Feeding the World to 2020
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INTRODUCTION Internet RESOURCES In 2000, the International Food Policy Re- search Institute, Food and Agriculture Or- Hunger ganization, and International Livestock Re- Well-Fed World search Institute published Livestock to 2020. www.wellfedworld.org Feeding The report projects a 65% and 87% expan- Eat Less Meat (CIWF) sion in worldwide consumption of meat and eatlessmeat.org the milk by year 2020, with 84% of that expan- Global Hunger Alliance sion will occur in developing countries. globalhunger.net Worldwatch Institute To accommodate the projected increase in worldwatch.org World demand for animal products, the report Center for a Livable Future (JHU) predicts the increased use of western-style jhspf.edu/clf intensive farming systems (also known as Food for Life Global (direct relief) to 2020 factory farming). ffl.org To reduce the negative consequences of increased meat consumption, 2020 rec- Health ommends promoting small-scale agricul- Physicians Comm. Responsible Med. ture, biotechnology and population control. pcrm.org 5-a-Day 5aday.org In line with standard development recom- mendations, Livestock to 2020 avoids ad- Environment & Animals vocating a reduction in global meat or dairy consumption as it is considered a Bite Global Warming demand-driven “given.” biteglobalwarming.org Grace Promoting more just, comprehensive and factoryfarm.org sustainable solutions, Well-Fed World ex- Sierra Club pands the dialogue to more thoroughly con- sierraclub.org/factoryfarms/ sider the benefits of reducing meat con- Contrasting Livestock FARM (Farm Animal Reform Movement) sumption (and other animal products), in farmusa.org industrialized and developing countries. Plant-Based& Positions Reduced meat consumption will drastically increase plant-based food availability, Well-Fed World while reducing prices of primary grains, promoting sustainable, plant-based solutions soy and other “feed” (as global demand www.WellFedWorld.org decreases). Reduced meat consumption also protects the land, air and water. Of [email protected] note, reduced meat consumption will re- duce global warming and its consequences. DEMAND FOR Meat Use of RESOURCES Summary LIVESTOCK POSITION LIVESTOCK POSITION LIVESTOCK POSITION • Meat production and consumption is Given sufficient economic resources, Livestock provide income and assets to • • demand-driven. We should find the best people naturally choose meat and dairy. the poor. method of meeting increased future de- • Demand for meat and milk will rise by • Draft power provides labor assistance and mand by investing in biotechnology (to 87% and 65% by 2020 (2000 baseline). manure increases soil fertility. increase output), and working to limit • 84% of the increase for meat and milk population growth (to reduce demand). • Waste will be handled by regulations will occur in developing nations. and pollution control technology. PLANT-BASED POSITION • The major reasons are increases in population, urbanization, and affluence. PLANT-BASED POSITION V Animals are inefficient converters of • Vertically integrated intensive farming food. Livestock provide only a small systems will be used to meet the de- V The income and farming benefits that fraction of calories, protein and nutrients mand. Small-scale production should be may be received with small-scale agri- compared to plant-based options. encouraged to offset the negative con- culture are lost with factory farming. V The development, hunger/poverty alle- sequences of intensive farming. V Factory farmed livestock are not owned viation and nutrition communities should PLANT-BASED POSITION by the poor so they do not provide in- embrace the benefits of plant-based so- come or assets. lutions for improved health, higher food yields and environmental sustainability. V Diet preferences are not fixed. Social V Factory farmed animals do not provide traditions, economic circumstances and draft power because they are confined in government policies mold preferences. buildings. V Public education campaigns and subsi- V Manure is fertilizer only in small por- RECOMMENDATIONS dies should promote healthy, varied di- tions. The intensive land-to-animal ratios ets centered on fresh fruits, vegetables, of factory farming turn manure into poi- Encourage reduced meat and milk con- legumes and whole grains. son for the ground, water and air. sumption in the industrialized countries to free up grains and legumes to feed peo- V Food policy should be strategic in the inter- V Livestock contribute more pollutants to ple directly. est of the public health, not steered by waterways than all other human activi- profit-maximizing commercial interests or ties combined. Promote food self-sufficiency in devel- political maneuvering. oping countries through training in sus- V Regulation of farm discharges has tainable crop cultivation techniques. V Increased awareness of the health, proven inadequate in the US and is less animal welfare, and environmental con- reliable in developing countries. Promote nutrition, health and reproduc- sequences of meat, combined with the tive empowerment, and girl’s education increased availability of viable alterna- Well-Fed World in developing countries. tives, will reduce demand for meat. promoting sustainable, plant-based solutions Regulate international agricultural trade V Decreasing livestock production will de- policies that harm developing countries. crease grain prices, thus increasing the www.WellFedWorld.org Substitute free trade with fair trade. availability of it and other food staples. [email protected].