Mtai 109. Vol. XSIV.-No. VIRGINIA,. NEVADA: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 18B4! 25 Ots. PER WEEK. "TMIPE." rrl', why don't tome of your rinh ...,.., DclInqneDt Soles, -iKotlce of Assessment. (frilling QTl-nmffi*- The Miserable Hen who Ent II. like Vauderbilt or Astor appropriate Delinquent Sales, (Lsramli Poomnsnfc.l «y (1,000,000 for tbe abStition: of g. tlLTEM nnntl fXHIPAST*— = = There wai a prculiir banquet di' CORPIO* SILVER UUIHO COM- MICHAEL'M'GRATH'S PAH T. — Location of prtoelfal place Ltxatloo of prlaeipal place of binlnc*, * sS^^^^ " in Mew Vork last wrsk, abnnt 100 S *rrancisixvCk]if«tiIa.~lAatlea of worki. Id do It. The credit of the emanci­ oi budneea Bta,Frmeiico, CtSiforoii tooi- ^r*M*° merabert of the "tripeleague"«;ttinK Uoo of works, VTr^ihi, aiy, Btorey e. * A' nib C Slreel down to » dinner of tripe. There were pation wonld reit with the donor of ibe WINE HOUSE Nevada—Nou»—Ibere are delliwuenl 011/, oinrE—fe^ money, nud hs fordrer a monument to the lollowing-deecriborl atock, oo accouu, ™ J Directors, held on the fifteen differept klnda ol dliheiinade of No. 24 Sonth C Street. «feiwlent(Ro.lI)IeTiedonlli eisblbday o( a ddin^uen „_„, „.-»^a,,, ^Jf, an aMesmcul (Na. 13) hia memory." ( dticiiboi ilock , (No. ynracxitrema aim. tnpe, tho bill of fire was printed ou Jinuiryi 1641, the several unounW «t oppojtte cf Twenty-Ive (ib) Cents per ioire u%» levied " Docs the General go into inciot lh» names ol the respective ihileholdus, aa UJl.rled oh IheKOh diyef December, laa nan Ihs cuflal it«k of Hia eorporuicia, ray. tnpo and each gueit wore a buttonhole T THIS PLACE IIIErlB BA! JUST Several imoimls Sot oppoelte the names of un "Noj ho does not care for mnoh u..- '*en ircHrod larn Involcei ol ible Immsduildy, tn United S**ttt p)U coin, to bouqnit made of tripe, colon " ' ' b'ly, and is very temperate. The celebrated bunds ( tejjcalte •hUtlloliicM, ss ftaowti tbs Secretary, at the oflics cf the company, £JItf«lbs ' ^..ftreaHoflir. tate natural Ho wen. Ho, Bo; Hoomi S and 6, No. 901 Uciotgmery itreel. 1'rinco of Wale* sent for him one day. Bin FraodKO, California. Any ilock upon ErJiTtV «.•**>_•_-•• • ..TVsnly-Srs Cento It it laid th* men aeemed to en]oy liking bim to bi*e*hr»it with him. lie . flames. Oert. Eiafea. ,Am'i lhe dinnt WHISKIES: Altin*-nTT&Oi>,[n 20 f 10 Dl •hleh Ihil amencnent ihill.Ttmiin nupal^ oa THK WKKKLY CHBONICLB It though how on earth any. replied if the Priuoi wanted to hlk AtkInsooTTiOii,Tri...eiOoS In in body csn t 1 -----„, - myitery to nine. Horsey Bve and tbe celebrated Areomot Oeo B Bajlcy, Tnutee bal.. tats liniineu. and smoke' a cigarette with Oeo B Bsrle. Trmiee THI Ba; eyQ B. Tnulee, bil..l&°3 TtdrA diy of atlrOt, ISSI, tenlhi of Ibe hnr Whiskies, Iii, Otid-a Bour Hath direct Irom the HIJITV a it. Trustee. «•«• bto Bin bedellnquebty and adTertlecd lor nle it f.roily. Tripe ft bim for half an hoar he would be glad lilitillcry, Jesse KoaiVi rimous Whlskvind B Q Brooke, liurlee 1*90 to visit him. If not be would hive'to "-1TOD, Tnutee. public auction, aid. unles panienl Is made mide from tho lirpe—well, you ell J. IL CoUcr-i OK H II Bsrllng, Traits IOCT ey a B, Trurles, — before, will bs sola on Woodsj*. the Wtb dar of ESdVrt ef Yl™ud» o* Wj«L• •*0*' dEoIIne the pleisuro. It miy be added CSBichelder, Tnutco bsl.fSSl STTl-j rf M PSi* new*, Unhs, rmi- know whit tripe is without cur drilling eyOB, Tnutee... Ifani.JlSH. to piy the drfinqnent itono. that tho Frinoe icnt him a iroond note UsiilO Bacon, Truitee 1133 ment, togctbtr utth CCsts ol adrattrliig a the column I of a pious paper by detorib- BRANDIES: Crocker *8nt Jim, Tr. USS i>i eyO B, Tnutee.,..,.-«,, .. Ing It, It no more intended to be detlriog hint totisll aad talk iipon m»t- Bu ey a B, Tnutes 56817 ~ to expenses of lale. By."—'-- -• ••— ™ • It a Ciapdil', Traltrli ....till Ei; eyO B.|Tnutet..,...WlU bo eaten than the horns aod booffi and Msof'btuintsx'" W O Cnndall, DIreclora , - WU. H " Doet he read rery much !" w a Cnndall, Trance (ITS btx eyOB, Tnutee...... fcYtA 10 ..Offlee- tOl HcnlgMawy lire persons wbo eat It do lt to be ecoentno. Btrleya l),-TrH«M....iiBia --B0 "He reads nothing bnt tbo newt- •VDCmiuiII,Tniiiee.....Cl?l ind {*, Bah l*nnd«ft Calitonili. Occasion illy vttt roe a man order Bsj ey O B.'Tnui6...... 1iU(i0 100 •• papers.", ' . . , .. .; Oeuuloe Holliml Oiu, Iriih snd Scotch Whis­ COM ADavn Truslee. t»x Biv er o B, Tnutee, tni..WBO SO Iripost a hotel; bnl he always looks kies, Ah and Porter, Old Burgundy, Port and John Crotker, TnuUe 7IBJ - Sherry, and CiUIomla Wines and Bundles. ItetloyOB,-TruiUe,b*l..»nS- S) . hsid, ar though he hated himtelf and Coffln, Birders in k Cook,. (I.yI.yaB,T^tatee...... '«ue 3d -PAMT. — Location o. , ._. for ihe Evening Ohronlclo. ButhPhll.tnutee:...... 63911 - S "" . . anli./v Hfrada—LoatioHenda n ol eterjbody eta. He tries to look •• CIGABS AHD TOBACCO. ,...C00T 100 ID OO -pue. o* '-- - - - • !JiW!lE'»lii.Tnulees....41(»W'i- G thonj;h he enjoyed it, hot be doc* not W h Duocin i Trustee. ....MSI 6 CahlllEACo,Tra^e s.-jnaj. W ££..: R.r.llof*'" Tripe ii indigestible, aud Jouka Uke au I wm nil my roodsObesper lor cub thin an WLDOncan.-ntiilH other boose in lhl dty. m-psADsr*. lruiteei...lll» 10 India-rubber apron for a child lo alt on. WLDooon, Truitee (MI6 DoFefcPavbtj TruMeel,..m(l t l) day of Febimry. ISSI. an as — Ilenry Mooter Kememter, that it tha place. HOL tl B*L Duncan; Trnslee .fflSO ..,— ») Of Plliv OenU (60c) par ibu. > When it Is picked it looks like dirty cuiteWiiico. Trs„..iaHa 10 H Clirke WH4Co.Tis,.,.E*Cei7 M levied ou lhe capital itock ol thb corporation, ...Orer A Colllni clothes put to roaki and wben it ii cook­ Mir beet of' LIquori, , Brindlej, BDlnimJre*rruJtee.liiJ"".l»«0 piyahle Immediately, la Lulled Etilts rcll eolo, ...... T, (f, Bfoi Ctuke W II A Co. Tn..,.63001 10 P»- ing it Juoib u though tbe cook wit U toil A EL, IfcGRATII, Pioprietor. liwtein 4 Co, 1*imtec,...t5!t Clarke WII A Co. Tts;...6W79 M totjie Secretary, at lie office of the Coup*",?. Jaires Horrtl S Eilnnji, Trurtee... •,. .(ISl Bocm ho. S gemUBIod^Ko. Vf) 11 ontgomen tMTT_ .M.Oallsher boiling s dishcloth. Oa tho isblo it nuteAToit.Tnutets,. ..00000 10 W EdwiMs, Trurteo ISiS . Yurt, Tnute Itreel, Bsn rtandacs, C looki tike glue, tnd tutei like s piece Franki A Ony, Truiecs ttsx ...Knit*, A IAWI Frinki A Cray, Trmtcci BandCrion nOook,M -f (,11 silk nmbrrlls cover. iruncci I..63JD3 .11 y. Cray J OUlon, Tnulw,...... tni im W. Btatlngi A ttomscb that it not lined witb cor- YOUNGS' SALOON. CnndiU, Geo B, TmsiM..17110 Priday.thi rourtoenth (lltb) Day ot March, J GUIOP, Trutce, bal Caltagan, Lynch ft Co,. ,.. IX A. Tburitou ated iton would be turned wrong .V.8M1 tO Trustees, tul I!S» S> mt by tbe imcll of tripe. A rain Korthind Booth,for "more of Uuleleginf No. 27 Sonlb C Street {Singleton's J cilljol Truitee'.".".'.' - , .— __—.p«jment II made ;;.o%. eating tripe at a bi.UI Uble look, like lotacoa™ Then, ten men ran in tmk '—*-' L U Oather '««OIT. lfowiieoii*TaB»nuin,ni Bulldin-*-), bclorL wm be told on Wednesisy, tbs second -1 Arctic explorer dining on hia boot*, pin* iod pick of tha Oolden Bdt, ind tho I ...O Cneoowelb Agents fur Ibe lam™ . t,**wut« tbtl • chewing plecet of frozen rtw dog. Uurbim Dnli is lha trademark cd thla. tbe W O quroett. Tnute Tttt * 100 EppiUlnACo,'Iit.hiI...UoI7 • You cinnut look at a min citing LaltoucmiinUnTorld. DlaekinsT. Bull MOoQmin, trifle., tr ..ILLIAU WILLia, SecnUry. tripe bnt ho will blnrh snd look UnihimBinoUDgTohicocihuthituifeal HORSEY RYE WHISKY Franks A Oiar, Trustees..Ml40 OUaCS-Boom No. t3, BivaaaBL""- *--- *™ Halo A licSeco, Trcit Ffirlri S Guy, Tfiuleet..69681. though ha wanted to apologise and c Wrir' Blmrij-boaam Ul. Ualut AH Hale A Oi. TnulM... FrinklAGlfy. T-nfiUes<.ai01f detlersbirelL Trade-mirtof IhoDnlL Anl I. Younnr-l Geo QI lick oi A C.,Trr..I(K)l rlnce yon be it taking it to tone np hii GiHne O llkkui & Co, system. A woman never eats tripo. FINE QUO BOURBON. IkttitCfai, bit 7475 KencRose BILVSB There fi ni,t money enough in thi Also, Apnll tor 0 K IlM*era.Co,Trnit.. CO) lion/. Tnutee..: S0WI H HI »UPANY.^a«.tIoiinfprina Ofid to hire a woman to take a comei II D Hia Ki, TnulM.. i.:. .00!} «UonJ,Tnirtee tWOl 1«0 dpsl place of braduotj, Sin Pmidico, Cslifor. of a ihcet of tripe in her teeth ind try THE CELEBRATED MOUNTAIN BEER IVillerliuiIngi.Tn, btl..1111 OJIlon J, Ttuije* trait 100 atx—LocttJoo c* nurti, YlrgiiJa lllnlng Dto- Hireni A On^rnisU, baI..7EH tdd, Btovy county, Kerada. — Nolle* ia to pull off a piece. She woold - >: TSK::. Hi, BIglauer. Truitee OB3 ... ft Op, TniileiiV-'fa hereby glren, that itameetlnsof tbe Board before she would plice the ie, « A Jiction, Trurlee 1113 10 00 trier I A Oo, Trus, bil.,6'* 600 rfDlrieiots,DcId on Ibe 13th di» of Jiauary- —hide between her lipt. M A Jickion, Tnulee 118S : ..-HIU 18Ef,'sn assesimeritfNa&Jlor Eiftv (601 Oents Three Fine BiHlarJ Tables, Kenner A Dyer, Tluileei..&£ti 10 00 Oranl EB.Tmiloe, ba- per stun wu lined Upon tbe cajilai itock of 'ou lee a man eating tripe and ho Keai.eTAl»ycr,Truiloei..R^ lhl effponticn, pajable Immedlilely, la United triei to cot eff a slug of il, md ho acla let ti tou.f a BuornEEa K-nney k Oyer, Trnitees.-tMOI Qrant E H, Tnutee, bal...67*13 " «Wiaeoln.lolhB BecrelUT, stthe offlcs KenneyfcDyer,Tn,baI.. —.1 Grant B R. Tram*, bsl.,.(7a*tH „ lbs OotaptSJ,' Poem. to* Nerads Block, n though be bopei the koife will fail Oranl ER, Trustee £7131 . 0 it Kuti A Oo, Tnulee,.. 1S*S No.: J09 Mootgomef? «"*«.' tan Fnnrfioo, to do lit work, and when he get* It off, OianlER,Tru»ee 67*01 , K P Kent. Tnutea 7117 OMitoniis. ; Aiwit-JSwic*T »hlth this usa»- iod pale a piece in his mo'ntb, he chewi Qrant BR, Tnutee 63007 THE BEST SALOON III TOVYH. CHHeine, Truitee COA Oniil E B, Tnulee E6WS t with long teeth, the wsy a u:rl with W n Klog, Tmstra 7S1J OrantER, Trurtee 6MM TbeHIneleeuIhDayof Febnury, ISSf, in ulccratid toi-th cbewi "rubber gum. WmLLocle. Tnutee out QtiJit BR, Tnute* 007(1 Will be deHivtoent ind adtertlaed for talo W A Lefioeon, Tnutoe, bj itm at.public motion; ud tmIe*.paymeDt Is Any man but a coplirmed tripo eater Ullutd, Truitee tai mide before, will be sold on TbEaiay, tbs isd rather est the two hrsdi of a am M. E. NEVIN, 11 Mantel, Trustee 7X10 00678 *0 Itth diy of Kirch,- IBS*, to pay Ibe do- rum, Hicki and ill, than to tick! ATINO PtTBCIIAaED THE INTEBEST OeoTlUrvo'sSoit.Tri.... Us •mhler A 0 UnqOBit isseenient, togethu with tests ct an- lt,TrUr..U'r]l 10 vertWiig and capenies of sale. By order of Ihe piece of bullet-proof tripo. ol JAUUCLTIrllflfia-l la the well-known OtoT MITJB A Son, Trt... .Urn inHd elegant saloon ou O itreet, OeoT Ibuye A Eon, Tn... .7I1S UiwksIlD, Tnutee Mill 10 1 Board of Directois. Thoia who eit tripe ire men wbo Louis Uuihill, Tnu tee... ns!-. Ilaaki II D. Tnuue 67197 !0 10 Three lfoaig Sonth or the Bank of " ibie A Co. Trune*.. 6i{e JOEL T. LJOHTNEB, Secntaiy. i*o hid their ilomichi play mean mnh*eldO,Tru]tee..,.;.600U 1000 600 Ofllee—Boom 63 Nevada Block, No. BOB trick* upon them, aod they eat trips to California, Hidtev A Dond, Thuteal.CuOaT SO 10 Vontgomery itreel, Eu PnntiKjo, CaHIOrnla . 