U.S. Army WATERVLIET ARSENAL “Service to the Line, On the Line, On Time” SALVO Since 1813

Vol. 09, No. 2 U.S. Army Watervliet Arsenal, Watervliet, NY (www.wva.army.mil) Feb. 28, 2009

Arsenal Briefs Research at Benét: Small is BIG Blood Drive The American Red Cross Bloodmobile will be on the Arsenal 10-11 March, 9 a.m. to 12:45 p.m., at Bldg. 21, O’Keefe Hall. Employees should contact their supervisor if they wish to donate. For more information, please call Maureen at 266-4676.

Memorial Day Parade Mayor Manning has asked the Arsenal to support the City of Watervliet Memo- rial Day Parade this year with an Arsenal float. That’s right, just like the good old days. The parade

will kickoff at 10 a.m., 25 John Snyder May. If you wish to partic- RPI Professor Dr. Hanchen Huang speaks to about 40 of the region’s nanotechnology experts during a nano-scale materials forum hosted by Benét Labs on 19 February. ipate in this event, please By John B. Snyder contact Mike Bush at 266- Fracture Analysis Branch at graduated college with a 3986, or John Snyder at Benét Labs, we should care marketing degree ― me. Remember the old grade 266-5055. because nanotechnology will Nevertheless, Van De Wal school question, “If a tree eventually affect just about had the patience of a monk fell in a forest and no one is every aspect of our lives, from Arsenal Prayer and translated this high-tech around to hear it, does it make medicine to infrastructure. Breakfast information into layman terms. a sound? Mark your calendars for Benét Labs conducted its Van De Wal, much like a this year’s Prayer Break- That philosophical question first Nano-Scale Materials high school science teacher, fast on Friday, 20 March, may be the way to look at Forum on 19 February in explained that all things have 7-8 a.m., at the Cannon Benét Laboratory’s challenge downtown Albany, hosting atomic matter. In essence, Community Club. For in hyping nanotechnology to representatives from 10 every object and living thing is more information, please the general public. In essence, colleges and universities, such made up of atoms. In general, call Jennifer Orsini at 266- if you can’t see it, how do we as West Point and Cornell, nanotechnology involves the 4124. know it’s there? and from three civilian changing or modifying atomic Better yet, if we can’t corporations, GE Research structures, atom by atom, March is “Women’s even pronounce it ― strain- Labs, Lockheed Martin, and to enhance behavior of the History Month” induced crystallization of First Nano. material. 2009 Theme: Women Tak- the semicrystalline polymers One thing was certain; this According to Van De Wal, ing the Lead to Save our ― should we even care? conference was not for one by rearranging or including Planet According to Dr. Brian Van who did not have a passion Please see Nano on Page 3 De Wal, Chief of Fatigue and for science or for one who Commander’s Corner Teen’s Fight History State of City Address Page 2 Page 4 Page 7 Page 8 Page 2 Arsenal Salvo Feb. 28, 2009

is our internal value system. Our sense of discipline drives us to work at high Commander’s standards even when the boss isn’t looking. And, our sense of discipline means that we do not take the easy wrong over the hard right when it comes Corner to safety. In essence, no shortcuts when those actions My career had a turning point, or what some may violate established or expected standards. call an “awakening,” about five years ago in the The bottom line is that discipline equals pride. deserts of Kuwait. At Camp Arifjan, what awaited me We, as a team, can and have achieved greatness was an organization unlike any that I had previously across many measurable aspects of a manufacturing served in. site. Our end state product quality is unmatched, our Third Army (Forward), now Army Central/ delivery performance schedule is 97 percent or better, ARCENT, had about 17,000 personnel in Kuwait our mitigation of risk is continually improving so what providing logistics support to our warfighters in Iraq else do our customers want? They want reduced cost. and Afghanistan. Everywhere I turned, from the How can we achieve this? motor pools to the dining facility, were Department of We can achieve this by discipline and pride. the Army Civilians and civilian contractors. When I can walk through an office or a production What I got out of my Kuwait experience was a bay and I see things are in their place, orderly, better understanding and a true appreciation for our and neat, that tells me a lot about the pride of that Army Civilian workforce, which by the way was individual, section or team. If I can read an accident called “Soldiers in Slacks” in Kuwait. What I also or injury report that doesn’t attribute the incident to a didn’t know then, was that someday I would serve lack of adherence to standards, then that tells me a lot in an organization that would have 598 Civilians and about the pride of our organization. only one Soldier ― me. For nearly 200 years, our pride has been reflected I quickly realized the Civilian workforce was just in the Arsenal’s ability to support tens of thousands of as disciplined as any Soldier. DA Civilians worked our nation’s warfighters. I don’t know if the Arsenal alongside Soldiers in 130-degree heat, on weekends, will be around another 200 years. But what I do know and through the night to quickly repair equipment and is that the more disciplined and proud we are in how to resupply our Soldiers in combat. Maybe it was we live and work at the Arsenal, the more viable our the fact that we were serving in a combat zone that institution will be for generations yet to come. drove us, Soldiers and Civilians, to work side-by-side Thank you very much for your commitment to performing with such a strong sense of discipline. discipline and the resulting pride from your hard work. But I have since found that not to be true, because It is my pleasure and honor to “Serve the Line” with I see that same sense of discipline at the Watervliet you. Arsenal. The definition of discipline is not always governed Scott N. Fletcher by Army Regulations. It is also governed by our Commanding personal value systems. “Forging On” For example, discipline, by regulation, means that we show up to work on time, prepared, and ready for work. We got that. But the higher order of discipline

