charles F Watts Robin R Bockius John Orozco Jeannette R Bortner Brian Professional Abstrac Wise Anne Est Booth Stephen Paul Pearl Bott Albert Prous Science Inc Wissahickon Class of Bork June Peralta Phyllis R Breslin Barry T Prout Frederick C Yeager Marianna F Bowden John J Jr Perez Ron B Bright Services Llc Purvis Robyn Yu Tsaikuo Bozzi Jane T Joseph R, Lynne M Butz Charles Rcr Electric Inc Rhoads Metal Brennan Jennifer Pinkowitz Charlotte Candy Cottage Co Inc Redeemer Village 19 1 Brown Todd Pittman Steven Carlettini Rose M Regan Jurate 0 Gordon Drive Assoc Brunner Paul D Pottshozlock Mary Cervera Yazmin Regional Medical Transport Altman Carole B Carapellotti Laura Pucci Richard R, Marie E Ciabattoni Jos Reichelt Randall Altman Robert H Catalano Francesco yun Alexander S Cipressi Anastasia Rhoadspeppel Nicole Est Alumni and Parent Relations Cem Paper Enterprise Inc Reynolds Dean Witter Cohen Bruce A Richard H Kaplan MD Auch Kyle James, Francis Charney Stuart Carl, Sarah C Rezendez Betty Lou Contract Pharmacy Services Roberts Margaret Augustyn Joanna Chavous Robert J Jr Ristan Consulting Llc Das Shivani C Rodriguez Carlos Bagan Tania Connolly Thomas Roberts David Dettinger Dorothy E Rogowski Patricia M Bank of Pennsylvania Isaoa Corn Selma Roller Catherine Dinatale John Rom Tirzah Benston Kimberly Cosenza John Rosen Alan Est Dirscherl Dorothy Roman Gary Berkley Station Corp Costello Matthew Rossmann Hurt Hoffman Dishchuk Oleksandr Dishchuk O Romans Deope Inc Berkshire Hathaway Home Serv Cruz Martin Royal Family Emergency Serv Dorothy Pfaehler Est Rosenfeld Annatte Boland Aileen Daley David Sarshik Stuart A, Milton Dye Erin Rp Supply Company Bond Edward H Deactivated Do Not Touch Morpheus Scheer Norriene E Ehmco Inc Rudolph Martin Bruder Maripeg Defrates James A Schorsch Hannah K Ehrlich Philip Safeware Inc Buck Caroline A Dershowitz Company Scully Co Eisner Shelby S Saidu Sheku Carp Rhoda Est Dynamis Therapeutics Inc Segal James Ellis Jonathan, Jennifer Sant Properties Inc Commonwealth Surety Edelman Meyer Setlak Mary K Empire Ambulance Sargent Stephanie Connor Nina S Elliott Maurice Shantaba Inc Eneanya Dennis I Schardinger Ryan Matthew Cramer Catherine C Ely Jay Sheppard Darlene Everything Optical Shah Gunvantlal Davison John H Estate of Mary L Stoltz Shor Levine & Derita Feng Jin An Shteinberg Nick Day Diana Eyre Katherine L Siegel Melissa Fichera Mary R Sky Medical Transport Elyse Hope Style Llc Faunce Kaitlyn Smith Kenneth Rev Fleck Paul Small Lawrence Engelken Joseph H Ford Martha D Soloff auline C French Mort Society Hill Restoration Farrar Curtis Gallagher Theresa A Spector Christine Galas Ali Sokhieva Aida Finkel Maxwell Galman Stonebridge Lp 20 Spink Marsh, Helyn Garcia Susan M, Robert Spector Shirley Fitzgerald Edward Gastrointestinal Associates Stevens Joseph G Gaynor Helen Stanley Virginia M Garcia Neis Josefina Gerstel Elizabeth Stith Carlton Gelman Ariel B Stephen I B Girard Bank Tr Goodman Edward J Life Inc Tr Stoltz Mary Goldfarb Marina Tacca Anthony Goodman Mary E Goodman Properties Summers Stephanie Goldman Jonathan S Taormina Michael Haas Phyllis Goss Elizabeth A Tanenbaum Jean Est Goldstein Roberta Ziv Terrizzi John G Jr I Stewart Hayward Graham Jannie Est Terra Nova Landscape Design Graham Leone A Timmins Theresa C Jackson Hannah A Grayling Corporation The Galman Group Green Heating Cooling & Electric Todays Furniture 20 6 Jdan Llc Green Albert M Thomas Kevin G Gross Samantha Toll Pa X Lp Krauss Erle F Greenberg Dorothy Thomas Natalie Hamburg Valora, Wayne Tsiadis Katherine M Kruszewski Steven Gregory Lester Torreti Morgan Maryellen Hansberry Lillian A, Mark E Tuw of Catherine M Roller Lancaster Carol Jane Est Guttmann Marlane C Tri State Imaging Partners Hensley Carole A Ag Udis Edward L Ledley MD Gary Haines Samuel G Tri State Imaging Pr Inc Hill Margaret G Wayne Pharmacy Lexus ilke Hamilton Carole Trustees B Paul Model Distributors Hope Hazel E, Henry Weiskel Jessie Lichtman Abraham Holy Redeemer Health U S Security Associates Inc Hornung Ins Srvcs Llc Wille John Mahoney Construction Co Holy Redeemer Hlth System US Security Associates Inc Horowitz Glenn Williams Ron Mahung Cedric Holy Redeemer Hospital Med C Van Buren W Jr Horwitz Betty Est Willowgrove Camp Main Line Thrpy Solutions Holy Redeemer Medical Messaging Visun International Marketing Ent Houser Amy E Xu Binbin Mangione Jerre Homer William Wallach Irving A Immunicon Y & S Pharmacy Mccomas Andrew Hozlock David Walsh Gregory Innoviant Pharmacy Yarmark Scott, Shawn Mcmahon Kathryn Kristine Incentive Plan Consultants Inc West Philly Chi J T Ritchie DC Yoon Jung Miles Muriel M Independence Fire Department Wieckowski Wanda P Jikia Nino Zayas David E Murphy James Initiative Media William Penn Professional Building Jrma Inc Ziv Roberta Myldred G Hayward Family Lp Ishak Mina Williams Stephen Kaczmarczik Helen O’dwyer Peter Jackson Robert L Wilsons Outlet II Inc Kaminsky Howard S, Nathan 19 25 Pons Sebastia Jal Associates Wirtshafter Adam Kapustin Brenda A Mark Inc Prentice G Rhett Jenkintown Business Gra Wise Stanley A III Katinger Scott D American Realty Capital Pritchard Anne L Julius Levin DDS Assoc Yan Shuqing Kaufman Benjamin Est Ascensus Ramachandran Shyam Karnick John Husban, Helen Zac Capital Partnersn Gsm Kim Ae J Auriello Jennie Reardon Thomas L Keenan Cohen Howard P C Zaki Mike Kim Jieun Bounds Omar Riffenurgh Kelley Keller Jesse R Kratt Mary C Breder Donald Roberts Daniel D Kelly Linda J 19 Kuchinos Matthew Brenner Samuel Rogers Caroline Buck Kluver Sandra Allen Philip Kusner Victor M Est Brog Marc Saam Byrum F Jr Kominsky Ryan Berman Thomas A Lannutti Edward D Campbell Co Safety Care Inc Kostrow Joy Block Enterprises Corp Leftwich Claude H Campbell Harvey L Saxys Haerford Kotasenski Colleen A Blumenthal Robert Lerman Rita Chisar Victoria Saxena Mamta Kovats Andrew Bruck Jamie L Lichtman Harold Chou Wenting Scheuritzel Lois Kramer Richard A Camilo Juan J Limm Yongsook, Sungtak Copper Fara M Slipakoff Jerald Lam Sofia Che Senior Care Therapy Service Limm Yong Sook Cortez Evelyn Smarr Rose Ann Levin Sathya Depasquale Maria A Lina Lp Cram Lorimer Snyder Howard M III Levitt William Doher Francis Est Lipetz Brett David Overton Ira Sparks Henry G Est Little Christina Dunlap Joseph Est Little Twinkle Boutique Erickson Michael Stevenson Margaret R Lucas Michael Ellen Yehuda A Fbo Lower Moreland Township Fct Hospice Llc Sweet Mary K Lyons Lawrence Ely Clinton N Manley Lera Gotfryd Shirley Tablak D Andes M Bloch D Espaillat Ramon Manon Manne Carly A Hildwine Grace A Est Thomas Harry L M&M Financial Services Fay Steven Margin Free Variety Store Irrevocable Agreement Trust Tsm Inc Macias Nellie, Jesse Feith Daniel Margolis Jan Johnson Fred D Veith Shelagh E Malmaud Beatrice Y Ferdinand Francis D Mathew Manoj Kim Hyun Williamsshannon Denise Maniscalco Joseph Est Fishbein Uat Tr Michael D, Michael D Mckeone Joanne M Kim Seunghai Wilson Robert Other Martin Bernadette A Ttee Mckim Kyle Kniaz David Wylie Brooksley Martin Micahel J Frager Ye Meridican Inc Leenkoff Jay , Ae Martino A A Galetta Steven Miller Jules A Leung Hunglin Lotus Martino Raymond P Gao Junxiang Mohiuddin Manzoor, Zaid Lichtenfeld Kurt 19 Mcgettigan Joseph Glickman Chava L Moore Jeffrey Low Sui Fun Y A M Asaraf Cpa Pc Mchugh Thomas Goldschmidt Dov Murao Camille Lunde Judith E Abdelghany Omar Mckeever Peter James Granieri John Naboka Sergey Martin Barbara Abdelmala Remon Mckenna Patrick, Dana Halprin Daniel Nihill Joseph G, Rose J Mikalaski Daniel W Alexander Richard, en Meadowbrook Neurology Hilibrand Alan Nosal John Mudasir Norman Alexander Diane Carol Mednick Mezyk & Kredo Hoeland Charlotte E Oconnell Brenda G Panczner David E American Realty Capital Retail Miller Chareles F Hofman Walter Omeara Michael Paul E & Cheryl Wilkes Scherbner Ar Global Montgomery Regional Realty Holy Redeemer Health System Omelchenko Holly L Penn Wynn Inc Arnold Barbara Morgan George Hughes Paris D II P O Gold Coin and Jewellery Pennella Brian Michael Ayer Ida Murray Sarah Kinderman John Tr agis Alex Prudential Financial Baer Michael F Son National Comprehensive Cance L D Party Pajollari Defrim Rcs Capital Corp Ref Bailie Mary L Neuger Roy A Lam Harriet B Palatnik Nik Rodrigues Alan R anfield Niloa Alexandra Lesch Stephen Paretchan Michael Sansom Associates arara F Jones-Dais Ira Noone James F Lotus Clinics

