Resumed) Redirect (Movie Film
5 AUGUST 1946 I ND EX Of WITNESSES Prosecution's .1itnesses NAKAI, Kimbei (resumed) 3155 Redirect (Mov i e Film) 3155 Recross by Mr . Sugawara 3191 " " Captain Kleiman 3200 P01f/ELL , John B. 3209 Direct by Mr. McKenzie 3209 I ND EX Of EXHIBITS (no exhibits) - - .... _ -- - - - ----- - ' 3 ,153 - - - - -------------- Monday , 5 August, 1946 2 3 4 I NTERNATI ONAL MI LITARY TR I BUNAL FOR THE FAR EAST 5 Court House of the Tribunal ,.,ar Ministry Building 6 Tokyo, Japan 7 ....... 8 The Tribunal met, pursuant to adjournment , •• 9 a t 0930. 10 11 12 Appearances: 13 For the Tribunal, same as before. 14 For the Prosecution Section , same as befor e. 15 For the Def ense Section , same a s before . 16 17 18 19 (English to Japanesa and Japanese 20 t o English inter pretation was made by the 21 Language Section, n.:TFE.) 22 23 24 25 ' - 3,154 G l MARSHAL OF THL COURT : The Internati onal r c 2 Military Tribunal for the Far East is nou in session c n 3 and is r eady to hear any ma tter brought before ito b 0 4 THE PRESIDENT : Doc s counsel desire to r g s mention any matter? & 6 Mr . Logan. jj 7 MR . LOGAN : If the Tribunal pl ease, for a r 8 the purpose of the r ecord, I for mally move tho Tri t • 9 0 bunal at this time , on behalf of all the accused, n 10 that the proceedings her et of ore had in Chambers and 11 all the proceedings to be held in Chambers her eaft er 12 be CTade part of the r ecord of this case, that a 13 separate volume be kept of such proceedings entitled 14 "Proceedings in Chambers," and that an or der be 15 enter ed to that effect.
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