Vanpool Quick Guide Interested in cutting transportation fuel and maintenance costs? Want to help co-workers commute more efficiently and address that nagging parking problem? Ever thought about commuting with co-workers in a vanpool? Our Smart Commute team offers free information and services to help you and your co-workers save and take the worry out of transportation.

We help hundreds of workplaces, big and small, improve access to state subsidies, Guaranteed Ride Home, promotional materials, web and call center and add pre-tax commuter choice benefits. How Employers Benefit: - Happier, healthier, more productive employees - Decreased parking demand saves real estate and money Employee Benefits - Dependable van transit, employees arriving on time - Lead by example. It’s good PR and good for the environment! - Cut commuting costs in half and save - Free services and pre-tax savings thousands of dollars each year - Add life to your and enjoy lower maintenance costs How it Works in 3 Easy Steps: - Never get stuck with our free Guaranteed 1. Assess Interest Ride Home benefit - Conduct a brief employee vanpool preference survey (optional). - Less stress, relax and enjoy your commute 2. Promote Vanpool Opportunity - Use Go!Vermont and vRide promotional materials to start the buzz. - Identify 5+ people to co-commute (we can do a seminar to spark interest). - Choose a primary driver and get safety certified* * Must be at least 25 years old with clean record 3. Accept the Van - Review and sign 30 day written agreement (refer to sample). - Receive a van and gas card (insurance and maintenance included). - Pay a monthly rate (optional payment terms)** - Start your smart commute!! ** Cost Estimates listed below and based on passenger number

Concerned About Last Minute Changes? Never Worry with Guaranteed Ride Home - Go! Vermont pays for charges up to $70 (up to twice a month, or a total of 6 times per year).

Compare Costs by Mode of Transportation DAILY COST Round-trip 2 Person 12 Person ? HOW DOES YOUR COMMUTE COST COMPARE? PER PERSON Miles/Person Drive Alone Vanpool Your average Annual Cost by Mode 30 mi $24 $12 $5 $7,000 50 mi $31 $16 $6 $6,000 100 mi $52 $26 $9 $5,000 $4,000 MONTHLY COST Round-trip 2 Person 12 Person $3,000 PER PERSON Miles/Person Drive Alone Carpool Vanpool $2,000

30 mi $470 $235 $92 DID YOU KNOW $1,000 $0 50 mi $608 $304 $106 DRIVING CARPOOL VANPOOL 100 mi $1,038 $519 $172 ALONE (LINK Express) This is based on an average 48 mile round What will you trip, state sponsored after vanpool subsidy. Data from vRide and AAA, 2014, rounded up to next dollar do with your savings? FOR MORE DETAILS

Call vRide at 800-685-RIDE (7433), Visit vRide Online: For Additional Information, Help, and other Commuting Comparison of Energy Use & CO2 Emissions By Transportation Mode

? HOW DOES YOUR COMMUTE COMPARE? Average Pounds CO2 /Passenger-Mile by Transportation Mode 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 DID YOU KNOW 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Vanpool 2-Person car Air 1-Person Car

Pounds CO2/Passenger-Mile

? HOW DOES YOUR COMMUTE COMPARE? Average Passenger-Mile/Gallon (Diesel Equivalent) of Fuel by Transportation Mode 120 100 80 60



0 Vanpool Commuter Rail Transit Bus 2-Person car Air 1-Person Car

Passenger-Mile/Gallon (Diesel Equivalent) of Fuel

? HOW DOES YOUR COMMUTE COMPARE? Average kWh/Passenger-Mile by Transportation Mode 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8

DID YOU KNOW 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Vanpool Commuter Rail Transit Bus 2-Person car Air 1-Person Car


Source: M.J. Bradley & Associates. “Updated Comparison of Energy Use & CO2 Emissions From Di erent Transportation Modes.” American Bus Association, April 2014: 1-17. Data used here, collected by M.J. Bradley & Associates, came from the 2012 National Transit Database and the 2011 National Transportation Statistics. Questions: please contact EcoStrategies, LLC. July 2014.