The World War I
Liceo Scientifico Statale “Niccolò Copernico” Pavia THE WORLD WAR I Project CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) Class 5^C and Prof. Monica Migliorini Years 2016-2017 Class 5^C Project: CLIL 2 Chierico & Codena CHAPTERS WHAT EVENTS LED TO WORLD WAR I? Pag. 4-5 (Chierico & Codena) HOW DID THE WAR BREAK OUT? Pag. 6-7 (Merighi & Pacchiarini) THE FRONTS Pag. 8-9-10-11 (Bossio & Decanis) ITALY BEFORE WORLD WAR I Pag. 12-13 (Bergamaschi & Dordolo) ITALY IN WORLD WAR I Pag. 14-15-16 (Paravella, Tarantola & Zhegra) RUSSIA IN WORLD WAR I Pag. 17-18-19 (Giretti & Giorgio) HOW DID THE WAR END? Pag. 20-21-22-23 (Bianchini & Duse) HOW WEAPONS CHANGED DURING WORLD WAR I? Pag. 24-25-26-27 (Moscardini & Restelli) Class 5^C: Bergamaschi Andrea, Bianchini Riccardo, Bossio Davide, Chierico Daniele, Codena Beatrice, Decanis Alessandro, Dordolo Luca, Duse Maddalena, Giretti Alex, Giorgio Ettore, Merighi Filippo, Moscardini Marta, Pacchiarini Luca, Paravella Ottavia, Restelli Andrea, Tarantola Greta, Zhegra Alba. Professor and Coordinator: Monica Migliorini Class 5^C Project: CLIL 4 WHAT EVENTS LED TO WORLD WAR I? There were many factors that led up to the start of World War I in Europe: a lot of these factors were rooted in the deep history of the old powers of Europe (including Russia, Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Hungary, and Britain) but the real causes of World War I included politics, secret alliances, imperialism, and nationalistic pride. However, there was one single event, the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, which started a chain of events leading to war.
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