). election news

GPCbloc vote on the line MayS

Amid the swarm of candidates at GPC's the free-for-all for Ron Paul's seat in the endorsement night, heads turned to U.S. House of Representatives. watch a familiar, figure as he shook In what many candidates called the members' hands-Sheriff Jack Heard. city's most thorough procedure, GPC Heard, of course, was the mayoral candi- screened 57 Democrats and 3 Republi- date who criticized Kathy Whitmire for cans, endorsing 28 Democrats and 2 her gay support during their 1981 race. His Republicans. Several Republican judicial

hopes dimmed -when gay voters asso- , candidates indicated they would screen "I'll change your 1'-' ciated him with a full-page homophobic after the May 5 primaries. Two Republi- perception of newspaper ad and a last-minute homo- can US. Senate hopefuls discussed the what a Southern phobic mailgram. Heard, who screened in possibility of screening, but neither actu- sheriff should be." March, specifically denied any connec- ally scheduled. 'tlon.with the ad or mailgram and told the like other gay organizations across the. endorsement night audience he had state, Gay Political Caucus was heavily -Klevenhagen never been involved in anything detri- courted by U.S. Senate candidates Lloyd .mental to gays. , Doggett and . And like other The caucus, however, overwhelmingly gay organizations, the caucus overwhelm- endorsed Johnny Klevenhagen, a 20-year ingly endorsed state Sen. , a law-enforcement veteran .. Klevenhagen, well-respected and well-financed candi- who retired from the Sheriff's Depart- date who has garnered the vast majority of ment with the rank of major, holds a mas- endorsements. To offset Krueger's name - Johnny Klevenhagen ter's degree in police administration. He recognition, Doggett has said he hopes to 'Jack Heard also considers gays an important part of build a coalition much like Ann Richards '.' /~ . his coalition. His is one of six races tar- and Jim Hightower did in their races two diffuse accusations he was gay. screerung committee, once served as an geted for volunteer emphasis. years ago. Changes for gay endorsements . GPC's growing political clout also was associate general counsel for the U.S. This is the first time GPC has endorsed a for Krueger capsized when gay endorsing' reflected in the county commissioner House committee on the assassination of serious sheriff's candidate. But March 21 organizations questioned the former con- Precinct 1 race. Six candidates screened, Martin Luther King lr, and John F. produced other firsts: the first U:S. Senate gressman about his vote for the McDon- and five spoke on endorsement night. In Kennedy. and county commissioner.endorsements. ald Amendment. The amendment-would the most hotly contested endorsement of The race for the 1st Court of h.ppeals, The caucus also chose to support the have cut off free legal aid to gays offered the evening, state Rep. EI Franco lee won Place 2; will be an uphill battle for Hous- county's first two Asian-American judicial through the legal Services Corp. Krueger caucus support 47-20 over Sylvester ton attorney Michol O'Connor against candidates and a Republican candidate in stated he voted for the amendment to Turner. Frank Briscoe, a former DA who once said Dr. Joseph Agris, a Republican who had wasn't conservative enough for one of the season's best screenings, was him. O'Connor, a woman, was instrumen- --- - . .. - . t:!r.dorsed for U.S. representative, District tal in writing the "rape as assault" bill that r=;~~t :;t;hTe;;~T;=j:;:~~-~n~d~o-r~s~e-;"-e~ ·~ofiff:se;:;t~K::;ru~~e;'g;:e~rT.:s;-;:;n-;a'm~e:-·:------""""!:"::------:------ter's degree in police administration. He recognition, Doggett has said he hopes to Jack Heard ' Johnny Klevenhagen also considers gays an important part of build a coalition much like Ann Richards his coalition. His is one of six races tar- and Jim Hightower did in their races two diffuse accusations he was gay. screeningcornrnittee, once served as an geted for volunteer emphasis. years ago. Changes for gay endorsements GPC's growing political clout also was associate general counsel for the U.S. This is the first time GPC has endorsed a for Krueger capsized when gay endorsing reflected in the county commissioner House committee on the assassination of serious sheriff's candidate. But March 21 organizations questioned the former con- Precinct 1 race. Six candidates screened, Martin luther King [r, and John F. f produced other firsts: the first U.S. Senate gressman about his vote for the McDon- and five spoke on endorsement night. In Kennedy. and county commissioner endorsements. aid Amendment. The amendment would the most hotly contested endorsement of The race for the 1st Court of Appeals, The caucus also chose to support the have cut off free legal aid to gays offered the evening, state Rep. EIFranco lee won Place 2; will be an uphill battle for Hous- county's first two Asian-American judicial through the legal Services Corp. Krueger caucus support 47-20 over Sylvester ton attorney Michol O'Connor against candidates and a Republican candidate in stated he voted for the amendment to Turner. Frank Briscoe, a former DA who once said Dr. Joseph Agris, a Republican who had Houston wasn't conservative enough for one of the season's best screenings, was him. O'Connor, a woman, was instrumen- endorsed for U.S. representative, District tal in writing the "rape as assault" bill that 22. Agris, whose race was targeted, im- radically changed this state's rape laws GPC Endorsement Card pressed the screening committee with an and afforded homosexual victims equal excellent understanding of AIDS and the protection. extensive political organization he is put- The final targeted candidate is lee Wil- DEMOCRATS: ting together. son, running for state representative, Dis- trict 148. Wilson, an attorney, is being United States Senator lloyd Doggett Other candidates profiled on Page 2 U.S. Rep. 18 Mickey leland supported by the same coalition that backed Frumencio Reyes two years ago. U.S. Rep. 8 Jay Marcus Hill Hannah Chow, running for County Wilson's opponent, Rep. Roman Mar- Chief Justice, Supreme Court John luke Hill Civil Court No.3, and Toni lIagas Ingversen, seeking the judgeship of the tinez, was heavily supported by City Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 1 Sam Houston Clinton Councilman Ben Reyes during Martinez's 14th Court of Appeals, Place 1, are hoping first race. Martinez won that 1981 election to become the first Asian-American 1st Court of Appeals, Place 2 MicholO'Connor by a heart-rending 13 votes over longtime 14th Court of Appeals, Place 1 Toni lIagas Ingversen judges-in fact, the first Asian-American elected officials-in the county. Chow community supporter Frumencio Reyes. Judicial candidates don't get much pub- State Rep. 131 Ron Wilson serves on the University of Houston licity, especially in a presidential year. State Rep. 132 Paul Colbert Downtown Humanities Advisory Board State Rep. 137 Debra Danburg and is legal counsel to the Asian- Their races are seldom exciting. But few could argue with the importance of elect- State Rep. 142 Harold V. Dutton Jr. American Council of Organizations and ing judges who make life and death deci- State Rep. 148 lee Wilson· Asian Com-munity Support Services Cen- ter. Chow's race has been targeted. sions who also support gay rights. Harris Cty. Distriet Attorney David A. Jones Fortunately, it's here GPC's impact is Harris Cty. Sheriff Johnny Klevenhagen" Ingversen offers a wide range of legal Harris Cty. Commissioner Pet. 1 EIFranco lee experience, both civil and criminal, in- See GPC Page 3 Harris Cty. Constable Pet. 7 A.B. Chambers cluding research and writing appellate County Civil Court at law No.3 Hannah Chow" briefs and arguing before appellate courts. A crucial judicial race targeted by the 127th Dist. Court Judge Alice Trevathan caucus was the 174th District Court, pit- index 151st Dist. Court Judge Herb H. Ritchie ting James G. "Greg" Glass against in- Gay census 2 164th Dist. Court Judge Peter S. Solito cumbent Jon N. Hughes. The race is 174th Dist. Court Judge James G. "Greg" Glass" expected to put, GPC's political clout in Volunteers 3 178th Dist. Court Judge Doug O'Brien judicial races to a severe test. GPC seldom 215th Dist. Court Judge · endorses against an acceptable incum- Mini-Jam 3 333rd Dist. Cqurt. Judge Elinor Walters bent, and a loss here could cast a shadow 337th Dist. C'6urt Judge Bob Burdette across all the progress the caucus has Membership 3 339th Dist. Court Judge lupe Salinas made at the county courthouse. The cau- 351st Dist. Court Judge Jay W. Burnett cus has a chance, though, to put an ener- GPC office 4 County Ct1air Barbara Stanley getic proponent of pre-trial release and a strong supporter of minority rights on an Voting ins, outs 5 REPUBLICANS important court. U.S. Rep. 22 Joseph Agris" In the final targeted judicial race, Sheila Democrats 6 127th Dist. Court Judge Sharolyn Wood Jackson lee is seeking the 215th Civil Dis- trict Court seat. tee.who prompted such Republicans 6 • Indicates targeted races ~ remarks as "phenomenal" from the GPC Election News page 2 Candidates as diverse as gay community - , , Mickey Leland: ger to the community. Colbert is a well- tion of family violence cases: and effec- rose resident is in a crowded race for the ? One of Houston's most-respected black respected member of the House whose tive use of pre-trial release, a program 178th District Court seat. 9~ leaders, few people anywhere are as out- expertise in education is widely acknow