1942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 8721 Mr. McGEHEE: Committee on Claims. lJ, in this temple of the people's hope There being no objection, the state­ R. 7518. A bill for the relief of Bernice reverently pause in a little shrine of ment and messages were ordered to be Pyke, Arthur P. Fenton, Carl E. Moore, and Clifford W. Pollock, without amendment qUietness, lest we forget whose ministers printed in the RECORD, as follows: (Rept. No. 2622). Referred to the Committee we are. From the framing of laws and STATEMENT ISSUED BY THE WHITE HOUSE RE• of the Whole House. the forming of policies h<;>lding in their GARDING THE AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE reach the woe or weal of the common­ IN AFRICA PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS wealth, we would come amid all the shat­ In order to forestall an invasion of Africa tering events and tempestuous emotions by Germany and Italy, which if· successful, Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public of our time to an inner sanctuary where would constitute a direct threat to America bills and resolutions were introduced and the world's angry voices die and . Thou across the comparatively narrow sea from severally referred as follows: alone art real. western Africa, a powerful American force, In drab days of bitter loss which must equipped with adequate weapons of modern By Mr. HEBERT: warfare, and under American command, is H. R. 7758. A bill to authorize the use of be endured on the way to final victory today landing on the Mediterranean and part of the United States Capitol Grounds for the right, strengthen our he~rts that Atlantic coasts of the French colonies in east of the Union· Station for the parking we faint not. In glad days of jubilation, Africa. of motor vehicles; to the Committee on Public when the forces of freedom make tyranny The landing of this American Army is Buildings and Grounds. tremble, may our elation grow out of the being assisted by the British Navy and Air By Mr. McGEHEE: sacredness of our goal of a free world. Forces, and it will, in the immediate future, . H. R. 7759. A bill to provide for the reim­ Wherever we serve in this great struggle, be reinforced by a considerable number of bursement of certain Navy personnel for divisions of the British Army. personal property lost as a result of the dis­ molding the age to come, may we be ever mindful that stm stands Thine ancient This combined Allied force, under Ameri­ aster at the East Base, Antarctica, on March can command, in conjunction with the Brit­ 21, 1941; to the Committee on Claims. sacrifice, an humble and a contrite heart. ish campaign in Egypt, is designed to prevent So may the words of our mouths and the an occupation by the Axis armies of any PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS meditations of our hearts be acceptable part of northern or western Africa, and to in Thy sight, 0 Lord, our strength and deny to the aggressor nations a starting Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private our Redeemer. Amen. point from which to launch an attack against bills and resolutions were introduced and the Atlantic coast of the Americas. NAMING A PRESIDING OFFICER severally referred as follows: In addition, it provides an effective sec­ By Mr. McGEHEE: The Secretary

