Protect The Water. Educate For The Future.

Saving the Lake: One Project At A Time

Lake George Association Report to the Community, September 2016 Membership and Financial Reports for the Fiscal Year 2015 2015 Financial Statement

2015 BALANCE SHEET 2015 INCOME STATEMENT (from audited financial statement) (from audited financial statement)

ASSETS 2015 2014 INCOME 2015 2014 Cash and Equivalents $557,865 $603,429 Member Dues $273,471 $192,059 Grants and Accounts Receivable 61,658 47,592 Other Contributions 118,553 207,053 Pledges Receivable - 6,000 Interest and Dividends 75,146 74,894 Accrued Interest Receivable 6,603 8,386 Special Events 168,964 127,404 Prepaid Expenses 16,103 14,798 Grants and Bequests 76,993 196,114 Investments - Second Century 1,887,122 1,609,925 In-kind Contributions 21,935 - Investments - Unrestricted 8,834 70,038 Miscellaneous 13,107 30,857 Investments - Restricted 1,107,712 1,159,377 Net Assets Released from Restrictions 541,050 335,258 Net Property and Equipment 262,025 290,448 Net Realized & Unrealized Gains/Losses (106,002) 26,224 West Brook Conservation Easement 732,448 732,448 TOTAL INCOME 1,183,217 1,189,863 TOTAL ASSETS 4,640,370 4,542,441 EXPENSES LIABILITIES Program Expenses 570,077 454,909 Accounts Payable and Accrued 62,722 28,943 Membership Services 128,356 115,031 Note Payable - West Brook 137,021 147,555 Special Events 72,071 34,765 TOTAL LIABILITIES 199,743 176,498 General 286,364 314,223 TOTAL EXPENSES 1,056,868 918,928 Unrestricted Net Assets 3,332,915 3,206,566 Restricted Net Assets 1,107,712 1,159,377 Net Increase/(Decrease) in Unrestricted Assets 126,349 270,935 TOTAL NET ASSETS 4,440,627 4,365,943 RESTRICTED ACCOUNTS TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS 4,640,370 4,542,441 Grants Received 489,385 379,200 Net Assets Released from Restrictions (541,050) (335,258) Increase/(Decrease) in Restricted Assets (51,665) 43,942

2 Lake George Association 2015 Report To The Community Protect The Water. Educate For The Future.

The Lake George Association is on a mission.

That mission hasn’t changed since 1885: PROTECT THE LAKE. Every act, every project, every thought is to protect the Lake FOR YOU.

And the LGA can only protect the Lake BECAUSE OF YOU.

There are many organizations that work in the Lake George watershed.

What makes the Lake George Association’s protection unique is:

• Our agenda is driven by our experience and our members, and we are supported by thousands of members locally and nationwide; • We focus on projects that will protect the Lake water quality now and will protect Lake water quality in the future; • We partner with anyone who needs help: Homeowners and associations, municipalities, businesses, anglers, upland residents, boaters, non-profits ... ; • With 131 years of experience protecting Lake George, we understand that every project we do now can change the Lake’s future; • Our balanced approach to development, what we call “Lake-Friendly Living;” • We work to teach our children well — so that students understand how important it is to make Lake-Friendly decisions, realizing that everything they do offers a chance to protect the Lake they will inherit from us.

From Ticonderoga to Lake George Village ... Your Membership and Your Support makes our work possible. Thank You.

Generations of members ­— residents, businesses, homeowner associations, anglers, boaters, visitors and municipalities — have trusted the Lake George Association to protect Lake George water quality in every way that matters.

Lake George Association 2015 Report To The Community 3 Lake-Saving Studies/Science

Lake George has changed over the decades. Science tells us so, as does our long history of observation.

Science also tells us that the work the Lake George Association has done in the past to protect Lake George water has allowed for more flexibility to manage the conditions of the watershed with our Lake-Saving work.

While we don’t like to brag, Lake Saving is what we do.

More than just research, our Lake-Saving studies, surveys and science continue to expand our knowledge of the conditions in the lake and inform public, practical, real-world projects and applications now.

Once again in 2015, LGA staff joined the Lake George Park Commission and other organizations on a six-day survey for Asian clams in sandy areas around the Lake.

The survey found a new area at Rogers Rock Campground beach — which we successfully (so far) treated. See Page 7 for details on the rapid response.

A two-year study of Asian clam growth, paid by the Lake George Association on behalf of the Asian Clam Task Force, concluded that the invasive species were actively reproducing two months longer in one of the three locations that were studied – and the next step is to determine why that is happening only there.

It also determined that Asian clams in Lake George LGA staff survey for Asian clams grow at a rate of 0.2 mm to 0.3 mm per week during the season, and they reproduce when they reach 10 mm. So if we can eradicate the clams before they have been in the Lake for a year, we can That means the clams need to be in Lake George for at control them. And that’s what happened at least a full year before they can begin reproducing. Rogers Rock Campground. (See Page 7)

4 Lake George Association 2015 Report To The Community Lake-Saving Studies/Science

Each day that the LGA’s Floating Classroom ventures out on the Lake, we are checking water clarity (using a secchi disk); the population of plankton (an indicator of Lake health); and temperature.

Our companion stream monitoring program checks the abundance and diversity of life (macroinvertebrates) in the streams, which is an important indicator of stream health.

Lake George continues to be very clear – and we know this because of our regular check of water clarity on our Floating Classroom programs using a device called a secchi disk.

Participants in 2015 saw an average clarity of 8 meters (26.25 feet) in Lake George, with the highest transparency measurement of 12 meters (39.4 feet) in the area off Anthony’s nose. The average clarity reading for New York State lakes was 4.42 meters (14.5 feet) – or just more than half the clarity of Lake George.

We need to continue our work — and your Lake George Association membership is critical to that — in order to keep Lake George’s water clarity at its current level.

Historic CSLAP records collected by the LGA for the New York State Federation of Lake Associations and the state DEC show minor changes in water clarity readings (the average clarity reading from 2004-07 was about 8.06 meters, as well) over the years, so we know that our Lake-Saving Projects are continuing to be protective of Lake George’s water quality. Lowering a secchi disk to check water clarity.

Lake George Association 2015 Report To The Community 5 Lake-Saving Studies/Science

Data on Lake George’s health doesn’t just come from the Lake itself. Fifty-five percent of the water in Lake George comes from the streams that surround it. (Precipitation accounts for 27 percent of the water in the Lake and the rest — 18 percent — comes from groundwater.)

It is critical to know how healthy the streams are in order to determine whether a problem is developing.

In 2015, Lake George Association education staff coordinated 14 citizen scientists who sampled 11 tributaries around the Lake George watershed for types of macroinvertebrates. The LGA was the coordinating organization for the debut of a state watershed evaluation program here — and trained the citizen scientists on proper collection procedures.

The numbers and types of macroinvertebrates found were used to determine the health of the streams feeding Lake George. None of the streams was found to be of the lowest assessment, “possibly impaired.”

Three streams had the highest assessment, “No known impact” and the other eight yielded the assessment of “no conclusion,” meaning some macroinvertebrates were found, but not enough of any one kind to make a conclusion.

For complete information, please see the Lake George Association website at For results from 2015, visit

What kinds of macroinvertebrates were found? Separately, as part of our STEM-based Education LGA staff work with citizen scientists on the Programs, 1,734 students took part in other stream proper way to collect and catalog samples from monitoring programs developed and taught by the LGA. streams around the Lake.

6 Lake George Association 2015 Report To The Community Lake-Saving Projects

Everything ties together at the Lake George Association – where Lake-Saving is our mission (Protect the Water).

Surveys and studies lead to deeper knowledge. Deeper knowledge leads to action-oriented plans to protect Lake George water. Action-oriented plans lead to Lake-Saving Projects. Lake-Saving Projects lead to results — and a better protected Lake now and for the future.

That is specifically true this year on Asian clams. We worked with the Asian Clam Task Force to design a project and to install mats at the Rogers Rock Campground beach in Hague to smother a new-found colony of the invasive species. The mats were removed in early May 2016 and so far, our surveys show that no live Asian clams have been found where the mats were installed!

In addition to the Asian clam survey mentioned on Page 5, LGA staff conducted multiple surveys for Eurasian watermilfoil with the Park Commission during the year to assess the success of current management efforts and to scout out new locations of growth. More than 111,475 pounds of milfoil was removed from the Eurasian watermilfoil grows Lake in 2015. in Lake George Crews work to lay mats to smother Asian clams

Lake George Association 2015 Report To The Community 7 Lake-Saving Projects

Stormwater runoff into Lake George is one of the largest threats to water quality. The development and installation of solutions to stormwater problems is critical work that the LGA completes — work that often goes unnoticed when it is concluded because virtually all of the components are below ground.

Like the LGA itself, those projects save Lake George water quality every day.

Usher Park on the east side in the Town of Lake George features a very steep profile. In fact, it is the perfect example of a location where stormwater, sediment and pollution were channeled into Lake George.

Not any more. In the fall of 2015, we worked with Warren County Soil and Water Conservation District and the Town of Lake George to install three large dry wells to capture dirty stormwater and keep the sediment and nutrients out of the Lake.

We also installed two trench drains, above, to direct the stormwater flow into the dry wells and away from the beach – and the drinking water source that is Lake George. The project was oversized to ensure that the dry wells can handle large and intense rain events – each dry well can hold more than 1,400 gallons of stormwater. Adding the top to the dry well at Usher Park.

8 Lake George Association 2015 Report To The Community Lake-Saving Projects

Imagine an NBA basketball court — now imagine it full of sediment and sludge to a height of eight feet.

That’s the amount of material that the LGA and its partners removed from sediment basins around the Lake — material that was kept out of Lake George; material that could have formed larger deltas and provided a home for invasive species.

It was among the larger projects completed by the LGA in 2015 — the removal of 1,400 cubic yards of sand, dirt and other material from sediment basins around the Lake.

Over the course of a couple of weeks, the LGA worked with contractors in Hague, Bolton and the Town of Lake George to clean the material out of seven sediment basins.

The material was a product of just three years of storms, spring runoff, and winter deicing leftovers.