1U6U g>t even oa thrir itomacbt. and tben Haa refilled and rHtockeJ Ibe bgr with the BkkMOeoCftCo,Tn...OTHi a S lo LUMBER. UIckoiaeoCACu.Tn... XO 10 they go snd tike s Turkish balh tt nirkuiO«GACo,Trs...I»iM 10 E real it out of ths .yilem. tontrr. t R. Sans IIoAstadter E A Oo, Trtts- u. Location of prfncipsl ptice of bttStuiM, Baa •AKlN^ WINES, LIOUORS AND OlCARS- tew.bil lOMl Sl 1 Trlpi ti a luperititiou banded down Fnndaco, Clilfornll.-.l«eill0o rf norkt, Ylr- LONKEY & SMITH, lia KEVIN nlMU • all from his aid irieadi James Ps'.e-son, *£Tiutce...lW;il Un-«JSCo,?nu.bal...6797B 3 i gtola, Storey oounty, Hnak.- Nollea Is era a former generation ol batch en, E A RicbirdKin, Truitee.. .SAW ANUFACTUHEAS AND PEALERS IN and the puOUr Ingeeenl, leellng toufldeiil Ibal Iclauel 8. Tnute; tSbtS SO 10 hereby^rtmlhitalameetirgcifthameetiMciftl t Baud eg ho sold sll ths Uleit snd kept tbe alter one iWt tmryt*xij will be well diipnati* Oeo B Kf-.t. Tnutee 3155 Jic snnJtA.Trustee SUll 1ft a " ' ...... v -- -^nw.i ill kiwis ol Boon tree A LangIind,Tnu- the U day ol tripe for themielvrs aod the dogi, but M Jones IIO, Tnutee 60313 CenU Xt XT il B AU R I IcStl M. g mtVl*f. Jonis II O, Trestee 60W1 .. . _ *ock iloiji of lha present day will not est Itjunlnc A Langlaad, Ttia. fonts 11 O, Tnulee eoi70 ' IS tripe. You throw a pieco ol Iripa le« , 6IH Jl Kennej ftDyer , Trujtees..6SHt- Dnlted BUtcS goij"ei&,' to'tbs Becrelary! *' Absolutely Pure.. down In front of a dog and soo if bo DWcb, Tnutee MOT 10 Rcuney ftDjer , Tnutees..6OIS0 the ofDceef tbs ecenpany. Boom 16,'No- fa THE SAZERACI Jamti Riley. Tnutee, i'il..0i7I to Kenner ft Over, Trustees ..69031 1th prtw mtr itTH. A mmil t does oot pnt his lail bttween hU legi Uontgomtry ttreet, Keradi Bled, Bu Fran, l*"j, **--=jtA ml akolesatecoeia Woe Goo R Spinney, Tnutee JIW is Ring IT II. Trurtee 6KHSS -id BO off and bit) yon. Oeo 11 Spinner, Trustee... .tfDI io dsoo, CalilOmla. Any at«k npd which Ihls -Menial ibsa ib, trtlaiy, snd cannc Flirt aod Red wood Hhtnglta King W II. Tnut«.. Obbbt imritTTTirnt shall remain unpaid on Tripe miy have a value but it ii not Eu-trn Oak. Alb aod lildrcry. Ho. 33 South 0 Street, OeoBBjlBmy.-ftollel... Jtli lfin • vUlssaspiltlks silk lhe mulUIud. c Geo K spinney. Trustee. Ilnnliay, Ibe Sixth (Gib) day ol Hvcb, ISSf, i food. It may ba good to till into a Wall IVpeta, IMcts. Etc. .inn Zritr? "^ "** ™ l*«iJiit ,.—.. 1011 ITD1 be delinfusnt, and idcirilsed 'or sals at bnrgltr-proof isfe, with tbe cement and n !S Mnli i DF.T "WOOD. ECKHOFF & BAUMANN, PROPR'S. Oeorgs It 3plnney, Truiteeilrti UarfcQco Tft ubtle anrtjon; and unless raTDHnt-'ls '-* ton chilled iteel, or it might answer to Die Dry Verdi Umb and RpUt Pins Wo-i, Dry George It Spinney, Tnutco<1OT Hirye Oeo T ftt~« . uu.uim Sifore.will be sold on Wedoesdaiciday- , tb'" e Wlh breait-plato in llmo of war, or it Nut lint aod lUIiot-iny Wood. Ocorie B Spinner, Truilee.oSlJ "-"-•—* 'Son, Trus- diy cf llileb. IBI, to pv ths , J.*Hy Oeoige K ep'aaey. Tnuiee.0771 .._,__ 603M Id be good to use aa bumpers be- lajsrgmeul, togtther with cots of idreriiimg George R Spinney, Truilee.7151 iirye Geo T ftBon , Tins.6173! and ixlmsa of nle. By order cl tbs Trus- n cars, or it would .mko a good .. rs low si the Uwert ind asliilirtluD Oeorge 11 Bo'niier, Tnutee. 7W7 m gttaraotood In eruy putlcuTar. Uuredto T ftSon , Tnu.47907 Tnutees. K. & 00LUE8, Secnta^r. (see for Ibo weight of a pile driver, bnt Cbss n Emllh, TVuiIec ....B«0 100 lluje Oei T ft Soo, Tnu.MKII OtBoe— Room So, 10, Itenli Clock, No. SM lilt Shlnn,Truitee iliO) 100 ..... -.. x ftBan , T»us.tWIg bra you como lo lumggle it into the Igenls aod Dealers in Real Filale lontgomuy Itreet, San nantisco, CalUocuia. F A.TriUe A Co, Trustees. .6P» It TftSonITrui.6'»fl frCtd •mich vou do wroog. m HOP.1E3 run HAI.B OB iiEST.di nCSBOliDT BEEB, W TurnbuU A Co. Tnutses Bill b Kirje Oei Tft Son, 'Iriu.cWI The trips league ol New York ihontd IM and IliHiies kept In repair. Ventt j5 IT E Taylor, Tnutee 7660 160 OTOSI Mf-lIXfl COUrAST.—LOCA­ XiKtcd, anj dtfltalile toiiinlssri^irTid. ce-oold md tapped liah .reij bour. Pltm- S B Wskifi-ld A CO, Tnu- TION ot piindpal place ol bndnto, Bin ire been srmteJ, iud their binquet uann^ bat bruidi ol CIEUI JUJ. | - - P LONKEY A SMITH, n WibJ MM 3 _., C L,Tiuitee!..._: 11 ISO 1 Frantlvo, Califjrnl. location of wocki, Ylr- ut to a ((luo firt ry. Tripe! bill | i JoM Dun Kenluckj B Corner <-' ui] Mill Slreels, S B""*""" Wski - •A'ITii...T$H K0 UcCor C L, Trustee, gtnia, fltciey cuanly. Seiada.—Kotloa Is hcrtby IES. ' *"" J, Tnutre. 1(73 bO. llcOoy 0 L, Trurtee 66S1S SPWar McCoy 0 L, Tnutee .00761 . lirol Ji greiic, would bo pie compared with lirtJM Vright. Tou llcCuyCU Trustee 68711 (No. If; ol flltj t ... PfTES BXIX1F IV U ^k. UNITEP STATES DZVosi_ ...IW ...... MTTTUIIM O0O1I •bars wii levied upon Ihe capital stock ol ibe PZYMtiCo.TnuicM.iaijeis s oorpoMtlan. payable Immedlilily, I.i United COCKTAILS BALOO Iff. Zldip, Wallborg A C", Tn..7031 M Ulict Ell'ftCo.Triu'eei.'lSOIl States cold coin, lo lhe Stercluy. it lhe oBJce Gtiruii UOKDOX. of Ihe fOQiaiiy, Boom It, Nevada Block, So. And In accordance with Jaw end an i "it T, Tnulee....65761 c Jio. Ha Soatli C Street, il T,Trustee....OMll Vtt VoutgocQery Itree* "" P—"-i.r« r^u.^._ Somrthlng ef III. Ilabln nnd Ideal the Bcoid ol Directors, mide on the SI Any itock upe:n which !bu tSMament Tho linUinwre American rrceUly HOT OR COLD •utiincd so interview with W. ti. , KINP3 OF I1EP.R KEPT IK BT rwentieth RDtb) diy (of Fch- Hut Scotch, Irisi Punchis, awl all . IIII ft 6o, Trs Ibot . Drinlu made 1c IKrlttUon. Tli* &>i"a!» V.S.J'.'.'ln'.V'.'.'t A; n Francisco, Cslfurnji, ta FBI DAY, tbo Noble U II ftOi,Tn 1I67S t wni be delinquent ind adrci SENATE SALOON. •VENTH DAY OP ifiltull. Dm, at the "- '- 11II S Co.Trtnlws.tfSSI s Thnnday, tbe 13 th SSt*J51fc'*!i^'!SSr.« STAR'FIRE KINDLEP.- WINES, LIOUORS AND GICARS ill dellnqnent uscasmcnl ibenuu, together 11, Tnutes 67110 . Usrroll to tho •elmrt "I i Kept In stock. Including Ibe famous Henna The Safest, tho Cleanest, th" l OEO. IL fiPINNEYTiSmeUri'.''' 'Xl'w^n'ibnlSI.'nlS: ll, (Icncrai ri^r.l... liirii hen •—-*j Cuttoi*! 0._jL_WM—- -— - - o. Trances...OCKi) i dispatch —- -— KuBli.h govern- Choapeat anil tha But. l H l ll s ictiog Inm lo make prefar* WiS'™^ i . ' ' »«n* o. CaL Jaffild ..l'™v '"'-Ir not Ion on ii departure Vi Egypt. It afternoon of Thursday, Jan- FREDERICKSBURG BREWERY ssSWriaiTt^s'KSi uary IT, a Idle wo were diuiux tn^ihor. AYAGB HIKING COHPAIIY.-LIX1A1 A. i tlon ol prludral-plicv ef huslncsj, San himlcd him the dispatch. Try il ml yon will Want Mo:o- a r, o o *N-, .-ihCifeo, Ctlllo-nla. — Location ol work*, liimil Imiwrtint Ybginl* lliMfiPlitriA Bluierannity. Bulo ,E AT TUB llftUCEHY STtlllE Have You Seen a Copy? •, 1 itched the i of hii Xsrlbrsjl tornrrCsnd rnloa Blreeti. , and , meeting of tbs Board of Trustees, held I did nut IFNOT-WHYNOT? •nhninVftdu,Tnis..'6**s31 s 61h diy of February, ISSI, an aa- WM. eOHADM, Proprietor. iln HC, Tnutee lOmi mt (No. 68) ul Itily (M) Cerni per 111 chai L, Tnulee, bit6l6r0 capital RIVER-BANK WHO. 111 Chai L, Tnulee, UlSJOJi In United MioeforBgrpt.' The dinner FINE8T BRANDY & BOTTLEB BEER. WHAT'S THE USE OFMEDICINE 111 Chu L, Trustee 6S490 id .'ii lilenci-, bul later in tho OB BALE-TUB IIBIFFIN FAH ...111 Cha) L, TnutM dSCSO .. lhl O—,—,, itug w i tilkcl for hour* uu the tub- F M irra,. on Die YUo bank of the Weill Chu L, Truitee C067I 1 300 IfuotsoniBry street, S ,1-j rlrir. ill mllM belsw Will Prodrrlik.ljnrr and Netadi Eecrca ITHEX A giMiLE con or 1 IlpaiiRE waja b. on dran^li! ur b€4tlr.L A^ "-*-" Chis L, Tnulee 6o7M __, . ./bleb this « the Bf looking m, i. Fluert Uod Ln Amrrlca. A ler le'dSBAOcs Tn>..6SW3 &'§aj,,^'J'.,!:">Jf'. ™ r'aikrd thoroi-oil iday, the Tenth (10th) Pay ol Mm SF ait adrcnun.1 tv: uls le lm a pair nl brigl irk!inK ftlll bs JelEsquenl. bUe .action, ind unless layniirit I oyes, ami fn miny tliin«i ho Iremiuila BAVARIA ANDJ^LSEN BEER. "The S• will be sold a nunJij, lb* ^!« da. ._ of General Agon.. Ilo bu a small mitnlal roiu ,._ iy thi delinquent reoaat black muiticbe, but ba ko- [« tho lilbomadi Ap;.lr [slker • lln costs ol adrerlUnf «•• *• M. COLE, UiCARTlIT J. T. O'CONNOR. ol tola oi of bit lice cl-an. &. B. nOLMES. Brcretiry. aUM T D By hli general Bp[ieaTanoa you would Saloon Ho. 62 South 0 Stroot. Bocsn Ko. 16 Hesada Block, Ni SO] li „*i! APOTHECARY tskobim to be a man in tho ordinary Weekly CaU" Hontgomery itreet, Ban FraadicD, Calllernla. walks of lifp, and not tho Ktoat general FULTON FOUNDRY, AH TIIE BOLE AOKNOT OP THE DA- It ltd . . UM ...00013 600 160 00 jrf. *'h t-tired. that bo il. A good jnko hn reliihci very rail. Itr.weIT. BAVARIA AHDIPEL- ITILL DHITB A1TAT THE IILUES, DT 1ERBA NEVADA HILTEB HINIXO *'flI9U.;Kf»»DA DEEI1 KldaliheBarln i, although he norer viiiu the lhaa Iron and Brass Poondere, H ..owm loi 60 oo I OOllPANY.—Location olprfndp^ulato of PnOHOn-fO AP PUT ITE ZvliS-, lYnllbcig A Co, riness, Sin Irandsco, OJilornla—LMallon •nil he hippici Lnrge Schooners, works, Wrgiola Ulalnj District, Stony AfltlrACTORKtlS or ITEBT DESCKIP. AID DlCtlTlOII In Bolllca bs Pin at Brandi ol county, Nev.—Notice i. heicbj gircn thit it • M , Liquors ami Clitn un bind. Salouu meeting of the Trustees, held un the mb There Lino piper so gwid lor Indlgatlon, day efJanuuy, ISM, an aa^emncni (Ko. 7e]ol j ...iting the slums, ipend ndlunllloscan-urePsIsen and Barails ,l ""TAIN SHAMS. .... dellnr*! to ihem l>r'*arlnr outers al llosrlburn, Niusn, Neunlgli, lliluli, llcad- One Dotor «1) tf ••-- — •--'-• — - ing hit muoey, aod duing all in hii captlal itock ol 0-Oonnue'i Babxin. Cl Bjulh 0 ilrt.L fill Im !, llrarUchs, Kickache, snj every other power to allavli-ao the luHmingi of the lininedlilely. In F'"I"|."P1.M'"" •"««•- O.i ock si miy be necessary I»or." i, il "TOE WEEKLY CALL." 11 li full 10 lha SeereUTT, ai ii.o uuic. v. m. suction, at ths OSes of Oompany, /loom 67 Neiada Block. Mo. Boo "Wat hia visit to I*.Ii»im iu con 16, Keodi Hluck, 100 • MIC"*""*"' ibeit war Igure. Be hippy vhllr ynu may; UonlgMociy street. Sin Frandsco, (SJUornla. . cllon wlih Iho promoted rspodiliitc MOTHER'S SPINNING WHEEL. Ian Pruclsa,. Cllltorall. '—itock up™ which thli aBoamcm shall ow cornel icon eBoueh. laoghter li lhe I. T1YESTIETII PAY OP lo tli* Congo ngiuii!" n unpali on lbs iprit meJIctna A Jut dots men, r>od ihan WH«V " Yd. hs hid icvoral inlerviewi DISSOLUTION OF CDPARTMEHSHIP, Concaniing Ono Article thai wis Not TwenlieLh Day at r,bruiry, ISSf. II in] d»r- run makei Bllrty. with tbe King, in whinb hu accepter ^r wlthcotU re delinquent and advertised U for Sale anil Another which fa lilgh. ft". the minion lo gr. to the Congo r-.*gi0n t, rho h\ ELI.1UT, Sccreltry. '-It I try to break up tha slave [rulo of Uu Cheap at sny Price. ividi Block, Ban Prancta ;i.;;.'«'Sua' ':„:•• ., Ih, place, aa he hu an u'tir abhorenco ol uneai, ti^Hhcr with ctwti of :ry, and hia of Lou spoken t<) me o Buy "TUB WEKKLY CALL" II t U PARKEH, SceveUry. 