Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 17 (2018) 195–211

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Evidence for the breakdown of an Angkorian hydraulic system, and its MARK historical implications for understanding the ⁎ Terry Lustiga, ,1, Sarah Klassenb, Damian Evansc, Robert Frenchd, Ian Moffate a Department of Archaeology, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia b School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State University, 900 S Cady Mall, Tempe, AZ 85281, United States c École française d'Extrême-Orient, 22 Avenue du Président Wilson, Paris 75116, France d Independent Scholar, 30 Woodlands Rd, Ashbury, NSW 2193, Australia e Department of Archaeology, Flinders University, Bedford Park, SA 5042, Australia


Keywords: This paper examines the construction and design of a 7-km long embankment, probably built for King Jayavarman IV between 928 and 941 CE, as part of a new capital. We calculate that the capacities of the outlets Archaeology were too small, and conclude that the embankment failed, probably within a decade of construction, so that the Engineering practice benefits of the reservoir stored by the embankment and the access road on top of it were lessened substantially. We explain how the design was sub-optimal for construction, and that while the layout had a high aesthetic Lidar impact, the processes for ensuring structural integrity were poor. Simple and inexpensive steps to secure the weir Palaeohydrology Trial and error were not undertaken. We speculate that this early failure may have contributed to the decision to return the Water management royal court and the capital of the Khmer Empire to the Angkor region, marking a critically important juncture in regional history.

1. Introduction there no later than 921 CE (Cœdès, 1931, 13; Cœdès, 1937, 50), while Harśovarman I (910–925 CE) and Iśanavarman I (925–928 CE), the With the Angkorian state having lasted for more than six centuries sons of Yaśovarman I, his uncle by marriage, were still enthroned at (9th to 15th centuries CE), scholars have long sought to understand Angkor (Cœdès, 1953, 98, 147). The first inscriptions to attest to what contributed to its sustainability and what led to its eventual de- Jayavarman's power over the Khmer realm do not appear until 928 CE cline (Evans et al., 2007; Fletcher et al., 2008; Groslier, 1979; Groslier, (Cœdès, 1931,13–16). Despite much debate on the topic (e.g., Cœdès, 2007). We suggest that some insights might be gained from studying 1931, 16; Jacques, 1971, 169), it is now generally recognized that what happened at Koh Ker, another Khmer political centre about 80 km Jayavarman was likely a legitimate heir to the throne, not a usurper ENE of Angkor (Fig. 1). There is mounting evidence from archae- (Vickery, 1986, 108).2 While it is yet to be agreed why the political ological excavation and survey for a long and complex history of oc- center shifted to Koh Ker, for this paper, we are seeking factors that cupation at Koh Ker (Evans, 2010–2011), but it is clear that the city was might help explain why its time there was so short. very short-lived as the centre of Khmer power, lasting only about It is clear from the inscriptions (Cœdès, 1937, 68) that Jayavarman 17 years as the capital, from 928 to 944 CE. constructed Prasat Thom during this period, its pyramid being the tal- Jayavarman IV, the first recorded ruler at Koh Ker, was established lest in the Khmer world at the time (Cœdès, 1937, 70). As well, just to

Abbreviations: APHRODITE, Asian Precipitation – Highly Resolved Observational Data Integration Towards Evaluation (of Water Resources); ARI, annual recurrence interval; ASL, above sea level; DIAS, Data Integration and Analysis System; EFEO, École française d'Extrême-Orient; GPR, ground penetrating radar; HEC-GeoRAS, Hydrologic Engineering Center: GIS tools for support of HEC-RAS; HEC-RAS, Hydrologic Engineering Center: River Analysis System; HEC-HMS, Hydrologic Engineering Center: Hydrologic Modeling System; MCS, mesoscale convective system; RMSE, root mean square error; SRTM, NASA Shuttle Radar Topography Mission; TRMM, Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission ⁎ Corresponding author at: 15 Cottenham Ave, Kensington, NSW 2033, Australia. E-mail address: [email protected] (T. Lustig). 1 Present address, 15 Cottenham Ave, Kensington, NSW 2033, Australia. 2 That Yaśovarman's two sons succeeded him may have been contrary to the rules of succession of the “conical clan”, in which all members are ranked hierarchically in terms of nearness of descent from the common ancestor, in this case, Jayavarman II (Vickery, 1986, 108). Under that process, Jayavarman IV might have become king in 910 and not 18 years later. Received 29 May 2017; Received in revised form 10 November 2017; Accepted 10 November 2017 2352-409X/ © 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd. T. Lustig et al. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 17 (2018) 195–211

Fig. 1. Koh Ker on the road between Angkor in present-day and Wat Phu in southern . Road alignments from Hendrickson (2007).

the north of Prasat Thom, he built a 7-km long weir across the original 2. Site investigations Rongea River valley (Evans, 2010–2011), the longest water-manage- ment structure across a river valley in Khmer history (Fig. 2).3 The It is necessary to understand how the embankment was designed, to embankment evidently provided both a level link to the Angkorian understand how soon it overtopped. We will first examine deficiencies highway to Wat Phu in today's southern Laos and created the largest in the design of the embankment and the two outlets, and then assess known Angkorian-era artificial lake (Fig. 3). the risk of overtopping by evaluating the flow of water into and out of Just south of the main spillway are the remains of a small temple, the reservoir. now known as Prasat Boeng Voeng. Its western portal has an inscrip- tion, K. 823, dated 863 śaka or 941 CE (Jacques, 2014, 350).4 The temple has a causeway linking it to the embankment. Our investigations 2.1. Methods were limited because the area is known to have landmines. However, we could see from the lidar that the level of the crest of the middle of The bare-earth digital terrain model (DTM) we used was generated the causeway is lower than the level of the crest of the embankment. from airborne laser scanning (lidar) data acquired in a 2012 aerial This lower level probably results from continual erosion by water campaign. The process used to generate the DTM is described in Evans draining through it to the north (Fig. 4), and it is reasonable to suppose et al. (2013). The elevations given as “above sea level” (ASL) in this that it was originally at the same level as the main embankment. The paper are recorded or inferred from the lidar-derived DTM or from the main embankment would not have been built to match the level of the processed lidar point cloud. According to the data specifications for the temple causeway, but the other way around. On the assumption that the lidar, absolute vertical accuracy is ± 0.15 m RMSE (root mean square temple was built at the same time as its causeway, this implies that the error) although data quality achieved was far superior to this specifi- main embankment was constructed no later than 941 CE. While it is cation in most cases, and relative accuracy of points nearby is in the probable that the work to build the main embankment could have only order of cm-level. been undertaken by a king, further archaeological investigation of the We investigated the spillway (Section 2.5.1) on site by clearing it of causeway is required to help verify that the northern reservoir and grass and shrubs, and surveying the surface with a total station access road were built before 941 CE, presumably by Jayavarman IV. to mm-accuracy. Where we suspected blocks were covered with soil, we But this infrastructure was not to last. Whereas the Rongea River located them with 1.5 cm diameter steel rods hammered into the originally ran eastwards past Point A in Fig. 2, we see that it now runs ground to see if they encountered laterite over an informal grid pattern, northwards, having overtopped and broken through the embankment at and positioned with the total station, noting the depth to refusal. The Point B. Once this happened, the large lake, the unimpeded access road, probes could reach to about 1.8 m below ground. Laterite blocks that and any economic benefits from the reservoir would have been lost. Did were washed downstream were located with a handheld GPS unit to this happen before the political centre moved back to Angkor, and were ~10 m accuracy. Where the blocks were in piles, only the boundaries of the two events linked? the piles were surveyed using the GPS unit. The chute was cleared of grass and shrubs from 10 m upstream of the within-chute structures located on the lidar (Section 2.5.2) down to 3 There were indeed longer Angkorian structures across rivers, such as an embankment the downstream end of the sloping ground, taken to be the toe of the about 30 km long at Angkor, but these were built on the Puok- Delta, where the chute's spillway. Where only a thin layer of soil covered laterite blocks, fl ows were distributed into many channels, the slopes were shallower, and the water this was removed, particularly in the area around the pavement and the flowed more slowly, making it much easier to control. upstream end of the chute's spillway. Four trenches were excavated at 4 The date in the inscription in the eastern portal had been erased by the time it was recorded (Cœdès, 1954, 113), so all we know is that the temple was built no later than the chute to elicit the extent and form of the structures and the type of 941 CE. damage they had suffered. As this was a water management feature,