32 JUNE 17, 2021 JEWISH EXPONENT JEWISHEXPONENT.COM Maltz David Rosin Mark L Mlh Lankenau Hospital Fidelity National Title T Moses B Malz Martin Rosin Sandra R Moshal Fiona Ford Rhena L Tall Dorothy M Marc Altshuler MD Royal Bank Amer New Stonecrest Associates Fox Chase Td Ins Inc Mcconnell Thomas Sall Aliza L Nh Thieu MD Fox Rothschild Llp Teitelman Carl D Mcvail William Sall Susie Nie Zhiping Fp Willow Ridge Assoc Terry Shannon L Morrison Ralph Salon Escort Ning Lyu Frank Ashleigh Trident Land Transfer Co Okrent Howard F Schwartz Darren Pavel Grinfeld Fritz Jesse R Tumolo Daniel John, Jo Anne Quinn Robert M Segal Michael M Perez Nina I Gavanus Mary M Unipower Sacks Barry L Selarnick Haley hoenix Rehailitation Gerberg Mary L Unisys Corp Blue Bell Sall Ellen R Silverstein June Pommells Latrisse L Gertrude Hankin Non xempt United Healthcare Saner Suzan Stewart Cheryl Pratzon David Gibbons Mary S Miss Wasserman David M Saunders Gloria W Stone Carl Heinz S Prokop Weislaw Giovannone Family Trust Weiner Austyn Schmitz Kathryn Subramaniankhurana Divya Quan Xiaoqing Goldberg Stuart Willoughby Elizabeth Shapp Richard A Summers Jane T Est Richards George Grant William Yaghooty Albert Shollenberger John L Timothy Lord Builders Riley Nvart Greenberg Margie Young Adjustment Co Rdm Spiegel Uriel Tumarkin Antonie T Rome Zachary Greenberg Sara Yusem S G Stern David M, Janet U T D 0 2 Irrevocable Deed Romm Kimberly Guest Lindsey Zamarin Daniel Tuttleman S Unger Barry I Rubin Howard Hawtin Melissa L Zhang Weishun Weisman Barbara Upper Darby Mennonite Fellowship Rubins Nir E, Osnat Hessler Enterprises Inc Young Delveta C Voci Anthony J Rudisill Faith Hirsch Richard M 19 Ware Christopher J Sach Walter S Holland Edward C Adams Shawn 19 2 Williams Adolphus J Sachs Wendy Hub International Northeast Afc Philadelphia 20 Montgomery Assoc Wolf David W Samuel Jeannie R Hub International Pennsy Alloway Peter Andrew Adelman Loren Zimmelman Peter Dissin S Saviour Shirley Hub Intl Northeast Alminhaj Magazine Anish G R Potty Scoles Paul Hwang Soo Jin Anders Erma L Antar Elie 19 9 Selimis Tina Incentive Systems Inc Anderson Theresa Arrowroot Natural Foods 26 South th Street Serota Ronald D Ippolito Gregory Ailes Alexander Arthur H Decker Residuary Tr Alade Ekunola Shuster Lisa Jackson Muriel B Babariya Sagar Asnis Theodore Aoki Chikashi Singh Karpan Jeffrey M Factor Cpa Bach Elizabeth Axilund Jaco H Astrowsky Barry Slutsky Elaine G Est Jimenez Luis Bailey Charles Bardsley Clymer Ban Shuang Smith Medicine Pc John S illiamson x Barilla Megan Berke Leonard M, Jennifer ecker infield A st Snyder Louise B Johnson and Johnson Barwell Jessica Bermon Edwin M Bell Samuael Soiferman Erik Johnson Dennis J Baumkratz Joseph P Biberman Lucien M, Eva K Beller Barbara, Joseph Squires Kathleen E Kim Jinyong Bellum Sairam Bloom Andrew Berger Lori Stapleton Larrick Kim Soo Belsterling B Est Bonanno Rosario J, Anna K Boorse Rosemarie Sullivan Susan Knotts Deborah Bendiksen Hilde A Wife, Einar Breznicky Charles R Brunswick Joan Sydenham Court Assoc Korman Bradley J Bennett H Malcolm Burock Marc Byrnedugan Kathy Tariq Corp Lawrence Ann Bereschak Jean K Carmines Creole Act II Camana Debbie F Thomas Helen Lawrence Ken Bergman Charlotte M Carville James Camitta Miriam Tilney Lewis G Lee Hankyu Bergmann Charlotte M Central City Steel Inc Cander Geraldine Turner Seth Lee Yueh Lin Biscoe Kristine Chew Thelma Casmirri Crystal E Ups Store Levy Ellen Bock Felicia Ciganotto Andrea Charles C Nenner Insurance Villarin L A Jr Lewis James Bombay Kitchen Cohen Harry Choi Insook Wanner Christopher Li Chao Bonekemper Charlene, Arthur Cohen Terri S Clancylewis Amy L Warren Jane T Lusska John E Brechtel John J Cohen Theodore B MD Est Clark Alexandra Watford Outlet Lynch Mildred Breish Joseph Dantonio Joseph MD Cnaan Ram Weinberg Nicola Mary L Murray Est Bremkumar V Davis Sander Cohen Andrew J Weiss Donald Mayo Seitz Media Inc Brettschneider Helen C Mother, Elizabeth Decker Helen K, Jerilyn Cohen Warren M Weiss Leslie Mayoseitz Media Brewer William C Dettorre Michael Cohn Esther William Hopkins Meemo Llc Bridge to Healing Foundation Diaz Christine L Connelly Phillip J Wolfson Howard D Mega Power World Llc Bright Courtney Doctors xpress Conservest Capital Adviso Wolk David A Michael P Rowan Attorney Brinker Lydia J Duffy Mary T Trust, James Cubberley Walter A Yang Daihe Milanesi Ermelinda F, Linsa rown Maryann T, Jeffrey D Dunleavy Timothy Cucinotti Salvatore F, Marie Yang Lei Montgomery County Cc rown Geoffrey Fellowship School D & L Business Services Inc Yaron Lauren Moritz John M Cafe Crema Fenkel Stuart Dainis Brian Zhao Chaoyue Mossman Denise Campbell Martha Est Foster Amanda N Davis Nancy D Zupicich Luke Anthony Murray Mary L Canine Advanced Genetic Testing Francis Nicholas Delancy Street Bagel Nance Nicole M Cantera Sandra C Frank Joel G Delaney Jane M, John J 19 22 Nentwig Mary Anne Caramenico Jacqueline R Gallagher Brendan M Delaney Girard M Aetna Attn Grace Faulk Norris Consuello M Carrwhealy Nathan J Gilstrap Tracy A Donald J Corey MD Aetna Ppo Obrien Ann E Carter Katherine Ginsberg David M Dori Yoav Aetna Us Healthcare Obrien Charles A Cavallin Eduardo Giuliano Eric Duan Ligong Alieri Albert Odonnell Linda Chang Tzung Yee Glackin Ann M Eastern Baptist Seminary Ambler Medical Associates Olivares Jorge L Chavda Jaydeepsinh C Glackinreynolds Ann Feaster Paul Aravabhumi Srinivas, Suhasini, Padmaja Della Childs Linda A, Reed F Gordon Bernice B Ford Allan J Atlantic Contractors Assoc Parry Kirk Childway Pediatric Services Granoff Scott Fox Roert, Nancy Avenue 6 Lender Services Personal Service Ins Chiriano George Han David Garrett Sandra Baldassano William Pma Group Cho Dong N Hare Jenifer Gattulli Michael Baron Ada Pma Insurance Group Clayton David R Harris Ann Gracie Thomas K Bartolon Mario Pmac Companies Colbridge Colleen Horie Mayu Greenberg Debbie S Bello Justine Pme Collis Andrea M Jenssen Sigmund G Harrington Eleanor Bernstiel Stewart Pnc Wealth Management Connolly Timothy Jittavittayanukul Sivaporn Harris Bernice Est Biddle Anthony Polson Glyn L Corts Darryl Kang Shin Y Hasslacher Elisabeth Bodine Robert Polsonon Alan M Cunnane Insurance Katz Judith Hildebrand Patricia Bonet Maria S Powell Trachtman Logan Carrie Czysz Greg Katz Rachael L Hillerson Lee rands Fox R Price Martha Dalonzo Alyssa Kirschner Andrew S Home Services Inc Bravo Foundation Privitera Anita Dancer Ernest E Krause Slyvie S Howards Pharmacy Britton Janalee Program Brokerage Corp Daveler Catherine E Lanard Benjamin Infinity Computer Solutions Brouse Danielle J Ugma Prosource Corp Davies Douglas Larry R Kaiser Family Trust Jacobson Eric Brown Daniel T Purcell Linda B Deitch Jeffrey Leepark Sun Young Jacovelli Bernard R Est Bryant Jason Rapp Ada Cust Delisser Lawton O Lenet Dinah Jennings Keith S Buckly Amr El Redondoalonso M M Dermatology Cosmetic Lippincott Llc Jeong Sangyun Bui Dat Rickard Jessica J Desantis Colleen M Lofton Harris H Jiang Yuqing Burton Valerie Ridgewood Partnership Detweiler James, Donna Main Line Surgery Center Karasik Andrew M, Daniel Byrne Burchard V Jr Rivera Ivette Detweiler Lucille Margart Charles Breznicky Kessler Pnina Byrneshowe Mindy Rodgers Patricia A, John A Dion Gabrielle M Mary T Duffy Trust Kirwan Katherine R Cannon Group Ross Edward Eugene Do James S Mccoy Harold Kleinmann Anat, Nir Cantamgkio Mary Rutledge Kelly Donaghy Brian Mcguire Francis X Klinghoffer Leonard J Cardamone Michael W Ryan Kimberly Donnelly Christine Montgomery Early Learning Koehler Sabrina Catagnus Joseph Est, Joseph J Saltzman Ian Dougherty Eileen R Murphy Mildred Korfmann Roger S Certainteed Corporation Sanchecordero Delfino G Douglas High Class of 6 Nuc Llc Kuruvilla Stan S Charlton Jane B Sawicki Maureen E Douglas I Zeiders Jac nly onafide Llc Lankenau Hospital Chitturi Ravindra Schade F Tucker Dublin Jewelers Park Jin H Lankenau Medical Ctr Clariant Corporation Schwarcz Harriet B MD Duda Amy M earl Alex Larussa Nickole M Countryschultz Danielle Shertz Michael Dugan Robert Perez Michael Lavner Justin Covered Bridge Capit Shinn Kevin Dvorchak Stephen John Potty Anish G Li Tong Cub Scout Pack 422 Skanska Co Dw Group Inc Pupo Sue Luce Jane C Dilanzo Albert Skrip Brian Elena Roma Quasha David Madden Patrick, Thomas Diventures Sleeth Jeannine S, Timothy M Elliott Edward H Raftery John Manson Florence N Duchesneau Randall III Smileyrogatz Laura Erbe William M, Lois M Rand Melissa Mccarthy Elizabeth D Dylan Bob Smith Rebar Evans William, Lan Renaud Edward Henry Jr Mccue Charles J III Esposito George, Sally Srinivas A Bhumi MD Evans Joan Robbins Thomas Mirow Edwin F Mehr M Strayer Stacey Evidence for Health Org Rosen David M Mirow Edwin Tr Dtd Fairman Fred W Jr Est Sufian Sureya Fail Robert

JEWISHEXPONENT.COM JEWISH EXPONENT JUNE 17, 2021 33 Farley Caroline Msd 0 04 Dock Woods Community Valerio Kassandra Jhang Jason Inha, Sunwoo American Petroleum Tankers Feerrar Heather M Muffet Inc t a Morrones Vandenplas Kevin J Johnson and Johnson Serv Appel Robert Ferraguti Frances Muth Erin D Varma Satyakameswari, Gopimanohar Jones Donna M Arcticzymes As Fetter Lisa Ann Naber Oksana B, Peter R Velasquezvasquez David Nehemias Joseph Ruth S Armillei Mary Z Fieldsstraw Marilyn Est Nagabhushana Gubbi S Venetz Steven Kajov Austin Joseph C Fleck Terri Nagatsuna Yuri Walker Cordelia Kalariya Arvindkumar V, Varsha A Avenue 6 Lender Services Flipping Charles Naylor Elinor Est Walther Patricia Lynn Kiefaber James M Sr, Annamarie enoff Marc Fmc Technologies Inc Nichols Steve Walton David Child, Wesley B Jr Kim Dae ig ox roperty wner F Llc Foster Theresa M Nicholsw Sean Ward Christine Y, Charles B King Est M Blaskow Maria Franco Mario Niebuhr Laura Warwick Allison King Florence M Bomjan Rojan Fry Elwood Nieman Paul Weber Richard Klessel Jodi S Bono William Gallo Florence Nilsen Katherine D Wei Lifan Kobrenko Dimitry Bowers Bryan S Garcia Ines Nolan Robert F Wenhold Marie Kowalski Robert A Breen Anne M Est Genuardi Christopher North Penn Hospital Wetherill David W Jr, Deborah Kriema John M Est Brewick Anna Marie Giardina Philip F North Penn Transfer Inc Whigham Patricia Krishnan Jaya Brightview Landscapes Ginley Daniel L Nurse Thomas W Wile Leora Kulkarni Neeta Prakash Broyles Aaron Golden Eagle Foods Olds Doriel A Wilkins Karel Lee Justin Burke Richard Gray Lauren A n Stage ff Inc Wisniewski Michael J Lee Young K Butcher George R Griffith Harry st Owad Adam G Woods Shan Liegel Maryann T Byrd Raford Jr Griggs Richard M Patton Shirley E, Anna Wooldridge Corrine R Lowmaster Hailey E, Lauren A Byrne John Grosshans Sumiko Perez Oralia u Ruixue Lpl Financial Services C R B Consulting Engineers Guascoquinche Luis Felipe Perspective Consulting Yang Hee S M Verrillo A Carr Eisenman Hillary Gwynedd Square Elementary School Pervin Nazma Yin Lucille Maleski Susan Carracappa Elizabeth S, Joseph J Hagen Casey M Phan Hang Young6 Carpet Cleaning Malski Fallyn Carrier Bss Hall Rosa Phatsadavong Noy Zappitelli Anthony Manam Veda Casaletto Nadine Han Sunghi Phaze One Enterprises Matyi Mark Cbiz Eao Harnish Loretta M Phillips Meta T Maydavidson Louise M Cgs Family Partnership Inc Harris Clarence Powell Debra 19 5 Mccomas Linda Chelsea Topco Limited Hartman Ian Poyser Stephen Achieving Better Control Mceldrew Deborah Ann, James J College Aid Pros Inc Hartman Thomas E Est Protonmedia Llc Adee Sean M Mcgough Shannon L Conill Alicia M Est Hartzell Mary L Qureshi Mohammad N Alane Inc Mcgraw Beth Constable Annabelle Head Melissa Louise Rahman MD Alfonzo Karelys R Mcgregor Terry Continental Bank Hellings Herbert Rankine Sabrina Alicandro Sandra L Mckeehen Joseph M Creighan Therese Marie Henry Jn Robert Raudenbush Jason Altomare Melanie R, Brenda P Mckissick John D Crf Inc Highley Frank Reed Christine Apple Family Denistry Pc Meadows Development Corp Danella Holding Companies Hossain Dulal E Reid Jessica Arshad Morgan Meehan Mary Beth Dararouksa Saipin Huber Edward Jr Rhoads Fannie Arterbury Charles Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp Delligatti Diana F Hummelstown General Authority Rhodes Cindy Bara Construction Inc Microdose Therapeutx Devine Kenneth Hussain Syed Rice Dana Barracano Ralph Min Hyun K Dtel Llc 22 Ingersoll Mark Richards James C Bathini Venugopal Momtahen Ariana Duffey Daniel Islam Sm Samiul Riordan John David Beck Glenn Montgomery Management Dugan Joan J Mcnally T Rite Aid Pharmacy Bernadette Quigley Moore Erin East Kenny Jacobs Zachary D Roguls Edward B Bickel E Lynnette Morris Jamie Eba Jacques Phoebe J, Robert Rohlfing eth A Blanchard Christopher Murdoch Christina Emergency Care Research Jewettjones Romona Roma Elena V Brokers Choice Inc Muredda Louis J Entenman Jeanne Jiang You Roque Wilfredo Butler Joseph North Wales Hand Rehab xeter Caot Lp Jin Jing Rothenberger Lawrence K Capstone Insurance Group ertthorn Jeffrey xeter Florida I Llc Jinks Charlotte Ryan Daniel A Carp Dental Associates Overton Scott Ent Fazio Nicolo Johnston Lisa Salemno Peter M Carter George M Palopol Anne Marie First Niagara Bank Johnston Scott W Sanchez Eulalia T Cho Byyoung Pattersoncracknell Dylan Fluegge Carol A Jones Ethel Est Sandor Tahlia R Cianci Nicholas J Pentz Kimberly Forell Adeline Mills Jones Jeanette M Sapovits Phil A Ciemniecki Edward J, Amy D Petrillo Jr Bruno Franklin Cleaning Equip Kahn Howard Sarvas Dorothy Cressman Thomas W Sr Pitrus Bartosz J Fusaro Linda A Kaliszewski Ryan L Saugling William H Cushingdoherty Mary Pwc Garman Hannah C Keator Warren Scerati Chris Custom enefit lans Qas Marketing Group Garner Ron Kelley Ryan J Schemm Carolyn M D Houser D Quick Michael Gil Patricia Miranda Kelly D Scott Schleppy Kenneth R Dansby Christopher Radcliff Carlyn Guitar Center 2 Kelly James J Schneider David M De Paritosh K Rajeshkumar Lakshmi Priya Hangey Matthew Khan Mahabubur R Scholl Mary Demoinerie Julien Ramdeen Samuel Harper Nancy L King Barry Schorr Deena Derichemond Jeannine R Reimers Richard Wayne Henkels And Mccoy Kinggates Diana J Schularick Willard James Di Torro Ronald J Robert C Shepherd Pau Hunt Jeffrey R Knoblach Sandra M Schwille Stephen G Dobson James Ryan Gregory Hurtadogomez Dominga H Kolecki Robert V Shah Milin Donkonics Alexandra R Sandor Anthony R, Anthony International Shared Serv Koppany Maria Est Sheehan Jessica Doolittle Corey Satyanarayan Anita Intervention Associates Kosov Maksim Sheehy Cynthia M Dorsey Steven W, Thelma Scattone Joseph Jf Hillebrand Usa Inc Lanzilotta Louis J Jr Shirinian Ana Douglas Joel Schenk Michael J Est Johnson Lamar T Lee Hyesoon Shirley E Patton Est Driggs Katherine Scott R Gordon Gab Jordan Barbara Lentz Margaret Est Shukla Avinash Edith Gardner Seeley Braden Karam Charbel Leschinsky Marim Singh Sunny Ellis Suzanne Seyoum Hamere Kcc River Crest Fund Lewis Kelly Smith Amy K Embassy Roller Skating Ctr Sheinman Debbie A Kencrest Li Hung H Smithlombard Eugenia Erkes David J Shetty Rishabh Kencrest Services Litman Marie A Smyser Harry E, Linda M Esposito Sandra L Shin Angelo Kennerly Craig T Lmg Family Practice Snyter Tiffany L Fahy Patricia Shortall Thomas Keyser Jeff Lopiccolo Antonio Somerville Wallace Ferrara Mary E Simons Steven King uffet lymouth Meeting Ly Tony P Soto Jenny Fifer Jason Solomon Associates Korman Communities Mack Thomas Souder Ambrose Folgia Gregory T Song Keyyong Andrew Jonathan H Madonna Amanda Sp Club II Llc Forbes Tonya S Spinelli Deanna Lamb Ryan Richard Maguire Philip Est Spathis Gerasimos Frances Chadwick Ira Splendido Joseph A Laraio Joanne M xec Mallette Laura Sprague Bette C Freer Christopher M Story Michael Leon Lordes R Maniruzzaman MD St Mary Center for Rehab Freitas Lawrence Tanvir Fraz Lloyd Franks Agency Inc Marinucci Janice Stern Bernice Funk G Keith Sr Tassakis Christina Lynch Richard B Mark W Tomlinson Kei Stern Stephen Gabel Gordon A Teva Canada Magargal Michael Marsden Thelma Stoler Alex Garcia Gwen Teva Neuroscience Marchese Michael R Mason Joseph Stroup Marjorie R Garciasantiago Astrid Teva Parenteral Medicines Marcy David Mattson Jennifer Stubb Louis R Genesis Micro Solutions Teva Pharmaceuticals Martin Michael May Kenneth Swint Shareff Gloviak Joseph, Beth Torres Anibal Mcfarland Cascade Pole and Lumber Mazumder Parveen Szeles Tammi Gordon A Gabel Rev Liv Tr Triumph Aerostructur Mcgarry Gerald Mcclain Kelle J Tammi Nawrocki Gowebbaby Llc Two Twenty Apparel Mcgrorty Brian J Cust, Chloe R Mcdevitt Jacob Tarves Marilyn Grant Christine Uzzle Nettie Meridia Audience Response Mcdonald Susan A, Gerard Tate Earl Greenbriar Ob Gyn P C Vandegrift Virginia Meridian Bank Isaoaatima Mckinney John T Temilola Dada Oluwaseyi Greenhalgh Margaret M Vuletic Philip M Mosier Development Llc Mcmasters Thomas A Thompson Diane Est Guerin Kathy Dawson West Donna M Nathanson Medelaine PhD Mcmullin Joan E Thomsen Janine Gwyned Manufacturing Meregd Withers Robert L National Coordinating Committe Mcnaul Jason P Tol Vannak Han Chae K Wong Andrew New Penn Fiancial Llc Megonigal Linda, Jack Tooley Susan Hanson Sebastian Wong David New Penn Financial Mendez Roberto Touey Charles Harrington Jessica M Xu Gang Newrez Llc Messaoudene Adelhafid Treadway Constance Harris Frederich Nolan Nancyjo C Michael Gwyn L Trigg John Hartman Sylvia M Norm N Berries Milli Christina Tyco Health Seniors 19 2 Olmedokrawiec Jazmin Minuteman Press of Lansdale Tyson Ralph Robert, Eleanor H Higgins William P Abstract Company Orsini Taylor Monroe Harry A U Save Auto Rental Lans Huck Christopher Acciavatti Thomas J Pagliaro Grace Morgan Jacob Univest Insurance Inc Icon Clinical Research Adam Pagliaro Pak Chul, Won Morgan Robert Urso Sarah Inverso Donato A American Health Corporation Patrick J Mccloskey Ann Moyer Todd Uti United States Inc Isaacs Neville American Lung Association Pavill Nick