1 mirlyrcd I'roiidonl l.lncolu, who, reaJ the best Pimlly |«r In thi •Cr; ** •"»»-" . -lhl, ihuiild lure a monument in tin ill rlit tnd • : FREE READING ROOMS .fe,T*"*''""••" hearla of all true men fur hiring lrco< the colored noo. Ho hid tendered hii &*'™.r.r„i reilgmllon ai an ollloor in tho Hrili.l 1 "•"-S'1".,! :" army, in whloh hu hai nrvcl fnr thirty ALT. THE NBVADA PAPERS, I7-ST0P_0R0ANS. Iwo years, In order to go to thn dm^r rou buy No. 1 at "THE WEEKLY II the Siu Frandno and Interior Calllornia region, but tho government w™.un. isol Psaita-. Tin F. UEATTT. hfi Inability to make Die eipe.litinn 1 'Wu BrnlJ tm%>BUUiUt- WUl iiuty to mans ine eipennnu, , TTaiblngtou, N. J. lhe Coo, - - ' SENATE SALOON. i"1 fu»m Syta ^ "KHSOH-S R. CLEATOR, n a iilmitll b-/tiyiuy laying„ h_e would have an o| E WEEKLY CALL' ***• ilotsl',.^. °* "'*nnete poitonititonlty of-'-of doin' g ao upon biu- i ....or Tug.... BEATTV'S CAliiiET OR0AHS •"•fcti.7?,, w' " '"•n-fii.t. who OmiftOII. CHAPEL AHD PARLOR. e n 0 from hli pie. TO BE DISPOSED OF. J*^»«.-.»«„, ' ''"'*"" *"*P«lli . t leave bla IM PHILADELPHIA SHOE STORE, BEATTY PIANOFORTES, I***'?' '**"•> *'^,Vi'i"7^ltn™' "iron lbs Kryptltn pliim F- ItEUN-ITEIN UP THU CITY WILL QHAHD. KiflTAUK AM) UI'lllUllT. "Did he fear tliu C. ,h.,«c ol ll,. luh-iiring arUclei it , UBl1 "Not t l„, . 0RND0RF & ADK1§0N'S BOOKSTORE «ir.^,' ^ilt" ""^ i among ,«11'**'li'.U II,,,, lte,lMll ", 0R0AKB, p0, glB. IW U. 11,000, i to ti si„,«. riANOa, llfA up ID tl.tOl EitirlmllUtten. " Will hi •illy warranted. Sect en HlaL IHauliIui Jllu*. THE NEXT 30 DAYS, Alilhlt-i TOMcfi lied CatsJoiuc tad Bieel-l'lale Eiigminj ^J "tl,,,!,,^ i jprulnct Aliwrto,; wLlnh lm p..r|,i.s.i. 3TOK oja-Sia:, Those deetricg w bnrirn*jutrtc4 Will witljiii lliu tin, nr tlirc, yecr e imill llodil Bhowcase , «y Utlory bin ud Mlecl the Inttrumrnt term* tfaji the country of unttrpri, AT HALF TIIE REGULAR PRICES, Blomsch and tmulilts 11 ll IBc srariliiil nouERT s. »AYia, ,-._*. Nlnclj-tbrce mall iitlclcs vrdrtbfrom • P** ^[Mslllw! •"Nl-Usdlll-.! lie tnd our oewipapur. w

gentril poUry- of the mreHinirsit A Weir jUTCrtUevuiu. If Ur.-!Mlanndt Uty tike a fee from * NEWS OF THE DAI meetiog et the ParneOite memben ol (ffomtng (flfrtmidr, great cOTporatlos hiving emmm-ie tn- tha Boute ol Commons wu held this tereete at stake drpendent op™ Con- morning, when it wu decided to wela X ha Bim el in mms. ae- » "«« '•''. yym)angth OTTS, autt. • •' * igsinst the fovcrnment opon Sir Stal- BowvTstreet.: AppJ* oa the pnndses. grcesioDJj action, why miy oot Con- An JSidUng Scene ^n the tetA Nortboote's motion of censure. TUEaDAY—:.rBaBPARY ia. test gretsman. Smith, wbo prsrtiees Uw ax «A«-ni nnsM^Sj JPS" Hung of Congress. ditl«:» rami ^i«D-let tooitthkt. occasionally in the Jesliee's Conrt at Ilannk KvUeallr sll FUnred. FAdlit»»ftKills55'(aaiusddsoges. Mlf •1*. HUU s .As JackassGukbl rVcdhavlngestsbtished YAMIS, FeU 19,—The Newx pabEihes Oas year aaa tbo Ltgliletare ol this this question fo ethics In the affirma­ the intdligenoe from Berlin which se- State puied A Joint resolution ot to* Hino ThoUe-std Indiana Threat­ serts that natural iied Germsa-Amerioan ROOS BROS., tive, tsbst Is to prevent the Western ritrsi-nv who XEturn to Germmy are •traction lo mu Senators snd request ta ened wltli Starratttm. Union Telegraph Company, theCentral again being Hpiroully subjected to mfl* rear. Congressional BepretenUtiTe, to The Leading and Cheapest Clothing House Fsdfio Hai]roid Company, the8t*ndn*d ituy dot*, and tbs t the German foreiKn .•ecare u Aot compelling tbe Central (HI Company, and every monopoly in offiei ignore* United Slates Minister 70 & 72 South G St. The Hemio BraTEij Diiplajed bj of Nevada. , Fadfio railroad to perfect Its title la lha land from " retaining " • snfficient Sargent end conduett negotiations di- , certain Uod within thli BUte*. granted number of nstijoil leyilalors to actn en Aiivma Womaii. rtcOywith Washington. BOOS BROTHERS, the Pioneer Clothiers of the Com- ! by Congreu la alA tf talA railroad. To elly control the operations of Congress, : 'tbit Ur. Wills taken exception And Minister fsr aeatlaatL Btook, offer to the Public the MOBt Complete and Beat Se­ sod thereby the government 1 tsell t No LosDOlf, tttt, Jo.-Gladit.nB gave charges lbs Legislature with acting Tbe tat*** Account of the one will pretend that the retainer of aadiencethis tnoreingto a deputation lected Stook of Qooda In their line to be found anywhere, ' faiftflyendn-udvbedl/tntbeprtmisei. Senator Edmund! wet'a bribe, for bis Egyptian Difficulty. of memben of the Honu of Comnronk. Their Goods are Manufactured for them direct, suitable for It wfll net Aid Mf. HOT* canto to eotute h« shown that it it wta to in­ He iutinned them that ths government this Market, and for Style. Material, Design end Qenera] dike on trim*) tad chergu against the tended the intention wit a fiilnrei bot •aa anxioui iot the passage of the KU MAHER Make-up, are Superior to Anything Offered by their Com­ tsverelfp representative! of a.8tate. It Ibe example is an -moonragettieot to Latest Diauatchea firom All providing for the sppomtment of a may bo lbk* Nevada fegtslataras have weaker men tnd will famish tbem an Minister for Sooilsnd. petitors- Uoarters, * done the bidding of the rillroadt *o to «ll thtmtelret and itin walk Bradlaittli Be-elected. long md to faithfully that the offieiili erect M honest mtn. Fethapsthetimeis Loirooir, -Feb, 19.—Bradlaugh hu MEN'S, YOUTHS' AHD BOYS' CLOTHING, : ot said, corporation bave a contempt for not yet ripe, bet it will sorely come An ExelUag Scent. been re-elected by ft mtjority of 76, their Art* end assiune the right to com­ wben memben of Etite Lepilitores, SOTO*, FeU 10.—In the tbt largest be ever bad. &C0. FURNISHING COODS, HATS AND GAPS, plain that Uie Legislators should bava of Ibe United Ststee Senate and ot tha House during the early boon of the precnaed te pan neb » reeeloUon Uonaeoi Bepresentatives, will be pro­ morning there wu ft scene of great oral- TCLEGKAnUC KKET1T1EI: Will Offer for Sale this TRUNKS, VALISES, FANCY GOODS, ETC,. without firrt eonnttisg Stephen Gsge hibited by art of Congress frem speaking fusion and excitement IBsooek at­ tempted to bare ft bill read and Uie or tome ether railroad sftendut on tbe pr voting on.anj question in which they Democrats ofejerted with great empha- ....Attorney.General Msrshall of Month Their Entire Boys" and Youths' Clothing, Hate, Cape, Etc., a Specialty, ligilUisrt. What Is the gravemea ot may have been employed ts attorneys, Celiforni* bu uked for a restoring Hiioock was ttanding full In bont Their Qooda aro of the Best Class, Moat Stylish, and Ur. UOl'eoonpislott. It >firrt, that and Hit noTamong ths impcesitnlitl-x, of the Speaker's desk, whnre hs wu order Sfixlmt Jhu Dubsway thieves. Stock of : sneh an Aet^nxild he congestion and hi chryrtaUntig proeeet thst U go- surrounded by an excited crowd ol ad­ atmuetH, Brooks, ftStn'Fna- Cisco stockbroker, hu felled. lisbOi- : aa impslrmeorol the contract Implied on>.that inch employment may be a herents and opponents, and finally the PRICES LOWER THAN ANY HOUSE IN THE TRADE disorder becime togrert that thn aer- tiu. $16,802; assets, $30,000 ol bed in the grent. Were thit true it w&nld bu to tbe holding of a legialitiTe office. tices of the Stfgesnt-at-Arm> were re­ debt*. ULSTERS', CLOAKS be a' good objection sgainit the pro­ And would it not be right! No man can serve God and mammon, and few quired to restore order. Tucker*, e^ ....A twelve-pigo weekly Repnbli- OHARLfiS GABRIEL, late Principal Salesman of Banner posed legislation. Bot thtre can psper will ihortly sppeir In Uklab, can be po good terms wilh the monopo. prosching to within a coaple of feet ol Brothers, is interested in the House of Boos Brothers. He ia It nothlog ot Ihit either in EQscock, addressed bim directly and CW-, published by Joteph Edwards —* lies end yet be honest with the people. AND DOLMANS tbe resolution or the proposed lagis- cjled him to order. A.G. Uper. popular, a thorough business man, and will be glad to set btionr-Mommendedbr the Committee ....WSliiinB. Finch, Portmuter tt hifl numerous friends and old customers at hie new place, " The gentleman calls me to order, At the following Figures: on Puafio p.ilena^^ This action EUendsie, Dakota, hubeen sneated on __ claimed Hlscnck, excited ly, "because With an Immense Stock to handle. Mr. Qabriel will be able te It ttBtfly to compel the rsfli-oadto do TUB wggsstion has been made, the charge ot robbbg tha mill of rrg- ud favorably received in tome qnar- his tide Is uowilLing to have advertised iitered letters. Ladies' Ulsters $5 60 suit and please all in any business direction. to tte country tho bill which thsy at­ ,-' what every ether dtlzno ondes tba laws ters, that Ben Butler should be ap­ '••'Newt bu beft) tcctivtd ot the u compelled to do wben be destree to tempt to for™ down this House." deslh of WiUUm Govemeur Mi ' Ladies' Ulsters , 8 60 pointed Gorernor ef Utah. The secure a portion pt the pobtfo domain, Hfsoockat one point in tbe debate Colleclor ol Cmtom* for Al«k: OWE ROOS BEOS. A OALL BEFORE PURCHASING ElflEffHERR eppirenl popntarity of tha proposition nndentood Uorrison to uy that wven- Silks, of pheumouii. Ladies' Ulsters 7 60 end that li, to perfect the tils within ii bised opjn the etsoinption lhat he pfivo Dimoorate had been here and Beuben Hsrt tad wife (colored) • given tune. Erery man wbo pre­ Ladies' Ulsters a 60 woold bring to beer in the eolation of Snlked away, and wu proceeding to weatto churcb Saod.y niqht in Crock­ empts or homestead i toy pott ol the maka a strong point npon thii misan- ett Texis, and lstt til chtUren at home Mormon problem tbs plaok tnd ROOS BROTHERS, paUIo domain bw to do tbtt tod pay itoe of the CAM when Morrison asleep and locked in. The house took Ladies' Ulsters 8 60 talcs oo hit IAOA, aod why thoald the energy And arbitrary method* which interrupted to may that such an assump­ Sit, and all the children were i No. 22 South C Street, Virginia, Nevada. railroad be ncosed boa doing the dirtingoiihed bis career in New Oilcans. tion Wll cntrne, MuWll explanatioos to dutb. Ladies' Cloaks Reduced. Branch Houses—Nos. 31, 33, 35, 37 and 39, San Francisco; ni eame thirls*,! tt there anything in the Bat snch anticipation! are mere than followed and the House eglin settled ....The President hu received a down Into a state of comparative quiet Art ot 1862 or the amendment cf ,1863 .beard in the light ot the fact tbat aa letter from General Sherman thinking Ladies' Dolmans Reduced, 420 and 422 Broadway, New York. At 6 o'clock a motion wu agreed to bim in the romtit terms tor the spe­ Unt prohibit! It! Nothing. Then why ths Gorernor of a territory he wonld be revoking aU leave* ol absence lor thii cial order protnnlgaUd by him on the Ladies' Circulars Reduced. not compel them to perfect their title clothed with no sueh extraordinary legUlatire day. At 1:15 ft quorum wu occasion of Shermtn't retirement from and pay Uxea as all ethers have to do power u he wu Tested -tllb as a mfli. obtained and Hewitt's motion, toakios command of tha army. / oo the rrJoe of the land owned by them f tsry commander in time of war and the kbxioin Peniion bill the special NOTETTHIS. order for the 2 lit instant, wu seconded, ....A farmer named Sutter, living TbepaBeyof the railroadU to wait till at Suscst, CoL, while pouring oil on J. S. WERRIN ooold accompUih no mors than Gor­ 165 to L Too resolution wu then Colored Brocade Velveteens, a pucharer comes electa: end then tell ernor Uarray appears to bo doing. adopted—yew, 176; naya, 35. The wood in a itore, preptratory to build­ . Itt BOtTH C BTBEET, IIBCUIA, IIT1IU, him e tract of land, take inch steps as announcement of the malt wu receired ing a fire, wu ao badly burned from sn allgood Shades.Reduced Is SetHof iU Coodl En Hli Uo, Ao interview with Butler published tn explosion of the oil that he U not likely art oeoeesary to perfect the titlt to that sn KM tern paper, ttatea tbat ho regards with appltnte by the Dcmocratio ride, and at SI55A.IL tbe How adjourned to recover. The house wu alio con­ to 46c, worth 76c. particular piece, which being done, the as ridiculous, and so it is siderably burned. CHEAPER FOR CASH nntil Wednesday. Ilan IOJ Twotheo rOar4oad BOOM iI nat the City. from every point of view. In the first A Destntrllre Fire In rreceeii. : title goes to the vendee, who baa to pay place tbe administration wonld not ap­ FBESOOTI, Feb. 18.