The basins around the Lake were installed in streams (some by the Lake George Association, some by other organizations but all through partnerships) in an effort to slow down the speed of the water flow.

That reduction in speed allows the heavier particles — sediment, pollution, and other debris — to drop out of the flow and into the basins so that the particles are not carried into the Lake.

Imagine that much muck in the Lake near your favorite swimming spot or your dock! Removing sediment from a basin in Indian Brook.

Lake George Association 2015 Report To The Community 9 Lake-Saving Projects

Salt Reduction: An important effort for all organizations Lakewide. In 2015, the LGA purchased a package of Lake George would be covered by the equipment. sophisticated salt-spreading equipment — to monitor and minimize the amount of salt necessary In addition to our own work, the Lake George for safe roads — for the Town of Lake George at Association is partnering with a subcommittee a cost of $6,000. A second set was purchased by of the Lake George Watershed Coalition and the the Warren County Soil & Water Conservation SAVE Coalition to discover ways for regional District, meaning two of the main routes around DPWs to reduce their salt use if possible.

Lake-Saving Education The LGA’s education programs are the crown jewel of our community outreach — they’ve been honored by everyone from local officials to the EPA.

In 2015 the Lake George Association hired Teaching in Queensbury schools Invasive Species Education Lake George Association education staff Interns Ellyn conducted 44 in-school youth programs in 2015, Fisher and Kelsey reaching 667 students in and around the Lake McKeighan, George watershed. who provided more than 1,000 Ten sessions of Lake Rangers were conducted, boaters, residents focusing each week on ways to protect Lake and visitors with George and how to become leaders in Lake George information on stewardship. Six weeks of Lake Investigation the threats of through the WSWHE BOCES STEM Academy invasive species at Jackson Heights Elementary School taught and how to students how water moves through our prevent their environment, how to keep it clean, and about the spread. wildlife that depends on clean water.

10 Lake George Association 2015 Report To The Community Lake-Saving Education

Each year the Lake George Association connects with thousands of people — adults and students — to share our mission of protecting Lake George water quality through education.

More than 2,400 people participated in our Floating Classroom program, including classes from the following regional schools (inside and outside the watershed):

Ticonderoga, Putnam, Lake George, Bolton, Whitehall, Queensbury, Argyle, Corinth, Mountainside Christian Academy, St. Mary’s-St Alphonsus Regional Catholic School, South Glens Falls, Glens Falls, Stevens Elementary, Monroe Consolidated School, Spa Christian School, St. Mary’s School Ticonderoga, Hadley-Luzerne, New Scotland Elementary, Elizabethtown-Lewis, Westport, Granville, Hunter-Tannersville, and Hands-on science: Checking the temperature of the Lake Greenwich.

As part of our Lake-Friendly Living outreach, we fielded questions all year from homeowners, businesses and municipalities who had concerns or wanted more information on ways they could protect the Lake and still enjoy their property.

We also drew crowds to presentations about Lake-Friendly Living practices – including a standing-room-only discussion at the Adirondack Lakes Alliance conference in July.

In honor of Earth Day in April, we gave away native plant seedlings at four Town Halls in the watershed so residents could plant them in their yards instead of ornamental invasives. A standing-room-only crowd at the ALA conference

Lake George Association 2015 Report To The Community 11 2015 Members, Supporters and Donors When someone asks you who supports the Lake George Association’s mission to protect Lake George water, you can direct them to this list of thousands of names of residents, visitors, business owners, municipal leaders and friends. We thank them for the show of support, this year and every year.

Lifetime Members Jim Andretta Terry Beaty and Anne Mehringer Bruce and Mary Ashby Mr. and Mrs. Daren Arakelian George and Mary Ann Beaudoin J. Buckley Bryan, Jr. Barbara & George Arakelian Douglas and Chyhe Kim Becker George & Tina Carruthers Arcady Bay Estates Homeowners Dr. Edward Becker Colleen Golub Association Inc. John and Mary-Arthur Beebe Victor and Yvette Hershaft Joseph Arnold Robert and Carol Beebe Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy M. Jones Kenneth and Rosemarie Arnold Mr. Russell Beers Buzz and Cheryl Lamb Ben Aronson Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Behan, Sr. Stephen M. Lamando Dave and Jan Arthur Daniel and Maryrose Behan The Lewis Family Bruce and Lea Ashby Mr. Mark Behan Peter and Gretchen Menzies Bruce and Mary Ashby LT John Behrens Tom and Dusty Putnam Marguerite Ashby Cynthia and Charles Beiser Mr. # & Mrs. Henry M. Rowan John and Diane Asiel Brenda and Ken Beiser Manning and Virginia Rowan Smith Richard W. Askew Daniel D. Belden Mrs. Dorothy H. Warren Assembly Point Association Colleen and Paul Bell Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. Waterhouse Jr. Assembly Point Realty, LLC Scott and Barbara Bell Lifetime members are those who have Edith Brown Astruc Patrick T. Bellantoni donated $25,000 or more over 5 years. Mr. Douglas A. Auer Russell Bellico James J. Augstell Brian D. Belus Members Donald B. Aulenbach Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Shop Anonymous (4) Sandra Austin Mrs. Margaret D. Bence 4802 Lakeshore Drive, LLC Edward and Marianne Axtmann Kim Bender Robert Abbott David C. Ayers Michael and Casey Beneduce Tracy K. Abbott James Ayers Les and Kitty Benjamin & Family Mr. Christopher Abele Karen Azer Mr. Jim Bennett Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. Abell Arthur Babiak Lev Bentsianov Peter Abitante and Yon Han Carolyn Babinsky Tony and Betty Berberian Ms. Elizabeth Abkin Laura and Dave Bacheldor Ned and Roberta Berkowitz Maureen and Dale Abrahamson Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Badenoch Richard W. Berls Donald L. Abrams Thomas Badenoch William H Bernard Trust Mr. and Mrs. David F. Adams Graham and Sheryl Bailey Dana Berntson George and Mary Jane Adams Jonathan, Lindsey, Savannah, Julianna and Mr. Donald T. Best * Adirondack Pub & Brewery Alexandra Bain Matthew and Lisa Bette The Adirondack Trust Company Linda M. Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Beyerl Anne and Richard Adler David B. Ball Laura and Gregory Bibler Mr. Robert Adler Mrs. Elizabeth P. Ball Gregg and Kerri Biche James C. Agius Robert P. Ball Ms. Ann Bida Barbara Ahern Wendy and William Bangs Gerard and Peggy Bielak Catherine M. Aiken Dr. Andrew J. Bania The Birch Family Mr. James Aiken John P. Bania, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Birney Joseph Albanese Cathy and Steve Barber Gail and John Bisceglia Mr. Joseph Albarelli Don and Ann Barbour Gary and Charleen Bivona Fred A. Alexy Carleen and Richard Baright Stacey and Will Bixby Heather and James Alfandre Roger and Fay Barrows Black Point Road Civic Assoc. Alison V. Craig Realty LLC John and Joanne Bartlett The Honorable Robert M. Blais Gilman and Lisa Allen Karen and Judson Bartlett Mr. Jeffrey Blau Irwin and Joan Allen Richard and Marianne Bartlett * Ilene and Ron Blitzer Louis Allen Richard J. Bartlett # Boathouse Bed & Breakfast Kathe and Rolly Allen Edward Bartley Dr. N. Donald Boink Robert W. Allerton Saul Basch Kevin and Lisa Boland Virginia Aloysi William and Sandra Bashant The Bollman Family Dr. and Mrs. Peter E. Amato Michael and Carol Baum Bolton Ventures LLC Richard and Barbara Ambler Nicholas and Grace Bavaro Joseph Boochever Americade Cynthia Baxter Patti and Steve Boochever Salim and Moech Amersi Louis M.S. Beal John and Louise Boomer Ms. Jennifer A. Anderson Karl and Nancy Beard Peter and Karen Booth Jim and Mercer Anderson Barbara J. Beatty Emily and Jay Boren Mr. Kenneth Anderson Jim and Seddon Beaty Lawrence and Catherine Borsinger