affecting mostly misdemeanors that has ~ Elinor Wahers: spoken for minority rights-including gay -Iedged. saved gay clients approximately $100,000a F<£~ year. fNalters, who was endorsed two years rights-as Congressman Leland. Leland Debra Danburg: has worked actively in Washington for gay ago, is a professor at the University of Danburg not only has been the voice of EIFranco Lee: ~ rights, both publically and behind the Houston-Clear Lake City, president of the f# , Montrose in the state Legislature, she has Lee, known for his understatement, has Texas Municipal Courts Association and scenes. been one of the major voices for progres- been a strong ally of Debra Danburg's in an associate municipal judge in Seabrook. Marc Hill: sive legislation in the state House. It was the state Legislature. Lee is also known for A progressive candidate, Hill will also Danburg who led the successful fight to getting things done and should add a pro- Bob Burdette: make a formidable opponent for Repub- keep the Ceverah bill (criminalizing gressive voice to the County Commis- The recent Mark White appointee to lican Jack Fields. He has worked with homosexual behavior) from ever getting sioners Court. the 337th District Court is a formerassis- leaders of the community, most recently to the House floor, tant district attorney and a member of the in Anne Wheeler's city council campaign. faculty of the Houston Police Academy. A.B. Chambers: ~ John Luke Hill: The long-time constable was the first Lupe Salinas: A former state attorney general and constable to show any sensitivity to the The recently appointed judge was secretary of state, John Hill was the first gay community. It was Chambers who chief of the Civil Rights Division of the • gubernatorial candidate to seek GPC's deputized Fred Paez, the late gay activist. U.S. Attorney's Office, special assistant to the U.S. attorney general, an assistant DA endorsement. Hill will bring to the Texas Greg Glass Alice Trevathan: Supreme Court, a civil court, sensitivity to and an assistant U.s. attorney. Salinas is a A distinguished attorney, Trevathan is a long-time civil rights activist whose excel- the gay community the court has never --5' member of the board 6'f directors of the lent screening reflects his commitment. had before. Houston Trial Lawyers Association. The Sam Houston Clinton: Montrose resident also has extensive civil Jay W. Burnett: The judge of Court of Criminal Appeals, trial experience. The well-organized and well-financed Place 1, provides a scholarly yet populist Harold V. Dutton Jr.: candidate for the 351st District Court is Herb H. Ritchie: the front-runner in the race, as well as in perspective. He ruled in favor of the gay Dutton, who is seeking EI Franco Lee's The Montrose attorney offers a com- the fiar poll. communityiri Liebman and Bloomer vs. old seat in the state House, is being sup- prehensive civil background, including Texas, firmly establishing the right to ported by the same coalition that sup- corporate and private practice, as well as Barbara Stanley: privacy. ported Lee. Dutton is an experienced criminal trial and appellate experience. The Democratic party activist, consi- lobbyist who is familiar with the legislative dered the favorite in the race for party Ron Wilson: process. Peter S. Solito: chair, has been campaigning hard. She The sponsor of the E:qualOpportunity The imminently qualified judge of the also screened well. Commission bill is a longtime friend of the David A. Jones: 164th District Court has been a civil, crim- The Democratic nominee for district community. He also has survivecf recent inal and family relations judge. His record Sharolyn Wood: attorney is enlisting GPC's early support in political attacks and is the front-runner in on gay issues'has been very progressive. Wood is becoming fairly well-known in what is expected to be a close race with his race for state representative, District the gay community for her aggressive DA Johnny Holmes. Jones, a former pro- Doug O'Brien: 131. campaign style. Wood received the GPC secutor, advocates less plea bargaining; a O'Brien served as an assistant district endorsement two years ago, but the Paul Colbert: - system of dealing with some class C mis- attorney for four years before going into Republican lost in the Democratic sweep. State Rep. Paul Colbert, famous for his demeanors with citations; better caseload private practice, in which he has de- She is an outspoken, articulate spokesper- chocolate party fund-raisers, is no stran- management; more aggressive prosecu- fended numerous gay clients. The Mont- son for minority rights GPe Calendar A gay census means APRIL 29 Mini-Jam more effective organizations MAY 1 Last day to vote absentee for May 5 primaries " 1__ .:'Lr. Dr h"'-'::llLe•••• ••••.•oof:i n n. I-''-'"IL •••..Q. QILILQ •••••.••••~ CI.'.U .3 ILlile; •• '-' •• IL-. '-1.11.'11I:::" ••• '-' •. 5ay ';';:''-Ie;;, •• a=> ue;~ •• v.:. Y p. U51 ~:::t:::t.v.:. his race for state representative, District what is'expected to be a close nice with the gay ~~~~~;';ityf~';' h~~··agg;~~~i~~ 131. DA Johnny Holmes. Jones, a former pro- Doug O'Brien: campaign style. Wood received the epc secutor, advocates lessplea bargaining; a O'Brien served as an assistant district endorsement two years ago, but the Paul Colbert: ' system of dealing with some class C mis- attorney for four years before going into Republican lost in the Democratic sweep. State Rep. Paul Colbert, famous for his demeanors with citations; better caseload private practice, in which he has de- She is an outspoken, articulate spokesper- chocolate party fund-raisers, is no stran- management; more aggressive prosecu- fended numerous gay clients. The Mont- son for minority rights GPe Calendar A gay census means APRIL 29 Mini-Jam more effective organizations MAY 1 Last day to vote absentee for May 5 primaries 1 GPC board meeting 2 General meeting 3 Last day to register to vote in June 2 primary run-off elections GPC members are charged with invest- that has changed in the past 5 to 10 years 3 <:;PCDemocratic Committee meeting ing the community's trust and support in and what kinds of programs they should 5 PRIMARY ELECTIONS, PRECINCT CONVENTIONS, candidates for public office. Some mem- offer in the future. ELECTION CENTRAL bers cast such votes within the framework Educated estimates indicate there are 16 General meeting of their own political ideology, while oth- about 250,000gays in the Greater Houston 19 Senate district conventions-Republican and Democratic ers try to reflect a,supposed ideological Metropolitan Area. Almost 90,000 visit point of view encompassing the commun- bars regularly, eat at our restaurants, JUNE 2 PRIMARY RUN-OFF ELECTIONS ity as a whole. attend gay churches, belong to gay organ- 5 Board meeting . As we have matured and established izations and/or buy goods and services in 6 General meeting our political beachhead, more candidates Montrose. If we do our homework 40,000 14-24 GAY PRIDE WEEK of-a conservative bent have asked for our people will vote our endorsements and 15-16 Republican State Convention (Fort Worth) support. Without some mechanism to 100,000 will attend our Gay Pride Week 15-17 Democratic State Convention (Houston) measure the range of political beliefs celebrations this year. 23 GPC Celebration 84 within the lesbian/gay community we will We must take a census. It must be as continue playing a guessing game. accurate as possible. It must be anony- JULY 10 Bbard meeting The caucus must be sensitive and mous. It must be comprehensive. The pro- 11 General meeting responsive to the entire community or we ject is the largest we've ever considered. It 16-20 Democratic National Convention (San Francisco) will. simply not be relevant in the future. It will require weeks of data collection, 18 General meeting is toosimple to saythat if conservative and months of processing. Data processing 31 Board meeting other non-liberals want GPC to represent professionals will have to help us design AUGUST 1 General meeting their interests, theysould join the caucus. the questionnaire after every element of 15 General meeting Of course, everyone should join the cau- the community contributes questions. To 21-24 Republican National Convention () cus. and participate in the decision- be successful, this must be a total com- making. But Gay Political Caucus needs a munity commitment. larger data base than members who The ideal time to undertake such a pro- SEPTEMBER 4 Board meeting attend. Houston needs a census of the gay 5 General meeting ject is during Gay Pride Week. Just the population. process of taking the survey will have a 19 General meeting We need to know what you want us to positive effect on our mutual commit- 30 Montrose. Jam do. We need to know who we represent, ment and help raise some people's level what your political priorities are, how of consciousness. The end results will give OCTOBER 2 Board meeting you've been discriminated against. The us the best data base any gay community 3 General meeting Montrose Clinic and the KS/AIDS Foun- has ever had. 6 Deadline for voter registration dation need to know what your health As soon as the dust settles after the 17 General meeting care concerns are and what approaches to primaries a special ~mmunity meeting those concerns you will support. The will be called for an interested parties. NOVEMBER 6 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS Montrose Counseling Center needs to Watch the Montrose Voice and TWT for \ 7 General meeting know how you feel about yourself, how that announcement.

