Issued Tuesday Thursday Saturday The Courier-GAze By The Courier-Guette., 4S5 Main St, Established January, 1846. Entered aa Second Claes Mail Matter. Rockland, Maine, Thursday, February 26, 1925. THREE CENTS A COPY Volume 80. .Number 25.

REMEMBERS ROSCOE HOMEWARD BOUND many more they long ago dubbed The Courier-Gazette after 58 years MEMORIES OF AN ACTIVE LIFE I him “the Father of Trusts.” He is John L. Goss, Would Like To Sec ’ _ . , , . I the only man. alive or dead who THREE-TIMES»A-WEEK Rockland Man Meets His Testimonial For Bandmaster. Howard Enjoys MarVelOUS ever assembled to order and sent to ALL THE HOME NEWS Scenery and Crosses Top “Men and ShiP» Sealing Wax”—The Story of al sea a full-sized navy intended for Father After a Long Lapse John L. Goss, president of . the belligerent uses—and did jt all in six Subscription $3.00 per year payable In ad­ of Time. John 1$. Goss Corporation, leaves of the World. Thomaaton Boy Who Made Good. weeks’ time: a fleet of war-vessels, vance ; single copies three cents. I armed with ndoilern ordnance and Advertising rates based upon circulation this week for St. Petersburg, Fla. and very reasonable. Editor of The Courier-Gazette: — En Route, Feb. 14 modern projectiles and manned by NEWSPAPER HISTORY and of course wants The Courier- i crews of jaunty gentlemen who 1 arrived here at Arroyo Grande, Cal. Dear Folks at Home: — (By Charles K. Flint) The Rockland Gazette was established In Gazette forwarded to his address. neither knew nor eared for what 184U In 1874 the Courier wae_ established_ _ Feb. 4 and the first thing I did was We are homeward bound at last— ("Memoirs of An Active Life,” in the first person. i>ast tense, by cause they were enrolled to fight ’mil" consolidated’"vrltii" the" (iiiieUe to" 1882. [to locate my father, whom I had not I Writing from Boston under Saturday only two more steps between here and published in 1924 by G. R. Putnam’s and old gen The Free Press was established to 1855 and Becn f0,. gg yearg. I h.,d a picture of date he says: unhumorous enfeebled ­ nor under what flag they would inIn 1891Ill'll changed I»Itsa namnname 1stto 4 thetv as TrlhonnTribune. , . . . . . * , Boston. The ride lrom Ban Fran- , Sons. New York and London, and tlemen were placed end to end they j serve. Arid between such ventures These papers consolidated March 17, 1897. hlm ln la’e Years and was most cer- , “To. n me there Is a sort u,of _,"m c,sco ,o Salt Lake City was interest- translated into Chinese by Kang Y'u would form a continuous ^aw” as these he found time—or took it- ■ ■ ■ ■ — ■ ■ — ------i tain I would know him. I inquired r~l«nvhwhcn I^m fJw?v HfTr nnC 5 We Ieft Oakland in ,he morn’ Wei of Shanghai, the Modern Sage stretching entirely across the conti-; t0 km blg game. hunt an(, flsh •«. .»• i for him of a man on the Rtreet. He R Is «nmpftrnn/tn1 *”S’and PaS8ed “trough the Sacra- of China, is by special arrangement nent. At that, I d rather place than nearlynnnr;v all the states of this union knew him well and pointed me up blk fnrw rd to fn,I ih/,?knot? mento Villley’ a Pertectly leve> eoun- with ,he author reprinted in The read them. ••• Silence Is one great art of conver- •» j over a long -bill, saying that my 1 and in half a dozen countriefl look forward to, and here is almost try The orange Broves so numerous Courier-Gazette, the only newspaper But when this man turned author ♦ nation —-Haziltt. father lived on that street. Going always something interesting to I abroad; to shove a canoe along vir- further south harp disappeared, but to which he has given that permiw- he enjoyed the advantage o\ei cer- gjn waters; make friends in all “Help Make up. I met a man well along in years, read. Your issue of the 17th in instead, there are apricot, plum and 9|on. Thc book is dedicated "To My tain of his contemporaries. For in I socIeties and to keep them. Men with a gray beard, walking some­ which you sketch the life of my old cherry orcherds, the latter just burst­ YOUR HOME TOWN i and women like him, his saddle- what feebly. I looked at him care­ friend RoscoeG.Ingraham that sturdy ing ij»to bloom. Truck farms are nu- THE FREE JITNEYS .______horse whinnies its Joy at the sound the Prettiest Place fully and said "That is not lie." Go- old bandmaster! I can see him now mcroUH. also sheey and cattle ranch­ . . . „ », , , . Ing further along. I saw u man as I used to see him about 40 years of his footsteps and his dog adores on Earth” A street railway official caused the . . , , , . es. But in a few hours, wliat a standing in a doorway. As he turned ago. Ills genial personality and his him. It's mighty hard to fool a dog change. on thc merits and tho measure of a O your share by keep­ people of Rockland and vicinity to palq awu>* around he saw me look- military bearing 1 I shall never for­ We left the fertile valley and green man. ing your home attrac­ sit up and taae notice the other day | ing at himand gave me a good view get the time I first heard him play fields, and commenced the climb1 For my part I have hunted with Dtively painted. Painting is when he told them that it is not ihe I of his face. I watched him for a few the cornet. Since... that time I have j over thc Sierra Nevada Mountains, ! him, fished with him, boated with jitnevs that threaten the extinction moments. Remembering his late plc- heard many celebrated cornetlsts. Soon we are in a cold region and at good economy, too. It pre­ him. camped with him. I have spent of the trolley line serving Rockland, ture 1 thought it might he my fath- hut none of them have ever given the highest point the snow is about vents decay and saves repair Thomaston YVarren, Camden and . or- I walked across to him and asked me such a thrill or such a lasting a hundred nights with him while he two feet deep and the trees are bend- , talked of many things—of sailing bills. Rockport hut the auto owners along if he was Mr. Bbilbrick. impression. ing under its weight the same us in the line who give free transporta- ! “Yes," was his answer, "and who "On the 18th the members of the ships and sealing-wax, of cabbages Henry Bosch Co.’s Paints Maine after a heavy snowfall. We and kings. Or, if he somewhat tion to prospective passengers. The are you?" Master Builders Association of Bos- stopped for a few minutes and from have a fifty years’ reputa­ ton celebrated the 80th birthday of ... __ , , j ., slighted the cabbages and the seal­ Knox county people were t-old that On being told he said: "O, my Gene, . . j the observation platform looked down tion back of them for wear their secretary, William H. Sayward , ., „ . ing-wax at least he knew the inner tha line had a deficit of $28,000 in my Gene, it can’t be! it must be a : into the American Canyon and could with a banquet at the Hotel Somer- facts touching on sailing ships and and service. Every gallon 1923 and were saved a similar situa- dream—it must be a dream!” He catch glimpses of the river through guaranteed. Offered in a tion last year by the permission of paused for a long time, Jhen, “Come set, and presented him with a purse thp cI()U(1s_a never-to-be-forgotten I kings. When I have had such an evening with Charles R. Flint it was fine range of colors and the Public Utilities commission to out in the sunlight.” he said, “and of gold. I would like to see the | Ju8t at 8unReL t , same testimonial given to that grand j as though 1 sat beside a grate-fire raise the rates of fares. The situa- J let me look at you, for my eyes are The next morning we crossed the suggestions made for the old bandmaster, and I should con- I of sound and seasoned, hickory— tion is one that is not peculiar to getting poor.” Great Salt Lake. It seemed like go- proper combination for slder it an honor and a great pleas­ plenty of sparks snapping, the pos- Knox county but is being combatted \ We are having many good long tug to sea by rail as It is 31 miles ure to contribute to such an occa­ aihillty of being singed by a live your house. Estimates by trolley lines everywhere—Bangor I chats every day. As we sit in the from shore to shore—23 miles of Commercial- ' hotel where I am stopping he tells sion-” I coal, but with these a cheersome, gladly given, trestle and 11 miles filled in with heartening, genial warmth. At me it stands on the same site where earth. he once had a blacksmith shop and “AROUND1 THE HILLS" I seventy-three he keeps, intact and A. E. MORTON Why does the Three Crow Extract The principal streets of Salt Lake unimpaired, those faculties which Cheekei berry taste like the Boxberry shod many mules and bronchos. 47 JAMES ST. TEL. 941-W City were laid out by Brigham Young ! made him conspicuously successful Plum?—adv. That was in the early 70's when there Mains Central Makes Important An­ nouncement Concerning Season’s Rnd are 135 feet wide. The new Slate in business life before he reached ROCKLAND. ME. was nothing here but bridle paths Capitol Building, built of Utah and mud houses. Service. his mid-twenties—appreciation, sym- granite and marble, stands on an em- j ' pathy, sense of humor, understand­ * E. H. Philbriek inenee overlooking the city, with the Steamer Rangeley will not resum” ing; the shrewdness of a Maine Arroyo Grande, Calif., Feb. 13. Wasatch mountains. Great Salt Lake, service this season between Mt. man; a kindly viewpoint: a love for and Jordan River showing in the dis- | Desert Ferry, Bar Harbor, Seal Har­ ' the out-of-doors; devotion for his By observation we know that Pro­ tance. bor, Northeast Harbor, Southwest ' country whose destinies he has help­ hibition has worked wonders for in­ Near the center of the city Is dustry and the homes of America.— Harbor and Manset. These landings ed in some way to fashion; opti­ STOP LOOK LISTEN Temple Square where the Mormon L. Thomas, president Thomas beyond Bar Harbor will be disec.n mism, enthusiast^, an abounding Grate Bar Co. tlnued as Maine Central points and ka,,d‘"«« are,ocat*d1’Tabernacle curiosity; appreciation of books, j through tickets will not he sold or Temple and Assembly Hall. Nearby of music, of nattire; an encompassing baggage cheeked. To reach these are the Beehive and Lion houses for- : udmiratlon for all men who create PREVENT BEING landings via the Maine Central It. R merly the headquarters of Brigham and undertake and $>ut things through Banger, Mt. Desert Ferry ^car aer of Feb. 24, 1925, there was printed a total of 6,522 copies. Before me, FRANK B. MILLER. In the course of a season the Cen­ Notary Public. tral Maine Power Co. receives many CLARK’S complaints of interference with radio (2 reception alleged to be caused by its Spring will soon be here and the range of choice flowers it When thou pnssest through the getting larger every day. waters, 1 will be with thee; nnd lines. When traced to their supposed through the rivers, they shall not origin many of the complaints are We’ve £ever eeen Carnations better than they are now at $2.00 per dozen. overflow thee; when thou walkest found to be mythical, but wherever through the fire thou shaft not he the company does locate a true cause Long stemmed Daffiodlla, Paper White Narcissi, Freezias burned;* neither shall ihe flame for interference it is at once cor­ and Snap Dragons, $1.50 per dozen—cut fresh daily. kindle upon thee.—‘Isaiah 43:2. rected. Roses in Pink, Red and Yellcw, $3.50 per dozen. Causes for radio interference in ‘ Calla Lilies, $4.00 per dozen; Violets, $3.00 per hundred; an interconnected transmission and Lily ef the Valley, $2.00 per dozen sprays. AN ABSORBING STORY distribution system such as the Cen­ tral Maine Power Company, are Our Marigold plants art loaded with blooms and the price * Fulfilling a promise, this issue of found in transformer leaks, defective it $1.00 per dozen. Get a bunch for your table today—they The Courier-Gazette prints the first installation in street light hoods, will please you. installment of the life-story of branches resting on wires, and rare­ Orders for Flowers, Plants or Designs taken at our booth at the Fair, and delivered at once freeh from the greenhouse. Charles R. Flint, the Thomaston ly in electrical appliances them­ selves. A recent case at Madison ■boy who has won a commanding was traced to an electric vibrator In The Flower Shop Across from the Thorndike Hotel place in the business affairs of the a beauty parlor. When in operation world. Perhaps no other man of to­ the vibrator set up oscillating waves of its own which affected nearby day has lived a life of such continu­ CLARK’S FLOWER STORE radio sets. TEL. 1036-W 382 MAIN ST. ' ROCKLAND ous adventure and been associated The source of radio interference is with so many big enterprises, com­ located by means of a portable re­ The Good Work Goes On Burnham, 1st, a baby set. Helen G., wall paper store booth. Apparently cipal Alden W. Allen. From 9.30 to mercial and international, as Mr- ceiving set with antenna used for daughter of Mr. and Mrs Herman innocent, these cans would suddenly 10.30, (Rand Confetti Dance. Music directional purposes, usually fur­ Tuesday’s bright sun brought out Flint, whose reminiscences are of Payson, 2d, a doll. prove transparent in a blaze of light. by Marsh's Augmented Orchestra. nished by the amateur club in the a capacity crowd for the afternoon session. The entertainment was Boys from one »o two years—Carl The popular demonstrator is Wil­ A list of the free souvenirs and „----- historical importance and enduring locality where the complaint origi­ given by Miss Eleanor Wheeler un­ Reed, Jr., 1st. oatmeal set; Wilbur. liam iBrazier, formerly of Thomas­ “flashes” which will be given away interest. His remarkable energy, nates Bvery effort is mode by the der the auspices of the Red Cross Benner, Jr., 2d. boots. ton, now with the F. M. Brown Co., day by day. will be found in the' business Sagacity, and executive company to cooperate with radio Girls from two to three years— Portland. Community Fair's advertisements In fans to eliminate so far as possible and the title of “Brownie from genius, are shown in his dealings Healthland.” It consisted of song Madeline, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. • * • • The Courier-Gazette. It's a tempting any resulting interference from its array. with the South American govern­ and dance numbers "with a Punch Harlan Hurd, 1st, paper dolls; Mad­ George Ginsberg, ex-football star of system. eline Cynthia, daughter of Mr. and University of Maine, was in attend­ This year’s official program has ments, with Russia during the and Judy exhibit and health talks E- W. MacDonald of tlie Chamber of Mrs. Avaughn F. Ames, 2d, paper ance yesterday, getting points for a been generously patronized by the ad>. Russo-Japanese War, and in the or­ NO RESEPECTOR OF PERSONS Commerce was in charge of the ses­ dolls. similar fair which may be held in verlisers. and is the most elaborate ganization of many successful cor­ sion. The usher system worked verj Boys from two to three years— his home, city of Bangor for the bene­ ever presented in connection with a Of courese everybody is going to the Commu­ Seldom has illness attacked so Kockland food fair, and stands as a ortunt of Community STONINGTON of the paper. The salt wind whispering; Saville with an electric percolator as of Food Fair went hopelessly by thp Fair will lie the big Red Letter Bail The medley of great ocean’s symphony I the prize. The flashes—Mrs. H. board last night when the pugeant Monday night. The Fuller-Cobb- FURNITURE CO. Tire tide that ebbs and flows unceasingly— Davis crowd has taken the task of A contributor to The Courier- The salt wind whispering; C. Dailey, agate kettle; Mrs. It. V. feature held the stage. The monster Stevenson and Mrs. Bernice Young, putting the event across and are do­ If* of Gazette, nauseated with the growing cro.vd was handled with absolute L. MARCUS The street where people walk: people I know; lobsters; Mabel Wall, Mrs. O- S. safety, though necessarily with nn»d- ing a royal good job. The whole or­ V imposition of the sex question upon Tlie houses—set in many a row Duncan, Mrs. R. B. Magune and Mr. ganization has been selling tickets So crooked—form themselves unto the street; eration. by the big regular corps as­ 313-319 MAIN ST. TEL. 748-J At The Strand Course the screen, the stage and most of And by them rush the pairs of hurrying feet Haines, theatre tickets Mrs. Keat­ sisted by several extra officers and and the executive committee with 130-tf all upon the pages of modern maga­ That carry people by—people I know. ing, Russell’s chocolates; Mrs. Edith firemen. The box ofi'u p receipts at Miss Frances Flanagan as chairman, Keene, agate kettle; Miss Mabel has worked out a stunning array of zines and books, points to one of the Well. what is home? A house? a town? a both afternoon and evening sessions man ? Not these ; Lamb, slippers; F. E. Cottrell, rec­ were far ahead of previous years feature, favor and novelty dances. BALANCE OF THE WEEK world’s greatest writers: It’s not a place that’s set down by tlw sea. ord; Ambrose Melvin, tickets: Mrs. The pageant under direction of The event is destined to be the one “It would be well to remind all It’s not the place that always beckons me— James Hal’., Mrs. F. M. Blacklngton, big red letter dance in tlie winter's It’s Just the places where my feet have trod PrineipaJ Ellen Cochran of MclJiin The Whole City is Talking About the Orth and sex-obsessed novelists, as well as It’s where I’ve left my mark. It Ls the sod Mrs. Thomas McKenny, Mrs. Flor­ School was splendidly done and wis social calendar, for the famous [ EMPIRE that part of the public that demands My plow has turned ; tlie waters where ence Dunbar, silk hose and Miss Cole, a monument to her skill aud energy Grindle Society Orchestra, one of , My oar has dipped ; the rocks I’ve thrown ; THE THEATRE AROUND Coleman Revue. See— these novels, of Charles Dickens. bag of flour. Six lobsters were put and to the hard work of her assist­ ! Maine’s best will furnish music. The the name I’ve carved— THE CORNER Dickens ran the gamut of human It’s where I’ve left n»v mark ! No other one out but only two names caught by ing teachers. The costumes were rflogr will be put in the best possible emotions in his masterly novels. His Can make for me a home—the things that the committee. Marston was in ex­ very dainty and attractive, for the condition and no effort spared to 1 characters were of definite genders, are my own ceptional form and his music was most part the handiwork of willing make the affair a record breaker. ' Make home: just that which ls my own. Last Time Today CUPIE KEMPER ■but they were not troubled about generally praised mothers. It represented America’s The well-known originality of the sex- Yet Dickens managed to thrill But—Ls that all? Aye, Is that it at all? • • • ♦ child—his prayer through the Spirit Fuller-Cobb-Davis crowd when they I —AND— and beguile the reading public with­ No; look—• of Progress for a justice loving peo­ really set out to put a thing over. ! “IDLE TONGUES” out purveying obscenity and without Tlie others that have toiled for me—the ser­ The Baby Show and the fact that every cent of the vice done ple. The nations of Europe were —With— dragging the garbage can into the For me—the lingers scarred for me—these, They “came in carriages," to use a ! called upon to help. Father Time an­ proceeds goes toward the High School living room. How he did it is for the these make home. slang phrase, 105 of them—destined swered the prayer and “Behold Am­ equipment fund and toward complet­ THE TIP-TOP MERRY MAKERS modern novelist to discover. That My doings are as nought: some other one— Some one with fingers worn down to the bone some day to be numbered among erica's .Child." Marion Teel played ing the athletic lield, insures success. PERCY MARMONT he did accomplish tins thing, amaz­ For me—they are tlie ones worth thinking Rockland’s brave men and fair wo­ the difficult Spirit of Progress; The big show nvill open at H o’clock. —And— New Songs, New Jokes, New Dances, New ing today, is a fact that will occur of— men, and all of them cute enough Maynard Wiggin was Father Time; • ♦ • • upon reflection to any of his many The ones I’ve served, and those who have Musical Stunts served me— and pretty enough to drive the Delma Green represented the Spirit The Remaining Program DORIS KENYON readers. Passions there are in Dick­ That’s what makes home! judges distracted when it came to of Britain and Artnlece Moulalson, THIH4PDAY AFTERNOON—Dog ens—horror, brutality, injustice, high K. H. Cassens. the point of selecting the winners. the Spirit of France. NEW SHOW FRIDAY Colby College, Feb 21. show, with seven clashes, under the crime, blood lust and demenjia. ‘Nothing like it has ever been seen [Madeline Coggan received great direction of G. A. Lawrence, R. L. “THE MIRAGE” DON’T MISS THE OLD FASHIONED PICNIC There is also a great beauty, infinite in Eastern Maine, when it comes to ’ applause as the Spirit of Ireland Knowlton and A. C. McLoon. Man­ —With— a '■ ...... 1 ■ 1 i j. tenderness, marvelous insight into REBUKES MUD THROWERS a baby show. Brooklyn, famed as Louise Dolliver, Spirit of Norway; the emotions that move us. Gender, ual Training Department of Rockland the baby carriage city, would have Victoria Curry, Spirit of the Woods; Schools in actual operation manufac­ FLORENCE VIDOR CASH PRIZES GIVEN AWAY yes;/but no sex. It can be done.” Editor of The Courier-Gazette: — turned green with envy if it could Pearl Cohen, Spirit of the Fields; turing household articles and selling TWO SHOWS SATURDAY EVENING—6:00 AND 8:30 A few days ago I observed a group have seen that procession of proud Edna Andrews, Spirit of the Plains: at moderate cost. Domestic Science That Germany has refused and of young girls, I judged to lie High mothers who wended their way to the Arietta Knowlton. Spirit of the' girls making biscuits and selling them Friday-Saturday Twenty-five school boys will be admitted free continues to refuse to fulfill the dis­ School pupils, standing and chatting Arcade yesterday afternoon trund­ Home: Lillian Parker, Spirit of the with cocoa ut nominal charge. Music on the sidewalk when a ruffian (I can ling contenders for the numerous School; Margaret Murphy, Spirit of PRICES—Afternoon 25c and 35c. Evening, 25c 35c and 50c. armament terms of the Versailles by Marston's Orchestra. call him nothing else) came along prizes offered by the Community the Church and Faith i'inier re­ PROGRAM BEGINS AT 2:00 AND 7:30 P. M. Treaty is a matter of common THURSDA Y EVEN I NG—"Phil with an uutomobile and driving Fair. “No race suicide there.” said , ceived an ovation, her appearance iclosing Jollification pnd confetti war. LOVE ' knowledge, which is to be definitely through a puddle drenched the whole the shade of Theodore‘Roosevelt. being the pageant climax allowing High School Circus and Freak Me­ confirmed by .the forthcoming re­ group with muddy water. Mrs. John H. Flanagan was chair­ Norma Seavey and William Milligan, nagerie, featuring unique animals and This is only one of such incidents man of this feature and possibly she Jr. to enter as "America's Child." port of the inter-allied military com­ common clowns. Direction of Prin- that have come under my notice. knows where they all came from; Special mention should be made of AND GLORY” FRIDAY AFTERNOON—Mac Gil­ mission. That the ruling powers How would a visit to Judge Miller, nobody else does. ‘It seemed as if the dancing, the Minuet, the Vintage —With— chrest of Thomaston will entertain among the Germans hold steadfastly and a good stiff fine for these rutlhuis every nook and corner in the city Dance, the Irish Washerwomen and with readings,1 and there will be fit such cases? Also require them was represented, and it was a picture the Scottish Dancers scoring in purt CHARLES DeROCHE to the purpose of one day waging a ! radio concerts. Music by Marston’s 1. Two Tiny tots in green did a dif­ ABRAHAM war for revenge is too clear to be to pay for ruined clothes? good to look upon when the kiddies Orchest ra. Wallace McDonald By the way who ever saw the ice were assembled in the center of the ficult dance in i’art 2 and received FRIDAY EVENING—“A Feast of winked out of sight. Meantime it is a great hand. The Water Sprites, leave Lermond’s Cove in February floor, blinking with amazement at Music1' featuring songs of other days MADGE BELLAMY LINCOLN’’ essential that the allies do not before this year? A. F. St. Clair. the 1500 pairs of eyes which were Fruit Maidens, Garden Elves and done in costume and character by the Bees and Bugs also were well re­ FORD STERLING Tie Great American Drama evacuate German territory. That is bent fondly upon them from the bal­ best talent of Knox County. Direc- conies and sidelines. ceived. The Part 3 dances included one thing that will hold the whip- i tion of Mrs. Ruth Sanliom. Dancing The picture the town has been And a better behaved bunch of the Bread Makers, thp Gleaners, tlie hand over the fire-eaters. from 9.30 to 10.30. Marston’s Full waiting for. A mighty melodrama THREE SHOWS—2:00, 6:45, 8:30. PRICES—10c, 15c, 20c kids has never been assembled in Basketball Girls, the Campfire Girls ■ Drive. f am^jhe Boy Scout dames. woven of flowers of iovs and lau­ Rockland. They smiled and they , SATURDAY AFTERNOON—Prize rels of work. A majestic sym­ • • • • The Massachusetts solons are giv­ cooed and straightway won the folk dances, vaudeville, children’s fes­ phony of alt human emations. | CECIL B. DeMILLE’S ing attention to the repeal of a law hearts of all beholders. Whether While Walking Around tival. and grand street parade of —Also— that behavior was due to the import­ LA8TTIME1’ PRODUCTION enacted several years ago. subjecting Tn connection with the Granite Allen’s’ Circus. Music by .Marsh’s ance of the occasion, the honeyed Augmented Orchestra. “THE RIDDLE RIDER” to arrest und fine of $100 any woman Bottling Works’ booth a "hot dog" words which were whispered into stand Is conducted by Mrs. Charles SATURDAY EVENING—Grand wearing a hat pin with the point their ears by fond mamas, or to the Jones Night," with athletic drills ami MONDAY-TUESDAY TODAY ’ “THE GOLDEN BED” Whitmore, who is proving an expert FABLES COMEDY * NEWS projecting two inches or more into a antics of tlie many colored balloons saleslady. And of course after eat­ I contests—"Simon Says." Music by "THE MIRACLE MAKERS" which fluttered over their heads, is Marston’s Orchestra. space. Bobbed hair and poke bon­ ing a "hot dog" one naturally re­ not for mere man to say Now and quires one of "Turk's" sodas. 1 i nets have rendered tlie hat pin so ob­ then a balloon would go adrift and • • • • FRIDAY-SATURDAY solete that the removal of the law bump its topknot, gently into the The big boy in the pep-giving line A BULB ON THE RAMPAGE is regarded as proper. So it is—anil ceiling, but ingenious boy .<4 always Tuesday night was Chief Albert R. there are doubtless a myriad of other managed tb fetch them back! and the Havener. His jolly laugh and Ms TWO FEATURE PICTURES prize babies were all smiles again. laws on the Massachusetts statute good humor was contagious to a de- U Perchance there may be some who gree. He bally-honed for the fort- Community Fair Week Is Enlivened By An Exciting Out­ books, as there are on Maine’s, de­ think the judges erred Tor there nev­ One stands behind the other ! une teller and the ice cream sand­ serving similar treatment. er was a baby show where two per­ wich booth until everyihody had to ■ door Event Not Down On the Program. FLIRTING WITH LOVE” “Moneyback” backs our Qual­ sons agreed, but The Courier-Gazette try these two specialties of the Jolly! FEATURING reporter could And nobody who was ity. Quality backs our ‘Money- giant In the brass buttons and blue.! e do not look to see much prog- willing to swap places with the • • * • “Shooting the bull" is not an un­ back.” and a squad of the City’s “finest.” for Representative Piper's bill judges and face such a herculean Many comments were heard on the common experience in Rockland or The duties of matador are nowhere ’COLLEEN■» , . ■ • • • MOORE ■store capital punishipent. There Spring Suits* and Topcoats that task. The verdict upon the whole courtesy and efficiency of the red any other city, for that matter, but listed in the requirements which was very favorable to the selections —AND— good deal to lie said in its favor, you won’t find everywhere at capped High School aides. They yesterday afternoon it was staged chief of police is supposed to have, named. Tlie judges were Rev. and in real life on Grace street, with lut Sir Luke jumped irtto the fray in accordance with “The Mi­ prices you won’t find anywhere. stood ever ready to serve, answer Mr. Walter S. Rounds, Supt. A. F. questions, run errands and find lost Iflore thrils than one could possibly with a display of gallantry that no 1 CONWAY TEARLE ’s” immortal recipe the punish- Me Alary, Dr. Walter P. Conley, Mrs. get by Watching Tom Mix in a Spanish ilon could hope to emulate. New, and ready for you. Look articles. Adapted from LeRoy Scott's great novel “Counterfeit" L fils the crime, yet it is difficult David McCarty and Miss Hope • , • • "Western.” .Eventually the bull wns Cornered, 'em over today ! Greenhalgh. They named these win­ This particular bull was 'brought rove to the average Maine law- A feature tomorrow afternoon will and making use of the rope by —ALSO— Beautiful garments, artistically ners: be the presentation of 100 fine boxes into town late in the afternoon dis­ which he had been led, the critter er that the death penalty defi- Youngest child—Richard Eugene, tailored for $25.00, $35.00 and $40. of Schraft's chocolates received ] playing the tinruliness that might was tied to a post. y operates to diminish murder. son of Mr. and Mrs. James Thornton, through C. A. Banard. he expected from any sensible bull, "Post no bulls," is the way this New Hats. 1st, a mug; Donald Wesley, son of • * * * which was bound for the slaughter animal translated a familiar sign, BABY PEGGY Mr. and Mrs“ Clarence Ingerson, 2d. and lie proceeded to uproot the post.) It soccer football should lie ilis- A Camden visitor lost a pocket­ pen. New Neckwear. a mug; Frederick C. Tolman, Jr., 3d, book containing quite a ldt of mon- Arriving at his destination the ani­ The moving picture machine now ig in Spain the sporting inter- a silver dollar. , ey. The same is now in the hands mal succeeded in breaking away shows a close-up of Wallace M. Lit­ a therto absorbed in bull fighting, Boys under one year—Knott C. I of thf general manager and can be from his captors and headed back tle. armed with a 45 and prepared to like a 'step forward in world Rankin, Jr., 1st, a silver dollar: obtained up request. Miss Mabel toward the suburbs. The sight of the end the suspense which a highly ex­ HELEN’S BABIES” Frederick Herbert, son of Mr. and ferocious bovine caused pedestrians cited coipmunity was then experl- j jpment. It is truly a work of Fates beat the aides to it in locating —WITH— Mrs. Frank Morrisop, 2d, a silver dol­ tlie treasure trove. One of the Tip to scurry to cover, particularly eneing. * ltion when the Spanish papers lar. Top boys (the United Cigar Store those whose persons t^ere adorned The bull gave a mighty toss of his (■ CLARA BOW, EDWARD EVERETT HORTON ip to the acclaiming of football Girls under one year—Elaine, coupon chap) lost his mandolin (?) with crimson raiment. head and freedom was all but re­ CLAIRE ADAMS -s the space hitherto devoted Gregory’s daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ris- cover and the aides found that in Once onto Union street the bull gained. teen, 1st, a silver dollar; Miriam, spite of the rush. sniffed scornfully at the Methodist ■Bang 1 A bullet pierced the ani­ A Story That Has Made Millions Laugh ■ matadors of the bull-ring. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence • • * • church and debouched into Grace mal's forehead, and the episode was Dorman, 2d, a silver dollar. Much laughter resulted from the street, which be was -proceeding to ended. MON.-TUES.—BEBE DANIELS iif“MISS BLUEBEARD" Only six days more of this Con- Girls from one to two years—Paul­ I sudden transformation of the Mb- take “on high" where tlie police pa­ The relieved neighborhood (pro­ ine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred trol arrived with City Marshal Davis nounces Wallace a bully shot. «re?s’ sury’s paint cans at the C. M. Blake Every-Other-Day-' Rockland Courier-Gazette, Thursday, February 26, 1925. Page Three — ■ Simon K. Hart is soon to establish TALK OF THE TOWN a plant at tha corner of Brick and Pleasant streets for the manufac­ COMING NEIGHBORHOOD EENTS ture of cemetery work and as dealer TONIGHT March 2—Lady Knox Chapter D. A. R. in native and Scotch marble shelves meets with Mrs Grace Black? Talbot avenue. etc. Mr. Hart is a veteran at this (THURSDAY) Five Per Cent March 2—Waldoboro town meeting. March 2—Fuller-Cobb-Davls “Red Letter business and may he depended upon Ball*' Community Fair. io give his patrons full satisfaction. We Will Contribute Five Per Cent of Our Cash March 5-6—Camden—"A Pair of Sixes" Marston’s Full Drive benefit District Nursing Association. •March 6—Sunshine Society’s sale at Bur­ Buckland churches arc no longer Sales This Week To the Equipment Fund of the pee's. having High School students Those Rockland Band New High School RED LETTER BALL March 6—(7.15)—Address by Rev. John who have'been attending classes in M. Arters, of South Portland, Methodist vestry, auspices Woman’s Educational Club. (he Methodist and Universalist High School Circus We Offer a Choice of 35 Models Now In Stock of March 9—Daughters of Veterans begin churches have now Joined their Prize Auction Parties In Grand Army hall. schoolmates In the new building, and Free— the Heywood-Wakefield Products ARCADE March 10—L. K. R. Relief Association dance and entertainment lit Temple hall. tl.e only students now in alien quar­ 1C0 Cans Kid Glove Pork & Beans March 13—Child .Guest day, Rubinstein ters are those who are receiving 20 5-lb. Bans Stover’s Pride Flour Club their instruction at American Legion March 13—Rockitort—Senior Class play “A 12 1-lb. Cans Bishop’s Cocoa MONDAY, MARCH 2 Bunch of Fun ” in Vniun hall. hall. 24 Cans Maine Grown Peas March !7—St. Patrick’s Day 60 Bags International Salt 8:00 P. M. With March 18-21—Rockland Automobile Show at Plasterers began work Tuesday on 2 Tickets Each Local Theatre the Arcade the new Bicknell block, and it is ex­ March 18-19—$tate Convention of D. A.R Several Flashes in Addition GRINDELL’S In Bangor. pected that the Edward Gonia store March 21—Young Folks’ convention at will be ready for occupancy by April Methodist church, Rocklaftd. gs intended. The steel ceiling al­ COLONIAL ORCHESTRA March 21—First day of spring. 1st, COMMUNITY FAIR March 22-Aprils.- Singing revival. First ready installed gives a hint as to This drive is one of the best in Main* Baptist church. how attractive The Brook merchant’s larch 31, April 1-3—Farmers' Week at Che College of Agriculture. new quarters will be. Henry Pay­ STRAND THEATRE April 3—Rockport—“Cheer Up Chad,’’ son’s store in the same block lias Auspices auspices of Dumalquas class of Baptist S. S. neatly reached the opening stage. f’upie Kemper & Co., entertainers at Union hall. extraordinary, are drawing big Fuller-Cobb-Davis Staff April 12—Easter Sunday. April 22-27—Annual conference of Metho­ “The Hatchet Mountain Carttp for crowds, which do not hesitate to dist Episcopal Churches la Augusta. Boys” is the name given to Phil confirm the impression made on the •bines’ summer training school for first night that it is the -best musical Novelty Dances The regular meeting of Golden youngsters from 10 to 15 years which comedy company that has been in Rod Chapter will be held Friday will be located on the shores of Kockland for many years. night. Hobbs’ l’ond in Hope. “Coach There will be another change of 2' Favor Dances Jones” as he is universally called in program Friday, and as a special, There will be two shows at the this city, has laid his plans to in­ feature there will he an old Fash­ All the Newest Wrinkles iStrand Theatre Satnrday night, clude a number of wooden-floored ioned Picnic in the evening, when sturting at 6 and 8 30. tents in addition to the comfortable cash prizes will be given away. The Closing Event of cottage. The camps will open July .Saturday night, in an attempt to The Bay View Society, at the 6 and will operate for 6 weeks handle the hundreds who will want Head-of-the-Hay, has an important Moral—see or call Mr. Jones. to see the farewell entertainment meeting at the Town hall tomorrow there will be two performances, the - COMMUNITY night at 7 o’clock. Back from a month's tour, which first bglrming at 6 and the second took him to the West Indies. Cuba at 8.30. FAIR The Roosevelt-Lodge letters which and the northern countries of South Real comedy, good music, nifty are daily attracting so much atten­ America, C. F. Grimes of Vinalhaven dances, clever specialties, gorgeous tion in the Boston Globe have con­ was ill the city yesterday wearing the costumes, and we might go on in­ The Arcade will ba cleaned thoroughly tained frequent mention this week comfortable look of a man whom the definitely without telling all of the and the dancing surface put in of the late Congressman Littlefield. winter is using extremely well. Mi- good things that can be said about perfect condition Grimes sailed with 225 other pass­ the popular show. engers on the Royal Mail steamship Today’s- feature picture is “Smil­ Lewis M. Keene died Monday night liner Orea, and on the entire voyage in’ Jim.” starring Franklyn Farnum. at his home in Fremont, Neb. The traveled over none but placid seas The «tory is a case of mistaken deceased was a Knox county boy and There was no semblance of a storm identity, with thrills, laughs and Baby’s Carriage spent part of his early life in Rock­ while he was gone, and the nearest to suspense. The Friday and Saturday land. In Nebraska he became presi­ a weather disturbance which he feature will be “The Lone Fighter,” dent of the Fremont National Bank OU will find just the proper sighted was a large circle around the starring J. B. Warren.