rank of rear admiral, for temporary service, William Hubert Darby, Tampico, lll., in Francis G. Burford, Longton, Kans., 1n while serving as Director of the United States place of H. W. Darby. Incumbent's commis­ place of F. G. Burford. Incumbent's com­ of America Typhus Commission, to rank sion expired June 23, 1942. mission expired June 23, 1942. from the 4th day of November 1942. CUrtis E. Veach, Valier, Ill., in place of C. Elizabeth Mansfield, Lucas, Kans., in place Capt. Walter S. DeLany to be a rear admiral E. Veach. Incumbent's commission expired of Elizabetn Mansfield. Incumbent's com­ in the Navy, for temporary service, to rank June 23, 1942. mission expired June 23, 1942. from the 16th day of May 1942. Grove Harrison, Viola, Ill., in place of Grove Noah D. Zeigler, Oakley, Kans., in place IN THE COAST GUARD Harrison. Incumbent's commission expired of N. D. Zeigler. Incumbent's commission June 23, 1942. Prof. (temporary) Jerry B. Haag to be a expired June 23, 1942. Floyd E. Madden, Willow Hill, lll., in place Cecil C. Pember, Olathe, Kans., in place of permanent professor in the United States of F. E. Madden. Incumbent's commission C. C. Pember. Incumbent's commission ex­ Coast Guard with rank of lieutenant com­ ·expired June 23, 1942. pired June 23, 1942. mander, to rank as such from September 9, INDIANA Lovisa J. Peacock, Protection, Kans., in 1940. place of Vie Peacock. Incumbent's commis­ POSTMASTERS Edward M. Cripe, Camden, Ind., in place of E. M. Cripe. Incumbent's commission ex­ sion expired June 23, 1942. The following-named persons to be post­ pired June 23, 1942. Robert R. Morgan, Rexford, Kans., in place masters: Frank Ellett, Coatesville, Ind., in place of of R. R. Morgan. Incumbent's commission ALABAMA Frank Ellett. Incumbent's commission ex­ expired June 23, 1942. Foster Webb Stanley, Greenville, Ala., in pired June 23, 1942. Leigh D. Dowling, St. Francis, Kans., in place of E. H. Smith, deceased. pla.ce of L. D. Dowling. Incumbent's com­ William L. Eastin, Ewing, Ind., in place mission expired June 23, 1942. ARKANSAS of W. L .. Eastin. Incumbent's commission Harry F. Geistfeld, Washington, Kans., H. Spellman Evans, Cotter, Ark., in place of expired June 23, 1942. in place of H. F. Geistfeld. Incumbent's F. B. Ortman, resigned. Edward V. Myers, Fr~mont, Ind., in place commission expired June 23, 194:;:. Elmer F. Dooley, South Fort Smith, Ark. of E. V. Myers. Incumbent's commission expired June 23, 1942. James A. Hanks, Wetmore, Kans., in place Office became Presidential July 1, 1942. of J. A. Hanks. Incumbent's commission ex­ Charles C. Snapp, Walnut Ridge, Ark., in Orel J. Montgomery, Holton, Ind., in place of 0. J. Montgomery. Incumbent's commis­ pired June 23, 1942. place of C. C. Snapp. Incumbent's commis­ Paul L. Turgeon, Wilson, Kans., in place of sion expired June 23, 1942. sion expired June 23, 1942. Donald H. Clark, Lowell, Ind., in place of P. L. Turgeon. Incumbent's commission ex­ CALIFORNIA S. T. Henry, deceased. pired June 23, 1942. Lillian I. Webb, Fair Oaks, Calif., in place Lloyd A. Rickel, Mentone, Ind., in place KENTUCKY of B. R. Hild. Incumbent's commission ex­ of L. A. Rickel. Incumbent's commission ex­ Bess S. May, Prestonsburg, Ky., in place of pired May 27, 1942. pired June 23, 1942. B. S. May. Incumbent's commission expired Merle L. Venis, Waynetown, Ind., in place FLORroA June 23, 1942. of J. E. Robinson, resigned. William Lester Tarter, Science Hill, Ky., in Cecil C. Smoak, Deerfield Beach, Fla., in IOWA place of W. L. Tarter. Incumbent's commis­ place of N. L. Dickens, remov~d. Martin W. Brockman, Clarksville, Iowa, sion expired June 23, 1942. George W. Hughes, North Miami Beach, JennieS. May, Stone, Ky., in place of J. S. Fla. Office became Presidential July 1, 1941. in place of M. W. Brockman. Incumbent's commission expired June 23, 1942. May. Incumbent's commission expired June GEORGIA Charles G. Vasey, Collins, Iowa, in place 23, 1942. Esther D. Martin, Broxton, Ga., in place of of C. G. Vasey. Incumbent's commission ex­ Earl Bard, Water Valley, Ky. Office be­ J. W. McCallum. Incumbent's commission pired June 23, 1942. came Presidential July 1, 1942. expired March 30, 1942. Henry C. Finnern, Denison, Iowa, in place LOUISIANA of H. C. Finnern. Incumbent's commission ILLINOIS Thomas J. Franklin, Anacoco, La. Office expired June 23, 1942. became Presidential July 1, 1942. • Erwin J. Mahlandt, Breese, Til., in place of Jacob A. Schwartz, Fenton, Iowa, in place Victor E. Green, De Ridder, La., in place of E. J. Mahlandt. Incumbent's commission of J. A. Schwartz. Incumbent's commission V. E. Green. Incumbent's commission ex­ expired June 23, 1942. expired June 23, 1942. pired June 23, 1942. Budd L. Kellogg, Downers Grove, Ill., in Lilly B. Gibbons, Jefferson, Iowa, in place Frederick J. Wisser, Jr., Gretna, La., in place place of B. L. Kellogg. Incumbent's commis­ of L. B. Gibbons. Incumbent's commission of E. S. Crawford, removed. sion expired June 23, 1942. expired June 23, i 942. Felix J. Orgeron, Harvey, La., in place of Margaret Echols, Flossmoor, Til., in place of Herman L. Walker, Kalona, Iowa, in place F. J. Orgeron. Incumbent's commission ex­ Margaret Echols. Incumbent's commission of H. L. Walker. Incumbent's commission pired June 23, 1942. expired May 31, 1942. expired June 23, 1942. MAINE Eulalie E. Mase, Forreston, Ill., in place of Katharine Wallace Shaw, Redding, Iowa, in E. E. Mase. Incumbent's commission expired place of K. W. Shaw. Incumbent's commis­ George H. W1lliams, Alfred, Maine, in place June 23, 1942. sion expired June 23, 1942. of G. H. Williams. Incumbent's commission John P. Hook, Fulton, Ill., in place of J. P. Joseph P. Quinn, Riverside, Iowa, in place expired April 15, 1942. Hook. Incumbent's commission expired June of J. P. Quinn. Incumbent's commission John L. Tarr, Anson, Maine, in place of 23, 1942. expired June 23, 1942. J. L. rarr. Incumbent's commission expired June 23, 1942. DeCourcy Lloyd, Glencoe, Ill., 1n place of Lillian E. Gasseling, Walcott, Iowa, in place DeCourcy Lloyd. Incumbent's commission of R. P. Tank, transferred. Erma G. Maxim, Corinna, Maine, in place expired June 23, 1942. of E. G. Maxim. Incumbent's commission ex­ Paul Max Clark, Woodbine, Iowa, in place pired June 23, 1942. William I. Tyler, Granville, Til., in place of of P.M. Clark. Incumbent's commission ex­ W. I. Tyler. Incumbent's commission expired pired June 23, 1942. Elsie S. Dow, Eagle Lake, Maine, in place of June 23, 1942. H. Clyde Calonkey, Woodward, Iowa, 1n E. S. Dow. Incumbent's commission expired Porter J. Campbell, Hardin, Ill., in place of place of H. C. Calonkey. Incumbent's com­ June 23 1942. P. J. Campbell. Incumbent's commission ex­ mission expired June 23, 1942. Cyril Cyr, Jackman Station, Maine, in place pired June 23, 1942. of Cyril Cyr. Incumbent's commission ex­ Oliver P. Dickson, Ho:q1er, Ill., i.n place of KANSAS pired June 23, 1942. 0. P. Dickson. Incumbent's commission ex­ Tillman W. Floyd, Ashland, Kans., in place Edna M. Ellis, North Anson, Maine, 1n pired May 11, 1942. of G. E. Broadie, resigned. place of E. M. Ellis. Incumbent's commission George H. Wales, Lanark, Ill., in place of James D. Egbert, Cimarron, Kans., in place expired April 29, 1942. G. H. Wales. Incumbent's commission e;,r:­ of J. D. Egbert. Incumbent's commission Gertrude M. Sprague, Oakfield, Maine, in pired June 23, 1942. expired June 23, 1942. place of E. B. Holcien, retired. Carl E. Saur, Malta, Ill., in place of C. E, Asa I. Cox, Colony, Kans., 1n place of A. I. Howard H. Herrick, Rangeley, Maine, in Saur. Incumbent's commission expired June Cox. Incumbent's commission expired June place of H. H. Herrick. Incumbent's commis­ 23, 1942. 