12 Lake George Association 2015 Report To The Community Who Helped The LGA Protect Lake George Water Tony and Rosemarie Bosi Mr. Antonio Bustamante Brian Clements Brant and Laurie Bottum The Butler Family Charles Close Joan Bowen Mrs. Rosamond H. Butler Karin J. Close Stuart and Sallie Bowling Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Byers Tracey M. Clothier Steve and Sylvia Boyce CCG LLC Bill and Betty Clough Serena G. Boyd C.T. Male Associates, P.C. Henry and Cheryl Clutsam Patricia Boyle Susan Cacici Nancy Cobb-Zoll & Keith M. Zoll Casey Boynton Roy Cadoo Alan F. Coffey and Janet S. Potts Wendy and Norman Bradburn John W. Caffry ESQ Sandra Coffin Mathew and Eileen Brady Dr. Samuel & Mrs. Rayna Caldwell Ms. Margaret Colacino Robert Brady Lynn and David Call Thomas and Donna Colehour * Ms. Betsy Brainard and Mr. John Maier Dale and Catherine Campbell Ms. Vicki Colello Dick and Susan Brainard Joseph Campbell Mike and Mary Louise Coleman Susan L. Brainard Michael and Janice Canavan Frank and Eileen Collins Chris Brassard Douglas Canfield and Jana Kolpen Mary Florence Collins Muriel Brattlof Canoe Island Lodge Peter and Tina Collins Breitenstein Family Michael and Kim Cantanucci Ken and Annette Colloton Gerard and Elaine Brennan Susan Capalbo Tom # and Kathy Conerty Edward and Lois Brennan Cape Cod Village Club, Inc. Frank Congiusta Thomas Brennan Dr. Mary & Mr. Gary Caravella Patrick, Margyt, Aron & Jessye Connors Erica Breslau Helen Carcio Francis and Jeanne Conroy Bernice and Joel Breslau Robert and Theresa Cardinell Mr. and Mrs. William Constad Neil and Ellen Breslin Tony and Stephania Cardona Mr. James E. Conway Paul Breslin Frank and Sally Carey Gerry and Jill Conway Dr. and Mrs. William L. Bresonis Carillon Garden Club Robert Cook & Kealy Salomon Ellen Briggs Kreitler Dan and Jean Carnese Mr. Thomas Cook Richard and Carol Brining Bob and Betsy Carney Cool Insuring Agency Tony & Ann Brockelman, John Brockelman Ms. Laurie Carr John and Marcy Coombs Steven W. Broderick George & Tina Carruthers LT Tom Cooney Bob and Sheila Brodie Nancy A. Carter Ken and Mary Lou Cooper Brian and Susan Brooker Richard and Jane Carter John and Stephanie Copeland Craig and Marilyn Broomer Stu and Sally Cartwright Christopher and Deborah Corbett Geo R. & Evelyn W. Brothers Charitable Trust Art and Lennie Carver Tom and Lydia Cordier Chris and Jim Brown James and Tenée Casaccio Anthony Corsano Jamie Brown Donald V. Casavant Peter and Barbara Cossman John Brown Robert and Linda Case John and Barbara Costas Dr. Lawrence P. Brown Jr. and Mrs. Susan W. William C # and Mary J. Casperson Cotton Point Association, Inc. Brown Kathleen and William Casperson Brian and Jenny Coughlin Miriam P. Brown Mrs. Nancy F. Cathers Robert and Sandra Coulter The Brown Family Michael Cecchini Family Mr. Robert Covino Stephen and Patricia Brown R.J. Ceglerski Mrs. Diane N. Cowan Mr. Thomas A. Brown Bob Cella James Cowie Brownell Family Partnership Pamela and John Cembrook Crabbs Family Glenn Brownstein David and Laurie Cerveny David and Shirley Craig Jeffry and Patricia Brozyna Sandy Chamberlin Jane Craigie Jennifer and Charlie Bruce John Chambers Sy Craimer Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Bruder Lyle and Delight Champagne Mr. Sean Craine J. Buckley Bryan, Jr. LT Pam and Doug Chase Creative Construction Co., Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Chase William Creighton Robert S. Bryant Richard D. Chase Charlie Crew Shirley Bryant Dr. and Mrs. James P. Childress Jr. Jeffrey Crist Zachary Bryden George T. Cholakis John and Joan Crosby Richard and Valerie Buchakjian Aleta Chrisman William Y. Crowell III Denise Didio Buher Mr. Andrew Christensen Carl and Elizabeth Crozzoli Cindy Bulger The Chronicle Newspaper Bill & Ming Crusey David Bulger Leslie and Mike Ciauro Charles M. Cumming Bard and Barbara Bunaes Mr. Louis R. Cioffi Mr. David Cumming * Jim and Karol Burg Robert Cisler Ellen-Deane Cummins Carla and Thomas Burhoe Joan Goddard, Myra & Beth Citrin and Lester Mr. Charles Cuomo Jerry Burke Citrin Mr. Thomas Cuomo Jane Burleigh Louis Clairmont and Deborah Barker Edward and Dorothy Curley Thomas F. Burleigh Mrs. Catherine Clark Carolyn Curren Robert and Mary Rita Burns Chris and Emily Clark Julianne Currie Chris Burrill Eleanor P. Clark Clark and Lynne Curtis Denise Doumaux Bushnell William and Lynn Clark Dennis Curtis and Judith Resnik Larry & Kyle Busino Mike and Kathy Clarke Mr. Richard T. Curvin

Lake George Association 2015 Report To The Community 13 2015 Members, Supporters and Donors Nick and Mary D’Ambrosio Mary Beth Dopp and Robert Sammler Philip and Cynthia Farbaniec Thomas and Paula D’Orazio Donald and Brita Dorn Susan and Martin Farber Dean and Lisa Dagnoli Jay Doumaux Mr. Paul Farhart Michael Dahl Bryan P. Douros Jean Farrell Joanne and Al Daloisio Dow Family Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Fasano Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Damiani Beatrice Perkins Dowd Elna Faucher John and Jennifer Danese Patrick and Julie Dowd and Sons Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Faulkner Danforth Family Edward and Margaret Doyle Zack and Sandy Fazackerley Eleanor and Con Darcy John and Chris Doyle Scott Fein Leonard and Carolyn Dariano Roderick O. Dressel Margaret and Sam Feldman Dark Bay Lane, LLC Terry and Christine Driessen Cynthia K. Ferguson David Darrin Jane Dubin Keith and Amy Ferguson * Susan Darrin Helene and Scott Dubin & Family Adele Ferranti Mr. Norman E. Dascher Jr. Eric N. Dubrow M.D. and Delicia Dubrow Arthur A. Ferrara Barb and Dekkers Davidson Gordon Duckel Kevin Ferrick Louise L. Davidson Lynn Dudek Russ and Maureen Ferris Kristin and Robert Davidson Kate and R. Elton Duffy Christine and Brandon Fetter Dan and Dena Davies The Duffy Family Stephen and Mary Fiato Hubert and Dorothy Davies Dunham’s Bay Association Mr. August Fietkau Jim and Janet Davies Dunham’s Bay Resort and Restaurant Martin Filler Sharon Davies # Ms. Leigh Dunkelberger * Stephen and Elaine Fink Davies-Davies & Assoc. Real Est., LLC Dunleavy Family Trust G. Albert Finke Roy and Louise Davis Drs. Alfred E Dunlop & Lynn O Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Finke Dr. and Mrs. James C. Dawson Bob and Mary Lou Dunton Matt and Denise Finley Holly and Bob de Buys John and Susan Dusinberre Mr. Jeffrey Fiori Drs. Paige and William de Buys Mr. and Mrs. William M. Dutcher Leo and Martha Fishel Nick and Nancy de Tarnowsky Arindam Dutta Allen and Debra Fishner Bob and Megan Dean Elizabeth Dybas Robert and Jean Flacke Clare Decker Rick and Barb Dzembo David and Jane Floyd James J. DeFilippo Todd, Rosemarie and Maggie Earl Dr. and Mrs. James P. Flynn Capt. James D Huck, USN (Ret.) and Ms Anne Eaton Mr. John H. Fogg Jeanne M Defliese David Eberle John and Virginia Ford Philip L. and Lenore M. Defliese Don and Ann Eberle Forest Bay Property Owners Assoc. Inc. DeFranco Landscaping, Inc. Mr. Robert F. Eberle Stu Forman and Ellie Hitzrot Mr. Nicholas Del Guercio Karen Eckhoff Carol Forno Michael and Carmen Della Bella Gary J. Edie Richard Forscy Dr. Ronald and Nancy DelSignore Barbara J. Edwards David and Judy Forshay, Chelka Lodge Rich DeMartini and Jenny Brorsen Douglas and Zenaida Edwards Peter and Judith Foster Thomas and Lisa DeNooyer Jeffrey Eger Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Foulke Andrew DePan Richard Eger and Anne Aronovitch Frederick and Norma Fox Lisa Derner * Michael Egerman Marlon Nascimento and Sandra Franca Penny DeRocker Sheldon and Mary Eisenberg Mary T. Weinman Giorgio and Maureen DeRosa Ellie Eldredge Evelyn Francis Barbara and Carl Desantis, Sr. Rick and Nancy Elkin Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Franz Dr. Jonathan & Stormy DeSantis Mrs. Elizabeth Ellis Alfred and Suellen Franz Jonathan and Leah DeSantis Mr. Kenneth L. Ellis Jim and Claire Fraser Rosemarie Devine Gary and Patricia Ellnor Jim and Joyce Fraser Don and Teresa Devlin Raymond and Ellen Ellor Ms. Diane M. Frazier Lari Dhein Ellsworth & Son Excavating, Inc Emily and Paul Frederick Richard and Paula Dhein Robin and Gary Emery Kathleen Fredrick Diamond Point Boat Repair Matthew and Lois Emmens Tricia and Harrison Freer Mark DiChiara Bob and Trisha End Al Freihofer Dick Saunders State Farm Insurance Donald Engels Mr Charles C. Freihofer III Lorraine Dickinson Steve and Liz Engels Denise Freihofer Robert and Diane Dickson Kathleen V. England Mrs. Jane T. Freihofer Mike and Kathy Dier Ken and Enid Engler Raymond and Sally Freud Dietz Family Steven G. Engler Mr. and Mrs. Clayton A. Friedberg Rowan W. Dill Bruce Ergood Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Friedman Col. Frank J. Dillon, Jr. (Ret.) Robert Ervien, III # Audrey H. and Joan C. Frier Mr. Edward J. DiMaria Salvatore Ervolina Charles G. Frink The Family of Tony and Ellen Dingman Dr. Robert and Cheryl Evans Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Fritz Peter F. diPalma F.R. Smith & Sons Marina George W. and Lesley S. Froehlich Mr. James Dirscherl Barry and Ellie Faber George and Michele Froehlich Linda F. Donaldson William A. Faber Mark Frost and Sandra Hutchinson Evan Donegan Fairview Improvement Association, Inc. David and Doreen Fryling & Family Bonnie Donnelly Donald T. Fallati Donald and Seemona Fuchs