DECEMBER 4 Board meeting

5 General meeting / GPC Election News page 3 Candidates count Mini-Jam Sunday ,. Gay Houstonians will have an unusual been asked to participate. opportunity to talk with the candidates at Those who didn't register to vote in a Mini-Jam noon to 6 p.m. Sunday, April time for the May 5 primaries will be able on :GPCvolunteers 29, in the 1000 block of California (same to register at the Mini-Jam for the June 2 location as GPC's Montrose Jam). runoff elections and the November gen- The Mini-Jam will feature cold beer, a eral election. The lesbian land gay community of Whitmire, Debra Danburg, Ron Waters variety of live music and GPC-endorsed A GPC garage sale is planned as part of Houston is well-known for the thousands and Ann Richards. Working side by side candidates in the May 5 Democratic and the festivities. So if you have an item to of hours volunteered each year to GPC- with volunteers from across the county, Republican primaries. donate, drop by Montrose Hair Design endorsed candidates throughout Harris we are able to educate our neighbors on Other community .or.ganizations have (David Fowler), 1004 California. County. One show of our strength is mea- gay issues while advancing a common sured by the calls we receive every year to cause. provide women and men to run errands, make yard signs, organize precincts and Everyone is encouraged to help our GPC From Page 1 prepare the enormous about of mail endorsed candidates by volunteering a needed to help win a campaign. Gay few hours a week and attending fund- greatest. Because most voters don't tion bill was a painful reminder that equal volunteers have been the backbone of raisers to help defray campaign expenses. bother to vote all the way down the ballot, rights and gay rights won't be the same many campaigns, including' those of Kathy Gay visibility is one of our strongest tools. GPC's bloc vote may be 30 percent in thing for many gay Americans for a long these races. Percentages, of course, be- time. The formula for hastening such a come meaningless without a heavy gay day has been clear for about a decade: turnout year after year. As any politician Support progressive candidates and gay CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS will admit, it's GPC's bloc vote that counts. organizations with volunteer hours and Lloyd Doggett Campaign 2016 Main, Suite 111 739-1232 California governor Deukmejian's re- money. And vote as if your rights de- Joseph Agris Campaign 6560 Fannin #1730 797-6292 cent veto of that state's anti-discrimina- pended on it. Johnny Klevenhagen Campaign Milam at Dennis 520-4500 Lee Wilson Campaign 2103 North Main 227-4127 Greg Glass Campaign 3407 Montrose #205 521-9216 Sheila Jackson Lee Campaign 5405 Griggs Road #1 664-1006/741-0887 Hannah Chow Campaign 4711 San Jacinto 526-1439 Open Letter to the Gay Community Harold Dutton Campaign 4223 Lyons 674-2005 EI Franco Lee Campaign 4118 Fannin 521-0057 Like a lot of people, we're pretty busy. There are many things we'd David Jones Campaign 320 Main, Suite 200 223-2678 rather do than ask people for money. Lobbying down at City Hall or / Paul Colbert Campaign 11210 S. Post Oak #B 728-3192 screening political candidates, for instance. But you do what you have to Barbara Stanley Campaign 4741 Kingfisher 729-1793 do. Sharolyn Wood Campaign 500 Binz Bldg., 1001 Texas 223-0888 To do what it has to do, GPC needs money. This slick-looking newsletter Marc Hill Campaign 10930 East Freeway 451-8197 may make GPC look rich, but the ads barely paid for the $5,000 printing 521-9216 Herb Ritchie Campaign 3407 Montrose #205 and mailing cost and the endorsement cards for the May 5 primaries. It's 1018 Preston, 2nd Floor 524-1686 Alice Trevathan Campaign frustrating when GPC board members have to say no to spending $200 Peter Solito Campaign 3219 Ella Lee Lane 529-8375 for Vote the GPC Slate Endorsement posters for bars because we just Doug O'Brien Campaign 3100 Weslayan #369 . 961-4641 don't have the money. Someday we'd love to be able to afford endorse- Elinor Walters Campaign 2009 Willow Wisp/Seabrook . 474-5074 Bob Burdette Campaign 403 Caroline, 2nd Floor 783-0827 ment ads in the Post and Chronicle so many more gay voters and our Jay Burnett Campaign 909 Marshall 783-8426 supporters will know what candidates we support. . A.B. Chambers Campaign 4123 Dacca Drive 734-1348 GPC is operating on O-based budgeting: Each project, such as the GPC celebration during Gay Pride Week, must pay for itself. Of course, such projects usually make money to tide us over for a few months. Right now GPC's bank account looks like a lot of people's-like the check writer is living from paycheck to paycheck. GPC's 'paycheck' comes in the form of donations, annual memberships, ..' Presldenfsren rt~I fu~d-.rai7ers and the pled.~.r.~m:2~.;J~~~g~ ~r?~gr_~_~!~~~~m'y'.I,~~~! IVlal'- r-'I•• '-dlI I..,CIIe;' I IU;lJV La;'1- •• ~,.;;;••••u.J may make bt-'L. lOOK rrcn. out me aos oarery palo Tor me :t>!),UUU printing Herb Ritchie Campaign 3407 Montrose #205 521-9216 and mailing cost and the endorsement cards for the May 5 primaries.It's 524-1686 Alice Trevathan Campaign 1018 Preston, 2nd Floor frustrating when GPC board members have to say no to spending $200 3219 Ella lee lane 529-8375 Peter Solito Campaign for Vote the GPC Slate Endorsement posters for bars because we just 3100 Weslayan #369 . 961-4641 Doug O'Brien Campaign don't have the money. Someday we'd love to be able to afford endorse- Elinor Walters Campaign 2009 Willow Wisp/Seabrook. 474-5074 ment ads in the Post and Chronicle so many more gay voters and our Bob Burdette Campaign 403 Caroline, 2nd Floor 783-0827 supporters will know what candidates we support. . Jay Burnett Campaign 909 Marshall 783-8426 A.B. Chambers Campaign 4123 Dacca Drive 734-1348 GPC is operating on O-based budgeting: Each project, such as the GPC celebration during Gay Pride Week, must pay for itself. Of course, such projects usually make money to tide us over for a few months. Right now GPC's bank account looks like a lot of people's-like the check writer is living from paycheck to paycheck, GPC's 'paycheck' comes in the form of donat(ons, annual memberships, fund-raisers and the pledge program. The pledge program is a simple way President's report to help the caucus pay the monthly bills (office rent, phone bill, printing, insurance). Just fill out the form below, send GPC a signed deposit sllp and check the monthly amount-as littie as $5 or $lO-and that amount is auto- As the gay community of Houston lesbian and gay citizens of Houston: We matically deducted about the 5th of every month, enters another political season, we should are working to achieve Houston's first· . There are about 50 members on the pledge program. That's 50 out of all reflect on the great strides that have solid anti-discrimination in employment 500 members and12,OOO on the mailing list. The pledge program pays protection; we are beginning a process been made in the past year, and on the about half the monthly bills, with new and renewal memberships making enormous amount of work yet to be we hope will eventually outlaw discrimi- up some of the difference. Just a few more small pledge memberships and done. 1983 was the year the gay comrnun- nation agains gays in housing; we are we wouldn't have to worry about the monthly bills. Annual memberships ity developed closer relationships with working more closely with Republican elected officials. We began to sit face to leaders to increase gay participation in the and donations would also ease our minds, face at the bargaining table+-not to talk political process; we continue to hold our It's simple, GPC volunteers could spend a lot more time getting their politely about the weather or the mayor's Democratic officials responsible for their real pollticalwork done if they didn'thave to spend half their time raising business suits, but to discuss real issues commitments and their party platform, money. Give up a few drinks or a movie a month for GPC, and we'll give affecting the community. . which includes the right to dignity and you a stronger GPC. We gained an important voice by plac- freedom for all gay men and women.' ing gay women and men .on the Police The candidates we endorse this year RAY HILL SUE LOVELL can make a significant difference in the Advisory Committee, a forum that is Political committee director GPC vice president . becoming .increasingly important as we quality of our lives for many years to struggle to counteract continuing police come. We have the opportunity to elect a I I abuse and harassment. We see our repre- United States senator who is an advocate N for our issues and who will stand firmly D sentation in the PAC as a way to influence positive 'changes in HPD. with us for our civil rights in Washington. . We will elect a county sheriff and district S, As the political arm of the KS/ AIDS last Name First Middle Foundation, we supported the founda- attorney who have sworn to correct the 1- -.I, tion's dialogue with City Hall and the new many abuses suffered by countless men city health director. In a community dev- and women who pass through our correc- Street Address astated by the deaths of so many friends, tions system. We will re-elect friends who 1- we must all help smooth the path for have served us well in Austin and across A those providing the necessary documen- the state, both in the legislature and on is tation and funding for the care of people the bench-friends who can prevent the City State Zip Phone with AIDS. passage of anti-gay legislation. We have begun the process of eliminat- .: Your hard work, your donations and o Pledge program at per month ing painful struggles between our own your votes will make 1984 an exciting and organizations, and we are now working rewarding year. Please vote on May 5. Mail to: Q $15 GPC membership together, as a united front, to hold our elected officials to their promises. We are GPC coming slowly, but surely, into our own. Norman R. Guttman o $25 GPC/National Gay Task Force 1984 will see many positive changes for President p.O. BOX 66664 o Mailing list Houston, TX 77266 -.,-

G.~C Election News page 4 GPC moves office, E/~ct Johnny sets up campaign central

The Gay Political Caucus has opened its new ing and security along with the use of the even 'lJen office at 3400 Montrose Boulevard, Suite 914. building's conference rooms. Th The Caucus will continue to hold its general work' Formerly located at 4600 Main, the Caucus meetings at the Holiday Inn Central, 4640 Main, possi office is the site of many activities during the FOR on the first and third Wednesday of each month. the ~ political season, including screening of candi- Board meetings are scheduled the Tuesday At dates and volunteer work for campaigns. The before the first Wednesday meeting at the GPC gay A Board of Directors voted to move the office into office, 3400 Montrose. cinct Montrose to provide better access to the many The GPC mailing address and telephone und ~ members and organizations who use the space FULL-TIME number will remain the same. Mail should be dinat frf;lque~tly. addressed to P.O. Box 66664, Houston, Texas, effort 'Known as "the building with Cody's on top," 77266. The telephone number for the GPC office Th~ the new location provides ample covered park-' is (713) 521-1000. learnl two. I SHERIFF crane Guttman leads new board Housl The Klevenhagen Family Spare a few hours Derne~ J.J. - Carolyn - Johnny - Kara . De~ late w • 20 Years Law Enforcement • Graduate of National on Tuesday, May 5? Gay Political Caucus begins another Experience with Harris Institute of Corrections political season with new officers and four County Sheriff's Dept., new members. • Member of Board of Officers elected at the February 15 Retired at Rank of Major If you can hand out GPC endorsement Directors of Nation Eye meeting were President Norman Gutt- cards, a particular candidate's campaign • Bachelor of Science Degree Foundation. man, Vice President Sue lovell, Treasurer literature or run all sorts of errands GPC in Police Administration, Greg Clipp, and Secretary Deborah • President of Former Texas needs you on election day. University of Houston Rangers Association & Squires. New board members elected at the • Masters Degree, Sam Museum Caucus members have traditionally got- meeting were Eric Chiarizio, Tom Cole- Houston University ten up early to put out candidates' signs at • FBI National Academy man and leslie larson. Jack Valinski was polls, then handed out endorsement re-elected to the board. cards in the Montrose precincts. Volun- * EXPERIENCE * EDUCATION * INTEGRITY Board members whose terms have not teers are also needed to answer the phone Paid for by RW. Duncan. Treas.. P.O. Box 79653, Houston, TX 77279 expired are Dale Beverly, board chair at the GPC office and help people with Annise Parker and a board member who voting problems. This asked not to be named. Comn Ray Hill, who resigned his seat in Febru- If you'd like to help for a few hours, call evalua ary to run for president, was re-elected at action the GPC office at 521-1000 and leave your the April 4 meeting. name and number. port f( Tim Hall also was elected at the meeting. party I Alth dates gay RE cinct ( get elE The rentG 1-ln •••• nJ" rJ"n711'c rn •• A;Anr1J In •• T-l",nn",b_CholATlAT"'_"horn OP::lr_CanJon t;~~;a-~~~-I~~-n~~d~d -t~ ;~~~er-t-h~ phone aoaro members whose terms have not Paid lor by R.W. Duncan, Treas., P.O. Box 79653, Houston, TX 77279 expired are Dale Beverly, board chair at the GPC office and help people with Annise Parker and a board member who voting problems. asked not to be named. Thi Ray Hill, who resigned his seat in Febru- Corm If you'd like to help for a few hours, call ary to run for president, was re-elected at evalu the GPC office at 521-1000 and leave your the April 4 meeting. actloi name and number. Tim Hall also was elected at the meeting. port f party Altl dates gay R cinct get el -, The Hannah Chow's candidacy for Hannah Chow was born near Canton, rent ( volun Judge of County Civil Court China and moved to Houston in 1961. races. at LawNumber 3 is a first for She is a graduate of Milby High School, An the University of Houston and the South for RE Texas' Democratic Party, dldate Texas' judicial system, Texas College of Law. and another of many firsts Hannah is a practicing attorney in the for Hannah. law offices of Jimmie F.Y. Lee; legal counsel to the Council of Asian American Hannah Chow is the first Organizations and the Asian Community J Chinese woman to be admitted Support Services Center: She is an active to the Texas Bar and the GP member of the Houston Bar Association, The1 first Oriental to seek elective the State Bar of Texas, and the American man} office in Texas. those Bar Association. elecn So Admitted to the Texas Bar in 1975, Your vote for Hannah Chow in the pleas Hannah's ability as an attorney has Democratic Primary, May 5th, will help' leave retur earned the professional respect and ad- nominate a respected, highly qualified cents miration of Houston's legal community. jurist; a credit to the Party Ticket in adde Admirers among her peers agree that November, and ultimately, an out- Hannah is an excellent choice forjudge. standing County Court Judge. EIE Hannah Chow Endorsements HAN NAH Gay Political Caucus Jewish Herald Voice at Harris County Witl Saturc Hispanic Caucus Centr; Council of Asian American Mei Organizations candit Southwest Chinese - begirn party Journal FOR JUDGE, COUNTY CIVIL COURT ~O.3 3614 " No Pol. adv. paid for by the Hannah Chow Campaign. [irnrnie F.Y.Lee, Chairman. 4711San Jacinto sr.. Houston. 77004 bar wi GPC Election News page 5 Check now for ..blue voting card

