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, , Thursday, May 12, 1949 Thursday, May l2, 1949 THE JEWISH POST (·1 , Page Eight THE JEWISH POST I.· __ ••••• ft ...... ' ...... ••••••••• •••••••• • I'. , SUNDAY ATTEND THE ANNUAL MEETING Springtime Is Home Remodelling Time MAY 15th OF THE

8 p.m. By HERBERT NORMAN clean-up~ scrub-up and paint-up vista of yom' home. You can let prospects and problems on your IDon't for a minute think they envy - campaign IDru.·ks the biggest ,spling, yourself go as far as color is con- mind, remember that the greatest you . . . but don't take their pride at the Winnipeg witnessed the fastest cleaning job any housewife ever cerned in this case for the bright- virtue in this land is SABLONUT and quiet determination too much JEWISH EDUCATION brush-off in all history last week BUREAU of attempted. nCss makes for the attractiveness . . . patience. You'll probably be for granted. when 50 painters scrambled over PLAYHOUSE We owe it not only to our city, amI as long as th~ colors don~t hurt sent aroWld to fourteen different ...... PROGRAM a 65-year-old house, just opposite THEATRE but to ourselves to take a good look the eye in a clash, you're not far government and agency ·offices all Planning To Landscape • "REDEMPTION THROUGH THE AGES" the Odoon theatre and slapped on a at our premises every so often and fro,ni the light track. concerned with the specific prob­ new coat of paint in just 10 minutes This Spring? DRAMA'l'IZED BY PUPILS OF THE THREE SCHOOL SYSTEMS give it the clean-up work it de- And now that the foliage has blos­ lems of middle class investors, and I: " and 32 seconds. The race against serves. And now that it has' become samed forth, the grass cutting, gar­ none pr.epared to give you the exact See us first - we have an A_~~9'~'(lt.'!NW' 1'J!I3D'tMi'4V'iiV'Ci~'*' h marks a Canadian record - and as salem. but in a cab you Ineet you see carrying a bulging leat er get b work. beautifying trend this 75th Winni- want in this regard. Even if you far as we know - a world record. , SEND FOR CATALOGUE only tourists from Worcester, Mass., briefcase. Two times out of five it's If the homestead doesn't need a peg summer, many homeowners are have Vitamin P _ . . as Protectsia The feat was perfonned to re­ r !A Popular or Bloomfoentin, South Afrlca . . . only a mail clerk taking his lunch completely new paint job, why not looking for the unique in gardens or influence is called here . . . mind Winnipeggers of the forth­ while in a bus you meet French- to work . . . the other three times just t~mch it up on those important and hedges and are veering away W. WALLIS coming" celebration of our city's you'll do lots of trremping around Urgently Needed! speaking Jews from , or it might very well be Dr. Alex trinuned spots. Door frames, win- from the square patch and the CJTY HALL MARKET Promotion 75th birthday. In a scrubbing cam­ before' you hit the office you want. Afghanistan or Aden or Iraqui Jews. Bein, Josef Sprinzak or an Agency dow frames, trimming along the straight line. There's a wealth of R-emember again that all you see Back of Civic Offices paign to have our faces clean and eaves, etc., when finished off in a, ideas in YOlJr mind _ once you sit Princess Street Winnipeg Rooms, Suites and Good Homes Then in a cab conversation is quiet V.I.P.... taking his lunch to work! about you is the result of Jewish ... our ears washed for the party, the new coat of bri'ght color, Will give down to think it out. All it takes is ...... --_ --- ... while once your bus stops to Unless you come in the very midst organizational and i mag ina t i v e city is urging all home and busi­ pick up some girls or boys in the of summer's heat, bring moderately the impression of -a newly done the desire to do something a little genius ... but that in so simple a for War - Rescued Jews ness owners to take a bath - or army, you'll hear 's latest hit warm clothing ... and sports outfits building and brighten the whole bit different this year and you're matter as 'organizing a _ line . _ . at leas! bathe their pr<\mises. The Mrs. B. A.