—adv. and was engaged in the real estate inoon, which proved to he a false business under the firm title of Rich­ model for your baby in our large prophet. The principal places vis­ ards & Keene. The ^goeased was a EMPIRE THEATRE ited, and in the order named were Y native of Appleton and about ■80 CAPTOR OF JEFF DAVIS mary; decisively favored the con­ Nassau, Havana, Jamaica, Colon. stock of- the season’s newest car­ OUR GRANGE CORNER years of age. Today will be the last showing of struction of a toll bridge at Bath; Cartagena, La Guayra, Caracas, Bar­ Maj. Gen. James Harrison Wilson favored a bond issue as recommended the two excellent feature pictures riages, sulkies and strollers. bados, Trinidad, Martinique. St. entitled “Idle Tongues” featuring who died in Wilmington, Monday, Lltnerock Valley Pomona met with by the State Highway Commission; Writing of Gov. Brewster’s recep­ Thomas, l^prtu Rico and Bermuda, was the last of the corps command­ Pleasant Valley Grange. Rockland, and were considering the proposed tion an Augusta correspondent says: Percy Marmont and Doris Kenyon llis visit in Caracas was on a Sun­ and “The Mirage” with Florence Vi­ Every carriage on our floor is ers of wither the I’nion or Confeder­ last Saturday, with Worthy Master three cents a gallon tax on gasoline “George W. Leadbetter, the veteran day, and bullfights, horse trots and ate forces in the Civil War and the Frank E. Post in the chair. After when supper was announced and a messenger to the Governor and dor. other sports were in full swing. Mr. “Love and Glory” on Friday and doubly guaranteed by our reputation last member of Gen. Grant's staff. routine business, the lectuaui offered recess taken for one of Pleasant Val­ Council, introduced the guestB to the Grimes was somewhat surprised to In his long, distinguished career lie the following grogra'm: ley's fine suppers. Governor. Since 1905 Mr. Leadbetter Saturday presents a distinct novelty laid a statue of George Washington in the way of screen entertainment in as merchants and by A Quality Seal was a soldier, engineer, railroad Singing. Grange; address of wel­ After supper a large class of can­ has performed this office and is the in one of the 'public squares. Mar­ man and author, and in each he didates was instructed in the fifth authority for how these receptions that its characters live through a come. A. S. Bartlett, Master Pleasant tinique furnished him with a temper­ 50 year lapse of time. The three fea­ on Every Wheel which assures you of showed marked ability with conse­ Valfey Grange; response. Past degree and the lecturer of PleaSant shall be arranged. He knows the ature of 110 in the shade. Havana quent success. He was famous as Valley Grange offered vocal solo and ins and outs of it, as he does of prac­ tured characters, portrayed by Master Scott A. Raekliff; reading. and Jamaica were also hot hut there Charles DeRoche, Wallace MacDon­ the captor of Jefferson Davis and Mrs. Ellis A. Sprague.. .(recalled); encore by Robert McIntosh, reading tically all the affair of the State of was a nice cool breeze on the Isth- genuine Heywood-Wakefield quality, was one of the best known of the and encores by Adella Veazie, and a Maine." ald and Madge Bellamy, are intro­ vocal solo, Robert Mclnt!b$h, (re­ miA. lie was interested most in Ha­ duced in the story as young peasant cavalry generals In the Union- Army. called); recitation, Fred \VrCassens; one-act musical drama. vana and Colon. backed by 99 years of manufactur­ While at the head of 13,000 mounted Dr Mary Reuter, who has been ill folk in a French village. In the clos­ recitation, Priscilla Brazier; “Mat­ The next meeting will be with Me- ing scenes of*the film play they ap­ men he conducted the campaigns gunticook Grange, Camden, and the for several weeks, has decided to take ters of Interest at the Legislature,’’ The good effects of National Prohi­ pear in the make-up of persons 70 ing experience. Prices are such that through Alabama and Georgia known April meeting with Wessaweskeag a much needed rest. She has ar­ Representative Samuel E. Norwood bition are to »be found all about us, years of age. So real is the trans­ in Civil War history as “Wilson’s of Warten. a very instructfre address Grange, South Thomaston, both dates ranged for Dr. James Kent, of Bos­ on every hand, and greatly exceed figuration that it in said to he difli- every mother can afford one. laid" V that held the close attenfien of Po­ to be announced. About 90 were ton and Des Moines, to care for her the so-called 'bad effects.—E. N. cult to believe lljjit the characters mona; singing. Grange; geHeral dis­ present. patients until she is ready to re­ Foss, president B. F. Sturtevant Co- are portrayed by the same players. cussion of legislative matters, opened sume her practice. Dr. Reuter plans It is a triumph for the actors, as As sc-on as treasure is by Past State Master Obadiah Gard­ to spend her vacation in her qwh At the fourth quarterly conference attractive home on Summer street, well as for the director.—adv. laid up in the Kian, it ner and continued by Judge Frank B. V. F. STUDLEY INC. Miller, Elmer F. Gould of Waldo Po­ of the Methodist church last night but the office will be in charge of Dr. Begins to draw interest in mona. Charles E. Gregoryl.. Herbert recommendation was made that the Kent. Dr. Kent was hi the city the TOMORROW IS THERE A LIMIT? 'Bishop reappoint Rev. Eugene V. first of the week, and plans to return ROCKLAND MAINE public affairs. N. Brazier, A. S. Bartlett and Jesge A. Tolman. Tty a vei-y IWht vote the Allen pastor. The recommendation In about ten days to take up his du­ (FRIDAY) A British seaplane, capable of five Patrons informally expressed opposi­ was backed by a powerful petition, ties. miles a minute, is being constructed —Ku Klux Kian. to compete in the Schneider inter­ tion to the repeal of the direct pri­ it was stated. Marston’s national cup races>at Baltimore in iiiiiiiisiiiiaiiiiiiiiinicjiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiniiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiir The wonders that can be accom­ Augmented Orchestra October, according to information plished with paint, ‘kalsomine and a AFTERNOON received in Washington Tuesday. It whitened ceiling are strikingly Il­ will he ready for trial flights soon. lustrated at the Hastings dry goods Mac Gilchrest Britain, France and Italy will send store, which has undergone a com­ seaplanes to compete with the plete renovation, much to the satis­ Famous Reader American entries. It was intimated faction of the proprietors clerks and that the British flying detachment IT patrons. This store has been the busi­ Billy Burke’s PERRY’S MARKETS will' come to America on a battle­ ness home of the present head of the ship, which will he docked at Balti­ concern for 43 years, and during all Shadow Weight Boxers more during the race. 428 MAIN STREET 80 TILLSON AVE. that time the firm has dealt regu­ Radio Concert COBB’S larly with four well known Boston Misses Annie and Vittrici Carini houses—Brown, Durrell & Co., Far­ a a have returned from New York where ley. Harvey & Co, Blodgett, Ordway Free— they made a fortnight’s visit with & Webber, and Walker, Stetson & 25 Pkgs. Quaker Quakics their sister, Miss Elizabeth Carini. Co.; also H. B. Clatflin & BIG Co. of New York. Edmund B. Hast­ 100 Boxes Deep Sea Fish ings has served half a century in the 100 Cakes Armour’s Soap 1855 1924 Reduction FANCY WESTERN BEEF dry goods business, being associated 25 Pkgs. Puffed Rice with M. A. Achorn seven years in the 20 Cans Varnish EGGS SIRLOIN ROASTS...... 33c proprietorship of the business which RUMP STEAK...... 49c And many others besides the :: Memorials :: they had bought from the late Eph­ FANCY—NATIVE—COLD STORAGE EGGS PORTERHOUSE ROASTS .... 39c Flashes BONELESS POT ROASTS .... 19c raim Barrett. This partnership was E. A. GLIDDEN & CO. dissolved 43 years ago,'and Mr. Hast­ BONELESS SIRLOIN...... 39c CHUCK ROASTS 10c, 12c, 15c, 18c EVENING WALDOBORO, ME. ings took his present store, which he BONELESS VEAL Roasts, native 29c ROAST PORK...... 23c conducts with hts son, Albert M. Feature Chorus in Costume and FOWL, 35c BUTTER 42c Pure Lard 19c| Living Pictures of Old-time Songs Hastings. The senior partner has BORN PORK CHOPS...... 23c given such close application to the Free— Benner—Waldoboro, Feb. 19, to Mr. and Fresh Killed Cut from Tub Cut from Tub business as to almost preclude vaca­ Mrs. Bernard Benner, a daughter, Marcia tions. He goes to the New York 100 Pkgs. Tudor Tea Louise Native Birds Finest Quality Compound 15c 100 Bars Pears Soap <'ook-•Friendship. Feb —, to Mr. and Mrs. CORNED BEEF ...... 6c, 8c, 10c, 12c, 15c, 20c market next Monday to buy spring I Cook, a (laugher. Frances Elmira stock which will match his recent at­ 50 Bags Worcester Salt t’urit Rockland, at Silsby Maternity Hos­ CABBAGE, lb. 3c. TURNIPS, H>. 2c. POTATOES, peck 25c; bushel, 90c tractive interior decopitions. pital, Feb. 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M. 25 Fine Boxes Armour's Soap Curit, of Hope, a daughter Elsie Louise, FLOUR SPECIAL BEETS PARSNIPS CARROTS 25 Pkgs. Quimby's Tea and Coffee weight 9 pounds. We guarantee our Beef to be newly corned, no salt petre and from first Flashea and Many Others DIED NORMAN R., full weight, sack...... $1.35 SPECIAL •Perry—Rockland, leb. 25, Carolyn, (laugh­ quality stock. * > ter of Clifford o am'. Helen ((Jill) Perr.K, JACK FROST, guaranteed...... 1.25 Business Meeting COMMUNITY FAIR aged 16 years. 11 months, 16 (lays. Funeral Sunday 3 p m. at the Congregational church. Our Vegetables—especially Potatoes and Turnips—are the Best in the city. of the Saturday will be the biggest Flash Keene—’Fremont. Neb. Feb.| 23, Lewis M PEERLESS, always a favorite...... 1.45 and Souvenir Day of the Week Keene, a native of Appleton and formerly of Complete Corned Beef Dinner for two to four persons...... 50c to 75c BAY VIEW SOCIETY Kocklaml, aged alxmt 86 years. KING ARTHUR, best for yeast bread .... 1.65 —At— PHIL JONES •Carter -Corrigador, Philippine Islands. 4 to 6 persons...... 75c to $1.25. 6 to 8 persons...... $1.00 to $1.50 TOWN HALL, Hebd-of-the-Bay In Closing Program Feb. . ( apt. ('at. in A. Carter, formerly ol Thomaston. Sugar, lb...... 7c Salt Pork, lb...... 22c This includes Corned Beef, one-half or one peck of potatoes, cabbage, turnip, OWL’S HEAD Cheese, lb...... 28c beets, carrots and parsnips- Friday Ev’g, Feb. 27 Seeded Raisins, 3 At 7:00 o’clock Lard, 4 lb. pail ... 85c All members are asked to be Specials This Week pkgs...... 25c CORN—COBB’S...... x19c MONARCH CATSUP...... 25c present Potatoes, peck . . . 22c BAY VIEW SOCIETY, Prunes ,fat, sweet 10c ONE POUND CANS PETERS COCOA...... 35c By J A. Collins, Sec. Native Fowl ...... 35c Salted Greens, lb. 20c Best Tripe, lb. ... 15c / (Made by the people who make Peters’ Sweet Chocolate) Sirloin Roast Beef...... 25c, 35c Frankforts, lb. ... 18c CUT REFUGEE STRINGLE&S BEANS, caq ...... 15c; dozen...... $1.65 Five Rib Roast Beef . . .’...... 20c, 22c Corned Sparerib, lb 15c Bacon, sliced, lb. 35c DELICIOUS NEW COOKING FIGS, Lb. A...... 18c; 2 Lbs. ,...... Ape DANCE Chuck Roast Beef...... I 5c, 18c, 20c Cream Tartar, lb.. . 34c Excelsior Coffee, lb 42c I I It I J CAMPBELL’S TOMATO SOUP—BUY IT WHILE YOU CAN, can 10c Pot Roast Beef...... 20c, 25c Community Hall St. John Alewives, 8c Dates, 2 lbs...... 25c dozen $1.10; case of 4 dozen cans, $4.00 Sirloin Steak (boneless)...... '...... 45c SPRUCE HEAD Top Round Steak...... 35c STRAWBERRIES, 35c, 65c; BRUSSELL SPROUTS, 35c STRAWBERRIES, large basket...... 50c Hamburg Steak...... 20c, 25c CUCUMBERS, long green, each...... 30c SPINACH, TOMATOES, 50c; LETTUCE, 15, 20, 25c SATURDAY NIGHT Fresh Eggs, dozen...... 55c CELERY, 30c; SWEET POTATOES, 2 Lbs. 25c Potatoes, peck...... 25c TOMATOES, red ripe, lib...... 30c Smalley’s’ Orchestra GRAPE FRUIT, 4 for...... 25c; 3 for...... 25c Th-tf Oranges (navel), 15 for...... 25c ICEBERG LETTUCE, large head, each .. 25c BEST NAVEL ORANGES, dozen...... 30c to $1.20 CAULIFLOWER, fresh...... 35c 40c ICEBfeRG LETTUCE SPINACH CELERY W1NESAP and McINTOSH RED APPLES EMPEROR GRAPES FLORIDA ORANGES, sweet juicy doz. 40c 50c DANCE SATURDAY ONLY 3 Large Loaves Consolidated Bread for 25c CALIFORNIA ORANGES, 2 dozen 25c Saturday Night Y Buy Hatchet Brand Canned Goods in dozen lots, Sweet—Juicy—Big Value QUALITY SERVICE 4- straight or assorted, and save 10', COBB’S TEMPLE HALL CASH AND CARRY GEORGE A. WOOSTER MARKET SAVE THE DIFFERENCE NOT HOW CHEAP, BUT HOW GOOD : i Mu«i< by : I Telephone 600 Free Delivery Dean’s Orchestra s Page Four Rockland Courier-Gazette, Thursday, February 26, 1925. Every-Other-Day

' MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD 'I COURIER-GAZETTE CROSS-WORD PUZZLE LEAGUE OE NATIONS ( Eastern Standard Time g ; ’ Trains Leave Rockland for HOW TO SOLVE A CROSS-WORD PUZZLE Its Accomplishments of Past Augusta. A|7 00a. nt.. 17 30 a tn.. 1J.10 p. m.1 When the correct letters are placed In the white spnccM this pnxala Bangor.AI7 00a. m . t7.30a.m . tl.lOp.m. J Boston. A|7.00a. ni., 17.30 a m.. | Will spell words both vertically and horizontally. The first letter in each Year, As Reviewed In I Brunswick, Aj7.tXla.rn.. tl.lOp.m.; Word Is Indicated by a number, which refers to thc definition listed FREE DEMONSTRATION below the puzzle. Thus No. 1 under the column headed ^horizontal’’ Geneva. ^Umston. A 17.00a. m„ 17.30 a. tn.. 71.10 p. ul. defines a word w’hich will fill the white spaces up to the first black New York. tl.lOp. in. Portland, A{7.00a. m., |7.30a. ra., tl.lOp. w., square to the right, and a number under “vertlchl” defines a word which The problem of preventing war by How Down East Store Keep­ Will fill the white squares to the next black one below. No letters co In 15.30p. m. .. of the 1925 way of making pie crust a carefully organized system of ar­ Waterville. A5700a m.. 17.30a m., tl.lOp.m. the black spaces. All words used are dictionary words, except proper er Did People Good and Woolwich. A 17.00 a.m., t7.3()a.m.f tl.’Oo.ra., bitration, of reduction of arma­ names. Abbreviations, slang, initials, technical terms and obsolete forms Increased Sales t5.30 p. m. i are Indicated in the definitions. ments and of mutual assistance t Daily, except Sunday. A Passengers provide own ferriage Bath to Wool* against covenant-breaking nations CharlesM. Rolfe, the well known ranks foremost among the questions wick. store keeper at Pinceton. Me., writes D. C. DOUGLASS. M. L. HARRIS. before the League of Nations In 8-28-24 V. 1‘. & Gen’l Mgr. Gen'l Passenger Agt, 1924, says .-dli official communique the Priest Drug Co.. Bangor. Me.: aine aid inute issued in Geneva which presents a ”1 haverhot only solil your Priest’s M M M Indigestion Powder, but have used detailed review of evertts which Vinalhaven and Rockland came last year l>efore the Geneva much of Ketnyself as I am frequently Steamboat Co. peace organization. But while bring­ troubled with gas in my stomach TT 12, 15 14 ing its main efforts to bear on this After using thc powder 1 always find relief inside a half hour. The direct route between peace problem, the summary goes ROCKLAND. VINALHAVEN. NORTH HA­ on to say, the League settled a cer­ •'Some time ago you sent me a few samples of your powder. I kept the VEN. STONINGTON AND SWAN’S 15 16 117 Pie Crust tain number of political questions, ISLAND bottle open in my office until it was pursued its administrative work, all gone. In any case when a cus­ WINTER ARRANGEMENT and by the agency of lls technical All Ready to use Just add Water ana Salt tomer came In suffering from indi­ (Subject to change without notice) w 19 organizations. promoted interna­ IN EFFECT 5.30 A. M. WEDNESDAY. OCT. tional co-operation in the most gestion. pain in the bowels or other 0. 1924. trouble, I mixed and gave a dose of varied fields. Leaves Swan’s Island dally except Sundays It. it always gave relief and In at 5.30 AM. for Stonington, North Haven, • • • • Vinalhaven .and ltocklnnd. many cases the party bought a bot­ Returning leaves Rockland at J.30 r. M. A summary of the review follows: tle to take home. Priest’s Indiges­ for Vinalhaven. North Haven, Stonington and The League’s work during the past tion Powder is a sure and safe rem­ Swan's Island ALL THIS WEEK 1). IL STINSON. %5 V year in connection with the preven­ edy for the ailments for which it is" General Agent. tion of war may be said to begin recommended.” Rockland. Maine, Oct 6, 1924. with the draft treaty of mutual as­ MAIN? At the sistance prepared by the fourth as­ Priest's Powder for Indigestion, sembly, and to culminate In the pro­ Sour. Sick Stomach. Car Sickness, lABY’S COLDS MAID-, tocol for the pacific settlement of Heartburn and General Hyperacidity international disputes drawn up by of the Stomach. can often be “nipped in minute FOOD FAIR the fifth assembly. The draft treaty All druggists, 50c and $1.50. The the bud” without dosing of mutual assistance, was debated In $1.50 slzat.holds five (5) times as by rubbing Vicks over September, and subsequently the as­ much as the 50c size. sembly adopted a joint resolution to Priest’s Regulators, the ideal tonic the throat and chest and strengthen the solidarity and securi­ laxative for chronic constipation 25c also applying a little up 37 40 Every adult who calls will receive a delicious ty of the nations of the world by and 75c. If your dealer does not the little one’s nostrils. settling by pacific means all disputes carry them in stock have him order apple jelly tart, made in a home kitchen, from this which might arise between states.” for you or send direct to Priest Drug Co.. Bangor, Me. Parcel post pre­ (©, 1925, Western Newapaper Union.) On the basis of this resolution the new, time and labor saving product. assembly drew up the procotol for paid to any address. No extra Horizontal. Vertical. the pacific settlement of Interna­ charge.—advt. ! 8—Homo sapiens 1— Natural force MAINE MAID MINUTE PIE CRUST tional disputes, which contained a -! 6—Note of musical scale 2— Polite title system of arbitration from which no 3— Alas! | 8— Member of white race international dispute whether legal Investigation into outbreaks of -Prefix Indicating duality 4— A continent (abbr.) plague, typhus and cholera. STATE OF MAINE |$1—Domestic slave among Anglo- 5— Act of revolving In a circle has been tested and approved by the Testing Sta­ or political, should escape. It pro- The committee on intellectual co­ County of Knox, ss Saxons 7— Kind of tree ided for r.smtlttary, financial and To the honorable justico of the Supreme -Famous tentmaker and phil­ 8— Bronze (Antique Roman) tions and Proving Plants of Good Housekeeping, economic (^-operation, which, by operation developed its system of Judicial Court, next to thc held at Rock­ osopher 0—Conjunction guaranteeing the security of states, national committees, serving as in­ land, within and for an id county on the first ft 5—Pursue 10—Bar termediaries between the interna­ Tuctda.v of April, 1925 Modern Priscilla and Farm and Home. Remember would render possible a considerable Alfred Davis of Rockland in said county, 17—Monetary unit of European S3—Sodium (Latin abbr.) tional committee and intellectual country 14—Mother reduction of national armaments. husband of Susie Elizabeth Davis, of parts workers in the various countries. unknown, respectfully presents: That her Slrdle worn by Japanese wom­ 10— Immeasurable period of time IT'S the CRUST that MAKES the pie Thus the three factors of the prob­ 17—Flah's propellor This committee dealt with ihe maiden name was Susie Elizabeth McTabor, en lem. namely, arbitration, security that he was lawfully married to the said -Egyptian aun god 19— Live and reduction of armaments were question of the equivalent value of Susie Elizabeth McTabor at. Rockland lu -Regarding 21— Some diplomas and the co-ordination of said Knox on thc fifth day of July, 1911, 22— Exclamation of enlighteued sur- combined. -Boy’s name • • • • the courses in different universities by Arthur L. Ome, Notary IhvbHc; that they -Small linear measure prise It is also endeavored to promote the Jived together as husband and wife at Rock­ -Bone of the fore-arm 23— Tow boat land. in said County, from thc time of their 24— Girl’s name With regard to the investigation exchange of progress and students. said marriage until the fifteenth day of boose garment Simmons & Hammond Manufacturing Co. of Australia, Bulgarian, German and Dne who sella books from house 20— Common meter (abbr.) Two international opium confer­ April. l'»17: that your Hbelant has always 38—French article Hungarian armaments, the council ences met in Geneva in November conducted himself toward his said wife aa to house falthfrul. true, and affec'ionAta liushand; -Boy’s name 30— Vermilion drew up a scheme for the exercise, and were still in session at the end 31— Gas that on said fifteenth day of April. 