•••• \ :,:..,:•• Research Board of Canada NANAIMO' B-C- Oiuio/Oo Pacific Biological Station Nanaimo, Bc Co

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•••• \ :,:..,:•• Research Board of Canada NANAIMO' B-C- Oiuio/Oo Pacific Biological Station Nanaimo, Bc Co DFO- Library / MPO -Bibliotheque THE LIBRARY """,i""1"' "-^curK: biological rrA :•••• \ :,:..,:•• Research Board of Canada NANAIMO' B-c- oiuio/oo Pacific Biological Station Nanaimo, Bc Co Circular No„ 37 July? 1955 Extent of .Herring Spawning iini British Columbia Waters During 1955 Do No Outram General Every year since 1930, herring spawnings along the British Columbia coastline have been reported by officers of the Federal Department of Fisherieso Since 1937? the measurement of the size and intensity of all spawnings has been a part of each officer"s regular duties. During the past nine years detailed spawn surveys have been made also in southern British Columbia waters by members of the Pacific Biological Station* The Pacific herring (Cllupea nallasi)0 unlike the Atlantic species^ spawns in the intertidal zone0 During the spring,, eggs are deposited on veg etation such as eelgrass and rockweed above and below the low tide line0 Spawning grounds may vary in size from a few yards to several miles9 the lengt-h and width being largely determined by the distribution of the vegetation and the stage of the tide at the time of spawning0 The spawning grounds are not randomly distributed along the coast but are located in certain preferred laces used year after year0 Maps of the northern and southern British Columbia coastline are given in FigSo 1 and 2 and show (1) the location of the 1955 herring spawning grounds, (2) the statistical areas into which the eight sub- districts are divided and (3) the location of place-names mentioned in the texto Purpose of Spawn Surveys Conservation of this valuable fishery resource necessitates main taining spawning stocks in the eight major herring populations of British Columbia of a size sufficient to ensure a supply of herring -to the fishery three and four years later© The relative size of the spawning stocks (i0e0 fish tfiich escaped the preceding winter fishery) is estimated by measurements of the zones covered by spawn each year0 The data obtained from these measurements also indicates the initial strength of the new year-class0 Survey Methods The length of each spawning area is estimated by pacing along the beach or by reference to a large-scale chart0 The width is observed visually0 The intensity of the spawning is recorded as being, in one of five broad categories (very light, light, medium, heavy or very heavy) based on the number of eggs found per linear inch of eelgrass or per square inch of other surfaces,, The information on width of the spawning zone and on intensity of spawning is applied to the length of the zone to convert the actual observed length to a comparative index of the amount of spawning is an estimate which, though not accurate within narrow limits, is believed to give a reliable indication if any major differences occurring from year to year or from place to place,, The 195? Spawning Season In the accompanying table the results of the 1955 spawn survey based on fishery officer9s reports are given for each major population, along with data from the previous four seasons for comparison0 In the middle east coastiV lower east coast and west coast of Vancouver Island sub-districts the figures in parentheses represent the best estimate of the amount of spawning derived from the combined ± The average intensity for the spawnings in a statistical area is determined by weighting the extent of each individual spawning by 1,2,394* or 5 depending on the category of the intensity assigned* Converting from extent at a calculated intensity to extent at a standard intensity of 3 (medium) is accomplished by multiplying the spawning extent by the ratio of the calculated intensity to the standard intensity,, For example, 2o0 statutory miles of spawn with an estimated average intensity of 205 is equal to 196 miles at a standard intensity of 3o coverages by fisheries officers and members of the Pacific Biological Station staffo In 1955 the total number of statutory miles of spawn deposited (215«2) was less than that recorded in 1954 (225<,6)„ However, the spawning extent still remained at a level that was about average for the last ten years,, In the Queen Charlotte Island sub-district (Areas 2A(E) and 2B(E) the spawning extent was reduced about 50 percente This resulted from heavy exploitation in two successive years coupled with a natural decline in the ^s strengths of