14 Lake George Association 2015 Report To The Community Who Helped The LGA Protect Lake George Water Kathryn O’Keeffe and James Fuchs Peter and K.C. Gottschalk Mr. James Heaphy Dr. and Mrs. John D. Fulco Dr. & Mrs. Christopher G. Goutos Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hearburg Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Fuller Pauline Governale Ms. Florence Hebert Ms. Kathleen F. Gable Tim and Judy Gow Robert and Linda Hedderman Zandy Gabriels Marie T. Graham Kenneth and Evelyn Hefner John and Deborah Gaddy Marjorie M. Graham Allison Henderson Kris Gage Wallace Graham Thomas and Kathleen Hennessy Arnold Galbraith Family Jim and Joanne Grande Dorothy J. Henry Donald Gallagher Stephen A. & M. Gretchen Grant, M.D.’s James and Sue Hens Joseph and Joanne Gallagher Michael Grasso Joyce and Don Henshaw Gloria Gallo Carol Grasso-Lubeck and John Lubeck Chris Hermans Mr. Michael Galow Arthur A. Gravina Victor and Yvette Hershaft LT Elizabeth Garcia Richard W. Gray Eileen Hertz Ms. Ann B. Gardiner Robert Gray Jack # and Janet M. Hickey Michael and Janet Garry Mr. James Greene Mr. Michael Hickin Richard and Deborah Gasser Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Greenwood Mr. Robert Higley The Gatehouse Association Patrick and Judith Griffin Kathleen Hild Gatehouse Homeowners Association, Inc. Patricia Griffith Ellen Hill Bud and Toni Gates Tom and Holly Groos Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hill Ms. Mercedes Gaudier Eric and Maureen Gross Robert D. Hill Karen and Mike Gawrych Philip M. and Laurie B. Gross Scott and Beth Hill Don and Andrea Gearing Diana Grosso James and Barbara Hitzrot Rod and Nema Geer Carla & Julius Gude Michael Hmelovsky Melissa and Howard Geiger Elizabeth Guest Sarah Hoagland John and Virginia Geils Harold and Sandra Haber Ted and Carol Hodecker Geno and Theresa Germano Andy and Judy Hadjandreas Cathy and John Hodgkins Gary and Mindy Gerstein Hadzewycz Family Robert # and Mary K. Hodgkins Robert and Joan Geyer Mr. Tom Hagan Edward J. and Augusta E. Hodgkinson Mrs. Joanne Gianniny Dave and Judy Haggett Dave and Carolyn Hoeschele Fred Giardinelli Arthur Halbritter Ms. Caren M. Hoffman Linda C. Gibson Diane Haley Charles and Anne Hoffman Mr. Robert J. Gibson Jr. Lisa and Anthony Hall Jean M. Hoffman Ms. Cynthia Gilbert William # and Diane H. Hall * Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoffman Al and Mary Jane Gilet David L. Haller Bill and Debbie Hoffman Constance and Harvey Gilmore Halls Boat Corporation Brian and Meredith Hogan David Gilmour, AICP Jeff and Dawn Hamilton Mr. Michael R. Hogan Marjorie Gilmour Keith and Karen Hanchett Mr. Michael T. Hogan Mrs. Marcia Ginsburg Mark A. Handelman Hogan Family Barry and Leone Gipstein Martha B. Hannon # Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Holding Bob and Vicki Glandon Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Hansen Stephanie Hollander John and Sharon Glass Bruce Hanson Nancy P. Hollenbeck Michael F. Gleasman Jeff Haraden Paula and Tim Holt Jeanie B. Gleisner Steve Haraden Home Place Corporation Glens Falls National Bank & Trust Co. William Harriman Hon-Dah Cottage Association John Glover Ms. Doris E. Harrington Peter and Mary Hood Kenneth Gnade * Mr. and Mrs. John Harris Sam and Pat Hoopes Edward and Emily Goddard Kenneth Harris Helene W. Horn Robert and Pamela Golde Jim and Lori Anne Harris Mrs. Mary Ann L Hospodar Nancy M. Golden Harris Bay Club on Lake George, NY Ann E. Howard Calvin and Frances Goldscheider Dirck and Joyce Harrison Roger and Lynn Howard Ann and Ely Goldsmith Don Hart John C & Mary Jane Howard Foundation Marc D. Goldstein Helen and Walter Hartl Mrs. Margaret Howe John and Lorie Gollhofer David Hartmann Robert and Cora May Howe Mr. Paul J. Gollhofer Mr. Andrew Harvey Bill Howell Colleen Golub LT Norman A. Harvey M.D. Nancy Howland and Carl Bennette Neil and Jane Golub Patricia HasBrouck Anne L. Howland-Coone Mr. Myles Gombert Arthur C. Hatfield & Chattie B. Van Wert Tom and Sally Emma-Leigh Goodwin Mrs. Barbara Havenick Mr. Roger Hueglin Christine Gordon Michael and Stephanie Haverly Richard Huenerberg Mr. Paul N. Gordon Christopher S. Hawley Mark Huestis Gorelik Family Judith B. Hay Glenda and Doreen Huff Mrs. Eleanor Gorman David and Susan Hayes * Cindy and Stephen Hughes Michael L. Gorman Lisa and Michael Hayes Pat Gorman Portela Barrett Hazeltine Every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of these Bill and Kay Gormley Karen and Sam Hazleton IV lists. Please excuse any errors or omissions and report Gosselink Silver Bay Partners LP William and Joan Healy them to LGA staff. Thank you.

Lake George Association 2015 Report To The Community 15 2015 Members, Supporters and Donors Huletts Landing Property Owners Civic Joanne Kennedy & William Dunn Lakeview At Huletts LLC Assoc., Inc. Michael and Margaret Kennedy Ruth and Sandy Lamb Mr. Raymond W. Hull Jr. David L. Kent James and Mary Lamb Paul and Patricia Hummel Mary Kent and Family Buzz and Cheryl Lamb LT Scott and Carole Hunt John and Holly Kern Mr. & Mrs. Harvey E. Lambeth, Jr. William E. Hunt John and Paulette Kershko Douglas and Arlene Langdon Michael and Mary Hunter Ralph L. and Julia S. Ketcham Mark Langdon Mr. P. Daniel Hurley Mr. and Mrs. John B. Kiessling Lange Holdings, Inc. Edward T. Hutchinson J. Morgan Kiker Mr. Matthew Langenmayr David and Nancy Hyman Patricia Killeen George Langford Richard and Diane Hyman Jeffrey Killeen Linda and Steve Lant Ms. Christine Ianson Jennifer & Kenneth Killian & Family Byron and Joan Lapham Indian Bay Club, Inc. Dr. Hazel Goodwin Kim Robin E. LaPlante The Indian Tepee Gift Shop Ms. Pam Kimak Virginia B. LaPointe Martin Indursky David and Sheila Kimberlin-Wyer Karen and Glen Larkin * Paul and Jane Ingrey William B. Kimmons Todd H. Larsen Inn on the Hill Dorothy J. King Ms. Judy Larter Marci and Tony Jackson Tim and Jeannette King Richard and Beth Lashley Keith and Sandie Jackson Richard and Winifred Kingsbury Mr. Peter J. Lavelle Ms. Debbie Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Kirkpatrick Robert LaVoy Jaeger & Flynn Associates, Inc Stephen Kirshon Chip and Gayle Lawrence Mr. Gerald Jannicelli Kittredge Family Eileen Lawrence Marie F. Jappell Robert and Penny Klebe Lonnie Lawrence\ Sherwood Group LLC Tom Jarrett Susan Klebl Janet Lawrence Gina Jeckering Eleanor Kaplan Klein Robert and Nancy Lawrence Thomas and Joan Jenkin Mr. Robert Klemish Mr. Mark Lawrence The Jenks Family * Stephanie A Wagoner & James A Kloiber Dr. Stuart Lazarus China Jessup Jim Kneeshaw & Sen. Betty Little Michael and Kimberly Le Strange Russ and Carol Jockel David W. Knight Wolodymyr and Neonillia Lechman Mr. and Mrs. Herman A. Joerger Mr. Ronald Knott Dr. Patrice LeClerc Guy Johnson and Pamela Altman Gloria and Dave Thompson Iosif and Margarita Lednyak Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Johnson * Mr. John A. Kochan Donald and Audrey Lehn Rev. and Mrs. Robert E. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Koehler Jr. Jeffrey and Sandi Lejuez Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy M. Jones LT Maura F. Koeneke Paul Lejuez Mary Nohara and Steve Jones Patrice Koeneke Marvin F. Lemery Stewart and Dianne Jones Mr. and Mrs. John H. Koerner Wayne & Marie Lemme Helene E. Jones Foundation Ethel Kohlhoff Richard Lemperle Joseph and Mary Jordan Koniowka Family Marie-Louise and Richard Lempert Patrick and Theresa Joynt Dr. Melodee Kopa, DVM Walt and Jane Lender Wayne and Meredith Judge Dr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Kopf Jim Lennon K & C Ventures, LLC Mrs. Judith Koretz Donald Leo Robert and Carol Kafin Donna Korkus Myrna M. Leon Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Kahl Ms. Marcia A. Kowalczyk Keith and Cyndi Leonard Mrs. Jean O. Kahn David and Julie Koypc Mr. Michael Leporati Stephen Kalajian * Vincent W. Kozel Peter and Carol Letson George Kallenbach Judith Kraft The Lewis Family LT Rosemary and Stephan Kamholz Eric Krantz and Cheryl Tucker Drs. Myra and Eugene H. Lewis III Dr. Daniel F. Kana Peter Krihak Peter A. Leyh & Marie Faulkner * Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Kaplan Colleen Dowd Kriz and Stephen Kriz Robert and Marjorie Lichtenstein George T. Kapusinski Steve and Wendy Kroft Ann and Erik Lichter Mr. Mark Karlson Robert A. Krueger Clarence H. Linder Janet and Joel Karp Mr. John S. Kruse Margaret M. Lindner Kashman Family Nancy and Peter Kudan Scott and Elizabeth Linkowski Gene Kastner Ginger Kuenzel Edward Linville Jeff and Karen Katz Marianne and Bruce Kuhn Evelyn and John Lipori Mr. David J. Katzenstein Dr. and Mrs. Harold G. Kunz Ms. Kerry Little Janice A. Kaye Joel Kwong and Paula Wun Andrew, Susan and Alex Liucci Ms. Lorraine Kaylor Catherine A. and John D. LaBombard Mr. Douglas Livingston John and Carol Kearney Jane A. LaBombard, P.E. Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Livornese Tom Keating Elizabeth and John LaBombard, R.A. Lochlea Homeowners Association Mr. and Mrs. Paul Keblinski Margaret J. LaBombard Mr. Kirk Lofberg Keeler Motor Car Company Mark and Laura Ladu Dr. Joseph Loffredo David and Sally Kelly Mr. Douglas Lafferty Paul and Susan Loheide Mark and Pamela Kelly Lake Communities of Putnam Inc. Mr. William M. Loring Jr. Mr. David Kenitz Lake George Auto/Marine Mary E. Loughrey Dorothy C. Kennedy Lake George RV Park, Inc. Love Is on Lake George Cruises

