EXTENSIONS of REMARKS 24483 May Qe Wa.Tved in the Case of Exports to De­ H.R.4040 Rected to Enter Into Contta.Cts by Competitive Veloping Countries

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EXTENSIONS of REMARKS 24483 May Qe Wa.Tved in the Case of Exports to De­ H.R.4040 Rected to Enter Into Contta.Cts by Competitive Veloping Countries September 13, 1979 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 24483 may Qe wa.tved in the case of exports to de­ H.R.4040 rected to enter into contta.cts by competitive veloping countries. By Mr. HUGHES: bid, subject to appropriations, tor the pur­ (3) The provisions of p~&ph (c) (1) -Pa.ge 33, a.!ter line 8, a.dd the following new chase of domestically produced alcohol or shall not apply to applications for export section: alcohol-gasoline blends containing at lea.st 1! to any country and when the President PURCHASES OF GASOHOL AS A FUEL FOR MOTOR 10 percent domestically produced alcohol for determines that it is in the n.a.tional1nterest VEHICLES use in motor vehicles owned or operated by to remove the requirement of -a. validated li­ SEc. 818. To the maximum extent feasible the Department. cense for export or sa.id oommodities to sa.ld By Mr. STRATTON: country. and consistent with overall defense needs and (4) The provisions -or pa.ra.gra.ph (c) (1) sound vehicle management pra.ctlces, a.s de­ -On page 27, line 23, section 811, delete lines shall remM.n valid for one year after the termined by the Seoreta.ry o! Defense, the 23 through 25; and on page 28, delete lines da.te of ena.otment of this Act. Deparlment of Defense 1s authorized a.nd d1- 1 &nd2. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS PUBLIC ELECTION FINANCING It wa.s these elements of the act that Alex­ assment and maltreatment. After his ander says reduced participation at the first application, he was ordered to leave gra...c:sroots level in presidential politics. his job as a pressmaker in a small button HON. BILL FRENZEL The limits fostered the "most cost-effec­ factory, and the only employment lie OF MINNESOTA tive" means of campaigning. This meant a tar broader use of television advertising, di­ has been able to find since is as a part­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rect mail solicitations for money, and cen­ time tree surgeon. Contact with his fam­ Thursday, September 13, 1979 tralization o! campaign operations. ily in Israel has been stifled by the gov­ "Cost-effectiveness," Alexander said in a ernment as well. Grigory does not re­ e Mr. FRENZEL. Mr. Speaker, in last press conference la.st week discussing his ceive the letters which his parents write, Sundays Post, there was a splendid arti­ findings, in turn "brought a kind of pro!es­ and telephone contact has been halted. cle which featured the conclusion of Dr. sionalization to the campaigns which was This kind of treatment by the Soviet Herbert Alexander, perhaps America's not evident before" and a significant decline Government is disgraceful, but, unfor­ most respected observer of campaign ft­ in volunteer activity. tunately, Grigory is not an isolated case. nancing, that taxpayer financing of The Carter campaign cut bumper stickers, Alexander reports, after a cost-benefit study Thousands of Soviet Jews are harassed Presidential elections may also have showed that only one in five ever wound and discriminated against, because of significantly cut the level of grass roots up on a bumper. their wish to leave Russia. partcipation in campaigns. A Texa.s Republican offlcial displayed for We in the United States, the cradle The article follows: Alexander 5,000 buttons and 75,000 stickers of freedom and liberty, cannot stand PuBLIC ELECTION FINANCING SEEN CUTI'ING !or the entire state Ford-Dole effort. "'You idly by-we must speak out for compas­ GRASS RoOTS want to see our entire contribution to the sion and decency. I urge the Soviet (By Fred Barbash) President's campaign?' " the offlcial said. " 'There it is on the shelf over there . Union to grant these persons the free­ Public financing of the 1976 presidential The law says we can spend no more than dom they deserve and to recognize the election, while cutting more established can­ $1,000 and we spent $1,020, so the last $20 rights which they have as human beings. didates down to size for Jimmy Carter, may is probably a felony.'" I hope that our efforts here on their be­ have also significantly cut the level of grass­ The findings of Alexander, a political sci­ roots participation in campaigns. half will convey that message loudly and ence professor at the University of Southern clearly.e That is one of the conclusions reached by California and director of the Citizens Re­ the country's foremost analyst of election fi­ search Foundation, coincide in Ina.ny re­ nancing, Herbert E. Alexander, after four spects with an analysis recently done by years' study of the first publicly financed Harvard University for the House Adminis­ NEWSWEEK'S NUCLEAR ENERGY campaign. tration Cominlttee. POLICY Public financing, and its accompanying limits on campaign contributions, ended the Both are expected to fuel the movement era when a fund-raiser could assemble 10 toward eventual major modifications--in­ HON. JOHN W. WYDLER cluding an increase in contribution limits people in a room and walk out with a million OF NEW YORK dollars in contributions. So a well-known and an end to state-by-state spending ceU­ candidate like Sen. Henry Jackson (D­ ings--alrea.dy under way in Congress.e IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wash.), who could probably have done that Thursday, September 13, 1979 sort of thing, was brought down to the level of a little-known candidate, Jimmy Carter, • Mr. WYDLER. Mr. Speaker, for only who couldn't, Alexander says. SHATTER THE SILENCE­ the third time in its history, Newsweek This was "the most important effect of the VIGIL, 1979 magazine has proposed an editorial public financing system," Alexander writes policy on a major issue. The subject is in "Financing the 1976 Election," his fifth energy, and in its July 16 edition the quadrennial book on presidential campaign­ HON. ALBERT GORE, JR. magazine has published a list of recom­ ing. "Better known candidates who had con­ OF TENNESSEE nections with wealthy contributors could mendations many of which I consider have swamped Carter, and without federal IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sensible and feasible. Unfortunately, subsidies, Carter would have lacked the Thursday, September 13, 1979 Newsweek has a blind spot on nuclear re­ money to consolidate his initial lead," Alex­ processing, but otherwise, I am particu­ ander writes. • Mr. GORE. Mr. Speaker, today I larly pleased with their suggestions for The law, enacted in 1973, provided millions would like to bring to the attention of the nuclear power component and also of dollars in "matching funds" to primary my colleagues the case of Grigory Vig­ with their synthetic-fuels emphasis. candidates, and full financing--$21.8 million dorov, a young Soviet Jew. In 1973, Grig­ The magazine calls for the production each-to general election candidates Carter ory and his family applied for permis­ of 2 million barrels a day of synthetic and Gerald Ford. The act also imposed a sion to emigrate to Israel with his elderly $1,000 limit on contributions from any in­ fuels by 1990. This is the same goo..l set dividual, wiping out the so-called "Fa.t-cat" parents. Although the parents' visa was by this body on June 26 in its passage who donated tens of thousands ln years gone approved, Grigory was denied permission of the National Defense Production Act by. on the basis of his past service in the amendment. I agree with Newsweek that At the same time, the law imposed strict army. Two more attempts to obtain a the Government's role in synfuels should new accounting requirements on candidates, visa were futile. be minimized but that some Federal sub­ limits on the uses ot campaign money, and Since that time, Grigory has repeat­ sidies will be necessary to encourage pri­ state-by-state ce111ngs on spending. edly been the victim of government har- vate investment in the production of • This "bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 13, 1979 these fuels, which will cost more than by Iran's crisis into a 15 per cent shortage ing the possibllity orr a "greenhouse effect"­ crude oil currently does on the world of gasollne at the nation's pumps. a warming of the atmosphere that could market. It gasoline price controls and the alloca-:­ cause catastrophic climatic changes. tion system were abolished, the market would Mining it in the arid West, where it lies The magazine endorses a continuation be permitted to ration supnly by price. Serv­ near the earth's surface, degrades hard-to­ of the use of nuclear power, which pro­ ice stations, acting ~hrough gasoline whole­ reclaim land. Mining it in the East, where it vides 12.5 percent of all U.S. electricity, salers, would buy whatever gas they could is trapped deep within the Appalachian but also advocates tough new standards get and supplies would fiow where demand, h1lls, means a nightmare of labor and safety for plant certification and operator train­ measured by price, was highest. If gas were problems. Transporting it 1s awkward and ing. Newsweek shows a firmer grasp on selllng for $1.05 a gallon in Newark and $1.25 expensive. Burning it is dirty. Coal is hardly our energy realities than do many publi­ in nearby New York City, for instance, the the energy savior many proponents bave network of suppliers would shUt gasoline to claimed, and it should not be burned where cations when it notes that "without-nu­ New York faster than government bureau­ the resulting pollution exceeds the health­ clear power-the United States would crats would.
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