34 JUNE 17, 2021 JEWISH EXPONENT JEWISHEXPONENT.COM Peco Energy Company Phila Becker Becker Donley Mary C Heer Isael C Ligo N L Pletcher Robert Becker Chris Donnelly Patricia Heindel Joseph Lilly Michael Plymouth Community Ambulance eneficial Saings ank Dorchester Owners Assoc Herman Frances Lipinski Margaret O Plymouth Valley Baptist Church Benesch Katherine Dougherty Mary K Hero Scholarship Fund Chartiable Lobel Arthur M Posluszny Joan Bergdorf Goodman Doung Hung Herrin Melvin 2 2 fbo Dena Logan Circle Partners Hy Rehabilitation Planning Inc Berry Lyndsey M Dreher Leather Mfg Corp Heyden David, Renee Love Charlotte Research Pharmaceutical S Bhc Securities Drinker Biddle & Reath Hnva Associates Llc Lu Yiling Rossiter Michael A Bhc Securities Inc Drinker Biddle Reath Hospitality Resources Assoc Luek & Lymph Society Sanders Joseph Binary Traders Inc Liquidating Trust Drljo Anne Hotel Palomar Philadelphia Lundy Law Saraga Rachel Biyombo Sumba Bismack Duatne Morris Llp Howard Fred Est Lyles Vernell Schaeffer James Blackford William Duff and helps Llc Huang Sichen Lynn Christopher Schwenger Thomas Blady John V Est Dunne Ryan P Huntington and Franklin Lyons Casey Shk Management Incn Ccda Mac Blaine Gayley Dupont Nutrition Usa Ibrahim Sanford Mabrey Caitlin R Sigall David M Blank Rome Duran Diego F Ichikawa Shoichi Macchia Irene Sm Hampton Inn Plymouth Blatthasen Miller Leibsker & Moore Ecog Research and Education Idp Education Llc Macquarie Holding Usa Snyder Ted D Bleiler Justin Elhoury Hassan Iit Hagerstwn Ind Ln DC Madway Brynne Spann Meredith Boconcept of Philade Elizabeth Weese Iit Keystone Industrial Park Magan Rahul B Stus Felix Born Kyle Energy Transfer Ikon ffice Solutions Magaziner Henry J Stull Grace S Brailovsky Yevegenity DO Eselson Karen Imbesi Giovanna C Magic Years Child Ca Sulliman David Brandt Andrea Espallardio Flora Independence Blue Cross Magna Legal Services Surveillance Data Ltd Brandywine Realty Trust Ettinger Robyn B Index Reality Inc Le C Mahmood Mohammad K Target Pharmacy Breakaway Fitness Inc xcess Treaty Mgt Corp Ingersoll Ballard Spahr Maisey Pamela G Tenaglia Nicholas Bresslergroup Inc xecutie Interiors Integrative Chiropractic Center Mann Leah Toppi Kristen Brown Eric xecuties Health Internet Order Llc Manoff Family rtnrshp Treacy Michael J Jr Brown Puanani H Faegre Drinker Biddle Reath Iodice Nicholas M Manotti Peter K Urdang Securities Management Browne Ellen Hyman, Aaron N Fairorth James Irrevocable Trust fbo Adelman Marek Mark Van Natta Margaret E Bucher Emily Faliro House Productions Irrevocable Trust of Joseph L & Market Ins Agency Inc Vector Security Inc Bunch Alvin Farmers & Mechanics Bank Irvin B Fineman Marital Trust Marks Oneill Obrien Doherty Westcor Investor Srv Burke Daniel Fass Evie Isaacs Suzanne Marra Joseph Wetherill Ethel Burkhardt Katherine E Fbo Catherine Wachs Weingarten Issacs Frederick Marshall Whitmore Thomas Burns Ftighe Ferraro Marianne Iyiola Dadda Marx Alison Williamson Margaret Est Burrows Matthew Fineman David A, Marcha J E Limeburner Co Marzouqi Badreya A Wills Brendan Patrick Butcher Heather Finkelstein Adele C Jaffe aul L st Masa & Marie Nakamura Fam Wilson Daniel Thomas Butter Interiors Llc Finkelstein Edith Jain Rupal Matsushita Hiroko Worrell Rene C Dole George M Fiorilli Marissa Jamison Seth Mcbride Ja Zaugg Mimi Caa Anesthesia Srvs Fiserv Correspondent Serv Janney Montgomery Scott Mccall Richard F Cahill Peter G Fiserv Securities Janson Diane Mcculloch Laura H Calpers Fiserve Securities Jiang Jianjun Mcfadden Paul Camacho Richard Fisher Charlotte John C Haas U D fbo Barbara H Mcloughlin Kaitlin Camp David Fitlers Commons Lp Johnson Barbara Mcneil Henry 191 Cao Yue Fitzgerald Clare Johnson Kimya S Mcs Group Inc 2 East Elm Partners Lp Caplan And Ryan Family Trust For Eyes Optical Johnson Leslie Mcvaugh Mary 20 Irrevocable Trust Caroselli Beachler Mctiernan Ford Rebecca Jonathan Wheeler Pc Med Rehab Centers 2 0 Walnut St Developmen Cbd Associates Foreman Nicholas Jones Elinor Medical Guardian Llc 2 st Street Deli Inc Cecil Harris Do Ltd Pension Plan Forer Charles Jones Inez Melon Green Realty 2 6 N Broad Street Assoc Celine Jackson Est Foster Amy W Jones Lillian P Mennuni Alessandro Eleven Inc Centurion Selva Foster Wheeler Biokinetics Jordan Lundy Merce Partners Llc Aabe Philadelphia Chapter Century Fox Rothschild Llp Jose Jeffrey Metzger Theresa, David Abebe Nathanael Ch2m Hill Companies Francis Cauffman Foley Hoffma Jose Maria Mfmng Productions Llc Aberdeen Asset Management Chan Stanley Frank P Ermilio Jr Esq Josefowski John Michaels Stores Inc Abu Ali Azhar Charles Lalusis Est Franklin Robert Kane Lois E Mid America Group In Accounts Payable Checks Charles Weinstein Retiree Ctr Freedman Jeffrey M Kaplan Sara H Miller Catherine M Acp Nopr Chemtob Linda Shapiro Friends of Pat Toomey Kapow Events Miller Coffee Tate Llp Actor Chapter Chen Nongxiao Fuchs Miriam Kapustin Sylvia Miller Michael Adr 0 Walnut Lp Chen Quangbin B Fund Rosewater Katsarelis Angela Millstein Edward W Aecom Technial Services Chen Xing Future Scripts Katz Courtney M Minghui Liu Aecom Usa Inc Cheston M Garces Catering 00 Llc Katzmann Melanie S Mitchell Robert J Aetna Better Health Chik Wai Gary J Silvi Irrevocable Trust Kaye Bonnie Momijan Anderer Llc Agarwal Amor Childrens Health Care Assoc Gatto Megan E Keller Williams Realty Center Montgomery Janney Agarwal Shivani Chinnici Margaret George M C Dole Living Trust Kelsey Preston H, Terry F Moore Elizabeth Ahmad Rabeah Kh Chou Kevin George Martin Esquire Kelsey Preston T, Virginia Rice Moore Susan Jean Ajao A Church Capital Value Trust George Miller Chapter Trust Kendall Philp J Morales Ricardo J Albrecht Nicholas Est Cisva Associates Llc dba Country George Sunil J Kenish Michael Moran Peter K Aldonna K Beene Trust Claiborne Major Giant Steps Picture Framing Keystone Operating Partnership Morgan Lewis & Bockius Alenezi Meshal Clarke Real Estate Dev Gibbons Pc Kiessling Justin Morgan Stanley Allan Domb Real Estate Cmc Industries Inc Gillespie Nathan Kiley Patrick Moulton Aloma Est Almohammedsalim Alaa Abdullah Cohen Michael Ginzburg Vittorio Kilimanjaro Bmw Suzuka Muchnick Jerome B Alpha T Alumni Association Coleman Kathleen Glenmede Corporation Kim Seyong Muir Amanda Alsalah Hamad College of Physicians of Phila Glenmede Trust Company Kim Steve Murphy Irene Incomp Est Alvin Freiberg & Assoc Pc College Opportunity Resources Goh Chae Kleeman Abloeser Digiovanni Murphy Mary A American Air Liquide Holdings Columbus Property Mgmt Goldcup Holdings Inc & Subs Klimenko Alexander Murray Thaw Est American Beacon High Yield Comcast Corp Goldstein Manello Pc Esc Kling Lindquist Partnership Myers Seth Amerihealth Admin Independence Corey Shanna M Goodwin Edward H Jr Kling Vincent G, Nelson P Na Comcast Amerihealth Aso Camden Parking Cost Court R Gordon Bernice Kobayashi Yuko Nakazato Kohei Amin Avi Cozen & Oconnor Gordon Michael Koch Thomas Narula Munish Anastasi Andrea Cozenoconnor Gordon Nancy M Estate Kocher Steven A National Foundation Counseling Anderson John W Credit Trust Under Will Hfyrna Grande at Riverview Condo Kosloski Steven Natl Assoc Clinical Nurse Spec Anderson Stephanie A Critical Construction Services Grass Martin L Kouch Michael Naulty Scaricamazza & Mcdevitt Anna Middleton Tr Culley Joseph D Jr Gray Kyrstin Kovacikova V Neilson B Anne Marie Meade Curalate Griffin Diane S Kovalskimonsonego Danielle H Nelson Louise H Est Apex Media Llc Dacosta Daniel W Grob Erwin Est Kozlik Thomas Nelson Robert C Armstrong Julius V Est Daiya Kavita Grugan Alyssa M Kozlov Herbert F Network Parking Armstrong Monee N Dann Dorfman Herrell Gst xempt Marital Trust Kraus J F Newcombe Andrew L Arnest Ann Davidson Joel, Lev Gst Nonexempt Marital Trust Kroger Company Master Retire Newman Ida Asian acific American ar Davidson Eric A Gullapalli Priya Kukawski Sharon Dunne Newman Iris Auther Jane A Davis Richard Gunnarsson Orvar Kurian Neena Nf Clearing Inc Avado Brands Inc aka Applesouth Davis Silas Guo Jianwei Kushman Paul Nibley Megan Axalta Coating Systems Deasey Mahoney Valentini Gussman Bernard A Labs With a Heart Inc Nicoletti Megan Bagby Shirley P Delaware Management Business Gutierrez Andres Lalusis Charles Nijjar Jugnu B Bahmermann William C Delaware Mgmt Bus Trust Guzman Corina Lam Maloles Llc Norfolk Southern Railway Co Ballard Spahr Llp Delaware Valley Regional Cente H Broadridge As Land Services Usa Inc Norris Square Senior Housing Bamonte Jon P Delgado Monica Haddon House Food Lane Marion R Ntcc Central States Bank Wells Fargo Dellatore Brittany Hager Dee D Leaf Funding Inc Ntcc Trustees Sprint Bar One Deovando Samantha Haggerty Goldberg Schille Learned Kim Ntccafebt Barbosa Rodrigo Desclaies Alexandre Henri Hal Lewis Group Inc Lechusz James Nunes Filipe Dutra Barcombe Investments Desquire Colton Neal Hallinan Phelan Leff Mitchel Obod Barry G Barnes Robert J III Deutsche Bank Trust Han Soyoung Lentz Andrew Oconnor Cozen Barone Thomas DO Dickens Derrick Hanamirian A Arthur Lettieri Frances Odonnell Robert W Barretto Janice Digital Legal Medical Revords Hanson Carlie Leuk &Lymp Society Ogralaigh Colm Thomas Barton Frances J Ditunno Theresa Harbage David Levin Eric Omega Llc Bast Robert L Dolan Patrick D Harkins Cunningham Llp Lewis Robert Omo Abu Alukhegbe Fbo Bbamboo Yogi Dolaway Eric Harkins Kathleen Lewy Phyllis Open Systems Technologies Bcbs Freedom Blue of Phil Dome Messervey Inc Hay Group Inc Li Jingxia Opers Bcd M I Donald A Krain P C Hazam Denis Est Li Yidi Oppenheimer Kenneth R, Wendy

