1942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 8721 Mr. McGEHEE: Committee on Claims. lJ, in this temple of the people's hope There being no objection, the state­ R. 7518. A bill for the relief of Bernice reverently pause in a little shrine of ment and messages were ordered to be Pyke, Arthur P. Fenton, Carl E. Moore, and Clifford W. Pollock, without amendment qUietness, lest we forget whose ministers printed in the RECORD, as follows: (Rept. No. 2622). Referred to the Committee we are. From the framing of laws and STATEMENT ISSUED BY THE WHITE HOUSE RE• of the Whole House. the forming of policies h<;>lding in their GARDING THE AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE reach the woe or weal of the common­ IN AFRICA PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS wealth, we would come amid all the shat­ In order to forestall an invasion of Africa tering events and tempestuous emotions by Germany and Italy, which if· successful, Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public of our time to an inner sanctuary where would constitute a direct threat to America bills and resolutions were introduced and the world's angry voices die and . Thou across the comparatively narrow sea from severally referred as follows: alone art real. western Africa, a powerful American force, In drab days of bitter loss which must equipped with adequate weapons of modern By Mr. HEBERT: warfare, and under American command, is H. R. 7758. A bill to authorize the use of be endured on the way to final victory today landing on the Mediterranean and part of the United States Capitol Grounds for the right, strengthen our he~rts that Atlantic coasts of the French colonies in east of the Union· Station for the parking we faint not. In glad days of jubilation, Africa. of motor vehicles; to the Committee on Public when the forces of freedom make tyranny The landing of this American Army is Buildings and Grounds. tremble, may our elation grow out of the being assisted by the British Navy and Air By Mr. McGEHEE: sacredness of our goal of a free world. Forces, and it will, in the immediate future, . H. R. 7759. A bill to provide for the reim­ Wherever we serve in this great struggle, be reinforced by a considerable number of bursement of certain Navy personnel for divisions of the British Army. personal property lost as a result of the dis­ molding the age to come, may we be ever mindful that stm stands Thine ancient This combined Allied force, under Ameri­ aster at the East Base, Antarctica, on March can command, in conjunction with the Brit­ 21, 1941; to the Committee on Claims. sacrifice, an humble and a contrite heart. ish campaign in Egypt, is designed to prevent So may the words of our mouths and the an occupation by the Axis armies of any PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS meditations of our hearts be acceptable part of northern or western Africa, and to in Thy sight, 0 Lord, our strength and deny to the aggressor nations a starting Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private our Redeemer. Amen. point from which to launch an attack against bills and resolutions were introduced and the Atlantic coast of the Americas. NAMING A PRESIDING OFFICER severally referred as follows: In addition, it provides an effective sec­ By Mr. McGEHEE: The Secretary <Edwin A. Halsey) read ond front assistance to our heroic allies in H. R. 7760. A bill for the relief of Master the following letter: Russia. Gunnery Sgt. Eugene M. Martin, United UNITED STATES SENATE, The French Government and the French States Marine Corps; to the Committee on PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, people have been informed of the purpose Claims. Washington, D. C., November 9, 1942. cf this expedition, and have been assured By Mr. PACE: To the Senate: that the Allies seek no territory and have H. R. 7761. A bill for the relief of Miss Mary Being temporarily absent from the Senate, no intention of interfering with friendly Lynn Morrow, Mrs. W. A. Jones, and the I appoint Ron. ERNEST W. MCFARLAND, a Sen­ French authorities in Africa. estates of Maurice Jones and Mrs. Avis Mc­ ator from the State of Arizona, to perform the The Government of France and the people Donald; to the Committee on Claims. duties of the Chair during my absence. of France and the French possessions have CARTER GLASS, been requested to cooperate with and as­ President pro tempore. sist the American expedition in its effort to PETITIONS, ETC. repel the German and Italian international Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions Mr. McFARLAND thereupon took the criminals, and by so doing to liberate France and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk ·chair as Acting President pro tempore. and the French Empire from the Axis yoke. and referred as follows: 'I'HE JOURNAL This expedition will develop into a major effort by the Allied Nations, and there is 3407. By Mr. GRAHAM: Petition of 12 On request of Mr. HILL, and by unani­ every expectation that it will be successful members of the Young People's Society of mous consent, the reading of the Journal in repelling the planned German and Italian Slippery Rock and West Liberty, Pa., oppos­ invasion of Africa and prove the first historic ing the selling of liquor in and around the of the proceedings of Thursday, Novem­ ber 5, 1942, was dispensed with, and the step to the liberation and restoration of Army camps; to the Committee on Military France. Affairs. Journal was approved. 