Los Angeles, California, May 20, 2014 MINUTES of SPECIAL MEETING
Los Angeles, California, May 20, 2014 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF WATER AND POWER COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES HELD IN ROOM 1555-H MAY20, 2014 10:17 A.M. Meeting called to order by President Mel Levine and roll called: Present- Connnissioners: President Levine Jill Banks Barad Michael F. Fleming William W. Funderburk, Jr. (in at 12:38 p.m.) Christina E. Noonan Absent- None A quorum present. IN ATTENDANCE were the following: Marcie L. Edwards, General Manager Martin L. Adams, Senior Assistant General Manager- Water System Gregory J. Black, Director of Budget and Cost of Service, Financial Services Organization Joseph Brajevich, Assistant General Counsel, Water and Power, CityAttorney's Office Richard M. Brown, General Counsel, Water and Power, City Attorney's Office Randy D. Howard, Senior Assistant General Manager- Power System Randolph Krager, Electrical Engineer, Power System Matthew M. Lampe, Chief Information Officer Philip Leiber, Chief Financial Officer, Financial Services Organization Shannon C. Pascual, Director of Human Resources, General Manager's Office Joseph M. Ramallo, Director of Connnunications, General Manager's Office MichaelS. Webster, Power Engineering Manager, Power System David H. Wiggs, Chief Administrative Officer Also, in attendance: Camden Collins, Ratepayer Advocate GuyLipa, Mayor's Office Dr. Frederick Pickel, Executive Director/Ratepayer Advocate, Office of Public Accountability ITEM NO. 1 -Opening remarks by the Connnission President on agenda and other items relating to Department operations. SPECIAL MEETING OF COMMISSIONERS (Continued) MAY20,2014, 10:17 A.M.Page2 ITEM NO. 24- Bid No. 7536 for Asphalt Concrete Road for the Beacon Solar Project. Award to California Pavement Services, Inc.
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