CHUCK STEAK and to “Restore Respectability State Office Declared
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THE EVENING STAR, Waanineton, L. U. ** ¦¦MMMf IQ. 1000 |g|„ Groups Anti-Rearming Party MONBAT. OCTOBBB A-3 & ¦?* 'Leftist' Under Fire as Wins Bremen Election BREMEN, Germany, Oct. 10 i Democrats and 4 Communists, ¦lP). —West German Socialists i the Nazi-tainted Refugee Party exulted today in a sharp rebuff and the pro-Communlst Associa- out. you Legion handed Chancellor Konrad Aden- tion of Germans were shut think of Food- Meets by auer’s rearmament policy the outgoing parliament 1 In the iWhen MIAMI, Fla., Oct. 10 UP). —A voters of Bremen state. the minority party members in. flurry of activity directed at two In elections for a new state i eluded 15 from the German Par-; parliament, ty, 11 Free Democrats, 9 Chris- organizations accused by some the anti-rearmament Socialists yesterday captured a , tian Democrats. 6 Communists Legionnaires being I of “soft" 5 Party. of majority—s and from the Refugee think MaiMWw .> 2 seats—ln the 100- | WSF* preceded f ' toward Communism This the popular JS • member legislature and rolled I was vote: the opening of the American up their biggest popular vote ever Socialists 174,123 <47.8 per cent),; Legion’s 37th annual convention In the state, a center of industry Christian Democrats 65.750 (18) here today. and shipbuilding. German Party 60,557 (16.6), Free flj EK^f The Legion’s National Execu- 31,486 (8.6), only Democrats Commu-; accepted With 46 of the 92 seats (59), Refugees tive Committee with- outgoing parliament, 1 nlsts 18,229 10.- out dissent a report accusing the In the the (2.99), govern 570 Association ot Ger- Fund Republic having Socialists had to in alli- (1.1). FAIR for the of mans 3,986 j“left-wing biases.” ance with Mr. Adenauer’s Chris- MARKETS I IfoodSUPER Also, members of the Ameri- tian Democrats and the Free Results in 1953 canism and Foreign Relations Democrats. In the 1953 national election Committees held a joint meeting The election campaign was the three parties of Mi. Aden- —without immediate decision—- fought over the Bonn govern- auer's government coalition—the on whether the Legion should ment’s membership in the North Christian Democrats, Free Dero- take a similar approach toward Atlantic Alliance and its plans i ocrats and German Party—polled to UNESCO, the United Nations to build a 500,000-man armed 49.3 per cent of the total vote, An Economy Buy Balance Budget Educational, Scientific and Cul- force for Western defense. So- with 24.8 per cent going to the tural Organization. cialist leaders charged these pro- Christian Democrats. The So- The Fund for the Republic western policies policies were cialists collected 39 per cent then. was set up in 1952 by a sls mil- blocking Soviet agreement to the “The foreign policy of the DICTATOR’S LAST MOMENTS TOLD—Adolph Hitler and lion grant from the Ford Foun- reunification of Germany. Adenauer government has been Eva Braun, shown together In a picture copied from Eva’s dation to protect civil liberties Moscow Agreement Cited rejected.” the winning party’s CHUCK STEAK and to “restore respectability State office declared. The photo album, died together in a suicide pact on April 30, to Hoping to end the Socialists’ individual freedom.” The ' Socialists’ national chairman Cut from top quality, corn fed West- 1943, according to confirmation from the Fuehrer’s former fund State, operates independently of the dominance in the the 1 Erich Ollenhauer, termed the valet, Heinz Linge, just released from captivity in Russia.— j Ifoundation. Democrats tried to capitalize on 1 result “a reflection of the entire AP Wirephotos. Mr Adenauer’s Moscow agree- population of the West German which more costly steaks are cut* 74 Nations in UNESCO ment to establish diplomatic re- republic.” | UNESCO, with a membership lations with the Soviets in ex- There was no immediate com- lof 74 Nations, has as its stated change for release of German ment from Christian Democratic peace prisoners . give Helped Cremate Hitler aim the development of war ~ and him leaders. Mr. Adenauer has been through education and under- a personal vote of confidence for confined to his bed since Friday standing, and the promotion of his foreign policies.” the Chris- He is recovering from a cold and inspect for human rights. tian Democrats said. fever and expects to be back at With report Gasoline, Valet Says The attacking the fund Instead the voters elected only bis desk the middle of this week, up by Legion’s UP). roar- was drawn the 16 Christian Democrats, 18 Ger- his office in Bonn announced BERLIN. Oct. 10 —A Publications Commission, members, ing gasoline blaze consumed the head- man Party 8 Free today. ed by James