1917, tho -Short for the white plague if an ’ when required of its right ot of the year one dealing with pre­ said Susie Elizabeth Davis utterly deserted Worship 33—Behold! PORTLAND, MAINE control as contemplated in the peace your libelant without cause and went to 85—Exist pared opium, the other with manu­ Thus t treaties. This control would be ex­ parts unknown to him. since which time ho 30—Land me a an re factured narcotics. A delegation has never seen or beard from her; til at -Period of time •L . 1 ercised through commissions ap­ Earth’s satellite 37—The square of any type face from the United States took part in said utter desertion has continued for three 88—Thus pointed by the council. t'he work of the second conference. consecutive years prior t-o the filing of this Solution will appear in next issue* Also makers of the famous S, & H. Quality Ice Cream A draft convention on the super­ libel; that her residence Is unknown to .vour In the course of the year the coun­ libelant and cannot be ascertained by rea­ vision of the arms traffic was elabo­ cil furthermore took various meas­ sonable diligence; that there is no collusion Solution to Tuesday’s Puzzle rated during the year and will be ures with a view to facilitating the between your libellant and the said Susie finally discussed at the international Elizabeth Davis to obtain a divorce. work of the advisory committee on Wlrerefore he praj"s that a divorce may K I p j conference convened for May 4- traffic in women and children which be decreed between him and the said Susie HVAUOI In the political field several dis­ Elizabeth Davis for the cause above set forth. OiR.A has been reconstituted af» the com­ putes were submitted to the council mittee on traffic in women and pro­ Dated at Rockland this sixteenth day of S IN A I tr: i Beauty for meditation, as provided by the February 1925. EAST UNION ca,” school: "Life of Washington,’ this week to attend the Community tection of children. ALFRED DAVIS a I T Grevis Payson; recitation. "Which Fair. covenant. The status of the Memel A committee of experts began an Knox. ss. One,” John Dorman; Meaning of Mrs. U. S. Wincapaw caught one territory, long in dispute between the Investigation on the subject of slav­ Personally appeared the above named Al- There was a good attendance at A Gleamv Mass of Hair the Colors,” George Brooks. Ler.don of her fingers in her electric clothes principal allied powers and Lithua­ ery. It drew up its plan cf work and nia. and the Jaworzyna boundary dis­ STATE OF MAINE the Thursday meeting of the Farm Layr and Arthur Jot - recitation* wringer a few days ago and crushed classified the various fouuis of slav­ February 16. 1923 Bureau. Good work was accom­ Lena Brooks; "The First American' it quite liadly. pute betv.’een Czechoslovakia and ery known at the present day. fr»d Davis and made oath that the foregoing 35c “Danderinc” does Wonders plished and a social time enjoyed. Flag,” Mildred Dav.e; song. “My Mr. and Mrs. Allen Young spent Poland were both settled in March. Finally, The membership of the allegation as to the residence of thc LibeUce The question of the frontier about Is true The school at this place closed Bonnie," first, second and thjrd the weekend with Mrs. Y'oung's par­ League was increased to 55 states Before me. for Any Girl's Hair grades: recitation. "Truthful ents, Mr. and Mrs. Grade in North Mosul, between Irak and Turkey, by the entry of the Dominican Re­ EDWARD K GOULD Friday after a successful term came before the council, which sent Justice of the Peace taught by Miss Ruth Moody of George.’’ Ethel Davis: "Even Better," Warren. public. During the year also, the SK a special commission of three mem­ STATE OF MAINE Warren. This school has made good Geraldine Gould: ’George Washing­ Mrs. Millie Jones ha's returned German government addressed a o D E frupn Washington where she spent a bers to investigate on the spot. As note to the League as to its mem­ (Sc«H Knox, ss. progress under the instruction of ton." Donald Hilt. Dorothy Morton, Clerk’s Office, Supreme Judicial Court, In Woodrow Gould and Ripe Brawn: few days with her brother, Charles frontier incidents had taken place, bership. The United States took W E D| Miss Moody. Friday afternoon the council laid down a provisional Vacation pa tri :4c exercisee werA held in the "Anecdetes cf Lincoln." Krnest Finn. _ part in a number of conferences and Rockland, January 17, A. D.. 1925. boundary between the territories oc­ Upon the foregoing Libel, Ordered, That | school-room by the pupils, and their Davis; recitation. "FI igs," Louise Mr. and Mrs. Merton Payson came commissions, while the Soviet Re­ cupied or administered by the Brit­ public was represented on the health the Libellant give notice to said Susie Eliza­ songs and recitations were listened Plummer: song, "Battle Hymn of from Portland Sunday morning beth Davis to appear before our Supremo the Republic,’’ school. The pupils making the trip by auto, and were ish and Turkish governments. committee and in connection with Judicial Court, to l>e Holden at Rockland, HOPE to with much enjoyment by the • • • • I goodly number of visitors present, having perfect attendance records the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. SI. naval disarmament. within and for the County of Knox, on (ho Payson at this place and of Mr. and first Tuesday of April. A D.. 1925. by pub­ The North Hope correspondent, i Much praise is due both teacher and during the term were Dorothy Mor­ The question of the Greeks of lishing an attested copy of said Libel, and Mrs. A. I. Terry, was the winner of pupils. Following is the program: ton Donald Hilt and Woodrow Gould. Mrs. Edward Matthews at Union, Constantinople also was brought be­ The supporters of Prohibition must this order thereon, three weeks successively Mrs. H. SI. Watts is in Rockland • :iiag to Portland Tuesday. fore the council In virtue of the in The Courier-Gazette, a newspaper printed the second prize in the contest by Flag salute, school: song, "Ameri­ be careful not to he misled by the tn Rockland in our County of Knox, the last the Farm and Home magazine in Treaty of Lausanne. The permanent sinister propaganda of the organ­ pub!i(»at-ie considered a gnanted. the conferehce ambassadors with a CHARLES J Dl'NN, friends were listening in here in valid reason for doing away with Justice of the Supremo Judicial Courc. town, and her talk was well given view to obtaining a prompt settle­ Prohibition.—Harold F. Coppes, Cop- A true copy of the Libel and Order of the and very interesting. Congratula­ ment of the Albanian frontier ques­ pes Brothers & Zook. Court thereon. (Seal) tions, Mrs. Terry. tion. The permanent court of interna­ Attest: MILTON M GRIFFIN. Clerk The tnanj- friends of Silas C. Pease CONDENSED STATEMENT 22-TH-28 will be ■Sorry to learn of his death tional justice tn June of 1924, dealt National Surety Company which occurred in Rockland. Feb. 13. with the Mavromatis affair, with the ASSETS. BBC 31. 1924 Greek and British governments as Real Bstale ...... $ 18.718 70 He was 76 years of age and had re­ Mortgage Loan* ...... 78»3fi2 17 cently returned from California, parties before the court: a dispute Stocks and Bonds ...... 27.105,070 11 SHEET MUSIC 15c where he had spent quite a few years. between Greece and Bulgaria, and Cash in Office and Bank ...... PfO7.ini 61 CENTURY CERTIFIED EDITION Agents’ Balances ...... 3,951,872 99 Since his return he has made his the question of St. Naoum, Involving Tk* F*mou> Skeet Muslt you Mt adver­ the frontier between Serbia and Bul­ Bills Receivable ...... 1.188 59 tised lo ill tko loading moguloss. home with his sister, Mrs. George ____ . Interest and Rents ...... 298.867 Athearn of Hope. garia. All other assets ...... 2,829,889 04 Over 221 oeloetlono—oood for Girls! Try this! When combing Important progress was made In analogue There will be a day session of and dressing vour hair, just moisten Gross Assets ...... $35,489,074 39 MAINE MU8IC CO.. Rockland. Me. Hope Grange next Saturday. The the domain of international law, your hair-brush w ith a little “Dander- More People committee of experts representing the Deduct Items not admitted .».. 817,827 19 usual good baked bean dinner will ine” and brush it through your hair. principal legal systems of the world Admitted Assets ...... $34,671,217 20 FRANK H. INGRAHAM be served with all the fixings. In The effect is startling! You can do LIAR! UTILS DEC 31. 1921 the evening the entertainers of Me- beifig constituted for the purpose of vour hair up immediately and it will drawing up a provisional list of the Net Unpaid Ixwaos ...... $5,858,152 39 Attorney and Counselor at guntlcook Grange of Camden will appear twice as thick and heavy—a Unwarned Premlulns ...... 10,406.817 68 give a play. Refreshments will be subjects of International law, the All other Liabilities ...... 2.181,131 11 Law mass of gleamv hair, sparkling with Cash Capital ...... 10,000,000 oo served and dancing will follow. regulation of which by international 431 MAIN ST., ROCKLAND, MAINE life anil jxissesssing that incomparable Using Our Toll Lines agreement would seem desirable Surplus over all Liabilities .. 6,225.146 02 Mr. and Mrs. Elmer True and Mr. softness, freshness and luxuriance. Telepsones—Office 468; House 693-R and Mrs Leigh Weaver attended the and realizable at the present mo­ Total Liabilities and Surplus $34,671,247 20 While beautifying the hair "Dan- ment. 22Th28 Masonic Club dance in Camden derine” is also toning and stimulating W. A. JOHNSTON. BEG. PHC. Thursday evening. A seties of questions relating to CONDENSED STATEMENT each single hair to grow thick, long the protection of minorities was FITCHBURG MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. JOHNSTON’S OSUO STORK Hope was well represented at the and strong. Hair stops f iling out dealt with the League during tthc Fitchburg. Mass. COMPLETE DRUG AND SUNDRY Fireman’s Ball, owing to the good and dandruff disappears. a bottle ASSETS DEC 31. 1924 Line, special attention to G-! year. On the basts of an agreement Real Estate ...... $ 80,000 00 weather and fair travelling for this of “Danderinc” at r.nv drug ir toilet The fire in our Boston toll office seems to have PRESCRIPTIONS. KODAKS. DE­ time of year. with the Polish government, the Stocks and Bonds ...... 519,876 62 VELOPING. PRINTING AND EN- counter and just see how lu ilthy and council succeeded in settling the Gash in Office and Bank 88,188 78 LARGING. youthful your hair appear- a’irr this impressed the value of toll service on a lot of people Agents’ Balances 89.601 13 question of the German settlers in Interest and rents 4,986 38 370 Main Street, Rockland NORTH HAVEN delightful, refreshing dressing. Poland. All other assets .. 46.122 16 who never before realized its worth to them. • o • o Gross Assets ...... $ 793.726 08 “The Four Dimensions of Man” Deduct items not admitted .... 2,790 48 ARTHUR L. ORNE and furnish special music. There As a result of the coming into will be the subject of Rev. M. G. W ill also lie There has been a marked increase in our toll busi­ force of the treaty of Lausanne and Admitted Assets ...... 790,935 60 Perry’s address at the Sunday morn­ a solo. Everyone is cor­ Insurance dially invite'd to attend these ser» of the treaty of Sevres concerning LIABILITIES DBG. 31. 1924 ing service at 11 o'clock. Special Net Unpaid Losses ...... $ 66,099 92 vices. ness since the first announcement that service had been the protection of minorities the pro­ Successor to A. J. Erskine & Co. music will be furnished by the chil­ Unearned Premiums ...... 572,064 89 The claay in Religious Instruction visions contained tn these treaties All other Liabilities 28.942 77 dren's choir. The Lord’s supper will 417 MAIN 8T. .... ROCKLAND and music w ill meet on Friday after- completely restored to all points. with regard to the protection of Surplus over all Liabilities 123.828 02 he observed at the close of the morn- noon at 3.30 o’clock. The Boy Scouts minorities were placed under the - Ing service. Bible School meets at Total Liabilities and Surplus $ 790',935 60 Not Medicine, Not Osteopathy with the pas tor as leader will meet in guarantee of the League of Nations E C. MORAN A CO., Agents 9.45 a. m. Why not con e and bring We are receiving additional business from small the church vestry on Wednesday Consequently the question of the l9-Th-25 Rockland, Maine C. M. WHEELER, D.G Ph.G one? At the evening service at 7 evening at 7 o'clock. Moslems of Albanian origin in NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE o’clock the pastor’s subject will be firms and individuals who seldom used the lines, and Greece; Greek minorities In Bulga­ Chiropractor Whereas, Augustus B Anderson, of Gushing 400 Main Street, - - - Rockland “The Old Rugged Cross.” Tho High ria. and Bulgarian .minorities in In the County of Knox and State of Maine, School chorus will aid in the singing calls are coming to us from entirely new sources. \ Graduate Palmer School ot Ckliepreetle SUNSET Greece were dealt with. by his mortgage deed dated November 22. Offloe Hour,; The economic and financial organi­ 1922, and recorded in Knox Registry of Mondavi, Wednoidayt, Frldaye. 10-12; 2-(| Deeds, Book 195, Page 212. conveyed to me Mrs. S- Adne Raynes has recent­ zation of the League framed 7-B. Tuoidsyi, Tkurtdsyi, 10-12; 2-1; With our new toll equipment, rushed into service tiie undersigned, and undivided one-half _ Saturdoyi. 10-12. Tel. MS ly had a radio set installed in h^r schedule for the' financial recon­ of a certain lot or parcel of teal estate, sit­ house. struction of Hungary; and continued uated in said Cushing, In said County of in record time, we are prepared to give quick service Knox and Bounded and described as follows, DR. T. L. McBEATH .Miss Margaret Richardson of Mt. the financial reconstruction of Aus­ to wit.: Desert was in town Thursday en tria. ■Also it drew up a program for Easterly by land of Jane A. Woodcock and Osteopathic Physician route to Eagle, where she will teach to any point. more effective protection against un­ Sarah E. Payson : southerly by land of the raid Sarah E. Payson, westerly by (he BY APPOINTMENT ONLY school. fair competition, and provided for Meadow Brook and northerly, westerly and Tolaokons 136 George Edmund Sylvester is vis­ Toll service is not expensive, and affords persona! the protection of consumers against northerly by land of Eldrean Orff and the 36 UNION ST.. ROCKLAND. ME. iting relatives at Eagle. worthless goods. town road leading to Broad Cove. Graduate of American School of About 40 friends and neighbors of ] Also an undivided half part of another conversation without loss of time. During 1924 the organization for certain lot of land situated In said Gushing Osteopathy Lewis W. Sylvester gave him a chop­ communications and transit was and bounded as follows, viz: Beginning at ping match on Friday afternoon fit­ called upon to act as an organ of tftakc and stones on the northly side of e. w. Hodgkins, m. d. ting up a big pile of wood. The act conciliation in the settlement of in­ the town road leading to Broad Cove by a Ask us to quote rates to any point. large rock at the southwest corner of land Offlot Houri: I to 3 and 7 tn ( P. M. was much appreciated. ter-state disputes In connection with of Charles A. Fogerty and running north Mrs. Lydia Saunders died Fiiday the application of articles of the northeast by said Fogerty’s land thirty-one Reildonoo until 9 A. M. and by Appolutmoa' rods to stake and stones: thence north morning at the home of her daugh­ gieace treaties concerning the Juris­ Tolepkone IS4 diction of the Oder and the Europe­ northwest by raid land twenty four rods to ter. Mrs. Arvilla Lufkin. Mrs. Saun­ the meadow; thence south seventy four de THOMASTON. ME. ders was 01 years of age and was J. an Danube commission. grees west, thirteen rods to a stake; thence the widow of Ihe late Thomas S. The health organization, in the south sixty dvcrfte.s west eighteen rods to New England Telephone and Telegraph Company course of the year prepared drafts he town road before mentioned; thence east­ Saunders. erly by said road forty-six rods to the place H. M. de ROCHEMONT for international conventions on va­ of beginning, containing seven acres, more 106 PLEASANT 8TREET The efficiency of the labor has, rious urgent questions- It initiated or less. GEORGE H. DRESSER, General Manager anti-malariai research work, placed And whereas, the condition of said mort­ been increased to a very large ex­ gage has been broken, now therefore, by tent, and the accidents around our technical advisers at the disposal of reason of the breach of the condition thereof • PLUMBING HEATING the Albania, Greek and Persian gov­ I claim a foreclosure of the same plants have been reduced at least 75j TEL. ernments and authorized the League Dated at said Cushing. Maine, this six- J 244-W per cent.—C- A. Moffet, president teenth day of February 1925. I 117-tf Gulf States Steel Co. epidemic commission to pursue its 22TU28 AUGUSTUS ANDERSON Every-Other-Day Rockland Courier-Gazette, Thursday, February 26, 1925 Page five

