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CHS Index Chart Fisheries and Oceans Pi'lches et Oceans Canada Canada Canada ••• 137 ° 136 " 134" 133 ° 131° 129 ° ,.. 126 ° 125 " 124 " 123° 122° 119° 124 ° 118 ° GENERAL CHARTS CARTES GENERALES SMALL-CRAFT CHARTS REV ILLAG IGEDO LARGER SCALE CHARTS ISLAND CARTES POUR EMBARCATIONS CARTES A PLUS GRANDE ECHELLE 3050 Kootenay Lake and Rovet 75 000 3311 Sunshtno Coast- Vancouver Ha rbour lo/A 3052 Okanagan Lako so 000 Desolatoon Sound 40 000 3053 Shuswap Lake so 000 331:2 JerviS Intel ond/et Do•o latoon Sound 0 305S Waneta to /~ Hugh Keen leyside Dam 20 000 Vo,ous Scolo•JEche tle• vo"h• > z 3056 Hugh Koon loySido Dam to/A Burlon 40 000 3313 Gull Islands and Ad jacent Watotways/el les Vo1es Navigables Ad1acentes ~ ' 3057 Button IO/~ 1\rrowhood 40 000 Variou• Scale•/Echel le• vo"~"' 3058 Arrowhead lo/6 Rovo lotoko Go «m• 20 000 3488 Fro5er River/F I&uve Fraser, Cre•<ent l5land 3061 " "'"'on Lake and/ol Hamson R1ver '""'' to/~ Hon loon Mills 20 000 Harrison Lake 40 000 3469 Fraser Rovor/Fiouve Fr8set, Pattullo B"dgo Harrison R1ver 30 000 to/a Crescent Is land 20 000 Pitt River and/ot Poll l ak e 25 000 Stuaot L a~e (Not•howniP••rnd•qu o!) 50 000 54 " ~f--- ' ~ 0 "" I < ''"0' 't)Go iUn "?1- Cocoov• 3053 Foo ..o<o o l 0 "' GJ ,. Shu wap .•. Lake CANAOA !'; "'""""'' •·o~ d 130" 125° 120 " •5"omouo .,cocho Cceo> ,... ,. ' GJ ... ' <om l oops ~ DIXON E'N TRANCE' LEGENO/LEGENDE • •• • Scales smaller ttlan 1"40 000 Ectlellas plus petites qua 1:40 000 '' GJ Scales 1:40 000 and larger Ectlelles 1: 40 000 et plus grande& CHART SCALE Chart soale os the rat10 of one umt of d1stance 011 the cha" to the actual d.stance on the Earth's surface expressed on tho same unots. For example, >f t11e scale of a cl1art os 1.40 000. then one cant1metre on the chart equals 40 000 OMotrolt con11metres on t he surface of lhe earth. A sma ll scala cl1art covers a ra lot•vely latgo area and contains less deta il. A --1--- large scale chart covars a relatively small area and contains mora detail. It is a legal reqUirement lor mariners to use 0 tha largest scale chart avaolabla '" GJ ECHELLE DE LA CARTE MARINE L"Ochelle de Ia carte est le rapport entre une unite de diStance sur una carla manna el Ia m~me unittl de dostanca sur GJ Ia surlaco lerrcstra. Si Ia carte marine ost a 1'6cho ll c do 1:40 000. par oxemplo. c'ost qu"un centim<ltro sur Ia carte correspond a 40 000 centiml!tres sur Ia surface terrestre. La carte A petite ~chel l e couvre de grandes r~g1ons de fa~on moms Mtaollo!e , alorS que Ia carte ;I g rande ~chelle couvre de petotes r<!gions avec plus de d<!taols Le rl!g le ment Dol""" I o Poln coton exrge que les navrgateurs utolisent Ia carle a l'<!cl1elle Ia plus grande <11an1 drsponrble. GJ 3000 3000 Juan do Fuca Strait to/~ Doxon Entrance .. .1 250 000 3001 Vancouver ls landt!lo de Va,couveo, "' " ' Juan Oe Fuca Strait to/0 Queen Charlotte Sound 525 0(){) 3002 Ouoen Charlotte Sound to/a Drxon Entranco 525 000 3400 341D Soo~e lnletto/il Parry Boy 20 000 Pedder Bay .. .... 