Research Report on International Cooperation in the Recovery Process of Disaster-Affected Cultural Heritage

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Research Report on International Cooperation in the Recovery Process of Disaster-Affected Cultural Heritage Research Report on International Cooperation in the Recovery Process of Disaster-affected Cultural Heritage March 2010 Japan Consortium for International Cooperation in Cultural Heritage Research Report on International Cooperation in the Recovery Process of Disaster-affected Cultural Heritage March 2010 Edited and published by Japan Consortium for International Cooperation in Cultural Heritage 13-43 Ueno Koen, Taito-ku, Tokyo, 110-8713 JAPAN Tel: +81-3-3823-4841 Fax: +81-3-3823-4027 URL: Foreword In recent years, cultural heritage has been affected by a series of natural and man-made di- sasters so interest in cultural heritage disaster prevention measures and restoration has height- ened. It is considered that climate change on a global scale is one of the contributing factors in natural disasters, and irreplaceable cultural heritage damage can lead to an irredeemable loss for people. Therefore, it is important to take measures routinely to prevent disasters af- fecting cultural heritage as well as to carry out restoration to cultural heritage swiftly and appropriately after a disaster has struck. Appeals to Japan from overseas for cooperation in the recovery process of disaster-affected cultural heritage have increased. Providing swift and effective post-disaster support is difficult so that it has become necessary to grasp what kind of contribution is feasible and to take cooperative action together with the host country. With a background like that, the Japan Consortium for International Cooperation in Cul- tural Heritage was commissioned in fiscal year ending March 2010 by the Agency of Cultural Affairs to carry out a study of disaster prevention systems, disaster-time recovery initiatives and the role of international cooperation. Based on consultations in Subcommittee meeting for Planning, five countries centered in Asia (China, Thailand, Indonesia, Iran and Greece) that have been assisted by Japan were chosen as a case study of how cultural heritage has been affected by major natural disasters over the past ten years. The purpose of this report is to compile information relating to these case studies. We would like to express our gratitude to all those who cooperated while conducting this study Shinʼichi Shimizu, Director Japan Center for International Cooperation in Conservation Independent Administrative Institution, National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo Preface 1. This report documents studies on international cooperation in the recovery process of disaster-affected cultural heritage in the countries of China, Thailand, Indonesia, Iran and Greece. It is published as a part of a project carried out by the Japan Consortium for International Cooperation in Cultural Heritage which was commissioned by the Agency of Cultural Af- fairs. 2. Reports and studies carried out in Iran and Greece, which are detailed in Chapter 2, were re-commissioned by the Japan Consortium for International Cooperation in Cultural Heritage to the Kokushikan University and Ritsumeikan-Global In- novation Research Organization, Ritsumeikan University. 3. Those responsible for editing and writing this report are listed as follows. In addition, Ms. Yumi Sugahara (Lecturer, Fac- ulty of International Culture Studies, Department of Asian Studies, Tenri University) supervised wording used in the Indo- nesian case study report included in Chapter 2. Editor Japan Consortium for International Cooperation in Cultural Heritage Author Chapter 1 Rei Harada, Research Fellow, Japan Consortium for International Cooperation in Cultural Heritage Chapter 2 China Ken Okada, Head, Resource and S ystems Research Section) Japan Center for International Cooperation in Conser- vation, National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo Hisano Koseki, Visiting Researcher, Shimane Prefecture Thailand Yoko Futagami, Senior Researcher, Japan Center for International Cooperation in Conservation, National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo Yutaka Nakamura, Visiting Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology Tomomi Haramoto, Research Fellow, Japan Consortium for International Cooperation in Cultural Heritage Indonesia Akiko Tashiro, Research Fellow, Japan Consortium for International Cooperation in Cultural Heritage Iran Yasuyoshi Okada, Professor, Institute for Cultural Studies of Ancient Iraq, Kokushikan University Greece Kanefusa Masuda, Professor, Ritsumeikan Global Innovation Research Organization, Ritsumeikan University (Research Center for Disaster Mitigation of Urban Cultural Heritage, Ritsumeikan University) Kenzo Toki, Professor, Ritsumeikan Global Innovation Research Organization, Ritsumei kanUniversity (Director, Research Center for Disaster Mitigation of Urban Cultural Heritage, Ritsumeikan University) Yozo Goto, Project Researcher, Earthquake Research Institute of the University of Tokyo Minsuk Kim, Postdoctoral Fellow, Ritsumeikan Global Innovation Research Organization, Ritsumeikan University (Research Center for Disaster Mitigation of Urban Cultural Heritage, Ritsumeikan University) Chapter 3 Rei Harada Contents Foreword Preface Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Chapter 2 Case Study 1. China 7 2. Thailand 27 3. Indonesia 77 4. Iran 105 5. Greece 117 Chapter 3 Assignments for the Future 159 Bibliography 165 List of Figures, Tables, and Pictures 169 List of Interviewees 175 Appendix 179 Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Chapter 1 Introduction When considering cultural heritage protection, one of the pressing problems is how to tackle the threat of natural disasters. Disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides and fires have caused catastrophes on countless occasions in the past, and on each occasion we are reminded of the diverse dangers by nature. Unfortunately, it is difficult to predict when natural disasters happen, but if one looks at earthquakes, for example, research on earthquake zones has enabled us to respond by identifying measures to be taken for certain re- gions. This thinking could also extend to formulating measures to protect cultural heritage against earthquake disasters, and could argue that the main consideration should be the locational relationship between the distribution of earthquake zones and cultural heritage sites. Fig.1 World Heritage Sites (June 2008) Located in the Earthquake Zones by Research Center for Disaster Mitigation of Urban Cultural Heritage, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan Since a large number of World Cultural Heritage and Mixed Heritage are located in earthquake zones, it could be assumed that other cultural heritage might similarly be located in earthquake zones, and which means a large number of them are also potentially vulnerable to earthquake damage. This problem is particularly prominent in regions located in earthquake zones including Southeast Asia, South- west China, Western Asia, the Mediterranean coast, and Latin America. The Japan Consortium for International Cooperation in Cultural Heritage has worked to provide active international cooperation for disaster-affected cultural heritage through research and support since its inauguration. Its first workshop held on July, 2007, titled “Emer- gency Support for Cultural Heritage Affected by Natural Disasters”, considered the current status of and issues surrounding emergency international support to preserve cultural heritage affected by natural disasters. Further, it studied extensive damage caused to cultural heritage by flooding that occurred in the Hadhramaut region of the Republic of Yemen in October, 2008, and compiled information in February, 2009, to examine how the Japanese government could cooperate. The report of this study, “Investigation of the Flood Situation in Yemen”, was published in February, 2009. Thus, since its establishment, the Japan Consortium for International Cooperation in Cultural Heritage has consistently focused on is- sues relating to the restoration of disaster-affected cultural heritage. However, as the number of appeals for cooperation from overseas to Japan and actual cooperation cases provided by Japanese experts continues to rise, deciding what measures are required to ensure swift and appropriate international cooperation responding to disaster-affected cultural heritage is still a major issue. Providing swift and effec- 1 Chapter 1 Introduction tive post-disaster support is difficult so it has become necessary to grasp what kind of contribution is feasible and to carry out cooperative action together with the host country. Accordingly, carrying out comprehensive studies of the current status of and issues facing interna- tional cooperation in these areas has become increasingly important. With a background like that, the Japan Consortium for International Cooperation in Cultural Heritage was commissioned by the Agen- cy of Cultural Affairs in fiscal year ending March 2010 to carry out case studies looking at the restoration of disaster-affected cultural heritage. Five countries centered in Asia (China, Thailand, Indonesia, Iran and Greece) that have been assisted by Japan were chosen as actual cases of how cultural heritage has been affected by major natural disasters over the past ten years (Fig. 2). Greece China Iran Thailand Indonesia Case Study Area Boundary Line Fig.2 Case study area Asia is vulnerable to a wide diversity of disasters such as flooding, landslides and wildfires but the disaster case studies reported here predominately relate to earthquake damage. This could be seen as an indication of the significantly large scale of earthquake related
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