23, 1942. sion expired June 23, 1942. Ruth A. Tilford, M · sfield, Til., in place of Stephen E. Murray, Jamestown, Kans., in Hildred M. Rider, Rockport, Maine, in place R. A. Tilford. Incumbent's commission ex­ place of S. E. Murray. Incumbent's com­ of H. M. Rider. Incumbent's coD.!.nission ex­ pired May 11, 1942. mission expired June 23, 1942. pired June 23, 1942. 0. Cammie Seeders, Palestine, Til., 1n place Lafranier M. Herrington, Kanopolis, Kans., Leo M. Cyr, Rockwood, Maine, in place of of 0. C. Seeders: Incumbent's commission in place of L. M. Herrington. Incumbent's L. M. Cyr. Incumbent's commission expired expired June 23, 1942. commission expired June 23, 1942. April 29, 1942. David W. Leigh, Ramsey, Ill., 1n place of Lee Calvin, La Cygne, Kans., in place of Mary C. Thorpe, Sabattus, Maine, in place D. w. Leigh. Incumbent's commission ex­ Lee Calvin. Incumbent's commission ex­ of M. C. Thorpe Incumbent's commission pired June 23, 1942. pired June 23, 1942. expired June 23, 1942. Marcus M. Wilber, Sorento, Til., in place of Axel A. Peterson, La Harpe, Kans., in place George E. Dugal, St. Ag ... tha, Maine, in M. M. Wilber. Incumbent's commission ex­ of A. A. Peterson. Incumbent's commission place of G'. E. Dugal. Incumbent's commis­ pirtid. June 23, 1942. expired June 23, 1942. sion expired June 23, 1942. 1942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 8735 Frank' R. Madden, Skowhegan, Maine, in Edwin E. Thompson, Oscoda, Mich., in place Sam' B. Shackleford, Ewing, Mo., in place of place of F. R. Madden. Incumbent's com­ of E. E. Thompson. Incumbent's commission S. B. Shackleford. Incumbent's commission mission expired June 23, 1942. expired June 23, 1942. expired June 23, 1942. MARYLAND Catherine C. Laing, Otisville, Mich., in John G. Trautwein, Gerald, Mo., in place place of C. C. Laing. Incumbent's commis­ of F . G. Lane, retired. Lillie M. Pierce, Glyndon, Md., in place of sion expired June 23, 1942. Pat Malone, Jamesport, Mo., in place of L. M. Pierce. Incumbent's commission ex­ Mildred E. Walsh, St. Charles, Mich., in Pat Malone. Incumbent's commission ex­ pired June 23, 1942. place of M. E. Walsh. Incumbent's commis­ pired June 23, 1942. John M. Pearce, Monkton, 1\~d., in place of sion expired June 23, 1942. James P. Moore, Liberal, Mo., in place of J. M. Pearce. In cumbent's commission ex­ Floyd H. Leach, Scotts, Mich., in place J. P. Moore. Incumbent's commission ex­ pired June 23, 1942. of F. H. Leach. Incumbent's commission pired June 23, 1942. MASSACHUSETTS expired June 23, 1942. · Frank E. Sibley, Matthews, Mo., in place John E. Mansfield, Bedford, Mass., in place Percy A. Bowen, Tecumseh, Mich., in place of F. E. Sibley. Incumbent's commission ex­ of J. E. Mansfield. Incumbent's commission of F. S. Gillespie, deceased. · pired June 23, 1942. expired Jun e 23, 1942. Gordon W. Huffman, Tustin, Mich., in Verne H. Gracey, Reeds Spring, Mo., in Winona G. Craig, Falmouth Heights, Mass., place of G. W. Huffman. Incumbent's com­ place of V. H. Gracey. Incumbent's commis­ in place of W. G. Craig. Incumbent's com­ mission expired June 23, 1942. sion expired June 23, 1942. mission expired June 2, 1942. MINNESOTA Ernest C. Buehler, South St. Joseph, Hormisdas Boucher, Ludlow, Ma.c:s., in place Mo., in place of E. C. Buehler. Incumbent's of Hormisdas Boucher. Incumbent's commis­ Bert C. Hazle, Alden, Minn., in place of commission expired June 23, 1942. sion expired April 12, 1942. B. C. Hazle. Incumbent's commission expired Emmett R. Burrows, Van Buren, Mo., in James E. Williams, North Dighton, Mass., May 12, 1942. place of E. R. Burrows. Incumbent's com­ in place of J. E. Williams. Incumbent's com­ Gertrude M. McGowan, Appleton, Minn., mission expired June 23, 1942. mission expired April 12, 1942. in place of G. M. McGowan. Incumbent's James E. Ferguson, Williamsville, Mo., in William F. O'Toole, South Barre, Mass., in