WALDOBORO AT THE STATE CAPITOL Mrs. A. I. Moody hag returned from Waterville. M. J. Hedges of Winthrop has been Statewide Demand For Repeal of Primary Law—Thomp­ in town this week. A. B. Boggs was in Portland Fri­ son’s Act For Relief of Poor Debtors. day. \ Mrs. Walter Kuhn was in Rockland A resolve amending the State con­ known as the Burnt Land or Bog, Wednesday. I The first supper of the Odd Fe! stitution so as to increase the which territory is bounded and de­ lows for this year will bh given in amount of State bonds which can be scribed as follows:—Beginning at Dodbe Brothers their l ilt tonight. A large atterd- issued for t.he purpose of building Willis Corner, so-called, on the I auce is i n: cipated Stale highways and inter-state ai d Beechwood’s (Road: thence westerly Mr. and Mrs. Harley H. Kuhn inter-national bridges from $10,099.- by the Warren Highland road to the spent the w eekend it, Boston. 000, to $12,600,000 was introduced in Oyster River bridge; thence north TYPE-a SEDAN il ■WilHa.n Grant was In Rockland the House, Tuesday by Page of following the course of the Oyster u last V'ee.c. Skowhegan. Tiie bonds are lo be River (o tiie Warren, West Rockport Mr. at.o Mrs. W. As ley payable within 30 years at a rate of road; thence by said road and the of Boston a ere the weekend guests of interest not to exceed five per cent, Beechwood's road, easterly and Its smooth, quiet performance* is a Mrs. Emma .1. Ashley. a year, payable semi-annually. They southerly to Willis Corner at the Rev. II. W. ITice of Bremen was in are to be serial and when paid at point of beginning, containing ap­ matter of common observation. town Mondae. maturity or otherwise retired, shall proximately 6,600 acres. It shall -Mrs. E. E Brackett was in Rock­ SAY “BAYER ASPIRIN” and INSIST! not be reissued. also he unlawful for any person to land last week. Page also introduced an act con­ have in possession at any time any Edgar Hagerman spent the week­ Unless you see the “Bayer Cross” on tablets you are tingent on the adoption liy the peo­ wild animal or any game or wild People who pay no particular atten­ end and holiday at home from Port­ ple of the constitutional amendment. lih-d or part thereof taken in viola­ land. not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe The act authorizes the State treas­ tion of any provision of this act. tion, as a rule, to the finer shades of Annual town meeting Monday, by millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for urer to Issue $10,000,000 of these Provided, however, that It shall be March 2. bonds under the direction of the lawful to hunt foxes and rabbits In chassis operation, are instantly im­ Miss Carrie B. Stahl of Portland Governor and ^council, to be used the above described territory during has been the guest of Capt. and Mrs. Colds Headache Neuralgia Lumbago solely for the construction of first the open season on the same as now pressed by the restfulness of the car A. F. Stahl. class highway either of concrete or or hereinafter provided by law, but Mrs. Mabel Mank of North Wal­ Pain Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism of bituminous macadam In the dis­ the bag limit on rabbits In said doboro is visiting Miss Annie O. cretion of thc State Highway Com­ sanctuary, shall be two per person in action. Welt. Accept only “Bayer” package mission. The act is further contin­ per day. 1 IMrs. Lawrence Weston of Portland gent upon the passage of a bill pro­ “Section 2. Whoever violates any 5'245 f. o- b. Detroit, $1360 delivered has been spending a few days in which contains proven directions. viding for a three cent gasoline tax provision of this act shall be subject town. Handy "Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets (also introduced by Rep. Page, to a penalty of not less than ten, nor A pleasing program was given at Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists. which provides that two cents of the more than three hundred dollars and the "patriotic afternoon” of the Wo­ Aspirin la tfce trule mirk of Bayer Manufacture of Honoicetlcicldeiter of Silicyllcacld tax shall be available to pay the in­ costs for each offense or imprison­ man’s Club Tuesday. The affair was terest charge on the $10,000,000 liond ment for sixty days, or both said fine issue and to create a sinking fund and imprisonment." held at the home of Mrs. Mau le Clark church open. Everyone is cordially for the same Gay.. The program opened with the invited to be present. There will be club prayer followed by singing "Am­ The gasoline tax act, introduced DYER’S GARAGE a big musical program. Banks consider business life in­ ’j erica." As the last verse was sung by Page also provides that in case surance a big factor in credit. Con­ Mr. and Mrs. Stevens and son Hor­ the constitutional amendment does Rockland Dealers the curtains between parlor and hall ace of Portland are guests «C Mrs. sult Walker. 524-R.—adv. was thrown open and Columbia was not pass, 50 per cent of the amount Steven’s sister Mrs. Freeman Brown. received from the first one cent of shown decorating a large portrait of Miss Polly Wood is home from TEL. 124 George Washington with a wreath of the gas tax shall tie used for the Quincy, Mass., for a visit with her maintenance of State and State aid LEGISLATIVE NOTICES laurel. Columbia was Impersonated parents. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Wood. by Mrs. Mabel C- Mayo. Each mem- highways, inter-state, intra-state A. P. Patterson visited Rockland international and the LEGAL AFFAIRS 1-er responded to thc roll call by giv­ and bridges, The ronuuiUce no Legal Attain sill giro a Tuesday. balance of the first one cent of the ing some historic milestone In pic­ Avaugkn Ares of Rockland, came ptibllr hearing In its rooms at the State ture and reading. The members also tax shall lie added to the fund for the House io Augusta, on Monday caked by illness of his WKP.XFMPAY, March 4. 1926. 2 p. in . on contributed bits of prose and poetry “PmUIPS” MILK construction of third class highways. father. • • « • the following; all dealing with the patriotism and Alex Smith was in Rockland Mon­ K. f 497. H I). 102. An Act relating to progress of America. A charming distribution of personal estate day. ■’uller of Southwest Harbor in­ iH I’ 496 H. D 100 An Art rolattgg to feature was a group of songs by Mr. and Mrs Frank McDonald, who duced an act in relation to itiner- burying ground!, Mrs. Louise Miller with Mrs. Marie have been spending a few days in OF MAGNESIA vendore. The act amends H P 499 II D. 96 An Act relating to Kutin nt the piano. Mrs. Miller gave the act in relation to the pres­ meet iocs of municipal officers to accept town, returned Monday to Rockland. legacies and pitta. as her first number "In an Old-Fash­ Accept only genuine “Phillip®,” the ent law so that "hawkers on the Marshall Sails returned this week original Milk of Magnesia prescribed On THVRktUY. March 5. 1927, 2 p. in. ioned Garden.” She made a picture from a business trip to New York. streets or peddlers from vehicles” on tiie following: in a pink satin colonial gown with by physician’ for 50 years as an are no longer, exempt from the li­ H I*. 114 14 V 48 An Ait lo Amend Sec­ Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Creed have antacid, 'axativc. corrective. tion :;i of Chapter 7 of the Bolted Statutes lace fichu and large fan. Her next been spending a lew davs in Port­ cense provisions of the act. of liHti, nfating to election’ and permitting 25-ccnt bottlee, sIbo 50-cent bottles, • • • • number was “Joan of Arc," for which land this week. Die use of ballot boxes witli devices for reg­ she wore a dress of gold cloth witli oontain directions—any drug store. Wing of Auburn Introduced an ac’ istering and endorsing ballot:’ depiatUed W. Adelbert Smith is attending therein. 25-27 helmet, sword and shield bearing thc the convention of the New England requiring drivers of motor vehicles J BLAIM. MORRWOX, Hec tri-color and lilies of France. Her Hardware Association in Boston this to make a full stop at a distance not third song was the dramatic French week. RAZORV1LLE less than ten feet from the nearest CLAIMS ballad "The Americans Come" which William Staples returned Tuesday rail of any railroad grade crossing, Tiie Committee on Claims wiU give n public was rendered with intense expres­ and not to proceed across the rall- hearing in Its rwnns at the Slate, in from Rockland. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Overlock at­ Augusta, on sion.. For this she wore a gown of rood track or tracks until the gatts Capt. Edward Greenleaf was in tended church and Sunday-school at FRIDAY, February 27, at 1 p. m , on the red and silver with liberty cap and have been raised or the flagman lias foltowlng: Rockland Tuesday. Jefferson Sunday, making the trip sicnalled If the crossing is tiro- , " p Xn 181 in ? t,,e sash of the national colors. Mrs. Audrey and Janice Pillsbury re­ Signalled. it me crossing is pro , Ti|Wn f 1or lww of depart- Miller's sweet voice and clear enun­ by automobile. turned Monday to Thomaston, hav­ Among thc visitors here Sunday tected by an automatic signal the mcnt art>arBtu, at flre of 1923 In State ciation combined with her charm of ing spent the week with their grand­ driver must not proceed until he has, Prirtin were two big moose who started to up-’ ®<-!5 4 HHXBY MORSE. Sec manner made her appearance an un­ parents, Mr and Mrs. Merritt Len- ascertained that no train is qualified success. Mrs. S. 11 Weston come across Crystal Lake in the fest. » proachir.g. JUOICIARV gave two patriotic recitations the morning about 9 o’clock. They tried Don-*t forget the Town Meeting din­ hard to get a drink on the lake hut The Committee on Judiciary will give a first with piano accompaniment. ner at the G. A. R. rooms. Thompson of Bockland introduced ptihlb hearing In its roona at the State Quiet and unassuming in delivery couldn't succeed so after spending Lloyd Webster has returned to some time on the ice walked leisure­ an act relating to relief of poor Rouse, in Augusta, on her strong, womanly personality finds Boston. debtors. The act provides that a FRrPAY, February 27, 2 p m. on tiie fol ly away into the forest. lowing . - ' its way instantly to the heart of * ♦ ♦ ♦ debtor arrested or imprisoned and any audience. Every instant of her In absence of Rev. Edward J. Web­ •H D. Xo. 14 An Act providing for thc ber, Missionary Overlock occupied any jierson arrested or imprisoned regulation and taxation of certain adrortla- part on the yrogram was filled with “The Early Bird,” a three act on origi.ial writ or process that runs the pulpit at the Methodist church ing signs. absorbed interest and she received comedy, presented by the Vinalhaven against the body of the defendant, H l>. Xo 166 An Act to prevent fraudu­ hearty encores. The program was High School seniors last Friday ev­ here Sunday afternoon. lent advertising The warm weather Saturday and and who is unable to procure bail H. I'. Xo 768 An Act relative to the concluded with a game in which the ening was perhaps one of the best Sunday and the fog and rain Monday on request of the officer or jailer .luuge not acting in eesea within tiie juris Gross S. W.; Albert Shepard. J. W.*. authors of patriotic poems were local productions even given iu this having him in custody, may be taken diction of tiie court put an end to the sleighing. The ST. GEORGE STONINGTON John Billings, treasurer; ltobert Me- guessed, the prizes going to Mrs. Ina town. The man.ner in which these iu-fore two disinterested justices of, ’emlfied^Ke" fields and roads look more like the Gulfie, Rer rotary; Alfred fltinRon, t4. C. Smith and Mrs. Ida Viles. Cherry young people handled tiie play was last of April than the last of Febru­ tiie peace to disclose the actual state Hons.’* James Souter Jr., of Lawrence, Inutallat!*.!'. of ofllcsrn of Reliamc j> ; ix»roy Gross. J. !>.; Guy Welch, and pistachio ice cream, ahge! cake, a very pleasant surprise to many of of his affairs. H D. No 153 An Act relative ta the ary Many are rejoicing over the Mass.. Is visiting his father here. Lodge L\To. 195, F. & A. M. of inmates or attempting to es- is spending a fewz days with his officers were installed by P. M., Wil- i conducted in a perfect and orderly Mrs. Lila L. White. Conspicuous ill theatrical talent died about the tijpe «n act to prohibit the digging out of oape from tho reformatory for women. itave the early spring come in April grandmother, Mrs. Ella Robinson. liam McKenzie, assisted by Frank ' manner with a short program inter- tiie dining room, draped in Ihe na­ the Island Dramatic Co. went out of skunks and trapping of skunks at ” mA * JS* than to have it now and another win­ , a « > . taking of additional land by railroad cor- Mrs. Ada Jenkin has been the Webb. Grand Marshal, and Rev. i vening. After the installation tiie 100 tional colors, w as a table with ar dis­ existence. The parts in “The Karly their den. A fine of $10 for eax?h ^rations; proceedings before public util- Calvin It. Rich, Grand Chaplain: I visitors were invited to the banquet Bird” had been rehearsed until the ter in April and May. guest of her niece, Mrs. J. C. Rob­ play of relics of 'tiie Revolutionary. Angelo W. Howard who is making offense is fixed. He also Introduced hies commhwlon. Alec McDuffie, W. M.; Raymond I hall where tables were spread. Civil and World Wars. In addition players knew their lines practically an act to relating to hunting of rac- H D. No 167 An Axj enlarging the pow- inson. his hogie in Union, visited liis mother IMrs. Lilia Hocking, Ada Jenkin, to contributions from club members letter perfect so that on the night of , . . mt t i? , ers of State hlglnvay police chief, coons and skunks. The bill reiieals H D Xo ,65 An Avt reUting 1U0t0T Elsie Thomas, Della Ewell, Caro­ were many interesting souvenirs the performance very little prompt- ^un^a> William Johnston, one of the select­ the law of 1923 permitting the’ night rehidto laws. lina Robinson, Emma Gilchrest and from the collection of Sergeant Ar­ ing was needed and the play went H. D No 164 Aa Act relating to penal­ men. attended a hearing at the State hunting of skunks from Oct. 15 to Marianne Gilchrest were entertained thur M. Chute gathered during his alt ties under mo^>r vehicle law House last week. last day of February and of raccoons •8. D. No 89 An Act to muke uniform the at Mr. and Mrs. W. J- Caddy's Feb. Fragrant and Pure service in France. The club is also were introduced by Alton Nelson, from Oct. 1 to the last day of Feb­ authority .and fees for services of officers in 22. Tea was served. indebted to Warren W. Creamer for Glennis Coombs, Charlotte Bickford, criminal matters. 23-25 ruary. It re-enacts another law (Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Barter were a generous addition fftini his valu­ Kenneth Amirp and Gus Levy. The WKDNK8DAY. March 4. 1953, 2 p m. FRIENDSHIP passed by the last Legislature which -hi the following: Sunday callers at AJt'red Hocking's able store of antiques Those present class made $150 clear of till expenses 'establishes closed time of varying S. I). No. !♦« An Act regulating the mov­ to see their little grandson Darold were Mesdames Mayo, Benner. at this performance. length on muskrats in different ing of household goods, chattels and per- O. H. Brown of Bath is the guest who Is sick. Waltz. Potter, ‘Smith, Viles. White, ponds and rivers of the State. Fonal effects of residents of the State of BTIAN of relatives. Maine Adrian Kinney of Brunswick was Lovell, Sanborn, Hovey, Gay, Kuhn • • • • S. D No. 88 An Act to amend Section HOAX NORTH WASHINGTON a weekend guest of friends here. and Miss Clark, members of the club Wilma Cushman, Margaret Sim­ thirteen of Ghapter one hundred and thirty- Cram of Cumberland Introduced Mrs. D. W. Mann has gone to Cam­ and Mesdames Weston, Miller, Kuhn mons. Dorothy Creamer, Lucile an act providing that the public two of the Revised Statutes, relating to pri­ W. A. Palmer witli Mr. and Mrs. vate dOIectlves. den after spending two weeks with and Mlsa Blaney, the guests. Burns, Eyelyn Goldy. Carlton Sim­ utilities commission shall have pow­ F. W. Cunningham made a business M D. No. 151 An Act relating to the prop­ with her sister. Mrs. J. A. Gilchrest. mons, Albert Collamore. Paul and er to regulate the operation of mo­ erty of extinct or disbanded Congregation al trip-to Augusta Saturday, being file Capt. and Mrs. Arthur Thomas Sherman Wotlon returned Tuesday tor busses and trailers. The act churches, parishes or societies. lirat trip to lie made from this S. P. No. 228 An Act Proriding for clerk and Henry Caddy motored to Wal- HGO5 VINALHAVEN to their studies at the Thomaston provide® that all such busses shall hire for Justices of Supreme Judicial Court. daboro Sunday. --- A plate. High School. carry liability insurance or that their Miss Bula Austin of Washington H D No. 183 An Act increasing the jur­ Willis Kinney and friend were The 'Senior Christian Endeavor Courtland Brackett of Monhcgan is ownera and operators shall file a isdiction of constables in cities of over is Kept deliciously fresh in air­ alllage, was the weekend guest of her Sunday callers in town. will take charge of the evening meet­ a guest at the home of B. A. Murphy. sufficient bond to satisfy the com- tWrty-flve thousand inhabitants friend and school-mate, Miss Lclia , , ~ - . . . . s- D H2 An Act providing for an Mrs. E. G. Williamson and sons ing at Union church Sunday, with Burnham & Morrill’s canning fac­ mission. Operator® of such vehicles „MUional justice of the Superior Court for tight aluminum foil packets. Cunningham Bruddy and Russeil of Rockland Miss Edith Nickerson us leader- It tory will commence canning clams in are required to make returns at the County or Cuiriberland. Mias Marguerite Hlslcr and Miss were recent callers at J. A. Gii- was a most interesting service last a few days. mileage made by their Jiusses anti of J1 ,D- a”’,*'1’! Never sold in bulk. Try it. Marion Brand, returned Monday to ; . , , vehicles neutral zone and to revise and oh rest’s. Sunday night, and those who missed The Ixidies Aid were very pleasant­ passengers carried, to the public antPnd sections seventy -five ami thirty-four Cony liigh a week's vacation. Miss- Helen Solberg entertained ft should make the effort to be pres­ ly entertained at the home of Mrs. utilities commission. The measure of Chapter two hundred and eleven of the Miss Esther Lenfest is home for h friends on her birthday, Feb. 22- ent to encourage the Trustees, who Millie Morton Wednesday. This also makes provisions regulating public laws of nineteen hundred and twenty- week from her duties at Washington Birthday cake and cocoa was served. are doing their utmost to keep the week Mrs. Hattie M. Wotton enter­ the issuance of this form of insur- „ Xo Act ret„,lng lnlinl. Telephone Exchange. D. A. Hathorne and eon Alex mo­ tains. ante and strictly forbids the rebate ripai and police counts and providing that tored to Port Clyde Sunday. Uleric Peabody of Washington Miss Nellie Davis lias been home of premiums or any part thereof. Jiaitwa «Lall not he of councel Mills, was the weekend guest of Mr. lrom Thomaston for a few days. The penalty for violating any p.ovir- hX ,/uxel by^a^pro^a “ and Mrs. W. I.enfest. Everett Murphy has returned from Ions of the act is a fine of not es.-i s. P. Xo. 107 Resolve In favor of thc ap- GLENMERE Tiie many friends of H. F. Evans a business trip to Portland. than $10 nor more than $500 o.- Im- pohitmcot of six cununLaioncrs by die Gov- •vill be glad to know that he writes Miss Lena Seavey of Cushing has prlsonment not to exceed one year *" rel*U,‘S from ills new home that his health is Mr. Anderson has bought a horse. leen the guest of Mrs Nellie Sterling or by both fine and imprieonmenl. , g p. y„. #7 An Act relating to Portland much better just now than for many He's a fine looking fellow. for a few days. • * • • I'nivetaity. CORNS months. W D No. 187 An Act relating to a iien Mrs. Wesley Wincapaw was the The present Legislature must re­ Miss Dorothy Wallace of South for repair and storage of vehicles 25-27 guest of Miss Butler at Port Clyde Everyone says, "What a wonderful Waldoboro who has been visiting peal the present direct primary law February' and ro it is. FREDERICK W. HINCKLEY. Chalrmao last week. .'