—A fire broke ont NOTE"THIS. GUTTING & GO.'S CAN FRUITS, JELLIES, ETO. taxes on the land, tbe railroad getting point bim, and il it were to the Interest at 2:30 thit morning in the Sherman Plain Colored Velveteens, fall ralae and eeeiptog alt UraHon. : ot certain politicians to get Butler away Howe. Quite a high wind wu blow­ Front ttreet It nnw a lake, and the i Tbe plea of Ur. UflU le -da-ply what trom Massachtustti, it wonld be equally ing at Uie time. Tbe Ore consumed the water is creeping up Maripon street, 46c, worth 76c. Thi Flnm Blwl ct ~ the lawyers call "tn confeuion end entire block. In the block were J. impottiot to tbe Bepublicans to keep which is now being navigated by boats. avoidance." Another rer ion Mr. Wilton & Oo., clothing mirchanu* El­ ....The Wuhington Republican ol NOTETHIS. him there. The Republican! have no lis A Whitney'* saloon and billiard pu. GROCERIES, WINES AND LIQUORS . Mills advances Is, thst It woold jreiterdsy morning uyi that Qexrroe C. CtociUntlj on llaod. Interett tn downing Butler. Oo the con­ lore, the telegraph office, the law office Gotham, for laveral years an editorial be. no J tut to. erimptl them to One lot of remnants of Col­ trary they are pitting him on the back of Ur. Howard, i. L. Fiihu'e grocery writer on tho aVaiiomif Republicaa, hu perfect ..their title, and thereby ren­ ored Silks at One-Fourth and gielng him all torts ot encouraging itore, Bandall k. Doogherty, under­ revered his oonnectioa with that paper, der th tea liable to State, county and taken. A Chinese lsandry, Fisher*! having formed a very advantageous THE BEST BUTTER IN THE STATE tally to induce him to become an tcUre their value.. . ;juttiddp-J 'taxation, because there are auction rooms and other buildings were builneu tUitnce with capiUIiits wbo recta Wiihoi ud lata ViOtjT, which ll rralvnl Tmh tst» a mt. 'tRtputeri on tald lande who ptyno candidate for the Presidency in the blown np to save the town. 8. N, control the Drawbangh telephone inven­ tions. He enters npon his new labors rent t^ die company tu taxes, and that hope that inch a conns on his put may Holmes, proprietor ot the Daily itintr, DRES.STG00D8. Panlenlu JUlnUmi U (Ulcd U mj dltrnpt the Dcmocratio pirty. Thi nuhiog in to uve some ealuble pa­ at onca tnd leavu Wuhington to-day the State et Nevada doe* art afford tbe for Nsw York, where he will hereafter How iWhe TimB I We aro PINE STOOK OP WINES AND LIQUORS. . the protection alleged in the resolotioo, tnggestioo that be be ipppointed Got per*, wu burned to dutb. Kitty Pur- eel), a sporting woman, rushed into tbt taking on Inventory of Stook Both is T. t nnUj, Old DoortMn [dircctfrun KtnlockjX Flue ou Pen ool tbmjTma, Deat'Jir, aliVa know that onr courts ernor ot Utah, tilly at It may be, mt7 fismee end resetted a child that wu In the House yesterday, on tbo and And we have too many Etc, all ol •hleh 1 tm telBng Qusper lian E.rt. ere open sad eD be hat to do it to call bare for lie purpose the calling forth o* crying at a winnW for It* mother. It motion of Steele, tha rules were im­ J. s. "TO"BRBxM". on them ty eject the trespassers. [rem Drees Goods, and have re­ set with thit end In riew. —* an act ot bravery seldom equaled, pended and tha bill pasted to relieve solved to unload. See our Dis­ hit property I Use he eier done this I the barely escaped with ber life. toldine from the charge of desertion. Besianronu. etc. Travclerf tiuldr. Certainly not, and tutfl he docs It it no - WBIU a great deal of tbe Sen­ Thii is the Ivgett and raott dttuboui It rtmovw tha ohsrga of desertion play on Monday with Price badness of onr jedleiuy to go rooting ate's time ts not occupied by Senator fire that hu ever occurred in Fresoott agslnrt any soldier who tcrrad In tbe Tickets Attached- late war in the volunteer lervtce, when GROTTO R0TISSERIEI Pair in speech miking, yet It is evident it shell be made to appear that inch Blankets Reduced. Come : around to ascertain whtther hir. UDIs from the measures he introduces thst The Deadly Bnevr-SUde. toldler terved fatthfnlljr nntil the expir­ V. & T. R. R. wants. protection sgainit wrong-doers he dtiires to be classed among tbe SALTIUEI, Feb. 18.—A snow-tUde ation of his term of Enlistment, or until and See Them. or bet,* Hs raut Ont demand IL Bet working member*. The trill to appro­ tlds morning, neir the Ontario mine, the 1st of May, 1SG5, ot wss prevented T omestics Reduced. at Park city, d«stroyed the house o[ from com pi is tins his term of urrice by TIME TABLE the reason be don't do this it that as priate $100,000 for pablio bindings in William Ilicb, killing his three children reason ot absence from bii command it I.osiery Reduced. against blm. the party in potunion -TAKKa EMMCT- Cenon, which he introduced December and wounding bis wife, who 1* -reported the tlmt it wu muttered out and he Corsets Reduced. Come wndd bate the belter claim and the 4, U likely soon to become s law. now dying. Rich wu at work In the failed to receive an honorable discharge. and Price our Corsels. PIBBT - OLASS COOKINO Tncaday, July 3,1883 very proceeding would cotopelUr. UUls Amoofj other meritorious bilb intro­ mine at tht time ol the slide. The .... WiltUm Gleason mel with a bor to perfect his title, jut what be at- duced we 6od one to prevent the re­ slide also itmok the house ol John ribla death in Pendleton, Or., on Sun­ TERMS AS" USUAL: Iii03DBlR-a.a?El E>HrOE3S tempts to atoll. All hit positions are troactive operation ot the Hivtl Appro­ Harris, killing hit wife and wonndlog day. He snd a mao named Bsgsdsli Trcina from VirEinla to Ciivx, eqrully oafoondea. Let thra teenre him. The houses ot Mr, Drew and R, ware digging a well. They lighted • Sill quick and buj often. Don't priation Act of Aogait 5, IBS2, which TDK BOD. and Eeno : tills to their eVOO^OOO sere* arid pt; Johnson wero struck by another slide. Into, and ucended to tba top where, limits the number ot gradnttea ot tbe Instead of retreating to a safe dittan Forget we Want ttu Hone;. die la lh* i tauti thereon ae ettry other citizen The citiieni ere moving oat ot the UdlcaiBd] Ntetl Academy to be retained in the they looked down aod wituhtd haa to do, and all the proteetloa re- gulch and away from the back itreet* terries. Another! Introduced Febrelry ot Park city. The mow it deeper VISITORS quinte to teenre Ur.Uills In the excla- there than ever before known, and ti Tn Ttiftula CltJ Inn Carvoo, Beta, T.n •fte enjoyment vf tald lands will be 8, is for the relief of onr Foitmsster to . of tbitteted rook out it the tod other pnrilofii nl th* bt^ia ai • **-' tbe atooBot of $174 05, for vouchers still falling. The trains on the UUh A of the well and jigged pieces itruek ola •Bl Bod lhe OrMUa Eureilor„ Ifteaiauiaiii . cheerfully accorded ty ©or courts. Northern A Oregon Short line, in lost in tbe grett fire. Cettiinly the Gleaton under the chin, cutting off the nm& co. •od an mrdlillj lorlted ta gin IL • Idaho, are blockaded, and tbe trains on lower jaw u though It hid been done lol-lm. UOHACO A DOHUNU rrojetcaon. govern meet would oot require most of tha roada centering here are de­ with ft knife. Death was almost In- lUetme/ve, Inw Maker. Poettaatter to* piy twice, and tha bill layed by the storm. iteaUoeons. Deoeued wu tweoty.ilx ESWaliS L A 8Ute Senator tn Nsw York flnde should therefore pee*. Ths first bill yean old and csmo litely from Nevada. CROSBY & CO. himseli la A dilemma. A lawyer by Ifrand Ilsaa Introdueed by Senator Fslr, Deoeraber A Teang Iftdy HUllac. CITY BAKERY iwtafetrtoo, he It the attorney of tbe 1*11*13, Feb 19.—Mill Ones s 65 In number. The one for the Imparts- .li«i> liqaoeftteoeUUo^tnd Mi constituents Rune, a young lidy abont 20 years olJ, DKAUna IR relict ot D. O. Adkiton, February S, ' base calltd •poo him to refrain from the daughter of a carriage manafao- IB EdIUr'i Hsrroiv Xitapr. wu 1,455 to number, Hence It will bo turer of New York, wbo hu been visit­ (From Tens Sittings.) : taking put In leglilrtloa in regard to GROCERIES AND P80VISI0HS, RESTAURANT. readily teen that very litlls tlmt is be­ ing ber titter, Mrs. Charles E, Norton, " I with very ranch yon would tettle high license, ot to resign hit position u lis little bill,,r lild a bill co'lector, fog wasted by our Solone of thi In thii ctlty for the put two months, : aUorney of the liquor tssodiU™, went out to do some shopping yester- 'alklng into the iinetam of sn Austin Batter, EBIJH, Poulttj, Green tiontl Legislature. Tbe work oi the tedgn bli teat tn tbe Senate. Olt diy afternoon and hu not ilnce been fonrnsllit. Senile It notdona by speech making, teen or beard of. Her family fi In The editor glsnced feutesily at the h» will do neither, but ths cue li full document and exclaimed: and Dried Fruits, Etc Tialna from Beno to Canon «' of tngguUoo*, M to the rights ftnd bnt b oommltteo and by rotes. great diltrett and every effort ot the "Uttlebillt Why, msn alive, this BHDDOTION OF BOAKD. Virginia : dDUetofategtiUtotlneoetrsdlitiiutloii The Ben ot Oil Fslhtr. ilice le being made to find the young bill Ii nearly twice at mnch ss I sgrced No. 88 South 0 8,1., Virginia, Nov. to Ue obligations ot the dtlien and [OovrespomJrnt. Hartfoil Ume Kif- to pay for those trowsers. Yoa mnit come down 60 per cent, and theD per­ Board SO 00 per Wceh rtlorney, TheciMlteelt U one ot no Batter Uthone, the ton ot the Tbt Floods. Ismeat Reid [oiUr Stnator, gave a haps I'll pay it, some time next especial tmporUnoe, but It Inrolree A Cutciiu-ATi, Feh IB.—Alter mid­ Sprioe." "blowoufoDtday lut week In the Solo Agents for Western Nevada greet principle whleh bids fair to be- night two font-story brick buildings on Senate reitaorant to hit friendt to Second itreet end Central avenue fall "We can't do thst. Tbe LegUls lure corot en ttsnt et no ftr-dlrtiot dty, tna hono r ol hts receiving a £2,900 position from ths effect of the water on tjii le in (anion now snd we have a good •leil ot beilneu with them. Ws crJcn. tbe qutsUoo will toon be dltentted u In the 8enite, He will not hart ten foundations. They were unooonpled. ROCKY MOUNTAIN GOAL COMPANY. minutes' work to do In return oa any lale tbat only one man in two pays, so No. 3 South O St. to whither e lew. maker, In a State 0AIBO,Ilt.,Vab. 10.