New Records of Long-Legged Flies (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) from Morocco I
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Амурский зоологический журнал, 2019, т. XI, № 2 Amurian Zoological Journal, 2019, vol. XI, no. 2 УДК 595.722 DOI: 10.33910/2686-9519-2019-11-2-126-130 NEW RECORDS OF LONG-LEGGED FLIES (DIPTERA, DOLICHOPODIDAE) FROM MOROCCO I. Ya. Grichanov All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection, 3 Podbelskogo Rd., St.Petersburg-Pushkin 196608, Russia Author Abstract. This paper provides distributional records for 18 long-legged fly Igor Ya. Grichanov species (Diptera, Brachycera, Dolichopodidae) belonging to 12 genera in E-mail: [email protected] Morocco. Four of these species (Diaphorus vitripennis Loew, 1859, Muscidideicus SPIN: 1438-5370 praetextatus (Haliday, 1855), Aphrosylus mitis Verrall, 1912 and Micromorphus ORCID: 0000-0002-7887-7668 aff. minusculus Negrobov, 2000) are newly recorded in the fauna of Morocco. Scopus Author ID: 8672518800 In addition, available data on geographical distribution for each species is Reseacher ID WOS: A-1406-2013 presented. Copyright: © The Author (2019). Published by Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia. Open access under CC BY-NC License 4.0. Keywords: Dolichopodidae, Morocco, new records. НОВЫЕ УКАЗАНИЯ ХИЩНЫХ МУХ-ЗЕЛЕНУШЕК (DIPTERA, DOLICHOPODIDAE) ИЗ МАРОККО И. Я. Гричанов Всероссийский НИИ защиты растений, ш. Подбельского, д. 3, г. Пушкин 196608, Россия Сведения об авторе Аннотация. В статье приведены новые данные о распространении Гричанов Игорь Яковлевич в Марокко 18 видов мух-зеленушек (Diptera, Brachycera, Dolichopodidae) E-mail: [email protected] из 12 родов. Четыре вида — Diaphorus vitripennis Loew, 1859, Muscidideicus SPIN-код: 1438-5370 praetextatus (Haliday, 1855), Aphrosylus mitis Verrall, 1912 и Micromorphus ORCID: 0000-0002-7887-7668 aff. minusculus Negrobov, 2000 — впервые отмечаются в фауне страны. Scopus Author ID: 8672518800 Даны также сведения о глобальном распространении каждого вида. Reseacher ID WOS: A-1406-2013 Права: © Автор (2019). Опубликова- но Российским государственным педагогическим университетом им. А. И. Герцена. Открытый доступ на условиях лицензии CC BY-NC 4.0. Ключевые слова: Dolichopodidae, Марокко, новые указания. 126 I. Ya. Grichanov INTRODUCTION Chrysotus albibarbus Loew, 1857 Type locality: Turkey, “Kleinasien” (Anatolia). Morocco is a part of the Mediterranean ba- References: Ebejer et al. 2019, MA, lac sin, bordered by the Atlantic Ocean, the Medi- Aguelmame Afennourir (30 km SW of Azrou, terranean Sea and the Sahara desert. Its terri- 1 760m). tory can be divided into seven natural areas: Material examined: 1♂, AP, Ait-Melloul, the North (Rif), East of Morocco (EM), Atlan- pr Oued Sous, 13–15.02.1961, Meinander tic Plains (AP), Middle Atlas (MA), High Atlas [MZH]. (HA), Anti Atlas (AA) and Sahara (Rankou et Distribution: Palaearctic: Algeria, Egypt, al. 2015; Kettani, Negrobov, 2016). Except for France, Greece, Italy, Morocco, Russia the southeast regions (pre-Saharan and desert (Blagoveshchensk), Spain (Canary Is.), Turkey. areas), Morocco is very similar to the Iberian Diaphorus africus Parent, 1924 Peninsula in its climate and geography. Type locality: Morocco, Tétouan, Tangier; The dolichopodidae fauna of Morocco Spain, d'Algeciras, Andalousie. remained poorly studied until recently. Ne- References: Parent 1924: 3, Rif, Tétouan, grobov (1991) compiled a list of 44 species Tangier; Ebejer et al. 2019, Rif, Oued Siflaou known from the country; however, several old (281m). records were lost. Kettani, Negrobov (2016) Material examined: 3♂, AP, Ouarzaz- made a check-list of Moroccan long-legged ate env., 1 100m, 31°13′37″N, 7°48′43″W & flies comprising 63 species; however, sev- 30°58′12″N, 6°45′0″W, 12.05.2012, N. Vikhrev eral old and recent records were lost as well. [ZMUM]. Later 16 species previously unknown to oc- Distribution: Palaearctic: Morocco, Spain. cur in the territory were included by Ebejer New for the AP region. et al. (2019). Several species might have been mistakenly reported by various authors or re- Diaphorus vitripennis Loew, 1859 corded based on female specimens only. Pres- Type locality: unknown. ♂ ence of such species in the Moroccan fauna Material examined: 1 , AP, Ait-Melloul, must be confirmed. While working on a chap- pr Oued Sous, 27.02–2.03.1961, Lindberg ter for the forthcoming Catalogue of Diptera [MZH]. of Morocco, I have found descriptions of 90 Distribution: Palaearctic: Afghanistan, Alge- species belonging to the family in numerous ria, Austria, France, Hungary, Italy, Kazakh- publications since 1805. Nevertheless, a to- stan, Portugal, ?Romania, Russia (Orenburg, Vladivostok), Switzerland, Turkey (Buhar- tal number of Moroccan species can reach kent, Kars), Uzbekistan. New for Morocco. 300. For example, the fauna of neighboring Spain contains nearly 200 species, and that Dolichopus signifer Haliday, 1832 of France includes nearly 400 species (Naglis, Type locality: Ireland, Roundstone Bay. Bartak 2015; Grichanov 2017). References: Parent 1929b, “Maroc”; Séguy 1930, MA, Ras El Ma. MATERIAL AND METHODS Material examined: 2♂, HA, Oukaime- Material examined is deposited in the den, 2 600 m, 31°12′0″N, 7°51′36″W, 13– Finnish Museum of Natural History, Helsinki, 16.05.2012, N. Vikhrev [ZMUM]. Finland (MZH) and the Zoological Museum Distribution: Palaearctic: Afghanistan, Ar- of Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia menia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, (ZMUM). Czech, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Georgia, Greece incl. North Aegean, Hun- RESULTS gary, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Moroc- 18 species belonging to 12 genera, includ- co, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal ing four species new for Morocco, are discov- (Azores), Romania, Russia (Chechnya, Crimea, ered in collections of the two aforementioned Kabardino-Balkaria, Krasnodar, Rostov, Voro- institutions. nezh), Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Amurian Zoological Journal, 2019, vol. XI, no. 2 127 New Records of Long-legged flies (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) from Morocco Tajikistan, Turkey (Burdur), Turkmenistan, References: Parent 1929a, AP, Mogador (as UK, Ukraine (Odessa) and Uzbekistan. a variation of Aphrosylus raptor Haliday, 1851); Muscidideicus praetextatus (Haliday, 1855) Vaillant 1955; Negrobov 1979 (as a subspecies of Type locality: Germany, Rossbegh Point Aphrosylus raptor Haliday, 1851); Kettani, Ne- (Rossbach). grobov 2016 (as Aphrosylus raptor Haliday, 1851). ♂ Material examined: 2♂, AP, Oualidia la- Material examined: 2 , AP, Oualidia la- ° ′ ″ ° ′ ″ gune, 32°44′46″N, 9°1′26″W, 30.04.2012, gune, 32 44 46 N, 9 1 26 W, 30.04.2012, N. Vikhrev [ZMUM]. N. Vikhrev [ZMUM]. Distribution: Palaearctic: Belgium, Den- Distribution: Palaearctic: France, Ireland, mark, Germany, France, Ireland, Netherlands, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, UK. Portugal, Spain, UK. New for Morocco. Aphrosylus temaranus Vaillant, 1955 Morocco, Rabat. Tachytrechus insignis (Stannius, 1831) Type locality: Poland, “Breslau” (Wroclaw). References: Vaillant 1955, AP, Temara. Type locality: ♂ Séguy 1930, , Tangier, , Material examined: 7 , AP, Essaouira env., References: Rif HA ° ′ ″ ° ′ ″ Aguerd el Had, Talekjount (1 000–1 100m); 31 28 12 N, 9 45 36 W, 1–5.05.2012, N. Vikhrev [ZMUM]; 3♂, , Oualidia la- Vaillant 1956, HA, lac Tamhda (Anremer); AP gune, 32°44′46″N, 9°1′26″W, 30.04.2012, Popescu-Mirceni 2012, AP, Merja Zerga. N. Vikhrev [ZMUM]. Material examined: 2♂, AP, Essaouira env., 31°28′12″N, 9°45′36″W, 1–5.05.2012, Distribution: Palaearctic: Morocco. N. Vikhrev [ZMUM]. Hydrophorus balticus (Meigen, 1824) Distribution: Palaearctic: Algeria, Austria, Type locality: Germany, Hamburg. Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, References: Boumezzough, Vaillant 1986, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, MA, Tizi n'Imdrhas (1 800 m), HA, Oued N’fis Italy, Morocco, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, (650 m), AA, near Agadir N’oussbai (400 m). ?Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Tunisia, Tur- Material examined: 1♂, HA, Aguelmouss, key (Erzurum, Kars), UK, Ukraine (Kharkiv). 2050 m, 31°15′36″N, 7°24′40″W, 12.05.2012, N. Vikhrev [ZMUM]; 1♂, HA, Oukaime- Tachytrechus planitarsis Becker, 1907 den, 2600 m, 31°12′0″N, 7°51′36″W, 13– Type locality: Algeria, Biskra. 16.05.2012, N. Vikhrev [ZMUM]. References: Vaillant 1950, HA, Touggourt; Distribution: Palaearctic: Afghanistan, Algeria, Grichanov 2009, 15 km SW Tazenakcht. Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia and Her- 2♂, , Ouarzazate env., Material examined: AP zegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, 1100m, 31°13′37″N, 7°48′43″W, 12.05.2012, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, N. Vikhrev [ZMUM]. Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Palaearctic: Algeria, Egypt, Distribution: Italy, Mongolia, Morocco, Netherlands, Nor- Iran, Israel, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Spain way, Poland, Romania, Russia (Adygea, Alania, (Canary Is.), Tunisia, Turkmenistan; Afro- Baikal, Chechnya, Kabardino-Balkaria, Kara- tropical: Ethiopia. chai-Cherkessia, Krasnodar, Leningrad, Mos- Aphrosylus mitis Verrall, 1912 cow, Voronezh, Yakutia), Slovakia, Spain, Swe- Type locality: England, River Deben, Suffolk; den, Switzerland, Turkey (Antalya, Aydin, Deni- Walton-on-Naze. zli, Isparta, Kars, Mugla, Rize), UK, Ukraine; Material examined: 1♂, AP, Oualidia la- Afrotropical: South Africa, St. Helena. ° ′ ″ ° ′ ″ gune, 32 44 46 N, 9 1 26 W, 30.04.2012, Hydrophorus nilicola Parent, 1927 N. Vikhrev [ZMUM]. Synonym: Hydrophorus viridis nilicola Par- Distribution: Palaearctic: France, UK. New ent, in Boumezzough, Vaillant 1986, 297 for Morocco. Type locality: