Wisdom Chapter Nine of Shantideva’S Bodhicharyavatara the Way of the Bodhisattva
WISDOM CHAPTER NINE OF SHANTIDEVA’S BODHICHARYAVATARA THE WAY OF THE BODHISATTVA SOURCE BOOK For internal use only Exclusively for the Rime Shedra NYC Core Texts Program A program of Shambhala Meditation Center of New York First Edition – 2013 Sourcebook Table of Contents Course Materials Syllabus with schedule Chants Tonglen instruction (abridged version) by Pema Chodron Outlines of the Bodhicharyavatara: The Full Text The Ninth Chapter Core Texts Wisdom, The Way of the Bodhisattva, Translated by Padmakara, with outline Wisdom, The Nectar of Manjushri’s Speech, Kunzang Pelden, pp. 313‐389 plus notes Supplementary Readings Some Remarks on the Bodhicaryavatara and Pawo Rinpoche’s Commentary, The Center of the Sunlit Sky, Karl Brunnholzl: A Brief Account of Shantideva’s Life, pp. 601‐604 The Entrance to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life and Its Ninth Chapter, pp. 604‐605 Shantideva’s Presentation of the Two Realities, pp. 605‐611 Buddhist philosophy, Daniel Cozort and Craig Preston: What are Buddhist tenets, pages 12 to 18 What are the Buddhist schools, pages 19 to 28 What is ignorance, pages 29 to 36 What is the person, pages 37 to 43 What are the two troops, pages 54 to 59 What is valid cognition, pages 66 to 73 Emptiness: Foundations of Buddhist Thought Volume Five, by Geshe Tashi Tsering: Insight, pp. 30 ‐34 The Object of Negation, pp. 77‐89 Levels of Selfhood, pp. 39‐50 Relative Truth, Ultimate Truth, by Geshe Tashi Tsering: The Vaibhashika School, pp. 35‐52 Special Insight: The Perfection of Wisdom, The Easy Path, Illuminating the First Dalai Lama’s Secret Instructions, Gyumed Khensur Lobsang Jampa: Page 1 Emptiness of Persons, pp.
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