449 bus time schedule & line map

449 - Kingstone - Madley View In Website Mode

The 449 bus line (Hereford - Kingstone - Madley) has 3 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Hereford: 6:40 AM - 5:41 PM (2) Kingstone: 7:00 AM - 2:50 PM (3) Madley: 9:50 AM - 5:50 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 449 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 449 bus arriving.

Direction: Hereford 449 bus Time Schedule 37 stops Hereford Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:40 AM - 5:41 PM Archeneld, Madley Archeneld, Madley Civil Tuesday 6:40 AM - 5:41 PM

Post Oce, Madley Wednesday 6:40 AM - 5:41 PM

Pennyplock, Madley Thursday 6:40 AM - 5:41 PM St. Mary's Close, Madley Friday 6:40 AM - 5:41 PM

Church Croft, Madley Saturday 7:46 AM - 3:26 PM

Sycamore Croft, Madley

Broad Green Farm, Madley 449 bus Info Kingstone Turn, Little Brampton Direction: Hereford Stops: 37 Stoney Street, Great Brampton Trip Duration: 39 min Line Summary: Archeneld, Madley, Post Oce, Primary School, Kingstone Madley, Pennyplock, Madley, Church Croft, Madley, Sycamore Croft, Madley, Broad Green Farm, Madley, Kingstone Turn, Little Brampton, Stoney Street, Great High School, Kingstone Brampton, Primary School, Kingstone, High School, Kingstone, Primary School, Kingstone, Gooses Foot Primary School, Kingstone Industrial Estate, Kingstone, Hanley Court, Kingstone, Post Oce, Kingstone, Church, Gooses Foot Industrial Estate, Kingstone Kingstone, The Deans, Kingstone, Dews Corner, B4349, Kingstone Civil Parish Kingstone, Arkstone Turn, Kingstone, Brook View, Smallbrook, Poplar Road, Clehonger, Croft Road, Hanley Court, Kingstone Clehonger, Gosmore Road, Clehonger, Birch Hill Road, Clehonger, The Seven Stars, Clehonger, Church Post Oce, Kingstone Turn, Clehonger, Abbey Cottages, Belmont, Belmont Abbey, Belmont, Haywood Turn, Belmont, Tesco Church, Kingstone Store, Belmont, Belmont Road, the Oval, Walnut Tree Avenue, Hereford, Priors Walk, Hereford, St Martin's The Deans, Kingstone Street, Hereford, Bridge Street, Hereford, Old Market, The Deans, Kingstone Civil Parish Hereford, Franklin Barnes, Hereford, Country Bus Station, Hereford Dews Corner, Kingstone

Arkstone Turn, Kingstone Brook View, Smallbrook

Poplar Road, Clehonger

Croft Road, Clehonger

Gosmore Road, Clehonger Oak Crescent, Clehonger Civil Parish

Birch Hill Road, Clehonger

The Seven Stars, Clehonger

Church Turn, Clehonger

Abbey Cottages, Belmont

Belmont Abbey, Belmont

Haywood Turn, Belmont

Tesco Store, Belmont

Belmont Road, the Oval Belmont Road, Hereford

Walnut Tree Avenue, Hereford

Priors Walk, Hereford Belmont Roundabout, Hereford

St Martin's Street, Hereford St Martin's Street, Hereford

Bridge Street, Hereford

Old Market, Hereford Newmarket Street, Hereford

Franklin Barnes, Hereford 61-62 Commercial Road, Hereford

Country Bus Station, Hereford Union Walk, Hereford Direction: Kingstone 449 bus Time Schedule 21 stops Kingstone Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:00 AM - 2:50 PM Country Bus Station, Hereford Union Walk, Hereford Tuesday 7:00 AM - 2:50 PM

Maylord Shopping Centre, Hereford Wednesday 7:00 AM - 2:50 PM

Broad Street, Hereford Thursday 7:00 AM - 2:50 PM Broad Street, Hereford Friday 7:00 AM - 2:50 PM

