
Disclaimer: this study guide was not created to replace your textbook and is for classroom or individual use only. Page 1 of 3 Page Study Guides Study v1.1.11.2012 Shutterstock.com 2010, under license from Image Credit: Taina Sohlman, Image Credit: Taina that surround a structure. central stem-like They clumps, grow which in moisture. help them dense retain have coarse, structures -like tiny with multicellular : Type : of Type that produces bare - : The stored food in a seed. : The stored food in : The male reproductive structure of a . : The male reproductive : Sweet, sugary liquid produced to attract CC-BY 2.0 CC-BY : Tiny grain that carry the male reproductive : A female reproductive organ. : A female reproductive : Part of a flower that helps protect it while it is : Outer parts of that are usually brightly : The female reproductive structure in a flower. : The female reproductive colored. still in . in cones. animal . cells of seed . Used to structures. female reproductive transfer sperm to Pistil Image Credit: alexlomas, - - today and include liverworts, , and mosses. hornworts, and include liverworts, today Hornworts, Hornworts, like liverworts, have fine rhizoids and lack stems. They several centimeters are taller than liv erworts. Their are long and pointed. - lants CC-BY-SA 3.0 CC-BY-SA P : Type of in plants that trans : Another name for a seed plant. : Another name for a . : Another name for a vascular : Early growth and development of a : A seed plant that flowers. This guide was created by Maxine Tsang and Jin Yu. To learn more about the To and Jin Yu. Maxine Tsang created by This guide was student authors, http://www.ck12.org/about/ck-12-interns/. Image Credit: Kristian Peters, Image Credit: Kristian Peters, : Another name for a nonvascular plant. a nonvascular : Another name for Tissue

: Type : of Type in a plant that trans vascular tissues : Type of vascular tissue in a plant that transports transports that plant a in tissue vascular of Type : odern phloem. ports fluids through the plant; includes and plant in a seed. in a plant embryo of the plant. water water and dissolved nutrients from to stems and . ports food from photosynthetic cells to other parts lack true leaves, seeds, and flowers seeds, lack true leaves, and minerals water to anchor them to the ground and to absorb rhizoids hair-like lack roots and instead have depend on moisture to reproduce lack Nonvascular Plants Key Terms Big Picture Key Terms • • • • Evolution were and mosses shortly followed after liverworts, Hornworts plants to evolve. were the first nonvascular Liverworts plants, sharing the most recent common ancestors with them. last. Mosses are the most similar to vascular grow in colonies. Liverworts Liverworts have leaf-like, or ribbon-like lobed, photosynthetic sues rather than tis leaves. Instead of roots, they have fine rhizoids, and are generally They stems. lack they 10 centimeters (4 inches) tall and Diversity plants: of modern nonvascular There are three types There are more than 17,000 species of There are more than 17,000 species of Characteristics Tracheophyte Xylem Phloem into , which also helps encourage animals to disperse the seeds. animals to disperse the seeds. helps encourage into fruits, which also There are four groups of plants that represent major evolutionary steps in the plant . plants Nonvascular are the first basic plant and of have issue the no solved they vascular evolution; plant in tissues. revolutionary Vascular were plants Seed plants soon body. plant the of evolved parts different theseevolved from fluids plants tissues,Flowering whichEarth. the help dominate transport now plants seed Vascular world. dry the into seeds, or offspring, releasing and scents to help attract pollinators so that seeds can be spread more Theirefficiently. ovaries may develop Angiosperm Vascular M Biology Page 2of3 M There arethreebasicpartsofaseed: Parts ofaSeed years ago. travel inthewind. disperse, them such as tiny hooks help that cling on animals or that wings that help them features additional have may Seeds plant-like by evolving thefollowing: Vascular plants evolved around 420 million years ago. They became more Evolution There aretwomainvascular plants: Diversity There aretwotypes ofvascular tissues: These tubes transport fluids from and to different parts of the plant body. vascular plants are also called also are plants vascular fact, In nonvasculartubes. form to from arrange that cells narrow plants long, are vascularThey plants. separate what are tissues Vascular Vascular Tissues • • • • • • • • • • Seed Plants Vascular Plants Embryo: Develops from a fertilized . Inside the seed, an seed, the Inside egg. fertilized a from Develops Embryo: Seed coat: Protects the embryo until it is ready for ready is it until embryo the Protects coat: Seed Leaves to collect sunlight. Leaves were at first needle-like and tiny, and needle-like first at were Leaves sunlight. collect to Leaves the stiffen helps Lignin lignin. and tissues vascular of made Stems Roots made of vascular tissues. Roots absorb more water and nutrients grow and leaves large have They plant-like. more are Ferns: Clubmosses: Similar to mosses, clubmosses grow close to the ground. embryo forms its first leaf ( leaf first its forms embryo food ofitsown. nation a stem( Endosperm hc hle rdc wtr os Bodr evs vle ltr and later evolved helped plantscollecteven leaves moresunlight. Broader loss. water reduce helped which dry outintheair. air.and Vascular stayhydratednot plants do tall they help so tissues light more get can they that so taller grow to plants allowing stems, allowing themtogrowtallerwithoutfallingover. ground, the to securely plants rhizoidsthan the do.anchor also They very tall-somedevelop intotrees. are small). leaves their (although leaves and stems, roots, have However,they adjacent the cells. between holes tiny with walls end have or They storage growth. for body plant the of parts other to cells photosynthetic between walls lack They adjacent cells. proof. water and stiff them makes which the stems and leaves. The side walls of the xylem are thick with lignin, Phloem Xylem odern : Transports water and dissolved materials from the roots to roots the from materials dissolved and Transportswater : . hypocotyl Tasot fo (ie ua dsovd n ae) rm the from water) in dissolved (like food Transports : : Nourishes the embryo until it can start making , or seed plants, evolved around 300 million 300 around evolved plants, seed or , ) androot( P lants cotyledon tracheophytes radicle ). ) and starts to develop to starts and )

