Congressional Record—House H8274
H8274 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 6, 2004 School West on Long Island he pursued an be a reference to the Congressman Jack man Jack Fields, by renaming the post undergraduate degree at SUNY Albany. Fol- Fields Post Office. office in Kingwood, Texas, where he lowing school, Finn began a career in law en- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- and his family live, as the ‘‘Congress- forcement marked by innovation and success. ant to the rule, the gentleman from man Jack Fields Post Office.’’ A 13-year veteran of the Albany force, John Tennessee (Mr. DUNCAN) and the gen- He represented the 8th District of Finn served admirably throughout his career tleman from Illinois (Mr. DAVIS) each Texas from 1981 to 1997, 16 years. He re- and during that tenure received two lifesaving will control 20 minutes. tired really at the pinnacle of his ca- awards from his department and the 2000 Of- The Chair recognizes the gentleman reer for a very powerful reason, to ficer of the Year from the Kiwanis Club. On from Tennessee (Mr. DUNCAN). spend more time with his family, his July 26th, 2004, New York State officially rec- GENERAL LEAVE wonderful wife, Lynn, and children, ognized the contributions of Lieutenant Finn Mr. DUNCAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask daughters Jordan and Lexi and stepson by posthumously awarding him the Governor’s unanimous consent that all Members Josh Hughes. Jack left as chairman of Police Officer of the Year Award for 2003. may have 5 legislative days within the House Committee on Commerce’s Lieutenant Finn was a model policeman and which to revise and extend their re- Telecommunications and Finance Sub- family man, dedicating his life to protecting marks and include extraneous material committee, a very important post, and others.
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