English Lingua Franca Nova Dictionary

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English Lingua Franca Nova Dictionary English Lingua Franca Nova Dictionary 16 October 2012 http://lfn.wikia.com/ http://webspace.ship.edu/cgboer/lfn/ http://purl.org/net/lfn/disionario/ 1 Introduction Lingua Franca Nova (LFN) is an auxiliary constructed language created by Dr C George Boeree of Shippensburg University, Pennsylvania. This dictionary is a computer-generated index to the English words and phrases listed in the master LFN–English dictionary at http://purl.org/net/lfn/disionario/ (which can also be downloaded in PDF form). Since English lacks a rule for whether to hyphenate compounds or write them as one word or two, hyphens and spaces are simply ignored in the ordering of words here. For example, car park appears just before carpenter, rather than just after car. If you notice a difference between this dictionary and the master dictionary, you can assume the master is correct. But please let us know, e.g. via the forums at http://lfn.wikia.com/ or http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/LinguaFrancaNova/. Abbreviations abbr = abbreviation adj = adjective adv = adverb conj = conjunction det = determiner interj = interjection n = noun num = numeral pl = plural pref = prefix prenom = prenominal (used before a noun) prep = preposition preverb = preverbal (used before a verb) pron = pronoun suf = suffix v = verb vi = intransitive verb vt = transitive verb Indicators such as (o-i) and (e-u) mark words in which two vowels do not form a diphthong in normal pronunciation. 2 abortion aborta (n) malusa (v) A abortionist abortiste (n) abuser maltrator (n) abortive abortada (a) abusive maltratante (a) A (letter, musical note) A (n), un (det) abortively abortada (adv) abusively maltratante (adv) aardvark (mammal: spe Orycteropus abound abunda (vi) abusiveness maltrata (n) afer) oriteropo (n) abound in es plen de (v) abyss profonda (n) aardwolf (mammal: spe Proteles cristatus) protele (n) abounding abundante (a) AC corente alternante (n) abacus (device, architecture) abaco about sirca (prep), sirca (prep), sur acacia (tree: gen Acacia) acasia (n) (n) (prep) academic academial (a), academin abandon abandona (vt) about to a punto de (adv) (a), academiste (n) abandoned abandonada (a) above (space) a supra (adv), a supra academy academia (n) abandonment abandona (n) (prep), supra (prep) acanthus (plant: gen Acanthus) acanto (n) abase oneself basi se (v) above all ante tota (adv), supra tota (adv) a cappella sin strumento (a, adv) abattoir mataderia (n) abracadabra! hocus- accelerate aselera (vi, vt), rapidi (vi) abbess abadesa (n) pocus! abracadabra! (interj) acceleration aselera (n), rapidi (n) abbey abaderia (n), monceria (n) abrade frica (vt), raspa (vt) accelerator (incl pedal) aselerador (n) abbot abade (n) abrasion frica (n), raspa (n) accelerator key tecla rapida (n) abbreviate corti (vi, vt) abrasive fricosa (a), raspante (a) accent asentua (n), pronunsia (n), abbreviation (act, result) corti (n) abroad estra la pais (a, adv) sinieta (n) abdicate renunsia (vt) abrogate cansela (vt) accentor (bird: fam abdication renunsia (n) abrogation cansela (n) Prunellidae) asentor (n) abdomen adomen (n) abrupt subita (a) accentuate asentua (vt) abdominal adomenal (a) abruptly subita (adv) accept aseta (vt) abduct saisi (vt) abscess (medical) aseso (n) acceptability asetablia (n) abduction saisi (n) abseil rapela (vi) acceptable asetable (a), oce (a) abductor (muscle) deduador (n) absence asentia (n) acceptance aseta (n) aberrant deviante (a), nonormal (a) absent asente (a) access asede (n), asede (vt) aberration devia (n), nonormalia (n) absinthe (drink) asinto (n) accessible asedable (a) abhor odia (vt) absolute asoluta (a) accessory ajuntable (n) ability capasia (n) absolutely asoluta (adv) accident (not mishap) acaso (n), abjad (script) abjad (n) absolution remete (n) asidente (n), mal fortuna (n) abject misera (a) absolutism asolutisme (n) accidental acaso (a), altera (n) abjection miseria (n) absolutist asolutiste (n) accidentally acaso (adv) abjectness miseria (n) absolve remete (vt) acclaim aclama (vt) abjuration rejeta (n) absorb (cost) amorti (vt), asorbe (vt) acclamation aclama (n) abjure rejeta (vt) absorption asorbe (n) accommodate compromete (vi) Abkhaz dem abcaz (a) abstain asteni (vi) accommodation abitada (n) Abkhazia Abcazia (n) abstention asteni (n) accompaniment acompania (n) ablative (grammar) ablativa (a, n) abstention from voting asteni de accompanist acompaniste (n) -able -able (suf, a), capas (a) vota (n) accompany acompania (vt) able-bodied de corpo capas (a) abstinence asteni (n) accompanying acompaniante (a) abnegation nega a se (n) abstinence from food juna (n) accomplice aidor (n) abnormal nonormal (a) abstinent asteninte (a) accomplish ateni (vt), reali (vi), abnormality nonormalia (n) abstract astrata (a) susede (vt) abode abitada (n) abstraction (thing) astrata (n), accomplished realida (a) abolish aboli (vt) astratia (n) accomplishment ateni (n), reali (n), abolishment aboli (n) abstractness astratia (n) susede (n) abolition aboli (n) absurd asurda (a) accord about acorda (vt) abolitionism abolisme (n) absurdity (thing) asurda (n), asurdia accordance acorda (n) abolitionist aboliste (n) (n) according to como diseda par, diseda par, seguente (prep) abominable odiable (a) abugida (script) abugida (n) accordion (instrument) acordion (n) abominate odia (vt) abundance abunda (n) account (bank, online, etc) conta (n), abomination odia (n), odiable (n) abundant abundante (a) reporta (n) abort aborta (vi, vt) abuse maltrata (n), maltrata (v), 3 accountant contor (n) acquire oteni (vt) adaptive ajustal (a) account for justi (vi, vt) acquisition oteni (n), otenida (n) add ajunta (vt) accumulate colie (vt), cumula (vi, vt) acre (measure) acre (n) add a beard to barbi (vt) accumulation colie (n), cumula (n) acrobat jinasiste (n) addable ajuntable (a) accuracy esatia (n) acrobatic jinasial (a) add a hash sign to grili (vt) accurate esata (a) acrobatically jinasial (adv) added to a geographical name: accusation acusa (n) acrobatics jinasia (n) adjective pertaining to -an (suf, a, n), -es (suf, a, n), -i (suf, a, n), -ica accusative (grammar) acusativa (a, acronym acronim (n) (suf, a, n), -sce (suf, a, n) n) acronymic acronim (a) added to a noun denoting an accusatory acusante (a) acronymous acronim (a) instrument: musician (gitariste) - accuse acusa (vt) across traversante (prep), ultra iste (suf, a, n) accused acusada (a, n) (prep) added to a noun ending in “-ia” or accuser acusor (n) acrylic acrilica (a, n) “-ica” that denotes a field of accusing acusante (a) act (take action, perform as actor) ata study: practitioner (jeolojiste) -iste (suf, a, n) accustom abitua (vt) (n), ata (vi), finje (vt) actinium (element) actinio (n) added to a verbal noun denoting a accustomed abituada (a) state: absence of the state ace (cards) as (n) action ata (n) (noncrede) non- (pref) acerbic sever (a) activate ativi (vi), ativi (vt) added to a verb: verb perform the acetate (chemistry) asetato (n) activation ativi (n) action in a minor way (pluveta)] - acetic (chemistry) asetica (a) active ativa (a), ativa (n) eta (suf, n, v) acetylcholine active voice (grammar) vose ativa adder (snake: fam Viperidae) vipera (biochemistry) asetilcolina (n) (n) (n) Achaea Acea (n) activism ativisme (n) addict abitua (vt), dependente (n), Achaean dem acean (a, n) activist ativiste (n) manica (n) Achaemenid dem acemenan (a, n) activity ativia (n) addicted dependente (a) ache dole (n) act of union trata de uni (n) addicted to drugs drogamanica (a) achievable realable (a) actor ator (n) addiction depende (n), mania (n) achieve ateni (vt), reali (vi), susede actress ator fema (n) addictive abituante (a) (vt) actual real (a), vera (a) add-in ajuntable (n) achievement ateni (n), reali (n), actualization reali (n) adding machine macina de soma (n) susede (n) actualize reali (vi) addition ajunta (n), soma (n) achoo (sneeze) axu (interj) actualized realida (a) additional ajuntada (a), plu (a, prenom) acid asida (a), asida (n) actually vera (adv) additional international uses acidic asida (a) acuity agia (n) (simbolisme, turisme)] -isme (suf, acidification asidi (n) acupuncture agopuntur (n) n), -iste (suf, a, n) acidify asidi (vt) acute (medical, not accent, additional payment paia ajuntada (n) acidity asidia (n) sharp) acuta (a), agu (a) additional special uses (sibileta) - acidly asida (adv) acute accent sinieta agu (n) eta (suf, n, v) acidophile asidofil (n) acutely agu (adv) add-on ajuntable (n) acidophilia asidofilia (n) acuteness agia (n) address (parcel) adirije (n), adirije acidophilic asidofil (a) ad anunsia (n), de la eda comun (a, (vt) acknowledge reconose (vt) adv), ec (abbr) addressee destina (n) acknowledgement reconose (n) adage diseda (n), proverbo (n) address oneself to (audience, acne acne (n) Adam Adam (n) task) dirije se a (v) acolyte aidor (n) Adam's apple poma de Adam (n) adductor (muscle) aduador (n) aconite aconito (n) adapt ajusta (vi), ajusta (vt) add up soma (vi, vt) acorn cuerca (n) adaptability ajustablia (n) adenoid adenoide (n) acoustic acustical (a) adaptable ajustable (a) adenoidal adenoidal (a) acoustic guitar gitar acustical (n) adaptably ajustable (adv) adept capas (a) acoustician acusticiste (n) adaptation ajusta (n) adequate sufisinte (a) acoustics acustica (n) adaptationism ajustisme (n) adequately sufisinte (adv) acquaintance (with) conose (n), adaptationist ajustiste (n) adhere adere (vi) conoseda (n) adapted ajustada (a) adherence adere (n) acquiesce sede (vt) adapter ajustador (n), ajustor (n) adherent aderor (n) acquiescence sede (n) adaption ajusta (n)
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