International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848 p-ISSN: 2348-795X Available at Volume 05 Issue 04 February 2018

Reforms In Modern : Contributions Of Regent Rani Gouri Lakshmi Bai Chinthu I B Research Scholar, Department of History, University of , Ph: 9446409444 Email: [email protected] Abstract Travancore a distinguished Native or Introduction Princely State in India was a Hindu feudal state (1729-1949) formerly, under control of Travancore was a former Hindu powerful Travancore Royal family. They were feudal Kingdom and Indian princely state one of the oldest ruling Dynasties in India, that had been ruled by the Travancore Royal including sovereign kings and even women Family from the capital at regents. They ruled from the capital city of or . Padmanabhapuram and later from The Kingdom of Travancore at its zenith Thiruvananthapuram one of the oldest and comprised most of modern day southern earliest cities in India which was shifted Kerala, district, and the during the time of Dharma raja. It had a long southernmost parts of Tamil Nadu tradition as a royal centre with its prosperity besides which it was also a great Centre of Gouri Lakshmi Bai was one education. The periods of Gouri Lakshmi of Travancore’s most popular Queens and Bai (1810-1814) deals with the four years of introduced several reforms in the state ruled Travancore history which constituted a from 1810 till 1813 and Regent from 1813 silent reformation in Travancore. Gouri till her death in 1815 for her son Swathi Lakshmi Bai was the first women ruler of Thirunal Rama Varma. She was the only Travancore and showed great Queen of Travancore to have reigned in her resourcefulness in the administration of the own right for two years before becoming a state. Taking into account the great strides regent.[1] The unpopular Maharajah Bala made by the state during her time. By a Rama Varma, during whose reign Royal Proclamation in 1812 5th November, Travancore faced a number of internal and Her Highness Maharani Gouri Lakshmi external problems, revolts and unnecessary Bayi, abolished the purchase and sale of all battles and conspiracies, including the most slaves and granted them independence important revolt of Velu Thampi Dalawa, excepting those attached to the soil for died in 1811. There were no eligible male agricultural purposes. Her period witnessed members in the family which meant she many reforms and progress. would have to take over Travancore and rule it as regent till such an heir would be born to Keywords her. However her accession was not easy Proverticars (village officers), because a member from Kariakkars (Taluk officers), Valiya the Mavelikara branch of Royal family, a Sarvadhikaryakar (an officer), Devaswom (a distant cousin, Prince Kerala Varma, who department). was the pet of the previous ruler, staked a

Available online: P a g e | 644 International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848 p-ISSN: 2348-795X Available at Volume 05 Issue 04 February 2018

claim on the throne which was anything but glorious reign in a manner quite different substantiated. from that of her predecessor.[4] She placed full confidence in the English government Methodology and its representatives at her court. In Both analytical and interpretative her opening address at the Durbar said: ". . . I methods are applied for the study. The study cannot do better than to place myself under is depends upon both the primary and the guidance and support of the Honorable secondary sources. Primary sources are , whose bosom had collected from Kerala State Archives. A been an asylum for the protection of an number of secondary sources related to the infant like Travancore since the time Sri topic is also consulted for the completion of Padmanabha Swami had effected on alliance this study. with a respectable Company of the European nation. To you, Colonel (Munro), I entrust Findings and Analysis everything connected with my country, and

 The Regency of lekshmi bai in from this day I look upon you as my own Travancore played a vital role in elder brother. . ."[5] the socio-economic This marked the complete Surrender transformation of the State . of Sovereign power to, and the fullest