F. O’Neil, of New bodies of Adolf Hitler and his York, publisher legion’s bride, Eva Braun, while about of the Ameri- i man said the fund’s record The National Execu- can Legion Magazine. “speaks for itself.” tive Committee last year had 10 men of Hitler’s staff watched summary in the garden outside the A of the report said The spokesman said the fund’s voted to delegate a repre- the fund “has been spending ] largest single project not S. \ Fuehrer s Berlin air raid shelter its is a $300,- UNESCO, r- u, money largely on projects and < 000 study of “the activities and sentative to after the in 1945, according to an eye- "'* individuals which have tleflnite influence of the Communist legion’s Americanism Committee \ Art"o"'* \ S-o-o-o Good—So EASY to Prepare witness account by Heinz Linge. left-wing biases.” 1 0 Fetjhrers valet, returned Party in all phases of Ameri- reported there were a number of the who “Special attention,” the ( pO over the week end from a decade sum- can life.” Communist sympathizers in the \ \ PAN-READY mary said, “is given *At some The fund also is distributing ?Jr kICS of the eapllvity in Soviet Union. length (in the repot# to the | U. N. organization. ‘‘Hitler shot himself, Eva $50,000 in an Americanism pro- anti antl-Communist and by Heritage The Murphy committee, ap- Braun took poison." said Linge fpws | gram the American \ statements of RobertfMaynard ( Council in Illinois, in co-opera- pointed later to review the entire \ CHICKEN BREASTS yesterday. in an interview Hutchins who. as president body of i tion with the Illinois American UNESCO situation, reported also •*I carried his out of the fund, great ex- : Legion, spokesman helped tiie accounts to a the said. Alger bunker and then pour tent for the biases evident in the it found no evidence that gasoline over it. We watched expenditures of the fund.” Referred to 16-Man Unit Hiss or the' late Harry Dexter it bum for about five minutes.’’ It said major Two Legion committees White sponsored UNESCO. body the thesis of The of Eva. Hitler’s Dr. Hutchins, former head of i threshed out differences over Served Perjury Term mistress until he married her University the of Chicago, is UNESCO, ques- Department the day before the double sui- country grip then referred the j Hiss former State that “the is in the official, served a prison term on rR cide, Was carried out from the of anti-Communist hysteria and ! tion to a 10-man subcommittee O CHICKEN a perjury charge—accused LESS study. of \ \ underground boudoir and HEINZ LINGE that this hysteria is a grave for further «o< question acceptance lying when he denied he gave dumped on the grass in the Helped Cremate Hitler threat to civil liberties.” The is on chancellery garden by ij of a Legion special committee’s Government secrets to a Commu- Ottos Attorney Guensehe, an adjutant, while 'the Russians never gave out his Leftist Sentiment Charged report that UNESCO is neither nist spy ring. General Soviet artillery shells were flying j story and allowed doubts over The summary charged 1 Communist nor atheistic, nor an Brownell has described Mr. that a espionage „69< overnead, Linge said. Hitler’s 'Hitler's fate to circulate. various individuals “connected in : advocate of world government. White as former chauffeur had tried to cairry out Baur said he also was brought one way or another with the fund Strong opposition has devel- agent lor the Russians. oped Legion Granting were some the body but it was too heavy; back to Berlin in 1946 “presum- and its projects” have left wing in the to acceptance there UPTON'S BRISK FLAVOR A report, a Communists and atheists or ag-j for him. ably to identify the remains of backgrounds. of the drawn by com- by UNESCO, the Murphy' NEW apparently Dr. Hutchins said August mittee headed former Na- nostlcs in WASHINGTON Secluded With Family IHitler. Them had 21 Ray report mean | * meantime, the fund has spent about tional Commander Murphy said this did not £ After the interview, Linge went; been found in the al- $2.5 of New York, and published last UNESCO as a whole was atheistic TE A 4 ' though he was cremated by SS ; million since its inception to, wife and; ! ' month. or Communist. into seclusion with his men with several hundred liters i “advance understanding of civil , tea k three children at the apartment; of gasoline. “However, the liberties.” 1 MIXES , „ *c uncle, Bauer, a Rus- of 48 A of his Heinrich sians changed their mind about In New York, a fund spokes- | ItUS£Z A SOUTHERN DELICACY W&jIP Reichs- ‘ BAGS former official of Hitler’s me identify the remains. """ bank. Bauer said - today his ! and Iwas shipped back to Mos- j -pi, ** nephew SALE OF FOLIAGE PUNTS { SPOON BREAD I confided during a quiet ' cow without viewing them.” ,71.