16 Lake George Association 2015 Report To The Community Who Helped The LGA Protect Lake George Water Lucile and Jerry Lucas Thomas, Joyce and Salvatrice McCracken Lloyd and Ginny Mott Anthony and Cathleen Lucatuorto Mr. and Mrs. John C. McDonald, Jr. G Thomas and Joan Moynihan Amy and Joseph Luciano John and Anne McDonald Mrs. Evelyn Muller Mr. and Mrs. James T. Ludwig Ms. Lynn M. McDonald Charly, Lisa, & Katy Munzenmaier Jami Jordan and Michael Luke William McDonald John and Theresa Murnane Beth and Jay Lurie McDonald Real Estate Professionals R. Gordon Murphy Pamela Lusignan Charlanne and Robert McDonough Neil Murray Chris Lynch Philip and Martha McDowell Robert and Karen Murray James and Evelyn Lynch Mrs. Bernadette McElhenny Mr. Jeffrey R. Myers Mr. John J. Lynch Victoria McGowan James Napoli and Charlotte Forrest Mr. Patrick Lynch Thomas McGrath Beth and Bill Nast Steven and Linda Lynch Laura McGrew Ms. Julie Nathanson Joseph T. Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Randall McIntosh Bob and Helen Natt Richard and Barbara Mac Dowell Joan L. McKeag Ken and Susan Neilson Colin MacInnis The McKenna Family * Linda M. Neilson Lorraine MacKenzie Barbara A. McLaughlin Mr. Robert M. Nephew Bruce and Noni MacPherson Jeff and Diane McMullen Mr. Tom Newhall * Dr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Maddocks Karen Beth McNeice Monnie Newman John Madej * James McNeil, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Newton Lynne Mager The McPartlon Family Noelle B. Nielsen James Mahaffey Suzanne and Paul McPhillips D. Michael & Connie Gerarde Niles Mrs. Carolyn Malaney McPhillips Properties LLC Linda Nizolek Karen Malcolm Mr. Richard Mead Mrs. Anne M. Nolte Paul and Helen Mallon David Meath Lona and Rob Nonni Jerry and Maddy Malovany Thomas E. Meath Mr. Harvey Noordsy Joyce Manchester Peter and Dianne Meckler Norowal Marina Philip and Rebecca Mandolare Robert and Nancy Meehan Russell and Karen North Anthony and Judy Mangino Lloyd and Toni Meeker North Country Landscape & Design Mr. Frederic Mantha Edward and Elizabeth Mell Virginia and Maynard Northup Alexander Manuele Mellman Family Diana M. Nugent Jon and Margaret Maranville Jim and Sheilagh Menzies Dan O’Brien Mr. David M. Marcy and Barbara Lett Peter and Gretchen Menzies LT Stephen and Kirsten O’Brien Holly Marek Joe and Bev Merone O’Connor’s Resort Cottages (Jim # & Betty Daniel and Carol Margolis Betty Merrell O’Connor) Carole Mariani Steve Mersereau Matt and Becca O’Hara Thomas Marschner Robert and Jen Metivier Off Shore Owners, Inc. Peter Marshall Jody and Jim Meyer Dan and Mary Helen O’Keeffe Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Marshall J. David and Lynne Michaels Doris M. O’Keeffe Frederick Martin Susan and Douglas Michels Mr. and Mrs. Vincent O’Neill Jessica Martin Geraldine A. Middleton Mr. Christopher O’Reilly Mrs. Mary Z. Martin and Family Earl J. Mikoloski Michael and Marie O’Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Todd Martin Pepper and Floyd Milbank Patrick and Barbara O’Reilly Bernie and Lisa Martinese Charles and Helga Miller George Obergfoll and Cyma Zarghami Larry and Louise Marwill Dr. Jean K. Miller Harry and Kathy Odabashian Kevin and Mary Beth Maschewski Richard and Linda Miller John W. Oehler Anthony and Joyce Mashuta Joe and Colleen Milot Julian and Jan Offsay Greg Mason The Mitchells J.T. OHearn Bill & Lynne Mason Wanda Mitko Mr. Glenn Oken Mr. Wesley Masten Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mitola Chet and Joan Oliver Mr. Joseph Masterson Richard and Barbara Moccia Don and Sandy Oliver Ed and Judi Mastoloni James and Leone Modestino Richard and Christine Oliver Miriam H. Mastrianni Vincent Mongelli Jane Olsen Dr. Timothy and Pradhana Mastro Dave and Claudia Montana Peg R. Olsen William and Anne Marie Mather Mr. and Mrs. Donald Montana Mr. & Mrs. John Orlando - Indian Pipes M.D. Matthews, Jr. Dorothy & Scott Montgomery & Family Ormandy Family Christopher and Mary Mattson Susan and Joe Mooney Mr. Maurice Ornstein Dolly and Charles Mayer, Jr. Edward and Margaret Moore Bob and Natalie Oshins Chris and Claudia Mayer Mr. and Mrs. Milo A. Moore Mr. Roderick H. Owens Mayflower Realty Carl and Mariann Morales Pacinella Family Ms. Kenda Mazza Thomas J. Morhouse Charles Pack John and Susan McCarthy Mr. Daniel C. Morin Capt. Scott Padeni Harold “Murph” and Carol McCleery Judith Morris Bob and Cheryl Paganelli J. Barry McClennan Robert and Susan Morris William Pagano Mark and Linda McCollister Nancy D. Morrison Mr. Harry O. Page Walter and Isabel McConnell Phillip and Susan Morse George and Cathy Painter Lori McCormick Theodore and Deborah Mosebach Mark and Debra Pallone

Lake George Association 2015 Report To The Community 17 2015 Members, Supporters and Donors Tom and Eloise Pannell Anne Putnam Rockledge Properties Inc. Frank and Delores Parillo Tom and Dusty Putnam LT Joan and Dave Rockwell John Pariseau Mr. Christopher Pye Michael Rogers Frank N. Parisi Paul Quail Nadine and Herman Rogg Charles W. Parker, Jr. The Queen Family (Jeff, Andy, Lorry) Daniel Rogosich and Katie Knipe- Rogosich Kenneth and Sandra Parker Custer R. Quick Brian Rooney and Cecile Callan Richard and Ann Parker William and Patricia Quinn Ms. Emily Rooney Blackwood and Joan Parlin Jim and Gini Quirk Katherine Rooney Kenneth and Lauren Parlin Spencer Raggio Rooster Amusements d/b/a Fun World Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Parmenter Ronald Ragonetti Cynthia Rosbrook Pamela Louise Parrott Mary E. Raila Stuart A. Rosenberg Michael and Karyn Parzych Grace M. Raimo John Ross * Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Pasek Whit & Julia Ramonat Richard and Helen Rosselli The Passarelli Family Marilyn T. Randall Diane and Joseph Rothong Patchett Family Mark Randall Stephen and Pamela Rottier John and Katherine Paterson Jeffrey and Nancy Randles Christopher and Denise Round Lisa Payne Michael and Jo-Ann Rapaport Mr. # & Mrs. Henry M. Rowan LT Theresa Pell Barbara and Myron Rapaport Ms. Courtney C. Rowe Joseph and Gail Pelli Linda and Robin Rapaport Mr. John Ruef Performance Marine Service, Inc. Rachel and I. Paul Rappaport Rush Island Improvement Assoc., Inc Bradford Peria Randy and Mariann Rapple * Donald E. Russell & Maria Clara Castano Barry and Lois Perlman Roberta Raymond Russell Art and Lisa Perry David and Patricia Rayno Russell Lasalandra Family Joan M. Peters Joan and Charles Reach Rory Russell and Family John and Johanne Petersen * Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Reale Dr. J. George Russo Walter Peterson III & Elsbeth J. Nancy Reale Colleen Ryan and Eric Hoppel Crusius Esq. Mr. Peter A. Reale Sally and Jim Rypkema Mr. John Pettica Patricia Reap Daniel and Dianne Ryterband Mr. Peter I. Pfaffenbach Red Gate Cottages Fenton and Marion Sabo Fred Pflaum and Linda Demers Alan and Dorie Redeker The Sagamore Resort Claire M. Phillips Deanne S. Rehm Ms. Carol Salamone Donna Phillips * Therese C. Reichert Frank Salamone Robert and Sylvia Phillips Peggy Reid Mr. Andre Salz Mr. and Mrs. Michael Phinney Christopher Reilly Howard and Mary Beth Sambrook Albert and Darcy Picchi Nancy L. Reilly Richard M. Sambrook and Judi Bunker Daniel and Jennifer Pickett Vincent and Linda Reilly Scott and Sally Sambrook The Pickoff Family Dan and Abby Reingold Lesley and Richard Sanderspree Rob Picotte and Denise Desmond Jerry and Catherine Reinhart David and Priscilla Sanderspree Susan and Bill Picotte Susan and Mark Rekucki Sandman Family The Pierce Family Jim & Pat Remington Ms. Elaine Sands Joseph and Anne Pierson Richard and Margaret Rendert Maureen and Frank Sands Pilot Knob Association Bernard and Mary Renois Mr. Robert J. Santoro Pilot Knob Marina Brenda Rew Thomas and Susan Sargent Pioneer Improvement Assoc. Inc. Beatrice Reynolds Marie C. Sauerwald Donald G. Piper Tom and Vicky Reynolds Susan T. Sawulski Peggy and Murray Pitkowsky Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Rhodes Yvette Scanlon Mr. Gary Plimpton Ron Ricchezza Nancy Scarzello Point Comfort Trust Joyce and Don Rice Mrs. Margaret H. Schadler Todd N. Polonsky Kelley Richards Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schaffer Dr. and Mrs. Brant Pope Allen Rider John Schaninger Christopher Poppe Vincent T. Riggi Edmund and Jennifer Scheiber Marie T. Portela Frank and Elva Ring Mike and Patrice Schelkun Joseph and Carolyn Potvin Risky Business Fishing Charters Frederick and Alice Schmalkuche Anthony Poulos Ms. Mary Legge Risler Patrick and Amy Schmidt Bob and Sandy Powell Rizza Family Ron and Dorothy Schmidt Robert R. Proctor Thomas and Beverly Roach Claire K. Schmitt * Robert W. Proctor Walter Robb Family James J. and Joan M. Schnabel David and Gladys Prol Karen Robbins Mary Ann Schneidenwind Property Owners of Silver Bay Kenneth and Jane Robbins * John and Margaret Schroeder Sarah Prototo Mr. Hugh D. Roberts Judy and Ken Schultz Linda Proulx Alexandra Lee & Paul Robertson Mr. Kurt Schumacher Richard and Debra Provenzano Karen and Chris Robinson Tymm and Rick Schumaker Pucek Family Trust Mr. & Mrs. Edmund H. Robinson Greg and Michelle Schwab Don & Gail Puckette Mrs. Mitzi Robinson Betsy Schwenker The Purcell Family Tim and Betsy Robinson Janice & David Scott Deborah Pusatere Ron and Kathy Rock Wayne Scoville