year-classes comprising the population,. However, the amount of spawn deposited still remained about average for this sub-districto In the northern sub-district (Areas 3, 4, and 5) a marked increase (40 percent) in spawn deposition was recordedo Spawn deposition in Area 4 has declined for two years in succession but this decline has been more than com pensated for by marked increases in Area 5o The largest individual spawning on the British Columbia coast in 1955 (10ol miles) occurred in Wilson Inlet (Area 5), Although the 1954-55 catch in the northern sub-district was the lowest in the last six years, late inshore migrations of herring schools during April were apparently responsible for the increase in the amount of spawn deposited,. In the north central sub-district (Area 6) spawn deposition ha® been at a low level for the past 4 years. In 1955.* spawning extent was slightly less than in 1954o In the south central sub-district (Areas 7, 8, 9 and 10) spawn ing extent was about 8 percent greater than in 1954 and was about average for recent years* While Areas 7, 8 and 9 showed increases over last year, Area 10 showed a considerable decrease,, The decreased spawn deposition in Area 10 probably reflects the greater exploitation of stocks in that area in 1954°55o The fishery in the central sub-district was characterized by a greater dependance on small "local" stocks than on the usually more important woffshore" stocks0 Abundance of all stocks in the central sub-district was low in 1954-55 as 4 ~ Sub~district and Area Statutory Miles of Spawn of Medium Intensity 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 Islands Area 2A East ,5 0o8 3*2 1*9 Area 2B East 1002 20^2 22*1 8o0 5o4 13 o4 >2„1 llo3 Northern Area 3 (Nass) 3o2 Area 4 (Skeena) 14.5 Area 5 (Gremrille) 7c2 24o9 No^th_Centpl Area IT (Butedale) 1108 South Central Area 7 (Bella Bella) 28 ,6 17o7 29o4 28 00 2802 Area 8 (Bella Coola) 0 ,5 1.5 0o2 2o7 8e9 Area 9 (Rivers In„) 2 .1 0o8 4o2 0o4 lol Area 10( Smith In0) JLsJL 3*L 36^ 34o5 2208 43 o0 >e Upper East Coast of Vol, Area 11 (Seymour In0) 0o4 9.2 _ Area 12 (Alert Bay) uur.*mT~^r*23&T* 24o7 14o4 9o2 Middle East Coast of Volo 1292(13o8] Area 13 ^Quadra Is0) 206 6o0 5o8 3o2 Area 14 (Comox) 22 a4 24o4 23 o7 11o4 19.0(21o0J Area 15 (Powell River) 3o4 2o3 3o0 2o4 104( lo6] JtsB =4*0 Area 16 (Pender Hb„) .2JL 2sL -JL2- 31. 36ol 35o7 2U8 36o6(40(40T4) Lower East Coast of Y.I. Area 17A (Nanaimo) 1202 7o8 17o6 0o8 9o0( 9o4) Area 17B (Ladysmith) 5o8 20o4 82o4 6lo5 t6„5(28o8) Area 18 (Ganges Hb„) 0o3 2,0 2o5 1.9 1«4( 5o2) Area 19 (Victoria) a Ool 18o4 30 «3 102o5 64o2 West Coast of VQ|Io Area 23 (Barkley Sd) 4ol( 8„3) 4o8( 9o8) 7o8(13ol) 4.6(llo0 Area 24 (Clayoquot Sd) 605( 3o0) 4o9( 2o4) 7oO( 7o8) 4o2( 4o5 Area 25 (Esperanza ln0) 9o5(34ol) 208(26o6) Ilo4(36o4) 7ol(17«5 Area 26 (Kyuquot Sd) 105( loO) 0o9( lo6) 4o4( BoO) 3o2( 4o8 Area 27 (Quatsino Sd) 4o?( 5ol* l^iJ^^10^(llo|l »2( 7o3 5(513: i0.o4(76<,8T 26.3(45.1 U o So A< San Juan Is0-Boundary Bay (15.6) GRAND TOTAL - All Areas lo?(!l94.5) 137^5(lS4^52^§g3,2) 206,8(225o6) lo9.2(215.2) & Complete coverage by fishery officer0s impossible because boat not available. - 5 - indicated by the low catch per unit of effort (31 tons per seine day) in making the smallest total catch since the -1946-47 season,, A spawning was recorded during the summer months (July 2-3) in Burke Channel (Area 8), This spawning was over 7 miles long and was probably the latest spawning ever re~ corded in that area. In the upper east coast of Vancouver Island sub-district (Areas 11 and 12) a sharp reduction (36 percent) in the amount of spawn occurred in 1955. The catch (9*200 tons) in this sub-district, the largest since 1941* was probably responsible for a reduced abundance of the spawning stocks. The absence of a regular spawning in Kingcome Inlet (Area 12) lowered the total number of miles of spawn found in this sub-district0 In the middle east coast of Vancouver Island sub-district (Areas 13, 14* 15 and 16) spawning extent was above average, about 68 percent greater than in the previous year0 There was apparently an increased abundance of fish in this sub-district during the 1954-55 season since the catch of 24,650 tons was the largest ever recorded,, Large spawning^ along the Parksville - Deep Bay shoreline (Area 14) and at the head of Bute Inlet (Area 13) accounted for the increased spawn deposition in this sub-district„ In the lower east coast of Vancouver Island sub-district (Areas 17A, 17B, 18 and 19) the combined figures from both fishery officers and Pacific Biological Station personnel are presented.
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