Obed Wild and Scenic River National Park
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Obed Wild and Scenic River National Park Place cursor over cells with red By Cumberland Mycological Society, Crossville, TN triangles to view comments Click underlined x's for photo links click on underlined species for web links to details about those species Scientific name common names (if applicable) Sep-13 Jun-14 Edibility Notes* Aleurodiscus wakefieldiae syn. A. oakesii syn. Corticium oakesii "Oak Parchment" "Hop Hornbeam Disc" x inedible Amanita amerifulva [often called 'Amanita fulva' -a European species] “Tawny Grisette” x x edible -with extreme caution!! Amanita amerirubescens "Blusher" x deadly poisonous! Amanita bisporigera = A. virosa sensu auct. amer. (Ref. RET) "Destroying Angel" x x possibly poisonous Amanita brunnescens “Cleft foot-Amanita” x possibly poisonous Amanita citrina sensu auct. amer. "Citron Amanita," "False Death Cap" x possibly poisonous Amanita cf cokeri "Coker's Amanita" x x edible -may be toxic in large amts. Amanita flavoconia “Yellow Patches" x x edible Armillaria mellea syn. Armillariella mellea "Honey Mushroom" x inedible Artomyces pyxidatus syn. Clavicorona pyxidata, syn. Clavaria pyxidata "Crown-tipped Coral" x x edible -with extreme caution!! Austroboletus gracilis var. gracilis syn. Tylopilus gracilis “Graceful Bolete” x x possibly poisonous Baeospora cf myosura syn. Collybia conigena "Conifer-cone Baeospora" x edible (for most) if well-cooked Boletus cf bicolor var. bicolor "Two-colored Bolete" x inedible Boletus innixus syn. B. caespitosus, syn. Austroboletus innixus "Clustered Brown Bolete" x edible w/ caution Cantharellus cinnabarinus “Cinnabar Chanterelle” x edible Cantharellus lateritius syn. Craterellus cantharellus “Smooth Chanterelle” x edible and good Chlorociboria aeruginascens [or Chlorociboria aeruginosa] "Blue-green Wood Stain" x x choice edible Chroogomphus ochraceus = [N. Amer. misapplied name] C. rutilus "Pine Spike" x edible Clavulina cristata syn. C. coralloides, syn. Clavaria cristata "Crested Coral" x edible Coprinellus disseminatus syn. Pseudocoprinus disseminatus syn. Coprinus disseminatus "Little Helmuts" "Non-inky Coprinus" x insignificant Cortinarius semisanguineus syn. Dermocybe semisanguinea "Red-gilled Cort" x inedible -possibly poisonous Craterellus ignicolor syn. Cantharellus ignicolor "Flame-colored Chanterelle" x x most likely edible Daedaleopsis confragosa syn. Daedalea confragosa "Thin-maze Flat Polypore" x inedible Entoloma incanum syn. Leptonia incana syn. L. euchlora "Green Leptonia" x inedible, possibly poisonous Fomitopsis cajanderi “Rosy Polypore” x x inedible Ganoderma tsugae “Hemlock Varnish Shelf” x inedible, but very medicinal Geastrum saccatum "Rounded Earth Star" x inedible Gerronema strombodes syn. Chrysomphalina strombodes none x unknown Gomphus kauffmanii syn. Turbinellus kaufmanii syn. Cantherellus kaufmannii “Kaufman’s Scaly Chanterelle” x possibly poisonous -best avoided Humidicutis marginata syn. Hygrocybe marginata syn. Hygrophorus marginatus "Orange-gilled Waxy Cap" x edible, but not worthwhile Hydnellum spongiosipes syn. H. velutinum “Spongy-footed Tooth” x inedible Hydnum repandum syn. Dentium repandum “Hedgehog,” “Sweet Tooth” x edible and good Hydnum repandum var. albidum syn. Hydnum albidum “Hedgehog,” “Sweet Tooth” x edible (can be slightly bitter or acrid) Hygrophorus cf tennesseensis "Tennessee Waxy Cap" x inebible Hymenopellis furfuracea syn. Xerula furfuracea syn. Oudemansiella radicata “Rooted Oudemansiella” x edible, but mediocre Hypholoma fasciculare syn. H. subviride, syn. Naemataloma fasciculare “Sulfur Tuft” x poisonous Kretzschmaria deusta syn. Ustulina deusta "Brittle Cinder," "Carbon Cushion" x inedible Laccaria cf laccata "Common Laccaria" x x edible Lactarius allardii none x inedible -acrid and bitter Lactarius argillaceifolius var. argillaceifolius "Clay-gilled Milk Cap" x unknown Lactarius atroviridis none x inedible or unknown /acrid Lactarius chrysorrheus "Gold-drop Milk Cap" x poisonous Lactarius corrugis syn. Lactarius volemus var. subrugosus “Corrugated Milk Cap” x edible and quite good Lactarius deceptivus "Deceptive Milky" x inedible Lactarius gerardii var. subrubescens “Gerard’s Lactarius” x likely edible /unknown Lactarius glaucescens syn. Lactarius piperatus var. glaucescens none x extremely acrid and