PROOJECT ON MON 09/102 “SUPPORT IN ACHIEVING MDG9 ON HUMAN RIGHTS AND DEMOCRATIC GOVERNANCE PHASE II” INSTITUTE OF PHILOSOPHY, SOCIOLOGY AND LAW, MONGOLIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM CHHAANNGGGEESS IINN TTHHEE STTAATTEE OOFF DEEMMOMOCCRRAATTIICC GOVOVEEERRNNAANNNCCEE IN MOONNGNGOOLLIA 2020009-220010 (SSuummmmmaarryy TTrraannsslaattionon) ULAANBAATAR, 2010 1 DDC 321.8’517 М-692 ISBN 978- 99962-857-2-1 ©2011. MDG-9 Project, UNDP Mongolia, All rights reserved. Support in Achieving MDG -9 on Human Rights and Democratic Governance in Mongolia-Phase II Institue of Philosophy, Sociology and Law Mongolian Academy of Sciences Institution building – II Ulaanbaatar-211238 Baruun selbe street-15 Chingeltei district, Ulaanbaatar, MONGOLIA Tel: (976-11) 7011-0499 Fax: (976-11) 7011-0499 Email:
[email protected] This survey is conducted within the scope of the Support in Achieving MDG-9 on Human Rights and Democratic Governance project jointly implemented by the Institute of Philosophy, Sociological and Law of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences and the United Nations Development Program and Oslo Governance Center. Researchers of the Sociology Department, Institute of Philosophy, Sociology, gathered initial data for the survey and a team of experts prepared the survey report. Evaluations, opinions and recommendations expressed in the survey are solely of the experts. The survey report can be reproduced and distributed for non-profit purpose and used with proper citation. Prepared by: G. Chuluunbaatar, Academician P. Dorjsuren, Ph. D D. Bold-Erdene, Ph. D S.Tserendorj, Ph. D D. Ganbat, Ph. D Translated by: V.Ulziibayar Design: “Sansudai” Printing G.Gankhuyag O.Khatanbold 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS TERMS AND ACRONYMS ..............................................................................................................................................