Congressional Record—House H8274
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H8274 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 6, 2004 School West on Long Island he pursued an be a reference to the Congressman Jack man Jack Fields, by renaming the post undergraduate degree at SUNY Albany. Fol- Fields Post Office. office in Kingwood, Texas, where he lowing school, Finn began a career in law en- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- and his family live, as the ‘‘Congress- forcement marked by innovation and success. ant to the rule, the gentleman from man Jack Fields Post Office.’’ A 13-year veteran of the Albany force, John Tennessee (Mr. DUNCAN) and the gen- He represented the 8th District of Finn served admirably throughout his career tleman from Illinois (Mr. DAVIS) each Texas from 1981 to 1997, 16 years. He re- and during that tenure received two lifesaving will control 20 minutes. tired really at the pinnacle of his ca- awards from his department and the 2000 Of- The Chair recognizes the gentleman reer for a very powerful reason, to ficer of the Year from the Kiwanis Club. On from Tennessee (Mr. DUNCAN). spend more time with his family, his July 26th, 2004, New York State officially rec- GENERAL LEAVE wonderful wife, Lynn, and children, ognized the contributions of Lieutenant Finn Mr. DUNCAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask daughters Jordan and Lexi and stepson by posthumously awarding him the Governor’s unanimous consent that all Members Josh Hughes. Jack left as chairman of Police Officer of the Year Award for 2003. may have 5 legislative days within the House Committee on Commerce’s Lieutenant Finn was a model policeman and which to revise and extend their re- Telecommunications and Finance Sub- family man, dedicating his life to protecting marks and include extraneous material committee, a very important post, and others. Finn’s commitment to the well being of on the bill under consideration. as vice chairman of the Committee’s others remains visible in the good works of the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Commerce, Trade and Hazardous Mate- Children and Family Services Unit of the Al- objection to the request of the gen- rials Subcommittee. bany Police Department, which Finn helped tleman from Tennessee? For those who know him, Jack was create. Lieutenant Finn’s surviving family in- There was no objection. born in Humble, Texas, on February 3, cludes his wife Maura McNulty-Finn and Mr. DUNCAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1952. His family had lived and has lived daughters Clara and Molly. myself such time as I may consume. on the same plot of land since the During his final days, Lieutenant Finn con- Mr. Speaker, H.R. 4232 honors a very 1860s. His family is remarkable. Those tinued to exemplify bravery and fortitude by distinguished former Member of this who know his dad and for all the con- fighting hard for nearly 2 months after taking body, Congressman Jack Fields of tributions, the special place he played three bullets from a semiautomatic weapon. Texas, with whom I had the privilege of in the Humble community; his mom, Thankfully, Finn’s murderer now resides be- serving. Congressman Fields, who made who was beloved by all; his brother hind bars, and in a testament to Lieutenant a living as a businessman and attorney, Jess, a distinguished community lead- Finn’s affect on the community, nearly 5,000 was elected as a Republican Member of er; his wife, Lynn, a top educator/ people attended a public service in his honor. the 97th and to the seven succeeding school board member for many years. Mr. Speaker, I wish to extend my deepest Congresses. He served in the House His whole family is just remarkable. So condolences to John Finn’s family and friends from 1981 until 1987. there is no exception; Jack was, as and I am happy to help memorialize this brave Many of us had a chance to work well. man by designating a Federal building in his alongside Congressman Fields, and we Jack earned his Bachelor’s degree honor. I reserve the balance of my time. could not be happier about this post of- from Baylor in Waco, Texas, in 1974. Mr. DUNCAN. Mr. Speaker, I have no fice designation in his honor. He was a While attending Baylor, Jack served an further requests for time, and I yield very devoted Representative of the peo- unprecedented two terms as school back the balance of my time. ple of Texas and the Nation as a whole. body president and was twice named The SPEAKER pro tempore. The He was a leading member of the House Outstanding Baylor Man. In 1977, Jack question is on the motion offered by Committee on Energy and Commerce earned his law degree from Baylor Law the gentleman from Tennessee (Mr. and contributed to this body and to School and for 9 years has