commission expired June 18, 1942. place of J. E. Ferguson. Incumbent's com­ place of W. F. O'Toole. Incumbent's commis­ Charles B. Fraser, Battle Lake, Minn., in mission expired June 23, 1942. sion expired June 23, 1942. place of C. B. Fraser. Incumbent's commis­ Frederick L. Stafford, Windsor, Mo., in John F. Malone, Southwick, Mass., in place sion expired May 12, 1942. place of F. L. Stafford. Incumbent's com­ of J. F. Malone. Incumbent's commission ex­ Joseph C. McGowan, Benson, Minn., in mission expired June 23, 1942. pired June 23, 1942. place of J. C. McGowan. Incumbent's com­ MONTANA Arthur J. Fairgrieve, Tewksbury, Mass., in mission expired June 13, 1942. place of A. J. Fairgrieve. Incumbent's com­ Timothy Hurley, Bird Island, Minn., in Eugene T. Kirchner, Circle, Mont., in place of E. T. Kirchner. Incumbent's commission mission expired June 23, 1942. place of Timothy Hurley. Incumbent's com­ Raymond F. Gurney, Wilbraham, Mass., in mission expired June 18, 1942. expired June 23, 1942. Alex C. Wahoske, Odessa, Minn., in place Harry J. Andrus, Dillon, Mont., in place place of R. F. Gurney. Incumbent's commis­ of H. J. Andrus. Incumbent's commission sion expired June 23, 1942. of A. C. Wahoske. Incumbent's commission expired February 26, 1942. expired June 23, 1942. MICHIGAN Ludwig S. Rigler, East Helena, Mont., in Ernest 0 . Coy, Alden, Mich., in place of E. Ewald G. Krueger, Vergas, Minn., in place place of L. S. Rigler. Incumbent's commis­ 0. Coy. Incumbent's commission expired of E. G. Krueger. Incumbent's commission sion expired June 23, 1942. June 23, 1942. expired May 12, 1942. William L. Thompson, Fairview, Mont., in Thomas Earl Barry, Baraga, Mich., in place Elizabeth C. Bahr, Waconia, Minn., in place place of W. L. Thompson. Incumbent's com­ ofT. E. Barry. Incumbent's commission ex­ of E. C. Bahr. Incumbent's commission mission expired June 23, 1942. pired June 23, 1942. expired June 13, 1942. Joseph P. Sternhagen, Glasgow, Mont., in Arthur E. nann, Beaverton, Mich., in place Margaret J. McGarry, Walker, Minn., in place of J.P. Sternhagen. Incumbznt's com­ of A. E. Dann. Incumbent's commission ex­ place of M. J. McGarry. Incumbent's com­ mission expired June 23, 1942. pired June 23, 1942. mission expired June 13, 1942. George Clarence Moore, Harlowton, Mont., John Leon Breckenridge, Breckenridge, William F . Sanger, Windom, Minn., in place in place of G. C. Moore. Incumbent's com­ Mich., in place of J. L. Breckenridge. In­ of w. F. Sanger. Incumbent's commission mission expired June 23, 1942. cumbent's commission expired June 23, 1942. expired June 3, 1942. Rudolph P. Petersen, Rudyard, Mont., in Robert J. McCormick, Carleton, Mich., in Oscar W. Groth, Wright, Minn., in place place of R. P. Petersen. Incumbent's com­ place of R. J. McCormick. Incumbent's com­ of 0. W. Groth. Incumbent's commission mission expired June 23, 1942. mission expired June 23, 1942. expired June 3, 1942. Flossie A. Marsh, Sheridan, Mont., in place Arthur Little, Cass City, Mich., in place of Sarah E. Jones, Zimmerman, Minn., in of F. A. Marsh. Incumbent's commission Arthur Little. Incumbent's commission ex­ place of S. E. Jones. Incumbent's commis­ expired June 23, 1942. pired June 23, 1942. sion expired May 12, 1942. Lucile D. Knight, Twin Bridges, Mont., in James D. George, Crystal, Mich., in place of MISSISSIPPI place of L. D. Knight. Incumbent's commis­ J . D. George. Incumbent's commission ex­ sion expired June 23, 1942. pired November 30, 1941. Fletcher H. Womack, Crenshaw, Miss., in Lucy B. Cullen, Wibaux, Mont., in place of Blanche L. Verplanck, Edmore, Mich., in place of F. H. Womack. Incumbent's com­ L. B. Cullen. Incumbent's commission ex­ place of B. L. Verplanck. Incumbent's com­ mission expired April 27, 1942. pired June 23, 1942. Woodard M. Herring, Inverness, Miss., in mission expired June 23, 1942. NEBRASKA Elfreda L. Mulligan, Grand M-arais, Mich., in place of W. M. Herring. Incumbent's com­ place of E. L. Mulligan. Incumbent's com­ mission expired June 23, 1942. Walter G. Mangold, Bennington, Nebr. mission expired June 23, 1942. Frances G. Wimberly, Jonestown, Miss., in Office become Presidential July 1, 1942. Ruth u. Templeton, Harbor Beach, Mich., in place of F. G. Wimberly. Incumbent's com­ Louis C. Kuster, Tecumseh, Nebr., in place place of R. G. Templeton. Incumbent's com­ mission expired June 23, 1942. of L. C. Kuster. Incumbent's commission mission expired June 23, 1942. Bettie S. McLeod, Kreole, Miss., in place of expired April 27, 1942. Ernest G. Corbin, Hart, Mich., in place of C. G. Siurua, resigned. NEW HAMPSHIRE E. G. Corbin. Incumbent's commission ex­ Florence Churchwell, Leakesville, Miss., in George H. Simpson, Bradford, N. H., in pired June 23, 1942. place of Florence Churchwell. Incumbent's place of G. H. Simpson. Incumbent's com­ Eugene E. Hubbard, Hudsonville, Mich., in commission expired June 23, 1942. mission expired June 23, 1942. place of E. E. Hubbard. Incumbent's commis- Viva H. Mcinnis, Rosedale, Miss., in place Irving H. Brown, Campton, N.H., in place sion expired June 23, 1£42. . . . of V. H. Mcinnis. Incumbent's commission of I. H. Brown. Incumbent's commission ex­ Jessie E. Lederle, Leland, Mich., in place of expired June 23, 1942. pired June 13, 1942. J. E. Lederle. Incumbent's commission ex­ Beall A. Brock, West, Miss., in place of Gzorge W. Moulton, Lisbon, N. H., in place pired June 23, 1942. B. A. Brock. Incumbent's commission ex­ of G. W. Moulton. Incumbent's commission Edward J. Talbot, Manistee, Mich., in place pired June 23, 1942. expired May 29, 1942. of E. J. Talbot. Incumbent's commission ex­ MISSOURI pirec. June 23, 1942. NEW JERSEY Alfred J. Rochon, Marine City, Mich., in Samuel B. McCollum, Bucklin, Mo., in place William L. S::heuerman, Easlting Ridge, place of A. J. Rochon. Incumbent's commis­ of S. B. McCollum. Incumbent's commission N. J., in place of W. L. Scheuerman. Incum­ sion expired June 23, 1942. expired June 23, 1942. bent's commission expired June 23, 1942. Floyd T. King, Marysville, Mich., in place Floyd L. Decker, Crocker, Mo., in place of William H. Thompson, Farmingdale, N. J., of F. T. King. Incumbent's commission ex­ F. L. Decker. Incumbent's commission ex­ in place of W. H. Thompson. Incumbent's pired June 23, 1942. pired June 23, 1942. commission expired June 23, 1942. C. Maude Russell, New Era, Mich., in place Wilbur S. Scott, Deepwater, Mo., in place John F. Dugan, Garwood, N.J., in place of of C. M. Russell. Incumbent's commission of W. S. Scott. Incumbent's commission J. F. Dugan. Incumbent's commission ex­ expired June 23, 1942. expired June 23, 1S42. pired June 23, 1942. Edward L. Kenny, Onekama, Mich., in place Anvil A. Lewis, Eminence, Mo., in place of Walter H. Applegate, Lakewood, N. J., ln of E. L. Kenny. Incumbent's commission ex­ A. A. Lewis. Incumbent's commission ex­ place of C. C. Thompson. Incumbznt's com­ pired June 23, 1942. pired June 23, 1942. mission expired August 26, 1939. 8736 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE NOVEMBER 9 John D. Bunn, Long Valley, N. J., ln place Jack Barfield, Mount Olive, N. C., in place James Kerr Crain of J.D. Bunn. Incumbent's commission ex­ of Jack Barfield. Incumbent's commission William Glenn Livesay pired June 23, 1942. expired June 23, 1942. To be brigadier generab N. Dennis Staton Inscoe, Raleigh, N. C .., in James D. McErlane, Morris Plains, J .