6 000 341 1 Soo~e 1 2 ooo 3412 V<elo"a Ha obour '000 Portage Inlet . .. 12 000 3419 Esqu1malt Harbour 5 000 3424 Approaches to/Approche• ;I Oa k Bay 10 000 GWAII 34 4D Race Roc ks t o/11 D'Arcy Island. 40 000 3441 Ha<o Slraot. Boundary PaS< Oold/ot Saiello te Channel. .. .. 40000 3442 North Pender Island to/a Thetis Is land 40000 3443 Tht>los Is land tolil Nanaonto 40 000 3447 Nanaonto Ha<l:>our and/et Depa<ture Bay .. .. 10 000 Newcastlo l• land Passage Southern Port1onl Parton Sud. 5 000 124° 30 ' 123° 3456 Hai100I Ban k to/il Ballenas C~annel. 30 000 3458 Approachos to/Approches a Nana1mo Harbour 20 000 3459 Approach•• to/Appr<x::hes ~ Nanoose Harbo<n . ..15 000 3600 3461 Juan de Fuca Strait Eastern Portion/Partie Est.. .. 80 000 3601 Juan d~ Fuca Straotto/0 Vancouver Hatbour 200 000 3462 Juan do Fuca Slra•t to/a Stra• t of Goorg<O . .... ..... 80 000 3602 Approach"' lo/Approche• II Juan do Fuca Strait ... 150000 LARGER SCALE CHARTS 3463 Strait of Geo r~ i a , Southern Po rt1onlf'artie Sud ....... 80 000 3603 Uclue let Inlet to/11 Nootka Sound 150 000 3473 Activo Pa,., Porl1 er Pass andlot Montague Harbour 3604 Nooll<a Sound to/~ Quats•M Sound. ... 150 ODO CARTES A PLUS GRANDE ECHELLE Aot1ve Pass 12 000 3805 Ouatsino Sound tol;l Oue~n Charlotte Strait .. 1 000 Portie r Pass 12 000 so Scott Channo l 80 000 M ~~~~gus Harbour .. 18 000 3606 Juan de Fuca Stooil .. ...110000 3475 Plans - Stuart Cha~~e l 3623 Kyuquot Sound to/a Capo Cook . BO 000 Chemaoous Bay .12 000 3624 Cape Coo~ to Cape Scolt 9{l 000 Ladysmith Harbou r .... 12 000 Sea Otter Cove .. .1 4 000 DodO Narrows to/a Flat Top Islands .. ...... 18 000 3625 Scott lolando . ..BD 000 Oodd Na.,ows ... 9 000 3646 P1ons- Barkley Sound .. Osborn Bay .. ...... 15 000 Bamtield lnl ot ... 12 000 3477 Plans · Gu lf Is lands Ucluelotlnlet . .. 15 000 Bedwell Harbour to/11 Georgeson Passa~e .. ..1 5 000 Uchucklesit Inlet .. 18 000 Telograph Harbour and/ot f> roedy Harbour . 15 000 Fatly Bosrn . .7 500 Pender Canal.. ..4 000 3647 Po rt Son Juan andlet N1tinat Narrows .. 3478 Plans- Sahspt ln ~ Island Port San Juan . 18 000 Sansum Narrows. 20000 NoMa! Nattow• .. 12 000 Birds Eye Cove .. 10 000 N1tinat Narrows .. >000 Genoa Bay .. .10 000 3651 Scoulor Enlfanee .1000D Ganges Harbour andlot Lo ro g Harboou .. 20000 3668 Albern! Inlet. .. 40 000 Fulford Ha rbour. 15 000 Entra 11 ce to/EntrBo a Useless ln lot .. 