JEWISHEXPONENT.COM JEWISH EXPONENT JUNE 17, 2021 35 Oram Phyllis F Est Segal Stanley B Weber George Ewing Cole Inc Pastel Erika Orca Tv Llc Sellman Jeffrey Wechsler Grace Ruth F X Caprara Dodge Chr Thomas J Oviedo Paola Selma Fisher Weinberg Sara Fasy Margaret Penn Millers Insurance Co xo harma Inc Seltzer Margaret Weinel Cay G Jr Fetisov Ivan Pentec Health Inc Pa Independence Blue Cross Semola Lena Weingart Foundation Finnegan Sharon O Pepi Nicholas Page Susan Septa Claims Weitberg Stephan D Florio Llc Perry Stephanie Panzarella Sue Sgws North America Inc Wellington Links Investment Forman Dianne M Adm Pestronk Matthew A Park Seongchol Shah Siddharth P Wells Fargo Franklin Robert Petrongolo David Parker Winifred M Shellaby Marigny Shapiro White & Williams Friedman Adele Pfpc Trust Company Parker Winnie Shenandoah Studio Llc White and Williams Llp Garcias Jeremy Phila Parking Authority Parks Dequilla Shin Sanghyun White Audrey Garstka Eileen Patel Ravi P Shingai Nina White Williams Llp Gladding Nicholas C Phillips Michael Paul A Rosenblum Est Shiose Akira hitfield Gina N Goldeck Mccafferty Mckeeer Philly By Segway Llc Paul Lourdes Marjorie Shipon David M Wiggind Kathryn Goods Lig Pet Philly Through My Ear Prod Paul Rosalie Shropshire Kenneth Wilkinson Elizabeth P Gorsen Michael Pirollo Nicholas Koutcher Llp Sidney Hillman Medical Williams G Thomas Govberg Watch Repair Plantation Restaurant Peco Energy Company c Siegel Jonathan Williams Paige Grasse Steven Ploussioukaralis Patricia Peitrowski Alberta Skarbnik Alan Williams Paul L Green Michelle L Pni Pressmans Severance Fund Penzur Gladys Skye Heritage Trust Williams Wyper Guilbaud Anaelle Posel Theatres Pepper Hamilton Llp Slepian Evan Willig Williams & Davidson Gws Photonics Inc Quinn Joseph Estate Jr Pereira Javie Smith Colleen Wolgin Endodontic Group H2l2 Planners Ramirez Michael Performance Garage Smith Corey right Alexis Harper Diana Est Rand Jordan Pers Ohio Smith Geiger M III, Geiger M Jr Wright Caroline Hicks Lester Jr Regan Patrick J Peter Rosenberg & Sandra Smith Jerrod Wright Kimberly Hogartymccolgan Maureen Restorative Care Americ Francis Smith Nettie M, Leon Wyomissing Cvp Group Holmes Lucille S Ricchuiti Joesph F Petrelli Law Snyder Gabrielle Xie Qinni Homko Erica L Riveraegan Donna Petrelli Thomas Solomon Gabay Yates Brian Honda Shozo Rivers Matthew Petrofsky Tracy Solomon Sherman Gabay Yitayew Amsalu Hop Wong Inc Robert P Snyder & Assoc Phelan Hallinan Llp Somthin Somthin Llc Yoneyama Vern Hosein Ejaz Robreno Eduardo C Phelan Hillinan Llc Sony Music Entertai Yoo Jisoo Impark Rogers Patrick Philadelphia 20 6 Host Comm Spaulding Chileen Yosslowitz Amanda Independence Parking Rohm & Haas Co Philadelphia Housing Auth Speller Towanda You Seonggyun Internal Revenue Service Rohm Haas Company Philadelphia Internat Adviso Spiller Francis Young Louis Jackson James Zachary Rosenzweig Martin Philadelphia International Sreih Antoine Zanaras Reporting Jackson Jerel Saltzburg Levin Inc Philadelphia Management Co Standard Parking Zandi William James Sarah M Schleindl Matthew Philadelphia Metro Ymca Star Group Communications Zarwin Baum Devito Kaplan Jogan Matjaz School St Mary Interparochial Philson Sherice Starcite Inc Zhong Wen John R Drexel III Reocale Trust Schroder Investment Management Pilgrim Anesthesia Medical Starr Events Duane Morris Zhou Jichuan Johnson Kirk Schurok Andrew Pmb Creative Inc Staunskaer Thomas Zou Ailin Jones Harriet C Scirica Anthony J Pnc Bank Steele Katherine Jones Joseph Scott H Jaeger MD Pomerantz Barbara Steinmiller Elizabeth 191 Kaczkowski Walenty Segal Gabriela Pool Russell Global Stephenyeh Timothy Arch St Partners Kaier E J Seidel Post & Schell Pc Stern Pond L Ace Kelleher James Shakely Thomas Anthony Post and Schell Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young Ace Reporters Inc Kemper Insurance Sierra Group Inc Posternock Virginia Strebel Lauren A Advanced Services Inc Kentucky Chiropractic Corp Slobodien Richard Premier Education Group Streitwieser Samuel All About Your Smile Pc Kim Sunju J Smith Douglas Pricewaterhousecoop Su Yi C American Association for Cancer Kirkland Matthew Smith James Primo Hoagies Inc Summers Olivia American Bible Society Kleinberg Beth Society of Hospital Pu Pu Sun Pipeline Company Anderson Christopher Kml Law Group P C Southeast Toyota Finance Public Private Ventures Sunday Breakfast Club Inc Aquilina Peter Est Lafayette Hotel Ll Southern Ocean County Dialysis Pwc Sunoco Inc R & M Arcangiolo Gianluca Lamotte Arnaud Sowers Donald Jr Rachael D Cico Surerob Solutions Llc Auto Direct Cars Llc Landers Flor Miryam Spirit Cruises Radian Asset Assuran Suzuki Hiroshi MD Bast Robert L Laurel Hill Masion Spriht Jeffery Ramirez Conrado Takayama Tetsushi, Shoko Bctgm Local 6 Bpf Leather Furniture Shop St Edmonds Federal Savings Ravi Spurti Tapia Isidoro Beckett Brendan Legal Solutions Group Suckle Matthew Recyclebank Llc Taylor Hiawatha M Sr Bell Joshua J Lester Manuela M Sungard Avantgard Reddy Daniel Tetro Catey eneficial ank Lending per Levick Sarah E Sungard Business System Regalbuto Carol Texon Crude il Llc enefitault Lewis Gregory J Sungard Data Service Inc Reinet Us Holdings Llc Tfc Hpa Lp Bevan Jennifer A Liberty Bell Agency Inc Sungard Data System Reliable Copy Servic Thaw Robert Big City Chiropractic Sports Liberty Resource Home Sungard Enform Consulting Reliable Philadelphia The Cadence Watch Co Llc Boone Patrick Eves T Liebert Peter S Sungard Investment Systems Reliance Standard Life Ins The Wackenhut Corp Boris Ann S Lien Peter Sungard Iworks Llc Renshaw Loretto J Thomas Properties Group Botting Barbara Litvin Blumberg Matusow & Young Sungard Securities Finance Resnic Joshua Karlin Thomas Sylvia Bradley Robert J Long Mike Sungard Systems International Resource Energy Inc Thompson Samuel Brandywine Group of Ins Lorel Marketing Group Llc Sungard Treasurey Sys Resource Residential Thomson Tyler Bright Anne S Lyles Vernell Sungard Treasury Inc Richardson Company Thudium Kristie Brill Leslie K M T Bank Supinski Theresa M, Henry W Right Management Consult Tiagha Law Ltd rodsky Alexander M Maguire Susan M Thomas Mourin, Mina Right Management Inc Toborowsky Robert M MD Burgie Sandra L Mason Merrill Time Just I Right Management Manpower Center Toomer Phyllis Callahan Meghan J Maurer Philip Mitchel MD Tkach Michael Rma Tower Robin Carey Francis Mbia Muniservices Co Tristar Risk Management Robert Hille Tranquil Tech Llc Cecero John Mccabe Regina V Trumpickas Giedrius Robert West Re Troppenheimertrcttee Transportation Mutual Chen Yijia Mccafferty rian Ua 06 0 6 Anne P Owsley Roberts Brian Trichon Cammisa Axelrod Chhaya Management Llc Mccullough Sean a -May- Alexander Cassatt Rodin Sharon Trifunac Natalia P Chhugani Sangeeta, Harish Meetinghouse Real Est United States Treasury Ins Roisman Lila Trone Michelle Clark L C Mellet Vincent Us Court of Appeals Fpd Roosevelt Partners Llp Trowell Kevin Cohen Michael A, Stanley J Mellon Cap Russel Rohm and Haas Waksman Adlai Rosen Mark J Tryggvason Gunnar Pall Coleman Emerson Mendiburt Nancy Watts Dan Ross Dress for Less Inc Tsai Hsiu Yi Colonial Penn Life Ins Michaels Tommy Weldie Robert G, R G Rotman Elliott B Ttee For Binswanger Pur Pen Courturier Sean Milicia William Why Marriage Matters Penns Rouse et al V Comcast Corp Tull Howard K Ttee Cp Srmof II 20 2a Trust Usbanktrst- Miller William C Ch Trust Wilde Joann Rudawsky Suzette Y Turf Club Center City ntnlas Mitchell Irina Willis Debra Ruggieri Robert G United Way of Greater Phila Croker Robert L Morales Wanda L Wilson Will Russell Janet G Vadlamudi Koti Cuen W Estate Morris Samantha Winter Laraine Russoniello Gina Vague Richard Dalalva Wine Tastings & Consuting Moyer Marc DMD Wohlberg Michael Rutherford Financial Corp Vance Christopher Darame Properties Mulberry Court Wongfat David Rutherford James Vann Richard L Davis Suzanne M Murdock Robert M Yang Chunyu Sacks Maxine Veic Limited Partnership Debotah Ndovie Katherine Yaron Propertiesn Cbe Safeguard Systems Inc Veqar Syed M Delaware Valley Regional Planning Neagley Ericka M Yu Lily Salomon Smith Barney Verker Renee Deutsche Bank National Trust Co Neifeld Cathy Zabusky Merle Salvagno Lita D Vervoer Pension Funds Deieux ernard Nelson Conrad Zempol Eric J Sanchez Ryan Veysey Cathleen Divalentino John Nigro Russell M Santamour Barbara A Villa Edoardo Dolphins of Delaware Valley NJ Locks Law Firm 19115 Savitz Organizat The Vizy Inc Drexel John R III Numoda Corp 0 Grant Avenue Assoc Scandone Benjamin Robert, Gregory Vujkovic Marijana Drk & A Architechts Llp O Connor Joseph A Perez J Sch Cafteria Employees Union Fund Vuong William E Foster S ffit aul Abergel Elchanan Scherrill Joseph Wahl Michael E J Kaier & R G Weldie & L C Tr Oliver James W Abraham Bobby S, Asha Schnader Waites Demarcus E J Kaier R G Weldie L C Clark Opessi Francesco L Abraham Prasad Schneider-roclawski Francine R Walker Richard Est Edward Nace Otoole Jennifer Absolute Auto Schonour Kelly J Walker Wayne R Elias Chiro & Sports Medicine Owens Kenneth M Abulgaziev Erkin Schreiner Stanley Wallach Susan, Lee Epic Toys Owsley Anne P Ackerman Jack Schulte Jenepher Wanamaker Rodman Episcopal Community Services Paez Valentina Ahmed Al M Score Board Inc Wang Kewei Estate of Covenant Partners Palmer Erica Alawi Nour Scott Lindsey Warner Marshall D Evans Jahri D Paragon Quality Llc Albert Einstein Medical Center