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Fig. 2. Weir to north of Prasat Thom. It had two outlets, a spillway 190 m across, and a chute 230 m long with 4-m high walls 35 m apart. Note the N-S linear feature 1 km to the east of the main spillway. Imagery derived from KALC lidar data (Evans et al., 2013). very few artifacts were expected or found, so excavations proceeded by arbitrary thicknesses of spits. The site was located in a zone noted as possibly having landmines. As a result, we checked the site with a metal Fig. 3. Access road to Koh Ker past artificial lake formed by weir. The alternative dike detector before clearing the topsoil. The Cambodian Mine Action Centre location at A, to the north of the linear traces on high ground, would have been less costly (CMAC) also checked the area for landmines deeper than 30 cm before to construct than the existing dike B. These linear traces indicate that an alternative we began excavating. We probed the area on a rough grid pattern as access route was under active consideration. (The whiter the color, the highher the with the main spillway. We surveyed the laterite and probing points ground.) with the total station. Using information on river heights from local inhabitants, synthetic Ground penetrating radar (GPR), summarized for archaeological rainfall data, pluviometric records, and wind records, we developed applications by Conyers (Conyers, 2013), was used to assess the depth preliminary hydraulic, hydrological and wave models for the Stung to laterite blocks within the chute.5 We collected ground penetrating Rongea and the reservoir formed by the embankment. For the hydraulic radar data with a Malå X3M with a 500 MHz antenna. Data was col- modeling, we developed a 1-dimensional hydraulic model of the river lected with a time window of 104 ns, 1024 samples, two stacks and a using HEC-RAS and HEC-GeoRAS (Ackerman, 2012; Warner et al., trace interval of 2 cm. GPR was collected with 1 m lines spacing on a 2009). To help ground truth our hydraulic models for flows in this local grid defined by measuring tapes. Grid corners were positioned valley, we compared our results with those obtained from observation. with a CHC X90+ static GPS post-processed with Auspos, and the grid Local villagers have a wealth of knowledge of the landscape and rain- topography was measured using photogrammetry data from a DJI forest they inhabit. For example, individuals could note changes in the Phantom 4 processed using Agisoft Photoscan Professional. GPR data color of bark caused by inundation and cuts into trees made by fish- was processed using ReflexW. ermen to indicate the highest level reached by the floods in 2014. Additionally, flooding levels dictate where villagers could plant certain crops. Our informants consistently remarked that the 2013 flood had 5 GPR works by transmitting radar energy, which reflects off subsurface discontinuities in dielectric permittivity. By measuring the time taken for this energy to return to the been the highest (~67 m ASL on the upstream side of the embankment) instrument, the depth of imaged features can be estimated and the measurements can be in ten years and the 2014 flood level was the lowest (~65 m ASL). On combined to present the data in one, two or three dimensions. the downstream side of the embankment, the range of reported levels

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Fig. 4. Prasat Boeng Voeng linked to main embankment by causeway. Water has cut a channel through the causeway, and would have flowed every rainy season. (High elevation is brown, low elevation is blue.)

varied between ~63 m ASL and ~62.5 m ASL. We appreciate that calculated using the plotting-position method (e.g., (Langbein, 1960), memories of such events may be unreliable, yet the consistency of what 48) to obtain relationships for flow against annual recurrence interval was reported to us during interviews gives us some confidence in the (ARI). These were plotted in Microsoft Excel to obtain a semi-loga- levels we have adopted for our preliminary modeling. We modeled the rithmic trendline, which was taken as the flood-frequency relationships capacity of the chute and the spillway to discharge flood flows using for the 1-, 3- and 7-day flows. well-established relationships for an ogee-crest form of the two spill- When the water level in the reservoir is higher than the level of the ways (e.g., (Chanson, 2004), 399–403). crest of the chute spillway, there is an additional volume of water For the hydrological modeling, we have used modern meteor- stored temporarily in the reservoir. Thus, if the flow into the reservoir ological data, such as is available, since we do not have hydroclimatic increases after a storm, some extra flow will discharge over the spill- reconstructions for the 10th century CE in this area and there is no ways, but some will stay in the reservoir and cause the level of the reliable contemporary data regarding flows for the region. We calcu- reservoir to rise. To allow for this in the modeling, one needs to know lated the 1-, 3- and 7-day floating mean daily rainfalls6 from the values the relationship between the elevation of the reservoir and the volume modeled for Koh Ker by the APHRODITE project for the years 1980 to stored. This had to be estimated in two parts. The eastern part, which 2007 (DIAS, 2010, accessed 2013 and 2017). Since we were only testing was covered by the lidar, could be measured straightforwardly using the feasibility of overtopping by flood flows, we felt that only pre- ArcGIS to plot contours and then measure the area at each elevation. To liminary modeling was necessary for this initial investigation.7 The 7- the west, the only information on elevation was from the SRTM data day floating mean rainfall was taken to model the flows during the early (CGIAR-CSI, n.d.), which provides heights for points on a 30-m grid. or late periods of the rainy season, when the ground was less saturated Such points may be anywhere between ground level or the tops of trees. than during the peak. The 3-day floating mean rainfall was judged to be We assessed the applicability of these elevations using Google Earth. suitable for allowing for lags in the rainfall and runoff over the whole Using these elevations proved not to be such an issue, because many catchment during the month of heaviest rainfall, usually September. areas that could be counted as part of the reservoir were open fields on According to local people, the peak level lasts for about a week, and we river flats, which are being used today for growing rice. The inflows to took the 1-day rainfall as appropriate for estimating the peak week in the reservoir were modeled for each year at 3-hour intervals, assuming the reservoir. For each model, we also subtracted the 10-day average uniform inflow over each day. The resulting reservoir level was used to daily evapotranspiration measured from Nobuhiro et al. (Nobuhiro estimate outflow through the chute and over the spillway (a slightly et al., 2009) referred to above. We judged that since evapotranspiration conservative method for rising water levels). was already low during the rainy season, the year-to-year variations for To estimate how much the reservoir level might have dropped the month of peak rainfall should not be significant. Infiltration was below the level of the crest of the spillway in the chute during the dry ignored, as it should not be appreciable for the peak month, and cer- season, we took the evapotranspiration rate for forests to be about tainly not during a peak day.8 The peak inflow to the reservoir was then 3.5 mm/d in that period, as in Kompong Thom Province 175 km away calculated as this net average precipitation multiplied by the catchment (Nobuhiro et al., 2009, 330). We allowed a crop coefficient of 1.15 for a area, on the assumption that the catchment would be saturated and the dry environment with light to moderate winds, and added a con- losses virtually zero. The flood frequency for each year's peak flow was servative 20% to allow for heat transfer from the reservoir to the at- mosphere (Finch & Calver, 2008, 25). We took the river flow to be zero, as we had observed for this time of the year, and assumed that the 6 For example, the 3-day floating rainfall was taken as the average rainfall for the three groundwater seepage was not significant for this landscape, at least previous days. 7 More rigorous hydrological modeling, such as by using HEC-HMS (Scharffenberg, some of which is underlain by sandstone at depths of less than3 m 2012) is envisaged for the next stage of investigation. (Evans, 2010–2011, 101–2). 8 Strictly speaking, infiltration should have been accounted for with the 7-day model, The velocity of a flood wave in the main channel of the river up- but an overestimate in this case was judged not to be sufficiently important to justify the stream of the reservoir was estimated by assuming a velocity of about effort.