· Chmelnitsky from Shanghai parade ... without fail, a beautiful, for your hiking (here known in started. Banked rock gardens along that is a queue . . . Israelis are CATERER spontaneous choral version of the HebreV: as 'trremping'). Israel might the wall, grass paths winding down miserably inefficient. Your salva­ wishes to announce the open­ SEE US FOR The Winnipeg' Congress Office has received a call Palmach favorite, UBathsheba." be in the sub-tropic zone ... but it's a small garden, floral patterns that tion in this regard is that as a ing of her cottage on '" from Saul Hayes National Director of the Congress, The sights that will catch ·your now mid-April and freezing in Jeru­ show a good imagination are all tourist, you will no(, have to do June 15th, at that 325 Jewish ;escued persons are coming in three eye in cities like Jerusalem _ . -' salem. Dressing for the occasion DECORATIVE indications of a conscientious house­ too much queueing. 7 Oak St., Winnipeg Beach holder and all point to a tidier pre- Excellent Board and Room planes from Shanghai to Vancouver. besides the sights your guide will (Cont. on page 9) FLOORS Finally, remember Israel has just mise. Meals Also Served Mr. H. Frank, Executive Director of the Canadian show you ... are countless bearded IN 'emerged from a war. Not a war For Reservations. - Call at overseas ... or in a neighbor's land. Jewish Congress, Western Division, left. Jor Van­ old gents (who might have been HANDBOOK FOR TOURISTS QIarll of Wl1anka \I) ASPHALT TILE Every soldier fought in his own back 7 OAK STREET couver to meet and settle them in the varIOUS larger chief in your home town) (Cont, from page 8) o RUBBER TILE yard. Every mother and hoursewif,e Winnipeg Beach Jewish Communities. oJ Canada. speeding down streets on frail_motor­ We wish to take this Ill! CORK 'fILE sometimes floors the well-meaning felt, heard, saw, and probably suf­ on May 24th Due to the untiring efforts of the Canadian Jewish cycles with six large cans of un­ opportunity of expressing pasteurized milk clattering behind ow' sincere thanks and @ LINOLEUM tourist. I've se.en one get into an fered during that fight. They are or Phone 55 151 Congress, we have succeeded in getting this c?n­ appreciation to all our unironed khaki shirt and enter a all happy to see tourists arrive . '.. cession from the Canadian Government to brJl1g them. Such are milkmen in Israel. or call at 314 College Ave. I The swarthy figures you think are relatives and friends for ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS kibbutz dining hall ... to discover and are eager to tell you what you' Winnipeg, Man. these rescued Jews over to Canada. their kind expressions of to his dismay that all Kibbutzniks Arabs are just youngsters who have sympathy during our re­ Tcfilper missed by not being here last July. i II , the Heat had well-irone.d white shirts on, affected the habit of wearing a dash- I cent bereavement in the Estimates Free -Ph. 929375 325 VKovod Shabbat! Good rain wear 40 PERSONS OF THE' GROUP OF I. A. MAHON ing red 01' white Arab scarf jauntily' loss of ow' deal' father, !inti Ii1rigMe61 your Sfnwf EXPERT ELECTRICAL WIRING, INSTALLATIONS looped about the neck with tails Isaac Benjamin Lockshin. is a necessity as is a good pair of AND REPAmS WILL COME TO WINNIPEG Promotion of I. A. Mahon (Tony) - Nathan Lockshin I: traUing behind. In Jerusalem, try sun glasses. I' We are appealing to the Jewish people of the City to the position of Sales and Mer­ and Family. with our NEW Building Specialties' ELECTRICAL FIXTURES OF ALL RINDS chandising Manag.er of WiIUlipeg not to be impressed by every person If your Hebrew is elementary, III of Winnipeg to respond to our call.. Whoever has Electric Company has been an­ ltd. don't ask directions B'Ivrit. You will rooms or suites or even houses to rent out, please nounced by W. H. Carter, President generally be answered in English. II ' 285 Vaughan Street 4 I ' call the following offices: of the Company, CANVAS is a good Lingua Franca Mr. Mahon is a native of Sudbury, (Just North of Portage) too. If you've come with business Crosstown Electric Co. 1 . Prior to coming to Win­ ~ttenb Phones: 52 121 - 56 339 Canadian Jewish Congress 54119 nipeg in 1929, Mr. Mahon was Power tbia jrMemortal AWNINGS i Company contact man in the Sales Jewish Immigrant Aid Society 52084 Division for Canadian General Elec­ ;fflrtting: • Your neighbors will enjoy LUMBER AND Day and Night Service, 56 633 I I tric Company with he,adquarters in your attractive home ... but, I, ' 922904 I Jewish Family Service . He served