D4.4 Needs-Policy Canvas Project PoliRural ProjectAcronym: title: Future Oriented Collaborative Policy Development for Rural Areas and People Grant 818496 Agreement Website: www.polirural.eu No. Contact:
[email protected] Version: 1.0 Date: 27 May 2020 Responsible: HAMK ContributingPartner: : CZU, NUVIT, City Nitra, VIPA, SK, NP, AUA, SPI, MIGAL, Innovagritech, CKA, JIIP, Partners: VITO, AGFutura, TRAGSA, SocialInnolabs, ERDN, MAC, CONF, GGP, LLF Reviewers: Luigi Boccaccio (MurgiaPiu), Zuzana Palkova and Marieta Okenkova (SUA) Disseminatio Public X n Level: Confidential - only consortium members and European Commission Services Keywords: Rural needs, rural policy, policy mapping, rural development This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 818496 D4.4 Needs-Policy Canvas Revision History Revision Date Author Organization Description no. Petra Korkiakoski, First version of the deliverable, guidelines for 0.1 13/3/2020 HAMK Sanna pilot work Lento Petra Change to internal reviewers due to staff 0.2 17/04/2020 HAMK Korkiakoski changes. Petra 0.3 28/04/2020 HAMK Updates to chapter 3.8. Korkiakoski John Input Monaghan Ireland Pilot information in 0.31 08/05/2020 MAC O’Flaherty section 3.2. Petra Combining chapters 2.3 and 2.4. Editing 0.4 08/05/2020 HAMK Korkiakoski headlines in chapter 3. Anita Input Vidzeme (Latvia) Pilot information in 0.41 12/05/2020 LRF Seļicka section 3.4. Paweł Input Mazowieckie (Poland) Pilot information 0.42 12/05/2020 ERDN Chmieliński in section 3.5 Petra Updating pilot inputs to chapter 3, edits to 0.5 15/05/2020 HAMK Korkiakoski chapter 2 and 4.