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Fig. 5. Chute outlet. The laterite walls are about 4 m high at about 70.6 m ASL. See also Fig. SI 2.

1.5 to 2 m/s, plus a wave celerity of 5.5 to 7 m/s. Wave celerity was lidar ground returns provide accurate measurements of the elevation of taken as √(gd), where g is the gravitational acceleration of 9.8 m/s2, and the intact portions of the laterite walls of the chute (Fig. 5) and of the d is the typical depth of the main channel, assumed to be 3 to 5 m when wing walls of the spillway (Fig. 6) at about 70.6 m ASL. It would have the waterways are in flood (Rouse, 1947, 142). These velocities have made little sense to have the embankment lower than this since the then been reduced by 2 m/s to allow for friction, such as from the walls of both outlets would have been above the maximum height leaves of the overhanging trees. reached by the reservoir waters. Nevertheless, we shall see that the The wind speed data was taken from Siem Reap-Angkor crest was indeed below this level in places. International Airport (Iowa Environmental Mesonet, 2001). We do not It was not clear how the route for the embankment was determined. know how accurate these wind speeds are, however. Wind speeds are It is straight in parts and curved in others. Two long, straight sections, seemingly observed to roughly the nearest one mph but recorded to one which are parallel to each other, meet at the spillway, but do not line decimal place. Some entries put the wind speed at as much as 1 km/s, up. Often where the embankment traverses low ground, there is high plainly impossible. Furthermore, the records only cover between one ground about 100 m away, and building it there would have reduced third and two-thirds of any one year. Nevertheless, as these are the only the effort of construction substantially. About a kilometer to the east, records available for this part of Cambodia, we were constrained to rely there is an even longer and higher ridge. At its northern end, the ori- on them, removing the highly unlikely readings, and recognizing that ginal Rongea floodplain narrows, and building a water-retention our conclusions must be provisional. structure at this pass with a spillway elsewhere would have entailed Wave heights were estimated using the tables in Chapter 3 of the even less effort and rendered the spillway more resistant to high-velo- Shore Protection Manual (Coastal Engineering Research Center, 1984). city flows, particularly if the spillway site had underlying sandstone Wave runup9 was estimated using Chapter 7 of the same manual. We near the surface (Fig. 3). estimated from the lidar data that the slope of the embankment was The north-western section of the embankment appears to be un- around 0.2, and took the elevation of the ground just upstream of the finished (Fig. 7). Again, allowing for erosion, we suggest that it may embankment to be 68.5 m ASL. Allowing for erosion and accretion over have run eastwards from the Wat Phu Road at an elevation of about the last 1100 years, we think that the elevation was possibly more like 71.5 m ASL for about 400 m until it met a lower embankment with crest 68 m ASL, but we have assumed the higher elevation, to be con- seemingly at 70.6 m ASL.10 At one location, this lower embankment servative. appears to have been eroded and then repaired, then eroded again (Sections 2.3 and 2.6), suggesting that the embankment was overtopped twice. 2.2. The embankment One unlikely scenario is that because the surveying techniques were not accurate over the 7 km of embankment, it could have been built too This section sets out details of the embankment, highlighting as- low in places to contain the waters of a full reservoir. Perhaps, as part of pects that may help explain how it overtopped and failed. Most of the the construction process, the engineers noted where overtopping fi embankment structure was built of earth, with a trapezoidal pro le. started to occur at high water levels, so that eroded sections could be – The lidar imagery for Koh Ker (Evans, 2010 2011, 95) shows that the filled in more accurately. Nevertheless, we have the fact that the levels thickness of the base varied from 15 to 150 m. We can be quite con- of the tops of the walls of the spillway and the chute are within 0.1 m of fi dent that the crest was meant to be no lower than 70.6 m, since the each other, yet these two structures are nearly 2 km apart. They must have been leveled using a water surveying technique, and if so, it might 9 When the waves break against an embankment, they can “run up” the slope to a level higher than the crest of the wave. The wave height is measured as the vertical distance from crest to trough. The wave runup is measured from still water level (SWL). So, the 10 Since the elevation of its northern continuation varies with the surface of the crest of a 0.2 m wave is 0.1 m above SWL, but the wave runup in this example reaches ground, this lower embankment may have been adapted from an access road constructed 0.19 m above SWL, 0.09 m higher than the crest of the wave. with resources more limited than once Koh Ker became the political centre.

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Fig. 6. Spillway with high ground upstream, and washed out at northern end. The tops of the wing walls are at about 70.6 m ASL. See also Figs. SI 3 and SI 4.

be expected that this was used for the rest of the embankment. It is whole embankment, but this was not completed in time. Thus, the failure possible that the tops of the spillway and chute were raised after the would likely have been within a couple of years of the first overtopping. embankment was overtopped the first time. However, to date we have not found any indications, such as a horizontal break between two rows 2.3. Overtopping and repair of the embankment of blocks, that the walls were built in two stages. Another possibility is that the crest of the embankment wore down or This section outlines evidence for the embankment being over- eroded in places after the embankment was first constructed. If this was topped twice. Much of the embankment is still higher than 70.6 m, and the case, the first overtopping may have been some years after the em- some is above 71.5 m ASL today (Fig. 8), so it is reasonable to suppose bankment was built. most of it was initially higher than now and has since eroded. It may be too that this first overtopping may have prompted Jayavarman The erosion marks in Fig. 7 are too high to have been formed by IV to start raising the level of the embankment. Indeed, the embankment to natural runoff from the landscape, and are consistent with the ground the northwest of the chute appears to have been at 72.5 m ASL for about being washed away by water from the reservoir. Points 1 and 2 show 400 m. The implication is that Jayavarman was in the process of raising the erosion less than at Points 3 and 4. But if we look more closely at Point

Fig. 7. Northwestern section of embankment. The high embankment meets a possibly older embankment, which appears to have been eroded by water from the reservoir when it overtopped the first time. The embankment seems to have been replaced with a new one (Points 1 and 2). Both sections seem to have eroded a second time, possibly when there was also overtopping further east (Points 3 and 4), with the river forming at Point 4.