.irs. Annie Brown has returned home. for the nomination of candidates or HERBERT E. HOLMES, Secretary . INCUBATOHS Lift Off-No.Pain! Howard I.elgher, Harlan Ripley Mell Black has bought a new horse. Mrs. Wardell McFarland and son submit a repealing act to thc voters. Frank Harris was in Rockland and Elwin Fitch of South Liberty The situation is brought about li.v COUNTY ESTIMATES Arthur are visiting relatives in Bris­ Saturday, •A“ BR00DEH.S acre callers in this place Sunday. tol and Damariscotta. the filing at the Department of State The Committee on County Estimates will give a pub'le hearing In its rooms at thc The McLellan boys are cutting JFlie Pythian Sisters will hold their Tuesday of petitions initiating a re­ State House. In Augusta, on wood for Miss Rosa Teele. installation Thursday evening with pealing act. These petitions bear THURSDAY. March 3th. 1.30 p. m on thc Miss Esther Anderson had a girl Famous For Big Hatches SOUTH V. ALDOBORO following: invited guests. the signatures of 12.000 voters of the friend from Long Cove visited her State as is required under the Initia­ Relating to county estimates. 25-27 Isaac Richards of Reed 4 Ferry, HORACE M. PULLEN, Secretary. over the holiday. i Write today for our Catalog and the QUEEN Booklets and Folders. Knew J Mass., spent the weekend with' his tive and referendum amendment to Mrs. Everett Cook and son Hazen the constitution. of other succeaaes. You will want to profit by them. relatives here. INLAND FISHERIES AND GAME of Thomaston spent a few days with Kendall & Whitney — Portland, Maine Etl. 1858 I Gardner Benner is seriously' ill Under the provisions of the con­ The Committee on Inland Fisheries and Darius Cook la«t week. stitution the legislature must enact with pneumonia. Game will give a public hearing In Its rooms Eugene Smith and Byron Davis iiiiiiuiiiiiiiiimiiMiiHiimiiim V.iver Brown of I.rth is vis’ll n; without change the measure which at the State House, 4n Augusta, on were In Rockland last Saturday. Keep Watch for the this petition would initiate or send THURSDAY. March 3th. at 2 p m . on his daughter, Mr«. Austin Wlnrhen- ■S P. 78 Resolve appropriating money for They were accompanied home by bach. It to the people for a referendum nwuntenance of department of Inland Kish Mlsa Julia Davis, who came to spend Mrs. Millard Winchenbach and “Feverish Cold” • vote. The Legislature may also sub­ erles and Game, including oi>eration of fish the holiday, the first time home since mit at the same time to the voters a hatcheries children of the village spent Sunday S P. 165 An Act to prohibit the taking of Christmas. at O. J. Studiey’s If you are “run down” or out modified reuealing measure or sev­ firearms into unorganized townships during Miss Myrtle Black has been spend­ Mr. Creamer and son of Bremen eral of them. The petition requests rle Strange, dim forms appear, good condition, and relieves of the Knox County Fish arid Game State. and charts which showed the cor­ Tobe sure oithe best insist on A city shows over the Bog. constipation. Association. The act follows: H P. 315 An Act relating to the protec­ rect colors for different types of wo­ Its spires and roof-tops clear. “Section 1. For a period of four tion of deer in Franklin and Oxford coun­ men and color harmonies whicli 24-PAGE ties, with jieititlon for same. years from the flrst day of May, might make up a single costume. All ”Tis a perfect, miniature town. The True Family Laxative H. P. 373 An Act to prohibit the digging An illusion the vision greets, 1925, no person shall, except as here­ out of fox dens. the ladies of Union are invited to at­ •Peak’d roofs and castles round. Economical family size $1.20; inafter provided, at any time, hunt, H P. 377 An Act relating to the trapping tend the millinery meeting in the HATCHET BRAND MAGAZINE ‘With drifting mist In the streets. other sizes 60c and 40c. pursue, shoot at or kill any wild ani of fur-bearing animals. Methodist church vestry, March 26. . . . , H P. 37$ An Act relating to close sea Free With Next Sunday’s A shifting wind breaks loose Successfully used over years mal or any game or wild bird, w’ith- gon on foxes in Franklin, Somerset, Penob Hat frames, straws and trimmings The haze with Its sudden rushes-- in the following described territory, scot, Piscataquis and Aroostook counties, will be available ut this meeting CANNED FOODS The roofs are plumes of spruce. situated in the Citv of Rockland and ” f 44» *” relating to clew rime on which will also be in charge of Miss The castles are alder bushes. t/xumo rxe , x.- i deer in certain counties (Washington. Han BOSTON GLOBE L B Wright. towns of Thomaston. Warren and r,„nbww , :3.27 Herrick. A basket lunch will lie' Over 150 Kinds Hope, Me. Rockport, in the County of Knox. JOH.x R. PUNT, Secretary served at noon. 1 Page Six Rockland Courier-Gazette, Thursday, February 26, 1925. Every-Other-Day THOMASTON ROCKPORT FRANK O. HASKELL! HIGHWALJ In Everybody’s Column Mr. and Mrs. William Brazier and GRIPPING! INTENSE!! DRAMATIC!!! Mrs. Marion Foster has rented the _ ,___ ■ __. ' Last Summer s Survey Shows Advertisement* In this column not to ex­ j lower part of the Blaisdell house on I * ceed three lines inserted once for 25 cents, child of Portland are guests of Mrs. 3 times for 50 cents. Additional lines 5 William .1. Brazier for a few days. That ' Mechanic street, which she will oc- CASH GROCERY 41 OCEAN STREET Rapid Increase In Road cents each for one time, 10 cents for three Mr. Brasler has charge of a booth at Every Rose I cupy in the near future. times. Six words make a line. TELEPHONES 316 AND 317 Usage. the Community Fair in Rockland Has Its Thorn This evening at the Methodist The lecture which Rev. .1. W. church at 7.30 a variety entertain­ Lost and Found Strout was to have delivered next ment will be given and there will be MAIL & TELEPHONE ORDERS CAREFULLY FILLED K you rode in a motor ear last Friday evening, has been postponed i a gale of ice cream and cake. summer the chances are 10 to 1 that Is proven in you were held up at Rome point by LOST-Bhuk and tan hound, male weight to March 9. | C. Fred Knight has been confined • , , , • , , about 4.» imundfl. Answers to name of JAiP The services at the Baptist church u to his home by illness for several CASH PRICES FOR FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MONDAY an inquisitive young man who asked EARb korjxson. Warren .Me.______24-26 Sunday will be preaching at 10.30 a. ■ days. • you all sorts of questions beginning; J LOST—Between Cook’s store, Tillson avenue m.; subject “God at the Organ.” GOLD MADNESS The Rockport High Schdol boys’ with “business or pleasure?" and the Gray Gull Cafe, a smaH Wack pock­ etbook, containing $45. Finder leave at The Sunday evening “An Evening with A Screen Version cf I basketlwill team will meet the fast Sweet Potatoes, per can...... ,...... 35c You wondered what it wus all about, and perhaps you learned that Courier-Gazette office MRS. ELAINE ME­ John and Charles Wesley and their I Belfast High School team in the 15 pounds Fine Granulated Sugar ...... $1.00 RER V EY. Rockport.______24-25 Hymns.” "THE MAN FROM TEN STRIKE” new Town Hall tomorrow- night at it was part of a highway transporta­ NOTICE—Is hereby given that the owner of C. A. Morse & Son have repacked i 8 p. m. Doors open at 7 sharp. A 15*4 poupds Brown Sugar...... $1.00 tion survey which was being made Stock Certificate No. 3209, of the Rockland By JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD by the United States Bureau of Pub­ Loan and Build! rife Association has notified the foundation to the launching i large crowd is expected. Harold Confectioner’s Sugar, pound .... 10c; 3 pounds .... 25c The Association of the losa of said certi­ ways which had been disturbed hy 1 Young of Bowdoin College will refpr- lic Roads and the Maine State High­ ficate and that she desires a duplicate is­ the ice and will launch at onee a GUY BATES POST I oe. Everybody is looking fqrwara to Best All Round Flour, bag ...... $1.50 way Commission. sued. ROCKLAND LOAN A BUILDING AS­ the two big games Wednesday ev­ Recording of transportation facts SOCIATION by H O Gurdy, Secretary. large fisherman minted the “Clinton" Occident or Pillsbury’s Best Flour, bag...... $1.60 22T»»2S mid her hailing port is New Bedford, ening. March 4. when the last game on the Maine Highway system began Cleo Madison, Mitchell Lewis, Grace Diamond LOST—Purple pocketbook containing sum of Mass. j in the Knox and Lincoln League will King Arthur Flour, bag...... $1.85 July 1, 1924 and was completed Oct. 31, 1924 The Division of Highway money between Fuller-Cobb-Davis’ store and The Georges river channel is clear A Melodrama of High Life in San Francisco—With a Soul- be played in the new Town Hall, Cobb’s Market MISS FRANCEH FLANA­ of ice. It is also breaking up In the between the basketball teams from Economics. U. S Bureau of Public GAN. at tbe F-C-D, store 24*26 Cripping Climax in the Frozen North Strictly Fresh Eggs, dozen ...... 50c Roads, co-operating with tlie Maine coves and along the shores and soon Lime City and Diamond Hill. LOST—32x4 tire chains in a blue bag V. Htjrffway Commission directed the will have disappeared in the Atlantic NEWS AND FABLES COMEDY Rockport High Water Glass, new lot, per can...... 25c P STUDLEY, Inc. Bocklanil 23-2S field feSbareh and analyzed the evi­ Ocean. Rank cards are out for the first Fresh Killed Chickens, pound...... 35c LOST—Scotch Collie, female; brown wlili Grand Opera and the Automobile , half of the winter term, dence. black mixed on hack, name “Lassie.” Ho­ i Rockport High boys try conclu- The rapid increase in the demand ward B. H. NICHOLS, Union, Maine R. Show have called quite a party of TOWN HALL, UNION, THURS., FEB. 26 Smoked Shoulders, 4 to 10 pounds, per pound...... 18c P D. 2. 23»25 Thomaston folks to Portland of. late. ' sions with the snappy Belfast High HAMS—Whole, pound .... 25c; Half, pound .... 30c for highway service in Maine is indi­ Among them, Mr. and Mrs. A. .1. El­ , quintet at the Y. M. C. A. building cated by the Increase in motor ve­ hicle registration from 1916 to 1924 liot, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Dunn, Mrs. WATTS HALL, THOMASTON, FRI., FEB. 27 i Friday evening. Sliced to fry, pound ...... 35c Wanted and by the increase In traffic on the A. F. Rice and Miss Harriet Dunn. March 4 is the date of the last Liver, Fresh Sliced, pouna...... 10c; 3 pounds...... 25c IMiss Georgia E. Reed und Mrs. GLOVER HALL, WARREN, SAT., FEB. 28 league game when we meet the much Muyie highway system durlm, the WANTED—To rent, witli privilege of buy­ same* period. Maine vehicle regis­ ing, tvix or eight room house. X. Y. Z., William Stevens of Boston registered i heralded Rockland team. Both Bacon, Sliced, pound ...... 35c The <*ourler-Guzeitte. 25*27 tration doubled from 1916 to 1920; it at the Knox Hotel Tuesday. They , teams are working hard for the pen- Bacon, Dixie, pound...... 30c doubled again from 1920 to 1924, and WANTED—Position In store clerk or camo to town with the remains of NEXT WEEK , nant and it promises to he the best sales lady. Call at 9 WATER HTRKCT or their mother, Mrs. Carrie Stoddard I game of the season. Stew Beef or Pot Roasts, pound...... 15c it Is estimated that the registration TEL 1037-W. 25*27 will again double from 1924 to 1930. Reed, who died in West Somerville, The senior class will present their WANTED—»Stitrhbig room help Experi­ HARRY CAREY in “SOFT SHOES” Comed Beef, newly corned, pound...... 8c The index of relative traffic per Mass. i play. “A Bunch of Fun,’’ a three-act ence on power machines. M. SHORTELL • • • • comedy-drama hy Erastus Osgood Pork Roasts, pound . . 20c. Pork Chops, pound .. 25c mile brings out the comparative traf­ A SON, Warren, Me.______24 26 I at Union hall, Rockport. March 13. fic importance per mile of the pri­ WANTED—-Washings and Ironings MRS. The friends of Capt. and Mrs. Cal­ mary, secondary and third class high ANNIE M. SCHWARTZ, 642 Main St. vin A. Carter were made sad by the The plot of this farce crackles with 24 26 room was a picture, lighted by red. fqn as though charged with laughter Legs, pound ...... 35c Sauer ways. The need per mile for high receipt of the news that Car­ CAPT. CARTER’S DEATH WANTED—Men to chop wood. MRS. J. W. white and blue candles and other dw- and smiles. Vera, the baseball girl, way Improvements on the primary ter had been killed in a trolley acci­ LAMB Fores, pound ...... 25c Kraut systkm to adequately serve highway ANDERSON, Weed Meadow Road, City. Tel. orations in keeping with the occasion. makes a “hit” in more ways than 452 1______-______23*23 dent on the island of Corrigador, at traffle Is four and one-half times the the entrance to the bay of Manilla. The festivities closed with the sing­ Former Rockland Man Vic­ one Sylvia, the dancing girl, steps Chops, pound ...... 40c Lb. 10c WANTED—iHouse work by the day or hour. ing of the “Star Spangled Baijner” right into the hilarity with a whirl. need per mile on the secondary sys­ MRS. BREWER. 11 State St, City. 241/. Philippine Islands. The home of the tim of Railroad Accident tem and 36 miles the traffic need pet by John McCormack, the guests Nina, the stage aspirant, gives a new LAMB Stew, pound . . . . 3 Lbs 25c WANTED—Set of counter scales to weigh Carters wag near the top id' the mile on the third class highways. mountain-shaped island down which joining in the chorus. The occasion In Philippines. « twist to Shakespeare, and Cecily, the up to 56 pounds. Munt be in good condi­ will long be remembered as one of mandolin girl would lure a smile from There Is a large variation in the av­ tions. Bl’RPEK FCRNITCRE CO , Ro» k- a trolley line goes to the docks. In Roast, pound 15c, 20c, 25c Sausage erage daily vehicle traffic on differ­ land. 22tf company with a number of other the happiest social events held by a sphinx. These four girls are the the chapter. Tlie children in their News was received In Thomaston “Bunch.” “Tacks.’’ tbe football star, BEEF Steak . . 20c„ 30c 35c, 40c per pound ent sections of the primary system WANTED—Row boat or yacht tender 9 to officers the captain boarded a car this week of the tragic death of Capt. The carrying capacity and traffic im­ 12 feet. Must be first class condition and which jumped the track and struck beautiful old fashioned costumes, tackles love from a new angle. Ray cheap. JOHN O STEYHNS. Burpee Furni­ even to Colonial bouquets ami their Calvin‘Carter, whose wife is a sister was a born Romeo, but misfires. For Pie, pound...... 10c 35c portance of the most important ture Co., Rockland. 22*tf a telegraph pole, overturning, killing routes of the primary system are in­ six passengers and badly hurting 13 charming manners, were certainly a f Postmaster MacPhail, and who at Lynn plays the clown to everyone’s WANTED—Long-haired kittens, State credit to their ancestors. The chap­ delight, and if Murray hadn’t Writ­ BEEF dicated by the maxmltim traffic on age. color and sex. Good prices. others. Capt. Carter had nearly com­ one time was employed on the Rock­ THK ter were glad to welcome to their Tea ten tlie sketch, lots of things would these routes. MAINE ET SHOPS. Belfast, Maine. 20 31 pleted a three year's naval service in land Daily Star. The details are nor Motor trucks in use on the Maine the Philippines and would have re­ Mrs. Kershaw, a recent arrival iu. not have happened. Mrs. Selina WANTED—Small farm, not over 15 acres, town, and a member of a New York at hand, hut Capt. Carter was one of Blair tries to break up the fun but SPECIAL ON CANNED GOODS THIS WEEK highway system are predominantly Rockland or Camden preferred, good Boll, turned to tlie linked States in March of the smaller capacities. The per­ buildings in good repair, price reasonable, or April The Carter family made Chapter. 20 persons killed in a railroad acci­ “nothing doing." Miss Martha is a near car line. Address FARM, care Cou­ “Gold Madness’* is the title of delightful character. Alice enter­ Tomatoes, No. 3 can, extra quality, can 15c; 2 cans 25c centage of 5-ton and larger capacity rier-Gazette 16-27 their home in Thomaston for several dent in the Philippines, not far from trucks using the highways Is negli­ years and moved from here to Brook­ James Oliver Curwood’s gripping, in­ Corregidor. tains the “bunch” and is wejl repaid, tense, dramatic screen version of The Dr. and Mrs. Gramlon form a charm­ Can Peas, tender, sweet, 2 cans...... 25c gible; practically all of the move­ For Sale lyn. In 1907 he married a Thomas­ In to Postmaster Mac- ment consists of one-half to two and ton woman. Miss Martha J. McPhail story “The Man From Ten Strike,” Phail’s cablegram it was learned that ing background for an evening of Com, Fancy Maine Yellow, can .... 17c; 3 cans .... 50c to he shown Friday night at Watts one-half ton trucks. The dally vol­ FOR SALE—Horse, & years old. ^Weight who, with their daughter of about 16 Mrs. Carter and her daughter Mary wholesome amusement. And - last, hall. The leading artist is Guy Bates String Beans, Maine pack, can...... 10c ume of truck units and tonnage per 900. Wit! >wap for milking cow. ROBERT years, was with him on the island. were not seriously injured. Mrs. the arch funmaker, Christinq, the PEARSON, Clark Lslund. Me. 25*27 Post, and the cast includes Cleo Swedish maid. Il' she knew how fun­ Pumpkin and Squash, 2 cans...... 25c mile is an excellent' index of the traf­ It is expected that Captain Carter's Carter was a teacher in the Philip­ fic requirements and type of con­ FOR SALE—Thoroughbred collie pups, son, Mitchell Lewis, Grace Didtnohd pines, and with her husband was soon ny ehe was. she wouldn’t believe it remains will be brought home. Apples, new pack, just in, can .... 15c; 2 cans .... 25c struction necessary on a highway. beautifully marked red and white, splendid and a score of well known screen to sail for this country—Capt. Carter She is “stuck on the movies,’’ hut for cattle and i»ets Price $5 for males here. Mrs. Olive Dolham, 91 years old, One of the principal motor truck­ people. The usual News and Fable having been granted four months’ Ray declared “that for pulling funny Peaches, Del Monte brand, we think as good as any peach FRANK WATTS, Union, Star Route. fell to the floor in her home Tuesday, ing highways was found to be from ______25*30 reels go to make up a program of leave of absence. stunts. Christina has Charlie Chap striking upon her face, bruising it in a can, per can...... 25c Thomaston to Camden. merit. Capt. Carter was an intimate lin beaten forty wavs." The play is FOR SALE—Power lx>a-t ’’Eaglet,’’ of Eagle quite badly. The general usage of motor trucks Island, 24 feet long, very bulky. 12 1A jv. friend of EEdward Gonia of this city being rehearsed daily under tht* di­ We have a cheaper Peach, tender and sweet, regular Mis.s Emily Pease spent a few days on the principal traffic routes indi­ 4 eye’e Lamb motor. $300. ERLAND Place your orders early. Good and it nvas1 through the latter’s in- rection of Miss Cox and Principal QUINN. Eagle, Maine. 