WIJ WOS Programmflyer 060905
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wizards-of-os.org International Conference 14–16 September 2006 Columbia Hall and Columbia Club Berlin www.informatikjahr.de Wizards of OS 4 – Information Freedom Rules The year is 2006. 15 years after the launch of the WOS4 charts this open territory while it unfolds in GNU General Public Licence, ten years after John front of us. Perry Barlow declared the independence of cyber- space, and five years after Wikipedia was founded. The Wizards of OS with three conferences and Time for stock taking. Free protocols enable the several workshops has firmly established itself as Internet. Free software rules on the servers. The a place where the foundations of cultural creativity freedom movement in the sciences advances in big in the digital age are being debated internationally, steps. The free cooperative online encyclopedia interdisciplinarily and at high level. The fourth Wikipedia is well-established as a reference. And Wizards of OS under the title „Information every day more people are freely creating and sha- Freedom Rules" again wants to infect its partici- ring cultural expressions of all kinds. But what is pants with the radical spirit of freedom and creati- the freedom that we mean? Is freedom ruling or a vity, in talks, discussions and workshops present niche? What rules has freedom brought forth, the most impressive developments of the last two which does it require in order to become sustaina- years and entice its participants to collaborative ble? Is there an essence of freedom or is it gra- explorations of the possible. dual, composed of options as Creative Commons suggests? Is „freedom from“ more important or „freedom to“? Do only those have freedom who can afford it or those that have nothing left to lose? Can you make a living with free information? Can you sell free beer? 02 Funded by Table of Contents Intro 02 OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE & Soros FoundationsNetwork The Issues of WOS 4 04 Programmme 08 Panels 08 Workshops 19 Specials 27 Schedule 32 Locations 36 Media Partners www.zeit.de F A C H B U C H H A N D L U N G 03 The Issues of WOS4 labels of digital music. Copyright law protects the author subject and its „intellectual property“ as they were formulated in the 18th century. By con- trast, the media environment of the 21st century Authorship and Culture supports the remixing of existing works and an Freedom intellectual generosity und promiscuity. In appro- Thanks to the Digital Revolution priations, tropicalisations, hybrids and mashups culture is being made by all. the author does not disappear at all but as a point Flickr, YouTube and the Internet of crystallisation of reputation her role is being Archive prove it. Cultural configurations are shif- renegotiated – between personality rights and fre- ting fundamentally, from daily practices to whole edom of art, between wage labour of professionals biographies, from strategies of referring to cultu- and self-expression of all. ral heritage to new musical and visual genres. The effect is Brazil has taken on a special role of the nation of the most pronounced free culture. Through the „Pontos de Cultura“ hun- where from creation dreds of local cultural groups in the whole country to distribution and are brought into the digital age, thanks to recycled perception the hardware, free software and a network, in which work never they present their creations and learn from each leaves the other. Also in international fora Brazil promotes cul- digital tural diversity, access to knowledge and a more realm as equitable global knowledge order. The age of in the Wikipedia and Open Access in the sciences – and case of with it WOS4 – raises old questions in new ways: the net- Does quality arise through collectivity or competiti- 04 With friendly support by on, through free cooperation amoung basis free culture has emerged. equals or through expertocracy, Today’s clash of civilizations takes TransAtlantic Consumer through networks or hierarchies? place between Creative Commons Dialogue (TACD) supported by and creative industries. On the one the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Panels: Brazil, the Free Culture hand Digital Restrictions Wikimedia Deutschland e.V. Nation • The Read-Write Society • Net- Management (DRM) is used in an BEK – Bergen Center for labels: Niche, Long Tail, Blueprint • attempt to create scarcity in order to Electronic Arts, Norway Linux Art & Copyright • Quality Manage- generate a market. Individual creati- Information ment in Free Content vity turns into “intellectual property.” Culture turns into “content.” Systems AG sinma gmbh Stadtkultur Berlin Twist4 Medienlabor On the other hand there is creation Economy and from abundance. “Commons-based Infomation Labour peer production” is what Yale law scholar Yochai Benkler calls the Public domain and model that proved itself so powerfully commons know- in free software and in Wikipedia. ledge are prerequisites of innovation. Culture is exchange and reciprocal That much is clear. Free creative inspiration. What is technologically collaboration brings forth not only possible and a millionfold reality in new forms of artistic expression, but peer-to-peer networks cannot be rol- also welfare and therefore incentives led-back by law or technology. for authors and users. The means of Thereby the question becomes cen- production and distribution of infor- tral how money can be earned with mation are no longer scarce. On this free bits. 05 Is a market for cultural goods feasible without any copyright enforcement? The Nigerian film industry that has become the third largest behind Rules and Tools Hollywood and Bollywood seems to prove it. Added Rules of Freedom value through physical distribution on VHS tape or disc, or through performance and contract pro- Copyright law like never before gramming, voluntary and statutory arrangements plays a central role in the artistic by which users collectively remunerate authors and economic conditions of creative production. and performers, and arrangements by which users Since the turn of the millennium it has been adap- jointly buy a work for it to be free, are among the ted to the new digital environment. Did this adapta- models that will be discussed at WOS4. A separate tion succeed? Where does it hinder innovation, panel is dedicated to the question how in biotech- where does it support the structures of free cultu- nology free innovation and profit can go together. re? The European Commission is currently revie- wing the Directive on Copyright in the Information Panels: Information Freedom Rules • Business and Society from 2001. WOS4 has invited the protago- the Commons • Paris Accord: Composers, Perfor- nists to elaborate on the issues at hand. mers and the Public • Open Source Biotechnology Licences like the GPL and those of Creative Commons with the means of copyright produce the commons that enables the cooperative creation of free culture. Also these licences are this year under- going critical review. The electromagnetic spectrum – the central resource for the increasingly mobile, radio-based media environment – is due for re- regulation as well. What are the options, which are 06 Partners: favourable to a free infrastructure? Free Software is the pioneer and role model for all branches of free Department for Digital Culture • culture that follow. It is established and at the Ministry of Culture • Brazil, same time continues to be highly dynamic. What Center for Technology & Society (CTS) at the are the next chapters in this success story? Does Fundação Getulio Vargas the focus shift from software to data or to the open (FGV) • School of Law in Rio interfaces of web-services? With the trend towards de Janeiro, Brazil • newthin- king network, Berlin • Waag mashups, what remains of privacy? Society, Amsterdam • OLSR „Die Gedanken sind frei“ – Eben Moglen, one of the Experiment by Freifunk, legal protagonists of free culture, reminded us at Berlin • tOSSad, Competence WOS3 of this battle call that echoes through the cen- Network for Media Design • PUBLIC VOICE Lab, Vorarl- turies. In contrast to those of our ancestors, our berg • University of Applied movement, the movement of free culture is not utopi- Sciences • Creative Commons • an but creates facts. Based on free means of produc- FOSS.IN, Netzwerk Neue Medien • Forum Informatik- tion and distribution new structures of organisation erInnen für Frieden und and income emerge, free art and music, free technolo- gesellschaftliche Verantwort- gy and possibly even a free society. WOS4 will contri- ung (FIfF) • Berliner Unix User bute to advancing this freedom movement. Group, mikro e. V. Panels: EU Copyright Directive, Review and Implementation • The Read-Write Society • The Future of Free Software • Open APIs • Freedom Expanded • Open Spectrum 07 Opening Rasmus Fleischer, Piratbyrån, Stockholm • Carmen Weisskopf, Bitnik.org, Zurich • Doma Opening Speeches Smoljo, Bitnik.org, Zurich • Alexei Blinov, Hive 12:00, Columbia Club, Thursday, developer, London 14 September 2006, The space of the technically feasable, socially pro- Thorsten Schilling, Head of the Multimedia & IT gressive, and culturally innovative is much more Division of the German Federal Agency for Civic extensive than the one bound by the law, particu- Education, Bonn larly copyright law. In this larger space, we can see the glimpses of an informational culture where the Wolfgang Coy, Institute for Informatics, Chair for boundaries between "producers" and "users" are Informatics in Education and Society, Humboldt almost completely eroded,