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2.4. Wave protection

This section provides details of how the embankment was protected against erosion of the upstream face by wave action, one of the hazards to the safety of water-retention structures. The size of a wave will de- pend on the velocity of the wind and the length of the fetch.12 Waves generated in deep water embody greater energy and pose a greater danger to an embankment than those formed where the water is shallow.13 There are laterite blocks at or near the top water level of the reservoir (Shimoda & Sato, 2009, 37) along much of the upstream face of the embankment. Where the embankment starts to cross the original floodplain, the reservoir would have been as much as 8 m deep, and laterite blocks were placed carefully in stepped layers over the full upstream face. Along the shallow sections of the embankment, the la- terite was placed on the upstream face mostly as loose rubble blocks or occasionally as a rough pavement. Sometimes where the water would have been very shallow, there was no laterite at all. We suggest that the laterite was emplaced to protect the upstream face of the embankment from waves. The reservoir would have remained close to full through the dry season.14 The construction workers could not have placed the stepped laterite blocks on the submerged parts of the upstream face of the bank, so these must have been placed there beforehand, during construction. However, along sections where the embankment was on high ground, it is possible that some of the laterite protection was placed after con- struction, during or after the first one or two rainy seasons, when the size of the waves breaking against the embankment could be observed. We need to offer one qualification to this assessment, however. It is sometimes difficult to distinguish between laterite blocks that have been placed on a surface as rough protection, and laterite that forms naturally below the ground and is exposed when the overlying soil erodes. We have found laterite that has formed within the main em- bankment, which is only about 1200 years old. However, we feel that we have differentiated between natural and placed laterite in the main correctly. In most places laterite rubble can be found on the upstream face of the embankment, but not on the downstream face as well, which we should expect if the laterite has been produced there naturally. Only at Point 1, the location that seems to have been eroded and repaired, does the exposed laterite appear to be natural (Fig. 9).

2.5. The outlets

This section outlines our investigation of capacities and resistance to failure of the two outlets from the reservoir, the chute (Fig. 5), and the Fig. 8. Embankment showing where the crest is at or above 70.6 m ASL (yellow) and spillway (Fig. 6). We have followed up Evans' initial investigations with 71.5 m ASL (red), respectively. field surveys from 2013 to 2016, together with excavations in 2015. Clearing of the vegetation on the spillway and at the chute showed the 1inFig. 9, we see that the natural ground appears to have been eroded remains of structures with ogee-form profiles (Fig. 11), a hydraulically down to about 68 m ASL, then filled in with a 2.5 m–high embankment efficient shape in standard use for the design of many modern spillways — if our assumption that the level of the crest was built up to around (Chanson, 2004, 396). Bam Penh Reach north of Angkor (Lustig, 2012, 70.6 m ASL the second time is correct.11 Then this embankment was 210), probably built under Yaśovarman I (889–910 CE), is the only eroded again, in places, down to about 69 m ASL. At Point 2, the ero- other known example of this type of profile in the Angkorian realm sion apparently lowered the ground and formed a shallow gully on the (Fig. 12), although it is less well developed. downstream side. Two laterite pavements have been constructed across this gully, presumably after the first overtopping. These are not hor- 2.5.1. The spillway izontal, suggesting that they have settled since, perhaps because their Much of the spillway has been washed away and deposited about 10 sandy-clay foundations became super-saturated and lost strength. Ero- to 20 m downstream. Many of the blocks were removed in layers, sion Points 3 and 4 are shown in more detail in Fig. 10. The shape of the highlighting both the lack of keying between the blocks, as was prac- ground at Point 3 is consistent with the patterns created in soil when ticed at Bam Penh Reach (Fig. 13), and/or their being too small to resist eroded by water overtopping about 200 m of a level embankment. At Point 4, the erosion was so great that a new river channel formed. 12 The fetch is the distance that the wind blows over the water, building the wave up more and more as it approaches the shore. 13 This is because a shallow bottom creates friction and induces waves to break off- shore (Coastal Engineering Research Center, 1984,2–129). 14 From the calculations for evapotranspiration described in Section 2.1, we found that 11 There are still a few sections of this part of the embankment that reach this height. the reservoir level would likely drop less than a meter.

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Fig. 9. Overtopping Points 1 and 2 showing indications of prior erosion having been covered over with reconstructed embankment, estimated to be at 70.6 m ASL. The lighter the colour, the higher the ground. The low ground at Point 1 at elevation ~68 m ASL appears to be the remnants of a channel created by erosion during the first overtopping, which was then filled in before being overtopped and eroded again. The laterite causeways at Point 2 would have been built after the first overtopping, which formed the channel there.

the high velocities of water flowing over the spillway. Laterite blocks SI 3.) have also been located as far as 500 m downstream, supporting the idea Adeficiency in design that contributed to the failure of the em- that the failure of the spillway was catastrophic. This major breach can bankment was that the spillway was founded on the low side of a be seen clearly (Figs. 6 and SI 3). sloping sandstone rock shelf. We judge from the lidar, together with As illustrated in Fig. 11, the water flowing over a spillway accel- surveys on site, that the elevation of the crest may have been originally erates as it passes over the crest, and then accelerates further as it runs at about 69.6 m ASL. However, there is a ridge of sandstone whose crest down to the toe of the embankment. Near the bottom, the water ranges from 68.9 m to 69.7 m ASL just upstream (to the west in Fig. 6). plunges into turbulent water, and could undermine the foundations It is impractical to construct a spillway at a level that is at much the supporting the toe. The flow of water over the spillway seems to have same level as a ridge just upstream. With the adopted layout, this high undermined the laterite blocks where they rested on clayey sand, but ground upstream would have impeded the flow of water from the re- not so much where they had been placed on sandstone, as this part of servoir to the spillway, so the structure's capacity for discharging excess the embankment is still largely intact. Today, one would protect the toe flows was less than optimal. by installing a mechanism for dissipating the high energy to protect The crest of the natural rock to the west is about 400 m long, so against erosion, but this was not done here. Where the toe was un- building the spillway there would have entailed much less effort than dermined, a 50-m wide section of the spillway is missing. (See also Fig. was expended with the adopted layout, and would have provided much

Fig. 10. Overtopping Points 3 and 4. Boundary stone in line with embankment on left bank of the Stung Rongea in- dicates that the embankment initially continued westwards along high ground. The yellow dotted line shows an ap- proximate line of embankment, before being washed away.