25-36 at home recently. , price 28c; per can...... 20c cates a need for improvement of a Service. Good quality. Thomaston fluence that he entered the army mine j Hale Two big vaudeville acts will FOR SALE—All kinds of hard wodd at rea­ Miss Letitia Creighton is visiting type adequate to provide service for her cousin. Miss Hilda George, in Ice Co. Tel. 122-2. 25-Th-31 planting service five years ago. He , a^so he presented between the acts, Campbell’s Tomato Soup, can .... 10c; 3 cans .... 25c sonable price*. MIKKO LOFMAN. K. F D . had worked his way steadily upward which aloe will he worth the pribe-of Splendid Brand Mince Meat, can...... 25c traffic. The fact that the highway City Tel 263-11.______24<9 Santa Fe, X. M. between Bath and Waldoboro Is a FOR SALE—A 6-h. p gasoline engine, Report has it that some Thomaston Ellston Luce is prepared to do all and had become master of the U. S. admission. Tickets will he on sale I ...... by the students of the school. gravel type may he largely respon­ mounted with saw. table and belt Ready for people who are in Miami are finding kinds of electrical work, prompt S. Baird. Prior to joining the army Maine Maid Mmce Meat, can...... 29c use WALTER BENNER. Rockland. R F. D. service and prices right.—adv 18-tf mine planting service he was master Harold Graffam ’26 has again re­ sible for the small amount of daily Tel 60t«-M______24-29 the temperature. 85 degrees, too hot Maine Maid Mince Meat, small cans, 2 cans...... 25c truck traffic on this route. The traf­ of a towboat In New York harbor. turned to the basketball squad after FOR SALE—Two pool tables, cues, balls, and will soon leave for hon e. fic importance to motor truck trans- A number of representatives of the being out for several weeks with a Pineapple, Sliced, extra good, can . .35c; 3 cans . .$1.00 chairs and stove, in AI condition. Price NORTH BURKETTVILLE broken collaT bone. The team is put­ portafion is even greater than in the r.ght. Inquire of E N. FBBHCOTT or II. J. B. Pearson Co. are in town, among CAMDEN Evaporated Milk (tall) can...... 10c; 3 cans...... 28c case of passenger car traffic. I c- FOND. Union. Me 24-36 them Mr Gleason, who has a large ting in some hard practice in prepa­ ration for the final game with Rock­ Grape Fruit, can ...... 25c FOR SALE—Farm, 10 acres more or less, interest and Roger Tenney who is Mrs. Marion Robbins is at home Dr. W. L. Conley. Raymond Conley, land on March 4th. good house, ell connected with barn and well known here. An insurance ad­ from Union. Asparagus Tips, can...... 35c; 3 cans...... $1.00 Eggs and Chicks shed: also butcher shop and hen houses; T. J. French. O. P. Brown and Ar­ juster is here also. The Courier- Irving Turner who has employment all painted in good shape and very handy. thur Wagner enjoyed a fishing trip Salmon, Alaska Red, can ...... 25c Cut H-9-« 15»2»-79 road. Nice neighborhood. Beta Apha Club will be in charge Inquire of GEORGE M. SLMMONB. Rockland. Mary Fish, has returned to her home Knickerbocker of Rockland. evening anil both old anil young are Oranges, sweet and juicy, 18 for...... 25c of the Parent-Teacher Associate FARM HOUSE—Two story double tene­ .in Belfast. Mrs. Mary Winslow and Miss Helen urged to attend and help the good Miscellaneous ment house In y the Illness of her Lean Pork Ends, pound...... 10c pick up your battery, leave a loan and de­ Thoma ton. 25*27 daughter Evie., who is receiving treat liver youni back to you fully charged ternoon in Pillsbury's dry goods store Honeycomb Tripe, 2 pounds...... 25c HOUSE SHERMAN. INC. Rockland. Tel. FOR SALE—Farms, cottages, summer prop­ at 2 p. m. Cooked food of all kinds ment in the Central Maine Hokpltal. 21-M. Exide Service Station. 12-tf erties. hotels, stores, real estate of every de­ Mik. Lilia Anthony spent the week­ scription. ORRIN J. DICKEY. Belfast, Me. and candy will be on sale. HANLEY’S Fancy Creamery Butter, pound...... 49c MACHINE HEMSTITCHING, picot edge ______20-31 Gen. Knox Chapter, I). A. R„ will end in Rockland and Rockport. Gem Nut Butterine, pound...... 25c covered buttons, plaiting. PHYLLIS TOL­ hold their regular meeting March 2 The ice business is nearly over. A MAN MORSE. 359 Main 8t. Tai. M8-M. FOR SALE—House lot of Capt James Sta­ large quantity has lieen stored in the 1-tf ples. Chestnut street. Telephone MARTIN at the home of Mrs. Nan B. Higgs in FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS Cheese, Full Cream, pound...... 30c BILLINGS, 161-J 29*25 new house. This business has made TRUCKING. MOVING ANO ERRANDS Rockland. Supper will he served at work for a large number of men. dona promptly. Go anywhere. C. 0. HAR w-MpR, —Radio sets, at a great bargain 6 o'clock. Members will please take ADEN. Tel. 156-M or 629-J 1-tf Wallace Thompson and Ralph Sim­ Grape Fruit, 3 for...... 25c will demonstrate any night. C. M. (OOri, dishes. The chapter are making 11 Tillson avenue. 20*25 ] Fresh, per dlozen...... mons have returned home after Apples, peck ...... 35c go plans to restore “The Old Church on EG( spending several weeks in Massachu­ the Rockland Hair Store, SI'S Main St Mall » FOR SALE—Plenty of nice English hav. s-1 orders solicited. HELEN C. KH0UE8 The Hill" und will be glad to hear Price $9.?«9 a ton. JAMES H. HFMONTON, setts and Connecticut. Potatoes, peck...... 30c; bushel...... $1.00 1-tf from any interested citizens | West Rockport. 19-tr • • * * Carlos Davis left recently for Bris­ Turnips, lb. . .2c; bushel . ,90c. Onions, 6 pounds . .25c SNOWMAN. TEL. S72-R don all kinds of FOR SALE—Second hand—3 upright pi­ BEST TOP ROUND, lb...... 38c Trackln« .Ad Mavint - v ll»tf ? AFQ tol, Conn., where he will join Mrs. anos. 1 Brunswick cabinet machine, 1 Edi­ Washington's birthday was fitting­ Davis anil little son William who Cranberries, quart...... 18c; 2 quarts 35c son cabinet machine, 2 mandolins, 1 banjo, ly observed by Gen. Knox Chapter. STI BEST QUALITY RUMP, lb. 45c j/lRO V. F. STUDLEY, Inc., Music Department. have lieen spending the winter with To Let D. A. R.. with a Colonial Tea at the relatives. Splendid Brand Coffee, fresh ground, pound...... 45c ______18 tf line old home of Mis. John E Walk­ A crew of electricians are wiring TO LET—Furnished tenement at 47 North I FOR SALE—Dry hard fitted wood delivered er. Tlie guests upon arrival were SUGAR, 14 pounds ...... $1.00 Main street, all modem. Apply to FLOYD $15 cord CHARLES HELIX. Rockville, the new house being built by Mr. L. BHAW, Tel 422-12 25tf Tel. 352-21. ______13-24 ushered in by Nellie Cttstis. imper­ Craven of Boston. Formosa Oolong Tea, pound ... 35c; 3 pounds ... $1.00 sonated by little Elizabeth Creighton TO LET—Furnished front room, all mod­ FOR SALE-^Player Plabo Q. R. S. muak DAIRY, lb...... ! 50c Miss Celia Cliudwiek has hired one rolls, wide range of choice. While they last J Cocoa, pound...... 10c; 3 pounds ..... - •.»i ern conveniences at 39 GROVE STREET. who was winning as tlie daughter of 25c [\ CREAMERY, lb...... 1 of the tenements owned by Mr. Trus- Tel. 182-3. 25-30 only 25 conts each. V. F. STUDLEY, INC., Martini Washington. Tlie program BU’hei 52c sell. | Music Department. 9-tf TO LET—Two modern tints. C. M. BLAKE was opened by the introduction of Rev. William Brewster of Rockland Beans, Yellow Eye, qt...... 22c. Pea Beans, qt .... 2 W’A.LLJ*AJ’ER STORE, Tel. 44ftM. FOR SALE—Double tenement house at 5 the distinguished guests of tlie oc­ Lisle Rt. Apply to MRS F H. SANBORN, 5 >2c preached in the A. E. church Sunday TO LET—In the new Laurie Annex—1 room 8

In addition to personal notes recording de­ World’s Islands—May Be VALUES SUPREME partures and arrivals, this departure es­ pecially desires Information of social hap­ Petroleum Source. penings, parties, musicals, etc. Notes sent , FOR THIS WEEK ONLY by utall or telephone will he gladly received. The world’s latest possibility as a TELEPHONE ...... 778 source of petroleum Is Madagascar AS A SPECIAL CONSIDERATION TO SHOPPERS DURING COMMU- where geological experts have re­ Cards have been received here an­ NITY FAIR WEEK THE STONINGTON FURNITURE CO. IS MAKING nouncing the marriage ot Miss Mar­ cently found promising indications. ion Ixiulse Hamblin to Hubert Don­ That this island, not so often heard AN EXTRAORDINARY PRICE ON THE MERCHANDISE LISTED BE- ohue Donovan which took place in of as Morocco or Algeria or Indo­ New York Feb. 6. Tlie bride was for- I china. deserves to be considered LOW. VALUES SUPREME. merly assistant matron of Knox ' with them as an important French Hospital. domain is indicated by a bulletin "Quo Vadis” with Kitty McLaugh­ from the Washington, D. C., head­ lin is nt the Apollo Theatre, New quarters of the National (geographic York for an indefinite run. Miss Mc­ Society. Laughlin sings a French aria from i Fuller-Cobb-Davis I • ’^Madagascar, lying in the Indian the opera Quo Vadis by Nouges. | Ocean, Is sufficiently far away from Efrem Zimbalist, the world famous Europe and America to be dismissed violinist appeared opening night and j as a somewhat sizable hut isolated played us usual to capacity audience, i 11 * island," says the buRetin "But on TUESDAY, MARCH IHE THIRD, 1925 the score of size it is a case of ’the Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Glover leave to- tail wagging the dog.’ This third mofrow on a Southern trip in the largest of the world’s islands (leav­ course of which they will visit Mr. WILL BE OUR ing polar land masses out of consid­ t and Mrs. Fred W. Glover in Char­ eration) Is larger than France by lotte, 'N. C. and attend the inaugura­ some 15,000 square miles. tion ceremonies in Washington. Would Block All U. S. Seaboard THIRTY-SECOND ANNIVERSARY. ’If. Instead of being situated off Mrs. Evie ClarX and Miss Ruby the southeast coast of’Africa, Mad­ Thotndike were admitted to member­ in our present shop agascar lay off the southeast coast ship jit the last meeting of the Wo- of the United Slates it would be man's Educational Club. easily understood why the island AS IN PREVIOUS YEARS WE WILL HOLD OUR haR been referred to as ‘virtually a Elbridge Orbeton lias returned little continent.’ If one end of the from Manchester, N. H., where he island lay in the Atlantic opi«isite has been spending the winter. Mrs the northern point of Florida, the Orbeton, who has been quite ill with other end 4-otijd touch Nova Scotia, an abscess in her throat, returns la­ blocking practically the entire At­ Heavy Brass Beds—all sizes...... $15*50 ter. lantic coast of the United States. And if the outer side of the island A delightful party was given Mon­ touched Bermuda the land would ex­ This includes extra heavy fullers, satin ribbon finish, 4 ft. 6 in., 4 ft., 3 ft. 6 in tend westward more than half way day evening at the home of Miss and 3-ft sizes Phyllis Dyer. Those present were 1 on this day to Cape Hatteras. Misses Carrie and Olive Bragg, Doris “This imaginary position in the Daggett, Beulah x Richards, Lillian Following our custom we allow a ten per cent discount on all Atlantic would not place Madagas­ HERE IS THE FINEST MATTRESS VALUE OFFERED IN KNOX Dean, Doris Grover, Jane Crouse, car in proper (elation to the Equa­ Blanche Rogers, Frances Lunt, Vir­ merchandise with the exception of a few articles of restricted prices. tor. It is a tropical island. If COUNTY IN YEARS ginia Bisbee. Ark ne Chaples, Phyl­ pta7 yg riett Grover. A cross-word puzzle position in the southern hemisphere, game was played and prizes were and adjoining towns we wish to say that it is to introduce NEW 'MER­ It Would extend from the latitude of Guaranteed Mattress, 4 ft. and 4 ft. 6 in., at...... * awarded to Harriet Grover and Doris CHANDISE for the Spring season from every department in our shop. southern Florida across the West Daggett. Indies and the Caribbean Sea to the northern coast of South America. This proposition is in a handsome colored Tick, full rolled edge 1 C *7 C Because Madagascar is in the of finest workmanship, 3 ft. 6 in. and 3 ft...... * Mrs. Virgie F. Studley of Brookline We will present the finest and biggest assortment of advanced Trotdcs its low coast lands are hot is in Hie city attending Community and malarial. The greater part of Fair, Her Pekinese will lie exhibited models in our ready-to-wear departments that we have ever before had Its area, however, is a plateau in this afternoon’s dog show. Springs in all sizes...... 4.75 the pleasure to exhibit. We began early to make our selections. We which arises several thousand fet-t above sea level and furnishes a There will he a hoard meeting of know you will appreciate the ten per cent discount on all the things temperate climate well suited to the A Community Fair Super-Special—Fine Floor Covering—felt base, O g the Rubinstein Club at the home of needs of Europeans. its president, this afternoon at 3 you purchase on this day. *Paid purchases, charges and orders will Malay Blood In Natives handsome patterns only; per yard ...... o'clock. Miss Ruth Thomas, assisted by Miss Margaret Harrington will all receive the same consideration and attention. ‘The Malagasies, as the natives of give the recital program at the Con­ Madagascar are called, are of mixed Come in and see these Supremely Worth While Values and make yourself at gregational church Friday afternoon blood, and Africa hus not contrib­ home in our Big Store at 2.30. Each member of the Rubin­ We solicit the patronage of all new comers to our city and uted to the extent that might be in­ r ■■■■■■■ ■■■ — —...... i ■■■■■■■■■...... p stein Club may invite one guest. ferred from the island’s nearness to. neighboring towns, and trust we have the confidence of all our old that continent. The dominant strain Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Merrifield are patrons and that they will be here as usual on the THIRTY-SECOND seems to have come from the East. Stonington Furniture Co. in New York this week on a business Soipe members of the leading tribes trip. ANNIVERSARY of our “RED LETTER DAY” SALE. of Qie central plateau might Tilmost L MARCUS, Prop. be mistaken for Malays. In other tribes there is a mixture of negro Mrs. Melvin E. |Vuod and son Don­ 313-319 Main St Rockland. Tel. 745-J Arab und even East Indian blood. ald of Belfast are guests of Mrs. MAILORDERS CAREFULLY FILLED FREE DELIVERY Many of the Malagasies have reached Wood’s patents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert TUESDAY. MARCH THE THIRD, 1925 a considerable degree of civilization L. Oxton, Camden street. largely due to external influences L MAIL' AND TELEPHONE ORDERS FILLED First Impulses were 'contributed at a A surprise party was given at the very early date by Arabs; and ever Kasha and kasha type fabrics lead REBUILDING AT MACK’S POINT home of Capt. Everett L. Thompson since 1500, when the island was lirst THE SPRING’S MODE among the cloth models, with otto­ Tuesday night in honor of the birth­ sighted hyEuropean/, there have man, bengallne and satin very strong Work on the new thousand-foot day of Leroy E. Cook. The decora­ been contacts with Portuguese. As Set Forth In Silhouette, in dressy models. Many bordered Bangor and Aroostook pier to be tions were in red and orange. Sup­ Fuller-Cobb-Davis Dutch, French and British, of the fabrics are seen. constructed at Mack's Point this per was served to 12 with this menu: three and a half million inhabitants Details Color and Fabric. Furs are featured on coats, for summer has begun in earnest with Scallop stew, pickles, crackers, cake, of Madagascar, half a million are small collars and wide hem hands. the arrival in town of assistant en­ hot chocolate, punch, candy, fruit and rated a.s Christians. Two silhouettes practically cover Ensemble Suit Flourishes gineer. Ralph L. Hackett and an en­ smokes for the men. Those present the mode for spring and summer. gineering force of six men. This Since the French declared a pro­ In suits, the ensemble is flourish­ were Capt. Everett L. Thompson, Mrs. MISS CAROLYN PERRY tectorate over Madagascar in 1896 One is of entirely of straight lines. crew expects to lie busy for a mom a Ethel Burns, daughter" June and son THOMASTON WINS THRILLER ing as much as ever, consisting of and luter made It a colony, they have The other is a combination of two- or more locating the huge pier, ar.d William, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Charles dress and coat more often than ot Seldom has such universal sympa­ built a railway from Tamatave. thirds straight and one-third flared, talking a complete set of soundings E. Colomy. Mrs. Myra Gross, Edw. idouse, skirt and eoat. thy been afoused. as that which* at­ chief port, on the eastern coast, to the Hared third either at the bottom on both the Mack's Point and Sears Capmen, Miss Abbie Carter, Mrs. Ag­ Dresses of ensemble are mostly But Rockland High Gave the Crowd Its Money’s Worth Antananarivo, the capital, near the of the dress or bottom of the tunic. Island sides of Ihe entrance to Long nes Moulden. Mrs. Della Peasley and tended the illness of Miss Carolyn short sleeved and the coats an inch center of the island. More than 1500 Tbe straight-line silhouette in­ Cove. son Leroy, Miss Clara Moulden and Perry, and her death at the hospital and Is Still In the Pennant Race. or two shorter than the dress. miles of highways have been con­ cludes all the straight one-piece Leroy Cook. The evening was spent There Is infinite variety in fabric late yesterday afternoon brought sor­ structed. Huge areas of the islands dresses and most of the new two- with music and jollity. Mr. Cook piece dresses. combinations for ensemble costumes. 1 have noted a very marked im­ row wherever- the sad case was are without roads, however, and con­ Evening ensembles are seen, es­ provement wherever I have been as blew out the 28 candles on his birth­ Rockland. High dropped into third The flared silhouette has several known. it was tough luck for the gallant siderable regions are virtually unex­ pecially in chiffon, such as a chiffon to sobriety, industry and better citi­ day cake. Rockland youngsters to lose. variations; flared front with flat The deceased was oldest place as the result of its defeat last plored. Many of the people of the dance dress with a chiffon cape to zenship.—George F. Milton, editor the The score: back; flared sides with flat front and night but still has a chance of tying hack country are pagans and many match. a Chattanooga News. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford O- Thomaston High back; flared all around. At the D. A. R. meeting next Mon­ Rockport in the penant race. This primitive customs exist among them day a'lernoon at Mrs. Grace Black’s, Per-y, and would have graduated * Goals Fouls Pts Flares are achieved toy inset god- Details of Line and Trim could be done only by dodging the Turn Pest* into Food ets or toy set-in selections cut-cir­ Middle street, the members are re­ from Rockland High Schoo', the com­ Feehan, rf...... -..... 4 o Surplice closings are featured for quested to reply to the roll call items Jinx and winning all three of its Condon, if ...... 4 0 "Madagascar is surpassed by few cular or cut straight and gathered. ing June. Her career as a student lands us a cattle country. There are Sheath types are pronounced. the season. regarding Washington or Lincoln. remaining games. On the other Elliot, c ...... 