1 Bibliographie

Archives et sources


1. Archives des Conseils LSE CG 4-1 à 4-27 − Les minutes du Henry Hunt Hutchinson and Constance Trust (1894-1924). − Les minutes du Court of Governors (Conseil d’administration) de 1901 à 1995 [135 volumes]. − Les minutes du Conseil académique ( Professoral Council 1903-1950, devenu l’ Academic Board en 1950) jusqu’en 1995 [119 volumes].

2. LSE History Project LSE -H Cet ensemble de cartons thématiques a été reconstitué de façon artificielle à l’occasion du centenaire de la LSE et de la rédaction d’une histoire officielle de la LSE pour faciliter l’accès aux archives, selon des thèmes transversaux et sur la longue durée. Ce fonds « prêt à l’emploi » est principalement constitué de sources secondaires et de discours autoproduits par les membres de l’institution elle-même.

3. Central Filing LSE CF 1 et CF 2

Le corpus original des archives de la LSE (quelques 800 pages d’inventaires) est partagé en deux périodes : avant 1968 (CF 1) et après 1968 (CF 2) et n’est ouvert que jusqu’en 1995. On y trouve notamment la copie des archives originales des fondations Rockefel- ler et Ford traitant des rapports avec la LSE .

4. British Library of Political and Economical Science LSE LC − Minutes of the British Library of Political and Economical Science, 1896-1908. − Le Library Organization Committee (1902-1962) devient en 1962 le Library and Research Committee [19 volumes].

5. LSE Oral History LSE OH Le fonds d’histoire orale se compose d’une vingtaine de témoignages d’enseignants et d’administrateurs recueillis dans le cadre de l’initiative LSE History Project entre 1987 et 1991 : − Lance Beales (1889-1988 : Lecturer puis Reader in Economics de 1926 à 1956) ; 13 septembre 1973, interview par le Pr. Baker (Université de Kent) et par le Pr. McGregor ( LSE ).

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− Dora W. Cleather (une secrétaire de la LSE de 1931 à 1975) est interviewée les 7 et 14 juin 1989 par Shirley Chapman, responsable du projet LSE History. − Pr. A.S. Douglass (Professor of Computational Methods de 1969 à 1985 et Vice-Président de l’Academic Board 1978-1988) a été interviewé le 20 octobre 1988, par le Dr. R. Paul. − A. Bohm (étudiante en 1938, secrétaire particulière du Pr. L.G Robinson en 1942, puis secrétaire de l’École doctorale en 1959 et enfin External Relation Officer en 1970), a été interviewée le 23 février 1989 par Tom Nossiter, puis en 15 août 1990 par Shirley Chapman. − Pr. A.K. Dasgupta, étudiant en 1934-1936, interviewé par P. Dasgupta, 2 août 1988. − Pr. J. Durbin (professeur de statistiques, 1950- ?), interviewé par P. Phillips, juillet 1986. − Pr. R. Firth (étudiant à la LSE de 1924 à 1927, puis enseignant en anthropolo- gie de 1933 à 1939 et de 1944 à 1968) ; ses souvenirs ont été publiés en jan- vier 2000. − Pr. J. Fisher (étudiant à la LSE de 1926 à 1930, Lecturer puis Professor in Economic History de 1935 à 1975, interviewé par les Pr. T.C Barker, L. Presnell et D. Ormrod le 31 octobre 1978. − Pr. E. Grebenik (étudiant en 1935, Lecturer, Reader puis professeur de statis- tiques de 1944 à 1954), interviewé par le Pr. J. Stobcraft en avril 1989. − Pr. J. Griffith (étudiant à la LSE de 1937 à 1940, enseignant en droit à la LSE de 1948 à 1984), interviewé par R. Rawlings le 3 mars 1989. − Pr. A.H. Halsey (étudiant de 1947 à 1952, puis professeur de sociologie) in- terviewé par Colin Crouch le 23 septembre 1988. − Pr. D. MacRae (étudiant en 1937, puis enseignant), interviewé par le Pr. D.A. Martin le 23 octobre 1990. − Pr. A. Musgrave (étudiant à la LSE puis professeur de philosophie dans les an- nées 1960), interviewé par R. Hayburn, le 6 novembre 1990. − Pr. H. Phelps-Brown (Economics of Labour, 1947- ?) interviewé par B. Roberts le 24 novembre 1988. − Pr. Karl Popper (Reader puis Professor en philosophie et logique depuis 1944), interviewé par R. Dahrendorf au cours de l’été 1989. − Pr. B.C. Roberts (professeur en Industrial Relations, Trade Unions à partir de 1945), il a remis un aide-mémoire au cours de l’été 1989, revu en janvier 1994. − Betty Scharf (étudiante en 1935, puis enseignante en sociologie de 1944 à 1980), interviewée par E. Baker le 15 mars 1989. − N.B. Seear (enseignante de Personnel Management de 1946 à 1978), intervie- wé par E. Baker le 21 juin 1991. − Pr. K. Smellie (membre du département de Science politique au cours des années 1950), interviewé le 2 avril 1987. − Pr. A. Stuart (étudiant en 1938, puis professeur de statistiques depuis 1946), interviewé par M. Knutt le 3 avril 1989. 3 Bibliographie