served as a DUNCAN) that the House suspend the this country in ways too numerous to Baylor University trustee. As one rules and pass the bill, H.R. 5053. mention at this time. would imagine, he is a little partial to The question was taken; and (two- I commend the gentleman from the Baylor Bears. thirds having voted in favor thereof) Texas (Mr. BRADY) for honoring Con- Jack served as a member of the Tele- the rules were suspended and the bill gressman Jack Fields in this legisla- communications and Finance Sub- was passed. tion. I urge passage of this bill. committee from 1985 until his retire- A motion to reconsider was laid on Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of ment. During his years of service he the table. my time. had maintained jurisdiction over inter- Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I national and interstate telecommuni- f yield myself such time as I may con- cations. It oversaw the Federal Com- b 1745 sume. munications Commission, as well as Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to join in the telephone, cellular, cable and CONGRESSMAN JACK FIELDS POST consideration of H.R. 4232, to redesig- broadcast industries, among others. It OFFICE nate the facility of the United States also worked on issues at the Security Mr. DUNCAN. Mr. Speaker, I move to Postal Service located at 4025 Feather and Exchange Commission, as well as suspend the rules and pass the bill Lakes Way in Kingwood, Texas, as the activities of investment bankers, stock (H.R. 4232) to redesignate the facility of ‘‘Congressman Jack Fields Post Of- brokers, investment advisers, stock ex- the United States Postal Service lo- fice.’’ changes, and the mutual fund industry. cated at 4025 Feather Lakes Way in Congressman Fields represented him- As subcommittee chairman in 1995, Kingwood, Texas, as the ‘‘Congressman self extremely well as a Member of this Jack Fields led the effort in the House Jack Fields Post Office’’. body, has an outstanding record of to enact the first comprehensive re- The Clerk read as follows: service not only to the people of his form of the Communications Act of H.R. 4232 community but to the people of the Na- 1934 in more than 6 decades, the meas- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- tion. It is appropriate that we would ure promoting greater competition in resentatives of the United States of America in name a postal facility in his honor. all telecommunications-related indus- Congress assembled, Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of tries. Congress passed the legislation, SECTION 1. CONGRESSMAN JACK FIELDS POST my time. and President Clinton signed it into OFFICE. Mr. DUNCAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield law in February of 1996. (a) REDESIGNATION.—The facility of the such time as he may consume to the As subcommittee chairman, Jack’s United States Postal Service located at 4025 distinguished gentleman from Texas efforts led to passage of the National Feather Lakes Way in Kingwood, Texas, and (Mr. BRADY), the sponsor of this legis- Securities Markets Improvement Act known as the Kingwood Post Office, is here- lation. of 1996, which protects investors while by redesignated as the ‘‘Congressman Jack Mr. BRADY of Texas. Mr. Speaker, it also promoting greater efficiency and Fields Post Office’’. (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, is a wonderful honor to join with my capital formation in the financial mar- map, regulation, document, paper, or other Republican and Democrat friends, the kets. Jack also played a critical role in record of the United States to the facility re- Texas delegation of this Chamber, to passing the Securities Litigation Re- ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to honor our former colleague Congress- form Act that reforms the Federal civil VerDate jul 14 2003 03:46 Oct 08, 2004 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06OC7.092 H06PT2 October 6, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8275 justice system regarding private secu- in telecommunications as chairman of Mr. MCNULTY. Mr. Speaker, I thank rities litigation. the Telecommunications and Finance the gentleman for yielding me this He has been nothing close to retired Subcommittee, he has also used his ex- time. since he left Congress. He has set up pertise to advocate for the continent of I also join in support of this tribute his own firm, has stayed involved in his Africa. During his tenure, I had the to Jack Fields, with whom I did serve. ranching and timber interests. He pleasure of traveling to South Africa He is certainly very deserving of this opened the 21st Century Group, a with Jack on a trip organized by the tribute. Washington-based governmental affairs newly formed, at that time, Discovery Mr. DAVIS of Illinois.