Revealing the Medicine Buddha's Art Windhorse
PO Box 6483, Ithaca, NY 14851 607-273-8519 WINTER 1999 NEWSLETTER & CATALOG SUPPLEMENT REVEALING THE MEDICINE BUDDHA'S ART H.H. Dalai Lama Opens Groundbreaking Tibetan Medical Conference SETTLING INTO AMERICA by Victoria Huckenpaliler as Harvard Medical School, and Yale cause such a conference had already Interviews with the Four The First International Conference and Oxford Universities, exchanged been held in Tibet in the eighth cen- on Tibetan Medicine, held in the views with Tibetan doctors, including tury, and had included participants Tibetan Employees at Snow Lion nation's capital from 7-9 November the Dalai Lama's past and present from China, Mongolia, Iran and and inaugurated by H.H. the Dalai personal physicians, Dr. Yeshe Greece! Following his statement, Dr. by Julie Totlen main office with huge, silly grins on Lama, brought together notable phy- Donden and Dr. Tenzin Choedrak, in Wayne Jonas, Director of the Office Palden carefully wraps a pair of their faces, probably the result of sicians, scholars, and translators an atmosphere of mutual courtesy of Alternative Medicine at the Na- eternal knot earrings. Gently folding D.D.'s latest wisecrack. As they return from twenty-two nations seeking an and deference. tional Institute of Health, set the tone the plastic cushioning, he glances up to work and begin to regain their integrative approach to healing. The His Holiness opened the plenary by advocating greater receptivity in at a picture of the Dalai Lama at- calm, Kunga gently begins singing Western physicians, whose impec- session by gently reminding partici- the West to indigenous medicines, re- tached to the wall directly in front of an old Tibetan folk tune.
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