*~~'l'l,<<;:'9 o 0:: - 0...J ...J :r: • -- -A... ". ..•••••• OJ Cool Aaul plavlng "UN ,,~tiM t ~Zll- ~ ~ the hottest latlno music " in the Main Aoom. OJ Calvin VJ's the . best of Hip-Hop In I!""'-"---- _the New York Aoom. CDARLIES AUS1'IN WnCOHI~S ~ 1'6RA AUS1'IN Texas G~y Rodeo Association presents * Thurs., Sept. 20th. 8pm Royalty Competition Rainbow Cattle Company *Frl., Sept. 21th. 1pm· Spm Welcome Pool Party The Wyndham Hotel *Fri., Sept. 21st. Spm .10pm Registration and Welcome Party The Wyndham Hotel Ballroom * Saturday & Sunday Sept. 22nd & 23rd • 8am • 6pm E~Po~!:!!po~e~ty Rodeo * Sat., Sept. 22nd • Spm • 9pm Wild and Wooly Pool Party Hosted by the Heart of Texas Bears The Wyndham Hotel * Sun., Sept. 23rd • 8pm Farewell Party featuring the Austin Babtist Women Rainbow Cattle Company ~ one giant step, with the amazing two-year global Irney of her multi-million selling debut album, e To the Telescope. In September 18, 2007, Vir· 1 Records will release Tunstall's second album, ~STIC FANTASTIC'. r Jr 'DRASTIC FANTASTIC' KT again tapped Tete- s.ope producer Steve Osbourne (U2, New Order, 1')PPY Mondays). The album was mixed by Michael . Brauer (Coldplay, The Rolling Stones, My Morning acket). lUnstall recently told a British interviewer .iat her acquisition of two "very sexy" guitars had Rascal Flatts), LeAnn for the first time wrote or ispired her to crank them for the new album, pre- ¥ J"WwAyl<... ~i~ wrote every song on the album, which she says iding a clue to the sound of her new work. my most personal yet." . ematt Jimmy at: [email protected] he album's September release will follow a busy The album is led by the rousing, Infectious :Immer of high-profile live appearances for KT, single "Nothin' Better to Do," which Is currel lqcludlng the worldwide seven-concert Live Earth climbing up Billboard's Hot Country Songs ( ('{ent July 7th, where Tunstall will perform along· LeAnn says of the song, which she co-wrote ~ de The Pollce, Smashing Pumpkins, Kanye West, her husband Dean Sheremet and Darrell BrO'l\ !.w.e Matthews Band and many others at the Giants was born in Mississippi and grew up for the first adium, New Jersey stage. KT is also scheduled for years of my life in a tiny town called Pelahat, , July 13th spot on the popular summer live music We wrote this song as if from my alter ries performed outdoors in New York's Rockefell- girt who never got out of that small town. Center, and telecast on NBC's Today morning all that's left to do is cause a little trouble ow. Nearty a year and half after Telescope's U.S. have some funl" lease, the album's third single "Other Side of the .orld" continues to climb the Hot AC radio airplay, The accompanying video, co-directed by Ri tart and both "Black Horse and the Cherry li'ee ' and David McClister, portrays the story I ld "Suddenly I See" are still among the top 15 young woman done wrong. The video is set lost-played songs on AC radio. women's prison in the south in the 19305 et your coins ready. the Holldays are here and so I,=======~filmedI at the Old Tennessee State Penlte L real prison in Nashville which also provi e the records hun. backdrop for Tom Hanks' "The Green Mi the Robert Redford, James Gandolfini starrer d that's Muslc..• This Week In Texas. "Nolita Fairytale" ,the first single off Heroes And Last Castle. " The beautifully artistic video, 1 thieves, sets the tone for the album with a unique has been a staple on CMT since its debut in evolved sound displaying Carlton's trademark May, features scenes filr SOaringvocals and intricate plano melodies. a vintage hand·cranked camera that creates an al ~Ihave been blessed with an incredible singer! period feel and a Chicago- ~ter who amazes me every time she sits dance sequence with - at her piano and plays and sings. Our Belief choreographed by her h h other is something that I will cherish! And Dean. fight to the end for my V." Ganesh! States ·"Lorenzo, CEOof The Inc. Of the new album, LeAnn lieves, "It's a true reflect .""the magical combination of Vanessa and Irv Is my inner, most honest th .fordng. people to put their preconceived notions I've really opened my hea iiside and think outside the box," "Vanessa's new soul on this album and it captures the woman !l1bum is a breakthrough achievement on all sides; become. I literally grew up in the spotlight ttor 'universal Motown, for The Inc. and their great the last 12 years and in that time, all of my ~, and for music fans around and gracious supporters have become likl the world hungering for the kind family. This album is a thank you to E of ..lfsht and passion that only, one, as none of this would be possible wi i tarlton