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Institut français des relations internationales

2006 Annual Report

Knowledge for Action

27 rue de la Procession - 75740 Cedex 15 Tel.: 33 (0) 1 40 61 60 00 - Fax: 33 (0) 1 40 61 60 60 www.ifri.org 2928_Couv.qxp:Mise en page 1 09/10/2007 12:52 Page 2

© Photo Credits Ifri Christophe Peus • Design and execution : agence Trocadéro • Printed in France — September 2007 2928_IFRI_institutionnel.qxp:Mise en page 1 09/10/2007 12:46 Page 1


Message from the President page 2

The benchmark French independent think tank page 4

2006 The world according to Ifri researchers page 7

In 2006, Ifri was notably host to: page 10

Ifri and its partners page 12

Research page 17

Research: an international network page 35

Publications page 36

Conferences et debates page 39

Staff page 41

Board of directors and advisory board page 42

Financial annex page 43

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Ifri’s vocation is the understanding of international affairs. We work towards such understanding through a close cooperation with our individual and institutional partners around the world. They all share a strong interest in a “French-based European viewpoint” that allows them to shed light on their own decision-making or simply broaden, as citizens, their own outlook. Our partners include leaders of public and private institutions who play an active role in today’s globalized world, organizations from France, Europe and other continents, opinion leaders and media in many countries, French and foreign academics, researchers, professors Message and students. State approved, Ifri sees its work enriched by its partners as much as they themselves benefit from it. from Since its founding in 1979, one of the most original aspects of Ifri is its close interaction with private businesses the President and major companies. This collaboration increased in 2006 with the creation of major programs running over several years, such as “European governance and the geopolitics of energy.”

Ifri is a non-partisan organization. Its independent status can be assessed in practice thanks to its legal operating framework, the diversity of its financial and academic relationships, and the absence of any legal or practical subordination. Ifri’s accounts are transparent and subject to private and public scrutiny. The institute is proud of its fruitful ties with the French administration, which contribute to its credibility and social value through a balanced and mutually enriching partnership. The French state does not intervene in Ifri’s governance; it contributes up to 40 % of its resources—a low percentage in a country where research is mainly subsidized by the government.

Ifri is loyal to fundamental values. We believe that promoting democracy and human rights in the world, as well as economic openness, is a way to limit conflicts and to favor their peaceful settlement. We also believe that it is urgent to elaborate new types of international cooperation devised to deal with the important issues that have sprung from globalization, such as the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the spread of diseases, the climate change, and, more generally the degradation of the environment. Yet we are convinced that the planet’s sustainable development issue, as it is generally understood, should not be tackled with an ideological or neo-imperialistic approach. The “Western World” does not have a monopoly on some truth, does not have the moral duty to impose it on the rest of the world.

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Understanding international affairs means trying to grasp other people’s mind-frames and cooperating with them on a constructive basis, however divergent interests can be.

We view the European construction as a major step in world history. With respect to the United States, to countries born out of the Soviet Union collapse, and to emerging powers, Europe will gain influence thanks to its capacity to build a new type of exemplary political unit rather than just being vocal through moralizing discourse. Issues regarding the European construction process, EU’s relationship with its neighbors and the rest of the world are at the forefront of Ifri’s development strategy, as epitomized by the opening of a permanent office in Brussels in 2005.

Ifri’s concrete activity—research and organization of public debates—produces “traditional” research output such as publications and conferences, which are described in this annual report and on the website www.ifri.org. However, new activities are developed, such as programs sponsored by highly involved partners. Developing those traditional and innovative products in close collaboration with our partners will enable Ifri to adapt to a changing world and fully become the benchmark French-based European international relations think tank quoted as a reference. In a world dominated by Anglo-Saxon culture, such outcome is a necessity.

Thierry de Montbrial Founder and President of Ifri Member of the Académie des sciences morales et politiques photo: Olivier Roller photo: Olivier

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Knowledge for Action

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L’Institut français des relations internationales

Policy-oriented research respective 70 and 25 years of existence with As a cross-disciplinary research center, Ifri special editions. The gathers over thirty French and foreign Today the website www.ifri.org is the first researchers. Over 50 % of Ifri’s researchers media through which Ifri’s debates, work and benchmark are less than forty years old. This rejuve- studies are disseminated (including summaries French nated team showing an open-minded and of the most recent publications, policy papers, interactive spirit, is forward looking tuned seminar, meetings, and symposium reports). independent in to contemporary and future issues. Ifri’s Ifri is also very present in the media: in 2006 experts are involved in major international its researchers published over 125 articles. networks and communicate on a regular basis Aside from numerous articles and interviews, think tank with their foreign counterparts. Ifri and its experts have been quoted over Ifri’s “policy-oriented” research is organized 1 400 times in the French and foreign media. around different regional and cross-disciplinary research areas, which evolve according to A European ambition international political and economic trends. In a globalized world in which France and Europe try to redefine their international role, Ifri is the main French independent research The debate: encouraging diversity and as the European project is going through and debate institution dedicated to international Ifri’s research is enriched by the debates a crisis, Ifri has greatly enhanced the European affairs. it organizes in a non-partisan and informal dimension of its activities. Inspired by the US and British example, Ifri context. These debates are vital in developing With a branch in Brussels (Eur-Ifri, launched prides itself in being the oldest French “think closer relationships between researchers in March 2005), Ifri has asserted itself as one tank.” Since its creation in 1979 by Thierry and decision-makers from the private and of the rare French think tanks at the heart de Montbrial, Ifri’s footprint has constantly public sector. of the European debate with a cross- been expanding. Now fully integrated in the Since 1979, Ifri has organized over 1 150 disciplinary approach associating political network of major international think tanks, conferences, 95 international symposiums and economic decision-makers, researchers Ifri aims at gathering decision-makers and 380 meetings involving French and foreign and experts on a European scale. and researchers to develop non-partisan and prominent figures. Ifri hosted many heads This year’s track record reflects Ifri’s ambitions. thorough research and debate on current of state, including in 2006 President Jalal Eur-Ifri created a weekly event, “Ifri’s Tuesdays,” international issues. Ifri’s goal is to: Talabani, President Mikheil Saakashvili, recognized in Brussels for the richness of • develop applied research in the field of President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, and President its debates—directly linked to the EU’s agenda. public policy, related to international issues; Abdoulaye Wade… Thanks to its experience and its international • foster interactive and constructive dialogue staff, Ifri is today a prospective-oriented French between researchers, professionals, and Publications and research dissemination: and European think tank, benefiting from opinion leaders. providing keys to understand current a unique international network. Ifri is independent from all administrative international affairs and financial regulatory authorities. It has Ifri’s research and debate are covered in no affiliation with any political party. Its the institute’s various collections as well independence, stated in the institute’s as in top publications such as the quarterly by-laws, relies on the diversity of the funding journal Politique étrangère, the oldest French sources it has been able to gather. journal on international affairs, and the annual Ifri’s dual purpose—as a research center report RAMSES. With a circulation of 10 000 and as a debate forum—is the cornerstone copies, RAMSES combines a factual analysis of Ifri’s mission. Both activities are mutually of events, a critical assessment of the past enriching and stimulating to the benefit year and perspectives for the following year. of Ifri’s members and partners. 2006 was a landmark for the longevity of these publications, for they celebrated their

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Forum for debates, Politique étrangère, Ifri’s quarterly journal, provides keys of understanding to analyze current events, by giving space to authors with different opinions. RAMSES Politique étrangère RAMSES, the annual (yearly) Rapport annuel mondial sur le système économique et les stratégies 1936-2006 reference book.

25th anniversary 70th anniversary

“Europe and the World” D’hier à demain: penser l’international A special issue

“With this 2007 edition, RAMSES celebrates its 25th anniversary. … “The quarterly journal published by the French Institute Since 1982, this annual encyclopedia of international current of International Relations (Ifri) looks back on seventy years events provides the keys to understand a changing world of history and seventy years of international debate, thanks to and successfully presents, year after year, new themes the great authors that have contributed to the success of of reflection (alter-globalization, counter-terrorism…)” the journal (Raymond Aron, Jacques de Larosière or Louis (Mireille Duteil, Le Point, September 2006) Massignon). “What is such a journal, if not the changing mirror of the world, its mirror changed by analysis?” questions rightly “The publication of the 25th edition of Ifri’s RAMSES is an event. its editor-in-chief Dominique David, in the introduction of this First, because this independent research institute […] is maybe the special issue.” (Regards croisés, ARTE, March 2007) best French think tank. And then because its founder, Thierry de Montbrial, uses this tool in the dangerous exercise of geopolitics, … “For its 70th anniversary, Politique étrangère gives us the ‘a judgment of plausibility fed by the observation of data’.” opportunity to read contributions of the 1930’s. From the Spanish (Jean-Gabriel Fredet, Le Nouvel Observateur, October 2006) War to terrorism, from 1936 […] to 2006, seventy years of crises, of hopes, of challenges are discussed. For this, a dialogue between A collective work published every year under the direction of yesterday and today is organized according to a sophisticated Thierry de Montbrial and Philippe Moreau Defarges, RAMSES’ ‘mise-en-scène’ of ideas, as Dominique David, editor-in-chief anniversary edition deals with the European Union, as it faces of Ifri’s emblematic journal, writes it.” (L’Histoire, February 2007) an institutional crisis. In 13 chapters, RAMSES places Europe in a changing world, evaluates its interactions with other countries Editor-in-chief: Dominique David and examines the challenges it will have to meet. Editing: Delphine Renard, Marielle Roubach

Thierry de Montbrial Philippe Moreau Defarges

Pierre Hassner, Dominique David, Ethan Kapstein

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Thierry de Montbrial, Il est and more often, something that would intolerable, as well as any action coming nécessaire d’espérer pour represent a new kind of German from above dictating a certain conduct entreprendre - Penseurs et “Sonderweg”. » to states and populations.” bâtisseurs, 2006.

Europe – the emergence of a common Claire Demesmay, in Qui sont Jolyon Howorth, culture les Allemands ?, 2006. in RAMSES 2007. “The biggest challenge […] we will be facing during the next few decades will be that of Culture. Jean Monnet is alleged to have stated: ‘If we had to start all over The memory of the GDR ESDP: realities and controversies again, I would begin with culture’ […] “[…] The job of ‘making up for lost time’ “ESDP does not aim […] at opposing or Culture is not something that can be does not only concern East Germans, nor balancing the American power—let alone implemented by decree. […] There are does it exclusively pertain to the country’s NATO. Its principles are much more a thousand and one streams which feed Nazi past. The dictatorship of the SED is pragmatic, institutional, multilateral, into the river; the temporal aspect is also interpreted differently on both sides international, diplomatic, and fundamental, the idea of culture bringing of the Elba, these differences contributing transformative than strategic, coercive us back to the idea of memory. A memory to the emergence of tension between or military. ESDP has been shaped more process is therefore involved, as well as by historical events than by a strategic the task of reinterpreting the past. […] ‘Ossis’ and ‘Wessis.’ The latter accuse their A subsidiary issue will be raised: to ensure Eastern neighbors of lacking a critical reflection. […] It would have been that the future intermixing of populations, attitude towards their socialist past; while impossible to imagine in 1998 that which is the condition for the emergence the East Germans have a tendency to in five years the EU […] would be ready of a common culture, will preserve the complain about how West Germans distort to manage military and police missions dialectic of unity and diversity without the image of GDR and appropriate ‘their on three continents. ESDP […] has damaging older cultural identities.” collective memory’.” answered by action to skeptics.”

Christophe Bertossi, Hans Stark, « The Franco-German Philippe Moreau Defarges, in RAMSES 2007. Relationship 1998-2005 », in Droits d’ingérences. Dans le Hanns Maull (dir.), Germany’s monde post-2001, 2006 Uncertain Power, 2006. Europe in need of migrations Contradictions regarding the right The Franco-German couple and “The security measures concerning tomorrow’s Europe to interfere immigration […] are the result of « The Franco-German horizon has become “The right to interfere, as it is currently a fundamental mistake: migration flows too narrow to represent the whole spectrum expressed, seems to be full of insuperable do not represent a threat to destabilize of interests of a Europe of 25. In the large contradictions. The contradiction of space states but a structural fact of international Union, the French and German positions and time, the increase of interdependency, relations that nation-states must take have become almost identical compared the institutionalization of international into account. In short, these policies to those in the new Member States. relations, the transformation of the planet are implemented more for soothing But, above all, a majority of the European into an area of common concern, lead European public opinion than to truly countries are reluctant to any form of to the development and generalization ‘manage’ migration flows.” “directory”, especially when represented of interference. Each state becomes part by the Franco-German binomial. Bygone of a whole, therefore is subordinated to are the times when France and Germany the demands of this ‘whole,’ which has spoke “in the name of Europe”. If our two the right and duty to intervene if the ‘part’ countries do not open up to third countries does not face up to its responsibilities. – big and small – we take the risk of being At the same time, the tidal wave of demo- in a minority, or even marginalised, more cracy […] makes all forms of interference

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Aline Lebœuf et Alain Antil, in therefore contradicting the Chinese unwarranted influence in the 1990’s has Jean-Marc Châtaigner et Hervé government’s official position, which is been jeopardized. Magro (dir.), États et sociétés to evolve peacefully and be willing to be It is therefore ironic that Donald Rumsfeld fragiles. Entre conflits, treated as an integrated major power. succeeded in imposing his point of view reconstruction et développement, Karthala. China has emerged as a true economic […]. His bureaucratic victory led to competitor in fields that were traditionally the failure of his Transformation project, Fragile states and terrorism, an the prerogative of ex-colonial powers. via Iraq, and to calling into question ambiguous relationship China’s commercial offensive has also civilian strategic authority.” “There is no structural relationship worried some of its African partners. between terrorism and fragile states, but The end of the multifiber agreement in Palestine ties are mostly shaped—although indirectly the textile field in January 2005, and the and sporadically—in the ‘gray areas,’ in the exponential increase in Chinese exports […] geographic and mostly symbolic periphery have greatly destabilized major textile Denis Bauchard, Israël 2007: of these fragile nations.” producing countries.” bilan et perspectives, February 2007. Laurence Nardon, « Note Françoise Nicolas and de l'Ifri », December 2006. Bernadette Andreosso- …An emergency O’Callaghan, European Foreign “The Palestinian problem is a central Affairs Review, vol. 12, n° 1, issue regarding the Middle East […]. 2007. It is a destabilizing factor for moderate The militarization of space Arab regimes accused of weakness by “There is a strong debate about China and European Union: common an increasingly contesting public opinion; militarization of space in the United States. interests it is also a catalyst for Iran’s increasing […] Although military presence in space has “ […] an area in which Sino-EU collaboration influence in the Middle East. […] It seems steadily developed since 1960, the can lead to substantial and growing mutual obvious that there is no pure military deployment of arms in orbit had remained benefits in the future is the energy sector. or repressive solution for the Palestinian politically inopportune and strategically This is very much an untapped area and, […] issue: only a political or negotiated useless. Supporters of the ex-Secretary of EU-Sino collaboration can only contribute to solution can solve it. […] Time is running Defense Donald Rumsfeld’s ideas consider stability at the world level. More generally, out: […] the so-called two state solution that the strategic context has changed and the accelerating rise of the Chinese eco- no longer appears feasible in view of therefore that active militarization of space nomy and the deepening of its relationship the current situation. The policy of the fait to secure ‘space dominance’ is required. with the EU are likely to facilitate the change accompli leads to a deadlock: the longer The Space Command of the US Air Force of forces in the international system and one waits, the heavier the political and is currently planning the deployment help promote multipolarization of inter- human toll. […] The Palestinian Authority of anti-satellite weapons (ASATs). It is also national relations. Both China and the EU is losing control over the Gaza Strip…” considering the launch of weapons cruising attach great importance to the international in orbit and capable of hitting earth (Space multilateral system. The two sides […] , to Earth Weapons, STEW) or contributing appreciate each other’s rising role in inter- Dorothée Schmid Politique , n° 3/2006. to anti-missile defense (BMD). A new and national affairs. The need for multilateral étrangère rich debate has started in Washington cooperation between China and the EU has between officials and think tanks with far overweighed the simple need for holding diverse political leanings. Some think tanks back the USA, although this objective may Beyond sanctions are arguing for and preparing an help maintain the cooperative momentum.” “History has shown that sanctions cannot international agreement to prohibit truly be effective unless they are adapted the militarization of space.” to the desired goal, especially if they Étienne de Durand, Étude, are used […] as one tool among others L'Observatoire de la stratégie Valérie Niquet, Politique to implement a coherent and sustainable américaine, December 2006. étrangère, n° 2/2006. strategy. In the case of Palestine, the final political goal is not clear. The incapacity of Civil-military relations put to the test creditors to propose an alternative solution “The difficulties encountered in Iraq for channeling effective financial aid shows China in Africa have not only markedly contributed the weakness of their strategic vision. […] “The Chinese strategy in Africa is […] to deteriorate the relationship between The material consequences of the particularly dynamic. It is openly based the American people and the military, sanctions against Hamas are currently upon the principle of ‘non-interference,’ but also discredited the authority of the most serious. […] The effort to structure which is against the position of western Donald Rumsfeld, who is now as detested and develop the influence of Palestinian powers and Japan. Nevertheless, this as Robert MacNamara. It has also institutions is challenged. Sanctions alone strategy may be fragile in the long run. tarnished the military’s reputation for can not replace a policy, and furthermore The open support of particularly dubious competence. As an indirect consequence, could make any political reconstruction regimes, such as in Sudan or Zimbabwe, the legitimate will of experts and politicians strategy more difficult in the future.” has put China directly at odds with to reassert civilian strategic pre-eminence the international ‘responsible’ community, as a reaction against the military’s