likely toxic Lactarius speciosus none x unknown Lactarius subpurpureus “Wine-red Lactarius” x edible for most people Lactarius volemus "Bradley," "Tawny Milk Cap" x edible and good Lactarius yazooensis none x(?) Laetiporus sulphureus syn. Polyporus sulphureus "Sulfur Shelf" "Chicken of the Woods" x choice edible (with exceptions) Lentinellus subaustralis [very similar to Lentinellus micheneri] none x(?) no information Lenzites betulina syn. Trametes betulina syn. Daedalea betulina "Multicolor Gill Polypore" x inedible Lycogala epidendrum syn. Lycoperdon epidendrum "Wolf's Milk Slime," "Toothpaste Slime" x inedible Lycoperdon perlatum syn. L. gemmatum “Gem-Studded Puffball” x edible when young and white inside Marasmius siccus (or poss. M. fulvoferrugineus) "Orange Pinwheel Marasmius" x unknown Megacollybia rodmani complex [former misapplied name = M. platyphylla] “Platterful Mushroom” x x gastric upset in some -best avoided Multifurca ochricompacta syn. Russula ochricompacta none x unknown Mycorrhaphium adustum syn. Steccherinum adustum “Kidney-shaped Tooth” x x inedible Phellinus gilvus syn. Polyporus gilvus "Mustard-yellow Polypore," "Oak Conk" x inedible Polyporus radicatus "Rooting Polypore" x inedible Polyporus varius syn. P. elegans "Elegant Polypore" x x inedible Psathyrella delineata "Wrinkled Psathyrella" x unknown Retiboletus ornatipes syn. Boletus ornatipes “Ornate-stalked Bolete” x x inedible in our region -too bitter Rhodocybe mundula syn. Clitopilus noveboracensis "Cracked-cap Rhodocybe" x unknown Russula aeruginea “Tacky Green Russula” x edible Russula compacta “Firm Russula” x edible, but very poor -avoid Russula polyphylla none x inedible Russula variata syn. R. cyanoxantha var. variata “Variable Russula” x edible Schizophyllum commune “Common Split Gill” x inedible Stemonitis splendens [or related species] “Chocolate Tube Slime” x inedible or unknown Stereum complicatum syn. S. rameale "Golden Parchment Fungus" x inedible Stereum ostrea syn. S. fasciatum, syn. S. lobatum, syn. S. versicolor “False Turkey Tail” x inedible Suillus americanus "Chicken Fat Suillus" x edible, but poor, reactions in some Suillus hirtellus none x edible Suillus pictus syn. Suillus spraguei syn. Boletinus pictus “Painted Suillus,” "Painted Bolete" x x edible Thelephora vialis "Ground Wart" x(?) inedible Trametes elegans syn. Daedalea ambigua syn. Daedaleopsis ambigua none x inedible Trametes versicolor syn. Coriolus versicolor “Turkey Tail” x x inedible, but medicinal Tremellodendron pallidum syn. T. schweinitzii "False Coral" x edible, but not worthwhile Trichaptum biforme syn. Polyporus biformis “Violet Toothed Polypore” x x inedible Tylopilus rubrobrunneus "Reddish-brown Bitter Bolete" x inedible -bitter Xeromphalina campanella syn. Omphalina campanella “Golden Trumpets ” “Fuzzy Foot” x inedible Xeromphalina kauffmanii "Cross-veined Troop Mushroom" x inedible Xylaria cubensis none x inedible or unknown species in purple text respresent species from the most recent foray that were identified for the 1st time at CMS forays Totals 64 38 New Species identified (1st time here) 21 The specimens noted below were among those not identified to species: Amanita species x x *The edibility listing is only intended Amanita species x as a guide. Be sure to check several Bolete species x sources before consuming any wild Cortinarius species x x mushrooms, which may be toxic. Entoloma species x Cumberland Mycological Society, it's Hebeloma species x officers and members, assume no Hydnellum species x liability for these contents, nor their Inocybe species x accuracy. Those who consume wild Lactarius species x x mushrooms should be absolutely Ramaria species x x certain of their identification, should Russula species x consult multiple credible sources for Russula species x for verification, and assume full Sarcodon species x responsibility for their actions. Schleroderma species x Trichaptum species x Note: This species list is not respresentative of all mushrooms present on a given date. Collecting is limited to certain trails and locations and not all specimens found are always gathered. Many of the collected specimens never get identified or recorded for various reasons, which include (but are not limited to): time restraints and condition of specimens. For Cumberland Mycological Society home page, click link below: www.cumberlandmycology.com.