6. Fonds privés des enseignants et directeurs Des professeurs ont légué leurs archives à la BLPS , tels Brian Abel-Smith, Richard Tawney, Richard Titmuss en Social Administration , Graham Wallas et Michael Oa- keshott en science politique, Edwin Cannan, Hugh Dalton, Evan Durbin, Richard Chorley, JamesMeade en économie, Karl Popper et Irme Lakatos en philosophie, Ernest Gellner en sociologie, CharlesWebste en relations internationales. La LSE est également le dépôt national des archives de la recherche en anthropologie et réunit les fonds de ses pionniers, Bronislav Malinowski, Isaac Schapera, Charles Seligman, Raymond Firth, Audrey Richards. Ont été consultés les fonds des directeurs (Webb, Beveridge) et les fonds de quelques enseignants (Titmuss, Oakeshott, Malinowski)



BEVERIDGE J., An Epic of : Birth and Early Days of the London School of Eco- nomics , London, G. Bell & Sons, 1960. BEVERIDGE W., “Economy as Liberal Education”, , n° 1, January 1921, p. 2-19. — “Introduction”, Register 1895-1932 , London School of Economics and Political Science, mars 1934. — “The place of the Social Science in Human Knowledge”, Politica , September 1937, p. 459-479. — Power and Influence , London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1953. — A Defence of Free Learning , Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1959. — The London School of Economics and Its Problems, 1919-1937 , London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1960. CAINE S., History of the of Foundation of the London School of Economics and Political Science , London, G. Bell & Sons,1963. — British Universities Purpose and Prospects , London, Bodley Head, 1969. CARR -SAUNDERS A., Staffing African Universities , The Overseas Development Institute, Spring 1963. CHORLEY L., “Beveridge and the LSE Part I & II”, LSE Magazine , 1973, n° 44-45. DAHRENDORF R., LSE , A History, 1895-1995 , Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1995. DALTON H., Call Back Yesterday: Memoirs 1887-1931 , London, Frederick Muller Ltd, 1953. HAYEK F., “The London School of Economics 1895-1945”, Economica , n° 2, 1946. HEWINS W., Report to the Education Department , London, Society of Arts, 1898. — The Apologia of an Imperialist. Forty Years of Empire Policy , London, Constable, 1929. LASKI H., The danger of Obedience and other Essays , New York, Harper & Bros, 1930. PATEL I.G., An Encounter with Higher Education. My Years at LSE , Oxford, Oxford Uni- versity Press, 2003. POPPER K., Unended Quest. An Intellectual Biography , London, Fontana, 1976. ROBBINS R., Autobiography of an Economist , London, MacMillan, 1971.

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WALLAS G., Handbook of the Students’ Union , London, LSE , 1925. WEBB B., in COLE M.I., DRAKE B. (eds.), Our Partnership , London, Cambridge Uni- versity Press/ LSE , 1948. — Visit to New Zealand: ’s Diary with entries by Sidney Webb , Prince, Mil- burn, Wellington, 1959. — in SHANNON D.A. (ed.), Beatrice’s Webb American Diary , Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 1963. — in MAC KENZIE N. & J. (eds.), The letters of Sidney and Beatrice Webb , Cambridge University Press/ LSE , 1978. — in MAC KENZIE N., L ONDON J. (eds.), The Diary of Beatrice Webb , London, Vi- rago/ LSE , 1984. WEBB S., “The Provision of Higher Commercial Education in London”, Interna- tional Congress on Technical Education , Report of the 4 th meeting held in London, June 1897, London, Society of Arts, 1897. — “Reminiscences IV: The London School of Economics and of Political Science”, St Martin’s Review , January 1929.

Études et commémorations

LSE , Review of the Activities and Development of the London School of Economics and Political Sciences () during the period 1923-1937 , February 1938, prepared for the Rockefeller Foundation. — Register, 1895-1935 , LSE , 1934. GLENNERSTER H., Graduate school: A Study of Graduate Work at the London School of Eco- nomics , Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1966. RAWLINGS R., Law, Society and Economy Centenary Essays for the LSEPS 1898-1995 , Ox- ford, Oxford University Press, 1997. ROBSON W. (ed.), Man and the Social Sciences . Twelve lectures delivered at the LSE tracing the development of the Social Sciences during the Present Century , London, Sage Publications, 1974. SASSON H., DIAMOND D. (eds.), LSE on Social Sciences, A Centenary Anthology , London, LSE Books, 1996. 1912 Jubilee 1962, Link , publication de la LSE et du Department of Social Science and Ad- ministration , 1962.

Sur les étudiants de la LSE

ABSE J. (ed.), My LSE , London, Robson Books, 1977. HARDIMAN M., M IDGLEY J., “LSE , Social Planning and the Third World”, International Social Work , vol. 23, n° 3, 1980. HUSBAND C.T., “Variations in students' evaluations of teachers' lecturing in different courses on which they lecture, a study at the London School of Economics and Political Science”, in Higher Education , 1997-2001, vol. 33, n° 1, p. 51-70. LSE Alumni Group, LSE People 1947-1953 , London, LSE , 1987. RUSSEL K. et al., Changing Course. A Follow Up Study of Students taking the Diploma in Social Administration at the LSE , 1949-1973 , London, LSE , 1981. 5 Bibliographie

Publications administratives

Les Calendars annuels présentent la liste des membres des Conseils, des membres de la direction et du corps professoral ( Academic Staff ). Ils informent sur les frais d’inscription, les bourses, les prix décernés et les services offerts par l’École. Ils présentent les différents cursus et les modalités d’évaluation. Ils publient le Direc- tor's Report et le Research Report annuels, ainsi que la liste des publications annuelles des enseignants-chercheurs de la LSE .

Les Director’s Reports (1901-1993). Ces rapports annuels des directeurs présentés à la Cour des Gouverneurs ont une longueur de dix à quinze pages et abordent sys- tématiquement un certain nombre de rubriques.

Le Clare Market Review (1905-1973), le LSE Magazine (1966-1982) La Alumni Newsletter : une lettre annuelle d’information envoyée à partir de 1970 aux anciens étudiants est remplacée en 1977 par l’envoi du LSE Magazine

Publications scientifiques

− Economica (1921 à nos jours) − Politica (1934-1939) − Population Studies (de 1947 à nos jours) − British Journal of Sociology (depuis 1950) − Journal of Transport Economics and Policy (depuis 1967) − Millenium , revue de relations internationales (depuis 1971) − LSE Quarterly (depuis 1987)

Publications des universitaires de la London School of Economics

− Économie ASHLEY W., “A survey of the past history and present position of Political Econo- my”, Inaugural Address, Section F of the British Association for the Advance- ment of knowledge, 1907. BAUER P.T, Y AMEY B.S., The Economics of Underdeveloped Countries , Chicago, Chicago University Press, 1957. BOWLEY A.L., Wages in the United-Kingdom in the Nineteenth Century , Cambridge, Cam- bridge University Press, 1900. BOWLEY A.L., “The Importance of Scientific Method in Statistical Research”, 1906, in SMYTH R., Essays in economic method: selected papers read to Section F of the British As- sociation for the Advancement of Science, 1860-1913, London, Duckworth & Co, 1962. — Livehood and Poverty: A study of the Economic Conditions of working class households in Northampton, Warrington, Stanley and Reading, London, Bell, 1915. — The Division of the Product of Industry: An analysis of National Income before the War , Ox- ford, Clarendon Press, 1919.

