The Genealogy of the Idea of Monarchy in the Post-Soviet Political Discourse of the Russian Orthodox Church Suslov, Mikhail Published in: State, Religion and Church Publication date: 2016 Document version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Citation for published version (APA): Suslov, M. (2016). The Genealogy of the Idea of Monarchy in the Post-Soviet Political Discourse of the Russian Orthodox Church. State, Religion and Church, 3(1), 27-62. Download date: 27. sep.. 2021 MIKHAIL SUSLOV The Genealogy of the Idea of Monarchy in the Post-Soviet Political Discourse of the Russian Orthodox Church Translation by Jan Surer Mikhail Suslov — Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Uppsala University (Sweden).
[email protected] This article focuses on the concept of monarchy with an em- phasis on the traditional Russian “autocratic” model. Mikhail Suslov inquires into the ways this concept is being used in to- day’s Russian Orthodox Church and in the circles of religious- ly motivated intellectuals. Informed by the “contextualist” tra- dition in conceptual history, this article traces the concept of monarchy back to pre-revolutionary and émigré thinkers and argues that two understandings of the term have been evolv- ing throughout Russia’s modern history: the tradition of “di- vine kingship” (tsarebozhie), now largely marginalized, and the Slavophile interpretation that shifted substantially toward the idea of popular sovereignty and is now dominant in ofcial and mainstream Orthodox political thought. The Slavophile concept of monarchy is internally contradictory and unstable, making its usage problematic, but, at the same time, it opens the possibility for new and original theorizing.