Hitler Versus Hindenburg: the 1932 Presidential Elections and the End of the Weimar Republic Larry Eugene Jones Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02261-4 - Hitler Versus Hindenburg: The 1932 Presidential Elections and the End of the Weimar Republic Larry Eugene Jones Index More information Index Abegg, Wilhelm, 124, 297 Bavarian Middle Party, 232 Adolf Friedrich Duke of Mecklenburg, 121 Bavarian People’s Party (BVP), 24, 27, 36, Alvensleben, Bodo von, 81, 236 154, 159, 298, 315, 323, 338, Anhalt 315 346, 349 antisemitism, 42–43, 45–46, 48 and Brüning, 132, 186 redemptive antisemitism, 48 and Hindenburg, 300 in the 1932 presidential elections, 248 support for presidential candidacy judeo-Bolshevism, 47 1925, 27, 30–31, 186, 210, 232, Ostjude, 43 276 The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, 47 elections Aretin, Erwein von, 233 Reichstag 1928, 72 Arnim-Boitzenburg, Dietlof von, 174 Reichstag July 1932, 346 Association of Christian Peasant Unions, Bavarian Rural League (BLB), 269, 286 211 Bechly, Hans, 160, 188, 272 and Hindenburg, 272 Badt, Hermann, 189 and Hitler, 138 Baltrusch, Fritz, 188, 202 Behrens, Franz, 178, 188 banking crisis 1931, 101 Below, Otto von, 209 Bäumer, Gertrud, 154 Bentheim-Treklenburg-Rheda, Albert zu Bausch, Paul election as marshal of DAG, 270 “Was ist Wahrheit?”, 302–3 Berghahn, Volker, 3 Bavaria Bernhard, Walter, 222 and Hindenburg’s election to the Reich Bertram, Cardinal Adolf, Bishop of presidency 1925, 32 Breslau, 210–11 Bavarian Hindenburg Committee, 158, Betz, Anton, 233 232 Bolz, Eugen, 203 civil defense leagues (Einwohnerwehren), Borck, Eldor, 151 159 Bornewasser, Franz Rudolf, Bishop of Trier elections and the Catholic
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