Mtai 109. Vol. XSIV.-No. VIRGINIA,. NEVADA: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 18B4! 25 Ots. PER WEEK. "TMIPE." rrl', why don't tome of your rinh ...,.., DclInqneDt Soles, -iKotlce of Assessment. (frilling QTl-nmffi*- The Miserable Hen who Ent II. like Vauderbilt or Astor appropriate Delinquent Sales, (Lsramli Poomnsnfc.l «y (1,000,000 for tbe abStition: of g.TA tlLTEM nnntl fXHIPAST*— = = There wai a prculiir banquet di' CORPIO* SILVER UUIHO COM- MICHAEL'M'GRATH'S PAH T. — Location of prtoelfal place Ltxatloo of prlaeipal place of binlnc*, * sS^^^^ " in Mew Vork last wrsk, abnnt 100 S *rrancisixvCk]if«tiIa.~lAatlea of worki. Id do It. The credit of the emanci­ oi budneea Bta,Frmeiico, CtSiforoii tooi- ^r*M*° merabert of the "tripeleague"«;ttinK Uoo of works, VTr^ihi, aiy, Btorey e. * A' nib C Slreel down to » dinner of tripe. There were pation wonld reit with the donor of ibe WINE HOUSE Nevada—Nou»—Ibere are delliwuenl 011/, oinrE—fe^ money, nud hs fordrer a monument to the lollowing-deecriborl atock, oo accouu, ™ J Directors, held on the fifteen differept klnda ol dliheiinade of No. 24 Sonth C Street. «feiwlent(Ro.lI)IeTiedonlli eisblbday o( a ddin^uen „_„, „.-»^a,,, ^Jf, an aMesmcul (Na. 13) hia memory." ( dticiiboi ilock , (No. ynracxitrema aim. tnpe, tho bill of fire was printed ou Jinuiryi 1641, the several unounW «t oppojtte cf Twenty-Ive (ib) Cents per ioire u%» levied " Docs the General go into inciot lh» names ol the respective ihileholdus, aa UJl.rled oh IheKOh diyef December, laa nan Ihs cuflal it«k of Hia eorporuicia, ray. tnpo and each gueit wore a buttonhole T THIS PLACE IIIErlB BA! JUST Several imoimls Sot oppoelte the names of un "Noj ho does not care for mnoh u..- '*en ircHrod larn Involcei ol ible Immsduildy, tn United S**ttt p)U coin, to bouqnit made of tripe, colon " ' ' b'ly, and is very temperate. The celebrated bunds ( tejjcalte •hUtlloliicM, ss ftaowti tbs Secretary, at the oflics cf the company, £JItf«lbs ' ^..ftreaHoflir. tate natural Ho wen. Ho, Bo; Hoomi S and 6, No. 901 Uciotgmery itreel. 1'rinco of Wale* sent for him one day. Bin FraodKO, California. Any ilock upon ErJiTtV «.•**>_•_-•• • ..TVsnly-Srs Cento It it laid th* men aeemed to en]oy liking bim to bi*e*hr»it with him. lie . flames. Oert. Eiafea. ,Am'i lhe dinnt WHISKIES: Altin*-nTT&Oi>,[n 20 f 10 Dl •hleh Ihil amencnent ihill.Ttmiin nupal^ oa THK WKKKLY CHBONICLB It though how on earth any. replied if the Priuoi wanted to hlk AtkInsooTTiOii,Tri...eiOoS In in body csn t 1 -----„, - myitery to nine. Horsey Bve and tbe celebrated Areomot Oeo B Bajlcy, Tnutee bal.. tats liniineu. and smoke' a cigarette with Oeo B Bsrle. Trmiee THI Ba; eyQ B. Tnulee, bil..l&°3 TtdrA diy of atlrOt, ISSI, tenlhi of Ibe hnr Whiskies, Iii, Otid-a Bour Hath direct Irom the HIJITV a it. Trustee. «•«• bto Bin bedellnquebty and adTertlecd lor nle it f.roily. Tripe ft bim for half an hoar he would be glad lilitillcry, Jesse KoaiVi rimous Whlskvind