—Tbe river It fifty- day, and Win not be tequlrtd to) be at for that teiaon we hive to m\ko tbs legislature or In Congress, hat a right ont feet two Inohes, end will have tc bills ont lor Iwloe tha emonnl." Wood, Goal, Ob ar coal, Lime, the Capitol tt ill dtrlng sbSot tlx toeppeuae an attorney Io tbtoonrt* raise three feet more to reach tbe top. monthi tn the yew. There It trouble "Ihenregtrdme uonoof tha men Hair, Plaster and Cement. KVAMSVILLB, Indi, Feb. 10.—Tht To Consumers t™rU- "^""i la ftoy luue upon which be may be about It. According to the rule ot the who don't pay." «- river roie one-oouter of an Inch from called tl aot M a legislator, or whether, Senate uo Intoxicating liquore are al­ " In that cue yon will be plsced In Warehotues nndt Woodyard midnight to 0 A. It., and remained torertrie tbt propotilloo, be may tp. lowed lobe loldio.the Senate resUn- tha same category with members ol tbs itttlontry nntil 11 A, «., when It fall t Cor. E and Sliver Stf. t. In violation ol thit rule ohsm- LagliUtore." pear In court u tbe paid edr»cate for ostler of an Inch to noon. It It now FINE WINES, H. YEBINGTOJf. pegue wu liberslly nied. And now tbe Tbe editor seemed absorbed In tbetffirmatlonot ft prindpit wblch It S feet on the gwga, and lioki three temperance folks ere about to call on J thought. Finally he heaved s great UQ00RS l feet of 'going Into the Water ttrest Clenersl 3ar«rinir**J*= miy become hie doty u a leglsUtor to Vic* President Edmundt and uk htm ilgb, andmnrmnrlng, "I wonldn I do ttoree, __ ANOTHER BIO^ BONANZA. oppose. It hat been tbe eu- "wby Islhlttbuf! Young'Hi "" ttlf it wun't for my fimily," he polled BESDEB, . out e Urgs roll ot bink notu, and pick­ torn for yean f Congreumen honelu .., 1 Freight mJ ra-ncp' AT* M Btarvlsi Indiana, ing ont A Bve-dollsr bill handed It over Still a QrMter EwJnotion thu fiver on OIO-ABS, and Seutor* who art elloneys by pro. the ntwtptptri thu BisuARce, Dak., Feb. 10.—A genile- It tha enemy, snd thn* prevented a teuton to pricllie belore tht courtt end beena8enttor,tndketpion fnrnUhing man juit down from Foplu river uys stigma being placed npon bis ropnta- ^ BO0T8 AND 3K0E8 fQ even thi departments tn Wtshlngtoi tbem right along, lie hu no doubt the repott t of liar-ring Indians tlon. hG fi,-*-'-• axajutereted. Neatly 0,000 have Doth- I>. J\TL. &> eod ths practice haa Woome to commo T M. aiLuoura Bnoi BTOBK. jtow THK mm, ... Tbt Uteit mitter mi's uu ire ver, log out ft little Dour, all tha game hav­ ettoeieltebatUttlt rimaik, BU11 It II puthed, giro the new Httaorateur of Saved b*r a Chlcaio Girl's Cert Belt*. ll IheUrni. ulualailni m Inventdr) ing dlssppesred, andthe dogtand ponlei oli'ockA . A 1 Sal 1 iwovmtodiid liih " * '• it wrong. How miny men csa tlok ITeias BIMDEi) theSeeite (tcolored mAnjftRreiit deal have been killed snd eaten. In 00 datt miiliueij bars dwUil Is ODload II._ ... ol trouble. The ttlt of lfioon hit There were a lot of drnmman sested tbtr. mt at Bcrllldii( nrltei lor the prtteni tht enUmiiuai ol the tllorney to tbe without relief all mutt itirvo to death. Jl been openly condurttd In the Uouso aronnd the store. math. Mfm^lotereolBebiiltorsI l« •--" OMUIMCIKQ TUMnAT, 1 *|;'L,V. cslm end unbiased Judgment ot the U U retUorant tor years, but It bu always Fur ef a matucre of ths agente tnd " I Ull yon what It ir," uld tbe St. it i KUII protn lor tufa ual beir otiti Fo^tlicillMl C MM. ind or"* --*••-' -•*"• - legtaUtort Ooly greet men, tod they "•ten maiDUlned thit the Senste bad a post trader! is expressed. Louis commercial traveler, " tho boyi •idanoanlltbiuliiissinilkise no n»_, ._ are tew, oan draw tbe dUUocllon Can ioit make all ths fnn they plcua of bid titbit, I can iSord to sell Tweatr Fer Cml ) A. IL-Otlly-nclnc ' Utnpersnos. bsr." Tho Uthone ehaper than infiolhu berate on thi csaiL HOT LUNCH 8:10 trrk** . their own Individual CAM*. Benator blow eat"' effectually denitt this the Lake City, tint u for ma 1 shall Kreijboi)jt>io)lindcooiIn» jooraeliiao. iht FOREIGN NEWS. aver feel deeply Indebted to hlOosgo.'' BloeptDf Qui itUcdtJ tram KJmnnds, whose loUgrity U nnqoes- kirn. huttlnsiDaraiii^lJnDooii indBhocsit Etrpllsn ALT.In "Whysol" uked flings, • Chiugo U Baum c Blrtel, Tlrtfala Cllr tlooed, end wbo thar«ewith exSenator Cold racls. StrAKIM, FeU 10.—Adfioes from WeUi, FavanACa. C0HST0CK Tbormw the bonorof tjie-|vett meat- (Heir Yoik World.] i iln be rol a| ihs nine pdcat Tokar ststo Ihtt SOO ot tho Garrison "llecinse a girl from that town uved iln Canon,ertolU tlie But, 7.00 ^SsfcS'S'j'^S Torn by jealousy, loUsmed by thirst Day & Sljihl, ore wblch bear* the litter's oime, u msde a sortie and attached the enemy, WJ naL 1 want now. asd donl Unatlal. PJl«d. (Carton OfAen, W * rtvengs, honeycombed srltb corrnp- "\rbtnr l At. OILLIOAH. lauiii .nd rat. doocWJj^ lino, iHilreltedhythepoopte. lbs lle- hilling and wound in a lateral of them. " List Hummer, whan t wu on tb T H - tbt rctalood attotoey bt. th« Centra) peblloiu party, with ilf tU patronsns. alio tip taring a namber Of osttta ana Likes. Oot ihip wrecked, JOQ know. A. B. TOWKK. Qrarr^Unfi. reel lie lUllrot,! Uompsoy, and asiocta- alltlimoosy and all Its tsclllties Tor "Ho* wis it r ME SKHATK. ,',i \* pojrortois to win atlothir1'res. IXJNDOM, FsU 10.—In aompllinoe "There waia Chicago balls TAX NOTICE. ted wlih e« tjeailer Rotcbe Uoohllog, Ia«ntl»l election tbroaghtUowosflorts,- with tbs reqaeitot Sir Evelyn tltring, —r host, sad she Wu ilvition— argntd the CillfornU nllroad Ut mitt TbtDimocrate ere going to eleat the the Britiih repreieotitlre tt Cairo, tbe dthen aeitPretldent Thsy have tbo power E 9TATK, OOUKIlf AKD CITY TA\I Uforo Ihe United 6Ulet 8oprtmo Conrt vernment hia decided to reinforce Didn't T" Lynch & KaretonB, Propa In behalf othUolIenU. Noon»UH ... to do to abtolntely In their own hutU. a Itrilith trmy of occupation. yon I" . t WbsthetihiywUlsleot a Demoorrtlo S CHICKEN DISPUTE. Ihtt tbli piofewlon*! fot-t^toient could -Kn." • (VesldtDtoriiliepnbliciaPreAidtotde. rarncH's Flaas* " llow then 1" Indatnootnofleottorlalooano of Ur. pencil opoa wh^tfier they era guided bV Quarter Ending Dae. 31, 1883, KO UEItOUAKT SUOULD 11K WITHOUT LOHDOH, Feb. ID.—Alters vote npon s oork-iolcd . Kdmunde, kbdyeUliiqatitloaioggtiti wUdOiaorgiTeioftrto lolly. It the Ar« cn. dm IDJ atjablt | i„ aHf, .j „ former, tbty will uie the ooootiy frotb BirBUfTotdNoitbcotes motion to oen- . -gstherwith t ( SHIPPING TAG3. ' llullat to wbitliertbeeiemplelbbi set mlirule. It |b» JtlUr, Usy will con. lure lha gotarnment't Kjrjptlio polloy Ihsitriog* end msde e rift. We ell got aboard sod floile d ufely sibnre." iVijcij Aiuewr. Th* lie In t-ttra u tl Iian«a 1 tileloogorfo power % pttty Ptroell will goto OoiktotulitJoho FRASERS' SALOON , .ttuyhoVgiro.(he-cuo (6 a lytteia which wllbln Iwo termi^utUlntdiht And than It WM to i-nletyoo might (iJ'.ntljmJlMilajin mil bi.lrUU/tol"fc*l Printed for «3 to 94 per 1000 * Sribety Ma oonnpWoo, thit Vin-iU t'tetldtntlel clBco n\.b thelt, pmcbMi Dtuy. thi eindlilsto ror Part lament of have hurd A (Up ol Iho oil or white the mi.... „ , , F,. aaJO^SlJ ,*• • IOWI,lH..'l1.h.'a.iraA.^aM the entire iaw.miklo^ a-.t »'_ Le t»We*". .r. *«>W»n"«loraMtrilh thelt, pmcbui the Irish NallouNallanell ^Utgae,^League . H" a will bar-U' tendei r itt ont tba bolitee sod OCA IIENRINO. and aiuutnaUn, l ,iy1n •. ^K^EWW, W^i rt ' ! *.-.'- •* P«to'*M*wlUrikto»w«tU «lui» Ml let teittfAintiar. CHRONIOLE UOS OFFICE IBM lot olr'. til. imist'fW. »^—. : ^Bt«*EP;W AMOW-lUpg, --,. - '"'*' HOTEI. STJlTEKyJrEtii, IBIU tt» IIIUOA le Tho'rsla of Iw* TTsodcksppera In Tr«de nnd ratktllo BndlnK ef Their •ptiii'iB ©)i-«"'*' ' traibse Taller- A Drop la "Tlpi"'*!* Hkt rar VmntUm'pUa Tortyt Ive Tears' In­ nnd Others Who ns Hoi. - 5' Y1BQISU CiTT. BET.. ^ Two men asraed Antolne tVeLu and timacy, -•"''*'-. "Ws don!l lit nhtbln1 tnwh^folks TfeVMANo COBNIBJ, Pa., FeUC— MOM Gutodo Wet* burled by tils Inoir. , med to e*tVIl^* replied a eoiornj wJler Before failroadg desttojed tha nselnl- TO THE PUBLIC. illdO tear Price's Like, at tha loot ol at Youog'i In response to tha Beaton ueiiof atage eoaobes In Peouijl ranis, Slide Moan tain, about two and one halt 07th reiwrter's Haeetlon: "t's'frald de tbit villiy,e wat all Important ooaohlnjf mllea west ol ths oW toivn ul KlpaW, In good ole dayi* ll llo too1!8 be weoto atiUOo od tbo old Bti to road tnd ^^u, urn mwisi* tenderly clawing the Incipient euges several converging turnpikes. In "*" isbos Bounty, on Biturdav at .'nnon. bti mmtacbo tnd ihbwlug thi Wblta of An. Elegant Assortment of Men's Youths' and Boys' ootber men, who wero wlllln 20 teet a Ml eyen with srhltti lie followed llie as' rnt Miller, Lewis Dorr ind Job Sfc : ol tbttn at tbt llmetheillde occurred; es- Mutot the crowded elevator. "Do fau- "Sa?*iSw"'' * ""- "- cipod Injury. Pretl, and Qujndoi iilh a:ni(t settled bete. Miller boi-H... their companion^ Ul | i, luats men ts mottgeuderoui when dey're tbe tatttn tbtn here! tad, tearing it 0 aarri Kln had a nl« dinner. But, de drummers ™»i'»»«ar'**''*T."il!*:": •wriebop&ri, itirted troa their wood- down," erected a Urge! one. Liwii ranch In tbo moasjaloa near Lakae BlgleBltrlir nebaileaVt ho things on dsislVer. Dey Dorr, being a carpenter, did the work. li 1 cheap aet, anyhow." , Miller AUO put np a saw-mill near by, *"* ..... ot MM. and employed Herri It aa bis sawyer. CLOTHING. W^KASffi'^s;' "ThU hotel U run on the Europei Miller kopl tha UYBtB Until two yean and buried the pUn.ii It not r agoi wben he deeded bla propeK*r to hit •sSSEVf-i-::"" :"•-",»" unrortnnals men TheTr companions hur- ".ye»'.,iab-.", . - son; but continued to lire in the tSTtrn. Furnishing Goods, Hate and Caps, risd to FVanktotn. afti »it» iiL htrti. " Don t loretgh loiirtiti lee yon llbeh Its tki tXtti, portnltled any ebango to lyT be made io its sppcIfauBe, and It (a to; " Borne ob dem does, but de bligeit dsy ont ol lew typical tavernt of the TRUHKS, VALUES AHD TRAVEUHC BAGS, plcolcls at ds clob dinners. At does old stuge-ooich Aayt, although Ita buii- -^T^^ficaJnoPBa. lUa to End any trace of thi times m,en will flip a pleco ol silver u nsst lor years bat only boon tnch ss your sleeve to have a busted clgi the tmalllocal trade can give. Miller Have just been Received and are now Ready for il from 20 to 2S feet ol snoa „ .,»„, made a lottune front it^ however, lbs entire deposit baring slid down changed, or to get a bowl ol cracked li iJeB W(raF"*"-ttCinidlaua aud oraomethlDg elm. Den de Jotlng cad Inspection by the Public. any^'^S ,. ^jcU. it»••., a whit Invitee a trlen' 10 dtunlikeato tlpde waiter a (jualM oi to lo ihow his Irien' "'^^^TKAlBlCTIOlli. A ikiil. ACCIDEST. running eterj day from tbo tints he dit he am a good feller.'' turned on Iho water, foitr-fonr yeirt The above Goods have been selected with the greatest of care and rive Hen Crruhcd by] a Four-loo "Thedinnerconraohere,"nld ont of [.formal Beard-* A- tt. ths Parker HUMS wallers, who are all ago, and it wat probibly tne only old- everything in our Establishment Is warranted FiretiClass (n Quality fnictsoc, fob. 19.