10 000 3479 Approaches to/Approches a Srdney ... 20 000 Poll Alberno . .10 000 Tsehum Hart>our. .. 08 000 OUE'E'N CHARLOTTE' JERII/S Robbers Passage .. 10 000 Srdney .. ......... 08 000 INLET " 3670 Bro~on Gtoup .. ~0 DOO lr<>quols Passage ar>dlet John Passe~ 08 000 3671 Ba rkley Sound .. 40 000 3481 Approaches to/Approches a Vancouver Harbour ........... 25 000 SOUND 3673 Clayoquot Sound, Tohno Inlet to/0 Millar Channel 40 000 3536 3490 Fraser l!over/Fleuvo Ftasor. Sand Heads to/! 3674 Clayoquot Sound, Mlllat Channel to/3 E>lovaol Po ~rol .. .. 40 000 Oougla. Isla nd . 20000 Horwooo 1 [J•wo ll Rovoc Hayden Passa~e .. .... 20 000 w .. tv oow 3491 Fraser Rover/Fleuva Fraser. Notth Arm 20 000 Hot Springs Cov~ .. .. 20 000 A /g o""' 3492 Roberto Bank .. 20 000 p"""' Marktosis . .. 10 000 3493 Va rocouver Harbour. Western Portion/Partie Ouest. .10 000 3891 Skidegate Channel 40 000 3675 Nootka Sound 40 000 3494 Vancouver Haobour. Central PotiiOniParlle Centrale .10 000 Ea" Narrows anO/ot Wost Narrows .... 1D 000 Q353B Go ld Rive r 10 000 Second Narrows .. .8 000 3892 Masse! Hatbour and/el Naden Harbour .. .. 40 000 Von AnO o Princesa Channel ... 10 000 3495 Vancouver Harbour. Eastern Pot.,on/Partoo Est 10 000 Woah Point .. ....... 20 000 3676 Espe<a,.za Inlet 40 000 "''"" lndlaro Arm .. 30000 3893 MaS<otlnlot .... 40 000 '"""' Tahsis .. .12 000 Juskatla Na rtows 12 000 3500 3677 KyuquotSound 40 000 3B94 Selwyn lnlotto/0 Lawn Po •nt 73 000 KyuquOI 10 000 3895 Plans - D1xon Enttance ...... 20 000 3512 Strait of GeorgiO. Conttal Poi!IOnll'altoo Cerolrale 80 000 / Entmnce to/Entn!e ~Fair Hart>our 10 000 Ale •andra Narrows. Soott '"'"" 3513 Straot of Georgia. Northern Portoon/Partie Nord 80 000 /' 3879 OuatsoM Sound .. ..... 50 000 MaS<ot Ha rbour and Approacheslot los approches 3514 J OfV ISinlot. .. 50 000 3680 Brooks Bay .. .38 300 Patry Passage .. " Ma l1b U Rapods .. 12 000 3681 Plans · Qua101110 Sound .. """" Sochclt Ra p10s 20000 Coal Harbout .. ............. .8 000 ' 3515 Kn1g hl lrolel . so 000 Quatsmo Narrows .. 12 000 3900 Simoom Sound .... 20 000 Neroutsos Inlet 15 000 3902 Hecate Strail . ..... 250 000 3526 Howe SounO 40 000 Port AII C& 1 500 3909 Pla 11s - Chath am Sound 3527 Baynes Sound . .. 40 000 3683 Checleset Bay .36 500 Welcome Harbour .1 5 000 Comox Harbour 15 000 3885 Tolono ..... 20 000 Re1uge Bay 10 000 3534 Plans Howe Sound Hunt Inlet 10 ooo 3686 Approaches lo /A pproches il W1nter Harbour .. ..... 15 000 Ouolloum 6oooho Mann10n Bay andlel Snug Cove .. '000 Qlawdteel Artchorage .. 10 000 Foshermans Cove '~ 3700 Brundige Inlet 10 000 Horseshoe Bay .. 8 000 3910 P lans· MoiiJank auchsmin Channel .. Shoal Cho nnol 12 000 3721 Harbo urs on tho West Coast ol Pitt Island .. 