36 JUNE 17, 2021 JEWISH EXPONENT JEWISHEXPONENT.COM Alyssa A Tran DMD Pllc Kobryn Garyn B, Ayden W Visco Filomena Kronfeld Michael G Wilson Ed Jr Ambika Services Llc Kuzniec Leib Vlahos Christos P Kropa David E Wlas Marie E Americorps Funds Laverack Estella M Wagner Mae Lepk Joseph Wright Sean A Angels Care Inc Levinson Resa White Merle Lewis Christopher Yohey Gladys Apt Lillian, Irvin Litman Ira M Whitman Daniel Li Billl Young Amanda G Archilla Erika M Loftus Dawnmarie Wilent Charles Lopatnikov Michael Zerhin Maxim Arn Lee Lutz Kathleen Wohlgemuth Gerhard O M Sverzhin Dmd Awadhbanaeimoon Abdullah A Lyons Jeanette affa Howard Macdonald Daniel 191 Baez Cecilia Mamaladze Djoumber efimo Zhanna Madhubhaipatel Anil 0 N Tenth Street Assoc Ballinger Anna V Manfredi Young Jacqueline Mariyanich Andrew W 4 Poplar Street Llc Barraza Raul Manley Joseph A, Brian Zito Thelma Marushkina Milena 26 4 Poplar Associates Llc Barros Francisco Marizy Paul Maslynsky Michelle 26 Poplar Operating Llc Benn Winifred D Marshall Heather 1911 Mathew Palamoottil John Star Freelancers Bernard Snyder Masciarelli Richard A Abdultrahman Hoda Mathews Roby Aaronmoore Hillary, Ryan lue Sunower Mathews Tinu Amann Kathryn Mathis Marlene Abdulayev Sabir Boris International Matthews Mark Angelo Joseph D Mayer Catherine A Adside Regan Bressi Frank Mccloskey Dorothy Ardex Laoratories Inc Mccarthy Patricia A Ahmad Jamal MD Bronstein Blanche L Mckenna Thomas Ashe Palmer, Amanda Mcclain Trucking Alazemi Faisal Butler John Mcmahon Bryn Aydin Cihangir G Mcdonald Maryjane G Alem Hatim M C Breeze Group Inc Milewski Lorraine Aziz Valerie Mcdowell Catherine T Alhajri Hamda Caesar Cleo Millennium Investigation ainer Maxim DMD Mcgrath Scott Alqattan Samira Campbell Martha A Miller Brothers Inc Bains Onkar S Mchale Tom Alsuleem Mahdi Saleh Cantz Genevieve Mocarsky Edmund G Banushi Dashnor Mechancial Safety Equip Ankrah Judith A Capital One Montgomery Troy L Bauer Myrtle B Est Medianski Mikhail Annapolis City Cardozo Joseph A, Carl T Moody Walter Est of Jr, Daniels Denise Beck Mark Mellody Kevin, Paula Anne Arundel County Fire Carlettini Ieleene M Benito Victor O Meritz Steven M Astrowsky Barry Carpenter Jayantkumar Mora David Berman Allen Miller Amy L Auclair Dianne Carr Irene, David Mosiejus Edmundas Bhatia Kanyalal, Pramila Miller Pearl Ayers Elleen, Fred Chalov Aleksey A Mudrick Thomas Bickel Theresa Mobile Communications Bagel Press Llc Champ Va Muschajew Purma Biniaurishvili Inessa G MD Morgan Elizabeth Balderman Dorothy Champva Nasus Ahmed Bishop Estate Beverly R Est Murray Thomas D Beene Chad Chaposky Md Felix Nedumakel Joseph T Bodenschatz H Est Muzyr Leonid Bellochio Justin J Charles Wilent Est Nice Harriet S Bodenschatz Henry R National Fleet Services Benkirane Meryem Chattin Robert Est, Robert L Nilson Jeffrey Boretsky Igor National Fleet Svc Bergman Alyce F Chervonyak Anastasiya Noone Berenice A Braddock Joan Nazarov Nurilla Bergman Christopher J Christopher Jenna Oconnor Tara Bradley Donald K Net Cost Management Llc Berrios Alejandro Cliggett Michael Olimov Sobir Brown Susan Network Access Solutions Bertoni Michael Clogston Beth lkhoskaya xana Caban Madeline Newton Brian Bettis Justin Cohen Israel Oneill Francis J Est Camel Benjamin H Nieto Jane Bhalodia Sumit Collision Max Ne hila Orbey Unit Campbell Bernard Northeast Auto Mktg Inc Bokelman Olivia Collision Max of Ne hila Oskoev Taalaibek Campbell Tysherah Northeast Dental Ctr Pc Boyle Margaret M Coursey Joyce Patel Rina Cana Bichi Northeast Medical and Rehab Brandon Claudia Cute James H Patel Shital Carroll Robert V Nugent William J Bravo Health Dangelo Joseph Jr Patel Vivek Cartin Bernadette Nvlook Com Brook Park City Daniel Dilip J Patricia Waiters Catlett Leya Oconnell Mary E Brook Park Fire Dept Dce Technologies Inc Pepboys Champion Cars and Trucks Olivieri Salvatoro Brooks Kristian Department of the Treasury Perumpoykayil Liza Choi Colin Oloy Olena Brown Stephen Department of Veterans Affairs Peterman Anna M Cintas Corp Oneill Rebecca Bugialli Giuliano Department Treasury Peterson Scott Clark Erica Cust Orchilov Temerjon Bundley Michael Dept of the Treasury Champva Philadelphia Surgi Center Cohen Norman S Orthopli Corporation Bunney Jason A Dept of Veteran Affairs Philip Plachira C Cohen Tatyana Papapopolow Carole Burke Joseph P Detky Michael Pincus Reuben, Jeanne Compton William Patel Yogina G Butterworth John R Deeraux Froney Piskorski Thomas R Dalfonso Chuck Penalo Eliseo Carden Mark D Dillon Joseph Edward lahotnuk Alex Dangelo Fran Pettola James L Carpenter J P Ditri Domenico Pons Gerardo Dejohn Lisa Pitts James P Carter Arthur H, Lucas A Djumaev Bekzod Pur Joseph Est Depasquale Lucy Plunkett Shawn Cataldi Emma Doral Condominium Assoc Reid Courtney Destefano Orlando Polishchuk Oleg Cerone Daniel Dpm Kentner Pr Pa Llc Rein Fayne Devlin Mike Puranik Vimal P Chacko Nancy Dr Eugene G Devers Dmin Lcsw Risch Jessica R Donald Edward, Joan G arkaxhia rmela Chen Robert Dr Kuruchi Srinivasan MD Rivera Irma Evans Gina Quinn John Chickson Ruth Dvir Haim Rocchi Michael Farabella Roseo Redfern Alice Chlebina Courtney Dydak Joseph P Roger C Knappick Fidelity Burglar Alarm Rhoades Sarah Mae Church Kasey Einstein Practice Plan Inc Roman Gary Filippo Marguerit E Rhythm Ambulance Circle Mission Inc Elite Medical Transportat Rose Robert Five Star Ambulance Rig Construction Llc City of Annapolis Fin Dep Epstein Joy Rosen David Fuller Troy J Roberts Mary Jane Clark Jonathan xpodisplays Roth Rosemary T Gablein Jon Rocha Belsequeia A Clement Tim Farrell James R, Mary Rpm 2 Collision Repair Gallagher Joseph Ryan James Clowney Mary Fashion of Lawrance Kk Ryabkov Boris Gao Chun Iang Sands Jeffrey Communities in Schools of Phila Faulkner Collision Specialist Said-Mohamed Mohamed Garner Anna M Santiago Joanna C Coogan Ryan E Ferguson Jill Samsal Heather M Garvin Juliana Saturn Auto Trans P Cooper Daniel J Foley Nanette Sandhaus Michael Est Glantz Louis I Saul Marla S Cooper Ronald Frances Visco Est Sarachman Melanie, Orest Greco Linda D Saunders Mathew Correll Lauren Alexis Rachel Frost Barry L Schaaf Patricia Grinberg Yakov Savik Taisia Council of United Missions Fu Xiao H Scherbinina Vera T Hallinan John J Scanlon Jennifer Crippen Raford Gabay Ent & Assoc Schneiderman Leonard, J Fp Hampton Arlene Schramm Harold Dalal Pritha B Gabriel Michael Sealfon Miriam Herrco Consulting Llc Segal Rhonda F Day & Zimmermann Group Inc Garnett Jessica L Seiberlich Patrick Herrmann George C Shapiro Gerri L Day and Zimmermann Group Ginsberg Barbara Selser Robert Hodge Troy Shier Rachel Day and Zimmermann Grp Goldberg Judy Lynn Shah Parwana Home of Style Inc Singh Amoon Day Evan Goncalves Domingos Sirleaf Rancy G, Ester Honak Marianna Singh Miki Delong Joshua Vincent Grier Keisha Small Bernard Hoyle Eleanor E Sinnott John Devaney Gregory Guidotti Claire A Smith Joseph M III Hutt Edward Skeenes Louanne Dibenedetto Kimberly Gulansky Yelena Smith Mary Iaseshvili Ia Slattery Brian Distefano Antoinette I Gular Theodore A Smith Michael W Intermodal Equipment & Leasing Smaglio Frances Djangmah Lee D Gutierrez Maria Sneddon Robert International Dancing Stu Smit Chanel Dlugosz Alan Jr Halin Rose Sorbee International Intl Sos Assist Smith Herbert Est Doshi Sangita K Halterman Joan St Peter & St Paul Albanian Church Ivanus Mariya Soleev Erkin Duckworth Patricia Haroon Fatima N Stuski Victoria J R F Investments Inc Soll Unitrust Partnership Inv Eberly Adrienne Hidalgo Eileen Szostak Constance Marie Jk Auto Care Llc Soreth Leonard Egan John Hill Robert Szylejko Stephanie Joan G Herbert fbo Lori Grace State of New Jersey Eleje Augustine Hills Carver Tahmazov Emil John Abey Stevenson Margaret B Ellis Whitney Hirsh Joe Thomas Ancy John Hancock Life Ins Talakhadze Eldari Erik Traudt Hmoud Aamir F Thomas Susan Juntereal Blademer Torres Lidia Fanny Marie Foo Iby Maria Tippie Billy Kaiser Joseph I Treasure Addict Inc Fasnacht Allen Ilya Inc Quick Toll Lisa J Kanian Karo Tuekumthala Paul Faulknerperry Juliet H Incollingo Albert M Trachtman Marvin Karpinski Loretta Turner Laurence Favacchia Michael Israil Muhammad Tsatalis Peter Karshiev Bekzod Tursunov Laziz Ferrero Louis Jadidi Hassan Ulmer Loretta P Keyes Nathan Universal Sales and Service First Amendment Coalition Jancina Jevgenija United States Treasury Homeland Khromov Sergey Usi Ins Services Llc Foley Michael J Jefferson Charles J st US Department of the Treasure Kim Eun Varghese Marshel K Francisville Phase III Kantanka Osei S Vallera Pasquale Est Kinloch Rebecca Vyas Nandini Free Flow Kaplan Howard Varghese Paul Kraus Myrle Waddy Tonyatta D Galimidi Meir J Katliavou Siarhei Vaughan Valerie A Kraus Thomas A Weltman Mary Geschwin Elyssa H Kazansky Judy A Vidhi Shreya Partners dba Kremer Siamion Williams Beverly Gill Patrick

JEWISHEXPONENT.COM JEWISH EXPONENT JUNE 17, 2021 37 Globaship Consulting Company Mullen Patrick J, Jacklyn M Thompson Reuters Scientific Elkazaz Hana Mattia Insurance Agency Go Rodelson Mura Hana Thorne Danette, Kimberly Engard Annette Est Mattiola J R Golczewski Lindsey M Murphy John P, John R Thornton Colin Erez Nissim Mcbride John J Gomez Alejandro Nabors Consulting Inc Toure Makaloh Esenwein George Mcburnie John Grant Jason A Nabors John Kenneth Tr Us Inc Fairfax Maria Mcelhaugh John Griffin Frank H IV, Anne N Naik Sameer Tran Hieu T Fee Frances A Mclaughlin James P Griggs Willie, Aisha Newby W Richard Triboletti Melissa Feldman Elmira Mclaughlin Joseph M Gryczko Stanley John Est Nguyen Kiem Hieu Urban Saloon Feygin Tamara Mcmahon Christina Gwynn Juliette North Philadelphia Health Urbn 640 Osteria Llc Flynn Marie Mds Managment Inc Haaz Arthur Ostrander David A Varadachar Beba D Fox Christina M Medina Jessica Hammond Ruby G Palermo Victoria, Matthew Voicenet Fratelly Pizza Restaurant Mia Napoli Hampson Christian Palewski Andrew R Ent Wachlin Albert P Jr Freer Kelly A, Scott Michael Abbatello dba Done Rite Hardy Samuel H Pallas Real Estate Holdings Wade Paul Fu Hai Lou Llc Milligan Edith A Harris Barbara Palley Gilbert Waite Janet B Funt Rita Minenko Lyubov Harris Jill E Palumbo Christine Watlington Geraldine Galperin Zhanna MD Monika Karnat Hartman Marjorie Palumbo Edward M Watson Elizabeth M General and Vascular Surg Moore Sharon Heredia Adrian Papandrea Adam Watson Jarrett Georgios Bliatze Moraes Welida Higgins Hillary Patel Palak Weber Cristen Goebel Edythe Mullins Kermit Hines Anajah D Patterson Steven Weller Mona K Goldsmith Howard M Mykulynskiy Igor Holmes Ruth Pau Victor Whole Foods Market Gomez Franqueli A Nadler Steven M Dr Horne Latona Est, Latona L Peeney Molly Wilkie Chevy & Buick Gomnick Mary Neary Erin Houston Lewis Pena Jarol Williams Carolyn Gottesman Yaniv Ni Zhou Rong Hovland Benjamin M People for People Wilson Irene Grasso Anthony D Oaklands Medical Pc How Properties Developmen Percepticore Woodrock Inc Greenberg Donald H O’brien Kevin Hsu Yu C Phila Fire Dept Ems Divis City Yan Jierui Gregory Derusso Ltd Oconnor Valentine, Margaret Hudgins Consuelo P Philadelphia Corporation for the Aging Yaros Nancy S Harris Daniel Oleg Genis Hullings Alaina Philadelphia Ems Division City Ying Duan Yang Hayes Rita Ortiz Jesus Hutcherson Lillian Philadelphia Newspapers Llc Young Kevin Michael Heckrote Walter D P Rednor R Innamorato Frank Powell Courtney M Yue Zhongqi Helen G Magazzu Est Paglia Jacqueline Internal Medicine Assoc Que Li Zhang Yajie Herdrich Benjamin Panetta Jill Itam Francis Randall Terri L Zhou Siqi Home Public Adjusters Park Eun K Jain Rahul Rashid Khamis Zimmermann Day Hornick Elvira Patelka Dental Llc Jarosiewicz H Rawley Jane A Zorn Jeffrey Huang Lai H Paulino Jorge Jaspeh Sasson Reagle Anthony D Zubok Vladislav M Hudoka Deborah A Petrosova Anna G Johnson Claude Reese Taylor Zujewskyj Edwina Hutnyk Robert Gayane Johnson Michael T Reeves Hattie Ent Ignatev Ivan Pham Sean Johnston Maura Reid Ivolia Isaev Maria Piacentini Karen Jones Gill Reiser Corine Alexandra 19152 Jackson Natoya Pieretti Angela Joseph Caitlin Remster Brianna Ackerman Genia Jackson Terry Pinto Gene Karipineni Farah Dr Rescue Pittie Ahmad Bilal Javier Edwin Manuel Price Walter Est Kato Miyoko Resource for Human Develop Alamara Ahmed Jeanjoseph Kenold Ramos Carlos D Est Katz Anna Richardson R Alayon Angela John F Yuen Re Lawn-Crest Keane Gareth Riverside Rehab Alex Trucking Inc Johnston Lillian Reliene Eugenija Kemp William R Riz David Ali Mourad Jones Donna Reyes Eulalro G Kenney Robert A Rogozinski Monica Ally Healthcare Llc Jones Ellwood Ricca Thomas Kerrick David Romary James J Alsabbagh Rahaf Jose Garcia Rivera Luis Khalid Abdulrahman B Alsukaibi Rose Jeraldine Alvarez Evelyn Jvolpa Mark Rudy Estate Carolyn Est Kholaif Naji, Ali Rosenberg Sam Atkinson Edward Keith Lois Estate Scheswoh Edward Kim Hyungwook Ross Regina M Attias Moshe Kheyfets Alla Scheswohl Edward Kinney Kase Route 6 Restaurant Partne Ayala Luisa Khrichenko Vladimir Schmidt Alwin Est, Alwin C Klaus Justin Rutenburg Carole Banker Joseph Kim Sun Ju Schmidt Mary Koch Madeline Rutz Robert D Batson Megan Kimco Realty Corp Scott Lisa Kolber Gregory Ryan Christopher J Battinieri Jamie King Lori Segal Estelle Kontostergios Spiro Sanders Scott Baumeister Robert Kizinek Yuriy Seitz Acacio V Kostin Dmitriy Sanford Jalisa A Becker Julie Klees Theodore U Sherman Ronald A Kranik Anna Sannutti Joseph A Blumstein Sandy Kobryn Lydia Shestakov Aleksei Kro Dorothy S Ent Santo Julian Borges Carlos Jr Kolchin Anna Shields Helen Kun Teak Hun Sarq Layla Boyer Gerald Korman Communities Shin Shangchul Landman Casey Saunders Voneric Boyle Francis P Est Kraftsow William Jacob Skaroff Richard Lauria Barbara E Scharmett Jared Bresner Phyllis Krenzel Mark L Est, Paula M Slinka Haroldine Lavine Bette Schoenfeld Jill Brown Antoinette G Krupnick Sara Smith William Lee Major K IV Schrode Phillip Brummett Phyllis A Kucher Rita Soll David B Inv Adv James Capone Lee Marshall Ki Seneck Stephen Byrnes Doris M Est Kudriya Sofia Sorichillo Anthony Lee Sophia Shah Pooja C & L Labor Inc Lamb Daniel Spahillari Adelina Lee You Bin Sharma Anudhav Caceres Paula Lane Carly A Specialized Loan Servicing Lodewijk Martin Shields James Carney Ann Beulah Lange Edith Still Lauren Lojo Jose R Jr Shih Shirley Cienkowski Teresa Larid Natt Sullivan Lindsay Lowery Bobby Leander Shipon Michelle J, Steven R Clauss Claire Est Layman Jean Est Swiftkurze Veronica Luebbert James, Kristin Sims Susie S, Herman Collins Brian S Leakins Bryan Synder Ruth E Mahaniah Elizabeth Maule Singer William, Charles Conard Reba Lecompte James H Sr Tamaradze Albert Malanga Chris Sit Lydia Crerand Jeannine Lee Danny Tavares Ona Martin John D Skaff Ziad G, Rudy Crippen Ora B Lehman Carl S Sr, Lois W Tavaresvieira Maria A Matozzo Angela S, John J Smilowtz Joan Cristo Josie D Leins Annetta M, Donald C Tharpe James Z Maturi Victor F Smith Matthew Cromartie Barbara J Est Lentz George Tinsley Ervin W May Ashley Society of Hospital M Crompton Arlene Levin Morton J Todd Charley Mcccreavy Paul J Society of Ob Gyn Hospitalist Cruzadams Melissa Lief Bruce A Trinh Michelle M, Eric Mcdowell Quiana Soto Nancy I Damian Grosso Anthony D Lin Feng Jiao Trofimets Tamara Mcfadden Eileen Spearman Richard T Daniel John Linares Wesly R Trovarello Josephine Mcgee Darren J Spective Studio Daniv Ivan Lincoln Afs Turner Christopher P Mcgill Brett Spino Kai Dasilva Andre Mangabeira Little Barbara J Valenti Dana Mcgrail Colin Stasko Emily David Israel Lowry Dolores Est Vargas Mariluz Mclaughlin Anna Stegner Peter Davis Gregory Loyal Wm Penn Vaysleyb Genya Melnik Mary Frances Stephens Mercedes Davis Janis Lyons Antonia Vorobyovskaya Eleonora Metropolita N Regional Council Stevens Herbert J Est, Amy T Davis William P Mackiewicz Louis Wang Jun Miller Nicole D Stevens Jessica Deeley Erin Magazzu Helen Wen Hui M Milray 6062 Barnes Museum Szczepaniak Jozef Denise M Webb DPM Malkia Holding Inc Wilk Barbara C Est Missionary Servants of the Most T Degnan R Dibello Angelo Mamaivci Mmm Inc Wreah Patience Moldover Brian J Tabatabaei Seyedmohammad Difilippo Mary Marcus Arthur Wright Hotman Molnar Attila Jr Tayyab Taysir T Dolores Rachel Maret Ajo Wrts Construction Llc Molock Kyle Teytelboym Oleg N Donskaya Anna Marple Christine Wuller Florence E Morigi Gilda The Cat Doctor Dr Ronald Philip Rednor MD Marranzini Mario Xue Fanny Moser Tobias Thomas Dionna Eddis David J Martins Monica A Zhang Yefang Moss Hassan Thomas Matthew R Edwardsjeter Samantha Masati Albert Ziff Kenneth G Mueller Carolyn M Thompson Ahmir K Ehmedi Shaker Matsumoto Reimi

