The Philipsburg Mail
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Ibr---r - ---- ' THE PHILIPSBURG MAIL. VOL. VIII. NO. 19. P lIPSBURG, GRANITE COUNTY, MONTANA, THURSDAY. JUNE 7, 1894. PRICE, 5 CENTS. Under the stimulus of the single silver investment made in American land mort- WAITING ON BRITAIN standard the manufacturing interests of OUTLOOK gages, and said: India were rabidly taking away from FOR 8ILRe "From the accounts of the condition It Rains==It Pours! Latcashire the riches of the east. The of the land and farmers there, especially appreciation of gold was a premium to in the West, owing to the fall in prices, Keep Your Feet Dry and Warm. The the Indian manufacturers and enabled The Views of Prominent En- I should be very anxious about such in- Policy of the American them to undersell Lancashire in vestments Buy your footwear from McLeod China if they were mine. In fact, and you can af- Tories of To-Day. and the markets of the east to just the glish Statesmen. the creditors everywhere are in the great- ford to have good footwear for he is selling so cheap extent of the difference between the est danger of losing their capital, or the everyone can reach his prices. value of gold and silver. greater part of it, owing to the apprecia- Call on him and he England did not hesitate to sacrifice tion of gold. Will show and tell you all about it. My velvet oil WHYTHEY'RE DELUDINGTHE PEOPLI her Indian interests to those of Lan- AGRICULTURAL DEPRESSION CAUSE "The argument in favor of mono- will make your old shoes as soft as new and make cashire, particularly when the policy she metalism is based on the fact that enor- adopted was likely to influence the mous quantities of gold are lying idle in them wear. I always have a man to fix your old United States in repealing the Sherman the Bank of England. The bimetallic It is a Futile Hope that England Henry Chaplain Ascribes It to the ones when they law. She closed the government mints prospects of the future are most promis- need repairing. Demonetization ot the \White Will Join in Any International in India to silver and in effect placed the ing and I can assure our foreign friends J. C. McLeod, Central Block, Broadway. Agreement for B1-Metallism currency system of that country on the Metal-It Can Only Be Stopped that the recent bimetallic debate in the Unless She Has to-She Has gold standard, precipitated silver panic by Reverting to the Mon- House of Commons was devoid of impor- tance. Fought for Years for the that wrought ruin in this country last etary System Practiced The discussion of the matter was summer and sat herself down to the en- attempted against *the advice of its Single Gold Standard. Prior to the Year 1873. joyment of securing our cotton and friends and the result was inevitable, see- wheat at half price. ing that no division was possible. Ad- In the face of all this there are men vices from every quarter of Great Britain The question of international bi. among us who pretend to believe and An important speech, touching upon show that interest in the question is FREE! metalliqm presents some peculiarly inter- wheat, silver, gold and American mining, steadily FRE ! and widely are trying to make the people believe spreading, and that To all those who may call at the esting features. It is a question on that England is now getting ready to railroads and land mortgages, was de- the city of London itself is coming in;" which a good deal of light may be shed surrender the immense advantages she livered in Edinburg on May 30th by the Mr. Chaplin's speech greatly impressed KAISER HOUSE, - rHILIFSBUIRG, by those who have hid their goldbug has acquired by conspiracy, by diplo- Right Hon. Henry Chaplain, Conserva- the audience and he was loudly ap- principles behind it or by those who are macy and by the sacrifice of important tive President of the Board of Agriculture plauded. On the 15th of 16th of every month. employing it to shield the Cleveland ad- interests in India. There are American in Lord Salisbury's Government. The FLORAL EMBLEM. ministration from the just indignation of tores who insist that this republic, which speech was an address to a crowded con- the public. As the matter stands, there was powerful enough more than a hun- ference of the Scotch members of hus- The Manner Outlined for Selecting One are a great many dark places in the dred years ago to conquer England by bandry and had for its subject "Bimetal- for the State of Montana. The attention project that need illuminating. land and sea, is not now able to put in lism in Relation to Agricultural Depres- of the people of Granite Drs. Liebig Co., World Renowned county is called to the selection of a & Specialists. It