B Q Brooke, liurlee 1*90 to visit him. If not be would hive'to "-1TOD, Tnutee. public auction, aid. unles panienl Is made mide from tho lirpe—well, you ell J. IL CoUcr-i OK H II Bsrllng, Traits IOCT ey a B, Trurles, — before, will bs sola on Woodsj*. the Wtb dar of ESdVrt ef Yl™ud» o* Wj«L• •*0*' dEoIIne the pleisuro. It miy be added CSBichelder, Tnutco bsl.fSSl STTl-j rf M PSi* new*, Unhs, rmi- know whit tripe is without cur drilling eyOB, Tnutee... Ifani.JlSH. to piy the drfinqnent itono. that tho Frinoe icnt him a iroond note UsiilO Bacon, Truitee 1133 ment, togctbtr utth CCsts ol adrattrliig a the column I of a pious paper by detorib- BRANDIES: Crocker *8nt Jim, Tr. USS i>i eyO B, Tnutee.,..,.-«,, .. Ing It, It ia no more intended to be detlriog hint totisll aad talk iipon m»t- Bu ey a B, Tnutes 56817 ~ to expenses of lale. By."—'-- -• ••— ™ • It a Ciapdil', Traltrli ....till Ei; eyO B.|Tnutet..,...WlU bo eaten than the horns aod booffi and Msof'btuintsx'" W O Cnndall, DIreclora , - WU. H " Doet he read rery much !" w a Cnndall, Trance (ITS btx eyOB, Tnutee......fcYtA 10 ..Offlee-HA tOl HcnlgMawy lire persons wbo eat It do lt to be ecoentno. Btrleya l),-TrH«M....iiBia --B0 "He reads nothing bnt tbo newt- •VDCmiuiII,Tniiiee.....Cl?l ind {*, Bah l*nnd«ft Calitonili. Occasion illy vttt roe a man order Bsj ey O B.'Tnui6.......1iU(i0 100 •• papers.", ' . , .. .; Oeuuloe Holliml Oiu, Iriih snd Scotch Whis­ COM ADavn Truslee. t»x Biv er o B, Tnutee, tni..WBO SO Iripost a hotel; bnl he always looks kies, Ah and Porter, Old Burgundy, Port and John Crotker, TnuUe 7IBJ - Sherry, and CiUIomla Wines and Bundles. ItetloyOB,-TruiUe,b*l..»nS- S) . hsid, ar though he hated himtelf and Coffln, Birders in k Cook,. (I.yI.yaB,T^tatee......'«ue 3d -PAMT. — Location o. , ._. for ihe Evening Ohronlclo. ButhPhll.tnutee:..... .63911 - S "" . anli./v Hfrada—LoatioHenda n ol eterjbody eta. He tries to look •• CIGABS AHD TOBACCO. ,...C00T 100 ID OO -pue. o* '-- - - - • !JiW!lE'»lii.Tnulees....41(»W'i- G thonj;h he enjoyed it, hot be doc* not W h Duocin i Trustee. ....MSI 6 CahlllEACo,Tra^e s.-jnaj. W ££..: R.r.llof*'" Tripe ii indigestible, aud Jouka Uke au I wm nil my roodsObesper lor cub thin an WLDOncan.-ntiilH other boose in lhl dty. m-psADsr*. lruiteei...lll» 10 India-rubber apron for a child lo alt on. WLDooon, Truitee (MI6 DoFefcPavbtj TruMeel,..m(l t l) day of Febimry. ISSI. an as — Ilenry Mooter Kememter, that it tha place. HOL tl B*L Duncan; Trnslee .fflSO ..,— ») Of Plliv OenU (60c) par ibu. > When it Is picked it looks like dirty cuiteWiiico. Trs„..iaHa 10 H Clirke WH4Co.Tis,.,.E*Cei7 M levied ou lhe capital itock ol thb corporation, ...Orer A Colllni clothes put to roaki and wben it ii cook­ Mir beet of' LIquori, , Brindlej, BDlnimJre*rruJtee.liiJ"".l»«0 piyahle Immediately, la Lulled Etilts rcll eolo, .......T, (f, Bfoi Ctuke W II A Co. Tn..,.63001 10 P»- ing it Juoib u though tbe cook wit U toil A EL, IfcGRATII, Pioprietor. liwtein 4 Co, 1*imtec,...t5!t Clarke WII A Co. Tts;...6W79 M totjie Secretary, at lie office of the Coup*",?. Jaires Horrtl S Eilnnji, Trurtee... •,. .(ISl Bocm ho. S gemUBIod^Ko. Vf) 11 ontgomen tMTT_ .M.Oallsher boiling s dishcloth. Oa tho isblo it nuteAToit.Tnutets,. ..00000 10 W EdwiMs, Trurteo ISiS . Yurt, Tnute Itreel, Bsn rtandacs, C looki tike glue, tnd tutei like s piece Franki A Ony, Truiecs ttsx ...Knit*, A IAWI Frinki A Cray, Trmtcci BandCrion nOook,M -f (,11 silk nmbrrlls cover. iruncci I..63JD3 .11 y. Cray J OUlon, Tnulw,... ....tni im W. Btatlngi A ttomscb that it not lined witb cor- YOUNGS' SALOON. CnndiU, Geo B, TmsiM..17110 Priday.thi rourtoenth (lltb) Day ot March, J GUIOP, Trutce, bal Caltagan, Lynch ft Co,. ,.. IX A. Tburitou ated iton would be turned wrong .V.8M1 tO Trustees, tul I!S» S> mt by tbe imcll of tripe. A rain Korthind Booth,for "more of Uuleleginf No. 27 Sonlb C Street {Singleton's J cilljol Truitee'.".".'.' - , .— __—.p«jment II made ;;.o%. eating tripe at a bi.UI Uble look, like lotacoa™ Then, ten men ran in tmk '—*-' L U Oather '««OIT. lfowiieoii*TaB»nuin,ni Bulldin-*-), bclorL wm be told on Wednesisy, tbs second -1 Arctic explorer dining on hia boot*, pin* iod pick of tha Oolden Bdt, ind tho I ...O Cneoowelb Agents fur Ibe lam™ . t,**wut« tbtl • chewing plecet of frozen rtw dog. Uurbim Dnli is lha trademark cd thla. tbe W O quroett. Tnute Tttt * 100 EppiUlnACo,'Iit.hiI...UoI7 • You cinnut look at a min citing LaltoucmiinUnTorld. DlaekinsT. Bull MOoQmin, trifle., tr ..ILLIAU WILLia, SecnUry. tripe bnt ho will blnrh snd look UnihimBinoUDgTohicocihuthituifeal HORSEY RYE WHISKY Franks A Oiar, Trustees..Ml40 OUaCS-Boom No. t3, BivaaaBL""- *--- *™ Halo A licSeco, Trcit Ffirlri S Guy, Tfiuleet..69681. though ha wanted to apologise and c Wrir' Blmrij-boaam Ul. Ualut AH Hale A Oi. TnulM... FrinklAGlfy. T-nfiUes<.ai01f detlersbirelL Trade-mirtof IhoDnlL Anl I. Younnr-l Geo QI lick oi A C.,Trr..I(K)l rlnce yon be it taking it to tone np hii GiHne O llkkui & Co, system. A woman never eats tripo. FINE QUO BOURBON. IkttitCfai, bit 7475 KencRose BILVSB There fi ni,t money enough in thi Also, Apnll tor 0 K IlM*era.Co,Trnit.. CO) lion/. Tnutee..: S0WI H HI »UPANY.^a«.tIoiinfprina Ofid to hire a woman to take a comei II D Hia Ki, TnulM.. i.:. .00!} «UonJ,Tnirtee tWOl 1«0 dpsl place of braduotj, Sin Pmidico, Cslifor. of a ihcet of tripe in her teeth ind try THE CELEBRATED MOUNTAIN BEER IVillerliuiIngi.Tn, btl..1111 OJIlon J, Ttuije* trait 100 atx—LocttJoo c* nurti, YlrgiiJa lllnlng Dto- Hireni A On^rnisU, baI..7EH tdd, Btovy county, Kerada. — Nolle* ia to pull off a piece. She woold - >: TSK::. Hi, BIglauer. Truitee OB3 ... ft Op, TniileiiV-'fa hereby glren, that itameetlnsof tbe Board before she would plice the ie, « A Jiction, Trurlee 1113 10 00 trier I A Oo, Trus, bil.,6'* 600 rfDlrieiots,DcId on Ibe 13th di» of Jiauary- —hide between her lipt.
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