18 Lake George Association 2015 Report To The Community XX Who Helped The LGA Protect Lake George Water Steve and Debby Seaboyer Mr. Joel D. Smith and Mrs. Stephanie L. Smith John and Lee Tabner Dr. James and Elsa Sears Mr. Victor H. Smith Kate Tabner and Michael Boardman Luke Sears Wayne and Nancy Smith Melba Tacy Ms. Beverly M. Sebolt # Kate and Alan Snyder Duane and Alyssa Takahashi Mona and Richard Seeger Mr. and Mrs. Scott Snyder Takundewide Homeowners Assoc Ms. Katharine Seelye Mr. Ronald Solevo David and Allison Tamburelli Mr Don Segal & Dr Barbara Freda P. Solomon Bruce and Sarah Tamlyn McAlpine-Segal Don and Susie Sommer Robert and Jean Tarrant Ted Seissen Henry Sommer Michael and Debra Tasick Joachim Seitz Steve Soroka and Family Dr. Judith C. Tate Karl and Kim Seitz South Beach Association of Lake George, NY, Ms. Constance Taylor Bill and Susan Seitz Inc. Judy and Greg Taylor Gary and Christina Seldomridge Nicholas and Joanne Spadavecchia Caroline and James Taylor Elizabeth Seme Rick and Evelyn Spann * John H. Taylor Paul Semon and Family Michael and Karen Spano Joseph Taylor Mary Ellen Sena The Spelman Family Rad Taylor Jim and Ann Marie Senese Joann L. Spence Mr. William J. Taylor Lee and Joanne Serino Heidi and Pete Spencer Frederick C. Tedeschi Wendy G. Severance Peter and Mary Spiess D. Brooks Teele Deborah S. Shannon Mrs. Sheila Spraragen Alice Buff Tepper The Sharkey Family * Laura Springer Mr. Gregory Teresi Richard and Mary Sharp Patricia Stafford Maurice and Melissa Tessier Mr. Jay Shartsis George Stanford Frank and Nancy Tetz Sean and Tinamarie Sheehan Mrs. Helen A. Stapley The Sinnott Family Bonnie and Art Sheeley Dr. Janice C. Stapley Maureen Theisz Tony Sheeran Alice and Paul Starker Nancy Thiel Shelton - D’Andrea Family Natalie L. Starr Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Thomas & Family Edward Sheridan Mrs. Jane Stavely * Joseph Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sheridan Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Steciuk Kevin Thompson Peter Sheridan Richard and Linda Stein Richard and Barbara Thornton Louise Van Dyck Shipway * Alan and Lynn Steiner George and Nancy Thurston Louise Shoemaker Jay and Amy Steiner * Tim and Beth Tiger Mrs. Donna G. Short Mrs. Bonnie B. Stevens Joseph Tinnirella John P. Sibilla Dale Stevens Michael Tobey and Ann Shakeshaft Mr. George L. Sicard Scott and Coleen Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Tobin Michael and Molly Sick Tom and Cheri Budge Stevens Robert T. Todd Janet and Jack Silliman Bruce Stewart Deborah and Peter Tomasi Stephen J. Sills, M.D. Stewart’s Shops Linda and Jack Toner Errol and Lynn Silverberg Mr. Robert Stock Kathleen Toomey Silvermine North Jerry Stoecker Mr. Kenneth J. Tornvall Dr. Michael and Eleanor Simberkoff Ann K. Storandt Michael Tornvall & Heather Tomko Lenton D. and Barbara A. Simms Terry and Lee Storms Luann and Jon T. Toussaint M.D. Peter and Courtney Simon Mr. Mark W. Stoutenburg, Esq. Julie Tracy and Henry Noble Tom and Arlene Simunek Mrs. Eleanor Strack * Agostino J. Travaly * Frank Sinatra, Jr. Pamela and R. Sanford Stragnell Jean M. Trello George C. Singer Ms. Louise Straney Robert B. Trimble Steven Singer David and Rebecca Strang Thomas Trimboli Robert and Constance P Sinkway Lucille Strange Kevin and Lisa Truax Dr. Kathleen S. Sinnott Janis & Bob Strasser Ms. Jillian Trunko Mr. Robert V. Sisca The Straton Family Trustco Bank Art Levy and Fred Sistarenik Lynne Breslau and David Straus The Tuckers Robert and Elinor Slater Edward and Linda Stringer Stuart Tucker Stephen R. Sloan Donald and Stacey Strollo Robert Tully and Beth Tully Fran Sloatman and Tom Harding Victor # and Neva M. Strom Gary Turnamian Dr. Bryan Smead Bertil & Lynn Stromberg Mr. Mark Turner Donald and Barbara Smith Angela and Robert Strong Mr. and Mrs. James Tyler, Jr. Douglas and Ellen Smith * John Strough Mr. Kenneth Uhl Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Smith Michael D. Strutz Kenneth and Rosemary Ulbricht Elisabeth A. Smith Thomas and Jane Struzzieri Mr. Thomas J. Uncher Manning and Virginia Rowan Smith LT Mr. Daniel Stusnick Douglas Underhill Mark C. Smith David # and Kristine V. Suits Carole and Joseph Usaj Michael and Jennifer Smith Roger R. Summerhayes Thomas Vacca Pat Smith Helenmarie Sunkenberg Frank and Joyce Vaccaro Patrick and Judith Smith Frank and Geri Suozzo Ray and Sue Valade Peter and Ellen Smith Jim, Kathy and Mark Suozzo Ed Valla and Family Richard Smith Bill and Diane Swertfager Mr. Glenn Valle

XX Lake George Association 2015 Report To The Community 19 2015 Members, Supporters and Donors David H. Van Dyck Robert and Janet Whitaker Caroline and David Dorn Ms. Maureen Van Dyck Linda White Adele Ferranti Barbara Van Raden & Dawn Van Dyck Mr. Robert White Ms. Vicki Colello Ms. Jacqueline van Rhyn Roberta and John Whiteley Mr. and Mrs. Larrie Gouge Michael-John van Rhyn Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whiteman Brian and Helen Williams Mrs. Richard B. van Rhyn Mr. and Mrs. John Whitney Harold Haber for his 75th Birthday Pat Van Valkenburgh David H. Wilcox & Victoria T. Zeldin Mrs. Alexandra Bar-Cohen Kirby and Martha Van Vleet Mrs. Kristen Wilde Roger, Sherry, John and James Kearns Robert and Margaret Vanderhye Douglas P. & Jennifer Wiley Mr. Gary P. Moore Tom and Camille VanSchaick Kathy and Ralph Wilhelm Cheryl Lamb’s Birthday Michael and Viola Vassallo Dean Wilkening Jim and Sheilagh Menzies Patricia Vaughn Linda Wilkov Walter Lender and his good friend Pappy Nancy Briwa Veeder Harold Williams Nancy Cobb-Zoll & Keith M. Zoll Marcia J. Verville Paula and Charles Williamsen Tom and Dusty Putnam Judith M. Viering Drs. Joseph and Judith Willner Anne Putnam Philip J. and Judith Viger George R. and Dianne Wilson Kenneth Robbins Richard J. Villamil Roger Wilson Karen Robbins Mrs. Dorothy S. Vilmar Harold Wirths Cheryl Taylor and Jeff Tabor Reg and Shirley Vincent Chief and Mrs. Alan Wishart Ms. Karen Grey The Hon. & Mrs. Dominick J. Viscardi John and Carolyn Wisniewski Grandpa John Taylor’s 90th Birthday Susan Voci and Art Papier Mr. and Mrs. Gert H. Wolfang Ms. Rebecca Taylor Nancy R. Vogelsang Jim and Nini Wolitarsky Dick and Mary Ann Young Andy and Donna Volkmann Elaine R Wood-Chisholm Todd Young Peter Voll Wayne and Abbie Woodcock Richard H. Young’s Birthday Allen Wadler Donna Wotton John and Jennifer Danese Donna L. Wadsworth Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Wotton Todd Young Ms. Elizabeth Wagar Ms. Robin Wotton Faraone Uncle Geoffrey Wilson’s Birthday Mr. Michael J. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Wray Ms. Rebecca Moldover John and Margaret Wainwright Douglas A. Wrigley IN MEMORY OF ... Sophie and George Walczyk Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wronowski ... GIVEN BY Emory and Karen Waldrip Wunder Home Consultants, LLC Betty Barth Richard Waldron * Zoë R. and E. Howard Youmans * Linda and Jack Toner Mr. George Walker Bruce and Sue Young June Bond Richard and Wauneata Waller Dick Young Phyllis V. Meader Christopher Warner Richard Yulman Steve Brockbank John and Meg Warner Mr. E. Norbert and Patricia Zahm Neil Murray Mrs. Dorothy H. Warren John H. Zamrok St. George’s Lodge No 6 F & AM Sandra and John Warriner George W. Zautner Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Zoradi Mr. Alan J. Washington Charles and Barbara Zeese Rosalie A. Brown William and Jane Wasserbach Greg and Mary Zibro Dr. Lawrence P. Brown Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. Waterhouse Jr. LT Sherry Ziegenbalg and Mrs. Susan W. Brown Richard and Lisa Watkins Mr. Matthew Zimmer Shirley Bryant Barbara Wayner Mitch Zimmer Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Bryant Margaret and Gary Weale Lawrence A. Zinn Alison and Bruce Craig Firm and Joan Weaver Roberta and Martin Zucker Joseph Cacici Mr. Herbert Weber Alfred and Georgiana Zustovich Holly and Bob de Buys John and Kathy Weber (LT) LifeTime Member Ken and Enid Engler Susan F. Weber (*) Participant in Matching Gift Program Ms. Kathleen S. Gormley Howard and Rosemary Weeber (#) With their passing, we will miss these special Integro USA, Inc. Hugh Weed advocates for our Lake! Angela and Rick Krueger Darcy & Kevin Weeden Marianne and Bruce Kuhn Weiner Family IN HONOR OF ... Jeff McKibben Madeline Weisenfeld ... GIVEN BY Ms. Cindy McQuillen Brian Weiss M.D. Carol Altwerger & Family International Special Risk Marine Rose Anne Weissel Dr. Scott Altman and Linda Senk Insurance Services John and Laura Werner Bruce Ashby (Floating Classroom) Alton Stuart Cartwright Richard and Eunice Werner Steve and Liz Engels Mr. Michael Yeates Terry and Lynn Wespestad Elizabeth Avery and Alex Bullock Tom Conerty Sherry A. West Karin and Hal Avery Buzz and Cheryl Lamb West Shore Association Bob Badenoch Rick Dahlgren Bill and Ann Westervelt Thomas Badenoch Ms. Janet Morse Joan and John Westley Bobbi Bryant Taylor and Doug Bryant Janice Wells Mr. and Mrs. William B. Wetherbee Holly and Bob de Buys Sharon Davies John T. Whalen Frank and Kathleen Dittrich Mary and Donald Baker John Whearty Family Mr. James McEleney Davies-Davies & Assoc. Real Est., LLC Dr. and Mrs. D. Billings Wheeler Brita and Donald Dorn Pam Hawley Dean and William Dean

20 Lake George Association 2015 Report To The Community XX Who Helped The LGA Protect Lake George Water Mike and Kathy Dier Philip and Martha McDowell Don and Ann Barbour Mr. Tom Dittus Tim and Betsy Robinson Behan Communications, Inc. Martin Filler Frank Redican Gregg and Kerri Biche Glens Falls National Bank & Trust Co. Robert and Carol Beebe The Honorable Robert M. Blais Craig L. Goodman and Diane Arzberger Brad Resnick Boathouse Bed & Breakfast Mr. Ralph Grant Mr. Jason Ball Bolton Landing Marina Bob and Christine Knarr Florida Atlantic University Chris and Jim Brown Larry and Louise Marwill Robert and Linda Sweet Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Bryant Realty USA Lucille Schwab Zachary Bryden Stuart A. Rosenberg Susan and Bill Picotte Ms. Anna Cadin David and Priscilla Sanderspree Kathy Weinheimer Capital District Physicians’ Health Plan, Inc. Freda P. Solomon Beverly Sebold James and Tenée Casaccio Warren County Association of Realtors, Inc. Steven and Lori Atwell Charles Schwab Foundation Warren Co. Multiple Listing Service, Inc. Danforth Starr Nancy Cobb-Zoll & Keith M. Zoll Mr. and Mrs. William B. Wetherbee Eleanor and Con Darcy John and Marcy Coombs Sandra Dwenger Ms. Sandra W. Elam Ken and Mary Lou Cooper George and Janet Dwenger Malcolm and Phoebe Moore John and Stephanie Copeland Mr. Thomas A. Dwenger Alexandra Lee & Paul Robertson John and Barbara Costas Linda and Jack Toner Mr. John W. Watling III Cottrell Dental Tony Ferranti Michael Scolaro Cronin’s Golf Resort Adele Ferranti Maggie Drawert D’ella Auto Group Jeffrey Guthinger Ms. Karen Hansen Dan and Dena Davies James and Eleanor Dunham George Timpanaro Hubert and Dorothy Davies David C. and Paula A. Hubbard The Ayco Company, L.P./Goldman Davies-Davies & Assoc. Real Est., LLC Mr. Vincent Martiniano Sachs Company Roy and Louise Davis Maynard D. Baker Funeral Home, Inc. Ellie and Bob Belive Holly and Bob de Buys Dana M. Vachon Mr. Charles W. Belser Mike and Kathy Dier Martha Brown Hannon John and Louise Boomer Jay Doumaux Mr. Lawrence B. Brown Community Care Physicians, P.C. John and Chris Doyle William and Anne Humes Jeff Haraden Ms. Leigh Dunkelberger * Rowland and June Martin PMJ Solutions, Inc. Richard Eger and Anne Aronovitch Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. McMillan John and Constance Saburro Matthew and Lois Emmens Ms. Jennifer Rew West Shore Association Empire Merchants North Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Watkins Harold Tucker Marlon Nascimento and Sandra Franca Julia Hershaft Allison Tucker, Mark Shiffman and Family Frederick’s Restaurant Buzz and Cheryl Lamb Karl Van Wert Mr Charles C. Freihofer III Marilyn Houskamp Larry and Louise Marwill Lan Ge The Birch Family Tom Wagner Ms. Kerry Giumarra Ronald Lafferty Huntsman Pigments and Additives Mr. Paul N. Gordon Mr. Douglas Lafferty Alton C. Warner Jim and Joanne Grande Liam Charles Lambeth Gwen Kade Hacker-Craft Boat Company Thomas and Susan Blechinger James H. Warner James and Sharon Hall McMillan and Rebecca Caldwell Robert and Carol Beebe Halls Boat Corporation CapitalCare Medical Group, LLC Douglas Granger Kristine Hatch Karen M. Evans New England Field Office, U.S. Fish and Victor and Yvette Hershaft Robert and Valentia Krauss Wildlife Service Kim Heunemann Mr. Adam D. Leonard Walter and Katherine Perkins Hilltop Construction Co Gordon and Donna McAleer Janice & David Scott Paul and Jane Ingrey Briana Ridzi Joann L. Spence Kashman Family Ms. Leanne Sweet Thomas Vacca Keeler Motor Car Company Joseph Landau Christopher Wiman Keurig Green Mountain Nancy and Robert Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Cappadona Colleen Dowd Kriz and Stephen Kriz Tom and Marilyn Landau Tod and Mary-Jane Christie Ginger Kuenzel and Carl and Kathy Landau Mr. William L. Harrison and Carol Dulaney Catherine A. and John D. LaBombard John Lyons George F. Henshaw Jr. Lake George RV Park, Inc. Margaret H. McClure Joyce and Don Henshaw Buzz and Cheryl Lamb Chauncy Mason Lark Henshaw Robert and Nancy Lawrence Leslie and Mike Ciauro Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Lent Dave Linenberg Elinor Peterson Leslie and Richard Rose Senator Betty Little John and Stephanie Copeland Stephen and Donna Scott Ms. Jennifer Lotz John Pierce Sr. Charles and Virginia Tonneson Mrs. Carolyn Malaney Douglas Granger Mr. William Matthews IBM International Foundation Event Sponsors Mayflower Realty Margaret Pierce Mr. Joseph Albarelli Peter and Gretchen Menzies Tom and Susan Beers Alison V. Craig Realty LLC Eric Miller Philip B. “Skeeter” Piper Robert P. Ball MM Hayes Company, Inc.

Lake George Association 2015 Report To The Community 21 2015 Members, Supporters and Donors Montcalm Liquors Bolton Landing Marina The Huddle Kitchen & Bar Michael Mulshine Boston Symphony Orchestra The Hyde Collection John and Theresa Murnane Ms. Monika Bulman Impressive Imprints Dale Nemer Carla and Thomas Burhoe The Indian Tepee Gift Shop Frank and Delores Parillo Susan Cacici The Inn at Erlowest Ms. Arlene Perez Caffé Vero JC Parker Fine Art Fred Pflaum and Linda Demers Canoe Island Lodge JetBlue Airlines Pilot Knob Marina Capital Repertory Theatre Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy M. Jones Josh J. Porte James and Tenée Casaccio Juniper on 2 Boutique Tom and Dusty Putnam Mr. David Cerilli Kellogg Marine Supply Marilyn T. Randall Champlain Stone, Ltd. Catherine A. and John D. LaBombard Suzanne Rayner Chez Pierre Restaurant Lake George Auto/Marine Mr. Peter A. Reale Chic’s Marina Lake George Baking Company Dan and Abby Reingold Nancy Cobb-Zoll & Keith M. Zoll The Lake George Bar Crawl Vincent T. Riggi Dr. Dean L. Cook, DMD Lake George Mirror Mr. Hugh D. Roberts Cooper’s Cave Ale Company Lake George Steamboat Company Rory Russell and Family Cottrell Dental Lakeview Trading Company Daniel and Dianne Ryterband Charlie Crew Buzz and Cheryl Lamb Mr. Robert J. Santoro Cronin’s Golf Resort Late Show with Stephen Colbert Laura Sax D’ella Auto Group Merile Latterell Schutze Family Dentistry PC The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Laura’s Vintage Sherwood Group, LLC Dave’s Market Walt and Jane Lender Rick and Evelyn Spann Davidson Brothers Restaurant&Brewery Peter A. Leyh & Marie Faulkner Alice and Paul Starker Davies-Davies & Assoc. Real Est., LLC Local Robert and Joanne Strickland * Holly and Bob de Buys Loews Don Cesar Hotel Ms. Sara Swenson Peter Deutsch/Deutch Family Wine & Spirits Love Is on Lake George Cruises Diane Timpano Diamond Point Boat Repair Mr. Mark Malmgren Charles and Mary Lou Venuto Dick’s Sporting Goods Mama Riso Italian Restaurant Reg and Shirley Vincent Mike and Kathy Dier Mannix Marketing, Inc. Howard and Rosemary Weeber The Docksider Restaurant & Bar Maranville’s Garage Sherry A. West The Dog Cabin Marcella Sembrich Opera Museum Dr. and Mrs. D. Billings Wheeler Donohue & Higgins Candy & Tobacco Co. Andrea McDonald Whiteman Chevrolet, Inc. Downtown City Tavern Peter and Gretchen Menzies Marian and Norman Wolgin Duffy’s Liquors Millbrook Vineyards & Winery Jim and Nini Wolitarsky Ms. Leigh Dunkelberger Miller Antiques & More Robert and Lee Woodruff Eastern Mountain Sports Mohan’s Glen Dew Inc. Everything Home Property Services Mohegan Sun In-Kind Sponsors F.R. Smith & Sons Marina Montcalm Liquors Andrea Abad and Paul Donnelly Feigenbaum Cleaners Morgan & Co. Restaurant Adirondack Extreme Adventure Course Fort Orange Press, Inc. Morgan Recreational Supply Adirondack Landscaping & Irrigation Fort Ticonderoga Phillip and Susan Morse Adirondack Museum Fountain Square Outfitters New York Giants Adirondack Packworks The Furniture House D. Michael & Connie Gerarde Niles Adirondack Pub & Brewery Gideon Putnam Hotel Norman Rockwell Museum Adirondack Rustic Interiors Glenn Sculptures Norowal Marina Adirondack Theatre Festival Glens Falls Country Club North Country ENT & Med Spa Adirondack Winery LLC Glens Falls National Bank & Trust Co. Northern Heating and Air Salim and Moech Amersi Glens Falls Symphony Northshire Bookstore Dave and Jan Arthur Global Fitness Nut Island Arthur Murray Dance Studio Gore Mountain Ocean Properties, Ltd. Aveda Earth and Community Care Team Gore Mountain Ski Patrol Olde Log Inn Bad Ass Wood Gourmet Cafe One Bead Balsam Motel Tim Gow One With Life Tequila Bay Optical Great Escape & Splashwater Kingdom Oneida Nation Foundation Ms. Sue Beadle Hague Firehouse Restaurant Mr. & Mrs. John Orlando - Indian Pipes Seddon Beaty Halls Boat Corporation Orthopedic&Spine Physical Therapy, PC Bistro Le Roux Hannaford Food & Drug Outback Steakhouse Bistro Tallulah Happy Jacks Pilot Knob Marina Black Bass Antiques Kristine Hatch Pizza Jerks The Blackburn Gallery Healthy Living Market & Cafe The Plaza Salon The Honorable Robert M. Blais Victor and Yvette Hershaft Proctors Blue Apron Hiland Park Country Club Queensbury Cigar & Pipe Blue Moose Tavern Hoffman Car Wash & Jiffy Lube Queensbury Country Club The Boathouse Restaurant Home Made Theater (HMT) Queensbury High School Boats By George! Patty’s Water Sports Hops and Barley Market Ms. Rachael Ray Bolton Beans Hotel del Coronado Ray Supply