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Paid for with Pennsylvania Tax Dollars


DEATH NOTICES DEATH NOTICES DEATH NOTICES DEATH NOTICES AERETT MATNER Samuel M. Averett on June 3, 01. us- Irene Matzner, passed away on June 9, 01. band of elene nee Gassel, father of Sister of Steven Matzner the late Ellen Richard Averett and David Bonnie Averett, Matzner. Aunt of Jennifer Sherwood, Jason Esq., grandfather of Joseph Averett Nick Matzner Julie Lindley, Jeffrey Megan artley and Blair Averett. Contributions in Matzner. Great Aunt of Nicole Sherwood, il- his memory may be made to a charity of the liam Matzner and Emma Lindley. Contribu- donors choice. tions in her memory may be made to Americ- GOLDSTEINS ROSENBERGS an Cancer Society, RAPAEL-SACS GOLDSTEINS ROSENBERGS RAPAEL-SACS BRENNER Paul J. Brenner on June 4, 01. Beloved ROTBERG husband of Ellen nee Teitelbaum loving Joel B. Rothberg, a retired pharmacist, died father of Sherri Tucker and Jeffrey Elysa June 4, 01. e was 94 and resided in TURE Brenner adored grandfather of aley Alex GELDNER arminster, PA. A widower, he was the hus- Jarad Geldner, 3, of Silver Spring, MD, died Albert Turek passed away on the morning of leisher, Troy Tucker, achary Brenner and band of the late lorence Rothberg. Joel was May , 01 after a brave and arduous May 30, 01, at the age of 9. Devoted and Jordan Brenner. Contributions in his memory a Navy veteran of orld ar . e is sur- battle with cancer. Loving and devoted to his loving husband of Phyllis Turek for years, may be made to the Congregations of Shaare vived by a son, Eric Marorie Rothberg and family, wife illary nee Rothberg, son dedicated and loving father of Joseph Ren- Shamayim, 9 erree Rd, Phila. PA 1911 a daughter, Debra illel Tsarfati also sur- Jasper, mother Linda nee Schwartz, sister ee and Ellen Stan, adoring Papa of Adam or to Temple Sinai, 1401 N Limekiln Pike, vived by 4 grandchildren 4 great-grandchil- Jessie Dan ields and brother David. Jarad Sarah, allie Sam, Rebecca, and Dresher PA 190. dren. Contributions in his memory may be is also survived by his nephew and niece, Shoshana, and great-grandfather of Daniel. A GOLDSTEINS ROSENBERGS made to the American Cancer Society. Asher and Avery ields and grandmother man of the highest integrity, a decorated war RAPAEL-SACS GOLDSTEINS ROSENBERGS Jean Schwartz. e was predeceased by his hero and a respected businessman, he foun- RAPAEL-SACS parents, Jack and elene nee Davis. Jarad ded Turek Associates, the largest consulting began his career as a political analyst for engineering firm in Northern New Jersey at CLMAN AIPAC and remained a dedicated and active that time. A gentle giant with a heart of gold, Bernard Clyman on June , 01. Beloved advocate for Israel throughout his life. e SAIDEL he touched many lives and will be missed by all. Contributions in his memory may be husband of Andrea nee Silver Loving fath- continued his career as a public affairs Robert Saidel, June 10, 01, of Evesham, made to American riends of Magen David er of endie ietze Sherri Clyman, and strategist and executive at several organiza- NJ. usband of Lois Saidel. ather of Merri Adom AMDA, 0 . 3th Street, Suite Mitchell Clyman Limor Stepfather of enny tions. Jarad will be forever missed by his Steven irsh, Susan Aaron eilerstein 1100, New ork, New ork, 1001 oldsman Amy and Audrey oldsman De- family, countless friends, AEPi franternity Saidel and Bart Lisa Saidel. Grandfather of voted grandfather of Andrew, Jenna, Merom, brothers, colleagues and so many more. Con- Brendan, Evan, Emily and Juliana. Contribu- Meigal, and Stav Step-grandfather of Greg tributions in Jarads memory may be made to tions can be made to istar Institute and Danny Devoted son of the late Manuel the und for Johns opkins Medicine, 0 N or Adath Emanue l ERNOS and Sylvia Loving twin brother of the late Broadway, Suite , Baltimore, MD 10 Gerald Gerry ernovsky, on June th Honor the Milton Dear brother-in-law of Sharon or to a charitable organization of the donors PLATT MEMORIAL CAPELS, Inc. 01. Beloved husband of Sandra nee. orner and Bob Silver Pat Devoted uncle of choice. arber father of Mindy Don Procz and ar- memory Stefanie Clyman Gold Larry, Rebecca won ris ernovsky. Grandfather of Samantha and Joe, Paul orner and Joe orner Adoring SCMIDT Mason Procz. Contributions in his memory great uncle of Josh, Allie, Addison, Danny, GINSBURG may be made to the American Cancer Soci- of your Azriel Schmidt, age , passed away at his and Cole. Contributions in his memory may Murray Ginsburg, June 9, 01. Beloved hus- ety, 11 Market Street Suite 0, Phil- home in Bryn Mawr, surrounded by family on be made to Phila. outh Basketball, band of the late Arlene Ginsburg nee adelphia, PA 19103, or to June 4, 01. Beloved husband to Susan Graubard. Loving father of Abby Ginsburg Jewish National und, Randall Ave., Rock- loved one … nee Eisenberg. Azi was born in Petach Tik- GOLDSTEINS ROSENBERGS Paul Mutchler, Sharon Ginsburg Bill Mac- ville Center, N 110 vah, Israel in 194. e served as a paratroop- RAPAEL-SACS Dermott, and Pamela Ginsburg. Devoted GOLDSTEINS ROSENBERGS er in the Israel Defense orce and then stud- zeyde of Phillip, Anthony, and Sam Giov- RAPAEL-SACS CALL 2158320749 ied biology at the University of Tel Aviv. e inazzo. Contributions in his memory may be made to the Parkinsons Disease oundation, earned his doctorate in virology at the eiz- TO PLACE YOUR DROSSNER mann Institute. e was a dedicated, talented YAHRTZEIT AD. Irving Larry Drossner, June 9, 01. Be- GOLDSTEINS ROSENBERGS scientist who worked for many years at Mer- loved husband of Rhonda nee erring.De- RAPAEL-SACS ck. e married Susan in 194 and they en- voted father of Ian Sheri Drossner, Michael oyed 4 years by each others side. They had Mindy Drossner, Esq. and Devon Segel two children, Ben and ael and five grand- classi ed@ Perry. Dear brother of Dr. Jerome Barry children. Azi had many interests and hobbies. To place a Memorial Ad Debra Drossner. Cherished grandfather of OSIN e was a music lover, an avid gardener and a Ethan and Gabrielle Drossner, Maya and Nathan oskins on June 9, 01. Beloved world traveler. e was a long-time member call 215.832.0749 Brandon Drossner, Scarlet, Isabella and Mad- husband of Allison nee Rudman Loving of Temple Beth illel-Beth El in ynnewood. dox Perry. Son of the late Marvin and Iris father of Sarah oskin and Adam oskin More than anything, he loved spending time Drossner. Contributions in his memory may Dear brother of Ethan oskin. e was a with his family, especially his grandchildren. be made to the oorhees Animal Orphanage, graduate of Central igh School and the Uni- e will be missed by his close extended fam- 419 Cooper Road, oorhees Township, NJ versity of PA. Contributions in his memory ily and friends. e is survived by Susan his 0043 or Temple Beth Sholom, 1901 may be made to Cancer Care, Seventh brother Shlomo Shavit his sister Ayalah resson Road, Cherry ill, NJ 0003 or the Ave. New ork, N 1000 1 lingman his daughter ael Josh Rosen hitemarsh Little League, P.O. Box 99, La- his son Ben Ann ale Schmidt his grand- fayette ill, Pa. 19444. GOLDSTEINS ROSENBERGS children Jake, Sammy, Joey, Liza and GOLDSTEINS ROSENBERGS RAPAEL-SACS Jonathan. Services were held on June . RAPAEL-SACS Contributions in his memory may be made to Jewish ederation of Greater Philadelphia or to Penns Abramson Cancer Center. LIPSCUT EST LAUREL ILL UNERAL OME Mara Lipschutz, June , 01 of Philadelphia, A Community PA. Beloved sister of Janet Steven Shikoff treasured aunt of Jenna and Madlyn Shikoff Remembers cherished daughter of the late Irwin and Lil- STERN Ellen Stern nee Norman, June , 01 of Monthly archives of lian nee einer Lipschutz. uneral services Ambler, Pa. Devoted wife of the late arold. and interment were held Tuesday June . In Jewish Exponent Death Notices Beloved mother of Lawrence Marlyn and lieu of flowers, contributions in her memory Michael and loving Nana of Lauren, Alexan- are available online. may be made to the American Cancer Soci- der, Rachel and Samantha Stern. Donations ety in Ellens memory may be made to JOSEP LEINE and SONS or www.philly- JOSEP LEINE and SONS Honor the memory www, of your loved one... Call 215.832.0749 to To place a Memorial Ad call 215.832.0749 place your memorial.