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Khadija Mohsen-Finan et Thomas Gomart, Marc Hecker, Politique étrangère Malika Zeghal, in Revue « Russie.Nei.Visions », n°10b, n°2, 2006 française de science politique, May 2006. February, 2006. EU-Russia: frictions On the vulnerability of the strongest Islamist opposition and monarchic “Within the EU/Russia framework, “The main tactical-operational innovations power in Morocco it is often said that the ‘common space’ introduced by the supporters of the ”The PJD has progressively attempted dedicated to external security is the most revolutionary rural and urban guerrilla to assert itself as the dominant political tricky to handle. […] Unofficially, the Common warfare—also adopted by the Islamic Jihad party on the political scene. However, Space on External Security seems to be fighters—consist of being constantly aware for its base as well as for any observer, a field of geopolitical rivalry. This is mainly of the adversary’s material superiority. it is difficult to understand the behavior due to an unprecedented overlapping This fact prevents the ‘weak’ from directly of this party when it endorses and delivers of two peripheries within the former Soviet opposing the ‘strong;’ they must opt for an the same message as the Palace […]. area and a clear lack of mutual confidence. indirect approach, avoiding any direct clash. The “makhzenisation” process of the party, […] Besides, Moscow believes EU’s […] Guerrilla fighters have the advantage whose original members initially defined enlargment diminishes its influence. Added of knowing the field and the ability to blend themselves as a ‘counter-society,’ does not to this, there is a clear feeling in Moscow into the population, which allows them imply that […] the party has been that they are retreating, in contrast to to master two fundamental points: the time domesticated, neutralized or weakened by the EU which is expanding. Both sides and the place where they fight. The strong the authorities in Morocco. On the contrary, simply do not share the same core party is globally superior, but not it has become a major player in the political objectives for their common neighborhood. everywhere at any time. […] Therefore game, due to the introduction by Hassan II, The EU above all intends to stabilize guerrilla fighters must only attack when subsequently by Mohamed VI, of a policy its periphery whereas Russia wants they have a relative advantage at a given of openness, and to its capacity to rally to maintain its ability to control moment. This principle can also be applied people for the elections. […] The ‘pact’ developments in the area seen as to Jihadists.” which is being drawn up today between its vital periphery.” the monarchy and legitimist Islamism could Dominique David, in Les probably stabilize this political openness , relations internationales, for a while. It has limits however, and Tatiana Kastueva-Jean « Russie.Nei.Visions », n° 14, Frédéric Charillon, (dir.) conflict or violent confrontations are not September 2006. to be ruled out.” The rise of asymmetrical warfare Clément Therme, GIPRI, The “greatness and misery” of higher “For the next decades, dominant powers November 2007. education in Russia have a military technical edge and a “Due to its Soviet legacy, Russia has concentration of means allowing them to gained a reputation for having a well- control all forms of traditional international trained population and efficient warfare for their own advantage. This does Teheran, Washington and Moscow educational system. The facts on the not imply that these nations can win “Moscow and Teheran have an ground are obviously more ambiguous, the conflicts on a political level […], but asymmetrical relationship in which both however. The veritable ‘boom’ of higher that they have the means to undermine players only cooperate according to short education and the good results of some the benefit of military adventures for term interests, whether they are economic, well-known universities hide the more their competitors: that is the double lesson energy or security related. […] The common general fall of average performances learned from Iraq. […] Challengers would interests the two players have in the and the devaluation of diplomas. Efforts therefore have to choose a combat zone Caucasus and in Central Asia, in countering to reform the system are meeting both forbidding dominant powers to deploy the expansion of American influence, structural constraints and corruption their means. […] Hence the revival indicates a strategic motivation in their practices within the educational of asymmetrical position, when one of relationship. Its future will depend on community. This makes a genuine the adversaries refuses to fight under Russia’s capacity to lessen the intensity assessment of Russian degrees difficult circumstances which would confer of the conflict opposing Iran to Western to achieve. In addition, the ‘privatization’ an advantage to the opponent.” countries, and Iran’s political choices in of large sections of the education system world affairs. It will also depends on how has rendered the problem of inequality the Iranian nuclear issue is solved. of access even more acute.” Paradoxically, Iranian-Western tensions make Iran increasingly dependent on Russia and to a certain extent on China.”

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In 2006: lfri was notably host to

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Michèle ALLIOT-MARIE, Minister of Defense Ilan HALEVI, former Vice-Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jean DE PONTON D’AMECOURT, Director of the Delegation Member of the Committee of Exterior Relations of the , of Strategic Affairs, French Ministry of Defense Ramallah, Palestinian Authority Jacques BARROT, Vice-President of the European Commission, European Commissioner for Transport William JORDAN, Director of the Office for Maghreb Affairs, Sergueï BOGDANCHIKOV, Chief Executive Officer of Rosneft, US Department of State Moscow Pierre JOXE, Member of the Constitutional Council, France Irina BOKOVA, Bulgarian Ambassador to Paris Ellen JOHNSON-SIRLEAF, President of Liberia Catherine COLONNA, Deputy Minister for European Affairs Khurshid KASURI, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan Hervé de CHARETTE, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roland KOCH, Minister-President of the Hesse Land Member of Parliament Laszlo KOVACS, European Commissioner Andreï KONDAKOFF, Director of Development and 4 Economic Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Karl A. LAMERS, Member of the Parliament, President of the German 5 delegation at NATO’s parliamentary assembly Jean LEMIERRE, President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Pierre LEVY, Director of the French Policy Planning Staff (Centre d’analyse et de prévision), Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Marian LUPU, President of the Jean FRANÇOIS-PONCET, former Minister, Vice-President of the Parliament of Moldavia Committee for Foreign Affairs, Defense and Army, French Senate Mikhaïl MARGELOV, Chairman of Michael FRENDO, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malta the Committee for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Council Alberto R. GONZALES, Attorney General of the United States Ambassador Pierre MOREL, European Union’s Special Monika GRIEFAHN, Spokesperson of the SPD parliamentary Representative to Central Asia group for Culture and Medias, Bundestag Pierre MOSCOVICI, former Deputy Minister for European Affairs, Abdullah GÜL, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey National Secretary for International Relations, Socialist Party

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Marwan MUASHER, Member of the Senate, former Vice- Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Jordan Jorma OLLILA, Chief Executive Officer of the Nokia Corporation, Non-Executive Chairman of Shell

Anatoli TORKUNOV, President of the Moscow State Institute 9 of International Relations (Mgimo) Donald TSANG, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Hubert VÉDRINE, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, President of the François Mitterrand Institute Karsten VOIGT, German Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdoulaye WADE, President of Senegal Paul WOLFOWITZ, President of the World Bank

Ambassador Marc OTTE, European Union’s Special Representative to the Middle East Peace Process Kamal NATH, Indian Minister for Commerce and Industry 10 Mikhaïl SAAKASHVILI, President of Georgia Yves SAINT-GEOURS, French 1. Abdullah Gül, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey Ambassador to Bulgaria 2. Thierry de Montbrial and Jalal Talabani, President of Iraq Ambassador Elias SANBAR, 3. Jacques Barrot, vice-President of the European Palestine Permanent Observer Commission, European Commissionner for Transport to UNESCO 4. Xavier de Villepin and Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, President Ulrich SCHLIE, Director of the of Liberia Planungsstab of the German 5. Alberto R. Gonzales, Attorney General of the United States Federal Ministry of Defense 6. Thierry de Montbrial and Michèle Alliot-Marie, Minister Christian SCHMIDT, of Defense, France member of the Parliament, 7. Serguei Stanichev, Prime Minister of the Republic parliamentary Secretary of Bulgaria of State at the Ministry of 8. Catherine Colonna, Deputy Minister to European Affairs Defense, Germany 9. Thierry de Montbrial and Paul Wolfowitz, President Serguei STANICHEV, Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria of the World Bank Jalal TALABANI, President of the Republic of Iraq 10. Mikhaïl Saakashvili, President of Georgia The Army General Bernard THORETTE, Chief of Staff of the Army

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Ifri and its partners

25th anniversary of RAMSES, Thierry de Montbrial and Bertrand Collomb

Jacques Barrot, Louis Schweitzer (Renault) and Xavier Darcos (OECD) and Paul Wolfowitz Jean-Marie Luton (Arianespace)

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Ifri reinforced its capacity to influence French and European public debates by increasing its presence in the media, diversifying channels of dissemination for its work, and establishing partnerships to increase the audience of its internet website www.ifri.org.

A monthly calendar of events and an exhaustive list of Ifri’s publications are now available through an interactive online newsletter, Ifri Actualité.

We most warmly thank all of our partners and sponsors for their Anne-Marie Idrac (RATP) and Jacques Barrot trust. Thanks to their support, Ifri has the capacity to remain at the forefront of international affairs’ most important topics. For the past 27 years, Ifri (French Institute of International Relations) has offered its partners and members—individuals, institutions and firms—a forum for debate. Thanks to its numerous research programs, events, publications and close relationship with major international institutions, Ifri has also provided up to date and comprehensive expertise on international affairs.

Frequent and high quality debates have punctuated the year 2006: the institute organized over 150 meetings, conferences and seminars. Those events gave Ifri’s partners the opportunity to debate face to face with both key players on the world political and economic scene, and Ifri experts, giving them access to a vast international network of institutions and decision-makers. Pierre-Luc Séguillon (LCI)

Marian Lupu, Chairman of the Parliament of Moldova and Xavier de Villlepin

In 2006, Ifri's research programs were outlined in blue print documents clearly stating the research orientation and enhancing the overall visibility of the programs. The number of partnerships between Ifri's research departments, private sector companies and foundations increased: the Transatlantic program, the Energy program, the Russia/NIS Center, the World Economy program, have been launched or developed thanks to targeted funding. Ifri’s willingness to build strong institutional relations and synergies with the private sector is epitomized by a systematic marketing effort, led by the Development Patrick de Cambourg (Mazars) Department, towards companies already supporting Ifri Jean-Claude Gruffat (Citigroup) or potentially having an interest in doing so. Christian Ménard (BESV)

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Working Luncheons with Ifri’s research-fellows Dinners and • March 9 The Emergence of the Indian Economic Power Luncheons- By invitation from Étienne Pflimlin, President of Crédit Mutuel. With Ramesh Mulye, Advisor for France to the Confederation of Indian Industry, and Jean-Luc Racine, Director of the Franco-Indian Program debate 2006 for Social Sciences Cooperation, Maison des sciences de l'homme (MSH) • May 9* May 2005-May 2006: What Strategies for the EU? With Pierre Defraigne, Director, Eur-Ifri, Brussels, and Jolyon Howorth, Professor, University of Yale, associate research fellow, Ifri Chairperson: Dominique David • July 4* Russia and World Energy Security With Pierre Noël, research fellow, Ifri Chairperson: Thierry de Montbrial Chairperson: Dominique David • January 25 • September 13* With Jean Lemierre, President of the European Bank for Reconstruction Economic Mutations and Governance in and Development (EBRD) With Khadija Mohsen-Finan, research fellow, Ifri, and Abderrahmane Hadjnacer, Investment Banker, former governor of the Central Bank, • February 15 Algiers With Michel Pébereau, Chairman of the Board of Directors, BNP Paribas • October 24* • April 2 Muslims in Europe: What Model of Integration? With Alberto R. Gonzales, Attorney General of the United States With Christophe Bertossi, Ifri • April 25 • November 23* With Marwan Muasher, Member of the Senate, former vice-Prime Minister Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan: Have Military Interventions Come to a Dead-End? and Minister of foreign affairs of Jordan With Étienne de Durand, Security Studies Center, Ifri • May 18 Chairperson: Dominique David With Abdoulaye Wade, President of the Republic of Senegal. In partnership with the Strategic Communications Group, Hôtel de Crillon • December 13* -Palestine: What Way out of the Crisis? • May 29 With Dorothée Schmid, research fellow, Ifri With Mikhaïl Saakashvili, President of Georgia Chairperson: Dominique David • June 5 2 With Jorma Ollila, Chief Executive Officer of the Nokia Corporation, Non-Executive Chairman of Shell * Organized with the support of Accor • June 15 With Jacques Barrot, Vice-President of the European Commission, European Commissioner for Transport • October 3 With Roland Koch, Minister-President of the Hesse Land. 1 In partnership with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung • October 12 With Serguei Stanichev, Prime Minister of Bulgaria • October 18 With Paul Wolfowitz, President of the World Bank 3 • October 31 With Catherine Colonna, Deputy Minister for European Affairs • November 10 With Donald Tsang, Chief Executive of the Hong-Kong Special Administrative Region • December 6 1 - Jorma Ollila With Jean-Luc Demarty, Director General, Agriculture and Rural 2 - Roland Koch Development, European Commission 3 - Khurshid Kasuri

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Member embassies and

institutions as at December 31, 2006

Algeria, Embassy of Mexico, Embassy of Andorra, Embassy of Monaco, Embassy of Argentina, Embassy of Norway, Embassy of Australia, Embassy of New-Zealand, Embassy of Austria, Embassy of Netherlands, Embassy of Azerbaïjan, Embassy of , Embassy of Bahreïn, Embassy of Poland Permanent Delegation to OECD Belgium, Embassy of Portugal, Embassy of Brazil, Embassy of Quebec, General Delegation of Bulgaria, Embassy of Romania, Embassy of Canada, Embassy of Russian Federation, Embassy of the Canadian Permanent Delegation to the OECD Saudi Arabia, Embassy of Center for International Studies – CEI Serbia, Embassy of China, Embassy of the Popular Republic of Singapour, Embassy of Croatia, Embassy of the Republic of Slovakia, Embassy of Cyprus, Embassy of the Republic of South Africa, Embassy of Czech Republic, Embassy of the Spain, Embassy of Denmark, Embassy of Sweden, Embassy of Egypt, Embassy of Sweden Permanent Delegation to OECD Estonia, Embassy of Switzerland, Embassy of Eumetsat Taipei Representative Office EU Institute for Security Studies Translation Center of the French Ministry of Federal Republic of Germany, Embassy of the Economy, Finance and Industry Finland, Embassy of Tunisia, Embassy of Greece, Embassy of Turkey, Embassy of High Council of Notaries United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern India, Embassy of Ireland, Embassy of the Iran, Embassy of the Islamic Republic of United States of America, Embassy of the Ireland, Embassy of Ukraine, Embassy of Israel, Embassy of Uzbekistan, Embassy of Italy, Embassy of Vietnam, Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Japan, Embassy of Yalta European Strategy (YES) Japan External Trade Organization/JETRO Japan Permanent Delegation to the OECD Korea, Embassy of the Republic of Kuwait, Embassy of Latvia, Embassy of League of Arab States, Paris Office Lithuania, Embassy of Luxemburg, Embassy of Malta, Embassy of Memorial of Caen

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2006 Annual Report

Regional Programs

Europe - Research Center on Franco-German Relations, Cerfa - Franco-Austrian Center for Convergence in Europe, CFA - Eur-Ifri French Center on the United States, CFE Russia/NIS Center Asia Center Ifri Middle East/North Africa Center

Transversal Programs

Security Studies Center World Economy Program Energy Program Transatlantic Program Migration, Identity, and Citizenship Program 2928_Ifri_recherche.qxd:Mise en page 1 09/10/2007 12:23 Page 20

REGIONAL PROGRAMS Traditionally, research at Cerfa is Finally, several “Notes du Cerfa” have dealt with conducted according to three main the German Foreign and European policy as well categories of topics: as EU's Foreign and Security Policy. Europe - contemporary German political and social Franco-German relations changes: the first part focuses on domestic Franco-German issues have been prominent policy (analysis of political parties and coalitions, in Cerfa's work. Research Center socioeconomic reforms, social changes and internal controversies, immigration on Franco-German and integration issues); the second part is devoted to German foreign policy within Relations (Cerfa) the European Union (EU) and towards non-member countries such as the United States The dual mission of Cerfa is to contribute and Russia; to improving the understanding of the political - Franco-German relations: Cerfa focuses on and socioeconomic policies in France and bilateral relations and matters of common Germany, and to analyze Franco-German interest in the political, economic and cultural relations in a constantly evolving European fields, as well as on the contribution of both Union. Cerfa proposes expertise on countries to the European construction process, contemporary Germany, analyzes Franco-German and their respective perception of the main relations in terms of politics, economics European issues at stake; Strategic Franco-German Forum and foreign policy, and makes suggestions - two research programs study European to strengthen these ties. Cerfa regularly integration: the first program deals with publishes studies (articles, policy papers European political, legal and institutional Most of the events organized by Cerfa have and books) and organizes seminars, development and includes the concept promoted mutual understanding on themes conferences and debates. of identity and European citizenship; the second of common interest, whether they pertain program is dedicated to EU’s enlargement, to the coalition's choices, transatlantic relations Staff the European architecture of security as well or political integration. Several works from as EU's relations with its neighbors. the on-line series “Visions franco-allemandes” Hans Stark, Secretary-General (German have also analyzed diverse topics, including domestic and foreign policy, Franco-German In 2006, research at Cerfa focused on three financial capitalism, citizenship, and secularism relations, European integration) major topics: from a Franco-German perspective. Claire Demesmay, research fellow The main issues of Merkel's government Furthermore, many publications have treated (contemporary German political culture Franco-German bilateral relations. Aside from Cerfa assessed the main issues which the German and public debates, Franco-German relations, the works pertaining to intergovernmental government tackled. identity and citizenship in Europe) cooperation between France and Germany, Cerfa Cerfa's annual conference, “Towards the has emphasized mutual understanding between Janine Ziegler, research assistant emergence of a public European area? Mutual both countries. With this objective in mind Cerfa Emmanuelle Saunier, research assistant Franco-German views on the first 100 days has analyzed how German civilization is taught of Merkel's government” (January 30), led to in the context of German studies in France an initial assessment of the federal government's and assessed the elaboration of a Franco-German policy, completed by two conference-debates history textbook. devoted to the Great Coalition's key issues: the German economy (May 17) and Prospects for an enhanced Franco-German the immigration and integration policy (7 July). dialogue: Dialogue d'avenir Furthermore, Cerfa has dedicated a number In 2007 Ifri and the Deutsche Gesellschaft of its “Notes du Cerfa” to German domestic policy für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP) inaugurated the first (collected in Radioscopies de l'Allemagne 2007). phase of Dialogue d'avenir, a Franco-German The themes discussed are socioeconomic network of students and highly qualified young (the German economy, the reform of the health professionals. Funded by the Robert Bosch system, family policy) and societal issues Stiftung, the project's objective is to raise (the situation of German Turks in German society). awareness of young generations regarding Franco-German issues and to encourage future Foreign and security policies in the European French and German decision-makers to debate Union political, societal and economic current issues Following the latest enlargement process, in both countries. the European Union has faced new challenges In charge of the program for Ifri: Anne-Lise Barrière. in terms of regional security. Two strategic Franco- German Forums (27-28 March and 9-10 October) have focused on the structure of European security (Common Foreign and Security Policy and European Security and Defense Policy) as well Annual conference. Angelica Schwall-Düren, Claire Demesmay and Sylvie Goulard as on ESDP consequences for the EU-Russia partnership and transatlantic relations. (See also seminar of 11-12 December in the Transatlantic Program)