3408. By Mr. LAMBERTSON: Petition of MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Homer J. Slopp and 53 others, of Boyle, Kans., In connection with current military oper­ urging that young men in the armed forces Messages in writing from the Presi­ ations in French North Africa, the President be protected by the removal of intoxicating dent of the United States submitting has broadcasted by radio to the French peo­ liquor and other vices from in and around sundry nominations were communicated ple, the following message in French: our Army and Navy camps; to the Committee to the Senate by Mr. Latta, ·one of his "My friends, who suffer day and night un­ on Military Affairs. secretaries. der the crushing yoke of the Nazis, I speak to 3409. By Mr. MARTIN of Iowa: Petition of you as one who was with your Army and Navy T. A. Connolly, Connolly Drug Stores, and AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE IN in France in 1918. I have held all my life the other citizens of Council Bluffs, Iowa, urging AFRICA-STATEMENT AND MESSAGES deepest friendship for the French people-for the passage of House bill 7432 and Senate bill BY THE PRESIDENT the entire French people. I retain and cher­ 2690, introduced for the purpose of establish­ ish the friendship of hundreds of French peo­ ing a Pharmacy Corps in the United States Mr. HILL. Mr. President, I ask unani­ ple in France and outside of France. I know Army; to the Committee on Military Affairs. mous consent that there may be printed your farms, your villages, and your cities. I 3410. By Mrs. NORTON: Petition of Typo­ at this point in the body of the RECORD know your soldiers, professors, and workmen. graphical Union, No. 103, Newark, N.J., per­ the statement issued on November 7 by I know what a precious heritage of the French taining to labor relations in the Government the President regarding the American people are your homes, your culture, and the Printing Office; to the Committee on Labor. Expeditionary Force in Africa. Follow­ principles of democracy in Fra~ce. I salute ing the statement issued by the President again and reiterate my faith in liberty, equal­ I ask to have printed in the RECORD an ity, and fraternity. No two nations exist which are more united by historic and mu­ English translation of the message in tually friendly ties than the people of France SENATE the French language broadcast by the and the United States. President to the people of France on "Americans, with the assistance of the MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1942 November 8; his message of November 8 United Nations, are striving for their own The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown to the Chief of the French State, Mar­ safe future as well as the restoration of the Harris, D. D., offered the following shal Henri Philippe Petain; his message ideals, the liberties, and the democracy of all of November 8 to the head of the Spanish those who have lived under the tricolor. prayer: State, Gen. Francisco Franco Baha­ "We come among you to repulse the cruel Our Father God, at noonday, mid all monde; and his message of November 8 invaders who would remove forever your rights of self-government, your rights to re­ the traffic of life's ways, we would lift to Gen. Antonio Oscar d'Fragoso ·Car­ ligious freedom, and your rights to live your our souls into the light of Thy presence. mona, President of the Republic of Por­ own lives in peace and security. By thronging duties pressed, we, Thy ser­ tugal. "We come among you solely to defeat and vants, into whose hands has been placed The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ rout your enemies. Have faith in our words. the solemn trust of governance, would pore. Is there objection? We do not want to cause you any harm. 8722 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE NOVEMBER 9 "We assure you that once the menace of we provide automatically for the security "I desire to reassure you fully that the Germany and It aly is removed from you, we of the Americas.
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