BY DALE BEVERLY You may vote absentee in the May 5 Absentee voting polling places: Justice Precinct 5 primaries if: Westside Service Center Check your purses and wallets. If you 1) You sign a form saying you will be out 16330 Clay Road don't have a blue card from Carl Smith, of the county May 5 or have a physical Justice Precinct 2 and our very own county tax assessor-collec- disability that prevents you from vot- Courthouse Annex 4 Bayland Park Meeting Room, 6400 tor, then you may not be eligible to vote in ing at your polling place. 109 E. Shaw, Pasadena Bissonnet the May 5 Democratic and Republican 2) You are over 65. Justice Precinct 3 Justice Precinct 6 primaries. Physically impaired persons, senior citi- Courthouse Annex 8, 701 W. Baker Courthouse Annex 9 if you moved out of your precinctin the zens and Harris County residents who will Road, Baytown 1001 Macario Garcia Dr. past 90 days, did not vote in the November be absent from the county April 16-May 5 and Justice Precinct 7 1983 city elections or are voting for the may cast absentee ballots by mail. You San Jacinto College, North Campus Courthouse Annex 14 first time, you must have mailed in a voter may call the Harris County Clerk's Office 5800 Uvalde 5737 Cullen registration card by AprilS. at 221-6411 or the GPC office.at 521-1000 Justice Precinct 4 If you've lost your card or have any to request an absentee ballot application. Courthouse Annex 17 Justice PrecinctB questions about your eligibility, call The actual ballot will then be mailed to 6831 Cypresswood, Spring Courthouse Annex 10 Madeline Clauder, the supervisor of the you. All mailed absentee ballots must be and 16603 Buccaneer Voter Registration Department for Harris received by the county on or before May Courthouse Annex 3 and County, at 224-1919. She has a wonderful 1. 121 W. Main, Humble Pasadena City Hall sense of humor (besides being a very ded- For those voters who will be out of the 1211 E. South more, Pasadena _ icated civil employee) and will help you county on May 5 and are not eligible to -,. out of the muddle. vote by mail, you can cast an absentee If you're sure you're eligible, but don't ballot between April 16 and May 1 at the have a blue card, just take your driver's County Records Building, 49 San Jacinto license to your voting place and they will Street at Commerce. Balloting will take check your name on the precinct list so place Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to you 'can vote. 4:30 p.m. On April 28and 29, Saturday and Lloyd Doggett There's still time to register to vote for Sunday, absentee voting will also be the June 2 runoffs, which will almost cer- conducted. tainly include the u.s. Senate races and other races. You may register for the runoff until May 3. Registering is simple and quick: Voter registration applications can be Voting Calendar found at all branches of the Houston Public Library and the 10 branch offi- ces of the county tax assessor- April 5 - Last day of voter registration to vote in primary collector April 16 - Absentee voting begins OR May1- Last day of absentee voting

You can request a voter registration appli- May3- Last day to register to vote in the primary run-offs cation from groups such as the May5- REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY ELECTIONS League of Women Voters and mem- Polls open 7 a.m.-7 p.m. ber unions of the AFL-CIO. At 7 p.m., return to your polling place to attend Democratic and OR Republican precinct conventions. Voter registration applications can be found at all branches of the Houston Public Library and the 10 branch offi- ces of the county tax assessor- April 5 - Last day of voter registration to vote in primary collector April 16 - Absentee voting begins OR May1- Last day of absentee voting

You can request a voter registration appli- May3- Last day to register to vote in the primary run-offs cation from groups such as the May5- REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY ELECTIONS League of Women Voters and mem- Polls open 7 a.m.-7 p.m. ber unions of the AFL-CiO. At 7 p.m., return to your polling place to attend Democratic and OR Republican precinct conventions. June 2- REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY ELECTION RUNOFFS You can fill out a voter registration appli- Polls open 7 a.m.-7 p.m. cation at Room 200 of the Harris County Administration Buildingdown- , town at 1001 Preston. BRANCH OFFICES Voter registration application Baytown 701 W. Baker, Baytown Bellaire 6000 Chimney Rock Clay Road 16402 Clay Rd. Mail this card to: Clear Lake. 16603 Buccaneer Ln. Carl S. Smith, tax assessor-collector Cullen 5737 Cullen Registrar of Voters, Harris County Cypress wood 6831 Cypresswood, Spring p.o. Box 3527 Humble 121 W. Main, Humble Houston, TX 77253-9974 Pasadena 101 S. Main, Pasadena Tomball 401 Market, Tomball VOTER REGISTRATIONAPPOCATlON i-cn u t n u rvu i iu s.r-rua i« 1(/1'1\1'/.1 Uvalde 13511-A East Freeway (A.lld •.s ~.I J •• ~"d ~.llb. V~mon'l ,'exitS EJeclion Code) PLEASE COMPLETE ALL OF THE INFORMATION BELOW, PRINT IN INK OR TYPE. (PON fA VVR CUMI'u.:n: I.A /NFUH,11ACION SIG'UIl:.N71:·, [,SCHllJA I::A U:.TRA V[. ,llOl.DI:: COX TlNT-J U £SClUBA A ,ltAQU/,\'A) LA'fIT NAME (AI'f.LLIDO) I·FtRST NAME (Not Husband'" I MIDDLE NAME (SEGUNDO NO.\IBRI:) I MAIDEN NAME (APELL/DO DE SOLTt:RA) fNO,\lBRt..VU DEL ESPQSOJ

.Voting questionst ~fft.~YO) I(F~~~/~~~~~~'IMI£NTO) PLACE OF BIRTH (J.U(;AR 01:' NACI,\(/J::NTU) 1::,~~~:ju~~::Z~~~t':,~f/~~J~~/~:~iJ~~~~E<'~RE7~.OO~~JA°it,~~Ijl~~~~\~~~~ t>~:~::/~jTlO" MONTH I DAY I YIEAR CITY OR COUNTY 1 STATE OR FOREI.G.N C0l!N;ntY {"H} (DIA) I (AilO) {CIUDADOCONDADO} {UTADUOPPSUTH.'NJ'.HU}, .

PERMANENT RESIDENCE ADDRESS: STREET ADDRESS AND APARTMENT NUMBER:If' NONE, DESCRIBE LOCATION OF RESIDENCE: I •. MAIL CANNOT BE DELIVERED TO Pl:IUIANI:NT call 521-1000 ' (D/RIXC/ON 01:,' RESI})t·N(.'/A PI:,·R.\IANI;'NTE.: (.'aU •. y niiml'T"dt d"parlammlu,'Ji no tienc, drb •. dIIr••,.a dtJc"'pcwn dt/a {OJ ca/Mhd:J RESIDENCE ADDRESS. PROVIDE NAILING ADDRlty: u» (.'..4$0 DI:' QlIl: et. (.'ORRt'O .•••·U P/JEDA SJ::R ENTRl'GADU A SU Rf.·SIDE.V(.'/A PERIIIANI;·N7·f.', DEBI: . •. . ID.-4RUl'RA UlRI::CL'lU:\' PARA I:,'Nl'RIEGOJ CITY. S fA rr, and ZIP: . If you have any questions about voting (CIlJDAD, I:'Sl'ADO Y ZO,...A POSTAl,)

on May 5, call the GPC office at 521-1000. I •. YOU ARE NOW REGISTERED IN ANOTJfER TEXAS COUNTY, COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING, 11F YOU WERE REGISTERED BUT DID NOT RECEIVE A NEW CERTlnCATE, COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: (51 ESl'AS Rf:C;/STRAlJO f;h' UTHUl.'U,VDM)(J Of: rrus conn.ere co SJeUlf.'NTJ:::J (SI ESTABA Rt:<.;ISTN,4.00 Pf.·RO ,\'0 Rf.'URIV St' Cf.'HTfI'l<.' ..WU. ,"'Uf.TU C:WIPJ.tTJ. I.V SIGfJ1ENTI;':) Volunteers will be answering the phone COUNTY Of' FORMER RESID£NCEfRESIDENCE ADDRESS AS SHOWN ON cr:RTlnCATi: IN THAT COUNT COUNTY Of' PREVIOUS REGIST •. AnON:1 RESJD£NCE ADDRESS AS SHOWN ON PREVIOUSCERTInCATI:: (C;"IUIIUJ" d,' "·{jd",,,ia p",'JWJ:) Vi ••••.•i..;" dr rnid •.ncia ,""slmaa ,'/1 "c",'i/jcod" d.' •.so',·"tldad,,:) (C'Hldad" fi •. Tl'J(Ulw P"'I~',,:J (Vir"c(iun d•.••.Jid,·n('(1 m"s"ud4 ,'n "' (I·rtl{Ktld" pr('l·jQ.) throughout election day to help you with any voting problems, including forgetting ------T/~r:t]:r?,~(((~~,~) :~~~·,.i~~)TI()NAL) I~\~{~~~~,~c,:::<.;~(lN~j·~~8EIt.\~~I~:::i;g ~:;~c»(;J}.'l·jZ~?:LjL) where your precinct votes. _ __J Before the election and on election TIlE APPLICANT IS A Cl'nZ.l;N Of' THE UNITED STATES AND A RESIDENT 01' THISCOUN'TY.I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMAnON PROVIDED IS CORRECT. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE GIVING 0 •. FALSE ml'ORMATIQN TO PROCURE THE REGISTRATION or A 'VOTER IS A FELONY, day, you can also call the County Voter (1-:1 mUdlllnl •. ,., d ••dadan" nlad" ••nid,·n,.' \' "'lid"tll,' a•. nl,' e",U/ad", .4/irm" ql.l"/(Jin/"rmQciotl propu."CiunlltU•., (·nd"dt'f'Q. t:Qmprtnd" q•••.","n_/ •.t"tln. dt' pmpurri,ma. ill/"","«i,,n lal14 pa.a /I"lar '1'Irillr«iJn d•. '••.,lIn't• '.)