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Annual conference Conferences, breakfast-debates On-line publication available on st www.ifri.org January 30 - “Towards the creation of a new public March 1 - Does a Franco-German cultural policy European Area? Mutual Franco-German views on exist? • “Notes du Cerfa” (see “Publications”) the 100 first days of Merkel's government.” Monika Griefahn, spokeswoman for the SPD • “Visions franco-allemandes” Cerfa initiates its activities each year with a major parliamentary group for culture and media public conference on current German affairs and in the Bundestag, Ingo Kolboom, Professor “Le Capitalisme financier en France et en Franco-German relations. In 2006, this conference— at the University of Dresden and member of the High Allemagne: critiques, réalités et conséquences” organized in cooperation with the German Embassy Council for Franco-German Cultural Affairs (HCCFA), Patricia Commun, N°. 7, May. in Paris—dealt with the formation of the new and Ambassador François Scheer, advisor “La Civilisation allemande dans les études government and its consequences for France. to AREVA's CEO. Key French and German political and academic germaniques en France: ingéniérie et atouts” Chairperson: Hans Stark figures, experts and journalists, exchanged views Stephan Martens, N°. 8, July. on the following subjects: the coalition's domestic May 4 - GDR's past and the Stasi archives today “Les Débats sur la citoyenneté and foreign policy, the German economy Marianne Birthler, federal government representative en Allemagne et en France” at a crossroads between consolidation programs for the Stasi archives. Organized by the German and short-term measures, coverage on Germany Historical Institute. Yves Bizeul, N°. 9, October. in the French media, the creation of a public Franco- Chairperson: Claire Demesmay “L'Égalité de tous versus German area, and the respective roles of France l'individualité de chacun. and Germany in the European Union. May 17 - Is German economy back on track? Le principe de la séparation Anton Brender, Chief Economist, Dexia Asset Seminars: Strategic Franco-German Forums Management, and University of Paris IX-Dauphine, de l'Église et de l'État Fabrice Pesin, fiscal studies department, Ministry et la polémique du voile The forums are organized twice a year in cooperation of Economy, Finance and Industry, Christophe à l'école publique en France et en Allemagne” with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and the Strategic Affairs Delegation (DAS, Ministry of Defense) and Strassel, financial attaché, French Permanent Janine Ziegler, N°. 10, November. are devoted to security issues that both countries representation to the EU, and Eckhard Wurzel, “Le Manuel franco-allemand d'histoire: have to face. These meetings involve French head of the Germany/Austria bureau, Department of Economic Affairs, OECD. l'aboutissement d'un long travail de coopération and German members of Parliament, experts entre historiens français et allemands” and government officials. Chairperson: Frédérique Sachwald Corine Defrance and Ulrich Pfeil, N°. 11, December. March 27-28 - 2nd strategic Franco-German forum: July 7 - Islam and integration in France and Germany What type of partnership for France, Germany and Lale Agkün, member of the Bundestag, Other publications Russia? and Alima Boumediene-Thiery, senator “Odyssée 2014: l'UE et ses futurs Held at the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung academy élargissements,” Claire Demesmay in Berlin, this forum enabled participants to discuss Chairperson: Khadija Mohsen-Finan and Emmanuelle Saunier, in RAMSES 2007. the partnership between France, Germany and Russia, with a focus on security issues regarding “L'Allemagne à l'heure de la grande coalition,” EU and the Community of Independent States (CIS), Hans Stark, in RAMSES 2007. EU dependence on energy resources, etc. Works October 9-10 - 3rd strategic Franco-German Forum: Radioscopies de l'Allemagne 2006, European and Transatlantic security policy on Claire Demesmay and Hans Stark (eds.), the eve of the NATO's summit in Riga “Travaux et recherches de l'Ifri” series. This work The seminar was opened by Michèle Alliot-Marie, includes all of the texts published during the year French Defense Minister, and was focused on by Cerfa in the series “Notes du Cerfa” (see the Iranian nuclear military crisis and the future Publications) and “Visions franco-allemandes.” of regional security, on weapons of mass destruction and non-proliferation issues, on NATO's evolution Qui sont les Allemands?, Claire Demesmay (enlargement, new missions and strategic purpose), and Hans Stark (eds.), Lille, Presses universitaires and on the ESDP-NATO relationship. du Septentrion. (Cf. also the Transatlantic Program in which Cerfa As a follow-up for Qui dirige l'Allemagne?, actively participates.) this work focuses on Germans' self-perception and their relationship with foreign countries. A “recently” created nation, which became a “post-national” state and then a normal nation- state, Germany cannot refer to a clear historical continuity. How do German citizens perceive themselves today? The question of self-perception has been mostly looked at from the angle of Germany's perception of its past, its concept of nation and how it compares itself with other countries.

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In a bilateral and international framework, CFA's Panels and conferences Europe mission is to facilitate the exchange of experience March 13 - Kosovo: inventory and possible scenarios between representatives of various fields— for the future, Paris political, economic, and financial—from both Conference with Jacques Rupnik, Research Director The Franco- the private and public sectors in old and new EU at the Center for International Studies and Research member states, as well as from neighboring (CERI), former member of the international Austrian Center states. CFA organizes meetings to discuss issues commission on Kosovo. of common concern: monetary and budgetary Chairperson: Dominique Moïsi for Convergence policy, immigration flows, minorities, fighting March 24 - Public opinion facing globalization, Paris organized crime, security, new technology, in Europe (CFA) Panel with Bruno Jeanbart, associate Director, the evolution of European institutions, etc. department of opinion, CSA, and Helmut Kramer, These events take place in Paris, Vienna, in the political science Professor, University of Vienna The Franco-Austrian Center for Convergence new member states, and in neighboring states. in Europe (CFA), headquartered in Vienna, Chairperson: Éliane Mossé In 2006, CFA focused on the situation of the most was created in 1976 by Chancellor Kreisky recent EU members, economic, political September 22 - The economic and political situation and Jacques Chirac in order to foster Franco- and institutional evolution of the Balkans region, in Bulgaria, Paris Austrian economic cooperation with some Panel with Irina Bokova, Bulgarian ambassador on the European policies regarding the increase popular democracies (Hungary, to France, and Yves Saint-Geours, French of energy prices and environmental risks, ambassador to Bulgaria Czechoslovakia, and Poland). immigration flows and minorities, etc… Chairperson: Éliane Mossé The Center's mission shifted since the fall of Kosovo, which is waiting for a status change the Berlin wall and has focused on providing (more autonomy or full independence?), was International Conferences information to the EU candidate states covered during two events: a conference in Paris June 19-20 - Economic and social development in order to facilitate their integration. which discussed different scenarios exploring in Kosovo: a challenge for stabilizing EU’s 2004 enlargment has led to redirecting the country’s geopolitical evolution, and the region, Ljubljana the CFA’s policy and developing special an international colloquium in Ljubljana devoted The conference, opened by Peter Jankowitsch, brought relations between this larger Europe and to the economic and social situation. together numerous experts, government officials, its “new neighbors.” Furthermore, Franco- The political and economic evolution of Bulgaria academics, from France, Austria, Serbia, Kosovo, Austrian bilateral meetings are dedicated and its geo-strategic position, on the verge as well as from all the neighboring countries. Interna- tional institutions were represented by Erhard Busek, of joining the EU, was explored during a panel to cooperation programs that both countries Coordinator, European South-Eastern Stability Pact, manage in various fields (education, research, in Paris. Public opinion in Europe concerning Andreas Wittkowsky, interim United Nations Mission social models, etc.) globalization was discussed during special in Kosovo (UNMIK), and Werner Wnendt, OSCE meetings. The Franco-Austrian dimension of CFA mission in Kosovo. Arnaud Danjean, Advisor to Staff was emphasized in a colloquium on technological the French Minister of Foreign Affairs on the Balkans, and scientific cooperation between France participated in this meeting. Peter Jankowitsch (Vienna) is CFA's Secretary- and Austria. General. October 16-17 - Franco-Austrian technological and scientific cooperation in a European context, Vienna Thierry de Montbrial: Chairperson. Orientation for 2007 Organized with the support of the French Embassy in Vienna and the French and Austrian Ministries At Ifri, Éliane Mossé organizes the Center's - the economic and political evolution of Bosnia-Herzegovina from reconstruction for Education and Research, this conference brought activities with the assistance of Martine Breux. together experts from the administration, from public to normalization; and private research laboratories, and universities - policies regarding immigration flow management and numerous representatives from French and the integration of minorities; their definition and Austrian industry. This conference focused has become of prime concern in the context on comparisons between French and Austrian of an enlarged Europe in which populations experiences in the field of competitive research movements are increasing; poles, public/private partnerships and research, and fostered communication between leaders - EU member states’ energy policy in a European of French and Austrian firms in the automobile context and Franco-Austrian cooperation industry, and in the biotechnology and plastics programs in the renewable energy field, technology fields. and environmental protection; - the economic, social and political situation in Romania in the aftermath of its joining the EU, strategic issues (the Black Sea, etc.)

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March 14 - EU Competition Policy: between November 7 - Public Debt in the Euro zone: Europe regulation and litigation?, with Philip Lowe, Director- a catastrophic scenario for France, with Philippe Riès, General, Competition, European Commission. Director, Agence France Presse, bureau, Brussels. April 25 - Have European projects come to a November 14 - The new EU trade policy, Eur-Ifri standstill?, with Louis Michel, European with Simon Fraser, head of cabinet Commissioner, Development and Humanitarian Aid. of Peter Mandelson, European Commissioner Established in March 2005, Eur-Ifri's for Trade. contributes to enrich the European political May 2 - The International role of the EU from an American viewpoint, with Leslie Lebl, researcher, December 5 - Progression towards the future debate: United States Atlantic Council. Chaired by Gunnar constitutional treaty, with Jean-Claude Piris, - by disseminating in Brussels Ifri's work Wiegand, DG External Relations, European Director-General, legal department of the EU Council. Commission. and research on key European topics; December 13 - What borders within the EU for which - by bringing together views and analyzes May 9 - A repetition of history? Is Europe still Venus European project? In association with and the United States still Mars? The Iran Case, the Robert Schuman Foundation, introduced of leading European players. with Dominique Moïsi, special advisor to Ifri. Chaired by Sylvie Goulard, research associate, CERI (Paris), Eur-Ifri targets government representatives by Hervé Jouanjean, Deputy Director-General, Professor at the Collège d'Europe in Bruges. and political leaders of EU member states, DG External Relations, European Commission. Moderator: Pascale Joannin, Director-General, Fondation Robert Schuman. European Union officials based in Brussels, May 16 - Avian Flu: Are the EU and member states decision-makers in the private sector, trade- ready? With Robert Madelin, Director-General, December 19 - What more can be accomplished with union representatives, academics and experts. DG Health and Consumer Protection, European 25 states, and what are the major difficulties faced?, Commission. with Pierre Sellal, French ambassador, permanent Eur-Ifri organizes seminars and conferences, representative to the EU. May 23 - Can the EU really win the race to the high publishes its own research as well as Ifri's. value-added areas with China and India? And what Conferences and colloquiums The main lines of its development are: should we do if it can’t?, with Caroline Lucas, the publication of Ifri research; an in-depth European MP. March 9 - The European social model: which turn contribution to the European debate in France; should take the European Union and what should June 6 - One year after the referendums, should the development of Ifri's research activity the EU be responsible for?, in association the constitutional treaty be defended?, with Notre Europe. in Brussels. with Pierre Jonckheer, European MP, Vice-President of the Green Group/Free European Alliance. September 15 - RAMSES 2007: Europe in the World, Staff in association with the Royal Institute June 20 - The European crisis: considering future for International Relations, on the occasion Pierre Defraigne, Director prospects, with Étienne Davignon, Minister of State, of the publication of Ifri's annual report. former vice-President of the European Commission. Chloé Debay-Cornish, Assistant October 20 - The taxation of European firms in an June 27 - Security and defense progress in Europe, impasse: should it be competitive or standardized?, , Assistant Claire Quériat with Christine Roger, Ambassador, representative in association with the Foundation for political of France to the Committee for Politics and Security. innovation and the Fondation Jean-Jaurès. July 11 - Globalization and emerging countries, with Christine Lagarde, French Deputy Minister Workshop for Foreign Trade. October 5-6 - Geopolitics of Global Environmental A weekly series of meetings: “Eur-Ifri's Governance, workshop organized in the framework Tuesdays” July 18 - Concluding the Doha Trade Round, of the Garnet Jerp 5.3.1 with Peter Mandelson, European Commissioner, Trade. These lunch-debates, held in French and English, allow Ifri to become an active player in the European July 25 - What lessons should the EU learn from Publication debate. the worsening Middle Eastern crisis?, “L'Union européenne dans la gouvernance globale”, with Dorothée Schmid, Ifri. Pierre Defraigne, in RAMSES 2007, Paris, Ifri/Dunod, January 10 - What can Europe learn from Japan?, 2006. with Denis Tersen, Regional Foreign Trade Director, September 12 - Immigration: What EU response?, Île-de-France region, former diplomat at the French with Jonathan Faull, Director-General, Justice, Embassy in Tokyo. Freedom and Security, European Commission. Chaired by Ambassador Lilianne Bloem. January 31 - Reach: a test-case for the EU institutions on deal-making in the future?, with Jos Delbeke, September 19 - The proposal of the European Union Director, DG for Environment, European Commission. on roaming fees: genesis and current discussions, with Fabio Colasanti, Director-General, February 7 - The Democratic Election of the Hamas: DG Information Society and Media, European a Threat or an Opportunity?, with Leïla Shahid, Commission. delegate from Palestine to the EU. September 25 - The peaceful rise of China February 16 - What contribution does Romania make and its global impact, with Ms Qiu Yuanping, to the EU?, with Prince Radu von Hohenzollern, vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs of The People's special representative of the Romanian government. Republic of China, and a panel of experts featuring February 21 - The Democratic Election of the Hamas: Michael Emerson (CEPS), Antonio Missiroli (EPC) a Threat or an Opportunity?, with Elie Barnavi, former and André Sapir (Bruegel). Israeli Ambassador to France, Chairman, History October 3 - Is EU's unity threatened by the current department, University of Tel Aviv. deadlock? Special debate introduced by Jean-Victor March 7 - Can the EU, as a civilian power, build a Louis, honorary Professor, Université Libre strategic relationship with China, a global power?, de Bruxelles, and Nicolas Théry, Advisor, with Thierry de Montbrial, President, Ifri, and DG Environment, European Commission. Chengyuan Guan, Popular Republic of China October 17 - Why the Doha round should be saved! Ambassador to the EU. Chaired by Eneko Landaburu, With Pascal Lamy, Director-General, World Trade Director-General, External Relations, European Organization (WTO). Commission.

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Foreign and security policy in The monitoring of the main applications The French Center the United States in space: launchers, navigation, observation, The CFE's mission is to provide tools to leaders telecommunications on the United and observers to improve understanding of This aspect of the program is of particular interest the complexity of the decision-making processes to industrial partners. At the end of 2006, States (CFE) in the United States. The Center publishes a guide the program's research particularly emphasized Galileo's future civilian and military applications. of members and staffers of the United States The findings will be published in a special “Note The French Center on the United States, Congress who influence international matters, de l'Ifri,” and a conference will be held in Brussels created on September 1st 1999, is dedicated and sheds light on the specificities of in 2007. to improving mutual understanding of public the American parliamentary process. policy between France and the United States, This guide is regularly updated. The militarization of space therefore enabling decision-makers to better Launched in 2006, this project assesses the comprehend how the other country's system Domestic policy and the “Homeland current trends in the United States and China to operates. Security” program militarize space. Its aim is to provide information to the French and European space community The CFE is independent for its work and The Center is currently implementing a program and to foster the creation of a common European findings, while being in tune with political encouraging Franco-American cooperation position relative to the issue. and economic spheres of influence. in the field of “Homeland Security.” The big space powers: Europe, the United The CFE analyzes political, economic and Energy and Climate change program States, Russia and Asia social changes in the United States as well as In the past, the space program focused on their impact on the conduct of American The program seeks to develop expertise American issues; however it currently has foreign policy in the world and on transatlantic on energy and climate change policies, extended its research to include space programs and Franco-American relations. with a particular emphasis on the energy security policy in the United States. The program's developed in the rest of the world. The program Headed by Guillaume Parmentier, the CFE research will be the subject of an upcoming conducted studies on Russia and China in 2006. leads work groups, organizes debates and publication by Pierre Noël and a study conducted The exploration of the universe publishes policy papers. The CFE’s activity by David M. Reiner. is structured around four main lines: The program pursues research on American Head of Program: Pierre Noël, David Reiner, Judge projects to return to the Moon as well as on – foreign and security policy; Institute of Management, Cambridge University. the opportunities for transatlantic cooperation. – domestic policy; (Seminars and Publications). Space Program – energy and climate change; Thanks to France's leading role, Europe Publications has become one of the main powers in terms – space policy. Galileo, la navigation par satellite européenne. of space programs in the world. Europe combines Questions juridiques et politiques au temps de leading industrial accomplishments (Ariane, la Concession, Aurélien Desingly (ed.), “Travaux telecommunication satellites, and Galileo et recherche de l'Ifri,” October. in the near future) and the exploration of the Universe (Aurora project). It also explores possible “Notes de l’Ifri” (available on www.ifri.org) applications of space programs for security. La Lune, patrimoine commun de l'humanité? The analysis of decision-making processes as well Comment exploiter les ressources lunaires dans as comparing Europe with other leaders in space le respect du droit international, programs (United States, Russia, Asia, etc.), is an Sabine Akbar, December. instrumental tool for this main line of European L'Arsenalisation de l'espace: les projets policy. américains, Laurence Nardon, December Created in 2001, the Space program's goal is Working paper to follow and analyze the space policy in France, The restructuring of the Russian space industry, Europe and in other major powers, to publish featuring Laurence Nardon and Tatiana Kastueva- the findings of experts on space exploration, Jean, December (study conducted in the context exploitation and militarization, and to facilitate of a joint research project coordinated by the dialogue between players of both the public Centre d'Analyse et de Prévision [CAP] and private sectors. of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs). The Program is headed since its creation by Laurence Nardon, senior lecturer at the Institut d'études politiques (IEP) of Paris. Research guidelines of the Program are the following:

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Seminars The research program focuses on four Foreign and domestic policy The Russia/NIS main issues: March 23 - Franco-American cooperation against Elites and Decision-Making Process terrorism, with Dana Priest, journalist, Center This research project aims at improving The Washington Post. the understanding of the formation of business, June 28 - America and the world, with Stanley Launched in July 2004, the Russia/NIS political, and military elites in the countries Hoffmann, Professor, Harvard University. Program aims at providing policy-oriented of the region. Identifying the influence of different expertise on Russia and the Newly Energy Program groups and the various modes of access to power Independent States, and contributing to helps to shed light on decision-making processes. March 30 - Oil and gas prices rising. The impact on the European debate concerning the region. Of particular interest are the ties between military the production of electricity, transportation systems and CO2 emission The Center produces on-line policy papers— and political elites. The third transatlantic seminar on energy and Russie.Nei.Visions—that are published “Strategic Partnership” between the EU climate change was organized with Resources in French, English, and Russian. and Russia for the Future (Washington). This seminar investigated the potential medium and long-term Despite its key importance for the future Staff influence of high oil and natural gas prices on energy of the European continent as well as for trade systems and on CO2 emission. Furthermore Thomas Gomart, Head of the program relations between EU and Russia, the EU-Russia the deciding factors in the changes caused by Partnership is currently witnessing a crisis of Tatiana Kastueva-Jean, Research Assistant the increase in energy prices—including those that confidence. The program is devoted to promoting are positive for the environment and those that are Adrian Dellecker, Research Assistant dialogue to foster greater mutual understanding not—are addressed. Finally, the seminar drew some between the two parties. A joint task force will general conclusions applicable for public policy both Catherine Meniane, Assistant make concrete recommendations. in emerging and developed countries. Space Program Interaction between Russia’s Energy and Foreign Policy January 17 - The global Earth observation system and its European and American components Russia’s control over oil revenues plays a crucial This conference brought together approximately forty role in the country’s political and economic European and American decision-makers to review organization as well as in shaping its foreign the political issues linked to Earth observation policy. The Russia/NIS program deals with the programs: GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment reorganization of the Russian energy landscape and Security, European system), IEOS (Integrated and its implications for Russia’s neighbors. It also Earth Observing System, American system) focuses on the various uses of energy supplies. and GEOSS (Global Earth Observation System Researches are notably based on the regular of Systems, worldwide system). convening of an Eurasian Energy Task Force, in October 12 - Return to the moon: how NASA partnership with the Energy Program. is preparing its next mission Breakfast-debate featuring Vincent Sabathier, Technological innovation and Scientific Senior Fellow, Director of Space Initiatives, Center Research for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Anticipating Russia’s economic future requires Washington. focusing on the course of its technological November 15 - The space militarization projects innovation. This research program attempts in the United States to identify the poles of scientific and technological Closed-door seminar with French and European excellence within Russia that will allow experts. the country to compete internationally. February 12 2007 - Between China and the United Besides, the Russia/NIS Center is in charge of the States, the current dynamics of military space research dedicated to American and European Conference led by Jim Lewis, Senior Fellow, Director approaches of Russia, for the Transatlantic of the “Technology and Public Policy” program, CSIS. Program (see Transatlantic Program). The Russia/NIS Center organizes every year with the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO-University) a seminar, Guillaume Parmentier left Ifri at the beginning of January 2007. alternately in Paris and in Moscow. The Center holds numerous meetings with actors Since January 2007, CFE activities have been split up (Mikhaïl Saakashvili, President of Georgia, into three programs: May 29 and 31) and analysts of the Eurasiatic zone - the European Governance and Geopolitics of Energy (lunch-discussion with Thomas Gomart program, launched in September 2006; and Bobo Lo (Chatham House), on the Russia/EU - the Space program, which is now autonomous and China/Russia relations, April 18). under the leadership of Laurence Nardon; - the Transatlantic program, launched at the end of 2005.

Russie.NEI.Visions 2007 Understanding Russia and the New Independant States, Thomas Gomart and Tatiana Kastueva-Jean (eds.)

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Studies (Thomas Gomart) Seminars “Quelle pourrait être une politique des marches October 15-16 – XIIth Franco-Russian Seminar The Asia Center de l’UE à l’horizon 2015 (mer Noire: Ukraine, on security issues: Ifri-MGIMO Russie…)?,” for the Delegation of Strategic Affairs, This seminar provided an occasion to put Ifri Ministry of Defense, with Gilles Lepesant. international current events into perspective. Debates have insisted on proliferation “Londres, Paris, Berlin et Moscou: dernier carré (Vladimir Dvorkin, Moscow Carnegie Center, The vocation of the Asia Center is to provide des relations UE/Russie?,” for the French Policy and Anatoli Tokunov, MGIMO) and energy security better understanding of the main political, Planning Staff (Centre d’analyse et de prévision), (Andreï Kondakov, Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, strategic and economic issues at stake Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Serguei Bogdanchikov, Rosneft, and Ambassador in East Asia and the Indian subcontinent. Pierre Morel). Thomas Gomart has presented “L’influence américaine dans la nouvelle a paper: “Qu’est-ce que la sécurité énergétique?” The center is part of an important network Europe,” report in the framework of the of international academics and experts, December 15 – Closed Seminar: “The restoration Observatory of American Strategy, Ministry of and collaborates with Asian, European and Defense, with the participation of Krzystof Soloch. of Russian Power: Toward an Energy-Based Deterrence?” American counterparts on a regular basis. This meeting is the first of a cycle organized In association with its partners from both the Publications in the Eurasian Energy Task Force framework. public and private sector, the center organizes Russie.Nei.Visions (Policy Papers electronic Four papers were presented by Frank Umbach, seminars and workshops; research findings collection) (also available in French and Russian Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP), are primarily published in Ifri’s collections. on www.ifri.org) Berlin, William Tompson, OECD, Paris, Martha Brill A newsletter has been launched in 2006. Russia and Turkey in the Caucasus: Moving Olcott, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Together to Preserve the Status Quo? Washington, and Vladimir Milov, Institute of Energy Since November 2005, Valérie Niquet Fiona Hill and Omer Taspinar, N°.8, January Policy, Moscow. They were discussed by Jacques is the Director of the center. Lesourne, Philippe Lorec, Pierre Morel, and Thomas Ukraine’s Scissors: between Internal Weakness Gomart. and External Dependance Staff Chairperson: Thierry de Montbrial. James Sheer, No 9, March Valérie Niquet, Director Special Issue: EU/Russian Relations, N°. 10, May: Françoise Nicolas, senior economist (emerging • Russia, NATO and the EU: A European Security economies), and assistant Professor, University Triangle or Shades of a “New Entente?” of Marne-la-Vallée Andrew Monaghan, N°. 10(a). Yang Baoyun, associate researcher, associate • The EU and Russia: The Needed Balance Director of the Center for Asian-Pacific Studies, between Geopolitics and Regionalism, University of Beida, Beijing Thomas Gomart, N°. 10(b). • Representing Private Interests to Increase Trust Céline Pajon, coordinator of the study group in Russia-EU relations, Timofeï Bordatchev, “Strategic culture and defense policy N°. 10(c). of the major Asian powers” • Multiplying Sources as the Best Strategy for Martine Breux, Assistant EU-Russia Energy Relations, Michael Thumann, N°. 10(d). Abkhazia and South Ossetia: Collision of Georgian and Russian Interests Tracey German, N°. 11, June. The Shanghaï Cooperation Organisation as “Geopolitical Bluff?” A view from Astana Murat Laumullin, N°. 12, July. The EU-Russia Energy Dialogue: Competition Versus Monopolies Vladimir Milov, N°. 13, September. The “Greatness and Misery” of Higher Education Seminar Ifri/MGIMO, 15-16 october in Russia Tatiana Kastueva-Jean, N°. 14, September.

Policy Papers are published in: Russie.Nei.Visions 2007 Understanding Russia and the New Independant States, Thomas Gomart and Tatiana Kastueva- Jean (eds.), “Travaux et recherches de l’Ifri,” 2007

Chine - Japon : l’affrontement, Valérie Niquet, Perrin

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The Center's research concentrated on four Publications a specific topic. main areas: “A Qualitative Analysis of a Potential Free Trade Agreement between the EU and Projects The rise of China as a major power ASEAN”, by Andreosso-O'Callaghan, Current programs are to be carried on, with The rise of China as a major power and L. Low, F. Nicolas, A. Petschiri, T. Thomsen a particular emphasis on the emergence of Asian its integration in the global system constitutes and U. Uprasen), Commissioned Report for major powers and on their influence on the global the core of the work of the Asia Center. the European Commission, DG Trade, Brussels, management of energy and natural resources. For the past 25 years, China has successfully May 2006. implemented a firm policy of rapid growth, based The center's work aims at covering the whole Françoise Nicolas also participated in the GARNET on a strategy of economic reform and integration region by launching a research program devoted seminar (Network of Excellence on Global into the international community. This strategy to India, a newly influential economic player Governance, Regionalisation and Regulation: has led to rapid and continuous economic growth and an emerging major political power. “The role of the EU”) in Bruges, on June 30-July 1, and to the globalization of Chinese interests. It The re-emergence of Japan as a political player in order to present part of the report's has also raised questions among certain partners, in both Asia and the world will also be taken into conclusions. notably concerning energy issues: China has been account. pursuing an offensive development strategy During the second semester, another research in countries far from its traditional spheres project was set up with the support of the Korea Publications Foundation. It focuses on the implications of of influence, mainly in the Middle East and Africa. The Asia Center Newsletter a free-trade agreement between the EU and South Through its work and meetings, the Asia Center The newsletter is published on a regular basis Korea. This project, which is scheduled to come plays a major role in debating key issues and provides an analysis on political, strategic to a conclusion in 2007, has brought together regarding China's importance and future place and economic developments concerning Asia, European and Korean researchers. in the world. from the Indian Ocean to the Far East. Economic restructuring in South-East Asia, The newsletter is available on Ifri's website The relationship between Asian powers and ten years after the financial crisis and by subscription. their role in structuring international relations During the last decade, South-East Asian The other characteristic of Asia as a whole is economies have undergone significant changes. the persistence of a complex strategic situation, After the reforms implemented in the immediate in which traditional conflicts combined with aftermath of the 1997-1998 financial crisis, they the multiplication of new risks threaten the were faced with the challenge of China's rise as stability and long-term prospects for development a world power. An essential area of research dealt in the whole region. Conflicts in the Asia-Pacific with the study of these trends as well as region (China, Japan, the Taiwan issue, relations the analysis of the evolution of the regional with the United States, the role of India), as well reorganization process. as the impact of these conflicts on the Asian strategy of the European Union, are studied. Bilateral dialogues

Publications Franco-Japanese dialogue Chine-Japon: l'affrontement, Valérie Niquet, The dialogue established with the Japan Institute Paris, Perrin, “bibliothèque Asie,” 2006 of International Affairs (JIIA) bring together every “L’Europe et l'Asie,” Valérie Niquet, year, alternately in Paris and Tokyo, Japanese and RAMSES 2007, Paris, Ifri/Dunod, 2006 French experts to discuss international relations key issues. The 14th exchange took place in Tokyo Economic relations between the EU and East on October 26. Asia Franco-Chinese dialogue With the 2006 standstill of the multilateral trade negotiations within the World Trade Organization The Asia Center maintains relations with the main (WTO), the temptation for favoring regional Chinese research centers (Social Sciences instead of global agreements increased. Academy of China, Forum of Reformers, Academy The EU has adopted such strategy with many of Military Science, Shanghai Institute for Interna- of its partners, Asia among others. In this context, tional Studies [SIIS], China Foreign Affairs a research project was conducted by the Asia University [CFAU], China Institute of Contemporary Center in partnership with the University of International Relations [CICIR], etc). The last Limerick on the qualitative analysis of a potential meeting with CICIR took place at Ifri on May 17 free trade agreement between the EU and the to discuss extremist Islamism and the fight Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). against terrorism. The project led by Françoise Nicolas and Franco-Korean dialogue Bernadette Andreosso-O'Callaghan (University Regular meetings are held with the Korea of Limerick) was rounded up during the first Foundation, organized in turn in Seoul and Paris. semester. Both researchers participated in three meetings of the ASEAN-EU Vision Group on Study groups Economic Partnership. These meetings were prior to the official launching of negotiations planned In order to foster understanding of political, to take place at the beginning of 2007. economic and strategic changes, a study group The project's findings were circulated in the Vision on Asian economies meets regularly. Bringing Group's report. together experts and professionals, it encourages an informal exchange of viewpoints around

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Study group on Asian economies In 2006, the Center's work focused on several Chairmanship: Valérie Niquet and Françoise Nicolas. The Middle topics: March 21 - The Giants of the Indian economy The crises in the Middle East With Diana Hochraich, project leader, Direction East/North Africa The Center's research was influenced by de la prévision et de l'analyse économique, a particularly important series of events in 2006. Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry. Center The elections in Egypt, Palestine, Israel, and their April 26 - Management of the ageing process consequences, the tension between Syria and its in Japan The work of the Middle East/North Africa neighbors, the Iraki dilemma and the “the 33 days With Évelyne Dourille-Feer, Economist, CEPII. Center focuses on countries around war” in Lebanon were discussed in conferences June 13 - China’s economic strategies in Africa the Mediterranean sea, on the dynamics and debates with Samir Aïta, Joseph Bahout, Featuring Nicolas Pinaud, Economist, OECD, of change and modernization in these Alain Gresh, Jean-François Legrain and and Valérie Niquet. countries and on the strategy of foreign actors Farouk Mardam-Bey among others. Ifri has also September 28 - Regional trade agreements in in the region (the United States, the European tackled the issues raised by the possible advent East Asia: political and economic perspectives Union and Russia). Ifri has developed special of “Islamist democracies” in the With Françoise Nicolas and Valérie Niquet. expertise on North Africa (its internal with Hervé de Charrette and Bassma Kodmani dynamics, economic issues and foreign and questioned the emergence of the “Shiite arc” The Asia Center Ifri meetings relations). The institute monitors the question with Mohamed Reza Djalili and Yann Richard. Chairperson: Valérie Niquet of Islam in the Western World. Regional A seminar led by Denis Bauchard (“Israel 2006: May 19 - Sino-Japanese relations and cooperation powers such as Turkey and Iran are also under the new challenges”) particularly focused on in East Asia scrutiny. domestic and foreign challenges facing Israel. With Yang Baoyun, researcher, Faculty The Israel-Palestinian issue was studied Ifri's participation in EuroMeSCo's work— of International Relations, University of Beijing. by Dorothée Schmid from the angle of financial a network of 48 institutes of the Euro- October 23 - The Chinese development model assistance to the Palestinian territories. Mediterranean Partnership countries— as in the context of globalization With Yan Shuhan, Professor, Director of well as its collaboration within a elite network The European Union and the United States the Sociopolitics Department, Central School coordinated by the European Commission, policies towards the Mediterranean region of the Chinese Communist Party, and Zhao Jianjun, enables the Center's researchers to have In the context of the EU’s elite network of research Professor, Philosophy Department, Central School fruitful exchanges with its partners. centers in social sciences on the Mediterranean of the Chinese Communist Party. region “Ramsès2,” a conference was organized November 24 - Kashmir: development Staff on December 15 by Khadija Mohsen-Finan and perspectives to discuss the part played in the region by Denis Bauchard, former diplomat, Advisor Featuring a delegation from Jammu-and-Kashmir, the European Union and Mediterranean countries: including members of the government, for North Africa and Middle East the analysis focused on the divergent European representatives from the private sector and from Khadija Mohsen-Finan, Researcher and American views regarding the new Middle international organizations, key Indian figures, (North Africa, immigration, Islam in Europe) East. Despite their strategic monopoly in and researchers. the region since the beginning of the 1990's, Judith Cahen, Assistant Researcher Seminars the United States is now viewed as only one (Syria, French policy towards Arab countries) among many players. The EU is regarded April 10 - Trade and growth perspectives in Asia Dorothée Schmid, Researcher as having shown good will but lacks credibility Organized by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) (The Mediterranean, Turkey, the Palestinian in the region. and the Asia Center on the occasion of issue) Dorothée Schmid dealt with the strategies the publication of the last report of the ADB, “Asian Raed Bader, Post-doctoral researcher (media of external players in RAMSES 2007 (“L'Europe au Development Outlook 2006.” With contributions Moyen-Orient: une présence en mal de politique”) in the arab world) by Frank Harrigan, Assistant Chief Economist, ADB, and in two studies conducted in the context Pierre Jacquet, Chief Economist and Executive Clément Therme, Assistant researcher, of EuroMeSCo. Fares Braizat (Center for Strategic Director of Strategy, AFD. Chaired by Valérie Niquet, doctoral student (Iran) Studies, Amman) collaborated on the first one Asia Center. Jeanne Frey, Assistant (a comparison between EU and the United States October 26-27 - 14th dialogue JIIA-Ifri, organized policies in Jordan and the Palestinian Territories). with JIIA in Tokyo. The second study was written in cooperation November 9 - East Asia in the aftermath of the North with the Leonard Davis Institute of the Hebrew Korean nuclear tests, organized in collaboration University of , with Stephen Calleya with the Institut universitaire des hautes études (Malta Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic internationales (HEI) in Geneva. Studies) and Shai Moses (Hebrew University (See also “Publications”) of Jerusalem); (see “Publications”). See also: The European Union and the United States Facing the Middle Eastern Crisis (available on-line on www.ifri.org). Denis Bauchard chaired a workshop on the regional democratization process during the annual EuroMeSCo conference in October 2006.