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Fig. 11. Schematic diagram of laterite spillway showing zone of scour by water flowing over the ogee-form spillway.

months of wet weather before this event, there could have been pro- tective vegetation at the toe and this would have provided some initial protection against erosion. Good grass cover, for example, might resist a velocity of 4 m/s (Hewlett et al., 1987, Fig. 9). If the vegetation was quite dense, (it can grow quickly in this area during the rainy season), it could have provided some impedance to flow, helping the supercritical flow at the toe to become subcritical through a hydraulic jump. Nevertheless, with these flaws in the design of the spillway, it might be expected to have required repairs and upgrading during and after each rainy season to remain functional, and if these had been effective, they would likely be discernible today. Indeed, had the main spillway been repaired to any substantial degree, its design would quite likely have been modified to increase its durability. We would expect this to be quite apparent, in the form perhaps of appreciably larger laterite blocks; keys in the blocks; a new ogee-form spillway profile with shallower slope; or some other substantial mechanism for preventing the blocks from washing away under high velocity. The fact that we have not found any evidence of repairs with appreciably altered designs Fig. 12. Spillway at Bam Penh Reach, north of Angkor, showing ogee form at top layer of suggests that the spillway lasted very few seasons, as will be discussed laterite. (Photo by Andrew Wilson.) below. greater capacity and better foundations for controlling excess flows. We 2.5.2. Chute judge that the spillway could have been on the point of washing away After the site was cleared of vegetation, two linear structures were when the reservoir reached a level of 70 m ASL, if not sooner. A level of exposed, one a laterite spillway, as had been suspected, with crest level 70 m ASL would mean that the depth of water at the crest of the 68.5 m ASL, the other a laterite rectangular pavement-like structure spillway would have been about 0.27 m and the velocity there would with elevation around 69.8 m ASL (Fig. 14). have been about 1.6 m/s. However, the velocity at the toe of the The chute may have failed less dramatically than the main spillway spillway would have been higher, of the order of 4 m/s with a depth of to the south. The spillway in the chute has a much gentler slope and the flow of about 0.1 m, depending on the degree of roughness afforded by blocks that eroded at the toe — again there was no energy dissipator — the imperfectly aligned laterite blocks. We suggest that the toe of the do not seem to have resulted in a rapid failure of the whole structure. spillway being undermined caused failure, but that with perhaps three Our probing did, however, find gaps in the subsurface laterite layer, and this was supported by the results of the ground penetrating radar (GPR) data from the chute, which showed that about a third of the spillway eroded severely, but that some of it remained largely intact. Detailed hydraulic modeling will be required to estimate the peak velocities of the water flowing over the reasonably complete portions of the spillway, but they do lend support to the idea that the water in the reservoir was not much higher than 70 m ASL when the embankment failed. The quality of construction of the rectangular structure was poorer than that of the chute spillway, and it seems to have been built with four or five layers of laterite blocks. These appear to have been taken from the spillway after it ceased functioning. It is not a hydraulic control structure, as its level is too high to allow any appreciable flow downstream, and it is consistent with the form of a pavement.15 If this was its function, its location and orientation could have helped satisfy an objective of providing unbroken access from the Angkor–Wat Phu highway to Koh Ker. While local people of the time could have installed these blocks, the utility of such a structure to them would seem to have

Fig. 13. Section cut through spillway at Bam Penh Reach in the 1970s, showing keying 15 Christophe Pottier (EFEO, pers. comm. 2017) queries this, since a pavement should between blocks. not require four or five layers of laterite for its construction.

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Fig. 14. Spillway in chute with crest at ~68.5 m ASL. Pavement-like structure on right with top at ~69.8 m ASL. Water would have flowed over the spillway towards the left, before the pavement was there. been small relative to the large effort this would have entailed. We washed out earlier, the large outflow would likely have prevented the argue that it must have been built under royal authority, probably once level of the reservoir from rising and overtopping the embankment. It the Stung Rongea had overtopped and eroded the northern embank- could not have been destroyed later, since there would no longer have ment. Blocking the chute would have become acceptable when it was been any water to overtop it. We shall now examine the feasibility of no longer needed for discharging water. the embankment overtopping twice in a couple of years.

2.6. The failure 3. Feasibility of overtopping twice in a couple of years

Where the Stung Rongea passes the eroded embankment (Point 4 of We envisaged several scenarios for overtopping the embankment Fig. 10), its elevation is about 10 m below the crest, or about 8 m below twice within a short period: flows which were so great that they ex- the level of the natural ground. The left bank has a smooth convex ceeded the capacity of the spillway and chute outlets; poor maintenance surface, consistent with erosion by 8 m of water from the reservoir. of the embankment; and waves generated on the surface of the reservoir There is no laterite on the ground, testament to the very high velocities by strong winds running up the embankment and overtopping it. We typical of a dam break. There is only the one large and heavy sandstone studied these scenarios using hydraulic, hydrological and wave mod- boundary marker, which must have resisted the drag of the water. eling as described in Section 2.1. We suggest that the second overtopping of the embankment was within a couple of years of the first event, since work to raise the level 3.1. Flows down the river and through the outlets to 71.5 m ASL or higher along the length of the embankment had not yet been completed, and with the large workforce at hand, this should We will now set out the results of the hydraulic modeling. When we have taken only a few months. We think that failure was within a few compared the water levels that villagers had observed along the river hours, since the spillway must have washed out at the same time. Had it upstream and downstream of the embankment, and plotted them

Fig. 15. HEC-RAS model results, assuming higher rough- ness values than normal. Points are peak water heights observed by local informants in 2013 and 2014.

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Fig. 16. Flow over both spillways increasing with water level in reservoir. Fig. 17. Total flow over spillway and chute, and with spillway lowered.