Registration office at 224-1919. FOR AGENT: X (PAR.4 A(;l,:,VTJ:.';) On election day, information may also AppUutlon mar be by IIImt who mUll be • qualified •.OUr of Ihl. c:ountJ' Ind nwlt be ""e SIGHATVRI: OF APrLICANT(OR AGENT) IppUUn'" hl.llbancl, wile, "'ther. molher,.on ordaulhte •. (I'IRMA IJI:.S· OI.leITANTI:' () :Uil;NTl) (I.u suli.:i/ll.dp",'d.· ''''''(/''a's'' (.HI la "Y'lAHA rrsnco.; (r••IfI)' 1'11[••) (nJllionship) inlll,,'I!''') (rid s"/;",,a ••/.')

If \ht! appllCln' i, unable to .ilJ\ hil "IUlIt, h • ..nail mike his mark In 'he pNHnce of • ",Uneu. II Ihe .ppU •..•nt I, ••nlbl" t<.> makt hb marlt. the "'1Int'1t Ihall sute th ••, fa<:' on ''''' applk ••tlun, offer rides to the polls. (Si ,·I .••U• rila""· llU p",·d.· firmQ' nt 1I","b.,·. d.·~,,·hac,., _dd,,' da/8Ta. 101r~v" JuOr•. la ,u/i,·it"d.) 81.:na\\'", and addre.ofwible •• : Voters may also contact the Democratic (Fi_a y llir.",·j,;" dd I"Sli~o:) one dlaclo •• r. of ._ial "''''1 •.iI, ••••mb.rLt woluntU7.1t 1•• alIeUed by MUbo.l1, of Artide ~.13b, V,T,E,C, and wlU bal.laed only I.u mal,,,~i •• th. un ••• ,,) •.•r th •. '(IP~l.nIlion recotdll. County headquarters (523-9297) or the (1.01"·,· •.I,,·i:',, dt' 111nlIm •.•" d.' J"If\<"ll,KWlI ,'J tutolmrnlr jml'lnlan-u. S •• "lim"n, ,'s s"firilfld" pur


Proudly Endorsed By


Harris County Democrats

Harris County Mexican American Democrats

Harris County Women's Political Caucus

Harris County Hispanic Caucus

Heights P.A.C.

Texas Women's Political Caucus

List of Precincts

" I. ~~ M ,....,' •.L,... J ••••• J •• ~ "" 0 •••••• ' •• __.- ••••••• __ • ...... ------,

Harris County Hispanic Caucus

Heights P.A.C.

Texas Women's Political Caucus

List of Precincts

1 . 27 206 3 44 207 4 46 339 9 75 368/369 10 77 372 11 78 543 16 166 544/545 26 196

Lee Wilson - A Respected, Active Leader; In Touch With The Community! May 5th Vote for a Change. Vote for Lee Wilson ~ State Representative - District 148

Thank You G.P.C. for your endorsement. aCL

Paid for by Lee Wilson Campaign for State Representative. Berta Mejia. Treas .. Cheryl Irvin. correas The proof is .in the bloc voGieOnNeWSpage7

BY RAY HILL also requires more work. The process tion campaign, many of our voters do not races and even more in judges races. If we must have the trust of those on the mail- even go to the polls. We could probably quibble and quarrel or stay at home on Gay Political Caucus began nine years ing list and, ultimately, the entire com- afford those lapses in diligence if we had election day, some of us will suffer, and all ago, and its process has undergone con- munity. (That is why elsewhere in this tab- already accomplished all our political of us will lose over the next four years. tinuous evolution. But the basic principle loid our process is explained in detall.) goals. But we have not. Our bloc vote could do for the Harris of our political involvement has not Decisions are not made by a few people. County courthouse what it has done for changed. We deliver a bloc vote to the Anyone who cares enough to join the In 1984we are facing some heavy politi- city hall, if we exercise our full strength. candidates we endorse. There are other caucus and attend meetings may partici- cal opposition. We must choose carefully' .;s ways to approach the political process. An This is not the time to tire or weaken . pate and have input. No candidate is among the available candidates for sheriff elite few could decide who to support, Our friends in the Legislature need our endorsed without going through the of Harris County. As long as the police raise money, and give it to candidates to support against those who would make us J entire process. The entire caucus ulti- arrest us at random and force many of us advertise for gay and lesbian support. That criminals once again. The judges you. and .::.• mately decides who is endorsed. into the criminal justice system, the sher- • system works well in Los Angeles. Or we iff's race is of paramount importance, as is your friends may stand before will proba- cou Id use the San Francisco plan and the 'district attorney's race and every bly be chosen by a GPC endorsement. organize a dozen different groups, each A GPC endorsement may deliver 20,000 judge's race in Harris County and Texas. Plan now to vote. Take your friends. J endorsing opposing candidates and can- votes in a major race. But we have learned Discuss the election with your co-workers celing each other out. that our voters, like others, tend to vote in If we turn out in large numbers and vote and your family. Gay Political Caucus Our bloc vote system is the most cost- the highly publicized races and skip those in every endorsed race, we will be 15-20 makes it easy, but you make it happen" 1It effective of the various approaches. But it at the bottom of the ballot. In a dull elec- percent of the vote in the DA and sheriff's Bloc vote May 5.

.!..:. g .2s j Panels screen; caucus endorses e- Some of us have forfeited every even- Candidates then screen with a panel of on whether judges actually practice what The candidates have a final chance to ~ ing and weekend for three weeks to listen GPC members, usually the first five-to they preach in their screenings. sway the caucus vote on endorsement ~ to what each candidate had to say about a volunteer. During this hour-long session, The results of all these interviews come night. They are invited to address the full broad range of issues. Gay Political Cau- specific questions are asked about the together when the screening committee body for one minute each with print and ~ It cus needs this effort so it can select issues important to the caucus. Each of the meets to vote on endorsement recom- electronic media present. The, meeting iil endorsed candidates on the basis of panel members scores the candidate mendations to be submitted to the entire room is then cleared of all non-members. knowing what to expect once our candi- independently. The results are tabulated caucus. The committee is composed of (Although visitors may join at that time ~ dates take office. and the aggregate score averaged for a panel members who have screened at S and attend the rest of the meeting, they percentage that can be compared to that least three candidates. Here the process can't vote for 30 days.) Each race is consi- Every candidate seeking our endorse- of other candidates in that race. becomes more than just a numbers game. dered individually. Scores are presented ·1 ment has submitted a signed, written In an effort to determine the honesty A screeners' impressions of the candidate for all candidates in that race and the ~ questionnaire which asks specific ques- and integrity of judicial candidates, a are weighed. Estimates of relative electa- screening committee recommendation is f5 tions about their campaign structure, group of practicing attorneys meets and bility and candor are considered, as well support, whether they have worked with discusses their courtroom experiences read. In the past, the full caucus has dis- as insights provided by the lawyers panel. ., the gay community in the past, their posi- with the judges, as well as with their peers This meeting sometimes becomes a mara- agreed with the screening committee tion on anti-gay legislation and their wil- seeking to become judges. This lawyers thon ,session, especially as candidates recommendation about 25 percent of the lingness to be open about our support panel makes recommendations on pro- seeking our endorsement become more time. The final choice is made by a demo- and work openly for us in the future. fessional ability and provides background {nformed and harder to choose between. cratic vote of the caucus.

.~ Experience. Credentials. .Vote for the

Dedication. Integrity. I_I ~ltMI~r_~h_G~~Q 11__ Every candidate seeking our endorse- of other candidates in that"race. l:iecomes more tnan just a numl:iers game. dcan-rr.-voTd~d- -~lfO("Yll "'":s·rccrCTr".-cr~IY-COrT:>lted brni d . d' I ff d . h h ' . . f h did ere in dIVI ua y. cores are presen ment has su mrtte a srgne r written n an e ort to eterrrune t e onesty A screeners Impressions 0 t e can I ate f II did t . th t d th questionnaire. . whiICh asks speerifIC ques- and" integrrty 0 f' JUdiicra. I candidI ares, a are werg. hed.Esti. snrnates 0 f rerelatianve eIecta- or a .can I a esitt rn a race danti .e . .. -. . d . : . screening comml ee recommen a Ion IS nons about their campaign structure, group of practicing attorneys meets an bility and candor are considered, as well . - support, whether they have worked with discusses their courtroom experiences asinsights provided by the lawyers panel. read. In the past, the full caucus has dis- the gay community in the past, their posi- with the judges, aswell aswith their peers This meeting sometimes becomes a mara- agreed with the screening committee tion on anti-gay legislation and their wil- seeking to become judges. This lawyers thon session, especially as candidates recommendation about 25 percent of the lingness to be open about our support panel makes recommendations on pro- seeking our endorsement become more time. The final choice is made by a demo- and work openly for us in the future. fessional ability and provides background informed and harder to choose between. cratic vote of the caucus. Experience. Credentials. .Vote for the Dedication. Integrity. clear choice - -" RT for judge! GREG GLASS


Paid IX)Jitica/ (/(/tll'rtisement IJ!.J O'Connor camrxuonewarren Burnett. Treasurer Paid for by Greg Glass for Judge Campaign. Gary M. Polland. Treasurer. 1211 Norfolk. Suite 510_Houston. TX 77098. Phone 521-9216 GPC Election News page 8'