Priors Walk, Hereford Saturday Not Operational

Walnut Tree Avenue, Hereford

Belmont Road, the Oval 449 bus Info Tesco Store, Belmont Direction: Kingstone Belmont Road, Hereford Stops: 21 Trip Duration: 23 min Haywood Turn, Belmont Line Summary: Country Bus Station, Hereford, Maylord Shopping Centre, Hereford, Broad Street, Belmont Abbey, Belmont Hereford, Priors Walk, Hereford, Walnut Tree Avenue, Hereford, Belmont Road, the Oval, Tesco Store, Abbey Cottages, Belmont Belmont, Haywood Turn, Belmont, Belmont Abbey, Belmont, Abbey Cottages, Belmont, Church Turn, Church Turn, Clehonger Clehonger, The Seven Stars, Clehonger, Birch Hill Road, Clehonger, Gosmore Road, Clehonger, Croft Road, Clehonger, Poplar Road, Clehonger, Brook The Seven Stars, Clehonger View, Smallbrook, Arkstone Turn, Kingstone, Coldstone Cross, Kingstone, Surgery, Kingstone, Birch Hill Road, Clehonger High School, Kingstone

Gosmore Road, Clehonger

Croft Road, Clehonger

Poplar Road, Clehonger

Brook View, Smallbrook

Arkstone Turn, Kingstone

Coldstone Cross, Kingstone

Surgery, Kingstone

High School, Kingstone Direction: Madley 449 bus Time Schedule 30 stops Madley Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 9:50 AM - 5:50 PM Country Bus Station, Hereford Union Walk, Hereford Tuesday 9:50 AM - 5:50 PM

Maylord Shopping Centre, Hereford Wednesday 9:50 AM - 5:50 PM

Broad Street, Hereford Thursday 9:50 AM - 5:50 PM Broad Street, Hereford Friday 9:50 AM - 5:50 PM

Priors Walk, Hereford Saturday 8:50 AM - 5:05 PM

Walnut Tree Avenue, Hereford

Belmont Road, the Oval 449 bus Info Tesco Store, Belmont Direction: Madley Belmont Road, Hereford Stops: 30 Trip Duration: 35 min Haywood Turn, Belmont Line Summary: Country Bus Station, Hereford, Maylord Shopping Centre, Hereford, Broad Street, Belmont Abbey, Belmont Hereford, Priors Walk, Hereford, Walnut Tree Avenue, Hereford, Belmont Road, the Oval, Tesco Store, Abbey Cottages, Belmont Belmont, Haywood Turn, Belmont, Belmont Abbey, Belmont, Abbey Cottages, Belmont, Church Turn, Church Turn, Clehonger Clehonger, The Seven Stars, Clehonger, Birch Hill Road, Clehonger, Gosmore Road, Clehonger, Croft Road, Clehonger, Poplar Road, Clehonger, Brook The Seven Stars, Clehonger View, Smallbrook, Arkstone Turn, Kingstone, Coldstone Cross, Kingstone, Surgery, Kingstone, Birch Hill Road, Clehonger High School, Kingstone, Primary School, Kingstone, Stoney Street, Great Brampton, Kingstone Turn, Little Gosmore Road, Clehonger Brampton, Broad Green Farm, Madley, Sycamore Croft, Madley, Church Croft, Madley, Pennyplock, Croft Road, Clehonger Madley, Post Oce, Madley, Archeneld, Madley

Poplar Road, Clehonger

Brook View, Smallbrook

Arkstone Turn, Kingstone

Coldstone Cross, Kingstone

Surgery, Kingstone

High School, Kingstone

Primary School, Kingstone

Stoney Street, Great Brampton

Kingstone Turn, Little Brampton

Broad Green Farm, Madley Sycamore Croft, Madley Sycamore Croft, Madley Civil Parish

Church Croft, Madley

Pennyplock, Madley St. Mary's Close, Madley Civil Parish

Post Oce, Madley

Archeneld, Madley Archeneld, Madley Civil Parish 449 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved