49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2018 (LPI Contrib. No. 2083) 1071.pdf THE AGE OF VOLCANISM NORTH AND EAST OF THE ARISTARCHUS CRATER. M. Madrid1 and J. Stopar2, 1Calvin College, 3201 Burton St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546, (
[email protected]), 2Lunar and Planetary Institute, 3600 Bay Area Blvd, Houston TX 77058 Introduction: The study area of this investigation small Irregular Mare Patch (IMP), which has been pro- lies in Oceanus Procellarum, to the north and east of posed to be a young volcanic vent [7] (Fig. 1). The Aristarchus crater and Aristarchus Plateau (Fig. 1). Our stratigraphic emplacement of the IMP on top of the study area includes the northeast portion of the P60 continuous Aristarchus ejecta blanket, along with pre- unit, one of the basaltic units determined and dated by viously determined superposed crater densities, sup- Hiesinger et al. [1, 2], who derived an absolute model ports an age between ~110 Ma and 18 Ma for the age (AMA) of 1.20 +0.32/-.035 Ga for this unit. This IMP’s volcanic activity [7]. The seemingly extensive age was based on a small part of the P60 unit west of history of volcanism in our study region (ranging from the plateau [1,2]. The maria south and east of Aristar- ~3.7 Ga to potentially 18 Ma) could provide further chus crater have also been previously dated to ~3.1 to insight into the timing, and evolution of volcanism on 3.5 Ga using crater degradation methods [4, 5]. Sta- the Moon in the Aristarchus-Rimae Prinz regions.