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Media in the Arab World and Seminars Publications the Mediterranean countries March 10 - Islam in Europe As a follow-up to Ifri's work on the growing On line publications Panel with Xavier Bougarel, Researcher, CNRS, internationally influential media in the Arab World • “Actualités Moyen-Orient/Maghreb” Denis Bauchard, Ifri, Fraser Cameron, Senior Advisor, European Policy Center, Alain Délétroz, vice-President and in the framework of the project “Media and • “Perspectives Moyen-Orient/Maghreb:” collective identity in the Mediterranean region” Europe, ICG, Patrick Haenni, ICG, Khadija Mohsen- La fin d'une époque. L'Égypte après les doubles Finan, Ifri, and Dominique Moïsi, Ifri. of the “Ramsès2” network, Khadija Mohsen-Finan élections de l'automne 2005, June 26 - Israel 2006: new challenges organized a seminar on November 30 and Sophie Pommier, May. December 1st in Casablanca in partnership with Organized in partnership with the Centre d'Analyse the King Abdul Aziz Foundation. The objective was L'entente stratégique russo-iranienne, et Prévision (CAP) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, featuring numerous regional figures, including to assess the role of the media in Mediterranean Clément Therme, May. Ambassador, Director for European La spirale de la crise dans le Liban libéré Freddy Eytan, societies and to explore their impact on Affairs, Center for Public Affairs and the State, (2004-2006), Agnès Favier, June. the politics and behaviour of their audience. Jerusalem, Ilan Greilsammer, Center for European The media were seen alternatively as having a role Studies, University of Bar-Ilan, Israel, Ilan Halevi, in the transformation of the international system former deputy vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs and as a political opposition force. and member of the Commission of External Relations A post-doctoral student from the University of the Fatah, Ramallah, Hassan Barari, Center of Bir Zeit, Raed Bader has collaborated on this for Strategic Studies, University of Jordan, Amman, Marwan Bishara, American University of Paris, as well program. His main task has been to coordinate as Edward Abington, Washington and Marc Otte, the different researchers who are participating Ambassador, Special Representative of the EU in this project. for the peace process in the Middle East. North Africa: relations between Algeria November 30-December 1 - Media and collective and Morocco identity, Casablanca The choice of Casablanca, where many new Khadija Mohsen-Finan conducted a study for the newspapers have recently appeared on the market Strategic Affairs Delegation (DAS) of the Ministry Book and where the press has become relatively free, of Defense on the relations between the key North was significant. African states. The reasons for Algeria and Dubai, The New Arab Dream, Amar Drissi and December 15 - The Mediterranean and the New Morocco disagreements are better known today Thierry de Montbrial (eds.), Khadija Mohsen-Finan Middle East, what strategic projects? (coord.), “Travaux et recherches de l'Ifri” (land ownership, concept of nation, perception With the participation of Joseph Bahout, Institut of history, etc.). Based on a field study, the report Forthcoming publications: d'études politiques (IEP), Paris, Dominique David, attempts to define the existing problems in order Démocratie: références musulmanes et Ifri, Thierry Fabre, MMSH, François Gouyette, to find possible solutions to the disputes. occidentales, by Denis Bauchard and Abdellah Euromed Ambassador, Giovanni Levi, University “Algérie: les grandes options du président Hammoudi (eds.), Judith Cahen (coord.) of Venice, Khadija Mohsen-Finan, Ifri, Kalypso Bouteflika,” Khadija Mohsen-Finan, Nicolaïdis, Oxford University, Pierre Thénard, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mohammed Tozy, University in RAMSES 2007. of Casablanca. Islam in Europe Conferences and debates During the fall 2005 riots, Islam in France February 8 - Caught between international pressure has been under excessive, often ill-intentioned, and regional tension: Syria in the hot seat coverage in the media. It was important to return With Samir Aïta, Economist, General Director to a more rational scientific and open approach of Mafhoum and of Le Monde Diplomatique Arab to this question, which—even though it has Editions, Joseph Bahout, Assistant Researcher, IEP, a specifically French dimension due to Paris, and Farouk Mardam-Bey, Director of the importance of the Muslim community the “Sindbad” collection published by Actes Sud in France—is also European in its magnitude. and consultant to the Institut du Monde Arabe (IMA). This was the objective of the seminar organized Chair: Judith Cahen. by Denis Bauchard on March 10, in partnership February 28 - US priorities in the Maghreb with the Conflict Prevention Partnership, drawing Breakfast-debate with William Jordan, Director on a study led by Patrick Haenni, International of the Office for Maghreb Affairs, Department of State Crisis Group (ICG), “La France face à ses Chair: Khadija Mohsen-Finan Musulmans: émeutes, jihadisme, April 5 - Mutual influence between Islam and Europe et dépolitisation.” With Nilüfer Gôle, Director of studies, École The regional powers des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) Ifri has developed specific efforts towards Chair: Khadija Mohsen-Finan covering Iran and Turkey. A research program July 25 - What lessons should the EU draw from on Iran, ran by Denis Bauchard and led the worsening Middle East conflict? with Clément Therme—who conducted two field With Dorothée Schmid, Ifri studies in 2006—will be launched in 2007. November 16 - Iran and the “Shiite arc:” fact The program will focus on three main subjects: and fiction foreign affairs, problems of regional security With Mohamed Reza Djalili, Institut Universitaire and energy issues. Dorothée Schmid will work des Hautes Études Internationales (IUHEI), and more specifically on Turkey. Institut Universitaire d'Études du Développement (IUED), and Yann Richard, Professor, University of Paris III – Sorbonne nouvelle Chair : Denis Bauchard

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TRANSVERSAL PROGRAMS Areas of focus “Proliferation Papers” The Evolution of Conflicts - non-conventional Assertive pragmatism: China's economic rise and warfare, including terrorism, insurgency, its impact on Chinese foreign policy, Minxin Pei, asymmetric wars; long-term prospective analysis N°. 15. The Security of possible conflicts; human security. Five scenarios for the Iranian crisis, George Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction - Perkovich, N°. 16. in collaboration with the French Atomic Energy Studies Center Strategies Security Policies of Key Countries Commission CEA. This program includes transatlantic relations, The Security Studies Center analyzes Analysis of the Strategies and Defense Policies European security and regional strategic studies traditional issues related to defense, but also of Major Powers - transatlantic relations and conducted with the relevant Ifri departments. investigates the evolution of the field European security; regional strategies, of security, and anticipates future changes in collaboration with Ifri's research units focused Strategic dialogues in the nature of conflicts. It leads pluriannual on area studies. The Center organizes regular dialogues on cross-disciplinary programs that involve The Evolution of Military Affairs - “military security issues with several foreign counterparts. a regular collaboration with Ifri’s other transformation,” foreign interventions, research units. and stabilization operations. Transatlantic Dialogue: the Quad Meeting Each year a four-party conference brings together Staff The evolution of armed conflicts in the world researchers from Chatham House, the Stiftung This program is focused on one hand on terrorism, Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), the Rand Étienne de Durand, Head of the Center: insurrection, and asymmetrical strategies, and on Corporation and Ifri, alternately in London, Berlin, strategic and military issues, French and US the other on the long-term trends and evolutions Washington and Paris. Organized on October 5 defense policies, crisis simulation of conflicts. and 6 in Washington by the RAND Corporation, Philippe Coquet, Research fellow: strategic and Interagency coordination in Homeland Security: the 2006 Quad meeting, “Lessons from the past; military issues, French defense policy the management of a complex crisis in an urban prospects for the future,” focused on evaluating environment the recent past in the field of nation-building and Marc Hecker, Research fellow: terrorism, lessons to be learned for the future. The French Israeli-Palestinian conflict, crisis simulation This program, supported by the Centre d'études et de prospective (CEP) of the Ministry of Interior, delegation included General Vincent Desportes, Aline Leboeuf, Research fellow: stabilization, conducted a tabletop exercise dealing with crisis Centre de Doctrine d'Emploi des Forces (CDEF), reconstruction, human security, Africa, management of a terrorist attack in France, based Étienne de Durand, Ifri, and Jasmine Zerinini, prospective conflict analysis on specific hypotheses put forward by Ifri. SGDN. Thomas Rid, Post-doc, TAPIR program: It highlighted the coordination problems between Franco-Russian Dialogue the different public agencies and ministries US and German Foreign Policy, Media-Military Organized in partnership with the Moscow State involved. The exercise was followed by Relations, Information Operations Institute for International Relations (MGIMO), a debriefing seminar. Jolyon Howorth, Scholar in residence: ESDP the bilateral Franco-Russian seminar on security Early-Warning Detection of Crises and European security policy; transatlantic issues has been held annually for the past 12 years, alternately in Paris and Moscow. In 2006, relations Conducted in partnership with the Secrétariat Général de la Défense Nationale (SGDN), this the seminar took place in Paris (see Russia/NIS Kerry Longhurst, Scholar in residence: seminar brought together international experts Program). Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), of detection and early warning of crises. European Neighbourhood Policy, Poland The objective was to study how situations Franco-Polish Dialogue In the context of the regular annual Franco-Polish Jean Klein, Scholar in residence: disarmament deteriorate and potentially turn into violent conflicts, and to analyze methods so as to simplify meeting organized with the Polish Institute and proliferation the decision-making process and to implement of International Affairs (PISM), a bilateral seminar Alain Antil, Associate Research Fellow: Africa, effective prevention policies. The findings were devoted to the “Problems of Security” took place post-conflict stabilization and reconstruction based on the comparison between existing in Paris on December 12. This meeting scrutinized French and Polish strategic cultures, their security Kryzstof Soloch, Associate Research Fellow: systems and the diverse experiences of the participants. agendas, Franco-Polish cooperation in the context European security policy, Central and Eastern of a European security and Defense policy (ESDP), Europe Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and bilateral cooperation in the military field. Françoise Thomas, Assistant (WMD) This program, supported by the Atomic Energy Franco-Baltic Dialogue Commission (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique, A Franco-Baltic seminar organized by the Vilnius CEA), includes a series of seminars with experts Institute of International Relations and Political in the field, as well as a special day-long debate Science on “Problems of Security,” with on a question pertaining to current affairs. the support of the policy planning staff of the In 2006, the focus was on the evolution of the French MoD (Délégation aux Affaires Stratégiques, North Korean and Iranian crises, Chinese strategy DAS), took place in Vilnius on December 18. and the relation between proliferation The French delegation included Dominique David and deterrence. and Krzysztof Soloch from Ifri; François Campagnola, Antoine Creux (col.), Christophe- Contributions are published on-line in a special Alexandre Paillard, and Robert Ranquet from DAS; collection, the “Proliferation Papers” (with more Denis Badré and Anne-Laure Saint Dizier from than 2000 readers in France and abroad), and the French Senate. in Politique étrangère.

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The Evolution of Military Forces Seminars and debates Publications This area covers themes ranging from “military “Proliferation” Program transformation” to foreign intervention, Focused on the “Elaboration of Air Doctrines (in cooperation with the CEA) stabilization operations, and nation-building. in the United States, the United Kingdom, The aim is to assess politico-strategic choices and France,” the study conducted in 2005 March 7 - Iran: Between the IAEA and the Security in the context of a changing security environment. by Étienne de Durand and Bastien Irondelle Council (associate research fellow at Ifri at the time) With Georges Perkovich, Vice-President, Carnegie US National Security Strategy and Defense Policy for the Centre d'Études en Sciences Sociales Endowment for International Peace, Washington, and Pierre Goldschmidt, Deputy Director General On behalf of DAS’ “Observatory of American de la Défense (C2SD) of the Ministry of Defense, and Head of the Department of Safeguards at was published by the C2SD with the title Stratégie Strategy,” the Center follows current defense the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna. issues in the US. Four research areas were aérienne comparée. May 18 - Which Developments for the Nuclear Issue selected this year: the 2006 Quadrennial Defense “L 'Europe et la Sécurité mondiale,” Review, the weaponization of space, civil-military in North Korea? Jolyon Howorth, in RAMSES 2007. With Narushige Michishita, specialist on questions relations in the United States and American of proliferation and North Korea, Advisor to the strategy in the CIS region. cabinet of Japan's Prime Minister, researcher Defense Research Unit with the National Institute for Defense (NIDS) and Assistant Director of the Defense Policy Bureau Set within the framework of Ifri with the support (Japan Defense Agency [JDA]). of the French Army, and officially launched in February 2007, the LRD (Defense Research November 14 - The Strategic and Military Consequences of China's Economic Rise Unit) seeks to confront military and civilian With Minxin Pei, associate researcher and Director approaches on strategic and defense-related of the China program, Carnegie Endowment issues. Therefore, the LRD brings together civilian for International Peace, Washington. as well as military experts, mainly from Ifri and the Army, but also works with associate December 19 - Workshop on “Proliferation and Deterrence” researchers. Developing independent and original This day-long seminar was devoted to the following research projects, the LRD will propose policy subjects: lessons from the cold war with David Yost, recommendations likely to draw the interest NATO Defense College, and Paul Schulte, Advanced of all the diverse actors involved in security, Research and Assessment Group, UK Defense in France and abroad. Academy; to the parameters of nuclear energy in the 21st century, including Yuri Federov, Chatham House Transatlantic Post-doc Fellowship for and Director of the Center for War and Peace Studies, International Relations and Security (TAPIR) MGIMO, and Camille Grand, sub-Director of the chemical and biological disarmament and control Ifri participates in the prestigious TAPIR program of traditional weapons department, Ministry of (Transatlantic Post-Doc Fellowship Foreign Affairs. The third session focused on for International Relations and Security). dissuasion with Sir Michael Quinlan, International This program allows Ifri to host postdoctoral Institute for Strategic Studies, and Shai Feldman, fellows for a period of eight months and integrate Director, Crown Center for Middle East Studies, them in its research programs, mostly on security Brandeis University. issues. The program is run in conjunction with several of the most eminent think tanks in Conferences the world in the field of international affairs: May 10 - On Future Wars: Conflicts and Insecurity the German Institute for International and Security in the 21st Century With Thérèse Delpech, Associate Affairs/Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Researcher, CERI, and Louis Gautier, former Advisor the RAND Corporation, Chatham House, SAIS to Lionel Jospin for defense issues. Center for Transatlantic Relations, the Carnegie June 12 - On the Ground and Beyond? The Use Endowment for International Peace, the European of Force in Today's Crises With the Army General Union Institute for International Security Studies Bernard Thorette, Chief of Staff of the Army. (EUISS), the Institute for Strategic and Seminars International Studies (IEEI), the Center for International Relations (CIR), and the Center March 13 - How to Explain Extreme Forms for Security Studies (CSS). of Violence? Seminar led by Jacques Sémelin, Researcher, CERI, and Bernard Rougier, Senior Lecturer, University of Clermont-Ferrand. May 15 - Early-Warning Systems for Crises Seminar organized with the support of SGDN June 7 - Interagency Coordination in Homeland Security: the management of a complex crisis in an urban environment The seminar run with the support of the CEP of the Ministry of the Interior concentrated on role-playing to simulate a crisis, followed by a debriefing. November 23 - Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan: are the current military interventions in an impasse? Étienne de Durand.

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Since 2000, globalization has been epitomized a High-Tech Superpower? The Contrasted picture by two paramount trends: the increasing role of China's Scientific and Technological World Economy of emerging countries in the world economy Capabilities” by Frédérique Sachwald and steady competition through innovation. (see www.ifri.org and www.tcf.or.jp). In 2006, The World Economy Program put In this environment, companies must review their a special emphasis on the study of the effects This study is partly based on a field trip in China, production and innovation network on a global during which interviews were conducted in the of globalization on the production systems scale. The World Economy Program has focused R&D centers of different foreign companies locally of certain countries. on the development of globalization and established. its consequences. The analysis of interactions Staff between corporate networks, international trade Outsourcing and national production systems Frédérique Sachwald, head of economic growth and national production systems Knowledge of the outsourcing phenomenon studies* emphasized three major research areas: global has improved. However, outsourcings remain innovation networks and the emergence of China difficult to identify and to isolate from the global Luis Miotti, associate researcher as a technological and scientific power, internationalization mechanisms of multinational Vincent Vasques, research assistant outsourcing and its consequences on national corporations. Whether in Asia or in new member production systems, and Europe and France's states, access to market and cost reduction Catherine Méniane, assistant competitive position in the world economy. represent drivers for attracting foreign investments. The different ways corporations Global innovation networks can internationalize, their interdependences Since the 1990's, research and development and how they relate to the development activities have become more international of activities in their home country must be and more mobile. R&D has become part thoroughly studied. Similarly, questions often of globalization, not as quickly as other corporate raised have to be looked at further in order functions, but with similar patterns and dynamics. to draw conclusions on the economic policy Long considered difficult to decentralize, it has of certain countries. This is the case for fiscal become a service activity which tends, like policy in both the home and destination countries. production, to be fragmented and organized The economic context favours firms and countries into networks. Progress in information and capable of mobility. France, on the one hand, communication technologies, as well as should seek to anticipate the functional and the evolution of firms and markets, has stimulated sectional movements at stake, and on the other the fragmentation of R&D and the externalization hand, better prepare its active population of certain of its activities. In the past few years, to mobility, in terms of training and compensation the phenomenon has accelerated and amplified, schemes. The key is to foster the mobility of firms notably through the integration of R&D activities and their staff with means adapted to the context. in emerging countries within the global innovation Several events and publications are dedicated networks built by multinational corporations. to the international production networks and Various studies indicate a growth in the number their impact on employment in Europe. This topic of R&D centers established in emerging countries. has been addressed in particular in: According to a survey conducted by the United - “Mutations industrielles mondiales: quelle Nations Conference on Commerce and place pour l’Europe?,” Luis Miotti and Frédérique Development (CNUCED) in 2005, China should, Sachwald, in RAMSES 2007 by 2009, become the first country for R&D centers - Commerce mondial: le retour de la ‘vieille developed by multinational corporations, ahead économie?’, Luis Miotti and Frédérique of the US and India. France ranks 7th behind Sachwald, “Les Études de l'Ifri” Russia. Do the new R&D centers established in emerging countries correspond to a “bubble” Europe and France in world competition of foreign investment in countries such as China, Europe's strength is to be able to sell products or does they represent a sustainable to the rest of the world using well-known redistribution of these activities? The location technologies at a higher price than its of a greater number of R&D centers in emerging competitors. Will this competence, partially due countries seems to be at the expense of Western to the service factor (design, brands, after-sale Europe. Can the dwindling attractiveness services, and better management), be sustainable of certain European countries in terms of R&D and sufficient to ensure the prosperity of be confirmed by a more thorough analysis? the Continent? Reasons to worry lie in the fact Are the public policies currently implemented that Europe does not seem to be able to invent capable of attracting more R&D centers? breakthrough technologies. These technologies Five conferences on global innovation networks are at the core of American prosperity. strived to answer those questions. They focused Several events and publications have addressed on innovation networks recent developments these issues: the economic state of Germany in four sectors (telecoms, software, automotive (“Is the German economy back on track?”), and pharmaceutical industry), and on the role comparative performances of European countries of intellectual property in innovation networks. and the US in world trade (“The evolution of World Ifri’s contribution to the annual conference of the trade: performances and counter-performances Tokyo Club, which was held in Tokyo in December, of the United States and European countries.”), *Frédérique Sachwald pursued other career included an evaluation of China's position the way Europe reacts to the new world order opportunities in January 2007. in science and technology: “Is China becoming (“Europe in world competition through innovation.