18 300 Weeteeam Bay.. ....... 12000 Squamish Harbout .. 10 000 M o n~ Trap Bay and AdjOC6111 Inlets Borrowman Bey .. ... 12000 3535 Pions - Malaspina Strart Port Stephens and Monckton Inlet Higgins Passage. ...... 20 000 PendOI HarbOUf. 12 000 Bucl1an 1111 c1 Clofford Bay .............•..........•••.. 20000 Secret Cove and/<>1 Smuggler Cove. ... 10 000 3724 Coamano Sound and Approacheolet les approche•.. .71 600 Entrance to!EntrOO a Maltueson Channel 20000 Wo lcomo Pas.nge 25 000 3726 Laredo Sound and Approaches ..... 72 200 3911 Plans Vlc1noty of!Proxlmlle de P ~ncess Royal Island 3536 Plans Straol of Georgoa .. 3727 Cope Calvett 10 Gt>Oso Island 1ncludong Gillen Harbour .
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    ~.. ~. HSHtRI tS atSu~R&' " . BGA'R~ ~f Cl~llA . .~ ~. - . ' ~ . B\OtOG\b~t ,Sl~l\Q~, .. , - '-. '.'· Sf. Jn1\tiJs.M£WfnU:Rnl~ND .., " ).0 '.;; I" . .' -... ... -.. - . IJI8:8 •••_$ _R_ . 8~~B~ (;P .·' BOA •• ," ' OF" CA -:N ' A:P&-~ " . :- ', ..~:ANJ1SCRIPT REP'O~T . SEItIES ,No. 976 .. .. " • j. _ ' - - . ' • I _I, ' . [ , '<" . ~ .. r, . Drift Card Beiea8e.8 ~ ~n, d .ReeQverielf . , .. , ... ..... • ' -' .0 >' In . '. , -,. 'Burke . Channel - .- \ . i j' , " >.- British ,Columbia, 1 1967 .. ,. 0 • b1 " ~"" 'It • ' .J 1t~1I~ ', Herlinveaq~ . .- , ~. :" . - , ", .BlQ1o.gical S-tat;on, NJlIi.tmo, B.C.; - .. i?~cifl~Qceanogr~phic Group ' . - , ' , ,~ ."~. March 1968 FISHERIES RE8EAR~B BOARD OF ~ANADA MANUSCRIPT REPORT SERIES No. 970 Drift Card Releases and Recoveries • In Burke Channel British Columbia, 1967 by R. H. Herlinveaux Biological Station, Nanaimo, B.C. Pacific Oceanographic Group March 1968 Programmed by The Canadian Committee on Oceanography Drift Card Releases and Recoveries in Burke Channel, British Columbi.a, 1967 by E..H. Herlinveaux INTRODUCTION Burke Channel is the main migratory route of the pink salmon moving into and out of the Bella Coola River system (Figure 1). On their way to the sea, the pink salmon spend approximately twq months (mid~April to mid-June) in the system, during which time a significant and variable mortality occurs. The mortality must be associated partly with environmental factors. among which water movements are considered to be most significant. Water movements may either directly tiansport the fish, or, by altering the salinity distribution, and! or by concentrating or dispersing food organisms, modify their travel. Furthermore , variation in water movements may change the nutrient supply, which in turn will alter production of food necessary for growth and survivaL An extensive 5=year study of the l!spring Qceanographic conditionsl! in the system was terminated in 1967.
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