• in Harry John Collins place of J. D. McErlane. Incumbent's com­ place of. C. L. Wi-lliamson, resigned. Edwin Luthet Stbert mission expired June 23, 1942. NORTH DAKOTA. Newton Longfellow Katherine A. Cooney, Pedricktown, N. J., Ronald Keeley, Hazen, N.Dak., in place Of Alfred Bixby Quinton, Jr. 1n place of K. A. Cooney. Incumbent's Ronald Keeley. Incumbent's commission ex­ Maurice Levi M.lller 23, 1942. commission expired June pired May 4, 1942. Theodore Earl Beuchler Robert W. Kidd, Penns Grove, N. J., in OREGON Benjamin Greeley Ferris place of R. W. Kidd. Incumbent's commis­ James Pratt Hodges sion expired June 23, 1942. J. Dayton McLucas, Hood River, Oreg.~ Luther Stevens Smith James E. Porter, Jr., Rumson, N.J., in place in place of J.D. McLucas. Incumbent's com­ Edgar King of J. E. Porter, Jr. Incumbent's commission mission expired Jtme 23, 1942. Clovis Ethelbert Byers expired June 23, 1942. Oscar L. Groves, Monmouth, Oreg., in place Wolcott Paige Hayes Allen J. Thomas, Scotch Plains, N. J., in of 0. L. Groves. Incumbent's commission ex­ Roger Manning Wicks place of A. J. Thomas. Incumbent's com­ pired June 2, 1942. Frederick Wii1is Manley mission expired June 23, 1942. Elton A. Schroeder, Myrtle Point, Oreg., in Patrick Weston Timberlake JaneL. Garland, Sea Bright, N.J., in place place of E. A. Schroeder. Incumbent's com­ George Vernon Keyser 22, 1942.. of J. L. Garland. Incumbent's commiSsion mission expired May Frederick McCabe expired June 23, 1942. Harvey C. Knapp, North P.ortland, Oreg., in Charles Frost Craig Joseph S. Devlin, Sea Girt, N. J., in place place of H. C. Knapp. Incumbent's commia,. John Martin Clark of J. S. Devlin. Incumbent's commission ex­ sion. expired June 2, 1942. Franklin Otis Carron pired June 23, 1942. Phyllis H. Ryman, Westfir, Oreg., in place William Dan Powell Michael A. Carroll, South Bound Brook, of E. M. Stewart. Incumbent's commission Paul Wolcott Rutledge N.J., in place of M.A. Carroll. Incumbent:s expired December 23, 1941. Thomas Dresser White commission expired June 23, 1942. PENNSYLVANIA Aaron Edward Jones May w. Veitch~ Wenonah, N. J., in place Lewis M. Sutton, Camp Hill, Pa., in place of Lawrenee Augustus Lawson of M. W. Veitch. Incumbent's commission L. M. Suiton. Incumbent's commission ex­ Victor Herbert Strahm expired June 23, 1942. pired June 23, 1942. Willis Ratcliffe Taylor NEW MEXICO-TEXAS James Nevant, Farrell, Pa.., in place of George Matthew Halloran Perla E. Darbyshire, Anthony, N. Mex.­ James Nevant. Incumbent's commission ex­ Benjamin Wiley Chidla.w Tex., in place of P. E. Darbyshi11e. Incum­ pil'ed June 23, 1942. Nathan Bedford Forrest bent's commission expired June 23, 1942. John L. Clover, Knox, Pa., in place of J. L. Percy Lee Sadler Warren Rice Carter NEW MEXICO Clover. Incumbent,s commission expired June 23, 1942. Haydon Lemaire Boatner Arthur L. England, Clayton, N. Mex.~ in William J. Cannon, Lansford, Pa., in place Hugh Tullock Mayberry place of A. L. England. Incumbent's com­ of W. J. Cannon. Incumbent's commission Leo Andrew Walton mission expired June 23, 1942. expired June 23, 1942'. William Henry Holcombe Joseph H. Gentry, Fort Stanton, N. Mex., Wilbur G. Warner, Lehighton, Pa., in place Julian Francis Barnes in place of J. H. Gentry. Incumbent's com­ oi W. G. Warner. Incumbent~s commission Stanley Lonzo Scott mission expired June 23, 1942. expired June 6, 1942'. Floyd Emerson Galloway James W. Patterson, Fort Sumner, N.Mex., Penrose L. Young, Northampton, Pa., in Gordon Philip Saville in place of J. W. Patterson. Incumbent's place of P. L. Young. Incumbent's commis­ Horace Oscar Cushman commission expired April 1, 1942. sion expired June 6, 1942. James Al.exandeJt Mollison NEW YORK Fred Favo, Oakmont, Pa., in plac:e of Fred Wilhelm Arthur Andersen Gerald Aldrich, Bemus Point, N. Y., in Flavo. Incumbent's commission expired June Howard Ellsworth Fuller place of Gerald Aldrich. Incumbent's com­ 23, 1942. Cyrus Rowlett Smith mission expired June 23, 1942. Joseph P. Caufield, Verona, Pa., in place of APPOINTMENTS. IN THE REGULAR ARMY J. P. Caufield. Incumbent's commission ex­ Mildred E. Brown, Bliss, N. Y .