is not by any sion." means a new question. operation and maintain a currency sys- state floral emblem, for which It has been considered and discussed tem fitted to the needs of its people and The speaker declared that agricultural purpose Permanent Office, 13 South Main Street, Helena, Montana. the Montana Floral Emblem from all possible points of view. Never- to the interests of its trade and com- depression was chiefly due to the steady Society was and heavy fall in prices organized last March. It is much de- FREE CONSULTATION given to all persons suffering from Chronic Diseases, theless at this moment and by the light merce. There are professed by-metal- of produce, which Diseases of the Eye Ear. Nose, Throat, Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, Vrinary Organs. sired that a general interest be of current events it assumes an entirely lists who pretend that this republic, he claimed was due to the monetary awakened Nervous and Prvateiffectione. The rapidly increasing number of patients in Mon- in the state floral emblem and tans demand greater facilities and accommodation, to meet which Drs. Liebig & new aspect. It becomes interesting by more powerful in every way than Eng- changes of 1873 and could only be stopped that a re- C6: have established offices in this city. They will be incharge of duly authorized by reverting presentative and intelligent vote be ob- representative, who will seport all complicated cases to the head ofice, where com- reason of the mystery that is thrown land and continental Europe combined, to the previous monetary tained on the subject. Various plete records are kept of all cases and the treatment adopted. Each branch having around it. We therefore appeal to the must rest in depression and despair until system. Nobody could foresee where the methods italpealatists, no one physician and never lessthan five experienced specialists have have been carried out in different a coansltationon every case presented. Having:thoussmds to ref.r to, comparisons financial tories who are making much of England shall be generous enough to present fall of prices would end. Accord- coun- arieaduly mace. 1o experimentin -simply applying the t;eatmenr that has times ing to ties during the past few months to arouse without number proved successful. Thisis the secret of their success and the reason international bi-metallism to give the give the signal of relief by graciously the latest table the fall from 1873 interest in the wild flowers and acquaint sooh marvelous cures as heretofore reported have been made after the best local people a clear idea of the scheme. permitting Americans to enlarge their to 1893 of 40 per cent. in wheat amply il- physicians pronounced them hopelessly incurable, people in general with their nChronic affections whether fromearly indiscretions, VenerialExcesses, Sem- About what time are we to expect re- money basis. And this act of benevo- lustrates this. The British Commission- characteris- .iweakness,Loss of Manhood, Syphilis and other affectionseflitting them from ers, he added, studied the price of wheat tics, so that they may vote intelligently. oying any of the pleasures of life, treated and cured after $bsolute failures by lief from that source? Every interest in lence is to be performed only when Eng- e. Drs. Liebig Co.'s The merits of the floral candidates reputation for their unparalleled isuccess in treating the country is in a crippled condition land concludes to present to the rest of in America in 1879 and believed that it ha ve e 1gseases of Men is worldwide. and they have patients in all parts of it. been discussed in schools, WOMEN, Th specialist foraffections of Women has lately returned from En. and growing worse. It is absolutely es- the world the trifling sum of $500,000,000 never could be exported cheaper than 40 clubs, church p.l vng.•1 the latest appliances and remedies used in tpeprincipal hospitals and other societies, small and large gath- andis without a superior on the coast. sential then, if the European shylocks a year, which represents the profits that shillings per quarter. The superior In- erings by all classes of people-business CATARRH. and kindred Affections of the Eye, Ear, Throat and Lungs, success are to dictate our financial laws and fix accrue to Great Britain's ruling class as dian wheat was sold last week at Hull fllly treated, asd in a manner so mild as to be acceptable to the most delicate child_ men, miners, politicians, etc-as our currency system to suit themselves, the result of the demonetization of silver. for 19s 3d per quarter. well as Brases for Spinal Deformities. Club Feet, etc., manufactured. Satisfaction guar- by ladies and botanists.