cont , meaning “tube plants.” “tube meaning , germi . - Image credit:Mariana Ruiz Villarreal (LadyofHats), PublicDomain Image Credit:JesseLandy, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Biology Page 3 of 3 Page , a sweet, sugary nectar Image credit: Tameeria, Public Image credit: Tameeria, . - - Monocots: examples include grasses and orchids Monocots: examples include grasses : examples include daisies and peas : examples include magnolias and avocados • • • million years ago from . Angiosperms evolved colorful petals and nectar to attract insects and animals that could carry pollen Flowers pollen. from spread to wind the on flower depending than efficient to flower, whichspecific except all from nectar their "hide" to was more way a developed pollinators. This way the pollinators are . of chances more increasing species, same the likely of flowers to visit Grasses grasses. become to evolved angiosperms recent More Humans nutrition. contain that seeds edible large, many have ago. around 10,000 years started to domesticate grasses Characteristics Flowers often are colorful with nectar strong scents to and a attract sweet pollinators. While (these visiting can reptiles) a picks up pollen from the anthers and carries it be on to flower, the birds, mammals, wherethe somenext offlower, the pollen brushes off on the insects, which cross-breeding, often is even pollination of result The . increases genetic diversity. Angiosperms have evolved effective features than flowers. that Some flowering are plantsthat ripen into even brightly colored and ovaries scented have fruits. This helps more to attract animals that will eat seeds. the flesh and disperse the Classification are there today, species flower million a of quarter the Despite three main groups of flowering plants: Evolution Although the 200 earliest fossils around found evolve of flowersto arestarted 125they million believed scientists old, years . cont

pollen CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 CC-BY-NC-SA are attached to the lants Image credit: CK-12 Foundation, Foundation, Image credit: CK-12 Petals P : A plant where the seed develops on the : A plant where the seed develops inside an : It has a stalk-like body (the filament) : protect the flower when it is . Angiosperms are much more diverse than gymno than diverse more much are Angiosperms . : The female reproductive structure in a odern Angiosperm Gymnosperm ovary sperms, and hundreds of thousands of species are classi fied as angiosperms. cones contain . There are only around 1,000 species gymnosperms modern of majority a and gymnosperms, of are . (Pine trees are a type of conifer trees.) Divisions of gymnosperm include: and Gnetae. Ginkgoes, , , scale of a cone. Male cones contain pollen, and female Sepals Pistil Stamen flower to attract pollinators with their noticeable colors. developing and has not are usually green to camouflage the flower from yet bloomed. Sepals predators. has a higher chance of being spread by wind or animal. flower. The pistil consiststhat so sticky and raised is stigma The of ovary. and stigma, the style, it can catch the which pollen ovary, the grains to stigma the for connects style The reproduction. contains the egg. that ends with an anther, which produces which anther, an with ends that The filamentraises the anther so that the pollen • • Flowering Plants Seed Plants (cont.) Plants Seed • • • years years ago. Seed plants adapted to the dry climate of Earth, such as evolving woody trunks and needles with a waxy division a Gnetae, traits. angiosperm-like form to began gymnosperms some Eventually, loss. water reduce to coating of modern gymnosperms, share common ancestors with angiosperms. Gnetae also produce insect pollinators. liquid that attracts Evolution Seed plants came to dominate Earth's forests during the Mesozoic Age (the Age of Dinosaurs), 250 to 65 million Classification two major seed plants: There are Figure: Parts of a flower of a Figure: Parts Parts of a Flower A flower has botha flower: structures. Here are the main parts of female and male reproductive M