-FolIowIng Catlloi. Caucasians, "like eome college emnei, faihioued upright saw-mill left in this Bll Five men were wounded—threo ptob llit of tbj Sllte, John A. Uortitt was and Style and PRICES AS CHEAP A8 THE CHEAPEST. ^ openlog and - 4:10 thli morning aud reached lleno thither. Tbeoldaawmill wiainflamt Fine Crushed Sugar - - 8 lbs for $1 nE«HWcb£r,.«b, 145 a; AlU, ired for ten cents at thi CHROMCLI without incident. The blockade on the and as there was no meaniatband with builneaj offiti which to B^ht the Bre, it WAS aoon des­ iaH,l»sjCOn. Virsinla, 20o b, 2Sc Central Pacific was partially raised to. Fresh California Eggs 3 1-2 dozen for SI A lively Bona way, day, and lhe Kait bound train frem San troyed with its contents. Eirly Thii morning abont half-put 10 o'clock, Franclico arrived ln Reno with the roall Sunday morning Sawyer Merritt cilled and |nUa»Dgen about noon. The pasungir on George Hendershot, the man wbc Eastern Sugar-Cured Hams 18 cents per Ib. HiktftHcrcaa.inh.til Bodls. TJ s, 11 tbe one-hone cutter ol Superintendent TiOiWtcte.. !} at Mono. 1 20 b, ill; started frem Iteno Immediately and rohased the mill property a low diyi Btltw, 1 SO 14 llonania King, 10 b; L. Jonei ol Gold IIIII waa coming reached this city abont 3:1ft thli iltemoon, efore. Uo told Hendersbot thit tht Honey Lake Apples $2 75 to $3 per Box /otki, 10s b, »c a; Eicheoner. too bj down 0 1 Lite I, driven by John Ludwlg, bringing in tbe mill which ihould hare mill hsd coat Mr. Miller for ten yean DsSl Ue. Uo 1; Benton, 20c a; Navi]o, accompanied by. Captain Tally, It over­ arrived yeilerdiy. The local Iralm were 1 M l^ Iadependence, iac 1; Champion, from 1100 to 8200 a year more to mn it OF turned near ibe hardwire slore of delaiid a few minutes by tho slippery than ho received for iti work, and that 1 05 b-. Con. FidBc, Me b, tOg a; Uub, track between Cirnonjtnd this plic*. lWb; Grind Titn. lie b, 20c a; Martin Wheeler, Hall 4 Co, on C ilreet, oppo­ there wai no chance fur it to do any mte. U b; Sjndicsle, 70e b. TSo a. site Odd Fellow t' build log, and dumped batter. There were 8125 worth of logi A passenger who arrlred on tbtl after­ snd (200 wofth of other msterial bnrnra GROCERIES, WINES & LIQUORS noon 1 train from San Fraodiro uya thai up witb the milL Tbo mill t Ihs eut-tmund train arrived in Reno at REDUCED IN PROPORTltfN. Ytflowk-g hia lilt of outilandlng ai- Us a.„. _r half-nul 9 o'clock last night The road chiuery were worth (300. I soBfuealstpMCotcftoik mines, and the this t , and turning Into B, beaded Wai blockaded neir ths summit, and to '•Now," iiid Mr. MenW, J._ '• date opnnUAUiiy trill bwmie ieffa- win. MnnachlngT " add tn Ihe delay, one of ths laree plow! paid Billy Miller 5700 for the will, and lown, aniJ, coming -, « ~*. >. (anluUtBarJi uu got off tbe track. A racceuion 01 uiuilli it wssu't iniured. I hsro come to gtr- ibout to mike another circuit ot the you tbat much money.1' Alts-Set Ibrdl block when he wai itopped opposite Henderthot expressed bis sarprlie 4>Hr-*fc* llmi 1. Crosby ft, Co.'i uon, Tbe animal had the puacnger train Iei I lteho. one of hli bind feet cut, betidtl 1 ihii offer and uked for an explanation. LUBUISTt DELISaogST. ibruinn 00 hli right ibcutder. The cutl " I helped build that old mill," uld T. R. McGURN. nalilng a Corruption Fnnd. Miming ll a list ol .tocks upon whUl Ightad and found lo ba uninjured. Merritt, " aud havn't niued a day's 3*s Faam-ison, Feb. 1\— The luemnmli an delinquent. Tht day o< sawing 111 it Irom the flnt time I Chrtmiclr will pnbliih tamorruw a copy nil a lEteJ: turned tba water 00 tbe wheels, nearly Virginia City and Cold Hill. of tho confidential circular iuued by lot ty-five yeara age, and DO other mi * lI(ilciE-MeiVeb.». A naw contrivance it ttld to bavo been Ihe Railway Shareholder!' Assoclalioo, irer tswed a Ing in It. Billy Milli Jilii(!oo.-luc[Pcb. 23. devlied fnr uia on lhe Central Pacific •od ligued by John Livingstou, Preii aold the property, And hit I1IW1 doid Union Con.-oCV; Feb, 27, railroad wher* a refractory inowbank de­ dent, New York. The circular loll lta the tflorti ol a dorea locomotive! to from it, and Uncle I>ew Dorr, 1 beliore, Uub-4|;UiKb3. forth that thn r>l.jed in view il to rtiil drowned hi mult bocauie bit old fritoi l AJpiiCoB.—WciMirchS, settler ll. In Ihe mow-plow In front ol an tmincuio fuod to delcst legitlalion the locwird engine are placed Iwo old- died. AU three ol nt came to thit spot SELLING OUT! Bcorplgn-lOc; Mireh 7. on railroad tn it tet a, lecurn tbe repeal together, and I knew that if I hid to KsJKomU-aJci March g. Uihloaed mortsn, inch ai were f.irmerly ol existing lawa and the the abolition of Jlile ft Xorcmsi-nOc; March 13. uied lur throwing ihelti lo a high eleva­ step out of that mill and tee auother Pirtoii-SOe;lIt,c!i 13. Railroad Commiiiions [n all SUtei man running it I wouldn't live a week. tion. Thus are loaded with powder, and where inch eiiit. All railroad ihare- SlemNs,a,ls_gi;Uarcb 17. when a plunge ti made Into a mow-Sink Bo I tet it on fire and burned it np, holders are invited to cOQbribQle to the nowl want to psy yoa for it." RETIRING FROM BUSINESS I the mortals are " turned loose,'' and blow fund, aud tha amount ofT^e 1 nine rip- the IOOM mow iu evsry direction. It ti Tho old sawyer counted out the W. ttti l BUR dt CO., tion expected ii named in a con" '* " ' then very easy lor inths plow tlo ciscastt ulduldii ' itter actum]-laying the circuit money and walked out. Tho two old •I«k tlrabrra, u. .oow which remilni, aud in a iliorl friendi. Miller sod Dorr, were buried Mr. A, Lernhart, Druggist, having bought our Building 111 *» tu uu Bank olCallfomU ime remoie lha blockad- aide by tide Sunday alter noon, Oc Monday William Miller tent 5700 tt Shelving and Fixtures, will take possession on Reld Ur Potlaie. ncderilood that tbo demand Irom tin J.iha Merrit*, aayiug that be hsd him ttera a-ldreiaeJ to Iho lullowlng wealthier onea will bo iu tho aims pro •ell 10(undid the purchiie money for May 1,1884. In order to comply with Contract, trrlvalsknndny By T. '. U M Piul Leve,i|ur, Pat. I^gree, MollieKl'- At* itiliun iu Montana tho ntl-ei " So yon want a iltuatlon ai conduc­ DRY GOODS leen, Mlu Auule Hitler. LouU Ilelury, .lay a Boston girl stuck her held out oi tor, do yon 1" aaid tho Preildent Of the 0(Mrtam Randsy Difcdt Mrs. Ole Hanson. Jim Ulake, Willi. a Northern t'acilio ear and exclaimed: road. " Yes, iir,'" tho applicant replied. J Duitelt, H D ,iHa. II Simmon Tl (Jlllon, Mlu Miud I.nwery and Thomas " Tho bawilderiog Wofikuce which F. HellrOB, VlrgtnU Cily. " Hate you the neceiiary qualifi­ MUST BE SOLD BEFORE MAY 1. feifi'^&iF'*'" with snob indemwibablo faicinitioD cations for inch a reipouiible posi. ind tinges Us evewy featub with inch tion r AI,!, POOPS sou roBOABH osrx.-s. For Ibe Belter of DntU Yalley Settlers ; ,, orerpon'ing lotcrweitqnits bweaks me " I am inre I have, iir." &"»;,'r•'•'•''• *'' • Ou Februiry 4 Senator Fair iotroduocd up1." And a number of mem- Well, iHppoie your tnlu ihould a bill fur tho relief of I*ri Uirili. Wil­ burs ul Iho local vigilance commit' iseta which a liam Karris. Henry llujla and J. H. tee aUudiDg on tho platform looked ber ol paiieiigers ihould ba killed and toy. J „ n, nu-o.pum to iu™ „«»,, liable, letllrnon tbe Duck Valley Ileier grimly into each other's faces and mut­ 1 Urge amount ol property deitroyod, »1 s-ai Itaud H, u>| .^^^ Bbl n,^,^ ralloo. Un the same day he alio Intro­ tered, " Ol I if it wis only a man I " whit action would you take in inch 1 *°«6l. u Ii we,,, ^1 driven. Pur Instance, duced a Joint reiolution aiipmiiriatlng D. BLOCK €t CO• I ^™l^» UovsieoB, constlpitlon or Lndl- 11,200 for tba purpose of tranilcrnng tbe "I would tolegripb the nawipaperi remiloi ol loldieti lulerred at Foil 1 JNQI.BB. thit tho accident wu of little im, WO. 18 SOUTH O STREET, VIRGINIA. , Ilclsnl, o, »[,,! pajri,ltBJ a-| Lj Churchill, Nevada, lo the eoldiera ceme. portince, ind then send word to lhe ^7*f «n*™,, .a,rjfe- trittmsn., ll tun ta Dr. Chapman can lie found at hli olEo nonsebotd Snpplles, l!ch lery at Ciiwti City. The resulmlon wu Preiidout of the road to tell the ttxk ^SSS^-n*'" "••:• • ••. or should No. 150 Soulh O ilreet. P. H. FORD, lid Iwlee iui) referred to Iho Commiltee abort." Mrs. Marlha Iloaa, Paradise, Mo., uyi "H'm," replied tho Preildent; "1 a Military Affairs, "llrawn'i Iron Illtten aHordod mo grei 04 South 0 Street, Virginia, THE NEVADA BAKK ssaaisv*;i;aafsi2si=s relief when troubled with a severe cough. im afraid thoae are not the 'proper J.&J.B.MaUon, JOfl tt OLtri-IBQB. qualifloatlona for a good ooniluolor, but [ilARTFa BUILDIKQ), Iiook oul fur greatly reduced ratei o_ u aro a man al ability, I IOI-. We O ETEEXT, T1BCDHA, OF SAN FB&NCIHCO. iinelry, watches, Vlotkr. tie., at lhe ln a Ilev. George N. Ki.lmsn has returned ntalint-i;liaifJaperinteudenL You nt-alesale and Be I all Dealer U iwji. a " ". ..* >UUI.^ mnui u 11™. this dty Irom New York. Nevada Jewelry Manufactory. Moit of »cil Is BanH Ot C-UlfsralB Duimlii**, Paid Up Csplla! *3,0W,»«O In Geld tsSJaSSS.R"". -«l.iTS;.ni,Su the goods ire offered at 60 - - i consider yourielt nngigod as Sui»r- Tbirs are 1,000 hi id cf fat citlle jel Ihe dollir ol former prices. indent of Ihe roid at a talary ol S-a Wtriteals ind BettJl DMleis la uniuld lu Homy Laka valley. GROCERIES & PROVISIONS Ladife wb0o regard fashion aod (10.000 a year." DIRECTORS: An eltclric lighl, pile* !•"., ii being «• write to lhe Kunfaeedt Mlnofae- Orockory, aiaEaware, CR0CERIE8, PROVI8IOH81 CROCKERY 11MB O. FLOOD President tenilvely iotd by the Bulern Kleclric Mr. IL C. Churchill, dnigglit, Wlnsc Qto. I> Bunia - Vies Pnsi&int iC Compiny, Naw York City, for rroodea TTsre, CfalnJi Bets tad Wrench JUD O. Fill, Jinn L. FlaOOD, Co., Bolton. Mass. limpid and descriptive llliiilratloni ol l.nrv Knuntv. ito. aiY.i "ttrowr Woodonwaro, Tinwaio, Col Glut, Oil and Canities, (lens "•'•" 1° T„B,j,„: l>. Marlonl drilrei to return her embroldvrlrwa, , lace., hralils, rucblogi, Floor, Food, OaadloB, robes, iklrl*. lucking*, ate,, which [I •nd Feed, Etc, Ele,, Etc. ».>»'ili«.b,^,„.1S., u,,M|„, thinki lo all those friendi wbo aL ovp,, wnicn landed the lunenl ol hir lale husband and nails freo olchs- *- '' - 011a, Butter, Eggs, Etc. wlio kindly leut Iheir anutance lu lirr WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY WTlSTEia So LIQUOBB llmo ol trouble anil be reave ment. lrOTST BRANDS OF WlNfr3K: avSSff^estt Tlcketi and Invitation! to the loclibln •*.ns indebted to the (inn Df Hayei AKD L^UIlRi Pur. irrncbjl 01 Uis tint Qualltv onljr. Unodj, Port ind J M0Dot 1 remitted 4 SOCIABLE (% PerW.1,1 "5" " b« remi lo be given by lhe National Uuird on ft Nevln are rmiueitcd lo onll at the olfice Enor. lor mtdldDsl purpo**. Jg a/otirj Wlot lor medldml tus, Clle'Iter call *, How on hiol . luvl wJ *.ll-Kleclo jlhai. mtt Frldiy evening may be obtiluid ol il ,1. W. WUlrher, lu Ulacka Building, .. .,.