JEWISHEXPONENT.COM JEWISH EXPONENT JUNE 17, 2021 39 PENN VALLEY LEGAL NOTICES FLORIDA SALE OA ILL Notice is hereby given that, pursu- Cll etl o ant to the Business Corporation pte o Law of 19, BA Continuum Costa HOMES FOR SALE INSTRUCTION le etl Rica, Limitada Co., a business cor- poration incorporated under the EDUCATION PLUS laws of the Country of Costa Rica, Selling South Florida! Private tutoring, all subects, has withdrawn from doing busi- KKKKKK elemen.-college, SAT/ACT prep. SOUT TERRACE-Top floor. Im- ness in Pennsylvania on /1/1. maculate, designer, rarely avail- days/week. The address of its principal office in able 1 BD, 1. BA, open kitchen, Expd. motivated instructors. its urisdiction of incorporation is custom window treatments, lots 1-109 401 North Tryon NC1-01-0-01, of closets, main BD suite Charlotte, NC and the name w/dressing room area, /D, of its commercial registered office wood floors, lrg. sunny balcony, provider in Pennsylvania is C T ust steps to elevator. 19,900 Corporation System. The state- ment of ithdrawal of oreign Re- TOER-New Listing th floor, gistration shall take effect upon fil- spacious corner, 1 BD, 1. BA, ing in the Department of State. open eat-in kitchen with break- HOUSE/GARAGE SALE fast bar, modern wood floors, LPN Inc has been incorporated bedroom suite, lots of closets, ESTATE SALE- under the provisions of the Te eSo e Pennsylvania Business Corpora- o tleto new dishwasher, new refridger- Complete Home ator, full size washer/dryer, Relocating, everything must tion Law of 19. sunny balcony, available imme- go! Gorgeous furniture, elec- John Pak, Esquire The Spring Market has diately 4 hour doorman, base- tronics, jewelry and more! Call 1349 . Cheltenham Ave. Sprung! Prices are ment storage, pool, laundry to make an appointment. Suite 103 Up & Interest Rates Are room, lots of parking, cable 215-740-1165 Elkins Park, PA 190 Down! Now is the Best Time package only per month to List with Us! 19,900 irst Publication HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED Cll A o eSo TOER-New Listing, available CNTIA J. BABB o ppotmet e immediately. th floor, 1 BD, 1 DONSIING REOCABLE TRUST ll ele BA plus den, large living room. DATED 1/14/199 elt ot ome Granite counters, newer kitchen OR CLEANING OUT as appliances. uge balcony over- 1 mans trash/another mans RESTATED AND AMENDED EA looking pool. eat/AC, 4 hour treasure 0/0/01 doorman, basement storage, Call Joel 1-94-1 Cynthia J. Babb, Deceased Ete pool, laundry room, lots of Late of Borough of Collegeville, E eSo parking, cable package only CAS IN OUR CLOSET INC. Licensed and Bonded Montgomery County, PA Aote oe per month Just reduced This Trust is in existence and all Ae eSo 19,900 ESTATE SALES persons having claims or demand FROM FORT LAUDERDALE Sle Aote against said Trust or decedent are TERRACES-SOUT BUILDING required to make known the same TO PORT SAINT LUCIE E Cell UNDER CONTRUCTION CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE and all persons indebted to the de- 1-431-300/304 BD, BA, granite kitchen, cedent to make payment without Trust Over 40 Years of Real Estate washer/dryer, sunny balcony, Montefiore Cemetery delay to Bus 1-93-00 custom lighting. plots, Sect. M across from Trustee James L. Babb Experience in South Florida Chapel, lot 43, graves 4 , c/o Allen M. Mandelbaum, Esq. TERRACES-Under construction 00 OBO for both, includes Plymouth Greene Office Campus Realtor® 1 BD, 1 BA, New open kitchen, openings. Call 1-3-1 1000 Germantown Pike, Suite D3 Arnie Fried granite counters, sunny bal- Plymouth Meeting, PA 194 cony, washer/dryer. (954) 295-2973 HA EHA CEETE Or to his Attorney Allen M. Mandelbaum, Esq. 2 Plots, Graves 16 & 17, Sec. KKKKKK Plymouth Greene Office Campus [email protected] Garden of Memories, next to TOER-New Listing, available 1000 Germantown Pike, Suite D3 SEASHORE SALE walkway and bench. Origin- immediately. th floor, 1 BD, 1 Plymouth Meeting, PA 194 BA plus den, large living room. ally $2950 per plot, asking Granite counters, newer kitchen $3650 for both, including transfer fees. Eml REOCABLE TRUST O appliances. uge balcony over- opetmlom JULIUS SPAT looking pool. eat/AC, 4 hour JULIUS SPAT DECEASED LATE doorman, basement storage, O MONTGOMER COUNT, ESTATE NOTICES SITUATION WANTED pool, laundry room, lots of SALOM MEMORIAL PAR PENNSLANIA. TIS TRUST IS parking, cable package only Premium Side by Side Lots. IN EISTENCE AND ALL PERSONS ESTATE O CLAUDIA COU, DE- per month 100 electric Section David - Lot 30 AING CLAIMS OR DEMANDS CEASED. Sites 3 4 9,000 o.b.o. AGAINST JULIUS SPAT TO MAE Late of Philadelphia TOER-New Listing, sun- Contact Mike 904-40-4 NON TE SAME AND ALL PER- LETTERS of ADMINISTRATION on drenched, th L, BD, BA, SONS INDEBTED TO TE DE- the above Estate have been gran- wood floors, open kitchen w/ oo olem CEDENT TO MAE PAMENT ted to the undersigned, who re- breakfast bar, lots of custom ooeelt emol ITOUT DELA TO PAUL B. quest all persons having claims or closets, washer/dryer, sunny CAROL SA 2 side by side crypts, excel- SCART, EECUTOR OR TO demands against the estate of the balcony, includes heat, ac, stor- IS ATTORNE ALLEN S. ELLER- decedent to make known the same TE SORE TEAM age, 4 hour doorman, pool, lent, bright location. Level B Phase III. Call 215-287-8134 MAN, ESUIRE. and all persons indebted to the de- gym. Available immediately ALLEN S. ELLERMAN, ES. cedent to make payment without OPEN OUSE 1900 SHALOMMEMORIALPARK S. 1T STREET delay to BILL COU, ADMINIS- SUITE 09 TRATOR, c/o Peter L. lenk, Esq., ENTNOR TOER-New Listing-nd floor, 2 side by side plots, Jacob II SATURDA JUNE 19th section. $6900 for the pair. PILADELPIA, PA 19103 0 Delancey Place, Philadelphia, spacious bd, . ba /D, PA 19103, SUNDA JUNE 0th open kitchen w/breakfast bar, Call or text 610-360-6288 1100AM to 100PM The Albert Condominium Associ- Or to his Attorney lots of closets, custom lighting, PETER L. LEN rent includes heat, a/c, full cable ation has been incorporated under the provisions of the PA Nonprofit TE LA OICES O PETER L., access per month, sunny LEN ASSOCIATES BEAC BLOC BEAUT corner balcony, 4 hour door- Corporation Law of 19. CARMING SPACIOUS 4 Law Offices of Jon Taylor, PC 0 Delancey Place man, basement storage, lots of Philadelphia, PA 19103 BEDRM, 4 NEER ULL BAT parking. Available immediately 11 J Blvd. OME / OPEN PORC AN- Hebrew teacher(s) full or Suite 1 ING, AMIL ROOM, / LRS., TERRACES-nd floor. Designer, part time needed for Philadelphia, PA 19103 ESTATE O ELAINE . ALTER, ESTATE NOTICES ESTATE NOTICES CARMING ARD / DEC, roomy BD, BA. Corian kit- school in Delaware- a DECEASED. GARAGE SO MUC MORE Late of Norristown Borough, Mont- chen counters, wood floors, lots short commute! Degree, ESTATE NOTICES ESTATE O GLENDA C. MAR- ESTATE O JOSE JAIER RODRIG- ASING..1,3,000 of closets, washer/dryer, large gomery County, PA SALL a/k/a GLENDA MARSALL, Hebrew fluency and ex- ESTATE of BERNICE PAUL, LETTERS TESTAMENTAR on the UE a/k/a JOSE J. RODRIGUE, balcony over looking woods. perience with children and DECEASED. SR., DECEASED. New hallways and lobby 100 DECEASED above Estate have been granted to Late of Philadelphia teaching preferred. Re- Late of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania the undersigned, who request all Late of Philadelphia LETTERS TESTAMENTAR on the LETTERS TESTAMENTAR on the ISIT US AT TOER-Special renovation. sume and cover letter to: Letters Testamentary on the above persons having claims or demands above Estate have been granted to oeteo estate have been granted to the un- against the estate of the decedent above Estate have been granted to SASORETEAM.COM Large 3 BD, 3. BA, open gran- the undersigned, who request all the undersigned, who request all ite kitchen, wood floors, new dersigned, who request all persons to make known the same and all persons having claims or demands [email protected] persons indebted to the decedent persons having claims or demands CALL CAROL SA windows, sunny corner balcony, SITUATION WANTED having claims or demands against against the estate of the decedent the estate of the decedent to make to make payment without delay to against the estate of the decedent Cell# 609-432-1986 washer/dryer. Includes heat, to make known the same and all known the same, and all persons DAID E. ALTER, EECUTOR, c/o to make known the same and all DIRECT 09-4-0 gym, pool, 4 hr. doorman, CAREGIER Dependable. onest. persons indebted to the decedent persons indebted to the decedent JENNIER ANER SA storage. Available immediately indebted to the decedent to make Robert S. Cohen, Esq., The Beas- to make payment without delay to riendly. Excell. Refs. Errands, payment without delay to Susan ley Bldg., 11 alnut St., Phil- to make payment without delay to 09-04-03 3100 shopping, Dr Appt Own Car. Call ALAN A. SANDERS, EECUTOR, CASSANDRA RODRIGUE, EEC- BS ox Roach Realtors Schaumburg, Executrix 4 Del- adelphia, PA 1910-491, 33 S. th St., 109, Philadelphia, -00- mont Drive, ynnewood, PA Or to his Attorney UTRI, c/o David S. orkman, TERRACES- PA 1910, th 1909 ROBERT S. COEN Esq., The Bellevue, l., 00 S. UNDER CONSTRUCTION-1 BD, Or to his Attorney Broad St., Philadelphia, PA 1910, 1 BA, new kitchen and bath, CNA Part time, drives, references LA OICE O MARTIN I. LEINMAN avail. Also does housekeeping ESTATE O CLAIRE R. NE a/k/a ROBERT S. COEN Or to her Attorney wood floors, washer/dryer, MARTIN I. LEINMAN, P.C. DAID S. ORMAN sunny balcony. Please call -9- CLARA R. NE, DECEASED. The Beasley Bldg. 13 Market St., Ste. Late of orsham Township, Mont- 11 alnut St. ASTOR EISS APLAN MAN- Philadelphia, PA 19103 DEL, LLP TERRACES-NE LISTING, TOP gomery County, PA Philadelphia, PA 1910-491 th LOOR Designer renovation, LETTERS of ADMINISTRATION on The Bellevue, l. BD, BA, open granite kitchen, the above Estate have been gran- ESTATE O ELLA R. ALBER, De- 00 S. Broad St. Philadelphia, PA 1910 wood floors, washer/dryer, lots ted to the undersigned, who re- ceased ESTATE O JAMES C. ANG, 00-333-04x10 of closets, sunny, screened bal- quest all persons having claims or Late of Montgomery County, Deceased cony. 300 LEGAL NOTICES demands against the estate of the Pennsylvania Late of Philadelphia County decedent to make known the same LETTERS TESTAMENTAR on the LETTERS of ADMINISTRATION ACM OPERATIONS III, INC. has and all persons indebted to the de- above Estate have been granted to CTA on the above Estate have been been incorporated under the provi- cedent to make payment without the undersigned, who request all granted to the undersigned, who sions of the Pennsylvania Business delay to LOUIS ORD and BETS persons having claims or demands request all persons having claims Corporation Law of 19. COEN, ADMINISTRATORS, c/o against the estate of the decedent or demands against the Estate of Paul L. eldman, Esq., 0 to make known the same and all the decedent to make known the B A Pizza, Inc. a statutory close omestead Rd., Jenkintown, PA persons indebted to the decedent same, and all persons indebted to 610-667-9999 corporation has been incorporated 1904, to make payment without delay to the decedent to make payment Follow us on under the provisions of the Busi- Or to their Attorney Executor, Donald Peffer, Jr. c/o at- without delay to Irene ang, Admin- Follow us on Realtor® Emeritus. ness Corporation Law of 19. PAUL L. ELDMAN torney istratrix, CTA c/o attorney 5 Star winner, Philly Mag Michael E. Eisenberg, Esquire oole He Slo arry J. arapalides, Esquire ELDMAN ELDMAN, LLP Allen S. ellerman 4 Copley Road 0 omestead Rd. 93 Byberry Road, Suite 10 S. 1th Street Suite 09 @jewishexponent @jewishexponent Upper Darby, PA 190 Jenkintown, PA 1904 atboro, PA 19040 Philadelphia, PA 19103

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To Place a Classified Ad CALL: NICOLE MCNALLY 215.832.0749

JEWISHEXPONENT.COM JEWISH EXPONENT JUNE 17, 2021 41 ESTATE NOTICES ESTATE NOTICES ESTATE NOTICES ESTATE NOTICES FICTITIOUS NAME FICTITIOUS NAME PETITION NAME CHANGE ESTATE of Myra J. Tint a/k/a ESTATE O JULIE M. REIC, DE- ESTATE O MARCUS ILLIAM ESTATE O ROANNE ERMEL, De- ictitious Name Registration Court of Common Pleas for the AS, DECEASED. Johnne Tint, Deceased ceased Notice is hereby given that an Ap- ictitious Name Registration County of Philadelphia, May Term, CEASED. Late of Pennsylvania Notice is hereby given that an Ap- Late of Philadelphia Late of Philadelphia Late of Montgomery County, plication for Registration of icti- 01. No. 133 NOTICE IS EREB LETTERS of ADMINISTRATION on LETTERS TESTAMENTAR on the Pennsylvania tious Name was filed in the Depart- plication for Registration of icti- GIEN that on May 19, 01, the LETTERS TESTAMENTAR on the above Estate have been granted to tious Name was filed in the Depart- above Estate have been granted to the above Estate have been gran- LETTERS of ADMINISTRATION on ment of State of the Common- petition of Joni Josi Coyote erling- ted to the undersigned, who re- the undersigned, who request all the above Estate have been gran- wealth of Pennsylvania on March ment of State of the Common- ieri was filed, praying for a decree the undersigned, who request all persons having claims or demands wealth of Pennsylvania on March persons having claims or demands quest all persons having claims or ted to the undersigned, who re- , 01 for Andrea airfax at 1 to change her name to JJ erling- demands against the estate of the against the estate of the decedent quest all persons having claims or andike St. Philadelphia, PA 1913. 1, 01 for MCJ10 COLLEC- ieri. The Court has fixed July 1, against the estate of the decedent to make known the same and all TION at 409 Ludlow Street Phil- to make known the same and all decedent to make known the same demands against the estate of the The name and address of each indi- 01 at 1000am in Room No. 91, and all persons indebted to the de- persons indebted to the decedent decedent to make known the same vidual interested in the business is adelphia, PA 19139. The name and City all, Philadelphia, PA for hear- persons indebted to the decedent to make payment without delay to address of each individual inter- to make payment without delay to cedent to make payment without and all persons indebted to the de- Andrea Anderson at 1 andike ing. All persons interested may ap- delay to RICARD AS, ADMIN- Allison David S. Rubin, Esq. Ex- cedent to make payment without St. Philadelphia, PA 1913. This ested in the business is Nassunni pear and show cause, if they have REBECCA SALLEN, EECUTRI, ecutor. NaImah Abdul-arim at 409 Lud- 3 Merion Rd., Merion Station, PA ISTRATOR, c/o Robert S. Levy, delay to Nicholas agner, Adminis- was filed in accordance with 4 any, why the prayer of the said pe- Esq., 104 Township Line Rd., David Neal Rubin, Esq. trator, c/o attorney PaC.S. 311.41 low Street Philadelphia, PA 19139. titioner should not be granted. 190, 100 J Bvd. Ste 1030 This was filed in accordance with Or to her Attorney Drexel ill, PA 190, Michael E. Eisenberg, Esquire Philadelphia, PA 1910 93 Byberry Road, Suite 10 4 PaC.S. 311.41 REBECCA SALLEN Or to his Attorney ictitious Name Registration STATEWIDE ADS ROBERT S. LE atboro, PA 19040 SALLEN LA, LLC ESTATE O RENA REMEL MLES, Notice is hereby given that an Ap- COOPER SCALL LE 3 Merion Rd. DECEASED. plication for Registration of icti- 104 Township Line Rd. ictitious Name Registration anted Buy or Trade Merion Station, PA 190 Late of Philadelphia tious Name was filed in the Depart- Drexel ill, PA 190 ESTATE O RUB SANDERS, DE- Notice is hereby given that an Ap- REON ANTED e pay for LETTERS of ADMINISTRATION on CEASED. ment of State of the Common- plication for Registration of icti- cylinders and cans. R1 R00 the above Estate have been gran- wealth of Pennsylvania on April 01, tious Name was filed in the Depart- R11 R113 R114. Convenient. Cer- ESTATE of ATLEEN . ALLEN Late of Philadelphia ted to the undersigned, who re- 01 for APE Lawn Care at 30 ment of State of the Common- tified Professionals. Call 31-91- ALLEN, ATLEEN ., Deceased ESTATE O MARANN E. LETTERS of ADMINISTRATION on quest all persons having claims or Jefferson Ave. Norristown, PA wealth of Pennsylvania on March 919 or visit Late of Philadelphia, PA B ARANE, DECEASED. the above Estate have been gran- demands against the estate of the 19403. The name and address of 31, 01 for P. ills Enterprises at LETTERS TESTAMENTAR Late of Philadelphia ted to the undersigned, who re- decedent to make known the same each individual interested in the 0 Maple Ave. 1-10 Suite A1 Miscellaneous on the above estate have been LETTERS TESTAMENTAR on the quest all persons having claims or and all persons indebted to the de- business is Martise Ray at 30 Jef- atfield, PA 19440. The name and DIS Network. 9.99 for 190 granted to the undersigned, who above Estate have been granted to demands against the estate of the cedent to make payment without ferson Ave. Norristown, PA 19403. address of each individual inter- Channels Blazing ast Internet, request all persons having claims the undersigned, who request all decedent to make known the same delay to MELIN ROAC, ADMIN- This was filed in accordance with ested in the business is Paula ills 19.99/mo. where available. or demands against the estate of persons having claims or demands and all persons indebted to the de- ISTRATOR, c/o enneth R. Pugh, 4 PaC.S. 311.41 at 0 Maple Ave. 1-10 Suite A1 Switch Get a REE 100 isa the decedent to make known the against the estate of the decedent cedent to make payment without to make known the same and all Esq., 401 issahickon Ave., Phil- delay to REBECCA SALLEN, AD- atfield, PA 19440. This was filed Gift Card. REE oice Remote. same, and all persons indebted to adelphia, PA 19144, REE D DR. REE Streaming persons indebted to the decedent MINISTRATRI, 3 Merion Rd., ictitious Name Registration in accordance with 4 PaC.S. the decedent to make payment Or to his Attorney on ALL Devices. Call today 1- to make payment without delay to Merion Station, PA 190, Notice is hereby given that an Ap- 311.41 without delay, to Angela ilson, ENNET R. PUG -33-094 MAR ATE SEI, EECUTRI, Or to her Attorney plication for Registration of icti- 3 Cottage St., Philadelphia, PA JERNER LA GROUP, P.C. Miscellaneous 3104 Derry Rd., Philadelphia, PA REBECCA SALLEN tious Name was filed in the Depart- 1913 and athleen ahl, 3339 401 issahickon Ave. GENERAC Standby Generators 1914, SALLEN LA, LLC ment of State of the Common- ictitious Name Registration airdale Rd., Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia, PA 19144 provide backup power during util- Or to her Attorney 3 Merion Rd. wealth of Pennsylvania on March Notice is hereby given that an Ap- 1914, Co-Executrices. ity power outages, so your home MARBET O. LAURIA Merion Station, PA 190 , 01 for Cavicore at 0 Buck- plication for Registration of icti- Andrew I. Roseman, Esquire ESTATE of ROBERT CORNIS, and family stay safe and comfort- LAURIA LA, LLC walter Road Suite 900 Royersford, tious Name was filed in the Depart- 1 alnut St. Deceased able. Prepare now. ree -year 3031A alton Rd., Ste. 30 PA 194. The name and address ment of State of the Common- Suite 141 Late of Pennsylvania extended warranty 9 value. Plymouth Meeting, PA 194 ESTATE of TELMA S. GREEN of each individual interested in the wealth of Pennsylvania on March Philadelphia, PA 1910 LETTERS of ADMINISTRATION on Request a free quote today Call a/k/a TELMA SON GREEN, De- business is Christopher Canale at 31, 01 for Torman Speech the above Estate have been gran- for additional terms and condi- ceased 0 Buckwalter Road Suite 900 Roy- Language Therapy at 04 Gran- ESTATE O MAINE A. PINS, ted to the undersigned, who re- tions. 1--0-40 ESTATE O LESLIE PUCOIT, Late of Lower Merion Township, ersford, PA 194. This was filed in ville Road Philadelphia, PA 191. DECEASED. quest all persons having claims or The name and address of each indi- Miscellaneous DECEASED. Late of Philadelphia demands against the Estate of the Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. accordance with 4 PaC.S. 311.41 Letters Testamentary on the estate vidual interested in the business is igh-Speed Internet. e in- Late of Philadelphia LETTERS TESTAMENTAR on the decedent to make known the same stantly compare speed, pricing, LETTERS TESTAMENTAR on the having been granted to the indi- Emily Torman at 04 Granville above Estate have been granted to and all persons indebted to the de- ictitious Name Registration availability to find the best ser- above Estate have been granted to vidual named below, all persons in- Road Philadelphia, PA 191. This the undersigned, who request all cedent to make payment without Notice is hereby given that an Ap- vice for your needs. Starting at the undersigned, who request all debted to the estate are requested was filed in accordance with 4 persons having claims or demands delay to Donald Cornish, Adminis- plication for Registration of icti- 39.99/month uickly compare persons having claims or demands to make payment, and those hav- PaC.S. 311.41 against the estate of the decedent trator c/o his attorney Debra G. tious Name was filed in the Depart- offers from top providers. Call 1- against the estate of the decedent ing claims are requested to present to make known the same and all Speyer, Two Bala Plaza, Suite 300, ment of State of the Common- --4 to make known the same and all persons indebted to the decedent the same, without delay, to Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004. wealth of Pennsylvania on April 01, ictitious Name Registration Miscellaneous persons indebted to the decedent to make payment without delay to MIRIAM C. AT 114 Ashton 01 for Clarity Counseling Notice is hereby given that an Ap- Become a Published Author. e to make payment without delay to SUSAN PINS BLEES and Road, ynnewood, PA 1909, ESTATE of LANETTE J. PURDIE, Coaching at 0 Germantown Av- plication for Registration of icti- want to Read our Book Dor- SARA B. PUCOTI, EECUTRI, ROBERT S. COEN, EECUTORS, Executrix, or to her attorney Deceased enue, Second floor Philadelphia, PA tious Name was filed in the Depart- rance Publishing-Trusted by Au- c/o Laura M. Tobey, Esq., 9 . The Beasley Bldg., 11 alnut St., MAR S. COEN, ES. Late of Pennsylvania 1911. The name and address of ment of State of the Common- thors Since 190 Book ayne Ave., ayne, PA 190, Philadelphia, PA 1910-491, Askot, einer Cohen, LLP LETTERS of ADMINISTRATION on each individual interested in the wealth of Pennsylvania on March manuscript submissions cur- Or to her Attorney Or to their Attorney 3 . Lancaster Avenue the above Estate have been gran- business is Lawrence Peers at , 01 for alter E. Bantom En- rently being reviewed. Compre- LAURA M. TOBE ROBERT S. COEN Suite 30 ted to the undersigned, who re- 0 Germantown Avenue, Second terprise at 1 . Girard Ave. hensive Services Consultation, REIDENBAC ASSOCIATES, LLC LA OICE O ROBERT S. CO- Ardmore, PA 19003 quest all persons having claims or floor Philadelphia, PA 1911. This Philadelphia, PA 19131. The name Production, Promotion and Distri- 9 . ayne Ave. EN demands against the Estate of the was filed in accordance with 4 and address of each individual in- bution. Call for our ree ayne, PA 190 The Beasley Bldg. decedent to make known the same PaC.S. 311.41 terested in the business is alter E. Authors Guide 1--0-03 11 alnut St. ESTATE of TOMAS . GRIIN, and all persons indebted to the de- Bantom at 1 . Girard Ave. or visit Philadelphia, PA 1910-491 Deceased cedent to make payment without Philadelphia, PA 19131. This was http// delay to Lina Morton, Administrat- Late of Philadelphia ictitious Name Registration Miscellaneous LETTERS TESTAMENTAR Notice is hereby given that an Ap- filed in accordance with 4 PaC.S. To place an rix c/o her attorney Debra G. Spey- 311.41 Eliminate gutter cleaning forever er, Two Bala Plaza, Suite 300, Bala on the above Estate have been plication for Registration of icti- Leafilter, the most advanced ad in the To place a Cynwyd, PA 19004. granted to the undersigned, who tious Name was filed in the Depart- debris-blocking gutter protection. request all persons having claims ment of State of the Common- Schedule a REE Leafilter estim- Real Estate or demands against the estate of wealth of Pennsylvania on March To place an ad in the To place an ad in the ate today. 1 off Entire Pur- Classified Ad, the decedent to make known the 1, 01 for Doodle Delights at 0 chase. 10 Senior Military Dis- Section, call same, and all persons indebted to Real Estate Section Belfry Dr. Blue Bell, PA 194. The Real Estate Section counts. Call 1--9-30 call 215.832.0749 the decedent to make payment name and address of each individu- 215.832.0749 call 215.832.0749 without delay to Raymond A. al interested in the business is call 215.832.0749 Griffin, Executor c/o his attorney El- Michelle Saritsoglou at 0 Belfry len S. ischer, Esquire Bloom Dr. Blue Bell, PA 194. This was Peters, LLC 9 orsham Road filed in accordance with 4 PaC.S. WANTED TO BUY Suite 30, orsham, PA 19044 311.41 SENIORS TO SENIORS

