Brightwells & Sunderlands
BRIGHTWELLS & SUNDERLANDS 2020 SUPPLEMENTARY FODDER SALE OF HAY, HAYLAGE, SILAGE, STRAW & FODDER BEET AT FARMS IN HEREFORDSHIRE, WORCESTERSHIRE, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, MONMOUTHSHIRE & POWYS TO BE HELD AT HEREFORD LIVESTOCK MARKET ROMAN ROAD, HEREFORD, HR4 7AN ON WEDNESDAY 11th MARCH 2020 AT 1.30 PM IN THE SHEEP RING TO INCLUDE Meadow & Seed Hay Round & Big Square Bales 1039 Hay Conventional Bales 2880 Haylage Round & Big Square Bales 280 Silage Round & Big Square Bales 619 Wheat Straw Round & Big Square Bales 925 Barley Straw Round Bales 140 Oat Straw Round Bales 50 Threshed Ryegrass Round & Big Square Bales 150 Fodder Beet 50 T approx. Further Details Brightwells, The Mews, King Street, Hereford, HR4 9BX Or Sunderlands, Offa House, St Peters Square, Hereford, HR1 2PQ Pre-Sale Enquiries Greg Christopher 07770 972815, Rob Meadmore 07774 763971 Sara Hamer 07768 604995 or Richard Hyde 07977 467165 CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. The highest bidder will be the purchaser and no bidding can be retracted after the hammer has fallen. The Auctioneers reserve the right to refuse any bidding and in the event of any dispute the Lot may be put up again at the Auctioneer’s discretion. 2. Lots are for sale, subject to any reserve price imposed by the Vendor. 3. The description of the Lots is believed to be correct, however, the approximate weights or measurements are given for guidance only and prospective Purchasers will be deemed to have inspected the Lots for which they bid and no warranty whatsoever is given regarding weight, quality, condition or quantity. 4. The terms of sale are cash, cheque or debit card and goods must be paid for at the end of the sale.
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