

THK PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, MISCELLANEOUS land, Bremen and Hamburgjin Germany, alike "Dear Old Dublin.’’ T lhlisl.ed every (Sundays excepted ) the ! have day by _ THE PRESS. extensive and costly enterprises in pro- cess of (Corr Pittsburg Telegraph.) PORTLAND PFBLISHING ! development, largely for the purpose CO., o the Whilst MOSDAY 18. accommodating rapidly increasing trade denying this city many qualities gen- AT £XnOEAJI<*2 PpjBTLAJTD. MOBtUSfl. DEC. between the United States and the interior of 1.09 S.T., erally deemed essential to capitals. Including the Continent. He instances TEato. Eitfht PoDats a Tear. < Rotterdam, Tp mpTl s.ubeerib- which is cleanliness, I most give it credit for two things era Seven Dollars a 1i in advance. We do not read anonymous letters and commonl- expending upward of 22,000,000 guil- Tear, paid FISK above all. One & CO.’S ders her harbor as is the which Offer nn- HOLIDAY cations. The name and upon accommodations, well shops, ANNOUNCEMENT. address of are ths writer In as Amsterdam, which, like its sister has usual to THE MUnCElSTATE PRESS all cases Indispensable, not necessarily for publica- city temptations the pnrchaser, and the awakened from its lethargy of the past to the tion but as a of faith. other the fair inhabitants who are ef a is published every ThctbcdaT MjOBKIXO at $2.60 a guaranty good importance of the American tsade, and has pecul- year. If paid In advance at $2.00 a year. We cannot undertake to return or iar ol more preserve com- lately expended several million dollars on a type prettineas, French than Eng- munications that are not used. canal to connect its with lish. Their dark Rates of Advertising: One inch of the port the North Sea, eyes and white teeth, their space, and is also length of column, constitutes a The introducing steam communication delicious make “square.” their world-wide Evert brogue good $1.50 per square, dally first week: 76 cents per THE regular attache of the cress Is furnished with this country. Antwerp, which has al- CLOTHIERS’ fame. It mi st be that as week after; three insertions or less, $1.00; confirm with a Card certificate ways been noted for the excellence of its said, though, lovely lna signed by Stanley Pullen, every other day after first week, 60 cents. docks, has a scheme of are, aud well as are dressed as a Editor, All railway, stem boat and hotel managers Very large improve- they they Half square three insertions or less, 76 ment cents; in hand, which changes the entire Hue none seen one will confer a favor us credentials rule, of them I have can be com- week, $! .00; 60 oents per week after. upon by demanding of the river Scheldt within its Special one-third PRICE LIST! limits, and Notices, additional. of every person claiming to represent our journal. which is pared for chic with an Ameilcan I met the Under head of and “Auction Styles being accomplished at the expense of “Amusements’* the other on Grafton street. Even bad Salks,” $2.00 per square per week; three inser- city. morning tions or less. $ 1.60. THIS YEAR The Message and the Associated In Great Britain the development of new I uot recognized her face as familiar by sight Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State dock accommodations is a feature at For Customers. leading in New I should have been able to take Press has a circulation Press. York, (which large in every part Holiday all the priucip 1 p>ns, Shields, Newcastle, of the St au*) fo $1 00 per square fur first inser- my oath aa to her nationality: the blonde The Advertiser claims to have a Hartlepool, Hull, Bristol, Cardiff, Swansea tyi>e tion, and 60 cents per square for each ubsequent letter insei tion and other ports seeking to compete with the of beauty, the French bonnet, the graceful INTRODUCED from Mr. Beard stating that he did have of Address all communications to larger ports Loudon, Liverpool and Glasgow black Bilk dolman with above jVEen’s Business Suits. six for edged fur, and, FOR copies of the President’s message. the American trade, each and all having LAND PUBLISHING CO. Why all, the tiny, high-heeled boots, so different -BY- the great expectations of the future in this Dark Stripe and Cassimeree. does Advertiser suppress the lettei? respect, Fancy *10, $11, *12, $13, $14, *15, $16. *16, 820and$C2: Sack and and judging by the experience of the past, few from the quasi-brogan9 displayed by the beau Plaid 50 to Wide it Fr.™,Coal8'..,Dl4r1LVliied C