0 0 Boleros, real or simulated, have there was supplemented by marked nearly eight million heud of cattle, Tunics, real and simulated are excellence as a girl athlete. She irafton, rg ...... 0 0 moderate representation. hand it would he impossible for more than two for every human in­ continued. CANDY Ruth Mayhew Tent wiil have a Hall, ig...... 2 1 was a member of the basketball Thomaston or Lincoln Academy to habitant. Thousands of wild cattle Waist lines are non-existent or Cape bucks have returned to Circle supper next Monday at G squad four years, and played on the favor, especially In relation to even­ tie Rockport, unless Rockland wins .10 1 21 roam the plains and forests, and placed low on hip. The Empire line Specials For o'clock with regular meeting at 7.30. varsity team the last three—a dis­ from Rockport March 4. The stand­ hunting them is the great 'Madagas­ is expressed in trimming only and ing gowns. tinction which is better understood Rockland High Wing draperies for afterigmn and ing: Goals Fouls Pts can sport. The chief j^egetuble reserved for evening. FRIDAY The Wawenock and Tarratine Clubs when it it known that in all three of Won Lost P. C. staple Is rice. > Skirts are short. The length Is evening dress are in again. those years the girls’ team of Rock­ Flanagan, rf ...... 0 0 Jabots are very strong. They ap­ were entertained Washington’s Birth­ Rockport H4gh 714 Bird, rf ...... 1 0 "Production already exceeds con­ regulated not by inches, but by the land High School has been a claim­ pear impartially on bodice, skirt and AND SATURDAY day by Judge and Mrs. L. R. Camp­ Thomaston High .571 Trafton, if ...... 0 0 sumption, and the island could be­ style of garment and the proportions bell, at their home on Qranitc street. ant to Che State championship. This Lincoln Academy .500 come one of the great rice exporting of individual figures. sleeve. year she was serving as cai>ta!n of Merchant, if ...... 1 0 Yokes qre featured for daytime A picnic supper, followed hy an even Rockland High .400 Greene, c ...... 8 1 regions of the world. Rut this is only Sleeves are long, short, or not at Freshly Salted Peanuts ing of story telling, and games, proved the team, brilliant In play and in­ Camden High .200 a beginning. Almost every tropical all. Long sleeves are mostly arm- nnd evening dress. Murphy, rg ...... 0 l Aprons arc continued, nnd so are lb...... 30c very enjoyable. The decorations spirational as a leader. product, elsewhere valuable, flourish­ fitting; a good proportion follow Two weeks ago she became vio­ Maxey, lg ...... 0 1 were appropriate to the occasion and es. together with many temperate peasant lines; a few are widened or tiers. lently III, and was removed to a Thomaston 21, Rockland 19 Scallops and saw-tooth edges are Peanut Brittle, lb. ... 30c many unique as well as antique cos­ zone products* There are rubber, flared at wrist. hospital, where the attending physi­ Thomaston High nosed out Rock­ 8 3 19 prominent finishes, often associated tumes were in evidence. Mr. and coffee, tea, vanilla, cacao, sugar, silk All neck lines are used the pointed cians speedly saw that the case was land High last night in the closing Score: Thomaston High 21, Rock­ with tiered effects. T Special Chocolates, lb. 36c Mrs. L. F. Chase were guests of worms, silk spiders, tobacco, raffia, neck being the most prominent. practically a hopeless one. A spe­ moments of the most thrilling land High 18. Referee. Glidden of Pleatings are in, especially box honor. cabinet woods, bananas, and a long High collars are in vogue. cialist was summoned from Port­ basketball contest that has yet .been Damariscotta. Timers, Wotton and pi-eats. Old Fashioned Choco­ list of tropical fruits and vegetables. Cravats tied around the neck, giv­ land. but he could only confirm the seen in the Knox and Lincoln Libby. Scorers, Benson and Ac’u.irn More belts are seen on dresses, tbe Hides and preserved meats are im­ ing the high-collar effect, are espe­ lates, lb...... 35c diagnosis which had been made by League. The game was played in wide leather belt. In particular, and WITH THE MOVIE STARS the Thomaston High School gym­ portant exports. cially stressed. the staff of Knox Hospital, and ex­ ■Belfast High and Rockport High leather trimmings ate pronounced. —AT— press the opinion that the end of nasium and was watched toy a big Eat Spiders and Silk Worms Coat Dress lor Day or Evening Fringes are Important, new styles Marjorie Daw. motion picture crowd of loyal home fans, who must will meet on the Rockport surface the struggle would come within a tomorrow night. Belfast Is general­ "One fly in the Madagascan oint­ The eoat type or "ensemble” dress being developed from fnhriqg, slash­ actress, has returned from New limited numlier of days. And thus have been swept by mingled ment is the existence of hordes of in two pieces, consisting of dress and ed into ribbons or made into tubes. CHISHOLM BROS. emotions as they saw Coach Sturte­ ly credited with having one of the York, with the announced purpose passes one for whom life held so locusts. Myriads of them settle in contrasting underdress, is featured Silk and feather fringes are contin­ of filing a divorce suit in Los An vant’s men crumble under Rock­ liest teams in the State. And every­ much promise: endeared to all who body knows Riat Rockport is “not certain regions nnd destroy all crops for daytime and evening wear. It ued. geles against her husband. Eddie knew her by an extremely loyal land’s fierce attack in that third and foliage. But such a visitation is usually characterized by the over­ Embroideries in silk, wool and period only to emerge triumphant in so worse,” to use a slang phrase. Sutherland. “We simply could not and affectionate disposition. She never means a famine in Madagascar. dress meeting at the front without metal, -lu-ad embroideries, velvet rib­ the last few seconds of play. • • « • get along," she explained. I da not was a member of the Vniversalist With an ability to make the best of overlapping. bons, cretonnes, npplique, pearls, The girls’ game did not take place, think he will contest the suit." Young People’s I’nion, and there, as Sixty High and Preparatory schools a bad bargain that almost amounts 7’rinted chiffons bring a new type rhinestones, even mirrors, are trim­ Opposite Waiting Room • « * * out of respect to their beloved leader, elsewhere, was a most devoted of Maine have received Invitations to genius, the Malagasy ’harvests' of dress to the foreground, adapted ming details emphasized. ROCKLAND,...... MAINE Carolyn Perry, whose death took Gloria Swanson, the film star who worker. from Prof Kent of the University of the crop of locusts, eats what he to morning, afternoon and evening place two hours before the contest Striped Fabrics Are Best underwent an operation in Paris Miss Perry is survived hy her Maine to send their season basket needs, and dries the rest for use ns wear, according to style of design, week ago was said fo be improving was scheduled to begin. It had al­ parents, and brother, Raymond; and ball records to Orono if they Wish to future food. Dried locusts are a food the models usually self trimmed. Kasha nnd kasha type fabrics have Tuesday. The doctors do not yet ready been cancelled, however, as one sister. Evelyn. enter th# Interscholastic tournament staple, like the northerners dritfl Pastel chiffons, mostly untrirngned a leading place in dresses, coats and consider her out of danger. Her her team-mates had no heart to play The funeral services will he held to be held in Orono March 12-18-14 fish, sold in every market and ‘put or self decorated, arq a distinct note suits, including natural kashas and husband, the Marquis de la Fa’.aise while her condition remained so Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the A closer distinction is to be made up' by every careful housewife in evening wear for spring and sum­ combinations of plain and plaid. da la Coudray is in constant attend­ critical. Acting under instructions Congregational church. between High and Preparatory- "There is a fat spider of which the mer. ♦ rllies are excellent, especially DO IT NOW! ance at her bedside. from Coach Jones, the Rockland stu­ schools this year than ever before. The lace dress and the lace trim­ awning stripes, in kasha a-nd crepe. • • • * dents last night refrained from giv­ Malagasy is also very fond, and he THE MODEL riOOM Only those schools which maintain even eats silk worms with relish. med dress are prominent. Laces are Plaids and checks are good. Doris Kenyon, was taken from ing the school yell, and when Thom dormitories can be classified as One white traveler who journeyed in gold, silver, black, white, ecru and Alpacas are expected to take a This is the proper time studio to a New York hospital and The Old State House, Boston. Masoaehuootto. aston’e cheers swept across the hall preparatory schools. into the Madagascan back country pastel colors. firm place later. Satin is Important, operated upon for appendicitis. The they met with no response. The sit • • « • Yon ased Boston House of State In a chair borne hy carriers, asserts The two-piece dress, after the the new blonde shade imrtlcularly. to do your interior decorat­ . operation was reported successful Contains the chronicles of Fate tuition might not have- been under­ The High School Midgets played style introduced by Chanel and Lan­ Crepes arc tremendously prominent, Miss Kenyon, about to start a new V logged by salty .-xanteii Iwsta. stood there, hut it was a most that one of the most delicious of the ing and varnishing. The Him come from Davy tones as ghosts. In Warren Tuesday night, und de vin. lias received marked recogni­ crepe de Chine, flat crepe and similar picture fell ill a week ago and re­ thoughtful act upon the part of the native dishes is a stew consisting of To Mover o’er each model ship fcated the varsity team of that town locusts, spiders, worms, rice, fish and tion. This consists In hip-length weaves. Printed silks are likely to painters are not particular­ tired to her home. She believed As colorful as stoops that dip coach and will lie commended by 20 to 4. Wlggin, Libby and J. Flan suet.’’ blouse and separate skirt. Many lie more popular than ever, with herself recovered and reported Their skyMue nets off Brittany. every Rockland fan. . • • ' ' ' - ■ s’. agan particularly distinguished variations are noted, mostly in printed chiffons important in high ly b usy and the time is ripe. at her studios but was taken vio­ With sails as light as butterflies The visitors were hopelessly out­ themselves. I-a rge oaks from little sports types. style items. lently ill while in her dressing toon played in the first half, at the end of NICHOLSON TO PRESIDE That beat tbe azure summer sklep. achorns grow, so watch the Midgets Coat Silhouette* Are Distinct We carry a full line of Kach halyard, Imwltae, sheet and fine which the score stood 11 to 2 in • • • • Pastel Shades Emphasized Recalls tiie Pounders of the Brine; Bishop Thomas Nicholson, who is In eoats the two silhouettes arc Thomaston’s favor. In colors, pastel shades are em­ SHIPBUILDING INCREASES The blunt old India merchantmen It is not unlikely that there will be distinctly defined, a group of straight Paints, Varnishes, and all Whose crews hove to at day-end. when The Rockland team came back in to preside at the next Methodist con­ phasized. Including flesh or chair, a third game between Rockland High coats on the one hand and flared The skyships of the vaulted night the third period a veritable whirl­ ference in Augusta, April 22-26. was yellow, orchid, green, pink and blue. Paint Equ/.pment and Ac­ •Shipbuilding in the I’niled Stales Each hung a twinkling riding light. and Thomaston High. There is wind and scored 15 points while the styles on the other. White will be good also. 5t on a slightly more active basis Forgetting alt their crazy schemes protest pending as to the flt-St game at one time a resident! of Chicago The front fullness and flat back cessories, To sail tlie pleasant sea of dreams. home team was making but two Black is less pronounced, more i February than in January. The with a possibility that it may be re where he showed great administra­ type 1s pronounced in coats. lmmerce department reports that "History is repeating itself,” re­ played. Failing in that a challenge color being employed throughout. And clippers, fast as Flying Cloud, The tailored coat, with notch or marked a Thomaston fan, but he did wilt probably be issued by Rockland tive wisdom and energy. He went Bright red is stressed. so tipyards, during tlie first pf the Willi memories hanging from earli shroud, shawl collar, double breasted closing resent month, had contracts to Wth yarns of Thomas and MacKay. not know, and nobody else knew, that Coach Jones is naturally disappointed to Detroit last May. Before being The reddish browns or brownish and mannish coat sleeve, is promi­ uild for private ship owners 165 True craftsmen, honored yesterday, Feehan would tie the score with at the loss of two games by such close made a bishop he was secretary of reds are prominent. DON’T DELAY Whose iimdeis challenge men unborn nently featured. .eel vessels aggregating 183,372 To dare to die to tumid Life's Horn. some of his famous long-distance scores, but is satisfied that the boy’ the Board of Education and as such Dark blue in navy or midnight ross tons, while the contracts which shots, and that Hall, with only a did their level best to win in two up revealed a broad comprehensiveness A semi-tailored style has the above shade is good. lilpyards held January 1 called for Each black-gunned frigate, blind to fear, minute to go. would make another hill contests. in gruaping the facts of liis import­ severe features for the upper part of Beige holds its important position, ROCKLAND Each sloop of war und privateer, • instruction of 161 steel vessels of Once filled with plunder, gold or alare. and win the game. Thatls what ant work and great skill and effi­ the garment-, with a deep bund of with wood and shell browns continu­ 77,166 gross tons. Wooden ships on Was hell afloat, yet olwuya brave happened in the last perlod—tlfe Barber: Sonny, htlw do you want ciency in carrying it oil. He is jt fur on the bottom, or a pleated or ing strong. rder February 1 numbered 14, of I low with prayer and bated treaty climax of a great contest for which your hair cut? tireless worker, a strong, convincing flared finish, that makes the garment Gray is sponsored by leading HARDWARE CO. ,223 gross tons, against 13 of 6,303 Before these hulks onee deep In death Thomaston High is entitled to full Sonny: With a hole In the tpp like speaker and a kind und brotherly below the waist line seem inconsist­ Harry Elmore Hurd. houses and is a high style note.—Dry- ROCKLAND ross tons on January 1. Haverlilll, Maaa. i credit, while nobody will deny that Daddy’s. man. ent with the tailored style above. Goods Economist. Page Eight Rockland Courier-Gazette, Thursday, February 26, 1925. Every-Other-Day F IF YOU ARE THIN, THE COUNTY TAX WITH THE BOWLERS . PALE, ANEMIC, State Assessors Submit Fig­ Members of City League Children A Series of Letters z WORNOUT ures Upon Which It Will Prove Their Mettle At a to Local People Be Based. Chicken Supper.

Clerk of Courts Gridin has re­ There was an unannounced parade ceived from the State assessors the valuation placed by them u|>on Knox on Main street- early Tuesday even­ County towna and islands and upon ing when 22 men formed at the Star thes figures will the based the coun- howling alley and marened to the To the Automobile Owner ty tax assessment for the present Nutshell Restaurant to .partake of year and 1926. The list follows: the City Bowling League’s annual Tow n rolls Estates banquet. Who Gives Away “Free Rides” Appleton 179 $ 276.314 To team No. 4. commanded by Camden. 1049 3.644.909 Captain Harold Thomas, belonged the Cushing, 131 171.284 season’s honors, but every man wore Friendship. 207 406.179 Castoria an air of victory, and there wasn’t Hope. 139 275.918 zzr a Gloomy Gus in the entire party. If OU may own a nice automobile, you may seldom use the Isle au H int. 38 12S.585 Speechmaking was taboo, but the North Haven, 126 589.052 MOTHERFletcher’s Cas­ happy bowlers grtve vent to their street car, but suppose the question was put to you, Shall Owl’s Bead. 142 301,994 toria is a pleasant, harmless Sub­ feelings by indulging in persiflage at Rockland, 2,622 6.958.276 the expense of each other while Jim this community do away with street car service?” Kuckixirt. 477 1 443.144 stitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Hanley’s popular waitresses were So. Thomaston, 132 193.345 Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, especially prepared for bringing on course after course of St. George, 602 652.083 the delicious chicken supper. Cap­ Your mind unconsciously would go back to the cold wintry Thomaston. 626 ' 1,312.597 Infants in arms and Children all ages. tain Harry Phillips appeared to be Union. 617.318 special target, but the shafts of days when you DID need the street car. 330 VinalhaVei;. 710 862 459 To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of ' satire were deflected from him in Warren, 472 7S3.94O Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it. much the same manner that water You need a tonic Washington, 179 286.287 rolls off a duck. Unquestionably nine loyal citizens out of ten would answer Criehaven, 22 29.062 John L. Thomas, who has con­ Matinicus, 54 47.160 ducted the Star alleys in such ad­ “NO.” DR. PIERCE’S i MEMORIES OF AN ACTtVE LIFE mirable manner the past season, had Totals 8.357 818.979,908 the seat of honor at the head of the Emphatically, too. table. Other special guests includ­ The State assessors tell us that GOLDEN MEDICAL ed representatives of the press and .here are 815 acres cf wild lands in (Continued from Page One) the classics; for a mastery over the pin boys. Those who sat at the Yet many times, no doubt in an entirely thoughtless manner, Knox county, valued at $12,705. and DISCOVERY language is one of the most valuable tables were: bringing the total value of estates in could show its heels to anything possessions that a man can have. Theodore E. Perry John L. you have dropped into the habit of doing something that is not only the county to $18,992,613- afloat, and when the Yankee trade will make you strong and We think in words, and with words Thomas. Harry D. Phillpis, John G. The wild lands are thus desig­ had nosed Its way into every port of we shape the thoughts of others; Sulivan, Frank H. Jacobs. Charles T. hurting us gravely but is tending to drive away street car service in your home bright. , nated: Andrews Island, (all of said the world. So it has always seemed words are coins that pass univer­ Daggett. Fred G- Howard. Charles E. island except the neck) 100 acres; Every druggist sells it in fluid natural to mo to have to do with sally current and the man who has Ranquist. Frederick Cuthbertson. this community. Andrews Island (part known as “The many words at his command is rich. or tablet form ships, and to buy and sell across the Frederick E. Peters. James A. Cobb. S5 ■.«•-: I tar Island, 3