2503 Eastbluff Dr., Suite 206 Newport Beach, California 92660 Fax: (949) 717-0069 Matt Hagemann · Tel: (949) 887-9013 Email:
[email protected] August 22, 2012 Gideon Kracov Attorney at Law 801 S. Grand Ave, llu' Fl. Los Angeles, CA 90017 Subject: Comments on the Beacon Photovoltaic Project Dear Mr. Kracov: We have reviewed the July 2012 Draft Environmental Impact Report ("DEIR"i for the Beacon Photovoltaic Project ("Project"). The Project proposes to build a 250-megawatt solar generation facility on approximately 3.6 square miles of land four miles north of California City in Kern County, California. Project components include: • A photovoltaic (PV) solar power generation facllity containing approximately 972,000 panels; • 230 ki lovolt overhead transmission line; • Operations and maintenance building, parking lot, office, and sewer system; and • Access roads (DEIR, p. 3-9). We have reviewed the DEIR for issues associated with air quality, hydrology and water quality, and ha za rds and hazardous materials. The DEIR fails to adequately disclose potentially significa nt impacts from Project constru.ction on workers and offsite r eceptors. A revised DEIR needs to be prepared to adequately disclose and analyze these impacts and provide mitigation, if necessary.· Air Quality The Project is located in t he Eastern Kern Air Pollution Cont rol District ("EKAPCD") and the M ojave Desert Air Basin ("MOAB"). Both the EKAPCD and t he M DAB are designated non-attainment for PMlO (DEIR, pp. 4.2-3, 22). Significant emlssion.s of P:MlO and its contributing sources, such as NOx, will lead 1 to a worsening of regional air quality.