in the Cana­ more important, you will be BUILDING 887 liz MAIN STREET ;"1 1 1 dian Army overseas from 1915 to On Wednesday, May 25th, at 8.30 p.m., in cool, comfortable and happy 1918, MATERIALS : I: ' CANADIAN JEWISH CONGRESS, the Talmud Torah, there wjll be a memorial no matter how bright the As Merchandise Manager for Win­ meeting in honour of the late Meyer iii ~ Western Division. nipeg Electric Company Mr. Mahon sun or how high the heat. ,• ':, Ij ! ' succeeded' in building up a very Bar-Ilan (Berlin). Gay, beautiful painted or Capital' Lumber LUMBER AND active sales force which won the woven stripes to choose ·: ' , National Sales Competition of the All organizations and societies are requested 1 i - from now _ .. highest qual­ Co. Ltd. ; , , Canadian E1ectrical Association year to keep this date open and come en masse BUILDING MATERIALS , ity, finest custom workman· I 'I. • after year and eventually became to. honour the memory of that great leader . Phone 922 348 ,I PR.OSPERITY permanent holder of the trophy More particulars will be announced later. ship. Telephone coday for " awarded by the Association. an estimate - ir's free. 90·92 mGGINS AVE. Mr.Mahon has always been active MANITOBA TENT & WINNIPEG MAN. in welfar.e and social activities. He ADMISSION FREE is a past pr.esident of the Manitoba AWNING CO. 1st Floor- BLDG. CITY LUMBER COMPANY Vote LIBERAL Electrical Association, the Winnipeg MIZRACHI ORGANIZATION OF WINNIPEG Ph. 57254 391 Dufferin Ave. WINNIPEG Wallace and Wallace LIMITED ingKiwanis Club. Club He andis athe member Granite ofcurl-I~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~======~ the Painters & Decorators Kummen . Shipman ~ .. Canukeena Club, Carleton Club, S. B. LEVIN. President Winter Club, United Conunercial 271 Burnell St. Ph, 37288 Electric, Ltd. FOR QUALITY FURNITURE Travellers, Knights of Columbus, ANNOUNC"EivlENT. winnipeg Canada Electric Wiring & Repan-s 618 DUFFERIN AVE. PHONE 57366 Chamber of Commerce, Lake George AT REASONABLE PRICES Electrical Appliances, Fixtul'CS I Fishing Club, and a director of the 317 FORT ST. Phone 925447 I Canadian Electrical Association. He WMMtA is an active member of the Winnipeg IRVIN C. SCHACTER, C.A. The STAR of the • LIBERAL Public Parks Board anq. is Chairman FOR- I( I of the Civic Golf Cours'es Committee and phone House Builders' Exhibition of that body. • •• Approved No obligation for a free demon~ • Candidate DAVID A. GILMAN, C.A. 9 stration of the famous original. 2 • Builders Supplies HANDBOOK FOR TOURISTS 6 I CONTRACTORS of the firm of Schacter, Gilman & Company, Chartered and Coal "Wlni.LlIU~ijil:ll" LA WN SPRINKLER • NORTH (Cont. from page 1) 4 Accountants, have pleasure in announcing the admit­ 5 for 405 And Automatic Shutoff Phone tance to partnership as from May 1st, 1949, of au 1 Mcl~tyr.e Blk. , i • Winnipeg Travel at least once ... and over • Ready Mixed WinnIpeg "ASTA" CO , 929925 .. i. • ROOFING a fairly considerable distance . . . DAVID HALPERN, C.A. Concrete ., ," by bus (generally Egged Bus) to get • SIDING ,. the feel of the land. A bus driver The practice of the profession will continue under the Our Specialty "BLOWN" at Haifa told me that Yidden In firm name of COMPLETE HOME DITCHFIELD 8 SON PETER FURNISHERS Eretz Yisroel V oinen Vee In Gan • Home Insulating LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS Eden. . .' . Nakid Un Boor-vus! SCHACTER, GILMAN, HALPERN & COMPANY ELECTRIC STOVES AND RADIOI ," CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS McCurdy Supply _ SPECIALISTS IN - Generally their philosophy is on a • SEEDING • SODDING • GARDENS PLOWED higher plane . . . although their Manitoba Hardware & Co. Ltd. WESTERN ASBESTOS • DRIVEWAYS • TENNIS COURTS • ROTOTILLING · J 4th FLOOR, TRANS-CANADA BUILDING CO. Ltd. ,i humor not much above the sample. 325 Main Street Furniture Company Phone 37251 TREES AND HEDGES REMOVED AND PRUNED Office Phones 925244 121 SMITH STREET BY POWER SAW It's more comfortable to take a cab Winnipeg, Manitoba 542 SELKIRK A V& Bus, Phone 35 269 922 547 Phones 922 548 rather than wait three hours in Tel Phone 56802 Sargent and Erin Sts. Office and Y""d - 990 WALL STREET Res. Phone 013 Aviv for a two hour trip to Jeru- published b)' tbe autbor'*1 of AId.. Frank L. Cbtsler, oll'ic1al .,tGt

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