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Are new challenges calling for new protection?,” Conferences and Seminars conference organized in January 2007). On a “Innovation in France and in the world” Program related subject, a study on “the competitiveness The Energy of French maritime ports: the issues involved in Conference cycle “Global innovation networks,” organized with the National Association for Technical the logistic chain” was conducted during the last Program Research (ANRT) quarter of 2006. March 16 - Global innovation networks in European Governance and the geopolitics the pharmaceutical industry of energy June 29 - Global innovation networks in the software A new Energy Program was launched industry in September 2006. The key feature September 19 - Global innovation networks of the Program is to integrate European in the telecommunications field governance and the geopolitics of energy. November 28 - Intellectual property in innovation The program's objective is to foster a coherent networks and sustainable European energy policy. “Globalization and national economies” Program Staff March 6 - World trade recent trends: performances and counter-performances of the United States Jacques Lesourne, President of the Scientific and European countries Committee Presentations by Jacques Mistral, financial Advisor Jan Horst Keppler, Program Director, Professor for the French Embassy in Washington, of Economics, CGEMP, Université Paris- and Frédérique Sachwald, followed by a debate moderated by Jean-Marc Vittori, editorial writer, Dauphine Les Échos. Maïté Jauréguy-Naudin, Project Coordinator May 17 - Is the German economy back on track? Nadia Fraioli, Assistant In collaboration with Cerfa. Chair, Anton Brender, Chief Economist, Dexia Asset Management, and Associate Professor, Paris IX-Dauphine University.

Other publications Publications from the program “Trade policy and globalization governance,” which ended in 2005 “Special and differential treatment of developing countries” Jean-Marie Paugam, Serge Perrin and Anne-Sophie Novel, Policy Brief Paper, Ifri-AFD “Reviving the special and differential treatment of developing countries in international trade” Jean-Marie Paugam and Anne-Sophie Novel (eds.), “Travaux et Recherches de l'Ifri.” This book, in English, collates speakers’ presentations at the conference “The future of Special and Differential treatment,” organized with the French Agency for Development (AFD) on October 28, 2005 in Paris.

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One of the key challenges of the liberalization Program activities of the energy market in Europe is to implement Based on in-depth research, the program aims new regulatory strategies at both the European at providing reflections and recommendations and national levels. At the same time, to experts and policy-makers. new environmental concerns call for broader Program activities include: policy objectives influence public policy such as the security involved in supplying energy - a monthly regular seminar, the Ifri Energy and economic competitiveness. How do these Breakfast Roundtable, which takes place dynamics affect each other and interact? in Brussels. The seminar's aim is to submit How do they impact on efficiency, security European energy policies (national and EU) and affordability of energy? The Program to experts for evaluation, and to tackle different is organized around 5 key areas of focus energy geopolitical aspects. This seminar brings for the 21st century, grouped under two broad together European and international policy headings: participants: researchers, experts from the industry field, representatives from civil - Regulation of energy market, European society and the administration. The seminar governance and investments; represents an opportunity to encourage dialogue - Energy, geopolitics and security of supplies. between European states; Areas of focus: - the publication of policy papers based on leading research and sent to decision-makers, Energy supply security and geopolitics analysts and specialised circles; Europe has few energy reserves and they are - the annual publication, by a task force composed mostly located in politically unstable regions. of eminent figures from the energy sector, The security factor involved in supplying energy of concrete proposals on energy and the diversification of the reserves and environment subjects to prepare are therefore strategic issues for European the G8 meetings; countries. Reaching an agreement represents - the organization of an annual conference a major challenge for Europe in order to become to share the main program conclusions. a respected international player in the energy market. The publication of a white paper will conclude the third year of the Program. CO2 and greenhouse gas emission Organization of the Program The program will provide insights on global climate and emission concerns. On the regulatory The quality and pertinence of the work are side, the program will explore the consequences guaranteed by the structure and the managerial of the European Trading System (ETS) for carbon staff of the program: permits and how it affects investment decisions. - a steering committee, including representatives from the Program's partners, the President of Ifri, The growing scarcity of oil and gas resources the President of the scientific committee and the Facing the increase in world demand for Program's Director, represents an opportunity hydrocarbon-based energy services (electricity for the partners to express their opinion on and transportation in particular), the pressure the research's general orientation; on oil and gas reserves calls for heavy - an independent scientific committee is in charge investments necessary for discovering of evaluating the quality of the research and and exploiting new reserves in a difficult of defining the main themes of the Program. geophysical environment and geopolitical context. It is formed by three high-ranking academics. The program studies the impact of this new factor The committee's President (Jacques Lesourne) on investments, and the cost and security is personally in charge of supervising the project; of energy supplies. - a Director is responsible for the program’s Energy and sociology intellectual output and overall management Promoting a common energy policy requires (Jan Horst Keppler); the global and lasting support of public opinion. - a project manager assists the Program Director This part of the program focuses on trying in planning and coordinating program studies to understand the motivations and reactions, and contributes to research studies in particular the negative ones, to certain changes (Maïté Jauréguy-Naudin). in the energy sector. The program benefits from the contributions of Technological development an important network of researchers and experts in Europe and the world. Ifri has traditionally The development of new forms of renewable closely collaborated with many research centers energy sources (wind power, solar, biomass, which contribute to its work energy from the sea), including bio-fuels is a major objective of the 21st century. The Program will cover new technologies based on conventional sources (coal, gas, oil, nuclear fission and fusion) and will look at the impact of new technologies of production, transportation, storage and consumption of energy for the future.

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Areas of focus: Seminars The Transatlantic November 6 - Is Russia a Neo-Imperial or Post- European and American approaches to Russia Imperial Actor? The discrepancy between the two approaches This seminar, organized by the Russia/NIS Center in Program to Russia from both sides of the Atlantic has been conjunction with the CSIS, was devoted to Vladimir increasing during the past few years. In Europe Putin's foreign policy from the perspective A three-year Transatlantic Program was there has been an intense debate about of German, French and U.S. relations with Russia. created at the end of 2005. The goal of the the current dynamics of the Russian government The debate was based on documents written by project is to evaluate the respective European and the future of the special Russia/EU experts from these countries (Thomas Gomart, and American approaches that are crucial to Partnership (particularly regarding energy issues). Alexander Rahr, Dmitri Trenin and Celest Wallander). The work was discussed by leading figures including the development of a transatlantic dialogue. The Program, run in conjunction with the Center Ambassador Bertrand Dufourcq, Angela Stent, An international seminar and a publication for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Hubert Védrine and Karsten D. Voigt. The seminar based on the Program’s research will be held. in Washington, studies France’s, Germany’s and was introduced by Thierry de Montbrial and Robin the United States’ approaches towards Russia. Niblett, CSIS. The work is published in Politique Staff Project Manager: Thomas Gomart, Head of étrangère, N°. 1/2007 and The Washington Quarterly, spring 2007. Scientific Coordinator: the Russia/NIS Center. December 11 - The EU enlargement and the future Dominique Moïsi, special Advisor, Ifri The implications of EU enlargement of transatlantic relations for transatlantic relations Steering Committee: Organized by the Cerfa in conjunction with the IEP The goal of this project is to evaluate of Berlin, this seminar brought together over thirty Thierry de Montbrial, Dominique Moïsi, the consequences on EU governance of experts and French, German and American prominent Robin Niblett, CSIS, Jolyon Howorth, Yale the enlargement process, past and future. government officials. The seminar consisted of University, Ethan Kapstein, INSEAD, Robert An emphasis will be put on the European Security a debate on the perspectives of European Otten, DaimlerChrysler, Pierre-Antoine Badoz, and Defense Policy (ESDP), as well as integration, on the one hand, and the transatlantic partnership on the other hand, in the context France Télécom. the management of the EU's relations with its of the latest EU's enlargement. The participants neighbors. The project looks first at institutional included: Esther Brimmer, Johns Hopkins University, problems linked to the EU's integration capacity, Andras Inotai, Institut for World Economics (IWE) then at its policy towards its neighbors and finally, of the Academy of Science of Hungary (Budapest), at the EU's policy in the Middle East and Mathias Jopp, IEP (Berlin), Stephen Larrabee, RAND the Mediterranean region. Converging Corporation, Simon Serfaty, CSIS, and Wolfgang and diverging Euro-American viewpoints Wessels, University of Cologne. The work is published are scrutinized concerning each topic, as well as in Politique étrangère, N°. 2/2007, the existence of potential collaboration. This program is run in conjunction with the Institut für Europäische Politik (IEP) in Berlin. Project manager: Hans Stark, Secretary-General of Cerfa.

Adaptation to the current phase of globalization: a transatlantic perspective The aim of this project is to explore the various ways European countries and the United States are adjusting to economic globalization. Establishing any form of transatlantic cooperation in the area of economic governance requires identifying the different strategies that are developed. Project Manager: Frédérique Sachwald, Head of Economic Studies*. This Program was launched thanks to the support of DaimlerChrysler, Coca-Cola and France Télécom, as well as CSIS' financial partners. Beyond this particular program, the transatlantic dimension is also tackled as a cross-disciplinary topic in the work of most of Ifri's research departments.

* Until December 2006. Subsequently, the project will be led by Jacques Mistral.

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The Program is organized around three axes: Publications What migration policies for the European The Migration, “L'Europe en mal de migrations?” Christophe Union? Bertossi, in RAMSES 2007 Identity, The European Union (EU) has become during “Migrations et citoyenneté en Europe,” the last decade the first destination This policy-brief is the first of a series of on-line Citizenship for international migration, even in front publications in French, English and German of the United States. It is therefore necessary “Migrations et citoyenneté en Europe,” launched Program to adapt the entry and reception policies in partnership with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. of immigrants, although the member states Available on www.ifri.org The Migration, Identity, Citizenship Program are still in the difficult process of aligning their focuses on migratory flows as well policies, in particular regarding the regularization as migration policies and politics in Europe. of undocumented migrants. These policies must The program also tackles the challenges find a sound balance between ensuring that ethno-cultural and religious diversity the borders' security and the necessity to open represents for European countries, the EU to new labour migration; the considered in particular the issue of discrimination methods include “selective immigration,” and Islam. The program emphasizes the struggle against illegal immigration, etc. the European context but also develops These questions have been analyzed a comparative and cross-disciplinary by Christophe Bertossi in a study conducted approach, particularly with attention jointly with the Strategic Affairs of the Ministry to the Northern American countries. of Defense, on clandestine migration from the sub-Saharan region to the EU, bringing out The program's research partners include the contradictions between existing policies the American University of Paris, the University and the need for a common Euro-African approach of New York and the Friedrich Ebert towards migration. Les Musulmans, la France, l'Europe: contre Foundation. quelques faux-semblants en matière How to adapt borders to the globalization d'intégration, Christophe Bertossi N°. 1. Staff of international human migration? Since the end of the Cold War, international Christophe Bertossi, scientific Director migration has almost doubled and new human Martine Breux, assistant. migratory patterns have appeared, upsetting the peripheral regions of the enlarged European Union. North African countries now represent a huge pool of emigrants to Europe and have become a transit zone—and even a final destination for African and Asian immigrants. Citizens from Sub-Saharan Africa have recently joined international migration flows. Furthermore the last enlargement process of the EU, with the entry of Eastern European countries, has had an impact. These geopolitical transformations at EU's borders are linked to the changes in migration flows towards Europe and must be analyzed: the relation between migration and European policy towards its neighbors is the focus European Anti-Discrimination and the Politics of an on-going study and will be the subject of Citizenship: Britain and France, of an upcoming publication. Christophe Bertossi (ed.), London/New York, Palgrave MacMillan. What kind of citizenship for a Europe With contributions from: Valérie Amiraux, Étienne embracing diversity? Balibar, James Beckford, Christophe Bertossi, Old immigration waves have settled on a long- Stephen Castles, Estelle Ferrarese, Andrew term basis and Islam has become the second Geddes, Virginie Guiraudon, Danièle Joly, John most widespread religion in Europe. A new key Rex, Anja Rudiger, Carl-Ulrik Schierup and question has appeared in the debates concerning Khursheed Wadia. the future of citizenship in Europe: social, ethnic, cultural and religious discrimination. The relation between public service users who have an immigrant background and state institutions Conferences (army, police, hospitals, etc.) has yet to be studied The Program's work has also been the focus of many since knowledge is lacking concerning this issue. foreign conferences (Japan, United States, Great- These matters were the subjects of two Britain, Finland, Spain, etc.). conferences and two books to be published at 23 January - Discrimination: putting the French the beginning of 2007: Les couleurs du drapeau. model to the test? With Jean-Michel Belorgey, L'armée française face aux discriminations, Paris, Council of State, Christophe Bertossi and Dominique Robert Laffont, and European Anti-Discrimination Moïsi, Ifri. and the Politics of Citizenship, London/New York, 24 October - Muslims in Europe: which integration Palgrave. models to choose? With Christophe Bertossi.

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Research: an international network In 2006, Ifri was notably host to:

Samir Aïta, Economist, General Manager of Mafhoum.com Robin Niblett, Executive Vice President and Director, Europe Program, and of the Arab edition of Le Monde diplomatique Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Hassan Barari, Center of Strategic Studies, University of Jordan, Vladimir Orlov, Director, PIR Center (Moscow), Deputy Director, Amman Geneva Center for Security Policy (GCSP) Martha Brill Olcott, Senior Associate Russian and Eurasian Program, Minxin Pei, Associate Reseach Fellow, Director, China Studies, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Esther Brimmer, Deputy Director, Johns Hopkins University Thérèse Delpech, Associate Research Fellow, Center for International Studies and Research (CERI) Mohammad-Reza Djalili, Professor, IUHEI, Geneva Genéral Vladimir Dvorkin, Carnegie Center, Moscow

Alexander Rahr, Director, Körber Center Russia (CIS), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP) Yann Richard, Professor, Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle University Simon Serfaty, Senior Advisor, CSIS Stefano Silvestri, President, Istituto Affari Internazionali (Rome) Olivier Roy, Research Director, Centre national de la recherche Yuri Fedorov, Chatham House, Director, Center for War and Peace scientifique (CNRS) Studies, Moscow State Institute of International Relations Jacques Rupnik, Research Director, Fondation nationale des sciences (MGIMO-University) politiques (FNSP/CERI) Shai Feldman, Director, Crown Center for Middle East Studies, Brandeis University (United States) Nilüfer Göle, Director of studies, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) Nicole Gnesotto, Director, Institute for Security Studies – European Union (ISS-UE) Stanley Hoffmann, Professor, Harvard University, United States Bernard Hourcade, Research Director, Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) Ilan Greilsammer, Director, Center for European Studies, Bar-Ilan University, Israël Efraim Inbar, Director, The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (BESA), Bar-Ilan University, Israël Andras Inotaï, General Director, Institute for World Economics, Academy of science, Hungary Bassma Kodmani, Director, Arab Reform Initiative (ARI) Angela Stent, Director, Center for Eurasian and East European Stephen Larrabee, Senior Analyst, RAND Corporation Studies, Georgetown School of Foreign Service Giovanni Levi, University of Venice Mohammed Tozy, University of Casablanca Farouk Mardam-Bey, Editor of the series “Sindbad,” Actes Sud, Dmitri Trenin, Deputy Director, Carnegie Center, Moscow Advisor to the Arab World Institute (IMA). Frank Umbach, DGAP Narushige Michishita, Advisor to the cabinet of Japan's Prime Celeste Wallander, Program Director, Russia and Eurasia Program, Minister, Researcher with the National Institute for Defense Studies CSIS (NIDS) and Assistant Director of the Defense Policy Bureau Wolfgang Wessels, Professor, Department of Political Sciences, (Japan Defense Agency [JDA]). University of Cologne George Perkovich, Vice-President, Carnegie Endowment David Yost, NATO Defense College and Paul Schulte, Advanced for International Peace (Washington) Research and Assessment Group, UK Defense Academy Michael Quinlan, International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) Mathias Jopp, Director, Institut für Europäische Politik (IEP)