 During the regency of Gouri reliance on the protection of the British Lakshmi Bai, tremendous changes Government. This self-abnegation of Gouri in various aspects of the society, Lakshmi Bai made her regime a happy and they laid the foundation of the prosperous period progress without any hitch making of modern Travancore. with the paramount power. Even though she was young her special merit consisted in The Princess placed in the hands of resisting the influence of evil counselors, the British Resident Col. John Munro, one flatterers and sycophants. She also placed of Travancore's most loved British full confidence in Colonel Munro and the Residents, a document asserting her claim British government, which changed the and proving the claim of Kerala Varma course of the history of Travancore. untenable. The Resident sided with Gouri Lakshmi Bai and she was made the Regent One of the earliest acts of Regent Maharani of Travancore in 1811. Kerala Gouri Lakshmi Bayi was to dismiss the Varma was permitted to reside existing Dewan , Ummini Thampi. He was at Trivandrum, the capital; but when he tried accused of squandering money and to create further troubles, he was imprisoned acquiring all the property of the vanquished and banished from Travancore. rebel freedom fighter Velu Thampi Dalawa and others. The Maharani was now Though young, Gouri Lakshmi Bai asked to nominate some individual for the possessed a cultivated mind gifted with post of Dewan, to which she stated that she Sound Judgment.[2] She had sagacity to found no eligible individual and would like discern what was good for her Kingdom and to appoint the Resident Colonel John Munro to adopt such measures as wore calculated as her Dewan. Accordingly, Munro became for its improvement.[3] She commenced her Dewan of Travancore in 1811.

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While her benevolent administration the improvement of the country and the under the efficient Dewanship of Munro was happiness of the people. Colonel Munro was going on, Her Highness the Rani Gouri in charge of the administration of Travancore Lakshmi Bai was blessed with a son in 16th till 1814. In 1814 he was relieved of his April 1813 A.D. Colonel Munro was so duties as Dewan. The continuance of the post hearteous that he was so anxious as, if no of Resident Dewan was regarded in course more than, the Rani herself when she was of time as a very inconvenient arrangement blessed with a male issue for the both by Gouri Lakshmi Bai and Colonel perpetuation of the ruling line.[6] The infant Munro.[9] prince Swati Tirunal Rama Varma was Munro did not advance the fortunes proclaimed Maharaja on the 29th July of of his own dependents to the prejudice of the 1813. Gouri Lakshmi Bai introduced Prince permanent interests of the country. He had a Rama Vama to the audience at the Darbar better sense of justice and common sense. held on his accession so that "As the From his contact with the native officers he Honourable East India Company has been realized that it was desirable to entrust the acting with justice, it pleased Sri administration of affairs to the natives of Padmanabha Swami to accomplish Travancore. He decided to entrust to the sons everything agreeable to their desire. At the of the soil particularly the administration of instance of my household Deity, I have treasury, finance, revenue and justice. He placed this child of mine on the bosom of the also hoped that it would reconcile the people Company and the responsibility for the more to control.[10] The popular feeling was future support and respectable treatment of also in favour of appointing as Dewan a son this royal seion shall now rest with the of Travancore. All these considerations Honorable Company"[7] induced him to resign his Dewanship. Eventhough Swati Thirunal was Moreover he was satisfied by the effects of proclaimed as Maharajah, the Queen-mother his efficient reforms. After Munro’s continued to rule the land in the name of her resignation Padmanabhan, a native of son. Thus from July 1813 onwards she Trivandrum who has risen by his character became the Regent of Travancore. The and proved ability to the high office of the administration was continued with the same Resident of the Appeal Court.[11] is effect under the able leadership of Munro. appointed as Dewan. Colonel Munro himself He became a shining example of justice and recommended the appointment of Dewan fairness. The Resident-Dewan's endeavors to Padmanabhan. He informed the Madras introduce order regularity in the Government of his qualifications. administration and to extinguish the rapacity, Padmanabhan was the Valiya corruption and injustice which formerly Sarvadhikaryakar of the Northern Division prevailed were regarded by some historians of Travancore at first. He was appointed as as preparatory steps to the complete Valiya Sarvadhikaryakar by Ummini Thampi assumption of the State.[8] the former Dewan of Travancore. But from the details of his Padmanabhan was a man of plain administrative measures it is evident that he sound understanding, of much application attended more to general arrangements for to business; of acknowledged integrity; and