can bring.' them." Sylvia Rhone, President I Mot~n Records Whether it's the folksy, southern rock "Nothin' Wrong," with the incompal ,ton burst on to the soulful Louisiana native Marc Broussard tn2002 with her at- achingly vulnerable ballad "What I C ~, unleaShin! Change," the touching tribute to 1smash single •• everyWhere "Pretty Things," the blUr " which reached nis Joplin-like torcher "One Day Too Billboard Hot the quintessential anthem for women lmering prestigious Grammy Friend and a Glass of Wine," the high! Song Of The Year and Record latable power ballad ode to relationship st, red ~ the hit ·Ordlnary Day." "Fight, " or the startlingly confessional lyrics her Platinum-plus debut album title track "Family," LeAnn says, "these arl Harmonium. songs that just touch on the surface of top1 are real life lessons that people everywhere able to relate to. " GrammyGll nominee KT TUNSTALL became the most acclaimed singer-songwriters in the nother positively NOT 4th st. party presents N starring voted best OJin Austin by Music Quorum In,. unday sept. 30 / the guise 113 San Jacinto, Austin • 457-8010 www.cockpitaustin.com -·I......,.....-~ hell of a lot about being inventiVe in the boudoir. So as much as I would like to tell you that doing squats or undergoing surgi- TUESDA-Y cal implantation will solve all of your rela- First, we brought you "Little Deal, Big Deal" tionship woes, the fact of the matter is Now, Mickey'S brings you ... that what you will be left with is someone that's more attracted to your bum than "Are You Smarter Than A Drag Queen?" your brain and, while that's fabulous and incredible and all that for the moment, it Now...TWO Nightly Games! belies the fact that what you're really look- 'ing for with all of your ass-inations is A new Happy Hour Round, someone that will be there to satlsfv you plus the regular 10:00 Round for years to come and not just until you suffer the inevitable droopy drawers that Dear Diva: come to all people - regardless of whether or not they have unlimited credit with their plastic surgeons - or You can win $500 if you are the Grand Flnallstl As much as I hate to admit it, I have the flattest until a newer and perkier model comes along. I have butt on the face of the planet - which is really a discovered that most males, like the Tom cat, will lay Play against fellow contestants at the start, then the finalist for the night problem since I'm a devout bottom, and getting anything but an egg so, if short-term sexual satisfac- goes up against Wayne Smith for the ultimate chance at the Grand Prizel a guy to plow my Hershey highway is like get- tion is your concern, I really don't think you have any- ting a tit-man to go for Twiggy. Whenever I thing to worry about. If, however, you really do want wear jeans, they sag after I sit down once - and to attract someone with whom you can share connu- never mind ever trying to wear Speedos, 'cause bial bliss with for years to come, please stop worrying all the material just ends up bunched-up in my so much about whether you're filling out your Levis crack ..•which is a shame, because I've got an and worry more about you're appealing enough in enormous dick that looks fabulous In a regula- other areas for anyone to care. tion suit. I've heard about gluteus-enhancing underwear that you can get through Undergear Dear Diva: and places like that, but once those come off T-fJESDYt'I..Y, "'__ _. my date for the evening Is going to be confront- I went with my brothers and cousins to our Come celebrate the release ed by two pancakes instead of the bountiful house in Port Aransas over the Labor Day hotcakes that the underwear makes me appear weekend - there were about twenty of us - and of the new album to have. Are there any exercises that I can do since there are only three bedrooms, we all REBA DUETS to add size and shape to this most vital asset? ended up bunking together. Now, I should tell From superstar Or, am I doomed to a life of sliding off chairs you that I'm the plain one in the family - and and repelling potential bum-blasters? I'm represented by the Ford agency in New REBA McENTIRE York City. In other words, my siblings and Featuring duets with 11 of music's hottest artists Butt-less in Buda cousins are friggin' hot! At any rate, I ended up including the smash single "Because of You" in a king-sized bed with four of my cousins and, Dear Flat-ass: during the middle of the night, the one that I was closest to in the bed got a hard-on and WIN CONCERT TICKETS TO SEE One of the saddest things about the human condition started pressing it against my ass.
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