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— The Change in the Distribution of the National Income 1880-1913 , Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1920. — Has Poverty Diminished?, London, Bell, 1925. — The National Income 1924 , Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1927. CANNAN E., A History of Local Rates in England in Relation to the Proper Distribution of the Burden of Taxation , London, Longmans, 1896. — “The Practical Usefulness of Economic Theory” (1902), in SMYTH R., Essays in economic method: selected papers read to Section F of the British Association for the Advance- ment of Science, 1860-1913 , London, Duckworth & Co, 1962. — A History of the Theories of Production and Distribution in English Political , London, King, 1903. — Economic Outlook , London, Fisher Unwin, 1922. — An Economist’s Protest , London, P.S. King & Son, 1927. — “The Need for Simpler Economics”, The Economic Journal , vol. 43, n° 171, Sep- tember 1933, p. 367-378. HAYEK F., “The Paradox of Saving”, Economica , n° 32, May 1931, p. 125-169. — The Road to Serfdom , London, Routledge, 1945. — “Two Types of mind” (1975), in BARTLEY W., K RESGE S., The Collected Works of F.A. Hayek , vol. 3, London, Routledge, 1991, p. 49-55. — “Hayek on Laski”, Encounter , June 1984. — Collected Work Of F.A. Hayek, IX, Chicago/London, Routledge, 1995. HEWINS W., Apologia of an Imperialist , London, Constable, 1929. — English Trade and Finance, Chiefly in the Seventeenth Century , London, Methuen, 1892. HICKS J., A Contribution to the Theory of the Trade Cycle , Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1950. — “Introductory: LSE and the Robbins Circle”, Money, Interest and Wages. Collected Es- says on Economic Theory, Volume II , Oxford, Blackwell, 1982. — “The formation of an Economist”, Classics and Moderns, Collected Economic Essays , vol. 3, Oxford, Blackwell, 1983. HOWSON S., M OGGRIDGE D. (eds.), The Wartime Diary of Lionel Robbins and James Meade, 1943-1945 , London, MacMillan, 1990. JOHNSON H., “The theory of tariff structure, with special reference to World Trade and Development”, in JOHNSON H., K ENNEN P., Trade and Development , Geneva, Droz, 1965. — Economic Policies towards Less Developed Countries , Washington, Brookings, 1967. KALDOR N., “Alternative theories of distribution“, Review of Economic Studies , vol. XXIII, 1955-1956, p. 83-101. — “A model of economic growth”, Economic Journal , n° 67, December 1957, p. 591- 624. LEWIS A., “Economic development with unlimited supplies of labour”, Manchester School of Economic and Social Studies , n° 22, May 1954, p. 139-191. MYINT H., “Economic Theory and Development Policy”, inaugural lecture given at the LSE on 1/12/1966, Economica , May 1967. PLANT A., Some modern business problems , London, Longmans, 1937. — The new commerce in ideas and intellectual property, London, Athlone Press, 1953. — “Homage to Hayek”, Selected Essays and Addresses , London, Institute of Economic Affairs, 1974. 7 Bibliographie

ROBBINS L., “The Present Position of Economic Science”, Economica, vol. 10, March 1930. — Essay on the Nature and Extent of Economics , London, MacMillan, 1932. — La Grande Dépression, 1929-1934 , Paris, Payot, 1935. — Autobiography of an Economist , London, MacMillan, 1971. SHACKLE G., The years of high theory: invention and tradition in economic thought 1926-1939 , Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1967. — Business, Time and Thought , Selected papers of G.L. Shackle , Frowen (ed.), New York, New York University Press, 1988. THOMAS B., Monetary Policy and Crisis , London, Routledge, 1937.

