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Texas G~y Rodeo Association presents

* Thurs., Sept. 20th. 8pm Royalty Competition Rainbow Cattle Company

*Frl., Sept. 21th. 1pm· Spm Welcome Pool Party The Wyndham Hotel

*Fri., Sept. 21st. Spm .10pm Registration and Welcome Party The Wyndham Hotel Ballroom

* Saturday & Sunday Sept. 22nd & 23rd • 8am • 6pm

E~Po~!:!!po~e~ty Rodeo

* Sat., Sept. 22nd • Spm • 9pm Wild and Wooly Pool Party Hosted by the Heart of Texas Bears The Wyndham Hotel

* Sun., Sept. 23rd • 8pm Farewell Party featuring the Austin Babtist Women Rainbow Cattle Company ~ one giant step, with the amazing two-year global Irney of her multi-million selling debut , e To the Telescope. In September 18, 2007, Vir· 1 Records will release Tunstall's second album, ~STIC FANTASTIC'.

r Jr '' KT again tapped Tete- s.ope producer Steve Osbourne (U2, New Order, 1')PPY Mondays). The album was mixed by Michael . Brauer (Coldplay, The Rolling Stones, My Morning acket). lUnstall recently told a British interviewer .iat her acquisition of two "very sexy" guitars had Rascal Flatts), LeAnn for the first time wrote or ispired her to crank them for the new album, pre- ¥ J"WwAyl<... ~i~ wrote every song on the album, which she says iding a clue to the sound of her new work. my most personal yet." . ematt Jimmy at: [email protected] he album's September release will follow a busy The album is led by the rousing, Infectious :Immer of high-profile live appearances for KT, single "Nothin' Better to Do," which Is currel lqcludlng the worldwide seven-concert Live Earth climbing up Billboard's Hot Country Songs ( ('{ent July 7th, where Tunstall will perform along· LeAnn says of the song, which she co-wrote ~ de The Pollce, Smashing Pumpkins, Kanye West, her husband Dean Sheremet and Darrell BrO'l\ !.w.e Matthews Band and many others at the Giants was born in Mississippi and grew up for the first adium, New Jersey stage. KT is also scheduled for years of my life in a tiny town called Pelahat, , July 13th spot on the popular summer live music We wrote this song as if from my alter ries performed outdoors in New York's Rockefell- girt who never got out of that small town. Center, and telecast on NBC's Today morning all that's left to do is cause a little trouble ow. Nearty a year and half after Telescope's U.S. have some funl" lease, the album's third single "Other Side of the .orld" continues to climb the Hot AC radio airplay, The accompanying video, co-directed by Ri tart and both "Black Horse and the Cherry li'ee ' and David McClister, portrays the story I ld "" are still among the top 15 young woman done wrong. The video is set lost-played songs on AC radio. women's prison in the south in the 19305 et your coins ready. the Holldays are here and so I,======~filmedI at the Old Tennessee State Penlte L real prison in Nashville which also provi e the records hun. backdrop for Tom Hanks' "The Green Mi the Robert Redford, James Gandolfini starrer d that's Muslc..• This Week In Texas. "Nolita Fairytale" ,the first single off Heroes And Last Castle. " The beautifully artistic video, 1 thieves, sets the tone for the album with a unique has been a staple on CMT since its debut in evolved sound displaying Carlton's trademark May, features scenes filr SOaringvocals and intricate plano melodies. a vintage hand·cranked camera that creates an al ~Ihave been blessed with an incredible singer! period feel and a Chicago- ~ter who amazes me every time she sits dance sequence with - at her piano and plays and sings. Our Belief choreographed by her h h other is something that I will cherish! And Dean. fight to the end for my V." Ganesh! States ·"Lorenzo, CEOof The Inc. Of the new album, LeAnn lieves, "It's a true reflect .""the magical combination of Vanessa and Irv Is my inner, most honest th .fordng. people to put their preconceived notions I've really opened my hea iiside and think outside the box," "Vanessa's new soul on this album and it captures the woman !l1bum is a breakthrough achievement on all sides; become. I literally grew up in the spotlight ttor 'universal Motown, for The Inc. and their great the last 12 years and in that time, all of my ~, and for music fans around and gracious supporters have become likl the world hungering for the kind family. This album is a thank you to E of ..lfsht and passion that only, one, as none of this would be possible wi i tarlton can bring.' them." Sylvia Rhone, President I Mot~n Records Whether it's the folksy, southern rock "Nothin' Wrong," with the incompal ,ton burst on to the soulful Louisiana native Marc Broussard tn2002 with her at- achingly vulnerable ballad "What I C ~, unleaShin! Change," the touching tribute to 1smash single •• everyWhere "Pretty Things," the blUr " which reached nis Joplin-like torcher "One Day Too Billboard Hot the quintessential anthem for women lmering prestigious Grammy Friend and a Glass of Wine," the high! Song Of The Year and Record latable power ballad ode to relationship st, red ~ the hit ·Ordlnary Day." "Fight, " or the startlingly confessional lyrics her Platinum-plus debut album title track "Family," LeAnn says, "these arl Harmonium. songs that just touch on the surface of top1 are real life lessons that people everywhere able to relate to. "

GrammyGll nominee KT TUNSTALL became the most acclaimed singer-songwriters in the nother positively NOT 4th st. party

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-·I...... ,.....-~ hell of a lot about being inventiVe in the boudoir. So as much as I would like to tell you that doing squats or undergoing surgi- TUESDA-Y cal implantation will solve all of your rela- First, we brought you "Little Deal, Big Deal" tionship woes, the fact of the matter is Now, Mickey'S brings you ... that what you will be left with is someone that's more attracted to your bum than "Are You Smarter Than A Drag Queen?" your brain and, while that's fabulous and incredible and all that for the moment, it Now...TWO Nightly Games! belies the fact that what you're really look- 'ing for with all of your ass-inations is A new Happy Hour Round, someone that will be there to satlsfv you plus the regular 10:00 Round for years to come and not just until you suffer the inevitable droopy drawers that Dear Diva: come to all people - regardless of whether or not they have unlimited credit with their plastic surgeons - or You can win $500 if you are the Grand Flnallstl As much as I hate to admit it, I have the flattest until a newer and perkier model comes along. I have butt on the face of the planet - which is really a discovered that most males, like the Tom cat, will lay Play against fellow contestants at the start, then the finalist for the night problem since I'm a devout bottom, and getting anything but an egg so, if short-term sexual satisfac- goes up against Wayne Smith for the ultimate chance at the Grand Prizel a guy to plow my Hershey highway is like get- tion is your concern, I really don't think you have any- ting a tit-man to go for Twiggy. Whenever I thing to worry about. If, however, you really do want wear jeans, they sag after I sit down once - and to attract someone with whom you can share connu- never mind ever trying to wear Speedos, 'cause bial bliss with for years to come, please stop worrying all the material just ends up bunched-up in my so much about whether you're filling out your Levis crack ..•which is a shame, because I've got an and worry more about you're appealing enough in enormous dick that looks fabulous In a regula- other areas for anyone to care. tion suit. I've heard about gluteus-enhancing underwear that you can get through Undergear Dear Diva: and places like that, but once those come off T-fJESDYt'I..Y, "'__ _. my date for the evening Is going to be confront- I went with my brothers and cousins to our Come celebrate the release ed by two pancakes instead of the bountiful house in Port Aransas over the Labor Day hotcakes that the underwear makes me appear weekend - there were about twenty of us - and of the new album to have. Are there any exercises that I can do since there are only three bedrooms, we all REBA DUETS to add size and shape to this most vital asset? ended up bunking together. Now, I should tell From superstar Or, am I doomed to a life of sliding off chairs you that I'm the plain one in the family - and and repelling potential bum-blasters? I'm represented by the Ford agency in New REBA McENTIRE York City. In other words, my siblings and Featuring duets with 11 of music's hottest artists Butt-less in Buda cousins are friggin' hot! At any rate, I ended up including the smash single "Because of You" in a king-sized bed with four of my cousins and, Dear Flat-ass: during the middle of the night, the one that I was closest to in the bed got a hard-on and WIN CONCERT TICKETS TO SEE One of the saddest things about the human condition started pressing it against my ass. To be hon- is that, because of our allegedly higher intelligence est, I really wouldn't have thought much of it - and consciousness, we are aware of the fact that we figured he was dreaming about his girlfriend, don't look as good in a Speedo as Matt Biondi or as got a woody and just did what was natural. IlICI(Y MARTIN fabulous in a pair of Wranglers as Tim McGraw. I But, he was not only humping me, he was DURING RETRO SUNDAY mean, you never see a Tom cat worrying about stroking my cock to boot. To make a hot story Concert date: Sat.•Oct. 6 @ 8 pm Nokia Theatre Grand Prairie whether or not the pussy he's about to stick it to has tepid, we both came and I went back to sleep. Tickets available at ticketmaster.com or by phone 214.373.8000 a shapely bum - she's in heat, I'm ready and that's all The next day, I asked him about it and he there is to it. Which sounds a lot like many of myoid looked at me like I was some piece of skank boyfriends, but that's another story altogether. But, from the wrong side of the tracks, and told me ,all $. ~0)0 W'.&&$ STAR7JNG AT 'Y PM by the same token, many animal species evolve based that if I said a word about it to anyone he'd on their physical attributes - the peacock, for example, make sure that Ford would fire me because my $~~ •• 80M~.rIJC. which success in boffing pea hens is based on the face wouldn't look the same as it does right glory of its plumage. That notwithstanding, for the now. He told me that all it was sleep sex or SAr $.~O)O)W.&&$ STAR7JNGAT'YPM most part in the animal kingdom it's power and sexomnia or something like that, and that he aggressivenessthat turns the female's head, while we was as straight Betty Grable's stocking seam. $elJa $.~O)O)W.&&$ STAR7JNG AT b PM poor humans are reduced to the color of our hair and What do you think? skin and the shapelinessof our bodies. Which, again, $~~ •• 801il& •• "IlC:S is quite sad, becausesome of the best and most inter- More-than-kissing Cousin in Killeen esting lovers that I've ever had wouldn't necessarily =] •.. be named Sexiest Stud in a Cosmo or People maga- P. = :sa us =»' Dear Lucky: zine survey but, becauseof or in spite of the fact that they were beauty-challenged, they were brilliant con- You came, right? So who cares, Edith? versationalists and debonair sophisticates that knew a \WI spanking new Miss Gay Texas USof A at Large fit- I ted at Rich's in Houston; Bonnie Bitch reading us _~E~~ENCE a bunch of Fairy Tales at EJ's, again in Houston; cruizy Chris pouring the potent potables at the new full-service bar on the thrilling tropical patio at Montrose Mining Company, once again in SATURDAY, Houston; Pete "Noxzema" Jackson blowing out the torches on his mumble-something natalversary CLASSIC enchilada at The Annex in San Antonio; Erica . rwr Andrews as Natalie Wood, Jenny McCall as C!'B~A.,. Barbra Streisand, Sweet Savage as Cher, ~". "'- Kourtney Devereaux as Marilyn Monroe, Layla laRue as Tina Turner and Denise Mykels as by Rachael Gardner PaulaAbdul during the Illusion and Confusion drag- -r'H,E PARTY tacular at The Saint, also in San Antonio; Porn God 8 Years Ago, This Week in Texas Sonny Markham being god-like at the Frat House in Dallas; RA Gabriel, capturing the coveted Miss When it came to Buddies crown after a night of intense competition gorgeous men in at Buddies, also in Dallas; Steve Greer, proving the Lone Star life is a cabaret old chum at the Round-up, also and state, you could again in Dallas; Chris Austen, spinning the great- always find at est hits of yesteryear at Trash Disco at Crews Inn, least one of once and again in Dallas; Kansas City siren them on the Melinda Ryder, joining Charity Case and cover of our very Lauren LeMasters for the Super Sunday show of magazine, and it illusion, pantomime and the dance (as Naomi Sims was no different used to say) at Magnolia Station in Ft. Worth; eleven years ago Dallas' very own John when we fea- Michael Gordon, tured the lithe, snatching the Mr. Gay luscious talents USAmedallion at a fab- of Houston's ulous club in Dayton, very own Andy Ohio; and Dallas' also Clements, a very own Kristian then-25 year-old student at the Houston "Kline" Martinez, Metropolitan Dance Center that enjoyed water grabbing the Mr. Gay skiing, museums and traveling. A professional All-American plaque at dancer and singer, his resume included success- an equally divine dance ful stints at Dollywood, as well as numerous other hall in Oklahoma City. theme park venues around the country. Andy was single, and hoped to someday dance his wiJf Did you know that, into the heart of someone special. Needless to according to resident FRESHBEAT beater Jimmy say, Andy's dance card was filled with fans and Smith, in 1999 dance hall denizons were tapping admirers that would have given their eye teeth to their toes, twirling their chiffon and bumping their do-sl-oe with him. booties to Situation 99 by VA2, Stomp to the Beat by JS, Walking by Pocketsize, Check This Out by And many of those people lacing up their dance George Calle and Heartbreaker by Mariah? Well, shoes in Houston could be found admiring the now you do. Mama's Boy PhotoGraphics images of Mr. Clements at Briar Patch, Bricks II, Inergy, Lazy J, Finally, resident MOVIE maven Steven Lindsey Nsomnia, Psclttc Street, Picasso, Rainbow Room was mesmerized by the rich-with-emotion and andToyz Disco, as well as the still-going-strong visually stunning import Steam: The Turkish Bath, Brazos River Bottom, Cousins, EJ's, Guava Lamp, an over-marketed-to-the-gay-community-for-too- JR's, Mary's, Montrose Mining Company, Ripcord too-obvious reasons film that witnessed the also and Viviana's, in addition to the well-patronized visually stunning Alessandro Gassmantreading the Basic Brothers, Black Hawk Leather, Lobo fine line between hetero- and homosexuality when Bookshop and Record Rack and Crossroads he inherits a bathhouse in Turkey and is introduced Market and the oft-visited Club Houston, French to its homoerotic underside by a striking young Quarter All-Male Cinema and Midtowne Spa. man named Mehmet who knows quite a bit about 'Causewe had the Bayou City covered eight years undersides himself. ago...unlike Mama's Boy's revealing photos of Andy Clements. And what's wrong with that?

SAY, WASN'T THAT...Kofi, having her brand- And so it was, This Week in Texas 1980!

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620 Broadway Street San Antonio, TX 7821 210-220-1092 popped into Heat the other night and ran into our very dear friend PaigeTaylor in the throes of pre-connubial bliss with a snappy dresser and ocular accessory- sporter by the name of Frank. Now, Paige has been a dear friend of ours for almost as long as we can rernern-


Alamo CiTEA So,we went to the Saint's My Spacewebsite, 'cause we wanted to look at the pictures of all the dollies, and we decided we'd check the 962 at this point Friends that they have, just soze we could get an idea of who or what likes the place. Well, marketing surveys are ber, and we're always excited to hear about all of the important.. ... At any rate, we happened upon a certain new and wonderful things that are going on in her life. stunning stud by the name of Dan whose on the first So, we waited...and waited....and waited, expecting a page of the Friends list and absolutely melts our butter, veritable onslaught of divine dish to spew from her doncha know. Dayum, he is one sexy man. Turns out fuschia-tinted lips, but the only thing she could tell us he'soriginally from Sunland, California - which just hap- that was new was that she and Frank will be honey- pensto be a hop, skip and a Jeep ride over the hill from mooning in Moorea and that they're registered at where we used to live in West Hollywood. Why, we Nordstrom. We're hoping a Luther's gift certificate will were practically neighbors! Pity we haven't a clue suffice... where he lives in Our Town. But, we do know where he works - and don't think we won't be hanging out around We were chatting with our good buddy BDRin the park- his office hoping for a little sneaky-peak at him in all his ing lot of the Annex the other night, seeing if we could radiant glory. It's just amazing how the Saint is a mag- find out where to have a bit of a good time, and he was net for hotties like Dan.... kind enough to tell us that for just a buck and a half we could have ourselves the best blow- job in town. Well, Speakingof hotties, we ran into a couple of them by the we immediately got out our wallet for the cash, and name of Joe and Enrique over at 2015 just the other began to unzip as we moved into the darker recessesof night, and immediately snapped their images to prove the parking lot, when he clarified that he meant a blow- that there are a lot of people in SA that just adore Dick, job shot, and not a means of releasing all the tension and they now know that to find Dick, you've got to go that we'd built up staring at Draven's big boots all night to 2015. Why, even Veronica - the tantalizing temptress long. So, he led us back inside and treated us to sev- eral of the exotic elixirs...which only made us stare even longer and harder at Draven and his enormous foot- gear, thereby increasing our tension and making us wish that BDR had just taken care of us in the parking lot like we thought he was suggesting. **HEAVY SIGH**

And while that particular sound effect is in play, you should know that it also sounded out the other night at the X-ing when we were.trea-ted to the vocal talents of pictured with the beefy beaus - knows that 2015 is the placefor Dick, and since she loves Dick so much....well, there she is, right up in the middle of it. Naturally, we got right up in the middle of Joe, 'cause he's got an amazing **BLEEP** ....Huh, wonder why our keyboard did that ....

We popped into Heat the other day - which, for some Sick-mindedindividuals might mean we were hot...well, come to think of it we were...but we digress - we exclusive tour. And if even that's not enough to make perky potent potable the equation. And a certain debonnaire dude by the name of Chad who you want to sublease space in the uber-pub, then pourer was just a' Tad finally, in photo four : really knows his way around a microphone. To be hon- Martinish surprised by est we weren't sure if it was his soothing and melodic please do remember that the stunningly breathtaking and after a double, what he was seeing. vOi~ethat was making us swoon, or the fact that the Josh just happens to be on staff there....and that, our three shots and an infu- way he holds a mic brought back fond memories of dear friends, is reason enough we assure you. Now, as a rule, we're sion of X-rated - Javier when we used to have intimate relations or, whether not ones to go 'round returns to his true it was the huge, really big..uh, buckle yeah, buckle Speaking of reasons, some people don't need any to spreading rumors - oh nature and releases the that he sports on his jeans, but we truly did find our- remove their clothes, and we were reminded of that really, we're just not the wild side of himself with selves light-headed and just a little bit starry-eyed as he fact during a recent spin gossiping kind - but suf- Ken. We immediately crooned a less disco-inspired rendition of Dolly Parton's through the original fice it to say that it all rushed to Randall and Baby I'm Burning. If he only knew how we were burn- coolest place on Earth, had something to do ordered a round of ing, perhaps he wouldn't have held the rntc that South Beach, just the with divine danceur de everything that Javier way....doncha know. And damned if he didn't look a other night. Not only dique Davier, a prize- had imbibed...but, by helluva lot like Kenny Chesneydoin' it....now you know did we run into a newly- winning zucchini, two then, Ken and Javier why there was such a heavy sigh. bronzed and even more packs of Extra sugarless were gone and Dolores buff Chase,but we were gum and a pair of was off with one of the Finally, there was a introduced to a young Levitator No See Um penile projectionists and club full of sighing, lad by the name of socksfrom Defeet International. Is it any wonder Tony we were left holding our own selves in the corner with screaming and Carlos who not only looks somehow affected? Sofonda....well, we tried. No wonder JR's is the teary-eyed fans in emulated his idol, Number One Gay Bar in Houston! the house for the Chase, but also con- So, we're at JR's the debut of Krystal vinced anyone and other night and we ran Meanwhile, out in the Kelley's illusion of into our good friend Gay Southwest, we ran Juan Gabriel, and Javier. Javier and we into our gal pal Melissa our Cruise Camera like to get a little tipsy Clinton at Crystal and, was naturally on everyone in his aura to together on occasion, after searching her for hand to capture all reduce the amount of and we thought it would any thumping devices the excitement. fabric on their bodies. be a vicious camp to fol- she might have on her Now, we're not as He started with Gabriel, low him around and person, sat down with familiar with Juan's which certainly didn't watch as his personality her for a nice long chat. work as we are with hurt our feelings, and change from shy, de- The dishy diva was oh...say, Ricky then moved on to Peter, w recently a special guest Martin's, but based who needed just a at the club's Miss on the audience reaction to KK's impression, it was weeee bit of coaxing to Fiestas Patrias 2007 almost like EI Destino watching the popular performer pageant, and she just present such a different facet of his talents. In other had to tell us everything words, honeys, Miss Thing was born to portray Juan that happened back- Gabriel. In fact, the illusion has proved so popular that stage during the com- the Azteca representative that was groping us under mure and oh-so- petition. Babies, you wouldn't believe it. She was the table said he's hoping to launch a worldwide tour reserved snappy dress- telling us all about Michelle and Monika and Katherine with Krystal because, that way, they'll be pretty sure er to groovy guy gone and Salma and Amanda and Vanessa, and tried to get there won't be a danger of their star walking literally off wild. In our first image, us to share with her which one was our favorite. Well, the stage....'cause Krystal never does that ..... you will see the snappi- we're no fools, sweeties, so we just looked her square ly-dressed Javier being in the eyes and said, "Why, you are precious one...." Space CilEA shy, demure and oh-so- We must not have been very convincing, though, 'cause Even as you read this, the hippest, coolest yet hottest reserved. In the next before we knew it she had grabbed one of the sexy and most urbane urban video lounge will have opened photo - after one of cashier's socks, stuffed it with a wad of bev naps and its doors and be in the Randall's refreshing began thumping us right there on the dance floor. We throes of the grandest were so close to a clean getaway, too.... of grand opening cele- brations. That's right, Back in the 'hood, we dropped into Guava possums, the incredible Lamp to visit with too- and fabulous new tempting too-hunky honcho of Meteor is offiCially now Naturally, Carlos has the head variety Leo, the player to beat in the become our newest and and were treated to a Bayou City bar battle, bestest friend because surprise appearance by and it's the only place to of his ability to coax, the one and only Kara be and be seen if you and we now follow him everywhere to enjoy the Dion - she of the famed want to be considered Dion triplets set. view....not that we have one of H-town's glowing NaturallY, we wanted a to follow him for very far, 'cause everything we wanna glitterati. Not only will photo of the two natural see is right at SoSe.... becoming a patron of wonders, and couldn't the lively and large liba- adult beverages - you will see that Javier has forgotten believe - after we tion lounge guarantee And while we're on the subject of seeing things, you'd himself and is cozying up to Dolores. In the third image processedthe pic - how you a certain cache amongst your circle of friends, but think that Montrose Mining Company mixologist Tony chesty the comely - and after yet another of Randall'sconcoctions - Javier it will also afford you the opportunity to meet and greet would get used to seeing some of the things that go on l~~cuties both are. Why, is beginning to return to his senses, and has at least hot hunks such as Luis, whose beefy bod and fab face in the legendary Pacific party place, but our Cruise it's virtually impossible to say with any degree of cer- we ran into repeatedly at the club during our recent Camera happened to capture a moment when the introduced a rather dishy dude by the name of Ken into .~ asleep in our TWTmobile and then back in the club at danceur de dique. Now how does that look (as Norma A very special thanks go out to our new very best 10 am for several rounds of their buck Bloodys that do Kristie always says....) friend, Julian Harris, who just happens to be both Mr. such a great job of taking the edge off after a night of Dallas Eagle 2007 AND Mr. Texas Leather 2007. Jules staring at goddesses descended from Mount Olympus Well, we didn't win the flat panel TV, even though we was oh-so-kind enough to provide us with our ride for and such. Well, okay, we admit it.. ..we've also been bOughtsomething like a gazillion raffle tickets, but that this year's Alan Ross Texas Freedom Parade, and we staring at a studly staffer's legs a helluva lot recently, doesn't mean that Pekers isn't still just about our wouldn't have looked half as good as we did if it wer- too - since he's nice enough to bare them for us - which favorite libation lounge in the entire Metroplex. The ent' for him. To show our thanks in a more concrete has also forced us to linger a helluva lot more than we guys are gore, the drinks refreshing - and Toni Pagehas way, we've issueda certificate - redeemable at any time anticipated and caused us to awaken in our cars at 10 this delicious habit of dropping by to sit on our laps and - for a private boot-licking (and other appropriate am just in time for those edge-reducing buck Bloodys tell us over and over again how grateful she'd be if only accessories)sessionthat we feel will adequately display •• that are now so famous. Babies, between Vega and we'd agree to pretend to be her partner so that she just how truly grateful we are.... that staffer, we haven't been home much.... could make a certain studly staffer jealous. Usually,we don't have a problem with that - hell, remember that We always like to go over to Bill's Hideaway for their Big 0 TEA green card wedding we had just last year? - but for Sunday night Open Mic night, not becausewe have any some reason we just can't make ourselves toss these delusions whatsoever that we can sing, y'all, but TRUST, that's definitely something worth celebrating. Honeys, we were so busy with Pride Week festivities dice...maybe because we have eyes for said staffer, Foreven more photos of the big event, be sure to check that we barely had time to get a facial, manicure and because we always hope that we'll run into our future ourselves. Well, one must protect one's interests, nest out the special In Focus feature we've devoted to the pedicure and butt wax, let alone spend time cruising for husband, Gary Floyd, while we're debating whether or girls and their admirers right in this very magazine. pix of all the big events going on in the even bigger Big ce pas? not to break into a rousing rendition of Send in the D this week. To make up for it, please do take a look Clowns or Feelings. For the most part, Gary always Finally, while at the CPthe other night, we were prop- at the special two page In Focusfeature of the Parade For the one or two of you that may have gone looking shows up and saves the audience from an aural dis- erly introduced to a dapper duo whose names, we were and Festival that we've included right here in this very for Rocket Bar and found it missing from the nightlife taster, but we've still been completely unable to con- told, could not be printed because one of the terrific magazine you're now holding in your Slightly damp lit- scene, then we are happy to share with you that that vince the sexy song-stylist that we really are the ones tle hands.... club has blasted off for parts unknown and has been that he wants...000, 000, 00000000000 ....• replaced by a libation lounge so luscious that it just That's not to say that we weren't out and about a bit, makes the corner of Lemmon and Reagan so much If you're looking for Kourtney Wells, please don't look and we've got a few fab photos to share with you to more glamorous, doncha know. It's called Rush - ya for her at Crews Inn any longer - well, at least not prove it, beginning with a huge, really big meeting of know, like the head or what you do when you realize behind the bar anyway. We haven't yet been given the the musicai minds and other vital organs that was held you've got five minutes to make your flight out of Love 4-1-1 on exactly why sista is no longer slinging her at JR's recently. Included in this noted event are non- Field - and it's destined to become a permanent fixture slushies at the renowned Fitzhugh Fun House, we just on the Gay Line Tour of Oak Lawn. We're especially know she isn't. It's gotta be all of the bookings she's thrilled with the party palace's Wednesday Best Chest been getting since being voted TWT's Entertainer of the contest, when all those beautiful men that spend just Year for Dallas...must've conflicted with her daytime hours and hours working the pee deck at Bally doff their job ....yeah, that's it..... shirts and show off what it is they've been working so assiduously to create. We've already licked some salt Finally, please circle your calendars immediately if not and tequila off of a few sets of nummy nips and found promptly for next Saturday night, September 29. That's it quite delightful, so you know where we'll be mid- when studly DJ and Zen-master Paul Kraft pulls out all two-some happens to be of the attached persuasion week from now on.... of his 12-inchesand mesmerizesthe after hours crowds and any reference to the fact that he was out and about at Club Dallas. Now, think about it for just a few with a person not listed on his marriage license could Meanwhile, over at Illusions, we ran into Mr. Illusions moments, won't you? After hours .... really hot have repercussions more far-reaching than invasions of Anderson Jaymes music....really hot men....in towels.....or less....Truly, defenseless countries. Personally,we think that affairs on a night when he what more could you want from a Saturday night, we of the heart should be broadcast from atop every build- wasn't sporting his ask you? We'll be there, of course...though it'll proba- ing taller than two stories because, in this world in Jenae Whitney St. bly take a California King-sized sheet to cover all the which we live, finding anyone to share love with is an Jaymes togs, and excitement that Paul always causes us....ahem. enormous blessing worthy of global airing. Now, if the cho of the head variety Eric 1; DJ extraordinnaire spent just hours perky pair was merely having a thrilling tryst at the pop- Michael Burton, honcho of another variety Eric and and hours talking TEA and Chocolate about all that is gay ular San jacinto suds seller, well that's a trick of a dif- guest deejay Corey Craig. Corey was the extra special For those of you that just adore anything to do with in the Metroplex - ferent pony, now isn't it .... guest deejay at 54, flown in at great expense by the satire, pantomime and the dance (as Naomi Sims used including the newly powers that be at Cavenand completely capable of get- to say,) you are just going to go absolutely crazy over re-opened and CowtownTEA ting the toes to tappin and the hips to gyrating at the our very own Hot Chocolate'snew My SpaceLegendsof Cedar Springs dance hall one recent Friday night. Look reduxed place to be If you wanna talk about goddesses, then you definitely Illusion interview. Not only does the site provide us for even more exciting guest artists at the clubs of yourself AND wanna talk about Vega with up-to-date and biographical Information about the Caven in the upcoming months.... tomorrow night's Marie St. James, whose dance diva and Tina Turner impressionist, but It's pr0b- Grand 01' Opry beauty, poise, elegance, ably THE most incredible link to almost every femme So, "We went to Mickey's last Tuesday to find out Review, featuring talent and sophistication mimic that you've ever wanted to keep In touch ~ ~ whether or not we're smarter than a drag queen, and the unquestioned can only mean that she is in many cases, thought you'd never see or hi ended up discovering that not only are we not, but talents of the one and only Donna Dumae and a host of just visiting us from again. Honeys, it's got links to the My Spaci! we're actually dumber than a danceur de dique on top other reigning and former monarchs that are sure to Mount Olympus, honeys. everyone from Tommie Ross and WhItneY of it. If it hadn't been for the kindnesses of our very make you feel as if you've arrived in London for the Girl....face, flawless .... Erica Andrews to Kofi and Chanty Case dear friends and longtime gal pals Wayne Smith and Queen's Birthday celebrations. And, if Courting adven- gown, stunning ...hair, a Montana...and to old favorites like TJffa! ture is to your liking, you might also swing by the Maple vision. We got so caught Ivana Tramp, there's a very good possibility that we and Lily White, too! AND, there's even madhouse tonight, when Prince Royale Eddie Bonner up with her perfection, in would have fallen into a deep chasm of depression from legendary Usa King. So, go Immeclla presents We Love the 80's, a retrospective of the fact, that we found our- which nothing - save two concert tickets to see our Iy to My Space,type Legendsof ~I/l decadethat gave us Tone Loc, Care Bears, Garbage Pall selves lingering at the future husband, Ricky Martin - could have saved us box, and sit back to enjoy a ~P.:': Kids, Smurfs and break dancing. And, since we really Hemphill Hot House way from. Thank all that is Gay for the buck bevs, babies, with Hot Chocolate and lOve Eddie Bonner, we'll be there with friendship longer than we anticipat- or even the tickets probably wouldn't have prevented a female Impersonators on braceletson.... ed, ended up falling trip to Seconal-ville. We mean really....as dumb as a Halo 121 North Main 823-6174 T M C 3014 Cedar Springs 559-0650 Texas Organizations Trestle 412 S. Haskell 826-9988 StateTGRAInfo POBox 780188 78278214 346-2107 Bryan/College Station Organizations (AC 979) Woody's 4011 Cedar Springs 520-6629 TexasBullsFlagFootballClubwww.texasbullsffc.comAggieAllies allles.tamu.edu Zippers 3333 N. Fitzhugh 526-9519 BrazosValleyQuest bvquest.org Texas Groups Based in Austin (AC: 512) GLBTAggies qlbta.tarnu.edu Dallas Fitness Centers (Ae: 214) Equality Texas PO2340/78768 474-5475 GLBTProfessionalNetwork glbtpn.tamu.edu Club Oallas 2616 Swiss 821-1990 TexasAIDS Network PO2395/78768 447-8887 MidtowneSpa 2509 Pacific 821-8989 Texas Freedom NetworkPO 1624 TFN.ORG.322-0545 Carrollton Business (AC: 972) OakLawnBoxlng.com Gilbert & Herschel 306-9566 CountryBrook Florists 2150 NJoseyLn#210 245-5606 Texas Groups Based in Dallas (AC: 972) Dallas Organizations (Ae: 214) DFWBlackTie Dinner 3521 OakLawnAve 75219 Corpus Christi Businesses (Ae: 361) AIDS Arms, Inc 219 Sunset, #116-A 521-5191 VHX Megaplex 101 US Hwy 81 643-6250 AIDS Interfaith Network 943-4444 Abilene Churches (AC: 325) AIDS Prevention Project 400 S. long 645-7300 Exodus MCC 1933 S. 27th Street 692-9830 Corpus Christi Churches/Spirituality (AC: 361) AIOSServicesof DallasPO4338/75208 941-0523 MCC 1315 Craig 882-8255 AllianceDesignof Prof 526-2085 Abilene Clubs (AC: 325) st. PaulChurch (UCC) 5525 Upes Blvd. 994-8899 Allies(5MUWomen'sOr) 3116 Fondren 768-4792 ClubUnity 2074 Butternut 672-0607 American Vet Equa IRights 540-4480 Corpus Christi Clubs (AC: 361) Boys4Toys 522-5200 Abilene Organizations (Ae: 325) Get Happy 526 S. Staples 881-8910 cathedral Bus Network 351-1901 PFLAGAbilene/Big Country PO6981/79608 698-6515 Hidden Ooor 802 S. Staples 882-5002 ClassicChasslsC6rClub 446-0606 Q's 227 Water Street 882-4114 Co-DependentsAnonymous 766-8939 Amarillo Churches (Ae: 806) Sixx 1212 leopard 5t 888-5IXX Couples Metro Dallas 521-5342x1764 MCC-Amarlllo 2123 S. Polk 372-4557 The Rose 213 S. Staples 881-8181 Dallas Bears PO 191223/75219 521-5342x2943 DaliasDebutantes(Women'sRugby) 366-2585 Amarillo Clubs (AC: 806) Corpus Christi Organizations (Ae: 361) Oallas Olablos (Men's Rugby) 540-4505 Sassy's 309 W. 6th 374-3029 CorpusAreaTeenCoalitfonforHomosexua99ls 4-8899 DallasFrontrunners dallasfrontrunners,org The 212 Club 212 W. 6th 372-7997 CoastalBendAIDS Foundation527 Gordon814-2001 Dallas Gay & LesbianAlliance 528-4233 Whiskers 1219 W. 10th 371-8482 L-Unplugged 994-8899 DallasGay& LesbianBarAssociation 540-4460 Men'sGroup 994-8899 DallasGenderSociety 540-4475 Amarillo Organizations (AC: 806) P-FLAG 5525 Lipes BlVd. 994-8899 DaliasLambdaMedlcalNetwork 648-1352 AWARE 202 S, Louisiana 376-4071 Road Runners 220 Airline, PMB6/78412 881-6166 Oallas Legal Hospice 3626 N. Hall 521-6622 live and Let Live (M) 1523 S. Taylor 467-3281 RSICTexasRivieraEmpire PO3883/78463 Oallas Naked Yoga for Men PO 191089/75219 OUTStandingAmarillo 617 S. Harrison 337-1688 The Loving Spoonful 1315 Craig 883-7763 DallasSouthernPride3100 MainSt, # 208 34-8007 PanhandleAIDS Support Org. (PASO) 372-1050 DallasTavernGuild 571-1073 Dallas Adult Theaters (Ae: 214) DAMN(Naturists) PO 190269/75219 521-5342x1739 Arlington Churches (AC: 817) AlternativesNewFineArtsl720WMocklngbird630-7071DFWBI-Net 521-5342x1761 TrinityMCC 1846 W. Division,Suite305 265-5454 DFWBigMen'sClub chubnet.netjdfwbmc Dallas Businesses (A/C: 214) DFW Skate 478-2649 Arlington Clubs (AC: 817) CondomSense 4038 CedarSprings 552-3141 OisclplineCorps 521-5342x1731 1851 Arlington 1851 W. Division 801-9303 CrossroadsMarket 3930 CedarSprings 521-8919 DifferentStrokesGolfAssoc dsgadallas,org Gender 3699 McKinney, # 103A 520-7922 OIVA(Dallas Independent Volleyball) 5342x1704 Arlington Organizations (AC: 817) Leather Masters 3000 Main Street 528-3865 Oragonmesof Dallas (Gay Asians) 521-5342x1752 AIDS Outreach center 401 W. Sanford 275-3311 Outlines 3906 Cedar Springs 528-1955 Family Pride Coalition PO 190869(75219 5342x1708 LoneStar LambdasSquareDance 5hadesofGrey Leather3930-ACedar5prlngs521-GREY Friday Night Out Bowling 232-6252 tonestartarnocas.crp 418.1629 Skivvies 4001-B Cedar Springs 559-4955 FriendsAssociating& Relating 328-6749 TapelendersVideo 3926 Cedar Springs 528-6344 Fuse(YoungGay& BisexualMen) 540w4429. Austin Businesses (Ae 521) Union Jack 3920 Cedar Springs 528-9600 Gay&Lesblan Fund P0227292/75222 946-6688 cllq austin.com www.dlqaustln.corn Gay& LesbianResidentsof OakCliff galroc.org Lobo 3204-A Guadalupe Street 454-5406 Dallas Churches/Spirituality (Ae: 214) Gay & Lesbian Singles 328-6749 TexasTowingCOmpUance 680-3190 cathedral of Hope 5910 Cedar Springs 351-1901 Gay & LesbianSwitchboard 528-0022 CrossroadCommunityChurch@Theate-rQuadrangle3 Gay,Lesbian& StraightEd Network 542-7751 Austin Clubs (Ae: 512) DignitDalias 5910 Cedar Springs Road 521-5342 Gaymsters Bridge Club PO 190856/75219 946-6464 9601 N. 1-35 832-5339 Disciplesof ChristGLSupportGrp 946-2184 GayOutdoorClub qayoutdoordub.orq 504 Willow 480-9017 Integrity (Episcopalians) 521-5324x1742 GLEAM(AMR GLBTEmployees) amrgleam.com 113 San Jacinto 457-8010 Lesbian& GayUnitarians 691-4300 GLEE(EOSGLBTEmployees) 352-9346 1301 La Vaca 474-6481 PromiseMCC 2527 W. Colorado Blvd 623-8400 GroupSocialLatino 2701 Reagan 211 W. 4th 5t 320-8823 RainbowCovenantFellowship 559-3380 HopeCounseling(enter 5910 CedarSpring351-5657 Rain 217-B W. 4th 5t. 494-1150 Seventhday AdventistKinshipInt'l 972-416-1358 HumanRightsInitiativeof N Texas hnonllne.orq Rainbowcattle Company 305 W. 5th St. 472-5288 TrinityHouseofSpirituaUty(Reiki/Meditation637) -1954 IBM Eagle(IBM Employees) wardm@us,ibm,com WhiteRockCommunityChurch9353Garland320-0043 ImmigrationEquality2501 Oak Lawn#850855-0520 Austin Fitness Centers (Ae: 512) JohnThomasG&LCommCtr.2701 Reagan528-9254 Mldtowne Spa 5815 Airport Blvd 302-9696 Dallas Clubs (Ae: 214) Ladies& Men Bowlersof Dallas (LAMBDA)358-1382 Alexandre's 4026 Cedar Springs 559-0720 LambdaAI-Anon 2438 Butler;# 106 363-0461 Austin Organizations (Ae: 512) 8uddies II 4025 Maple Avenue .526-0887 LambdaGroupof AA 2438 Butler,#106 267-0222 Adventuring Outdoors PO2332/78768 236-7176 Club One 3025 Main St Deep Ellum 741-1111 Lambda Legal Def/Ed Fund3500 OakLawn 219-8585 Austin Latino (ALlGO) 701 Tillery St, Box 4 474-0750 Crews Inn 3215 N. Fitzhugh 526-9510 Leather Knights PO 190111/75219 559-3625 CapitalCityMen'sChoruto.coms r--ccmceus/ 477-7464 Cross Bar 5334 Lemmon 443-8336 LegacyCounselingCenter 520-6308 [email protected] Eagle 2515 Inwood, #107 357-4375 Logcabln RepublicansPO 191033/75219 346-2115 Gay,BI & Questioning Fathers 989-6250 Eskandalo 6102 Maple Ave@ Bomar 350-3131 LoneStarCIgarMen tonestarccermen.ccm Gay& LesbianChamberof Commerce 574-4422 Havana 4006 CedarSprings 526-9494 Long YangClub (Gay Asians) 521-5342xl728 Gay& LesbianInternationalFilmFest 302-9889 HiddenDoor 5025 Bowser 526-0620 MenofAIiColorsTogetherPO 190611/75219 521-4765 Heart Of Texas Bears PO Box 68439178 768-4391 HideawayClub 4144 BuenaVista 559-2966 MetroplexCross-Dressers 367-8500 NamesProjectDaliasPOI91188/75219521-5342XI727 hoeoowners ON Oance Club Hoedowners.org Illusions 4100 Maple 252-0552 NationalComJngOutProject P0190328 521-5342 HumanRightscampaign hrcaustln.orq JR's 3923 Cedar Springs 559-0650 NationalLeatherAssocDallas nla-daJlas.com LSL Square Dance Club LoneStarLambdas.orgJoe's 4117 Maple 219-5637 Nelson-TebedoHealth4012 CedarSprings 528-2336 Kahente 4350 Maple 520-6676 Naked Yoga austinnakedyoga.com NTexasGLBTChamberoff Commerce 540-4488 Mickey's 3851-A CedarSprings 219-6425 OutYouthAustin 909 E 49 'h Street 419-1233 Oak LawnBowlingAssociation 358-1382 PFLAG PO9151/78766 302-FLAG Pekers 2615 Oak Lawn 528-3333 OakLawnSki& ScubaClub 521-5342x1769 qboyz.org 3408 West Ave/78705 420 8557 Pub Pegasus 3326 N. Fitzhugh 559-4663 OakLawnSoccerClub PO 190995/75219 941-3566 QueerStudentsAlliance(UT students) queertx.orq Rush 3903 Lemmon Ave rocketoaroenes.com OakLawnSymphonicBandPOl90869/75219621~8998 SoftballAustln softballaustin.org Round-up 3912 Cedar Springs 522-9611 Oak LawnTennisAssociation oakJawntenms.org StonewallDemocratsof Austin 266-7952 Seven 2505 Pacific 887-8787 O.U,T,(Overand Under'rnntv) 526-2093 University Alliance 441-5498 Station 4 3911 Cedar Springs 559-0650 OutTakesDallas(FilmFest) outtakesdaUas.org Sue Ellen's 3903 CedarSprings 559-0650 Out Youth Dallas PO 190712/75219 521-5342x1760 Bryan/College Station Clubs (AC: 979) 11n Room 2514 Hudnall 526-6365 Over the Rainbow (Wives of Gay/BI Men) 3S8~OS1) Fort Worth Men's ChoruS fwmc.org 731-7878 Gay Fathers/Fathers First PO 981053 782-5414 Gay Men'sChorus PO541004/77254 521-7464 P~FLAGDallas pflagdallas,org Gay Teen project . 334-0203 General Businesses ParklandHospitaIAIDSClinic1936AmeliaCt590~563) Imperial Court de Ft. worth/Arlington PO 365/76101 GLBT Chamber of Commerce PO 6612 9523-7576 SAGLParents PO 15094/78212 828-4092 PegasusSiowpitch SOftballAssoc dallaspsse.com NorthCentrarrxHIVPlanningCOuncll nctexeselds.com Gulf CoastArchive & Museumof GLBT 2507 capitol SanAntonioAIDSFoundation818 E. Grayson225-4715 PresbyterianParentsofGays& Lesbians 902·098) PFIJIG PO8279/76124 428-2329 Gay & Lesbian Film Festival 300 Montrose, Ste 207 SanAntonio Gender Foundation 223-6106 Pride(BofA Emp)[email protected]", PositiveVoicesCOalition908 Pennsylvania 321-4742 Gay & Lesbian Parents [email protected] Stonewall Democrats PO 12814/78212 494-7442 1-aOO-GayLive PrimeTimersDFW P0191101/75219 QClnemagayfilmfest 817-462-3368 qcinema.org Gay & Lesbian Political caucus PO 66664 521v1000 Texas Spotlight texasspotlight.com Project Esperanza 5415 Maple, #422 630-01H Rainbow Rollers BowlingLeague 540-0303 HATCH 701 Rk:hmond 529-3590 TGRA PO 780188/78278 All Male, Try it Free. Gay, Bi, RainbowFlye"PilotsP0190990/75219521-5342x1740 Stonewall Oemocrats PO 185363/76181 913-8743 Houston Lesbian& Gay Community Ctr. 524·3818 Thel0TreeChailenge [email protected] Rainbow GardenClub PO226811/75222 941-8114 TarrantCountyGayPrldeWeekAssoc tcgpwa.org Houston Outdoor Group (HOG) 526-7688' Youth United to Help (YUTH) 611 E. Myrtle 223-6106 Curious? Connect with hot Rainbow Skate Night (817)763-0241 Tarrant COuntylesbian & Gay Alliance 877-5544 Krewe of Olympus [email protected] Raytheon GLBTA [email protected] TrlnityRlverBears trinityriverbears.com Montrose Counseling Or 701 Richmond 529-{)037 san Antonio Organization (A/C: 830) local guys now! Get in on the SeX/LoveAddicts Anonymous 4523 Cedar Springs MontroseMotorcycie Ridingwww.montrosemrc.org San Antonio PrimeTimers PO 13693/78213 980~8744 SouthLadiesUnderTremendousStres521-5342x 1720 Galveston Accommodations (Ae: 409) PFlAG PO66834/77266 467-3524 Spectrum(SMU GUlT-Straight Org.) 768-4792 Island Jewel B&B 1725 Ave M 763-5395 Pride Houston PO66071/77266 529-6979 San Antonio Restaurants action at 1-800-GayLive Spectrum Motorcycle Club spectrum-mc.com Lost Bayou GuestHouse 1607 Avenue L 770-0688 Stonewall Oemocrats PO540111/77254 521-7065 candlelight Coffeehouse3011 N. St. Mary's 738.0099 Stonewall Oemocratsof Dallas PO 192305/75219 TX HumanRightsCommission3400Montrose522-0636 Giovanni's Pizzeria 913 S. Brazos 212-6626 Dallas. Hook up, talk or listen Team Dallas PO 190869/75219 520-4501 Galveston Clubs (AC: 409) La Famille Bistro & Grille 1700 N Main 224-7876 Ten Percent Youth 521-2093 3rd Coast Beach Bar 3102 Seawall Blvd 765-6911 McAllen Clubs (A/C 956) Lulu's Bakery & cafe 918 N Main Ave 222-9422 at 469-385-4474. Find out TGRA- Dallas PO 191168/75219 tgra.org Garza'sKon-Tlki 315 Tremont 765-5805 Trade Bar 2010 Nolana 630-6304 MadHatter's TeaHouseCafe320 Beauregard212v4832 11 Legend (TI GLBTEmployees) 480-2800 Pink Dolphin 904 Ave M 621-1808 Tlmo's Coffee House 2021 San Pedro 733.8049 TNL Ladies Bowling 927-6194 Robert's Lafitte 2501 Ave Q 765-9092 Odessa Clubs (AIC 432) W.O. Deli 3123 Broadway St 828-2322 what you've been missing! Turtle CreekChorale PO 190137/75219 526-3214 Undercurrent 2409 Market 750-8571 Club Passions 5246 W 16th clubpessions.trlood.com Web Housecafe and Bar 517 EWoodlawn 320-4280 Turtle Creek ChoraleAIDS Fund PO 190409/75219 San Antonio salons > United Court/lone Star Empire dallascourt.org Galveston Organizations (Ae: 409) San Antonio Accommodations (A/C 210) N:mzSalon 7460 callaghan Rd Ste 108 979-8100 VisitingNurseAssoc1440W.Mockingblrd689-0000 AlDSCDalitlonCDastaTTexas1401 39th St 763-2437 Arbor House Suites B&B 109 Arciniega 472-2005 JD & Victor's Hair Studio 3309 San Pedro 731-0556 WhiteRockCCFriendsMinistry9353Garland 324-1193 Harbor Met CC 1401 39th St 789-9500 Beauregard House B&B 215 Beauregard 222-9338 Les Cheveux Hair Studio 4009 McCullough 829-8360 n_I:II.II. Women's Chorus of Dallas 520-7828 Little Flower Inn 225 Madison 354·3116 Renee Roberts 2104 McCullough 738-3870 You Are Not Alane 521-5342x1734 Groesbeck Accommodations (Ae: 254) The Painted Lady Inn 620 Broadway 220-1092 Shag the Salon 110 Warren 222-1700 Youth Fi"t Texas(Ages 14-22) 879-0400 RainbowRanchcampgroundsl162LCR 800.729-8484 A Victorian Lady Inn 421 Howard St 224-2524 The Wave 36098roadway 533-3831 Mlrl.E

Dallas Restaurants Houston Accommodations (A/C: 713) san Antonio Businesses (A/C 210) SOuth Padre Accommodation (A/C: 956) Black-EyedPea 3857 Cedar Springs 521-4580 The Lovett Inn 501 Lovett 522-5224 cane'BeliaSpa2267N.w.MilitaryHwy# 117524-9888 The UpperDeck Hotel&Bar 120 E. Atol 761-5953 Bull cafe 3908 Cedar Springs 528-5410 The Montrose Inn 408 Avondale 520-0206 DreamersApollo News 2376 Austin Hwy 653·3538 Cafe Brazil 2221 Abrams 826-9522 EncoreVideo.com 1031 NE Loop 410 821-5345 This Week in Texas Magazine ;s proud to pro- cafe Brazil 3847 Cedar Springs 461-8762 Houston Adult Theatres EncoreUniversaiVideo2935Pat Booker ReI 659-7131 vide a guide of businesses, organizations and Hunky's 4000 cedar Springs 522-1212 Executive Video 14002 NW Freeway 462-5152 On Main Off Main 120 W Mistletoe Ave 737-2323 services in or to the State of Texas. If there is Marco Italian 4000 Cedar Springs 526-3636 Q SanAntonio.corn www.qsanantonJo.com an error in our current listings; if a listing is Panda's 3917 Cedar Springs 528-3818 Houston Businesses (A/C 713) Rainbow Video & Gifts rainbowvideogifts.com expired; or, you would like to add a new list- Blackhawk Leather 715 Fairview 713-leather William Video & Gifts wltltarnvtdeo.com ing, please e-mail: [email protected] Denison Club (AC: 903) Hollywood Super Ctr 2409-0 Grant 527-8510 Zebraz 1608 N. Main 472-2800 Subject: Guide Revision. Appearance in This GoodTime Lounge 2520 Hwy. 91 North 463-6086 Male UWear 415 Westheimer #104 527-8499 Week In Texas Magazine Guide in no way indi- san Antonio Churches (A/C: 210) cates a participants sexual orientation or polit- Desdemona Accommodations (Ae: 254) Houston Churches/Spirituality (Ae: 713) Dignity PO 12544/78212 340-2230 ical preference. This Week in Texas Magazine Crossroadscampgrounds 1409 CR495 758-2788 Bering Memorial 1440 Harold 526-1017 MCC 611 E. Myrtle 472-3597 provides listings free of charge to any legiti- Dignity Houston 2515 Waugh 880-2872 River City Uving Church 202 Holland Ave 822-1121 mate business or organization. This Week in EI Paso Businesses (Ae: 915) Resurrection MCC 2025 W. 11th St 861-9149 Texas Magazine is not responsible for incorrect Gallery 216 216 S. Ochoa 533-6055 San Antonio Clubs (A/C: 210) listings, expired listings or inability to contact Generation Q 301 S.Ochoa/216 S Ochoa 533-6055 Houston Churches/Spirituality (AC: 281) 2015 2015 San Pedro 733-3365 any person, business or organization that The Empty Vaze 504 N. Stanton 833-6407 Creative Ufe Ctr 5326 Spring-Steubner 350-5157 Annex 330 San Pedro 223-6957 appears herein. This is provided as a courtesy Ya-Ya's 2603 N. Stanton 544-YAYA BermudaTriangle 10127 COil<:hllght 342-2276 to our readers. Thank you! Updated 5.18,07, Houston Clubs (AC: 713) Bonham Exchange411 Bonham 271·3811 EI Paso Churches (AC: 915) 611 Hyde Park Pub 611 Hyde Park 526-7070 Boss 1006 VFW Blvd 534-6600 MCC 900 Chelsea 591-4155 Bartlni 1318 Westheimer 526-2271 Brenda's81 Bar 7811 New Old Laredo Hwy 927-2337 BrazosRiver Bottom 2400 Brazos 528-9192 Cobelt 2022 McCullough 734-2244 EI Paso Clubs (AC: 915) Chances 1100 Westheimer 523-7217 Electric Company 820 San Pedro 212-6635 Briar Patch 508 N. Stanton 577-9555 Club 8ig Yo 6305 Skyline 953-0268 Essence 1010 N, Main 223-5418 Club 101 500 San Prenciscc 544-2101 Club Energy 14448 Hempstead Hwy 462-3600 Heat 1500 N. Main 227-2600 New Old Plantation 301 S. Ochoa 533-6055 Cousins 817 Fairview 528-9204 Pegasus 1402 N_Main 299-4222 DO YOU HAVE WHAT rrTAKES? SanAntonio Mining Co 800 E.SanAntonio 533-9516 Crystal 6680 SW Freeway 278-2582 Saint 1430 N. Main 225-7330 The Whatever Lounge 701 E, Paisano 533-0215 George 617 Fairview 528-8102 SilverOoliarSaloon 1418 N. Main 227-2623 Toolbox S06 N Stanton 351-1896 Decades 1205 Richmond 521-2224 Sparks 8011 Webbles 599-3225 Ell's 2517 Ralph 527-9071 The One-a-Six 106 Pershinq. 820-0906 TWT EI Paso Organizations (AC: 915) G-Spet 1100 Westheimer 523-7217 The X-ing 1818 N. Main 320-5721 ACLU 2110 E. Yandell 351-1618 Guava lamp 570 Waugh 524-3359 Covermodels! AIDS Project EI Paso 532-6467 JR's 808 PaCific 521-2519 San Antonio Fitness Centers (A/C: 210) Anti-Violence Project216 S. OChoa [email protected] Jeffries 710 Pacific 529-3447 ExecutiveHealth Clubs 402 Austin 299-1400 Center on Family Violence 2121 La Academia 5829 Gessner 557-0809 ACI~Alternativedubs,Inc. 827E.Elmira 223-2177 GLBTCommunity Center 216 S. Ochoa 350-GAYS Mary's 1022 Westheimer 527-9669 Searches are bein9 held P-FlAG 4924 Marie Tobin 751-9046 Meteor 2306 Genesee 521-0123 san Antonio Healthcare Mk:hael'sOutpost 1419 Richmond 520-8446 8romleyMedicalGrp 3202 San PedroAve. 732-5100 in many Texas Citles ••or EI Paso Restaurants (AC: 915) Montrose Mining Company 805 Pacific 529-7488 Laurel Heights Phanmacy 2602 N. Main 736.3161 Send your audiont images to: cafe West 7933 N. Mesa, SI>!1 833-5600 New Barn 1100 Westheimer 523-7217 Lumenbrfte cafe 217 N. Stanton 838-101S Rich's 2401 San Jacinto 759-9606 San Antonio Organizations (A/C: 210) Singapore cafe 4120 N. Mesa 533-2889 Ripcord 715 Fairview 521-2792 AlamoAreaResourceCenter 527 N. Leona 358-9995 [email protected] Tejas Cafe 204 Mills 532-8411 South Beach 810 Pacific S29-S0BE Alamo City Men'sChorale PO 120243 495-SING Tony's Corner Pocket817 W Dallas 571-7870 Alamo City Tournament 481-8222 all submissions subject to review and do not Elmendorf (AC: 210) Viviana's 4624 Dacoma 681-4101 AlcoholicsAnonymous 828-6235 guarantee publication or appearance in TWT Magazine Riverside Ranch 1238 CR 125 852-1748 AmericanVeteransforEqualRightsPO 15642 558-4845 Houston Clubs (A/C: 281) 8EAT-AIDS 218 W. Cypress 212-2266 260-9885 MODELS/ESCORTS Ft. Worth Churches (AC: 817) Amazonia 114491-45 BexarMen (Nudists) POBox 12342/78212 223-6189 Agape MCC 4615 SE Loop 820 S35-5002 Rainbow Room 527 Barren Springs 872-021S Bullfrog Benevolence Fund 202 Holland Ave822-1121 Angel of Hope Christian Church 901 Page 920-7767 casey Family Programs 2840 Babcock616-0813x111 celebrationCOmmChurch90BPennsylvania 335-3222 Houston Clubs (A/C: 936) Cheer SA cheersa.org RanchHili Saloon 247041-45 N, # 103 441-6426 Classk:Chassis car Club PO Box 792371 422-5313 Ft_ Worth Clubs (AC: 817) EsperanzaPeaceIJustice 922 San Pedro 228-0201 Best Friends 2620 E. Lancaster 534-2280 Houston Fitness Centers (A/C: 713) Gay Fiesta 1935 Budding Blvd 402-4031 G.O.L.S.A 488-2610 Changes 2637 E. lancaster 413-2332 Club Houston 2205 Fannin 6594998 Copa cabana 1002 S. Main 882-9504 Fitness Exchange 4040 Milam 524-9932 HAPPYFoundation 411 Bonham 227-6451 CrossroadsLounge 515 S. 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