fl against the ows derived from the HEC-RAS hydraulic model, we es- spillway. Fig. 17 shows that the embankment could have been pro- fl – 3 timated that the ow may normally be no less than 120 300 m /s tected by lowering the crest of the main spillway by between half a – 3 every year, and may exceed 300 700 m /s on average one year in ten. meter and a meter. The capacity of the spillway would then have in- fl The lowest estimated ows are calculated on the assumption of higher creased substantially, and the level of the reservoir during floods would fl than estimated values of roughness in the river and the oodplain. The have been lower as well, making the risk of overtopping negligible. fl highest ows are for lower than estimated values of roughness. In what Another option could have been to increase the width of the chute, fl follows, we assume the high-roughness ows, so that our conclusions thereby enlarging its capacity. It is possible that the danger of the will be conservative (Fig. 15). The results for normal values of rough- embankment overtopping even with the crest at 70.6 m ASL may not ness and for roughness less than normal are in Supporting Information have yet become apparent, because the combined capacity of the 16 SI 4. spillway and chute was found to be adequate for the flows that had We next estimated the capacity of the chute and the spillway to pass been experienced till then. fl river ows during the rainy season without overtopping the crest of the Even though the states of the spillways indicate that the reservoir embankment. We calculate that the main spillway would have started level was at about 70 m ASL when the embankment failed, we do not fl fl 3 owing when the ow through the chute exceeded 90 m /s, which yet have enough information to be certain. We shall therefore in- could have been most years, since, according to the results of our vestigate several scenarios for the embankment overtopping, one where preliminary hydrological modeling discussed below, the annual max- the level in the reservoir is assumed to be at about 70 m ASL at failure, fl 3 imum ow would rarely have been less than 100 m /s. We determined and others where the level is assumed to be around 70.6 m ASL. that the capacity of the chute and the spillway combined would have been about 220 m3/s when the elevation of the water level in the re- servoir was 70 m ASL, and perhaps 540 m3/s if the elevation of the 3.2. Scenario 1: failure during an infrequently large flood water level in the reservoir reached 70.6 m ASL (Fig. 16). The capacity of the chute and the spillway combined would have been exceeded This scenario assumes simply that there has been a large and rare when the inflow was > 540 m3/s. One implication from this is that flood. The flood frequency derived by using the information from the with water flowing over the chute spillway throughout the rainy villagers is plotted in Fig. 18 together with the results from the hy- season, and over the main spillway probably at least during the wettest draulic modeling. The results from the hydraulic modeling were less months, it may not have been possible to undertake small repairs to than from the hydrological modeling for the 1-day flows, suggesting these structures until the following dry season. that the observed water levels may have been less than the actual peak. All this points to parts of the northwestern section of the embank- The maximum elevations reached in the reservoir are shown in Fig. 19 ment, discussed in Sections 2.2 and 2.3, having been no higher than for the 3-day average modeling and Fig. 20 for the 1-day average about 70 m ASL at the time of the first overtopping. As outlined in modeling. The 3-day modeling indicated that the water level could Section 2.5.1 above, we estimate that had the reservoir reached a higher level, the spillway would have washed out, allowing a much greater outflow, thereby preventing a second overtopping. If the spillway had been repaired after washing out, it is difficult to envisage that the new crest would have been as high as before. The sophisticated form of the spillway points strongly to a good under- standing of its purpose and function, and rebuilding it with a lower crest should have been an option readily apparent to the designer of the

16 We have since installed metric gauges and simple peak water level recorders on the upstream and downstream sides of the embankment and along the river about 2 km downstream from the embankment. We obtained some preliminary river heights in 2016. One useful result from 2016 was that our local informants observed that the water level Fig. 18. Flood-frequency curve, derived from local and regional data. Markers indicate stayed at the peak for about a week, while one informant who had some gauges on their property noticed one overnight peak significantly higher than the week-long peak. the results from the hydraulic modeling.

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this should have been a hazard well appreciated by them. This scenario is therefore feasible, particularly if the engineers were not experienced from work at Angkor.

3.4. Scenario 3: overtopping by very large flows

Several new scenarios were explored after the site gaugings for the 2016 rainy season brought to light that the peak flow might last for less than half a day and be significantly higher than what locals had re- ported (Section 3.1). It is understandable if such peak water levels may not be noticed often, since people tend to be under shelter during heavy downpours. To understand this better, we examined the pluviometer readings for in Angkor Park at Siem Reap, as recorded by the Japanese Government Team for Safeguarding Angkor (JSA) for Fig. 19. Frequency of reservoir reaching different elevations, depending on estimated the period 1997 to 2000 (JSA, 2000). The hourly rainfall for 1997 is storage assuming a 3-day averaging of rainfall. shown in Fig. 21 as an example. The data showed that most of the peak monsoon rainfalls last less than an hour, which accords with advice that reach only 70 m ASL, whereas the level assumed for overtopping the tropical thunderstorms typically last 20 to 40 min (Alain Protat, Aus- embankment was 70.5 m. The 1-day model showed that the reservoir tralian Bureau of Meteorology, pers. comm. 2017). would rise to 70 m one year in three, but the 70.5 m level might be Using the discharge relationships for the outlets and the storage fl reached once in 15 years on average. However, this scenario for over- relationships for the reservoir, we modeled the ows in and out to see fl topping was judged not to be feasible, since the time taken to reach what in ows could cause the water level to rise to overtop the em- peak water level in the reservoir was anything from 3 to 60 h, and if it is bankment or come close to it within a couple of hours. We chose this agreed that the spillway and the embankment failed together, these short period, since we judged that any period longer than 2 h would times would be too long. This scenario, therefore, does not appear have resulted in the main spillway failing too soon and letting the water feasible. out before the reservoir level could rise this much. We first used the model to find the inflow, which could result in the reservoir level rising from 70 m to 70.5 m ASL within 2 h.17 Fig. 22 3.3. Scenario 2: poor maintenance shows an inflow that simulates what is usually observed during floods, namely a rapid rise and a slow decline. We found by trial and error that Another possibility is that the embankment was not maintained the maximum flow might need to reach about 2600 m3/s for an em- adequately after it was rebuilt. We know that at Point 1, the embank- bankment with a low point at 70.5 m ASL to overtop.18 ment was reconstructed and raised by about 2½ m after it was over- The subsequent erosion and failure would then have probably been topped the first time. If there had not been much consolidation of the very quick. We judge that a realistic scenario has the inflow rising to soil while it was placed, as we have observed for other medieval 2600 m3/s in about 20 min, at which time the spillway might start to structures in Southeast Asia, the soil would have settled appreciably. wash away and fail completely after an hour. The reservoir level would Consolidation of soil can be of the order of 40% in the first month after continue to rise until it overtopped the embankment after about 2 h. loose fill has been placed (Washington State Department of Transport, After that, the outflow would increase as more of the embankment and 2013, 9-A-7). Had the embankment settled by only half a meter, this the ground beneath washed away. would have represented a consolidation of only 20%, so it is quite For the outflow scenario, we assumed that the chute remains largely feasible for the crest to settle from a level of 70.6 m ASL to a level of intact, while the spillway starts to fail about 20 min after the water 70 m. This could be why the second overtopping at Point 1 was in much level rises above 70 m ASL, as discussed in Section 2.5.1. (Supporting the same location as where the embankment was first eroded and then Information SI 2 provides details of scoping calculations for the increase reconstructed (Fig. 9), since the consolidation there would have been in discharge when the 50-m section of the spillway washes away.) greatest. It is quite possible that the crest of the embankment was not Thereafter, the spillway fails continually, letting water flow out of the maintained to its designated level with sufficient diligence — assumed reservoir at an increasing rate. The embankment overtops after about here to be no < 70.6 m — although if the engineers were experienced 125 min, and the discharge increases in stages as whole sections of the in maintenance of the many embankments in the floodplain at Angkor, embankment and spillway wash away. The embankment would then continue to erode over the rest of the rainy season, and possibly for several seasons after that. For this scenario to be feasible, the inflow to the reservoir would need to be much larger than has been observed in recent years. We will now examine the feasibility of thunderstorms producing such flows.