− Sciences politiques et relations internationales

BAILEY S.H., International Studies in Modern Education , RIIA , Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1938. BRODERSEN A., “ UNESCO ’s Tenth Anniversary: A Retrospective Sketch”, International Social Science Bulletin , 8-3, 1956. BURGESS J., Reminiscences of an American Scholar , New York, Columbia University Press, 1934. CARR E.H., The Twenty Year’s Crisis 1919-1939: An Introduction to the Study of International Relations , London, Harper, 1942. GOODWIN G.L., The University Teaching of International Relations , Oxford, Blackwell, 1951. KALLEN H., “Political Science as Psychology”, American Political Science Review , 17, 1923. KING P., The Study of Politics. A collection of inaugural lectures , London, Frank Cass, 1977. LASKI H., The Foundation of Sovereignty , London, Harcourt, Brace and Co, 1921. — A Grammar of Politics , London, Allen & Unwin, 1926. — “Lowes Dickinson and Graham Wallas”, Political Quarterly , 3, 1932. — On the Study of Politics , 1926, in KING P., The Study of Politics. A collection of inaugural lectures , London, Frank Cass, 1977. MANNING Ch., W EBSTER C.K., T OYNBEE A.J., Peaceful Change, An International Prob- lem , London, MacMillan, 1937. MANNING Ch., The policies of the British Dominions in the League of Nations , London, Ox- ford University Press, 1932. — The University Teaching of Social Sciences, International Relations , Paris, UNESCO , 1954. — “Out to Grass and Lingering Look Behind”, International Relations , 2-6, 1962, p. 347-371. — Nature of international society , London, Bell, 1962. MARTIN K., Harold Laski, 1893-1950. A Biographical Memoir, London, Jonathan Cape, 1969. MERRIAM Ch. (ed.), A History of Political Theories: Recent Times. Essays on Contemporary Developments in Political Theory , New York, MacMillan, 1924. MEYNAUD J., “The teaching of Political Science”, International Social Science Bulletin, 5- 1, 1953.

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MORGENTHAU H., “Area Studies and the Study of International Relations”, Interna- tional Social Science Bulletin , 4-4, 1952. NORTHEDGE F.S., The International Political System , London, Faber, 1976. RITCHIE D.G., “The teaching of Political Science at Oxford”, Annals of the American Social Science Academy , 1891-2, p. 85-93. ROBSON W., The development of Local Government , London, Allen & Unwin, 1931. — Public Enterprise: Developments in Social Ownership and Control in Great Britain , London, Allen & Unwin, 1937. — The British civil servant , London, Allen & Unwin, 1937. — Public Administration Today : An Inaugural Lecture at the London School of Economics and Political Science on February 3 , 1948 , London, Stevens, 1948. — Problems of nationalized industry , London, Allen & Unwin, 1952. — Great cities of the world: their government politics and planning , London, Allen & Unwin, 1954. WALLAS G., Syllabus of a course of ten lectures on the evolution of modern English Government , London, University Extension Lectures University of London, 1907. — Human Nature in Politics , 1908 , New Brunswick, Transaction Books, 1981. — The life of Francis Place 1771-1854 , New York, Knopf, 1919. WEBSTER C.K., The study of international politic: an inaugural lecture delivered before the Uni- versity College of Wales , Cardiff, Aberystwyth, 1923. — The League of nations in theory and practice , London, Allen & Unwin, 1933. — Palmerston, Metternich and the European system, 1830-1841 , Raleigh lectures on history, 1934. — The art and practice of diplomacy , London, Chatto & Windus, 1961. ZIMMERN A., University Teaching of International Relations, A Record of the 11th Session of the International Studies Conference , Prague, 1938, IIIC, SDN , 1939.

− Sociologie, démographie et Social Administration

CARR -SAUNDERS A., The Population Problem , Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1922. — “Eugenics in the Light of Population Trends”, Eugenics Review , April 1935. GINSBERG M., Moral progress , Glasgow, Jackson, 1944. — Reason and Unreason in Society , London, LSE , 1947. — The Idea of Progress: A Revaluation , London, Methuen, 1953. — On justice in society , London, Heinemann, 1965. GLASS D.V., B LACKER C.P., Population and fertility , PIC , 1939. GLASS D.V., G REBENIK E., “Summary chapter”, The trend and pattern of fertility in Great Britain: a report on the family census of 1946 , London, HMSO , 1954. — The Struggle for Population , with an introduction by A. Carr-Saunders, Oxford, Clar- endon Press, 1936. — Social mobility in Britain , London, Routledge, 1954. — The University Teaching of Social Sciences: Demography , Paris, UNESCO , 1957. — World population Trends and Controls , London, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, 1970. HOBHOUSE L.T., Mind in Evolution , London, MacMillan, 1901. — Morals in Evolution , London, Chapman and Hall, 1906. — Liberalism , Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1911. 9 Bibliographie