Elect / A report from the Sheila Jackson chair of the board For the last election newsletter, I wrote GPC board members, as well as several' about women in the caucus, women in attorneys and arrest victims, heard the politics, and coalition building. I wrote to first public admissions (later recanted) of a LEE encourage more women to participate in police "faggot file." This meeting gave a GPc. Perhaps I shouldn't have been sur- voice to impassioned statements by those Attorney prised to find those in the community most involved and set the stage for the who are offended by the idea of GPC as a later meeting organized by George Grea- . feminist organization. Would that it were: nias. GPC \ViII work for a unified response GPC is an organization with a majority of to police abuse, and members are active its membership committed to feminism, .in the ongoing process of documentation. minority rights and coalition politics. We will not be satisfied with tacit, pas- . Only as long as that majority participates sive support from elected officials. They For JUDGE Of, The and votes will the caucus wobble stead- must work with us in our community and fastly toward those goals. Only as long as stand with us before the media. We've organizations like GPC promote such laid a good foundation, and it's time to . 215th Civil Dist. 'Court goals will the gay community be drawn build. George Greanias credits the gay' forward in their wake. community with winning his first city We are complacent. The gay movement council race. Mayor Whitmire has told has taken us far, but perhaps so fast that GPC that gays were not particularly ENDORSED BY we forget others who have risen out of the important in her first mayoral win. same morass of discrimination. We can't Granted, our strength is not asapparent in THE GAY POLITICAL CAUCUS afford to slow our growth, but the beauty citywide races. But it is there. Our goal is of new leaves shouldn't blind us to the to make every candidate aware of it, but needs of our roots. Every time a gay bar also to make each officeholder indebted refuses to admit a woman or a person of to it. The bloc vote is our most important color, the community is injured. Every tool. ' Dedicated to Fair Play time a lesbian dismisses AIDS as a "men's GPC will meet regularly with Whitmire problem," we are all diminished. Every and our city council members. Meetings & Justice FOR ALL!! time a gay activist puts power brokering on the eve of a crisis, or in the aftermath of before civil rights the gay movement one, are useful and important. Regular suffers. meetings to prevent such crises are the VOTE SATURDAY, MAY 5th· in the DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY The board of GPC has ideas about next step in maximizing our influence where this caucus should be going and downtown. In the past, GPC representa- how it should be getting there. We may tion at meetings was often limited to the Political Adv. Paid by Sheila Jackson lee Campaign Committee not agree on much more than the general president, vice president and political P.O. Box 920957 '192 Houston, Texas 77i92-0957 ' themes expressed earlier, but we work at ccordinator. Future meetings, like the A. Martin Wifkliff, Jr. Treas. it. What we need is this entire community past several meetings at City Hall, will, working with us, through us, beside us. include the full board. This is where we are: A finance coordinator is a long-held AIDS may be a problem in our com- goal that may soon become reality. The munity for years to come. GPC firmly sup- caucus has approved hiring a fund raiser ports the efforts of the KS/AIDS Founda- who works on a commission basis. This KS/ AIDS fOUNDATION of Houston tion to secure necessary funding and year will see GPC expanding its pledge long-range planning for this devastating program and cooperating in events which problem. The education we provide can- pool the talents of the community. We '--....~ __ rlirl~_ •.ool!.....i" ,."Ir..e,.. •.•L'Io.L'Io...,,:.•••I"'II' •••----....,..,'.L.J, .•.~. _ •..•..•...J:.•.:•...... •1 hnn,:l tC'Lfil'lrL~LOArc;o.n_w_bn c.::lIn rnnr:d.in.~_t~ I ---- ~~ ~.d~l-nghh ffie ~y~ovemem ~~~~~~:~ ~1~Y:O~T=E~S~A:T~U=R~D~A~Y~~M~A~Y~5~t~h~.7in~t~h~e~D~E~M~O~C=R~A~T=I~C~P~R~I~M~A~R~Y~W"~~~~~~- The board of GPC has ideas about next step in maximizing our influence ' where this caucus should be going and '~owntown. ~nthe past, GPC;r~presenta- how it should be getting there. We may non at meetings was often limited to the Political Adv. Paid by Sheila Jackson Lee Campaign Committee not agree on much more than the general presi~ent, vice president. and ,?olitical P.O. Box 920957 #192 Houston, Texas 77i92-0957 . themes expressed earlier, but we work at ccordrnator. Futu~e meetl~gs, Irke t~e it. What we need is this entire community past several meetrngs at City Hall, will, A. Martin Wi~kliff, Jr. Treas. working with us, through us, beside us. rnclude the full board. This is where we are: A finance coordinator is a long-held AIDS may be a problem in our com- goal that may soon become reality. The munity for years to come. GPC firmly sup- caucus has approved hiring a fund raiser ports the efforts of the KS/AIDS Founda- who works on a commission basis. This KS/ AIDS FOUNDATION of Houston tion to secure necessary funding and year will see GPC expanding its pledge long-range planning for this devastating program and cooperating in events which problem. The education we provide can- pool the talents of the community. We didates in our screenings, and the political hope to find a person who can coordinate ~ muscle we can flex when-we need to, is such activities, but who can also augment guided by the foundation through a lia- them with professional fund-raising exper- ison on the GPC board. They call upon us tise. In this way we will someday be able to when they need political help, so that afford an executive director and better ~ everyone can call upon them. support the state and national groups that also represent us. When unhampered by community GPC is getting older and better. There' strife, we can be strikingly effective. After has been no better time to be a part of it . . January's bar raids, we called Chief Lee Brown directly and demanded an imme- Annise Parker The answers will come in the future, diate meeting with his vice officers. Four Chair of the board but .... What about today? WORDCRAFTWEUNDERSTANDTHEIMPACT .e- of the printed word. Brochures, resumes~1 ~ Turn your frustration, anger, and ~ . business cards ... they're our respon- ~ impatience into positive energy. Join us in sibility. Advanced phototypesetting equip-. ~ ~'\,() the fight against AIDS. . ment plus layout services we've got ~ a'plenty. With a good selection of ~ ~~ We need volunteers for: type and the skill to en~ancec ..:..(j- office work communications Its Impact on your special ~'\,T or routine project.Near~ ~ fund- raising patient services downtown Hous- ~~ A. ion. All at a ~ ~~ _ .~\e AU CALLUS .... NOW 524·AIDS 10~costO,~~~4 ~~ flY' ~ ~~~~ . Oe\~'~e. ~ ,\~.{ '\~ . ~ V ,," ~o~ :""1 ~V ~\.~ 1001 Westheimer Suite 193 Houston, Texas 77006 ,V ~(>\ ~~" ~~~ ~~'Y "'~ (713) 524-AIDS GPC Election News page 9

When it's time to stand and choose, he stands for you.

I "I have pledged to co-sponsor S430, the federal gay and lesbian rights bill. "Civilrights in our countrycan have no qualifiers. Until all citizens are assured their basic protections, we have not achieved justice. The agenda of the gay and, lesbian community is not only the issues of discrimination and funding for AIDS research, but the multitude of issues of concern to all people: Social Security, poverty, youth, health, welfare, the environment, national defense, and the protection of significant relationships. As a U.S. Senator, my most important role will be to provide access and include the voices of all citizens in the discussions and actions that affect their lives. "I see no reason that violence based upon prejudice should not be considered as a civil' rights violation, whether that prejudice is based upon race, religion, or sexual orientation. Furthermore, such violence should be Who will stand for us? subjected to a vigorous prosecution under our criminal statutes. "I will work to eliminate those provisions in the immigra- Lloyd Doggett I . tion laws that are used to exclude lesbians and gay men from entering the U. S. Sexual orientation should have no Democrat bearing on immigration. Ity for United States Senator "The problems and situations that gay Americans face present some unique needs. I will endeavor to address these as they arise, and I will call on the gay community to

Pol. adv. Pd. by the lloyd Doggett Campaign Fund. 406 W. 13th 51. Austin. TX 78701 keep me aware of the particular effects that legislation brings to bear upon the gay citizenry."


KEEP) .••.JUDGE_y. ..• ~ RY for United States Senator "The problems and situations that gay Americans face present some unique needs. I will endeavor to address these as they arise, and I will call on the gay community to

Pol. adv. Pd. by the Lloyd Doggcn Campaign FUnd. 406 w. 13th St. Austin. TX 78701 keep me aware of the particular effects that legislation brings to bear upon the gay citizenry." KEEP JUDGE LUPE ~LI "

tDUCATION UTRA-CURRICULAR ACTMTIES ORGANIZATION tNDORSf:MtNTS Bachelor of Arts. President. Mexican-American Bar Area Five Democrats fblitical Science. 1970 (cum laude) Association of Houston (MABAH) 1981-82 AFL·ClO University of Houston. Houston. 'Texas Black Baptist Ministers Alliance Member. State Bar of 'Texas.Federal Gay fulitical Caucus Doctor of Jurisprudence. 1972 Judiciary Appointments Committee H.C. Hispanic Caucus University of Houston College of Law 1980-present H.C. Democrats H.C. Mexican American Democrats Director. University of Houston tMPLOYMtNT upr;RJtNCr; tlouston Baptist Pastors and Law Alumni Board Ministers Fellowship (Rev. F.N. Williams) Judge. 339th Criminal District Court. 1j)82-84 tlouston Professional Houston. 'Texas Member. Hispanic Task Force. . Firefighters Ass'n. PAC September 1983 to present Boy Scouts of America tlouston Lawyers Ass'n. Jewish Herald VoIce 1982-present Chief, Civil Rights Division. Mexican American Bar Association U.S. Attorney's Office. Houston, 'Texas Coach. Northside Citizens October 1980 to August 1983 SI. Thomas More 'lbuth Basketball for Good Government Adjunct Professor of Law 1982-84 Pasadena Bar Ass'n. Teamsters-Locals #988 and #968 University of Houston Law Center. Director. 1975. 1982-84 'Texas'\\:>UngLawyers Association Special Assistant to the Attorney General. 1978-79 INonnDUAL~N~MtNTS Washington. D.C., Author of several articles in Mlck£y Leland. LanyrNan., October 1979 to October 1980 Law Reviews and Journals U.S. Congressman State Representative Assistant United States Attornel' . AI Luna, Houston. 'Texas, HONORS AND AWARDS State Senator State Representative October 1977 to October 1979 Arthur S. Flemming Award presented John Whitmire, Roman Martinez. Lead Prosecutor in the Randy Webster by the Washington D.C. State Senator State Representative Throw-Down Gun Case Jaycees as one of 10 Outstanding Rodney fills, Senfronla Thompson, 1978·1979 Government Employees April 198:3 City Council Member State Representative tlouston Five Outstanding '\bung . Ben Reyes. Assistant District Attorney Former District Judge Men Award presented by the Houston City Council Member Andrew Jefferson for Harris County Jaycees, February 198:3 Debra Danburg. . Former Districl Attorney July 1974 to October 1977 ~06 Associate Mltor, State Representative Carol S. Vance Civil Rights Attorney. MALDEF. t1OUSTON LAW REVIEW 1971·72 San Antonio. 'Texas Phi Delta Phi I1onor Sociell' June 1972 to June 1974 University or tlouston 1970