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of a moderate sober and unassuming the Proverticars (village officers), temper of mind.[12] Padmanabhan was Kariakkars (Taluk officers) and the district therefore found a well-qualified person to officials were all deprived of their judicial adorn the office of Dewan in Travancore. powers and instead a Court of Appeal and In the field of the administration of five District Courts, at Trivandrum, Travancore as its Dewan he was eminently Vaikam and Alwaye were established and successful. He introduced certain reforms modern judicial system was introduced in the administration of the land revenue. in Travancore. The Courts had each two He corrected a variety of mistakes of the judges and a Brahmin Sastri. The judges previous settlement. In the administration were chosen only from of justice and in the selection of proper the Brahmin and castes and men for office ha was successful. the Christian community of Travancore. For the trial of Government servants Though he manifested another court known as the Huzhur court resourcefulness, his opinion on these points was also established. betrayed a great want of discrimination. He depended much more on the judgment of The Police system was other persons than taking his own decision. reorganized in Travancore during the reign This was but his serious defect in his of Maharani Gouri Lakshmi Bai at the policy. Dispute this defect he succeeded in suggestion of Col. John Munro Dewan. making a rational adjustment of public Deprived of magisterial and judicial power, income and revenue. The State got no mere the district and village officials now could chance to experience his measures as an concentrate their attention on the collection administrator. Within five months of his of revenue alone, curtailing their power assumption of office he was cut off by greatly and making them subject to judicial Small-pox. Travancore was not destined to trial in case of misconduct. The revenue get the benefits of his talents.[13] department was cleaned of corruption and revenue collection became smoother and She was an able ruler like her organized. predecessor. She conducted herself remarkably well as Regent with the help Social Reforms under Regency and advice of Col. Munro and earned for She had introduced some social reforms herself a name as imperishable as that of also. All male members except of her sister Gouri Lakshmi Bai.[14] Though the Brahmin and Nair castes and some from short the regency of Lakshmi Bai was a the Christian and Islamic religions had to period of steady progress, for which she pay a certain capitation tax, taxes on abundantly received the administration of festivals, taxes on inheritance of property her people and also of the British. was abolished. Travancore contained a large The Dewan Col. Munro informed the number of Devaswoms that held vast areas Maharani of the widespread corruption in of land and controlled most of the important her Government owing to the practice of and wealthy temples in the country. These giving all power, administrative and corporations had fallen prey to corruption judicial, to a single officer right from and mismanagement and they next engaged village level to district level. To end this

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the Dewans attention. More than three administration of the state. Taking into hundred of the biggest temples account the great strides made by the state of Travancore were appropriated by the during her time. Government under a Devaswom Board and cleared of corruption and mismanagement. By a Royal Proclamation in 1812 Reference 5th November, Her Highness Maharani [1] Gouri Lakshmi B ai, Aswathi Thirunal Sree Gouri Lakshmi Bayi, abolished the Padmanabha Swamy Kshetram, purchase and sale of all slaves and granted Thiruvananthapuram: The State Institute of them independence excepting those Languages,1998, p. 202. attached to the soil for agricultural [2] T.k. Velu Pillai, The Travancore State Manual, purposes. Syrian Christians were freed from Vol. II, Trivandrum, 1940, p.503. their attachment to temples and castes like [3] R.N. Yesudas, Col. John Munro in Travancore, the Ezhavas, Kaniyans etc. were given Trivandrum, 1977, p.11. independence from their Lords. A [4] P. Shangoonny Menon, A History of vaccination department was started Travancore, Madras, 1878, p.363. in Travancore in 1813 under her regency. [5] V. Nagam Aiya, op.cit, p.457. Finding orthodox reservations amongst her subjects with regard to vaccination, the [6] Kerala Society Papers Vol. II, Series 7, p.57. Queen first vaccinated herself and other [7] V. Nagam Aiya, op.cit, p.466. members of the Royal family to reassure her [8] V. Nagam Aiya, op.cit. people. [9]Regional Records Survey Committee, History of Freedom Movement in Kerala, Vol. I, p.44. CONCLUSION [10] Ibid. [11] T.K. Velu Pillai, op.cit, p.524. The periods of Gouri Lakshmi Bai (1810- [12] V. Nagam Aiya, op.cit, p.525. 1814) deals with the four years of Travancore history which constituted a silent [13] T.K. Velu Pillai, A History of Travancore, Trivandrum, p.66. reformation in Travancore. Gouri Lakshmi [14] Kerala Society Papers, op.cit, p.62. Bai was the first women ruler of Travancore and showed great resourcefulness in the

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