— Development and Purpose: An Essay towards a Philosophy of Evolution , London, MacMil- lan, 1913. — The Rational Good: a Study in the Logic of Practice, London, Allen & Unwin, 1921. — Social Evolution and Political Theory , New York, Columbia University Press, 1922. HOGBEN L., Mathematics for the Million: a Popular Self Educator , London, Allen & Un- win, 1936. — Political Arithmetic: a Symposium of Population Studies , London, Allen & Unwin, 1938. MANNHEIM K., Man and Society in an Age of Reconstruction: Studies in Modern Social Struc- ture , London, Routledge, 1944. MARSHALL T.H., Sociology at the Crossroads , an inaugural lecture delivered on the 21st February, 1946, at the London School of Economics and Political Science (Uni- versity of London), London, LSE , 1947. — Citizenship and Social Class and Other Essays , Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1950. — Class, Citizenship, and Social Development , London, Doubleday, 1964. — Social Policy in the 20 th Century , London, Hutchinson, 1967. SHILS E., Present State of American Sociology , Chicago, Chicago University Press, 1948. TITMUSS R., A BEL SMITH B., Social Policies and Population Growth in Mauritius: report to the Governor of Mauritius , London, Methuen, 1961. — The Health Services of Tanganyika , London, Pitman Medical, 1964. TITMUSS R., Problems of Social Policy , London, Longmans, 1950. — Social Administration in a Changing Society , an inaugural lecture delivered at the Lon- don School of Economics and Political Science, 1951. — Essays on “The Welfare State”, London, University Books, 1963. — Commitment to Welfare , London, Allen & Unwin, 1968. — The Gift Relationship: from Human Blood to Social Policy , London, Allen & Unwin, 1970.

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Bibliographie sélective

Histoire des universités britanniques

ANDERSON R.D., “Universities and Elites in Modern Britain”, History of Universities , vol. X, 1991, p. 225-250. ANDERSON G.L., Universities and Elites in Britain since 1800 , London, MacMillan, 1992. ANNAN N., Our Age , London, Fontana, 1991. — The Dons: Mentors, Eccentrics and Geniuses , London, Harper Collins, 1999. ASHBY E., Community of Universities. An Informal Portrait of the Association of Universities of the British Commonwealth, 1913-63 , Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1963. — Universities, British, Indian, African, A Study in the Ecology of Higher Education , Cam- bridge, Harvard University Press, 1966. BARR N., C RAWFORD I., Financing Higher Education: Answers from the UK , London, Routledge, 2005. En ligne : http://econ.lse.ac.uk/staff/nb/index_own.html BENDER Th. (ed.), The University and the City , Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1987. BERGHOFF H., “Public Schools and the decline of British Economy 1870-1914”, Past and Present , 129, 1990, p. 148-167. BROCK M.G., C URTHOYS M.C. (eds.), The History of the University of Oxford , Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1997. BROOKE C., H IGHFIELD R., Oxford and Cambridge , Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1988. BROOKE Ch., A History of the University of Cambridge , vol. IV: 1870-1990, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1993. CARTER J., W ITHRINGTON D. (eds.), Scottish Universities, Distinctiveness and Diversity , Edinburg, Edinburg University Press, 1992. CATTO J. (ed.), The History of the University of Oxford , Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1994. CAVENAGH F.A ., James and John Stuart Mill on Education , Cambridge, Cambridge Uni- versity Press, 1931. CHRISTOPHER N.L. (ed.), A History of the University of Cambridge , 4 vol., Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1989-2004. DEER C., « Changements politiques et évolution des pratiques de gouvernance uni- versitaire en Grande-Bretagne », Sciences de la Société , n° 58, 2003. — Higher Education in England and France since the 1980s , Oxford, Symposium Books, 2002. DEWEY C.J., “The education of a Ruling Caste: the Indian Civil Service in the era of Competitive Examination”, The English Historical Review , vol.88, n° 347, p. 262-285. DUNBABIN J.P.D., “Oxford and Cambridge College Finances 1871-1913”, Economic History Review , 28-2, 1975, p. 631-647. ELDER DAVIE G., The Democratic Intellect: Scotland and her Universities in the 19 th Century , Edinburgh, Edinburg University Press, 1961. 11 Bibliographie

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