Paid for by the Judge Salinas Campaign Committee. P.O. Box 3.353. ttouston. Texas 77253, R. V. Holland. Jr., 7reasurer. GPC Election News page 10 Working Together to Protectthe ..,; 0 BY RAY 0 " Gay p~ Freedom of all People . . . ~ ago, an

0 tinuous ~" 0 of our :.:r: change vi candida .5 ways to c c: elite fe J:! 00 raise m advertis "" . system ~ could us "~ organizi ~ endorsin celing eA E'" "C•".. Our bi J; effectivd E :".: -, •.. c: .9 .~ p E J e- c: Some J" ing and ~ .•s.. to what E 0 broad rd 2! cus nee '" .t: endorsei lil t knowing .£ U-l dates ta~ 8 State Representative State Representative State Representative "•.. I Every .§ ment h~ Larry Evans Debra Danburg E District 147 EI Franco Lee District 137 J question Candidate for County Commissioner •.. tions at -5 Precinct 1 e-, support, .0 the gay c .ws tion on ( "C .; lingness With the Courage to Fight For Gay Rights A. I and worl r El '"""'n • ] I '!Q~.~~~§~.___ I;~'I D 1_1..a~~_J:len . I 1,_ ate Kepresentattve atc"Kepresentattve' tate- Kepresentattve .~ Larry Evans Debra Danburg rn' _...... ,. District 147 EI Franco Lee District 137 j questio Candidate for County Commissioner .s tions a Precinct 1 I E suppar ..~B the gay tion an '"; lingnes With the Courage to Fight For Gay Rights "" and wa E~ YOU JUDGE Doug O'Brien THE JUDGES! DEMOCRAT FOR JUDGE 178th DISTRICT COURT

"An avalanche of lawsuits has virtually inundated our court system. Since justice delayed isjustice denied, I will work hard to streamline the current procedures and will readily dismiss all patently frivolous and unmeritorious lawsuits. I shall be accessible to the citizens of Harris County and welcome their suggestions." H.H.(Herb) RITCHIE ,for 151 st District Judge DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY J Endorsed by • Harris County Democrats • I30ptist Ministers Associorion " Goy Political Caucus Pd. tor by Doug O'Brien tor Judge Campaign, Mary Kay O'Brien, Treas PC, 3100 Weslayan, Suite 369, Houston, Texas 77027/(713) 877-8886. Poid Pollrlcol AdvefTlsing, Hero Rirchie Campaign, James D. Hess,Treasurer, 1421 Rutland, Housron. Texas (713 )521-086 7 ~r------. =.11 '" ~s . z c .~ -~ ~

Q.c, c


I II> • GPC Election News page 12 CI


Ched don't he our very tor, ther the Mal primarie if you past90d 1983 citi first tim~ registrat If yor questioi Madelir Voter R County, sense of icated ( out of tl If you have a license check) you can There the [une tainly in other r< runoff u Regis!

Voter rl foui Pub ces call

You can catk lea! ber 1=11=r.T KFFP You car ~ cat ..... - lee bel ELECT KEEP You ca~ caj JAY W. BURN',ETT JUDGE C~ tOj JUDGE BOB- BURDETTE BRANd Baytow] Bellair Clay R for 351st 337th Clear l~ Cullen Criminal District Court Criminal District Court Cypres Humble Pasadet, lombal Uvalde

* Over 10 years experience criminal trial and * Experienced as Judge for 337th Criminal Vo appellate pratice District Court cal * Proven ability as an attorney * Fonner School Teacher If yo * Graduate of Baylor Law School on Maj volunf * Married, 'father of two & 2 grandchildren * Preferred as Judge by 2 to 1 margin over all throug opponents by Houston Bar Association anyvo~ where Choice of over 17 local organizations Endorsed by over 17 organizations Befo * * day, yA Regist On~ be ob VOTE SATURDAY, MAY 5th in the DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY headq offer r Vote Political advertising paid lor by Jay Burnett Campaign. Pol. Adv. by Judge Bob Burdette Campaign, Gene Jones and Chuck Brink, Co-Treasurers, 909 Marshall, Houston, Texas 77006,4698. Susan Burdette, Treas, 10631 Del Monte, Houston, Texas. Count Repub GPC Election News page 13 The road to San Francisco Delegate fever strikes I begins in your- precinct Democratic committee • of the The Democratic Committee of GPC is Democratic Clubs, which will meet at the How appropriate that this year's Na- elect a delegate in a small meeting. Of general working to elect as many gay delegates as national convention. The $250entitles the tional Democratic Convention will be in course, the more politically active the ~OMain, possible to senatorial district, state and committee to the maximum 10 votes. San Francisco. What better place for gay precinct, the more friends you should h month. the national conventions. men and wor:nen to be officially accepted- bring. A screening panel of Democrats met ITuesday At a meeting in early March, about 50 for the second convention in a row-into March 26 to screen Barbara Stanley and :the GPC gay Democrats agreed to organize pre- the mainstream of the Democratic Party. Tody Dupont, two candidates for Harris cincts, putting each senatorial district As many as possible of us should go to As for the senatorial district meeting: County Democratic chair. At an April 2 ~Iephone under a coordinator, with a county coor- San Francisco as delegates, or as badly By the time you've arrived for the May meeting, the panel voted to recommend [ould be dinator ultimately responsible for the needed and hard-working 'observers'. 19 senatorial district meeting you've Stanley for endorsement by the full cau- t Texas, effort. Getting there begins with your precinct learned more about the political process cus, a recommendation which was ap- Coffice Those present at the first meeting also meeting May 5. than 95 percent of the people. It is here proved at the April 4 GPC meeting. learned about the delegate process from It's pretty easy to get elected to the dis- that party regulars notice our numbers. two Democratic veterans, State Demo- A final strategy meeting to maximize trict convention as a delegate from your The more gay delegates, openly gay to cratic Chair Bob Slagle and Billie Carr, a the precinct convention delegate countis precinct. It doesn't require political expe- us, not necessarily to anyone else, the Houstonian who serves on the National scheduled for 7:30 p.m. May 3, two days rience or knowing a lot of people. more delegates we elect to state. sard Democratic Executive Committee. before the May 5 primary and precinct Very briefly, here's how precinct meet- Basically, getting elected to the state Democrats also collected $250 to affil- meetings. The meeting place will be ings work: convention involves getting enough votes iate with the National Association of Gay announced in the gay press. 1) Take several friends with you-gays, within your presidential or uncommitted ~other neighbors, anyone who will vote for you caucus. Numerous GPC members will be dfour at the small gathering at your precinct pol- present to help newcomers get elected. ling place. The GPC precinct coordinator While it will be difficult for political ary 15 can supply you with some names in your newcomers to be elected delegate to the Gutt- precinct. national convention, the state meeting is a ~surer Republican committee 2) You must vote in the Saturday, May 5, mini-national convention. Platforms are orah Democratic Primary, or have voted absen- worked out; resolutions are passed; each tee in person by May 1. Make sure you ask of the major caucuses, including the gay at the for proof that you voted when you vote. caucus, meets throughout the conven- [Cole- An election official will be glad to give you tion, maneuvers on votes and hosts a hos- ki was urges greater participation a receipt so you will be admitted to the pitality suite .' precinct meeting. Even if you're not a delegate to San e not 3) Precinct meetings begin sharply at 7:15 Francisco July 16-19 just 'observing' can chair p.m. at the same place you voted May 5. be fun and educational. There will be stra- !r who This month members of the Republican It is hoped that through an organized Don't be late. tegy meetings, errands and all sorts of 4) Sign in. As you sign in the attendance work to keep you fascinated. And many 'ebru- Committee of GPC met to discuss and effort the committee will be able to bring roll, you must state your presidential observers will be able to get inside the hall ted at evaluate Gap strategy. Areas targeted for changes in the party. The committee_ action include precinct organization, sup- hopes a more sympathetic climate will be preference or sign in uncommitted. It is to help organize. port for caucus-endorsed candidates and developed within the Republican party important that your presidential prefer- The whole convention process is simpli- party resolutions. regarding issues important to gay men ence or uncommitted group have at least fied in the 1984 Democratic Precinct Con- Although the names of delegate candi- and women, and other minorities. 15 percent of those in attendance to vention Handbook, written by Billie Carr. dates will appear on Republican ballots, Currently, the Gap platform contains ensure the group is eligible to elect dele- The $1 handbook is available by writing gay Republicans are urged to attend pre- planks favoring rights of the individual gates and alternates. The sign-in may Carr at 5307 Beechnut, Houston, 77096. cinct conventions, take friends and try to and rights of privacy. Through active par- involve a little strategy because of the GPC also will have some copies available get elected as write-ins. ticipation within the party, the committee Mondale-Hart race. It may be advisable to at GPC meetings or at the office. Call 521- The committee plans to update the cur- plans to better define these platform posi- attend the May 3 GPC Democratic Com- 1000 and leave a message. re~t G~OP mailing list and e.!!S.Q..urage tions.In much the same manner....aswas mitt~~i~g~ 0~~~:521-1000 for reclnct'rneetirigs begiri-slia'rply at 7:15 Francisco July 16-19 just 'observing' can ~ chair p.m. at the same place you voted May 5. be fun and educational. There will be stra- er who This month members of the Republican It is hoped that through an organized Don't be late. tegy meetings, errands and all sorts of Committee of GPC met to discuss and effort the committee will be able to bring 4) Sign in. As you sign in the attendance work to keep you fascinated. And many I Febru- evaluate GOP strategy. Areas targeted for changes in the party. The committee. roll, you must state your presidential observers will be able to get inside the hall !cted at action include precinct organization, sup- hopes a more sympathetic climate will be preference or sign in uncommitted. It is to help organize. port for caucus-endorsed candidates and developed within the Republican party important that your presidential prefer- The whole convention process is simpli- seting. party resolutions. regarding issues important to gay men ence or uncommitted group have at least fied in the 1984 Democratic Precinct Con- I Although the names of delegate candi- and women, and other minorities. 15 percent of those in attendance to vention Handbook, written by Billie Carr. dates will appear on Republican ballots, Currently, the GOP platform contains ensure the group is eligible to elect dele- The $1 handbook is available by writing gay Republicans are urged to attend pre- planks favoring rights of the individual gates and alternates. The sign-in may Carr at 5307 Beechnut, Houston, 77096. cinct conventions, take friends and try to and rights of privacy. Through active par- involve a little strategy because of the QPC also will have some copies available get elected as write-ins. ticipation within the party, the committee Mondale-Hart race. It may be advisable to at GPC meetings or at the office. Call 521- The committee plans to update the cur- plans to better define these platform posi- attend the May 3 GPC Democratic Com- 1000 and leave a message. rent GPC/GOP mailing list and encourage tions in much the same manner as was mittee meeting, or call ,521-1000 for volunteer participation in GPC-endorsed done within the Democratic party. information about signing in. If you want to see the democratic pro- races. Any interested person who would like 5) Voting: The precinct chair will tell you cess in action by participating in your pre- A reception to provide an opportunity to participate in this effort may contact how many delegates and alternates each cinct convention, or if you have any ques- for Republicans to meet their party can- Gregg Russell, committee coordinator, at group may elect. If, for example, your tions, please call Jeffery Sterman (523- didates is also in the planning stages. 871-1735. group gets 5 delegates, each person can 5663) or Lee Harrington (526-1000). We vote 5 times. Remember, all your votes are also seeking volunteers to work the may be cast for one person, including phone bank for this project. To volunteer, yourself. This is how a handful of people call the GPC office (521-1000).

MoVlng· 1.. lJ~&W~[L~OO~(!JJ~lJ&~lJ~TRAVEL CONSULTANTS lJ~W~[L GPC is nothing without its mailing list. The 12,000-plus mailing list multiplies into many more thousands of voters, and T RAVELCONSULTANTS actively supports this and other Montrose those are the numbers that count with elected officials. Events. We are the only travel agency in Montrose actively working for this So if you move or are planning to move,· community's benefit. . please call the GPC office at 521-1000 and We, in turn, ask your support. Please call TRAVELCONSULTANTS leave a message. Each newsletter that is returned by the post office costs GPC 25 for any travel arrangements. cents. For the last election newsletter, that added up to about $400.

Election Central

at Park IV Bruce Woolley With the May 5 election falling or: a Owner Saturday, GPC will host a smaller Election Central this year. MEMBER OF GREATER Members of the gay community and MONTROSE BUSINESS candidates are invited to watch returns GUILD beginning at 8 p.m. in the downstairs party room of the Park IV apartments, 3614 Montrose. No admission will be charged. A cash 2O'l9 SOUTHWEST FREEWAY. HOUSTON, TEXAS 77090 (713) 529-6464 TOll FREE 1-800-392-5193 bar will be available. GPC Election News page ~4 ,c. Lord-"Byron o The Ii Houstor of hours endors~ County] sured b~ could have slept provid~ make ya prepare, ! needed volunte manyc I

Wild West in the Cowboy Suite. Re- CAM - - &i member the thrill of the Circi lloyd most romantic of English poets. The .• '-~.. * furnished with antique painted horses Josep Lord Byron Suite, with its massive 1f ;r,;'JJAil"~ ..•.and a headboard made from an authentic John hand-carved antique furniture and private * ila it\.... iC carousel. At Eagle Crest Inn the elegant lee sun porch, offers guests the ultimate in interior is complemented by beautifully land- Greg' * *~ "~* * Sheila: luxurious accommodations. The 22 suites at W scaped grounds that surround a heated pool, Hanna Eagle Crest Inn have been designed to appeal to a [acuzzi", and hot tub. Experience Eagle Crest in the Harol~ varietyof tastes. Dust off your boots and return to the spirit of Lord Byron- or create your own adventure. EIFra David / Paul Barba Sharo ~+CfdUMt(;;fllR Marc Herb Alice 104Avondale . Houston, Texas 77006· (713) 523-9004 Peter Rates from $40 . AlJ major credit cards accepted Doug, Elino Bob Jay B A.B. Vote For .Be-elect Judge TONIINGVERSEN ~ ""(J"'- ~ ..,-,.....'----., ' -- .., lie 104APondale· Houston, Texas 77006· (713) 523-9004 Alice Rates from $40 . All major credit cards accepted Peter Doug Elinor Bob B Jay Bu A.B. ( Vote For Be-elect Judge TONI,INGVERSEN· I

As t enters all ref I been r enorm ~64thDistrict Court done. ' ity del Democrat. eleetec faee at politel • 17 years judicial experience busine affecth Wel • 25 years trial lawyer ing ga' . For Associate Justice Adviso beeom • In the Houston Bar Poll Judge 14th Court of Appeals struggl abuse i OVER 10 YEARS EXPERIENCETRIAL ATTORNEY IN CIVIL AND CRIMINAL LAW Solito received more votes sentati HANDLING APPEALS IN THE 1ST AND 14TH COURTS OF APPEALS AND positlv COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS. than any other candidate. As t BROAD LEGAL BACKGROUND DEALING WITH DOMESTIC RELATIONS, Found, CORPORATE LAW, BANKRUPTCY, CIVIL RIGHTS, PERSONAL INJURY, BUSI- tiori's ( NESSLITIGATIONS, REAL ESTATE, IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION, city he ,CONSUMER LAW, AND AND PROBATE. Under the Category "well wins astated MEMBER STATE BAR OF TEXAS, HOUSTON BAR ASS'N, AMERICAN iMMI- we rru qualified" he received 850 GRATION LAWYERS ASS'N, ASS'N OF WOMEN ATTORNEYS, DELTA THETA those I PHI, KAPPA BETA PI, ASSOC. OF HOUSTON CENTRAL LIONS CLUB, LIONESS tatton : to his opponent's 34. ClUB, U.S. FENCING ASS'N GULF COAST DIVISION. with A . ACTIVE IN THE COMMUNITY. Wet EXPERIENCE HONESTY AND INTEGRITY. ing pa CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS organi: togeth EQUAL JUSTICE FOR AIL 3701 Kirby, Suite 1200 ' electet Political Advertisement paid for by the Peter s. Solito Re-election Campaign, Houston, Texas 77098 comlni 1984 Sally Solito, Treasurer, 1010 Jefferson, Suite 911, Houston, Tx. 77002 (713) 659-3904

Paid For By The Toni Ingversen Campaign, John Herrera, Treasurer, 411 Fannin, Suite 308 Houston. Texas 77002, (713) 220-4345 Pol. Ad. GPC Election News page 15

r .-/ for the

= ''0, 7 '. years sity of of the pn and brook. tee to r assis- of the emy.

e was "~'i-'" ~'I(~:~-' :~i.~.'?·~( \01""1' ,'''' of the "."" ~(;'{(l~jl,:";,:,':" , ~ I 4 " • tant to <, ~:I"'I .}" ant DA " "~;.' • I as is a '. excel- nent. lanced lourt is !II as in EXPERIENCE


I years MODERN 100% Brick, hould oversized lots, re are CUSTOM .uston ) visit beautiful exterior package, rrants, irgan- large 2 car garage, 2 or 3 bedrooms, fireplaces, high grade car- cesin 40,000 :s and peting and vinyl flooring, 2 full baths are just a few of the many Week features that come with your new home. be as nony- e pro- red. It - FINANCING? Our middle name. ction, essing lesign , If you never thought you could afford'a new home, give us a try . ent of ns. To We'll show you how. Call 821-6895 for more information. com- Come out, take our tour.; See our homes and neighborhoods. 3 pro- -, it the ave a nrnit- level Ilgive iunity YOU WON'T BELIEVE YOUR EYES.

r the -eting irties. fT for _.' ··fti"t·ESPENERGY SAVINGS PAYBACK @ . GAS HOME GPC Election News page 16


Amid endorse watch a I memberl GAY PRIDEWEEK'JUNE 14-24 Heard,o date wh~ her gays hopes d 10 Days of Celebration from Stonewall to Present J ciated h newspa A 15 Year Struggle for Human Dignity phobic March, S It's the Biggest Party of the Ye-ar... it's Parades, statement.ot Purpose tion wit endorse~ Band Concerts, Sports, Politics, Religious H.G.P.W., through its many cultural, athletic & r. never be Services and the Arts ... But most of all it's educational events seeks to increase under- mental t Houston's Gay Community at its best. The c standing of social, racial and sexual minorities. endorsed Since 1979 the gay community of Houston has Also to encourage acceptance ~nd tolerance of . law-enf celebrated Gay Pride Week with, a full schedule alternative lifestyles, so that together the who ret' mentwi of events. This year more than 67 gay and .citizens of the city of Houston and the state of ter's de lesbian-related ·organizations will join our first Texas may work in the spirit of peaceful also con his coali selebration under a national theme of "Unity & cooperation to build a better society. geted fo' More in '84." This is For more information, call The Gay Switchboard serious What is Stonewall? at 529-3211. produc At 3:00 A.M. on June 28, 1969, police raided and cou Don't forget ... The cau The Stonewall Inn-investigating alleged liquor county' violations. Until then raids regarded as routine the Houston Gay candida. harassment of bars and businesses catering to Pride Parade is '----- ..lo(Oav_m.eo and tesbians.hed rnet.ocbz.token Sunday, June 24. celebrated Gay Pnaeweek wltn:aTUn scFiedule alternative lifestyles, so that together the of events. This year more than 67 gay and citizens of the city of Houston and the state of ment' ter's d~ lesbian-related organizations will join our first Texas may work in the spirit of peaceful also Coil c.elebration under a national theme of "Unity & cooperation to build a better society. his COal; More in '84." geted fo For more information, call The Gay Switchboard Thisis What is Stonewall? serious! at 529-3211. produce At 3:00 A.M. on June 28, 1969, police raided and cou The Stonewall Inn investigating alleged liquor Don't forget ... The cat county'! violations. Until then raids regarded as routine the Houston Gay candida harassment of bars and businesses catering to Pride Parade is gay men and lesbians had met only token .sunday, June 24. opposition. 2:30 P.M.