ESTATE O ILLIAM . ALBER, ictitious Name Registration Deceased Notice is hereby given that an Ap- Late of Montgomery County, plication for Registration of icti- Pennsylvania tious Name was filed in the Depart- LETTERS TESTAMENTAR on the ment of State of the Common- above Estate have been granted to wealth of Pennsylvania on March 13, 01 for ord Interiors at 40 the undersigned, who request all th persons having claims or demands N 0 Street Philadelphia, PA against the estate of the decedent 19131. The name and address of to make known the same and all each individual interested in the business is Christina ord at 40 persons indebted to the decedent th to make payment without delay to N 0 Street Philadelphia, PA Executor, Donald Peffer, Jr. c/o at- 19131. This was filed in accord- torney ance with 4 PaC.S. 311.41 Michael E. Eisenberg, Esquire 93 Byberry Road, Suite 10 ictitious Name Registration atboro, PA 19040 Notice is hereby given that an Ap- plication for Registration of icti- FICTITIOUS NAME tious Name was filed in the Depart- ment of State of the Common- ictitious Name Registration wealth of Pennsylvania on April 0, SENIORS TO SENIORS Notice is hereby given that an Ap- 01 for orest aux at 1 plication for Registration of icti- Mourning Dove Rd. Audubon, PA BOX REPLIES tious Name was filed in the Depart- 19403. The name and address of ment of State of the Common- each individual interested in the will be forwarded once a week on Friday. wealth of Pennsylvania on March business is Jennifer Getzfread at , 01 for A Classy ashionista 1 Mourning Dove Rd. Audubon, To answer a Senior to Senior ad, at Spring Ln. Royersford, PA PA 19403. This was filed in accord- 194. The name and address of ance with 4 PaC.S. 311.41 address your reply to: each individual interested in the business is risten Jones at JE Box ( ) Spring Ln. Royersford, PA 194. ictitious Name Registration Classifi ed Dept. This was filed in accordance with Notice is hereby given that an Ap- 4 PaC.S. 311.41 plication for Registration of icti- 2100 Arch Street 4th Floor tious Name was filed in the Depart- ment of State of the Common- Philadelphia, PA 19103 wealth of Pennsylvania on March , 01 for armah Transport at 0 ellerman St. Philadelphia, PA DEADLINE - 19111. The name and address of TO PLACE YOUR SENIOR TO SENIOR AD To place an ad in the each individual interested in the business is Rufus Elliott at 0 Friday by 10 am for the following Thursday’s issue Real Estate Section ellerman St. Philadelphia, PA 19111. This was filed in accord- Call 215-832-0749 call 215.832.0749 ance with 4 PaC.S. 311.41



FRIDAY, JUNE  Advocacy and Disability Steve Goode, a motorcyclist Join Jewish Family and Children’s from the Chicago area, is on Parsha for Life Service and RespectAbility at 7 a cross-country trek to call Join Rabbi Alexander Coleman, p.m. for a free virtual event in honor attention to the hunger crisis Jewish educator and psychotherapist of Disability Pride Virtual PA 2021. in the United States. Goode, at the Institute for Jewish Ethics, for Nelle L. Richardson will speak on whose trip will run through a weekly journey through the Torah the intersectionality of race, gender, the summer, is partnering with portion of the week with eternal immigration and disability, as well as MAZON: A Jewish Response lessons on personal growth and her experience as a self-advocate. to Hunger. His trip is called the spirituality. 9 a.m. Go to A Zoom link will be provided after “Great American Deli Schlep.” weekly-torah-portion.html to receive registration. For more information or the Zoom link and password. assistance, contact Rivka Goldman at On June 8, Steve Goode stopped [email protected] or 267-256- at Hershel’s East Side Deli at Reading Terminal Market. Pride Screening 2250. Closed captioning and ASL Here, Goode stands with Lauren In honor of Pride Month, the interpretation provided. Secular. Gershman Philadelphia Jewish Courtesy of Steve Goode Film Festival presents “Little Girl,” WEDNESDAY, JUNE  the latest film from acclaimed Jewish filmmaker Sébastien Lifshitz. The ‘Lord’ and the Lawyer On June 6, Congregation Beth El-Ner Tamid in Broomall held a program called “Pathways to Israel movie is a moving portrait of 7-year- The impact of the Talmud and — Mind, Motion and Munchies.” ere were Israeli-themed events like Krav Maga, a virtual tour old Sasha, who has always known that Jewish jurisprudence on American of Israel and a shofar-making workshop. Participants could also take part in Jewish henna designs, she is a girl, and her family, who have and British law and contemporary discussion groups, Israeli food activities and more. recently accepted and embraced their dilemmas will be discussed at noon, daughter for who she truly is. The featuring Lord David Wolfson, a movie will stream through 7 p.m. on British barrister and member of the June 20. See pjŒ.org/ for details. House of Lords, and Professor Chaim Samain, the chair in Jewish Law Refugee Day at the Villanova University Charles From 5-7 p.m., join individuals from Widger School of Law. The Zoom live Natalie and Scott across Philadelphia to celebrate the webcast hosted by the Institute for Noye demonstrate strength and courage of those forced Jewish Ethics is approved for 1.5 how to make shakshuka and to flee their homes and their impact hours of attorney credit. Cost is $45 Israeli salads. on the Philadelphia community at with CLE credit and $18 non-CLE. Photos by Philadelphia World Refugee Day, Register at or call Richard Chaitt organized by HIAS PA. Masking and 215-782-8878. other COVID-19 precautions will be observed. Mi˜in Square Park, Sixth Bereavement Group and Ritner streets, Philadelphia. For the post-bereaved, held at Northeast NORC, 8546B Bustleton TUESDAY, JUNE  Ave. in Philadelphia from 1-2:30 p.m. No charge. Email rivkapowers@ Genocide Discussion or call 2150320-0351 to This four-session course sponsored register. by Golden Slipper Gems will examine the particular history of History of Eve Adams the U.N.’s 1948/2002 definition of In “The Daring Life and Dangerous genocide. It will also propose a Times of Eve Adams,” acclaimed new paradigm for understanding historian Jonathan Ned Katz has genocide, based on a cross- recovered the extraordinary story of disciplinary approach to this complex an early, daring activist. The Center human phenomenon. Tim Horner for Jewish History is hosting a Zoom of Villanova University’s Center for program at 4 p.m. Pay what you wish; Peace and Justice Education is the register at instructor. 11 a.m. Call 610-359-8632 life-of-eve-2021-06-23 for a Zoom or visit for link. l A young congregant with the team from Members of CBENT’s “Knitzvah” group make hats for IDF more information. Fitmax Krav Maga soldiers.

PUBLISHER’S STATEMENT Published weekly since 1887 with a special issue in September (ISSN 0021-6437) ©2021 Jewish Exponent (all rights reserved) Any funds realized from the operation of the Jewish Exponent exceeding expenses are required to be made available to the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia, a nonprofit corporation with o‹ces at 2100 Arch St., Philadelphia, PA 19103. 215-832-0700. Periodical postage paid in Philadelphia, PA, and additional o‹ces. Postmaster: All address changes should be sent to Jewish Exponent Circulation Dept., 2100 Arch St., Philadelphia, PA 19103. A one-year subscription is $50, 2 years, $100. Foreign rates on request.


Ronen Dov Adler Shira Amar Michael Eric Andelman BenjaminBenjamin GeorgeGeorge FisherFisher MicahMicah DavidDavid FrankFrank IsraelIsrael MadeleineMadeleine KateKate RosenthalRosenthal Tamar Hilda Azulay 2021 NoahNoah MichaelMichael FrischFrisch IsabellaIsabella AnneAnne JacobsonJacobson MarcMarc SwartzSwartz RubinRubin Daniela Janine Barow BlakeBlake FoxFox JonahJonah DavidDavid KatzKatz EliVladimirEliVladimir RudmanRudman Lane Parker Barsh MatthewMatthew LeeLee GarberGarber ShirinShirin RebeccaRebecca KayeKaye AlexisAlexis BrookeBrooke SchachterSchachter Benjamin Adler Beal AdamAd BenjaminB j i GladstoneGl d t NoahN h ElijahElij h KesselK l MayaM HopeH ShavitSh it Eli Maurice Beaubien Allison Joan Goldstein Maria Fernanda Lehman Abigail Rose Shaposhnick Noah Simon Beitler Ilan Zachary Gordon Avi Ezra Loren Elliana N.Sherwood Daniel Harris Bernstein Gabrielle Noa Grob Dylan Matthew Mandel Mai Shmilovitch Aria Bitan NoahTzvi Hamermesh David Gershon Meles Ethan Bradley Simon Kayla Aliza Bleier Samuel Aaron Handel Sarah Adar Miller Miriam Bracha Singer Emmanuel Haya Carmely Jory Max Hirshman MiraWNachod GabrielTamarkin Ash Simone Chelder Alitza Lila Hochhauser Ida Dilara Narli Robert Ryan Ufberg Olivia Rose Collis Leia Adelle Hockstein Jacob Samuel Novick Zachary Lewis Ufberg Benjamin Lee Dahan Anita Brooke Ho’man Hannah Sophia Parish Rebecca BaileyWeinstein Sophia Ruth Decherney Sydney Jaye Holender Lily Morgan Rabinowitz Luke Cabot Finkelstein Maya Hurtig Sophia Lauren Rogovoy

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