3.5. Feasibility of thunderstorms producing overtopping flows

Thunderstorms might produce flows of 2500 m3/s in two ways: by a single, very large storm (super cell) over the catchment or by a train of

17 We have taken the level as 70.5 m to allow for the effects of small waves and for some sections of the embankment to still be lower than the desired 70.6 m ASL because of poor maintenance. 18 We are not saying that this was precisely how the inflow to the reservoir varied. We are simply deriving a hydrograph (an inflow scenario) that could have resulted in over- Fig. 20. Frequency of reservoir reaching different elevations, depending on estimated topping, in order to gain an appreciation of how great the flow from the catchment storage assuming a 1-day averaging of rainfall. needed to be.

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Fig. 21. Pluviometric readings at Prasat Suor Prat for 1997.

Fig. 22. Inflows, outflows and water level for overtopping by large inflows into reservoir. storms crossing the catchment in quick succession. We suggest that while both are feasible, the second mechanism seems more likely. If a thunderstorm formed just to the west of the reservoir during the week of peak flow in the catchment, we estimate that the flood wave from the rain could travel downstream at a speed of about 5 to 7 m/s, or Fig. 23. Wind rose for Siem Reap Airport during the rainy season, between 1st June and 18 to 25 km/h, and reach the reservoir within half an hour. If as well, 31st October. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the the thunderstorm cell were travelling eastwards, as will be discussed reader is referred to the web version of this article.) below, the flood wave would build up to a peak as it passed over the reservoir. As outlined in Supporting Information SI 3, the area of such a thunderstorm may need to be of the order of 140 to 180 km2, with precipitation of 50 to 60 mm within an hour, and the probability of up the flood as it went. We examined the wind directions for Siem Reap such an event in a climate matching that of Darwin (northern Australia) Airport and found that, during the rainy season (taken here as between might be between 3% and 5%. Thus, while the frequency of large 1st June and 31st October), the wind was coming from between the thunderstorms in Cambodia will be different from those near Darwin, northwest and southwest (Fig. 23) for 51% of the time, over the years having a storm just upwind of the reservoir and large enough to cause 2006 to 2016, the major directions of flow in the catchment. the embankment to overtop seems possible. We do not yet have good records of the frequency of MCSs in The second possible cause of such a large inflow to the reservoir, a Cambodia. But we can gain a rough indication by comparing their series of average-sized thunderstorms in quick succession, seems more frequency in Cambodia with those near Darwin. Ed Zipser (University likely. Such a series is called a “mesoscale convective system” (MCS) of Utah, pers. comm., 2017) has compared the frequency of MCSs at the and is an important cause of heavy rainfall and flooding in East Asia two locations using satellite data from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring (Chen & Chappell, 2009).19 The two predominant mechanisms for MCSs Mission (TRMM) over its 17 years of data collection (Goddard Space producing heavy rainfall are “training” of convective cells, where the Flight Center, 2016) (Supporting Information SI 4). He has found that individual convective cells follow each other in the same line, and while 31 MCSs with rainfall rates roughly between 50 and 200 mm/h backbuilding, where the convective cell is being continually recreated were recorded over the landmass near Darwin, 142 were recorded over in the same location, so that the MCS is effectively stationary (Peters & an equivalent area centered on Cambodia - roughly five times as many. Schumacher, 2015). He advises that the size of thunderstorm is not as important as whether It is certainly quite possible that an MCS forming near the edge of a number of them are organized in such a way as to pass over a basin in the catchment could travel in the same direction as the runoff, building quick succession. It would appear from this that if an overtopping event resulting from a very large thunderstorm is feasible with Darwin's cli- mate, an overtopping event in Cambodia resulting from an MCS is even 19 It is also the major cause of flash flooding in the USA (Peters & Schumacher, 2015, more so. 1058).

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3.6. Scenario 4: combination of Scenario 2 and Scenario 3 Table 1 Number of half-hour periods wind speed at Siem Reap > 10 m/s. We next assumed that there remained a low point with elevation at Year Number in Number in No. in rainy Adjusted proportion of about 70.3 m ASL in the embankment along the northwestern sector. year rainy season season time > 10 m/s in rainy 3 We found that this required an inflow of only 2000 m /s, again on the adjusted season assumption that the reservoir level could rise to around 70 m ASL without the spillway failing. The probability of an MCS producing this 2006 1 1 2 0.02% fl 2007 2 1 3 0.04% in ow to the reservoir, smaller than for Scenario 3, would be greater 2008 5 1 3 0.04% than for Scenario 3, of course. 2009 11 7 18 0.25% 2010 9 2 5 0.07% 2011 9 4 9 0.01% 3.7. Scenario 5: overtopping waves 2012 12 6 10 0.13% 2013 13 3 4 0.06% In this scenario, we considered that the embankment was at around 2014 15 7 10 0.13% 70.6 m ASL, but that winds generated waves in the reservoir about 2015 3 2 4 0.31% 2016 4 4 7 0.10% 0.2 m high, when the reservoir level was at 70.3 m. From Figs. 7–12 of the Shore Protection Manual (Coastal Engineering Research Center, Note: Readings giving velocities > 70 m/s have been discounted. Adjusted proportion of 1984), we found that a significant wave of 0.2 m might run up 0.19 m time assumes similar proportion when no readings taken. — and a third of the waves would run up further.20 Figs. 3–23 of the same manual indicates that, with a fetch of 1.5 km, the wind speed to Table 2 produce waves with significant height of 0.2 m would need to be Feasibility of scenarios. around 10 m/s. How likely is such an event? An analysis of the wind speed data from Siem Reap-Angkor Scenario Qualitative assessment of likelihood of cause of failure International Airport showed that in the 10 years from 2006 to early 2015, there were few half-hour periods when the wind speed was > 1. Large, rare flood Not feasible, since would only cause spillway to 10 m/s, the speed needed to obtain waves this high (Table 1), and this fail, not whole embankment happened only 0.3% of the period of the rainy season in the windiest 2. Poor maintenance Feasible, but raises question of how much experienced engineers were involved. year. Further, the records show few occasions when such winds lasted 3. Large storm or MCS Significantly more likely than at Darwin. longer than half an hour. So, overtopping under this scenario could be 4. Combination of 2 and 3 More likely than Scenario 3. quite rare. 5. Overtopping waves Unlikely.

3.8. Summary of scenario results successfully at Angkor, as evidenced, for example, by the construction of the Indratataka at , moving on to the larger East and Table 2 summarises the feasibility of the scenarios we have assessed. then — after the capital's return from Koh Ker — the even larger West fi The one that ts the available information best is Scenario 2, in essence, Baray. These were counter-intuitive aboveground water storages or the result of human error, the likelihood of which might have been baray with inflows and volumes so large that infiltration into the lessened had Jayavarman proceeded by trial and error. ground and through the sidewalls could be neglected. Had Jayavarman built the embankment in stages over several years, 3.9. Trial and error in engineering for example, it is likely that the experience gained would have prompted works to increase the capacities of the outlet structures and While long embankments had been built on , whose set up systems of maintenance that helped ensure that the level of the rolling sandstone landscape is similar to what can be seen at Koh Ker, crest would be kept above 70.6 m ASL, or perhaps higher. none that doubled as water-retaining structures were as long as 7 km. The longest structure on Phnom Kulen that seems designed to impound 4. Aesthetic constraints water was the unfinished Thnal Mrec, 1200 m long (Hansen, 1968, 16). At Angkor, embankments 20 km long were certainly built across several This embankment was probably the only significant water man- watercourses (Evans et al., 2007), but these watercourses flowed across agement feature constructed during the time that the centre was at Koh a very gently sloping alluvial fan, and their velocities were much lower, Ker (Evans, 2010–2011, 107). While the route chosen for its construc- making water storage and diversion a much simpler project. At Koh Ker, tion was more costly than other alternatives, as indicated on Fig. 3, the longest embankments previously built across watercourses were visitors to Koh Ker would have had an extensive body of water to their about 400 m long: one about 1½ km northeast of Prasat Thom, and right, once they left the Wat Phu Road to enter the city, and then a another a little over a kilometer ENE of Prasat Neang Khmau. The direct line of sight to the central temple, Prasat Thom (Shimoda & Sato, watercourses they controlled had catchments of 2 and 5½ km2 re- 2009, 38). Routing the road along the adjacent high ground could have spectively, unlike that of the Rongea, which has a catchment of about meant that the access road was as much as 200 m away from the water, 700 km2. and that Prasat Thom was no longer directly ahead. Had Jayavarman In building a structure unparalleled in size, Jayavarman IV appears chosen the even higher ridge a kilometer to the east for the access route, to have failed to follow a principle fundamental to all engineering: trial the water views would have been even more distant and obscured in and error. Even today, despite sophisticated mathematical and com- places by high ground to the west. We suggest from this that the aes- puter models, there comes a point in the design process where the thetic effects were a significant constraint on the design. engineer must test to see if the design works, and almost inevitably Aesthetic considerations may also provide an explanation for the modify it to make it do so. Trial and error had already been used hydraulically inefficient location of the main spillway, namely down- stream of high ground. We judge that it was not intended that elephants

20 should traverse the spillway, since its crest was curved and not very The waves generated by a strong wind would not be of uniform height. The term ffi “significant wave height” refers to the wave height that is greater than two-thirds of the wide, only about three meters. This would have made it di cult for generated waves. So even if the significant wave height were just enough to overtop the elephants and people to cross, especially if the water were flowing at embankment, one third of the waves would have overtopped the embankment easily. high velocity. One aesthetically pleasing option may have been to build

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Fig. 24. Possible layout of causeway option to bypass spillway.

a causeway on piers along the high ridge upstream to bypass the inadvertent low point of the embankment at or below 70 m ASL, sig- spillway (Fig. 24). If so, this might help explain why the main spillway nificantly lower than the 70.6 m ASL at the top of the walls of the chute, was installed downstream of high ground. it may be that no quick and relatively cheap steps were taken to enlarge If so much emphasis had been placed on the visual impacts, it would the outlets, perhaps because they were judged to have functioned sa- follow that the political effects of the failure of the embankment would tisfactorily at that time without serious damage. Instead, the decision, have been profound, and could have strengthened support for the idea which seems to have been taken — to leave the outlets as they were but of returning the political center to Angkor. increase the level of the crest by something like a meter — would have been a much more costly and perhaps longer exercise, and appears to 5. Discussion & conclusion have been incomplete by the time the waters of the reservoir rose to overtop the embankment a second time. It is not difficult to envisage the aesthetic effect on the visitor, The scale and form of works needed to augment the capacity of the perhaps a pilgrim or royal entourage on the way to Wat Phu, ap- spillway and to make it more resistant to erosion should have been proaching the city along the wide road along the crest of the em- sufficiently large for us to determine that because we cannot see any, bankment, with Prasat Thom looming ahead, and water stretching far there were none. It follows that the first overtopping of the north- to the west from near their feet. Few could have remained unimpressed. western embankment was probably at a level at or below 70 m ASL, a The engineers at Koh Ker were set the task of constructing the lar- height sufficiently low to avoid significant damage to the spillway. gest embankment ever built across a major river during the Angkor It would have been a straightforward exercise for the royal en- period. The resulting reservoir significantly enhanced the volume of gineers to compare the water height along the length of the embank- water available and provided an aesthetically impressive access route to ment with the level of the tops of the chute and the spillway walls, and the city. However, in building such a large feature, they went well calculate how much the different sections needed to be raised. Given beyond their training and experience, rendering the embankment vul- the workforce available to Jayavarman IV, this could have been com- nerable to failure. When the embankment did breach, the aesthetic pleted within one or two dry seasons, or indeed within months. Since enhancement, easy access and other benefits of a large volume of water, this work was not completed, we expect that the second overtopping such as additional fish protein, were lost.21 The political ramifications occurred within a couple of years of the first. would likely have been substantial, contributing to the pressure to re- The inflows to the reservoir needed to overtop an embankment at turn the capital to Angkor. 70.6 m (or even 70.3 m) appear to be significantly greater than those Yet, while the water-retention structure at Koh Ker had many flaws, observed locally today. Nevertheless, the thunderstorms to produce these could have been remedied. A simple and more sustainable remedy such flows in this Cambodian catchment appear reasonably feasible. after the embankment was overtopped the first time could have been to A scenario that does not require there to have been a possibly rare enlarge the effective width of the northern chute by, say, a factor of thunderstorm is that the crest of the embankment settled to around five, or to lower the crest of the main spillway by about a meter to the 70 m ASL at the points of the first overflow and erosion. If the em- same level as the spillway in the chute. This should have increased the bankment had not been properly maintained, it is quite feasible that fill capacity substantially, making it highly unlikely that the embankment of about 2½ m settled half a meter, so that it was easily overtopped a would have been overtopped in subsequent years. This work could have second time within a year or so. Such an event is consistent with the been initiated and completed before the next rainy season at moderate breaches at Point 1 being at the same location on both occasions. cost. It is unclear when it became apparent that the capacities of the Alternative scenarios for overtopping at 70.6 m ASL, while feasible, outlets were too small. If the first overtopping was simply at an appear to be less likely. One of the key constraints on the success of early societies and their settlements in monsoon Southeast Asia would have been their ability to 21 It is possible that some kind of low-level reservoir was built afterwards (Supporting manage water effectively and mitigate the consequences of the seasonal Information SI 5).

209 T. Lustig et al. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 17 (2018) 195–211 availability of water and hydroclimatic instability at the annual scale or Appendix A. Supplementary data greater (Buckley et al., 2010). It is often argued in the literature that Angkorian kings had complete mastery over the natural environment, Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https:// and that as a result of their “engineering genius” their water control systems worked highly effectively (e.g. (Engelhardt, 1995)). Proponents of this view commonly point to the lack of evidence for failure of the References hydraulic structures during the Angkor period (Peou et al., 2016, 145), the implication being that failure of the system occurred after the Ackerman, C.T., 2012. HEC-GeoRAS: GIS Tools for Support of HEC-RAS using ArcGIS: abandonment of Angkorian cities as capitals, or was due to some exo- User's Manual. US Army Corps of Engineers, H. E. C. 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