„F. liiuowi snd othar, the oommltlee at the reading room of Ibe I footti In tho Omcrj lln^ whkb will *"j.',r'*'u,"'rn nv tal— — — iud Kltle the »ms. ,T 1-0 WEST POSSIBLE lUTEi J E CALL TIIB B3PW3IAI, ATIEBtlOS Ound. T. B. Woon, The National Guard W ol Hint ud UM BunertnttDdKits Is 001 Tht Controller'i repnit for the year Inlgnto ni Ihe eilato ol Hayes ft Nevln. l.r(. sod cotapietA stock ol , , ihowa lha total aueiaed vilile In Kenda OILS AND OANDLE8 vi»riv;, te',."s,f"" *; be»'i7,7">«,in m. " Iluy Your Hood anil Coal F Time-TV wii.boivs AH lin'irA- THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA. iciied V* O If T. IL Mulliiru. He keeps the bent, foi DID ud minim; purposes. We offer thai owsanL HANDIEST _THIHG OUT dais m rom it A3 LOW naORES u thij erlBS-1. mil sells much nbrapcr than Any one Frtday Evening*, Febroary 22. Bi tl iMlflal ITOPI ui nit ol the Unlloj 11 r, Tbs cais ot Jamei Maboaey, indlolad Por Olorku, Book-Eoopera and HUtM, lhi= waulLnj Bllli ul UIHS nn tbi RANSACTS A OENERAL UAH KINO (or iimrder. Is s«t l-r trl.l In tlis Dl.trlcl Couu-wk to partluss Oils, Candles, sti, as baslnes. Principal OHln-Ko. IOO Usll- ffciiiiu;;,"".".',-;;^,',^ rbiapln YlrmnU 11 thij oould either I .Ban T' - '- elrtct, Ean (randico. Brunch Aerncjf— Court to-morrow at 10 ,,*el,-ck. Diilrict BnainosEi Uon Generally. Fraiidieu nr ths Eut, irlth a luinntt* of ob- .... U. Will slr«L Ken Y«k. IJruth Attorney Stephens will iiroseciUo tli. . B. FRANKEL, lalntog nBOT-CLAsS OoODa*, dellnrDl Ins* Agency, Vlnlnia Cllr.KnaJi. II y,,,, Wln, .„ caie. William WIKKILUID li attorney lor nl ehaiKS it Uie mines lu Ylndnli or Oold UI1L J. W. ECKLEY, Asmt. lha defeodiiit- STACK AtlD MONEY BROKER, 3T Is "CTB: ET S 1. Al.B. 11ALIOH. Ul A. lioiuii., Cashier. I.1U , 1 , iln l«'-ll VlnH°la. K.radt. K.II,rA U1?I ., ^. «t u* 62 Hootb G Elr-ret R. CLEATOR, ECONOMIZING TABLE1 I • Out dried beef, bnlJlea Letter or Molo Ta|*r anil all siu. '1it"g lu lh. VXK AND HEMS UTOCKB ....OF THE... HOLIDAY GOODS! "Ti!. HiIcheliLr. B Ilaeidi Hist and hanJj —vrn, >lih lus irhisky, r caX. -hto b'«fcol 1" I\U°'TMI.*, '"^ PHILADELPHIA SHOE STORE, yt dun. Irac 1mm dirt uij thinly to, ara. «aSH-ir-*X*i!ft5rv Llmb W.-xl i>er 0 CHEAP BABBITT METAL. ;;;^™3';;',,jirM± IlllKlll Hut Pine 1 JOSEPH FREDERICKS, Huiplm Nul 1'lno He 13 Sunt* OBlreer, Vbroulclo Job ETinthin Olllcc "•>• Iiii^r*.',!'." ,e'r ^'t bargalni, DDILED CIDER, IPPLE BUTnH, M1HCE HEAT 1 tTiliil.KSALi: AND RETAIL WAttt- Theio Tihleta srs furnished to our EASTEHH BUCKWHEAT ElOUH, SPICED •Iretl. ' " faer-~b». 170 Roulb The best '.H.k^ry KM OUR ODHIOUSBS Twenty Cents a Pound. 'urn Tl.llr.. THE NEXT 30 DAYS, FREE OF CHARGE. DYSTE8S, STUFFED MAKCOES, AHD I, Wfll .. il!"-'r:";.' '' tviVin k 'llouu-s nun-ciplwlT. A thounnd Lettsr Heading., M.jcicO PURE UAPU SU0AR, ICOR OASE, lined, ton onlf IS. mirktt iflurdi, t Ullipi O'ttlt.'lllv Ictlil so bun] 1 litre tl n Gr 7 thro^Lt the space ct It-manUra Won FoaiLL LOTXES orim Biao- lor the pcopoee rfth e navenieot wti-iing TO THE UNFOBTUHATE OFFICIAL STATEMENT :•-."rMirtdst trm rartiATea id iTb*IdCttyl / a lint trine; And wbere twe or esore nm ix KAIOU. _ Vends, ataeeaod titm Bolter. -. reins ttalte.the oldest eeieto location . TBS nnncT tattmr**tw ra I eciurze uTorthy to tttt for Ckrittutaa, THE1 than take the veto below tna past of LK. amis OF CLAIMS nrmiadicaallMaickttt latSttitct rStro- P BrttAdoy. Wedding,. er fer Prt- TUESDAY.;; .'.SJfeBl/ABY 19, ISSI Baton, tadaSlat tB tba specs tf tetaseo- 'rrrkKtamrj.tar ea. In and ler Ihaeoaatr ct Itmy.—TAT. foo. v Against *ba Comity of Storey, IL •OnTSTscasirt Hli (JaBDnOEa.—SoOn aattatioa purposes* generally, KemrT **•***» B" — cro&on at b»!nct.—Is lhe usma Uw City ot Virginia and the thc JctBkB at PH. B. MD-Aj, Mf UeSb4SUff Town of Qold w-", ns .allowed rem tStteac Fmsoast to in ordered On U. S. MINING LAWS. ' Thi* Screes* Gcroz is I*- B. Barbara BnScg, InJftcf lhi mid DWiw S'rXJJJ-ElB'S . aotA MircL snd Sept, e*A by tbo Board of County Oom- OKHwUa U, berehj jl™ 10 »S»^«~- hirbea, whCTTrer 3^«5 mlralonera of Etorey Ooanty. *• — ilia nld fc*t*rn«. ru. 8- ttarphy. u BIRDS OF NORTH AMERICA ifta*lnt>.>as~a whole pi°* A •nicirMn'bi raid •oSr^tacerca He-rada at tbelr meetiog held Ccurt.otSe^-^-- * -" "~'* *'"** Cbntalns ons hundred and . nlueleen toregaJterj. Glvtswholo- tales; on which sre irpnaented all of cm-i0aTio~r roe r*w»v. ssle priocs -Ercrf toantnmu n oo sll goods January 7, A, D. 1884- or bmfa, upwards ol seven hundred. Ofor personal or family ore. Tells bow StG-rej Cocn^ Kill Allowed. rtAncoaie^ It OBJ they eta, wby tire TnyrrtA ISTHTlCiLLt DUCH Attlt p. — to ordtr, and f^ytt eisd cost of every­ ami botAnil. afcoold ni* beiruud,v>d aa ooiatxa rBOM Hnmr, with Matt.Csmavan...... (150 00 uuogwratra,at Us estate be rcade,ial WW it of their thing yon osei eat. drink, wear, or hsve dbdaratd from Ui dcfctl ud nabiStfca, '- text idrioe n popular si—•*- urlbAtAwr, run retooed, tat m^. be fan with. These bvaloable books eon- tsbili and rharacterfitlcs •ftfflS Sfetldtng, Til* ttrottsj vi™, ir fqnred scxnil UKn*» « " pmun ct the omSioni ct theHituls each eaae node aad mrUed; and In Ibe ma- Akee a nrfal ipaarlo rntataa, rkblr lain infbrmalioo gleaned from Ihe mir* li^ii^aa% apriexitodlij'ht ypcoh ot ' -- J. P. FUnnlagliiin KO OO jlTwISeatton wDl to rejected W trt* of the world. We will nuil a eopv leacs ra aa alnwil eaflnheJ cateirt- [en. . t&oean ivocmffiics afilml nld lnsLriiv-t at the d***rfpUoo of the prrtnlttm at a who osenimr certitmr the toBerrrara: train ol Bajai White Witerd laUla... PreotonnyeddreMuponrcttipt of the ootbri rjmifotat,ualmtxAahtttal by tatm- George Brown - 3« 00 Wltoe^ my harA raA Omataltt old Oaart, EQMaa tralhcr---. seoasorlwnfficIsBt. J.A.i.teDfceni |=0 00 . Application tor patent wiU be rejected postage—7 crsta. Let os hear uom yon. it inb dir rf ttraury, A. D- IS9t roQTurkrr Morocco... Corner o?8«*# Tayior st& raxmt, eaek rpxt naJer the *j«, pda^biie DenahrNevfc 250 00 J. t. FLAEfliiaaHAM, Clerk. Lmi. rit^-itt- In the OIK rent Ek* ths rmffing P. M. Gntun, Atfr ttrpctiaoarx. Eegiecifany, J Oeorgo Hennint TOO TO Tie edition, which Is limited tn a FJnt-The notice wu pohUihed with- -•' rattllec t* d»rfc«fc nwaifo*— J.H. Pcraetoy 200 00 Hit la «t tha >ncraiaAgo tf tbt ikeyMet. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO- J, vtaincit of lhe Hoi* m lOtnnd copies, will be ready for dtllvei J A. Ballard - 1» 00 :• . Seawd-llewUeewu not peMWuw — *atttTakotk Atettur, OlmlU Ucnlrf IMOteA, km tf cm 1 mtnerihen tn December of thli yesr. T_B.Gr»y..... --- 50 00 Is a newspaper dsdgssled U published l&rrctAhlrxr&r&nTtn, -pr TUB BDTXicr cotKT or IHB Charles Bawson Vt 00 1 Fbil Jndidil DMrfcl U tht BtaU of E«- Endorsed bythe Highest Authority. rearest the dalm. ' -•: , . , . „ ^m nxleij, kss of uxsaory, beetle flalxs, AaKEdwards 12J0O lada. In and tea tha County ol SURT.— Third—Bewird title wu fonnd defeet- FARKEH'8 •piraflea and varioot ffuj<*oes about the met, LeeMeGown 150 00 /AMES AKDEBgOX anlnnIlLlCBEDITOBa. rran Da ELUQT hzTTtd now, laea triii, trrafbi, etxasmp- —Sotfce to CrnUtorsoTlSKl rent.'la the Bit­ IA, AferlABfrt,- Hat Ojmfefriiia'ct BnijK, T^onrUi--A pwitoia' appUcatlen had James Bnen 12! « ter of tbs pettilen of Jimei ArAenaa. ~ -Key f Berth Amerie been msde fee the suns premise^ which aEMack.. _ 120 00 Lnolrenidebtor. Pursainttoso order of 1 Job PriaUv fcUhlUha,,,, TorkFelmtste 77 17 Boo. Bkhant Elrins, loirt ot Iht nil D* wu withdrawn pendfnr a suit fn or— OoortB-Jtkuli hereby rfi in to ail tta tre totmnenced by ths advem claimant. National Guard -• 7S 00 in tt» bUtt ol Seridk Emmet Guard 75 00 at d Iba sild itariTral, timet AEdsm, .. ... , it arm tnrtnirt- An application for patent wOl U te aid uorkfin |h«aU JoAtw in i^n BatterrA.... 75 00 HileruJaiiig. al a reaarmahle prict. ected when the mrv» »*• oot ao i&gCoon-roca otnUCourt, stih- ^j, TrrmpiBrra, lec^th of Ume tbe dmie 1 J. P. Flumfeghara 1 50 iy perfactlj reiiablo. Tbi tcchnicil -Itlr define tba boundaries at tha daim. Attnaed, ind hire medkinf* nanpUy l Laxnt-bocas to sxld eounty, on Ihs James Walker S 00 ton ll turned, t-dpf that ascd ky 11 Where ths -Wo wu not located in ao .^1 .— . j T coA^i- to t battnilholoci*m*( thlieoontn.- - LaEdwudi 17000 r>pily-fffth Day if rcbeuarr, A- P. ISM. ordihr-4 with law. Ordy thai art bexe£cat Al 1* o'clock a, a- et thai diy. then sod Ihtn rnra Psof. Hmr A. Wiu. of Ward'* Ni *HflI 17000 Where ssrersl parties own separate and to (be lolpiixl her In ihow ante, U u; tbej aa, »hy lhe tnjer ri uralSdcnca ECahluhmecil. dlrtfnct ****rrttone of a daiii^ sjiplksaon aadtlrryt F.B nid taalnait tbtrabt not be tnated, and he l - "lu rrcaUysIeued wlUi your ™t on 1 OUS @@OCTE o». for patent msj be made br efther Ut (hit F. Boeels 57 55 iiadmjrf hera las ieUt ind Bihffilles, In Hrdi ot North Amnlca. Tt* piatia icir*, lamideAtolAT put of the CnfeB. lAtnm •wConof Un claim etraed by him • tat Kettora ttf THtt&ICelli U Eny irFiirfBiIr RF. Wallsce pnrmaoee ef th* pnrriakmof tba Rats*"" ai t«tBg both locnral* and bcaotlfnl, L where wrenl rautl^ownnniliilded.In­ Poicr-tHvrlWasih tsrSrteJa=eA and a J. A. WIntertnsr 16 00 loch cue Bolt and provided; and tn J lirtfliiliijsdnalihlr.ui'l taltntofrliti wmsatA to prr-rta ftSag tfthchnropd ta re~ meantime ill prjeeeJit*! ie»onorassodatfi*om»parchasass QssC-Mpaay 98 70 r. 1. B. »mB •lany aicer legations ta (he local law ad- NOTIOB Virginia Gas Ccmpsoy 3 50 .. ..'ri.astiKo'^M, a_ a*. (Aiibback,. 10 00 mils, and emtwee Ibem all In ons appli- 0 J. W. WHmnsa, Atfy In prtilirar. Tbe work fl accurately UstelutlJ pr*- cation for a patent Richard Maen 15 00 fag id -mrrd. With Uttptla arJ i Two or more lodes csnnot tie embraced "^rmu^aW^SSt ^ Wiltlim Sutherimd..- 30 50 tn on* applleatlon Iota patent except lor Eoltrrriie PnblilbiEJ Uo « 00 _ H"HyOriT 11 ii thciboA allnctl'a pt,paha 1 plaoer'cufma'embncfng twa Or mori John Jlalfdan 1 00 SHERIFFS SALE. treaattlaaot oar aeallholeay —" - -- •*" . lodes within their bmniJariee. Jovrb Frv^erieks .5. Ill* Consolidation Wilfisin Dale ...'....,.... 1 S T riKTCK OF HIM BXECT- Papers iron to befors so/ person par- BPLENDJO POT PLANTS.siieclaBfi 3-OM **-Z-*E>*B porting to act ui de^rirf or tbt Bepa- osrecf tbr Immediate Biocm.oaihti Jan.MUnraal 13 CO B tlceaa mroeA cm of tha loOlcefl Oonrt Of tex '• and Becefrnr, tanant bereoepfaa u ateryDymanrxatt^d^Atdtetdoacra.BrL^ OF TOWNSHIPS Bell T"]r*jLr»ne Cmiiai>y. " " Tmnhlp Ko. t, la Ihs Ion of OoU HOI, IJdrT^^roUrclioh'O.iaiarf^fcrili If ' lepli FnJeriels gtonr ODUHIT. Buta of Xendi, to Be dinchd far $2}yiofor §31 XOtoraAtJlS f diDy nsi — -*-*- ' ** " George Brown 192 00 •'BliBlStatesjin ot sild property beloL Ihs children, sans sUooj. vltillj wtulMoi COtartj, Hends. lhal lhi wbBo food reqnirrs " 4 npeib wwk."^/*nifiike'*i Vcrkly. andmllr attnolrt mirulne 1) required ihs rhaagwg ct ihe nnniber ot bmahips now A.J. Bealr &S 00 led in the Ton or Cold lllll, Gtonj Oounlr, John Gillig 34 09 iFTada,and luepantely dcecribod ufollovs. "A ireit rat*-.Vorionof reaeArr. • -,-. When the Eagt^deef^teethedillr than, aid BT. (flCHOMS hai nached • hie dLrtlnr In mid rmmtj, and lhal such dun**a "Hi* sumptDoqs work.*—.Veu 1'otk r. fans bl » newvpape'e Ut publication of [JilMna, inl coanamii lor thli servke •) Is m-sAcr ihtniM he nidi egrctml Imm iod John OPIig 6 23 I*»it: Atoot 0«rts£cstes, liter the riagT MOSDAT or JASVARr, ~. C. Haynird, scd lot f, fcloek I, ?i notices of a mining sptjlkalion for patent, h, art and letterv. than any ot . at M.Cole 2 00 "A macaincenl OrnlLboIosl^ Work.". ir contemporarim." The refa • ~l JBS3; ... :. ' ikitacoiiapUitio. sithlaw to change . .. ti Ordered, Thai ill sf the lerrllory In Jtohert Cleator 2 CO ifaqGirlD, ind lot 7, blocs 1, ratm C_ Turf, Field and Farm. Bank Chocks, the weekly edition of the same paper , 'nld rotmlr ol Bl^ej nm Indoded and m- J. P. FLmningbim SM 00 , D.Hnier.indlotli,blockl,runO.. 13* ** Wl cheerfully commend lhe arirk lo I] rautug* of ill. —Ctnaniuf i Ceoimrreial - wfthottt eoflioriiy ol tbp Beetiter*,-: • .fuOr Ulnitialed thin try the extraordinary Hit biaeed In loirwhl w Hoi. On^ Two ind Three George Brawn 13 50 Tie Glem OoM ind BUnr MEsIrvCcm- Pay-Rolli, thereef respedlrelj, ihil*, Irom and liter Ihe Thoe. Grscey 300 90 faay, a corpontlna orEinlaad by lirto* " ll li one of the matt amhlUona public Thseil'ten-dpt aaattsprti-f onatract tlool ever llteniptod In Ihii coon try. "—Clre viand wfthdriwlit from thet-peratlon Flnt atODdty ol JaaoaiT, In Ins jnr ol oar J. A. Ballird - Sa 00 of lhi lias cd lh* Elite of lUmoI* u Tovenen, " lerrd oat l&Dnjand tight hnolrrd and t&hlj- Ihi Elan Cold ind Bitrrr Ulnlni land Leader. KtbabomttUaAtbA pre-etDptfenls** itsdrBj oocUHral «s; thre^ bs Indorsed In and oavtltde hot one 3. If. Pomeroy 73 55 Ctilm. ritailDi] L, Ibe Oold HUI Vlnlnr . " It Is a marvd of beany and eacellecca. . ;-, \ bearing for the purpose ol poring the ""—-*•*- of uld omntj, under lh* nuni ind Wm. Mooney 13 00 Plrtrict, U Tlmt Cheeky LenluH.AIcotl, J. T. Tronbrldce. u - Mfricoitnral chtncier of racklan d & not —-» o of Township finmtcrOn e of fltorej F. M. Conn 200 00 ;. & SrttBtj, and lot 30, block t, nagt Bo work ettndog inch perfn-t '-: aOtrwrf.* land ooolalniiJg valnatle de- CspUln steyaa Held, njslmar ojsrih Cejakty, ffevida John Iivesiy 75 00 Bl and loie, block b, nagt B; and lot Sfflheada, ipeel la "of slate ms* been tered coder the Bsjresen, Banrlce Tlioaiptoa, Franb tl ti further Ordered, Thit Ihtt order be al­ JennisGunn _ 25 CO 53, block 8, nan D; and nit of lot 41, pnhU' " — tered tn fnQ npon the minutes of Ihil Board, block I, nagt 0 M fnfrr Ocean, Chicago. ^mUtltrjfAcU,------.Sloektes, Charles Dn die j Warner, A. Priora. 3000 A(JDBJ*S3^" l-9-rfer heads, ind Hat It bepnblLibed In it letfl ou nen- llooora Moire 30 00 homai la^raiul, ind urt of lot II, block Jesqmln HUItr, EllubeUi fllnan paoer In nld Store/ eonntj-, ' ' 1, nagt l>, ind lot 1 In nld block ud rnelpi, Mrsi-D.T.ITlillnrj, jallan IMrti dip prior lo the timi Bridget Conlsn 18 27 8TUDBE & CO., (Sltote heads, 1 Oawilisrae, Cells naxier, Hs*T llspca * i like rcted tt berdn pro Bridget Conlsn 18 27 II O. Diacjiy, sni'tns i'irA T, block "l, Trlbnae Building, Sen Tore. Uon which tt Is alleged conflict*. Dodge, Ueof. FrederitK Schwalke, And further. -, Tha>iHuui*Bii&ebepc«tet the B d fori Bramsey&lUli... IOO 00 ran^i c, ud lots 1 ud t, bloek 1, Statement^ Irul ooi Pohllc place In each ruge B : 71 W premlKs owned by inch advene elaimut Beu HawifcarneXaibrep, E. B, Dreabs, A-I^Edwirdi .50 00 of the now eifctl**"u* Taimi *" l inl(« nmnberod One, Crosby* Co 3 50 . QEOBOE BBOWS - Ths psperi fa tn sdrerss dalm ona George IT. Cable, Charles C. Leland, Two anl Three, hereinbd J. B. A. Fitters * Dm 23 18 Shtrifl of Stony oooilj, ttftdt DROKESty BLANKS, i-r-uW EW cannot bs wiUtdrsn, bat bewcht s Ssiao Fealnisre Cooper, Aohu a, mu- lhat the Clerk of thb Bnnl mn By Lu MeOo«s, Iteputy. Jala Uiii THE CENTURY te*^"-"l**rtollh<**eeorf,' ;x'^ Tf.-,;. 3./"V; - ration to be made hi tha gunner ai Joi. Frederick* 1 00 ; " n, ni" n\ o. eioddsm, v. p irf•-. O•••'£•: iThea so sdrsrMdtfB hu been filed herrin prorlded, ind thereafter to American Laundry 25 00 Crinib. tUIl VCrtefr% ?j?.-:r-'r^''''veoii]iiienaeKdtfflM- perfi>rni wflhln the batroetka »j hapjflj Utodcd wllb recrntlan F, Bocela - 2 00 Abont sUtymlllioncopies (JTuaSus Handbills, %'.ireetifred time, and If be trmts tbf encer- and ifmaaBent, H.B. Kir 360 re gi-ne oot of our erUbllafanicn! durtnj ;ri-:*/-sii&-tnedinmof ibitXnited Elate* totJl, LYRICS BY DANIEL CCOHNELL J.B.Mallon 13 00 Badgers, ' The fries b ty ajar, or IS cesls a cumber. it Incite monthi. he mast AbiAa the conseinienc-'-*, thonld EootseUcli aemdisiJtrl sod PoUnaiters rr- Robinson Jr. Co 18 SO it'.-'-Wtaa delay ensus through inlifortnns trao- ((re-sf (-UlnL.A statement fa s-eners] • ii ihe ifflce of lhe John Uelow ]2 7S Uoatt squire, sad tben Ihree-qmrtei^of the '' tetrrCA, cubcdyIng:C(Xi«!uMMrdcredieeTidenoa: ... (Pceklii (£tl)tonitle. Keller it BiUhebler 37 15 Toe Bill Isnrlllen forth* Inhibltuta ol :7.ij-'.••-.:%•:• An sdrens dilatiot sbonld show a Ellen Hayes 15 00 Ujl cure Itrlp cd tlilallljtvoci rMsrilsnes with the local laws in record. J. A. Conlnfe 21 00 rlrdl, globe twrnij*-scven or tvtniy-cLibi A Ifevelrlle br 11 !.'¥> •/' ^nghbdslsiaad laregard to npadl- Mn. C. Canty 20 00 ASD ffieWW RATra. • '=: ;•>;•• tc-isa*,' Sad AaH fib a copy rf ths original J. A. Stephens 0 00 Ir every bmeroli cepj ol TBi Strs darln/ ^H; «c*W rf Mi locstfon. and show i Ihs AN ELEGANT LITTLE GIFT F. W.Fobom 40 18 •fix,•matcira"oe crieat rf the Conflictafleced, TWO DOLURS A YEAR. A. M. Cole - 300 Lhe past jcu has irenl only ore boor 1 i;S '-'v Aaafle^ifatt tf ptttlta toasnltthal for fcady Friends. Mn Jane Noo 3 00 Ud U Wl all* cr hii graDdTaUicr hai - ^Uiero-enpTss Un>compsoyls aoaiclent, J. C. Hampton & Uo, TBO uotber hour, thli oev^uper In isst A Xoveirile hy Eoberl Craul. 1 ."svi-ri-saej tboj ant cot reotured to prove that U.C. Baker _.. 03 82 fordid the hnmui net thirteen tbonnni -:'"rt Tttey'see' tbS .orig&it locatcn tar th* ISSUED TUB8DAY. J. B. Mallon , 6 60 of tteuly ruvKDc diy ud nlgbl tilled "An Avcnia Vu --• llur'j „l The CbraolrAi GS Otaat b lhe only ta ~^p: traraooskl, Fsrtles 'Who pnsented tbe VISITING OARP8 | It Li oiuy by Utile cnlcalatioiii IA, Turk •---•:'5 sdrarsedi£*v " Virginia City Bills Allowed. Ihe Brend-wlnneri. one ai ibem ta tha StfQfJ&tte -npiwl to Aa « nunu ta-iTM, Virginia Out Company t210 oyvslas for EraoLEOonKi_ ,TE.I C GIIt-Kdced, Hand-Pnlnlect, J. Miller. 15 ,: spfeoIiBril ponwse^ but fs asssBltal (o lappnl Corners, nnd Plain. A. Sandrodr IB ,- :: the jM«r d*rve£»iiM-nt rf mining dslms. L Juit Beociielilllw John Hnow.: 100 It tboold be disposed rfnode s tbe mining nmaraEi u A, D. Pottle 75 posrm WORK Contains all the Hows of the CHRONICLE PRIHTINC OFFICE, Con. Maboney C Coa>IUg Aboal I Where lands containing valnaUe Junes Cummfogs 11 *i j-.;;.*-' Idnsnl dmeits bare bees fndnded In ao Fast Seven Days. AT jaeatuttht Hon Elrsnt Dcelgu mir IlliiiintBl , npfcolHirsl entry, said entry will be can. •unei Irani Ihe 1 .-r- ;' cded U enjMfms prior to Issuinoa of : B. Prick.." ;;.,-,-:-•_ .nstesf, npon aatkfsctory evidence of the Oomatoclr. Mining Eoportt,, Wster Company '':-";*• Iristenoe offneb ralttabla dsposils. log «llh all On Ibe Trscli or Tlyni Court BopOrtt, John Ballet] • Where vslaable deposits of mlncial an roTernmtnt, ud which thmfor* believe 1 yacht-emif* la the Uralllem A. Mine i><:.ducoTcred opon n tract after the asms Local Nova of the Weok, hi male ol UlyEw on bli r O.O. Biker. lh* Bepubllcaa inrtymoil go, ud muti :. nubeenenlered u ifrieoltoral, bnl be- Births, Kafrlagia and Deaths, Wm. Mooney •lis ootnlrgysar of onr Lord, 1BL :,•, • ^Arspaleet her, beenTbined, the parties irfleld la RBglind." citnrti inn -Editorials on Ootrent Topics, Enterprise Pobllihlng Uo.., •attloumal ke|.i durlur a trip lu hu- BLANJI 8§0E WORK •£; .fWidngths inl-**in«ymakaara>Ucsl!on Electric Lighter 11 you kno* Tns 6cw, rem 111* It ilrndy l , ( ,i l Enterprise Publlihlog Co.. ***>?*. *!SJ f * " i »»dthes^cDltnr»l Xiitorestiiiii Zdiscoilany. ind |OU wll] rcsd It irllh locultonud dills ie allrerad* rqaaiicn,' bj r.oim : Examiner Pnbllihlng Co •;- -:-.i-:-te.tar;*JH:bscanceledtolhat portlonei and profit ilorlirg whit is larr lo b* the y.y^-r- thebpdembnoed tvuUmliilnsi-ialm. PRICE, 86. William Pennlion lnte--itln*]r»r In lublilory. II yuo iii Joe Iloey.. •i^:.; Wfcers-ninersl OWMIUsrsdbeovared yet know Tni Srs, l> H blgh Uo* to gd OHE DOLUBfQBSIX MONTHS SCIENTIFIC AND ECONOMICAL AP- F.D.Piuukett ;.-.?' onSBrienltnrallandaafter ths paUnthu the ninihlne. -..;'l«e, lamed to en agricnllnial claimant. . puaiailor Ibhiliur.Ior Ilomi, ** * Bitnuel Horn . 100 00 : " . Afypus,wItlilhapsUnt.i - PetorFsrrell .. 100 00 tarrym— -v, - AitricnltoriJooUegascrip csnnotbe Con. Atom . 100 00 Teimi lo Bill SBUcrlbcrs. lnri.IT Wauis ind niben, liimininl 1. raredlnpn-rmentfi-eclilind.' P. Fitrgersld. . 100 00 on iporl UKI adrenlure, ihrri itorlii bi M, Foley The lerrial edlUoni ol Tns Bra in sent bv mm, , . 10000 null, ftttpild ai (align: leading •Hitn, esnyi on llmely suljrcu. OVB rigSS)Sffot ftuvn-M E*axLX&"sr* s Archls Klkln a 100 00 DAILY-W cents • moBth. oe 1 veir; BaUcilpltoa Fil(i, |i t yru ; ilegle nan - A forelfner may make a mminin g location Cu lishtlns. Oir tureiar iliioi W. A. Flaherty . 100 00 Kundiy edition, 81. end dispose of Ii, provided ... __ocliid lhal toe Intruder II lonirdl- Wm. Terry . 10 00 SUNDAY— light pa«et. Hill edition lamiihcs receln mbaoriptioai Tr renliian™ mt •;-. i,v,.,-~Mlii becomes» sldr coDlronled althallebl and a boll ilain nuds direct to to* jntliihiri bt |i la inr put ol lh, > DR.-1 MARK H.BRYAN fnSVeeWaa. ;•:, tonnsl Is In.progress, Irttt olhtv parties are Wvary Kelp BhtUr, per dozen ,. Slue al rueOubla rata Andrea, ; 1 11 V i }, , TV d»l»rred_ from pronriKtlog for B. J. 1TATEBS, 35 South C Stroot, '.blind lodes or running toiineU, so lona ru ItiSlnlirfBhdli pifdwen „ (I SODA WATER, fiVtay. Vttp without the ttae of tveb Oold IIIU. Nmii IDYES UTHUTUtgfgSj AT AJfT TlO. ill vulilfa Beth UJ)iltVpc7 doKiL lis to u UlNEBAl WATEBfl srABKUNO HIHE3 AND fem,M r-- Tb rriehlIirnnted h tenntl oiinsis WWIspipHhelHp»r^S;™^.^„ H - (tnu.) U Prepsreil Is di All Hindi ef i-inln ; .to \.m f«t of each blind lode, not pro. I'liotogmpiis Enlarged, In Crayon, AlLCARSOHATUSEViBACtS T A tioZinam. BnB^ShillTTtrdM^,.;... t J3^^JF!^»°C«"S «, |"-S tVSan- »"'> «»>«1,I« TO ALl, BIKES, AT TBIOES APPARATUS, HATfRIAlS AHB ACOISSOniES '^iMftss'iioonii ••'.' ron IUKUFAOTUSIHO, DISFEHIIM Bolow Ban fraaolaoo Baloa, rniurrjn-iiri: Huxirmw, udbjl JOB PRINTING MDi80minOLW|TH FUU. •JseiHinliPst^••11 . hitin.,,„„>„, iMulifn,r ..__ Onnicuin"aria,. Gpeed/ rcl'oi*fi,li and CmOHim (WB OFFICE. IAT Hit WorV and Good LUunwm Oiuu. INSTRUDTI0K3. . 0 11 .vhl^titseh'otw.pgSfi;? i Ited. Bipd tddrau b. B. i. WATEHS, Ortd Ceisfivuiafiil upon ofplitninn tr..t"* I™* ™ ™n lo ilM',111IlriMii, VimV100n1 .ed 11% Wrnir,- ah. wm Mil with tampts •;.fWl WTWP 1*4 wm^Sa%rr%\ Iht llrte of JOHN UATHIEWB, tint ATu-M, Wih tid if in lifMif, flrS Ink i'Xiwi, uick, THE LOWEST RATES I