22 Lake George Association 2015 Report To The Community Who Helped The LGA Protect Lake George Water Christopher Reap Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program Carriage Hill Association Red Lobster Restaurant Keurig Green Mountain Gatehouse Homeowners Association, Inc. Reflection Salon & Boutique Pepsico Foundation Lake Champlain Lake George Regional Rehm Chiropractic & Massage Clinic Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Planning Board Risky Business Fishing Charters Times Square Capital Management, LLC New England Interstate Water Pollution River Street Athletic Club Truist Connect Control Commission Riverside Village Salon VMWare Foundation Town of Bolton and DPW Rock Hill Bakehouse Cafe Town of Hague and DPW Daniel Rogosich and Katie Knipe- Rogosich Donor Designated Grantors Town of Lake George and DPW Richard and Helen Rosselli Anonymous Village of Lake George and DPW Ruah Bed and Breakfast Amazon Smiles Maria Clara Castano Russell Ayco Charitable Foundation Stormwater Projects - In Kind Mr. Paul Rutherford The Benevity Community Impact Fund Warren County Soil and Water Cons. District The Sagamore Resort Berkshire United Way Essex County Soil and Water Cons. District Saratoga Casino and Raceway Bright Funds Foundation Fiddlehead Creek Native Plant Nursery Saratoga Olive Oil Buhrmaster Family Foundation Fairview Association Saratoga Performing Arts Center The Community Foundation of the Greater Town of Lake George Mona and Richard Seeger Capital Region Village of Lake George Mr Don Segal & Dr Barbara McAlpine-Segal Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Town of Bolton Select Sotheby’s International Realty Frontstream Town of Hague Serendipity Boutique Geo R. & Evelyn W. Brothers Charitable Trust Town of Ticonderoga Shoreline Cruises GE United Way Campaign Siam Thai Sushi Restaurant Morgan Stanley Citizen Science Programs Silver Bay YMCA of the Adirondacks RJKB Family Charitable Foundation IP Foundation Silvermine North Schwab Charitable Fund Simoneau Vineyards Todd H. Larsen/Larsen Fund Additional Programs Mr. Joel D. Smith and Mrs. Stephanie L. Smith Vanguard Charitable International Paper Foundation (WAVE) Southwest Airlines Co. The Willner Family Fund of the Jewish Springbrook Hollow Farm Distillery Communal Fund West Brook Conservation Initiative Square Nail Rustics Glens Falls National Bank & Trust Co. Starla’s Shoppe Special Thanks for Support Robert and Jean Flacke Stuck in the Mud Pottery Helen V. Froehlich Foundation Frank and Mary Ellen Lasch Sweet Basil Henry M. Rowan Family Foundation, Inc. Sweet Pea Farm Mr. Stephen M. Lamando/Lamando Family Special Thanks for Hosting LGA Ticonderoga Country Club Fund Fundraising Events Tina’s Hair Affair Charlie Crew and Liz Burtch Tough Traveler Ltd. 2nd Century Reserve Fund The Boathouse Restaurant Towboat Lake George LLC J. Buckley Bryan, Jr. The Inn at Erlowest Unique Arts Studio Donald Pompliano & Kathy Taylor The Sagamore Resort Upstate Printing Estate of David B. Warren Sushi Yoshi US Foods Mr. Mark Verna Invasives Species Spread Prevention & Volunteers Walt Disney World Co. Education Paula and Max Abele Waterfront Living Boat U.S. Foundation Jan Arthur Wax N Wix Town of Putnam Bruce Ashby Whole Foods Market Village of Lake George Rick & Marianne Bartlett Wild Visions, Inc New England Interstate Water Pollution Kaley Bell Jake Wilde Control Commission Daniel Behan, Jr. Drs. Joseph and Judith Willner Roberta Berkowitz Willows Bistro, Inc. Floating Classroom Ryan and Claudia Braymer Windsor Vineyards Cloudsplitter Foundation Berncie Breslau Wingate by Wyndham Glens Falls Foundation Bob Brodie Yankee Boating Center Helen and Ritter Shumway Foundation John Brodie Yankee Trails World Travel Lake Champlain Basin Program/ New Glenn Brownstien England Interstate Water Pollution Control Buck and Denise Bryan Matching Gift Companies Commission Carla Burhoe Amica Companies Foundation Stewart’s Holiday Match Mary Caravella AXA Foundation Town of Lake George John & Cindy Carr Bank Of America Charitable Foundation Village of Lake George Jim Casaccio Barton International Charlie Crew Charles Schwab Foundation Youth Programs Stephanie Crisci Chubb & Son Charles R. Wood Foundation Maria Crosman Cigna Matching Gifts Program Town of Lake George Dan Davies Colgate Palmolive Foundation Village of Lake George Michael Della Bella, Sr. Deutsche Bank Matching Gifts Mike Dier General Electric Foundation Stormwater Projects Leigh Dunkelberger

Lake George Association 2015 Report To The Community 23 Lake George Association 2015 Report To The Community Remembering Henry M. Rowan Since his passing in late 2015, much has been written about Henry M. Rowan, native of Ridgewood, NJ and founder of the Inductotherm Group, headquartered in New Jersey. Mr. Rowan has been called “one of the great philanthropists of our time.” While that is true, to Lake George generally – and the Lake George Association specifically – he was so much more. We know that he loved Lake George with all his heart – learning that love as a child and fully devel- Henry M. Rowan and his crew, Stuart Cartwright, race his Starboat on Lake George oping it when he became an adult. at the Northern Lake George Yacht Club. Like many, he spent as much time at Lake George as possible, – and his “challenges” to continue to As a father and grandfather, with becoming a lifelong do more for Lake George came out he lived his life to ensure that his passion. of his drive as a leader, and his life- legacy – his love for the Lake – was Mr. Rowan lived his entire life long focus on building his company passed down to his children and trying to make a difference – to to “stand for something.” grandchildren. make a better mousetrap (or induc- As someone whose whole life was We were saddened to hear of his tion furnace, as the case may be). about competition, he ensured that passing. He was the perfect example and Lake George would be a long-term He made the world a better, more mentor to the non-profits around winner. secure, more preserved place. Lake George like the Lake George As a businessman, he was con- And though Lake George can Association. stantly moving, constantly refining, never thank him enough, we thank His guidance and his coaching al- constantly measuring – to guarantee Mr. Rowan for everything he has ways encouraged us to raise the bar his work was top quality. done for Lake George.

Volunteers (Continued) Cathy LaBombard LGA Board of Directors Lake George Association Staff Bill Dutcher Nadine Mayo President Mike Dier C. Walter Lender, Executive Director Peggy Eastwood Martie McDowell Executive VP Cheryl Lamb Nancy Cobb-Zoll, Director of Ellie Eldridge Chris McKenna Vice President Daniel Davies Membership Development Ken Engler Sue McPhillips Vice President William Dutcher Patrick Dowd, Director of Brian Goodwin Pete & Gretchen Menzies Treasurer Daniel Behan, Jr. Communications Tony & Lisa Hall Dale Nemer Secretary Cathy LaBombard Randy G. Rath, Project Manager/GIS Kris Hatch Jane and Ken Robbins Bruce Ashby Specialist Robin Hearburg Yvette Scanlon Carla Burhoe Kristen Rohne, Director of Education Victor & Yvette Hershaft David and Janice Scott Mary Caravella Jillian Trunko, Environmental Marianne Hines Peter Semolec James Casaccio Educator Tom Jarrett Laura & Layla Sherry Charlie Crew Mona Seeger, Office Manager Wayne Judge Fran Sloatman Michael Della Bella, Sr. Stephanie Smith, Development Dave and Sally Kelly Tom and Cheri Stevens Victor Hershaft, Past President Assistant Susan Kenneally Don Strycker H. Thomas Jarrett, PE Ellyn Fisher and Kelsey McKeighan, Colleen Dowd Kriz Alan J. Washington Karen Larkin Invasive Species Education Cheryl Lamb Eric Wronowski Peter Menzies Interns Kentucky Colonel Buzz Lamb Peter Wuerdeman Alan J. Washington Karen Larkin Kathy Yager Counsel Matthew F. Fuller, Esq.