Optic Disc Drusen, Glaucoma, Or Could It Be Both?
Title: Where are the defects coming from…Optic Disc Drusen, Glaucoma, or could it be both? Authors: Rachel Goretsky OD, Biana Gekht OD Abstract: Optic disc drusen and glaucoma cause similar retinal nerve fiber layer(RNFL) as well as visual field defects. This paper describes a patient who has both conditions and the management involved. I. Case History: 66 year old African-American male presents for dilation and imaging. Patient has a history of Glaucoma for several years; he is taking Brimonidine bid OU and Latanoprost qhs OU with reported good compliance. Medical & Ocular History: • Hypertension, gout, cholesterol and stents placed in leg and chest. Glaucoma OU. History of peripheral iridotomy OU one year ago. Medications:Amplodipine, clopidogrel, allopurinol II. Pertinent findings: • Maximum pressure history is 17 OD, 19 OS, current visit 16 OD, 19 OS • Anterior chamber : Grade 2 Van Herick Angles OU • Iris: Peripheral Iridotomy, patent at 12 o’clock OD,OS • Optic disc: 0.3r OD, OS small nerves, mild blurry margins indicative of disc drusen • Macula: diffuse epiretinal membrane OU • Pachymetry : 556 OD/ 566 OS • Gonioscopy: open to trabecular meshwork (TM) superiorly, otherwise no structures visible OD, open to TM inferiorly, otherwise no structures visible OS • Spectralis Optical Coherence Tomography(OCT): optic disc drusen with small cups and disc area OU • Visual field exhibited no defects OD, inferior nasal defects OS. III. Differential Diagnosis: • Papilledema, tilted discs, pseudotumor cerebri, myelinated nerve fiber layer IV. Diagnosis and Discussion Optic nerve head drusen are hyaline deposits made of calcium phosphate as well as amino acids, among other materials.
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