• in place To be first lie-utenants, Medical Corps, with pired June 23, 1942. of M. E. Brown. IncUinbent's. commission ranl" from date of appointment expired June 23, 1942. PUERTO RICO Maurice Blair Johnston Michael G. Gafin~y, Clinton, N. Y ., in Teresa Melendez, Arroyo, P. R., in place of Edward Alton Ricketts place of M. G. Gaffney. Incumbent's com­ Teresa Melendez. Incumbent's commission John Bradley Moring mission expired June 23, 1942. expired June 3, 1942. Thomas Lewis Ozment Mary I. Callahan, Deferiet, N. Y., in place Luis E. Kolb, Utuado, P. R., in place of John D. Lecky of C. C. Wenzel, resigned. L. E. Kolb. Incumbent's commission expired Victor Henry Smith Walter S. Blade, Delanson, N. Y., in place June 3, 1942. Robert Alfred McCall of W. S. Blade. Incumbent's commission SOUTH CAROLINA expired June 23, 1942. To be second lieutenant of Field Artillery with. Clayton I. Burch, Earlville, N. Y., in place Marion G. Andersen, Conway, S.C., in place rank from date of appointment of C. I. Burch. Incumbent's commission ex­ of M.G. Andersen. Incumbent's commission George Sterling Brown, Jr. pired May 14, 1942. expired June 23, 1942. Emily C. Stevens, Eldred, N. Y., in place TEXAS of E. C. Stevens. Incumbent's commission Rufus F. Stanley, Brownwood, Tex., in place expired June 23, 1942. of J. E. Johnson, resigned. Eugene E. Towell, Fillmore, N.Y., in place WYOMING HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of E. E. Towell. Incumbent's commission expired June 23, 1942. Minnie c. Corum, Encampment, Wyo., in MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1942 Louis C. Donovan, Mount Morris, N.Y., in place of M. C. Corum. Incumbent's commis­ place of L. C. Donovan. Incumbent's com- sion expired May 11, 1942. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. mission expired May 14, 1942. · The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Mont­ Dannis A. Shannon, New York Mills, N.Y., gomery, D. D., offered the following in place of Dennis Shannon. Incumbent's CONFIRMATIONS prayer: commission expired June 2, 1942. Executive nominations confirmed by Clarence A. Chamberlain, Orangeburg, the Senate November 9, 1942: Almighty God, the Father of infinite N. Y., in place of C. A. Chamberlain. In­ mercy, we pray in the name of Him cumbent's commission expired June 23, 1942. IN THE ARMY whose nature glows with the brightness NORTH CAROLINA TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT IN ARMY OF THE of the firmament and shines like the Elsie F. Shuford, Arden, N. C., in place of UNITED STATES stars forever; in Him is the divine rage P. E. Rickman, transferred. To be major generals against iniquity and falsehood. 0 river William M. Jefferson, Belmont, N. C., in Donald Hilary Connolly of God :flow forward with Thy cleansing place of W. M. Jefferson. Incumbent's com­ William Ormon Butler power, guiding our youth with emblems mission expired June 23, 19~2. LeRoy Lutes John E. Brown, Jr., Boone, N. c., in place Philip Bracken Fleming of knowledge in their hands; our workers of W. G. Hartzog. Incumbent's commission Troy Houston Middleton hurrying toward shop and factory, gird­ expired June 23, 1942. John William Leonard ing our civilians for their tasks that George E. Wilson, Jr., Charlotte, N. C., ln Fred W. Miller they may be warned of the rocks and place of P.R. Younts, removed. Ralph Corbett Smith shoals ov which millions have pe:l.ished.