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Books Reviving the Special and Differential Treatment of Developping Countries in International Géographie politique, Thierry de Montbrial, Trade, Jean-Marie Paugam and Anne-Sophie Paris, PUF, “Que sais-je?,” 2006. Novel (eds.), Paris, Ifri, “Travaux et recherches Il est nécessaire d’espérer pour entreprendre – de l’Ifri,” 2006. Penseurs et bâtisseurs, Thierry de Montbrial, Commerce mondial: le retour de la “vieille Paris, Les Syrtes, 2006. économie?”, Luis Miotti and Frédérique Relations internationales, Questions Sachwald, Paris, Ifri, “Les Études de l’Ifri,” mondiales, Philippe Moreau Defarges, 2006. volume 2, Paris, Le Seuil (7th edition), 2006. Policy papers, electronic publications, Droits d'ingérence dans le monde post-2001 articles Philippe Moreau Defarges, Paris, Presses de Sciences-Po, 2006. Europe Où va l'Europe?, Philippe Moreau Defarges, Paris, Eyrolles, 2006. Publications of the Cerfa Qui sont les Allemands?, Claire Demesmay Visions franco-allemandes and Hans Stark (eds.), Lille, (electronic publications available on Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2006. www.ifri.org) Radioscopies de l’Allemagne 2006 Le capitalisme financier en France Claire Demesmay and Hans Stark (eds.), Paris, et en Allemagne: critiques, réalités Ifri, “Travaux et recherches de l’Ifri,” 2006. et conséquences, Patricia Commun, N°. 7, Russie.Nei.Visions 2006. Understanding May 2006. Russia and the New Independent States La civilisation allemande dans les études Thomas Gomart and Tatiana Kastueva-Jean germaniques en France: ingénierie et atouts (eds.), Paris, Ifri, “Travaux et recherches Stephan Martens, N°. 8, July 2006. de l’Ifri,” 2006. Les débats sur la citoyenneté en France Chine-Japon: l’affrontement, Valérie Niquet, et en Allemagne, Yves Bizeul, N°. 9, Paris, Perrin, 2006. October 2006. Korea in the New Asia: East Asian Integration L’égalité de tous versus l’individualité and the China Factor, Françoise Nicolas, de chacun. Le principe de la séparation London/New York, Routledge de l’église et de l’État et la polémique du voile (to be published). à l’école publique en France et en Allemagne A Qualitative Analysis of a Potential Free Trade Janine Ziegler, N°. 10, November 2006. Agreement between the EU and ASEAN Le manuel franco-allemand d’histoire: Françoise Nicolas and Bernadette Andreosso- l’aboutissement d’un long travail O’Callaghan, Commissioned Report de coopération entre historiens français for the European Commission, DG Trade, et allemands, Corine Defrance and Ulrich Pfeil, Brussels, May 2006. N°. 11, December 2006. Dubai: The New Arab Dream Notes du Cerfa Thierry de Montbrial and Amar Drissi (eds.), (electronic publications available Khadija Mohsen-Finan (coord.), Paris, Ifri, on www.ifri.org) “Travaux et recherches de l’Ifri,” 2006. La notion juridique de l’Union européenne: Stratégie aérienne comparée: France, une vision allemande, Helmut Wagner, États-Unis, Royaume-Uni, Étienne de Durand, N°. 30(a), February 2006. Bastien Irondelle, Paris, Ministère de la Défense, “Les Documents du C2SD,” 2006. Surmonter la crise constitutionnelle Janis A. Emmanouilidis, N°. 30(b), February European Anti-Discrimination and the Politics 2006. of Citizenship: France and Britain Christophe Bertossi (ed.), London/New York, Intégration ou exclusion? La situation Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. des migrants d’origine turque en Allemagne Faruk Sen, N°. 31(a), March 2006. Galileo, la navigation par satellite européenne. Questions juridiques et politiques au temps Si loin, si proche: les Allemands et la question de la Concession, Aurélien Desingly (ed.), Paris, turque, Claire Demesmay and Simone Weske, Ifri, “Travaux et recherches de l’Ifri,” 2006. N°. 31(b), March 2006.

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La réforme du système de santé en Allemagne “L’Europe dans la gouvernance économique Asia Bernd-Peter Lange, N°. 32, April 2006. mondiale”, Pierre Defraigne, RAMSES 2007, Paris, Dunod, 2006. L’extrême gauche allemande – Une gauche La lettre du Centre Asie si extrême?, Dieter Segert, N°. 33, May 2006. “Europe/Afrique: la fin d’un modèle?” (bimonthly electronic publication available RAMSES 2007, Paris, Dunod, 2006. on www.ifri.org) L’Allemagne et les expulsés: quel centre pour Alain Antil, quelle mémoire?, Daniela Heimerl, N°. 34, Articles Russia/NIS June 2006. “Les grands enjeux stratégiques en Asie” L’économie allemande: bilan 2005, Russie.Nei.Visions Valérie Niquet, Revue Défense nationale, N°. 1, perspectives 2006, Camille Logeay, N°. 35, (electronic series of policy papers, also 2006. August 2006. available in French and in Russian on “China Amphibious Capabilities” Mondial 2006: un été en noir-rouge-or www.ifri.org) Bernard Cole and Valérie Niquet, in Steve Tsang Albrecht Sonntag, N°. 36, September 2006. Russia and Turkey in the Caucasus: Moving (ed.), If China Attacks Taiwan, London, Routledge, 2006. Démographie et nouvelle politique familiale Together to Preserve the Status Quo?’ en Allemagne, Robert Hettlage, N°. 37, October Fiona Hill and Omer Taspinar, N°.8, “L’Europe et l’Asie”, Valérie Niquet, RAMSES 2006. January 2006 2007, Paris, Dunod, 2006. La politique étrangère et de sécurité Ukraine’s Scissors: between Internal “La stratégie africaine de la Chine” de l’Allemagne de la grande coalition – Weakness and External Dependance Valérie Niquet, Politique étrangère, N°. 2/2006. James Sheer, No 9, March 2006 Un premier bilan, Karl-Heinz Kamp “Korea’s Regional Economic Strategy and Carlo Marsala, N°. 38, November 2006. EU – Russian Relations, Special Issue in Response to the Rise of China” Fondements et objectifs de la présidence • Russia, NATO and the EU: A European Françoise Nicolas, in Françoise Nicolas (ed.), allemande du Conseil de l’Union européenne Security Triangle or Shades of a “New Korea in the New Asia: East Asian Integration Martin Koopmann, N°. 39, December 2006. Entente?” and the China Factor, London/New York, N°. 10(a), May 2006; Routledge (to be published). Articles Andrew Monaghan, “Complementarity and Rivalry in EU-China “La mémoire de la RDA: nostalgie • The EU and Russia: The Needed Balance Economic Relations in the 21st Century” d’une époque révolue ou besoin between Geopolitics and Regionalism Françoise Nicolas and Bernadette Andreosso- de reconnaissance?”, Claire Demesmay, Thomas.Gomart, N°. 10(b), May 2006 O’Callaghan, European Foreign Affairs Review, in Claire Demesmay and Hans Stark (eds.), • Representing Private Interests to Increase vol. 12, N°. 1, 2007. Qui sont les Allemands?, Lille, Presses Trust in Russia-EU relations” universitaires du Septentrion, 2006. Timofeï Bordatchev, N°. 10(c), May 2006; “Chine: bienfaits et revers de la mondialisation”, Françoise Nicolas, “Conceptions, ambitions et contradictions • Multiplying Sources as the Best Strategy Questions internationales, N°. 22, de la politique européenne de l’Allemagne” for EU-Russia Energy Relations” November/December 2006. Hans Stark, in Claire Demesmay and Hans Stark Michael Thumann, N°. 10(d), May 2006. (eds.), Qui sont les Allemands?, Lille, Presses “Intégration économique en Asie de l’Est: Abkhazia and South Ossetia: Collision universitaires du Septentrion, 2006. les progrès limités de l’approche of Georgian and Russian Interests institutionnelle”, Françoise Nicolas, “Odyssée 2014: l’UE et ses futurs N°. 11, June 2006. Tracey German, in Sophie Boisseau du Rocher (ed.), élargissements”, Claire Demesmay The Shanghaï Cooperation Organisation Asie orientale 2006-2007, Paris, and Emmanuelle Saunier, RAMSES 2007, as “Geopolitical Bluff, A view from Astana” La Documentation française, 2006. Paris, Dunod, 2006. Murat Laumullin, N°. 12, July 2006. “The Sustainability of EU-China Economic “The Franco-German Relationship, 1998-2005” The EU-Russia Energy Dialogue: Competition Relations in the 21st Century – Between Hans Stark, in Hanns Maull (ed.), Germany’s Versus Monopolies, Vladimir Milov, N°. 13, Complementarity and Rivalry” Uncertain Power, Basingstoke, Palgrave September 2006. Françoise Nicolas, Bernadette Andreosso- Macmillan, 2006. and in The “Greatness and Misery” of Higher O’Callaghan Xiao Jun, Pierre Defraigne “La nouvelle place de l’Allemagne sur la scène (ed.), The EU, China and the Quest for Education in Russia, Tatiana Kastueva-Jean, N°. internationale”, Hans Stark, Questions Paris, Ifri/China Institute 14, September 2006. a Multilateral World, internationales, N°. 19, May/June 2006. of International Studies (CIIS), 2006. Articles “Être ou ne pas être: (auto-)perceptions européennes à travers le prisme de la guerre “Politique étrangère russe: l’étrange Middle East/North Africa inconstance”, Thomas Gomart, Politique en Irak”, Claire Demesmay, Journal of European Policy papers Integration, vol. 28, N°. 4, September 2006. étrangère, N°. 1/2006. (electronic publications available “Russian Foreign Policy: Strange “France and ESDP”, Hans Stark, in Klaus on www.ifri.org) Brummer (ed.), The Big 3 and ESDP. France, Inconsistency”, Thomas Gomart, Conflict Germany and the United Kingdom. European Studies Research Center, N°. 06/12, Actualité Maghreb/Moyen-Orient Foreign and Security Policy, N°. 5, Gütersloh, March 2006. Perspectives Moyen-Orient/Maghreb Bertelsmann Stiftung, November 2006. “Quelle influence russe dans l’espace post- “La spirale de la crise dans le Liban libéré “L’Europe, pour quoi faire?” soviétique?”, Thomas Gomart, Courrier (2004-2006)”, Agnès Favier, June 2006. des pays de l’Est, May/June 2006. Philippe Moreau Defarges, RAMSES 2007, “La fin d’une époque. L’Égypte après Paris, Dunod, 2006. les doubles élections de l’automne 2005” “L’Europe, continent de la mémoire” Sophie Pommier, May 2006. Dominique Moïsi, RAMSES 2007, Paris, Dunod, “L’entente stratégique russo-iranienne” 2006. Clément Therme, May 2006.

Publications 2006 annual report • 37 2928_Ifri_recherche.qxd:Mise en page 1 09/10/2007 12:24 Page 40

“Israël 2007: Bilan et perspectives” “Sécurité et développement: acteurs Policy papers Denis Bauchard, February 2007. et consensus”, Aline Lebœuf, Afrique Migrations et citoyenneté en Europe contemporaine, N°. 218, 2006. Articles (electronic publications in French, in English, “Inextricable, le conflit du Sahara occidental “États fragiles et terrorisme, un lien ambigu” and in German, available on www.ifri.org, in rebondit”, Khadija Mohsen-Finan, Le Monde Aline Lebœuf and Alain Antil, in Jean-Marc partnership with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung) diplomatique, January 2006. Châtaigner and Hervé Magro (eds.), États et sociétés fragiles. Entre conflits, reconstruction L’islam, la France, l’Europe: contre quelques “Les islamistes dans la compétition politique: et développement, Paris, Karthala, 2007. faux-semblants en matière d’intégration le cas du Parti de la justice et Christophe Bertossi, Paris, Ifri/Friedrich Ebert du développement au Maroc” “De Marighella à Ben Laden. Passerelles Stiftung, N°. 1, March 2007. Khadija Mohsen-Finan and Malika Zeghal, stratégiques entre guérilleros et djihadistes” Articles Revue française de science politique, N°. 1, Marc Hecker, Politique étrangère, N°. 2/2006. “L’Europe en mal de migrations?” February 2006. “Les enjeux de sécurité”, Dominique David, Christophe Bertossi, RAMSES 2007, Paris, in Frédéric Charillon (ed.), Les Relations “Espoirs démocratiques déçus au Maghreb” Dunod, 2006. Khadija Mohsen-Finan, Atlas du Monde internationales, Paris, La Documentation diplomatique, February 2006. française, 2006. “Le débat public confessionnalisé” Christophe Bertossi and Khadija Mohsen- “L’Europe et la sécurité mondiale” “L’évolution du statut de la femme dans Finan, Confluences Méditerranée, N°. 57, Jolyon Howorth, RAMSES 2007, Paris, les pays du Maghreb”, Khadija Mohsen-Finan, Spring 2006. Mediterraneo e migrazioni oggi (Venice), Dunod, 2006. September 2006. “How Does the French Republic Deal with Economy Ethno-cultural and Religious Diversity?” “Le débat public confessionalisé” Christophe Bertossi, AUP Visiting Scholar Khadija Mohsen-Finan and Christophe Books Working Paper Series, N°. 38, November 2006. Bertossi, Confluences Méditerranée, N°. 57, L'agriculture: enjeu du cycle “Le modèle d’intégration britannique” Spring 2006. du développement?, Collective work, Christophe Bertossi, Les Cahiers de Profession published following the 4th Agriculture Meeting, “Sahara occidental: sortie de crise difficile” banlieue, Saint-Denis, Profession banlieue, Paris, Ifri, 2006 (not for sale). Khadija Mohsen-Finan, Med.2006 Anuario 2006. del Mediteráneo (Barcelona), June 2006. The EU, China and the Quest for a Multilateral “Palestine: la problématique de l’aide” World, Pierre Defraigne (ed.), Paris, Ifri/China International Policy Dorothée Schmid, Politique étrangère, Institute of International Studies (CIIS), 2006. Articles N°. 3/2006. Articles “Perspectives”, Thierry de Montbrial, RAMSES “L’Europe au Moyen-Orient: une présence “Mutations industrielles mondiales: quelle 2007, Paris, Dunod, 2006. en mal de politique”, Dorothée Schmid, place pour l’Europe?”, Luis Miotti RAMSES 2007, Paris, Dunod, 2006. and Frédérique Sachwald, RAMSES 2007, “Le système international: approches Paris, Dunod, 2006. et dynamiques”, Thierry de Montbrial, “Européens et Américains face aux crises Politique étrangère, N°. 4/2006. du Moyen-Orient”, Seminar report by Dorothée Schmid and Clément Therme, Space Program June 2006 (available on www.ifri.org). Notes de l’Ifri “Les déterminants du poids des partis (electronic publications available religieux en Israël”, Marc Hecker, Confluences on www.ifri.org) Méditerranée, N°. 57, Spring 2006. La Lune, patrimoine commun de l’humanité? “Les relations franco-israéliennes: Comment exploiter les ressources lunaires une inconstante amitié”, Marc Hecker, dans le respect du droit international L'essentiel des relations internationales, Sabine Akbar, December 2006. June 2006. L’arsenalisation de l’espace: les projets américains, Laurence Nardon, December 2006. Security Les réorganisations de l’industrie spatiale Proliferation papers russe, Laurence Nardon and Tatiana Kastueva- (electronic publications available Jean, April 2007. on www.ifri.org) Energy Assertive Pragmatism: China’s Economic Rise “La doctrine Bush et la sécurité pétrolière” and Its Impact on Chinese Foreign Policy Pierre Noël, Politique étrangère, N°. 2/2006. Minxin Pei, N°. 15, Autumn 2006. Five Scenarios for the Iranian Crisis Immigration, Identity, Citizenship George Perkovich, N°. 16, Winter 2006. Ethnicité et citoyenneté. La sociologie des Articles sociétés multiculturelles John Rex, Paris, “Terrorism in France: Its Main Features and Its L’Harmattan, 2006. Foreword: Michel Wieviorka. Evolution Since the 1970s” Translation (from English, UK) and presentation Guillaume Parmentier, in Yonah Alexander by Christophe Bertossi (ed.), Counterterrorism Strategies: Successes and Failures of Six Nations, Washington, Potomac Books, 2006.

38 • 2006 annual report Publications 2928_Ifri_recherche.qxd:Mise en page 1 09/10/2007 12:24 Page 41

Conferences and debates

Africa With William Jordan, Director of March 20 - The Specificities of the French Left January the Office for Maghreb Affairs, US. Department Wing in Europe With Pierre Moscovici, former January 10 - Mitterrand and Palestine of State, Washington. Deputy Minister for European Affairs, National Secretary for International Relations, Parti With Hubert Védrine, former French Minister Chairperson: Khadija Mohsen-Finan. for Foreign Affairs, President of the “François Socialiste. February 28 - The British Presidency of the EU: Mitterrand Institute,” and Jean-Pierre Filiu, Chairperson: Thierry de Montbrial PhD in History, author of the book Mitterrand Fiddling While Europe burns et la Palestine. L'ami d'Israël qui sauva par trois With Sir Stephen Wall, Chairman of Public March 22 - After the Italian Elections: fois (Paris, Fayard, 2005). Affairs, EMEA, Hill & Knowlton, former Head Consequences for Europe of the European Secretariat in the Cabinet With Stefano Silvestri, President of the Istituto Chairperson: Denis Bauchard Office, former Chief Advisor on Europe Affari Internazionali, Rome. to Tony Blair, and Pierre Defraigne, Director January 23 - Discriminations: Challenging Chairperson: Thierry de Montbrial the French Model? With Jean-Michel Belorgey, of Eur-Ifri, Brussels. March 29 - Which Future for Latin America? President of the Report and Studies Section, Chairperson: Thierry de Montbrial Council of State, Pierre Joxe, member of With Carlos Quenan, Director of the Master “Relations Europe-Amérique latine,” Institute the Constitutional Council, and Catherine March Wihtol de Wenden, Senior Research Fellow, for Advanced Studies on Latin America (IHEAL), Center for International Studies and Research March 1st - Is There a Common Franco-German Paris III University, Economist, IXIS-CIB, and (CERI) and Christophe Bertossi, Ifri. Cultural Policy? With Monika Griefahn, Javier Santiso, Deputy Director, Development spokesperson of the SPD parliamentary group Chief Economist, Center for Development, Chairperson: Khadija Mohsen-Finan for Culture and Medias, Bundestag, Ingo Organization of Economic Co-operation and Kolboom, Professor, Dresden University, Development (OECD). February member of the Franco-German Cultural High Chairperson: Philippe Moreau Defarges February 8 - Between International Pressures Council (HCCFA), and Ambassador François and Regional Tensions: Syria on the Hot Seat Scheer, Advisor to the President of Areva’s April With Samir Aïta, Economist, General Manager executive board. April 3 - Middle East After the Elections of Mafhoum.com and of the Arab edition of Chairperson: Hans Stark Le Monde diplomatique, Joseph Bahout, in Palestine and Israel Professor and Research Fellow at the IEP, Paris, March 2 - The Challenges of Democracy in the With Dominique Moïsi, Special Advisor, Ifri. Arab World With Bassma Kodmani, Associate Richard Labévière, Chief Editor, International Chairperson: Denis Bauchard Affairs Department, Radio France Fellow, Collège de France, Director, Arab Reform Internationale (RFI), and Farouk Mardam-Bey, Initiative. April 5 - Interpenetrations: Islam and Europe With Nilüfer Göle, Director of Studies, Editor of the series “Sindbad,” Actes Sud, Chairperson: Denis Bauchard Advisor to the Arab World Institute (IMA). École des hautes études en sciences sociales March 6 - Recent Trends in International Trade: (EHESS), on the occasion of the publication Chairperson: Judith Cahen the Position of the United States and of the of Interpénétrations. L'Islam et l'Europe February 14 - An Israeli Viewpoint on Today’s European Countries With Jacques Mistral, (Paris, Galaade Éditions, 2005). Secretary, financial consultant, French Embassy Iran With Efraim Inbar, Director of the Begin- Chairperson: Khadija Mohsen-Finan Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (BESA), to Washington, Frédérique Sachwald, Head Bar-Ilan University, Tel Aviv. of economic studies, Ifri, and Jean-Marc Vittori, April 10 - Growth and Trade Prospects in Asia editorialist, Les Échos. With Frank Harrigan, Assistant Chief Economist, Chairperson: Dominique Moïsi ADB, and Pierre Jacquet, Chief Economist, March 9 - Post-Conflict and Reconstruction Executive Director for Strategy, AFD. February 23 - Elections in Palestine: What Challenges Facing Liberia is at Stake? With Jean-François Legrain, With Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, President of Liberia. Conference organized by the Asian Fellow, National Center for Scientific Research Development Bank (ADB), the French Chairperson: Xavier de Villepin (CNRS GREMMO), Lyon, and Alain Gresh, Development Agency (AFD) and the Asia Center journalist, Le Monde diplomatique. March 13 - Kosovo: State of Affairs and on the occasion of the publication of the latest Chairperson: Judith Cahen Scenarios for the Future With Jacques Rupnik, report of the ADB “Asian Development Outlook Senior Research Fellow, CERI, former member 2006.” February 23 - The Role of Shanghai’s Ranking of the Independent International Commission Chairperson: Valérie Niquet in China’s Higher Education and Innovation on Kosovo. Policy With Nian Cai Liu, Professor, Jiao Tong April 18 - The “New Terrorists” in Europe Chairperson: Dominique Moïsi University, Shanghai, author of the Academic With Olivier Roy, Research Director, CNRS, Ranking of World Universities. on Farhad Khosrokhavar’s, Director of Studies, In partnership with the National Association of EHESS, latest book, Quand Al-Qaida parle. Technical Research (ANRT). Témoignages derrière les barreaux (Paris, Grasset, 2006). Chairperson: Frédérique Sachwald Chairperson: Denis Bauchard February 28 - The American Priorities in North

Conferences and debates 2006 annual report • 39 2928_Ifri_recherche.qxd:Mise en page 1 09/10/2007 12:24 Page 42

April 27 - Reform Time for the Middle East? June 20 - Giving Back Confidence to Europeans October With Marwan Muasher, Senator, former Vice With Jean François-Poncet, former Minister, Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs Vice President of the Foreign Affairs Committee, October 12 - The Latest Enlargements: of Jordan. Senate, Nicole Gnesotto, Director of Successes and Difficulties the Institute for Security Studies – European Chairperson: Denis Bauchard With Laszlo Kovacs, European Commissioner. Union (ISS-EU), Dominique Moïsi, Special Chairperson: Thierry de Montbrial May Advisor, Ifri, and Philippe Moreau Defarges, Co-Director of RAMSES, Ifri. October 18 - Africa: The Road to Opportunity May 4 - The Past of the GDR and the Stasi With Paul Wolfowitz, President of the World Chairperson: Philippe Moreau Defarges Archives Today With Marianne Birthler, Bank. June 28 - The United States and the World Federal Commissioner for the Stasi files. Chairperson: Thierry de Montbrial With Stanley Hoffmann, Professor, Harvard In partnership with the German Historical University October 19 - Is Development Assistance Institute of Paris (IHA). Effective? In partnership with The Economist. Chairperson: Dominique Moïsi Chairperson: Claire Demesmay With Andrew Mwenda, political editor, The Monitor (Uganda), Françoise Nicolas, May 10 - Future War: Conflicts and Insecurity July Fellow, Ifri, Antoine Peigney, Director in the 21st Century With Thérèse Delpech, July 6 - Pakistan: Anchor for Regional Peace of International Relations and Operations, Associate Fellow, CERI, and Louis Gautier, and Stability With Khurshid Kasuri, Minister Croix-Rouge française, Alex Singleton, Main Advisor at the Court of Accounts, former for Foreign Affairs of Pakistan. President of the Globalization Institute Advisor of Lionel Jospin for Defense Affairs. Chairperson: Thierry de Montbrial Debate chaired by Simon Cox, economics Chairperson: Dominique David correspondent, The Economist July 7 - Islam and Integration in France and May 17 - Is German Economy on the Rise Germany With Lale Agkün, member of October 25 - Moldavia on the Borders Again? In partnership with the Cerfa. the Bundestag, and Alima Boumediene-Thiery, of Europe With Marian Lupu, President With Frédérique Sachwald, Head of Economic Senator. of Moldavia’s Parliament. Studies, Ifri. and Anton Brender, Chief Economist, Dexia Asset Management, In partnership with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Chairperson: Thierry de Montbrial Associate Professor, Paris IX University. Chairperson: Khadija Mohsen-Finan October 26 - The Tragedy of Darfur May 23 - How to Deal with the Hamas? With Rony Brauman, Research Director, With Ambassador Elias Sanbar, Palestine September Doctors Without Borders Foundation. Permanent Observer to UNESCO. September 14 - The Rise of Superpowers: Chairperson: Dominique Moïsi Chairperson: Dominique Moïsi Friction and Co-operation in Japan’s November May 31 - Georgia: the New European Border? Relationships with Emerging Asian With Mikheil Saakashvili, President of Georgia. Superpowers With Yukio Okamoto, November 2 - Tomorrow’s Iraq former Advisor for Foreign Policy of Japanese Chairperson: Thierry de Montbrial With Jalal Talabani, President of Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi. the Iraq Republic. May 31 - India: the New Economic Paradigm Chairperson: Valérie Niquet With Kamal Nath, Indian Minister for Commerce Chairperson: Thierry de Montbrial and Industry. September 14 - A New Era in the Relationship November 14 - Should We Be Worried About between Turkey and the European Union Chairperson: Dominique Moïsi the Future of European Union? With Abdullah Gül, Turkish Minister for Foreign With Michael Frendo, Minister for Foreign Affairs. June Affairs, Malta. Chairperson: Thierry de Montbrial Chairperson: Philippe Moreau Defarges June 8 - Toward “Islamist Democracies” September 18 - After the War: A New Middle in the Arab World? With Bassma Kodmani, November 16 - Iran and the Shia Axis: Between East? With Thierry de Montbrial, President, Associate Senior Fellow, Collège de France, Myth and Reality Ifri, Denis Bauchard, Advisor, Director of the Arab Reform Initiative, With Mohammad-Reza Djalili, Professor, North Africa/Middle East, Ifri, and Hervé de Charette, former Minister Graduate Institute of International Studies Étienne de Durand, Head of the Security for Foreign Affairs of France, member (IUHEI), Geneva, and Yann Richard, Professor, Studies, Ifri, Dominique Moïsi, Special Advisor, of the Parliament. Paris III-Sorbonne nouvelle University. Ifri, and Dorothée Schmid, Research Fellow, Ifri. Chairperson: Denis Bauchard Chairperson: Denis Bauchard Chairperson: Thierry de Montbrial June 12 - On the Ground and Overseas? September 22 - Bulgaria on the Eve of Joining December The Use of Force in Contemporary Crises the European Union With Irina Bokova, With the Army General Bernard Thorette, December 5 - Poland in the European Union Ambassador of Bulgaria to Paris, Chief of Staff of the Army. With Pawel Zalewski, Head of the Commission and Yves Saint-Geours, Ambassador of France of Foreign Affairs at the Sejm (lower House of Chairperson: Dominique David to Bulgaria. the Polish Parliament), member of the party Chairperson: Éliane Mossé Law and Justice (PiS). Chairperson: Philippe Moreau Defarges

40 • 2006 annual report Conferences and debates 2928_Ifri_recherche.qxd:Mise en page 1 09/10/2007 12:24 Page 43

Staff (as at June 20, 2006) Thierry de Montbrial Member of the Académie des sciences morales et politiques, President Thérèse Vigne, Assistant Dominique David Executive Vice-President Nadia Fraioli, assistant Dominique Moïsi Special Advisor Marie-Claude de Saint-Hilaire Special Assistant to the President

Research World Economy Program Development Jacques Mistral Development Office Europe Ethan Kapstein Brynhild Dumas, Vice-President Research Center on Franco-German Relations Luis Miotti for Development (Cerfa) International trade program Dominique Desgranges, Prospect Researcher, Hans Stark Cécile Campagne, Membership Relations Claire Demesmay Olivier Louis (corporations) Assistant Anne-Lise Barrière, Claire Rothfuss, Research Marie-France Feigenbaum, Membership Assistants European governance and the geopolitics of energy program Relations Assistant (individuals and embassies) Franco-Austrian Center (CFA) Jacques Lesourne Communication Éliane Mossé, Advisor Jan Keppler Martine Breux, Assistant Natacha Cance, Communication officer Maité Jauréguy-Naudin Eur-Ifri (Brussels) Nadia Fraïoli, Assistant Edouard Laniesse, Webmaster Pierre Defraigne Administrative Staff Claire Quériat, Assistant Transatlantic Program Florent Baran, Vice-President for Finance Dominique Moïsi, Scientific Coordination and Administration Asia Center Thomas Gomart, Hans Stark, Jacques Mistral Valérie Niquet Corinne Bureau, Assistant Vice-President Françoise Nicolas Space Program for Finance and Administration Martine Breux, Assistant Laurence Nardon Alexandre Houdayer, Advisor Nadia Fraïoli, Assistant to the Vice-President for Finance Russia/NIS Center and Administration Thomas Gomart Migrations, Identities, Citizenships Program Bernadette Chartrin, Accountant Tatiana Kastueva-Jean, Adrian Dellecker, Christophe Bertossi Research assistants Martine Breux, Assistant Françoise Henry, Assistant Catherine Méniane, Assistant Dayra Gastine, Barbara M’Chrii, Receptionists RAMSES Middle East/North Africa Center Thierry de Montbrial and Philippe Moreau Alex Maleau, Service Engineer Defarges, co-directors Denis Bauchard, Advisor Library and Resource Center Khadija Mohsen-Finan Marie-Claire Bani-Amer, Assistant Dorothée Schmid Olivier Javay Politique étrangère Raed Bader Daniel Marier Clément Therme, Research Assistant Dominique David, Editor-in-chief Azra Isakovich Jeanne Frey, Assistant Publications General Services Security Studies Center Delphine Renard, Nathalie Hartmann, Head of Facilities Étienne de Durand Marielle Roubach, Editorial Assistant Jean Klein Researchers’ biographies are available on Ifri’s Selim Bouabsa, Mhenna Larbes Aline Lebœuf website (www.Ifri.org). Jolyon Howorth, Marc Hecker Information System Kerry Longhurst, Krzysztof Soloch Daniel Safon, Information System Supervisor Françoise Thomas, Assistant

Defense Research Unit Étienne de Durand Philippe Coquet Aline Leboeuf Françoise Thomas, Assistant

Staff 2006 annual report • 41 2928_Ifri_recherche.qxd:Mise en page 1 09/10/2007 12:24 Page 44

Board of directors (as at June 20, 2007)

Chairman Denis Gautier-Sauvagnac, CEO, UIMM Bertrand Collomb, Member of the Académie des sciences morales et Jean-Pierre Hansen, Senior Executive Vice-President Operations, Suez politiques, Honorary Chairman of Lafarge Anne-Marie Idrac, former Minister, Chairman, SNCF Deputy Chairman and Secretary Alain Lamassoure, former Minister, member of the European Parliament th René Galy-Dejean, Mayor of the 15 district in Paris André Lévy-Lang, Associate Professor Emeritus, Paris IX-Dauphine Deputy Chairman and Treasurer University Pierre Joxe, Former Minister, Member of the Conseil Constitutionnel Philippe Marini, Member of Parliament Members Christine Ockrent, Journalist, Writer Robert Badinter, Former Minister, Member of Parliament Jean Peyrelevade, vice-Chairman, Leonardo France François Bujon de l'Estang, Ambassadeur de France, Chairman of Jean Rannou, Former Air Force Chief of Staff Citigroup France Louis Schweitzer, Chairman, Renault Michel Camdessus, Honorary Governor of the Banque de France, former Hubert Védrine, Former French Foreign Affairs Minister, Associate Managing Director of the IMF Manager, Hubert Védrine Conseil Jean-Claude Casanova, Member of the Académie des sciences morales et Simone Veil, Former State Minister, former President of the European politiques, Director of the Journal Commentaire Parliament Alain Dejammet, Ambassadeur de France André Villeneuve, Chairman of Euronext.LIFFE Bertrand Dufourcq, Ambassadeur de France, Honorary Chairman, Xavier de Villepin, Honorary Member of Parliament Fondation de France Alain Dupont, Chairman and CEO of Colas

Members of the advisory board (as at June 20, 2007)

Chairman Nicole Gnesotto, former Director, European Union-Institute Thierry de Montbrial, member of the Académie des sciences morales for Security Studies (EU-ISS) et politiques, Ifri Pierre Jacquet, Executive Director (Strategy), Chief Economist, French Development Agency (Agence Francaise de Développement - AFD) Members Prof. Dr Karl Kaiser, Ralph I. Strauss Visiting Professor, Harvard Jean d'Amécourt, Director of Strategic Affairs, French Ministry University of Defense Bassma Kodmani, Executive Director, Arab Reform Intiative François Bujon de l'Estang, Chairman, Citigroup France Pierre Levy, Director, Policy Planning Staff (Centre d’analyse Jean-Claude Casanova, Member of the Académie des sciences et de prévision), French Ministry of Foreign Affairs morales et politiques, Director of the Journal Commentaire Dominique Moïsi, Special Advisor, Ifri Bertrand Collomb, Member of the Académie des sciences morales Jean-Christophe Romer, Director, Center for the Study of Defense et politiques, Honorary Chairman, Lafarge History (Centre d'études d'histoire de la défense) Marta Dassu, Director, Aspen Institute Italia Olivier Roy, Research Director, CNRS (French National Center Thérèse Delpech, Director of Strategic Studies, Atomic Energy for Scientific Research) Commission (CEA)

42 • 2006 annual report 2928_Ifri_recherche.qxd:Mise en page 1 09/10/2007 12:24 Page 45

Financial annex

Balance sheet (euros)

2005 2006 ASSETS LIABILITIES 2005 2006 Depreciation Net value cost Net value Provisions


Intangible assets 9 814 227 063 217 167 9 896 General Fund 8 470 553 8 470 553

Reserve 1 203 251 991 451

Tangible assets 7 966 094 11 020 504 3 275 328 7 745 176 Restricted fund 47 47

Net income for the year -211 800 3 179

Financial assets 44 747 51 088 10 061 41 027

FUNDS 9 462 051 9 465 230

FIXED ASSETS 8 020 655 11 298 655 3 502 556 7 796 099 PROVISIONS 296 830 280 125


Inventories 2 514 2 515 2 515

Others debtors/Prepayments 63 630 72 827 72 827 CREDITORS

Account receivable 600 663 643 278 643 278 Bank overdrafts 250 250

Others debtors 722 Account payable and other liabilities 236 624 269 776

Portfolio (fixed interests) 1 883 626 2 231 820 2 231 820 Taxes and social security 516 917 571 454

Bank balances 81 670 42 418 42 418

Accrued income 52 416 67 754 67 754


CURRENT ASSETS 2 685 241 3 060 612 3 060 612

TOTAL ASSETS 10 705 896 14 359 267 3 502 556 10 856 711 LIABILITIES 10 705 896 10 856 711

Financial annex 2006 annual report • 43 2928_Ifri_recherche.qxd:Mise en page 1 09/10/2007 12:24 Page 46

Account (euros)

EXPENDITURE 2005 2006 INCOME 2005 2006

Expenditure 83 376 97 502 Public grants 1 893 497 1 957 510 Office supplies 38 202 46 697 Power and water 16 364 20 640 Books 28 810 30 165

Other expenditures 1 732 344 1 434 371 Private funding 2 877 111 2 937 456 cePrinting 41 896 42 610 Rental for machinery 141 807 149 970 Donations and members subscriptions 980 794 1 000 957 Maintenance 118 755 105 433 Research funding & contracts 1 840 787 1 865 663 Insurance 16 864 19 429 Other income 55 530 70 836 Documentation 69 796 57 517 Honoraria and professional services 752 269 647 850 Donations, membership subscription 12 468 7 662 Genral travel and meetings 474 545 322 144 Postage and telephone 103 944 81 756

Taxes 245 211 267 501

Staff costs 2 757 983 2 814 341 Provision reversal (retirement) 16 705

Deferred grant income 1 700 115 255 Deferred grant income reversal 184 699 41 700

Depreciation and provisions 307 802 276 067

Operational activities expenditure 5 128 416 5 005 037 Operational activities expenditure 4 955 307 4 953 371

Financial costs 12 371 2 838 Financial income 56 599 60 467

Exceptional costs 164 000 23 286 Exceptional income 81 081 20 502

Net income for the year 3 179 Net expenditure for the year 211 800

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 5 304 787 5 034 340 TOTAL INCOME 5 304 787 5 034 340

44 • 2006 annual report Financial annex 2928_Couv.qxp:Mise en page 1 09/10/2007 12:52 Page 2

© Photo Credits Ifri Christophe Peus • Design and execution : agence Trocadéro • Printed in France — September 2007 2928_Couv.qxp:Mise en page 1 09/10/2007 12:52 Page 1

Institut français des relations internationales

2006 Annual Report

Knowledge for Action

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