Commander, Col. Scott N. Fletcher The Arsenal Salvo is an authorized monthly publication for members of the Department Public Affairs Officer, John B. Snyder of Defense. Contents of the Watervliet Salvo are not necessarily the official views of, or an Editor, John B. Snyder endorsement by the U.S. government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Photographer, Bill Martin Army, or the Watervliet Arsenal. News may be submitted to the Arsenal Salvo for publication by sending articles to Pub- lic Affairs Officer, 1 Buffington Street, Bldg. 10, Watervliet, NY 12189, or stop by office Since 1813 #102, Bldg 10, Watervliet Arsenal. The editor may also be reached at (518) 266-5055 or by e-mail: [email protected]. The editor reserves the right to edit all information submitted for publication. Page 3 Arsenal-Salvo Feb. 28, 2009

Nano: from page 1 particles such as carbon nanotubes in with atoms that compose the metal, scientists could then make metal stronger. An example of this application would be to think about the durability and strength of the bridges and roads that we drive on every day. Not to put our state workers out of work, but if New York State used nanotechnology in its bridge and road construction, then the metal beams and rebar’s used to reinforce the structures would not only last longer, but also would support more weight. Think about our cannon manufacturing. If we had the capability at the Arsenal to change the molecular structure of metal, then we may not need to purchase high-strength steel from foreign companies. In essence, we could produce a stronger product with a potential Not for those who only took freshman physical science in college, the study cost savings for our warfighters without having to go to of nano-scale materials requires a significant intellect to deal with formulas as foreign vendors. Benét Labs is currently studying the shown in this slide that Dr. Michael Macri, Benét Labs, used during his presen- possibilities of including carbon nanotubes into metals tation. to improve tube fatigue life. Benét Labs also is conducting nano-scale work to determine The forum topics, with titles such as, “Atomistic Simulations if metal will be able to self-lubricate itself by injecting nano of Surface Processing” and “An Atomistic-Continuum Cosserat molecules into the tube metal and thus, increasing the Rod Model of Carbon Nanotubes,” might have been a reach for fatigue life of gun tubes. the typical citizen. But Van De Wal said every attendee had a This first nano-forum for Benét brought such nanotechnology wealth of experience and sought nothing more than to share their heavyweights as Dr. Hanchen Huang from RPI and Dr. Subrata technology, trials, and tribulations with others. Mukherjee from Cornell University. Many presenters, such Van De Wal explained in military terms where researchers as professors Huang and Mukherjee, were very pleased that a are today in regards to nanotechnology research. “We have regional forum had been created to focus on the specific topic of situational awareness of the field of nanotechnology, but what we nanoscale materials. need now is situational understanding,” said Van De Wal. Van De Wal plans to continue this outreach activity as a Maybe Huang said it in terms that most people might yearly forum with formal publications, panel discussions with understand. “We know the food tastes good, but we don’t graduate students, and eventually expanding the reach of the understand why it tastes good,” Huang said in explaining as to forum to a broader regional list of corporate, academia, and where most researchers are in the field of nanotechnology. government research institutions. “Forums, such as this one, will allow researchers from different disciplines and different product lines to come together Here are a few of the Department of Defense’s current in a more personal, interactive setting than is afforded in much and long-term projects: larger national conferences and symposiums,” said Van De Wal. • Energy absorbing nanomaterials in clothing and body armor that will be part of the future Soldier’s suit. • Nanocomposites and engineered nanoparticles for high-energy munitions. • Neural-electronic interfaces for visual, auditory and motor prostheses implanted into the body. According to the Nanotechnology Now website (www. nanotech-now.com) examples of nanotechnology are: • Stain-repellent Eddie Bauer Nano-CareTM khakis, with surface fibers of 10 to 100 nanometers, uses a process that coats each fiber of fabric with “nano-whiskers.” Developed by Nano-Tex, a Burlington Industries subsidiary. “Stain Defender”, another example of the same nanoscale cloth treatment. • Nanotechnology also has applications in the food sector. Many vitamins are insoluble in water. However, when skillfully produced and formulated as John Snyder Dr. Michael Macri, Benét Labs, kicked off the Nano-Scale nanoparticles, these substances can easily be mixed Forum that was attended by representatives from 10 col- with cold water. leges and universities. Page 4 Arsenal-Salvo Feb. 28, 2009 Life isn’t about driving, it is about surviving where she helped design and set up the Sweet 16 today stage for school plays. She also misses By John B. Snyder cooking and gardening around the “You know how much I love house, Dave said. you, Daddy, but if you don’t There is something special when Dave’s other daughter, Nicole, has girls turn 16. They are no longer a mind, I’m only gonna kiss you on the cheek this time. also been tested for Leukemia and she child, but in their father’s eyes they will currently shows no signs of the disease. always remain daddy’s little girl. Nevertheless, Nicole will undergo Just when most father’s are concerned With all that I’ve done wrong, monthly blood tests for the foreseeable about their daughters beginning to drive I must have done something future to ensure rapid identification of and date, not Dave Boudreau, who has right to deserve her love every Leukemia. worked at the Watervliet Arsenal and morning and butterfly kisses at Nicole and Caylie have been Benét Labs for more than 21 years. night. inseparable since birth and this fight Dave has twin 16-year-old girls, Caylie against Leukemia is not about to change and Nicole. that. Nicole will visit Caylie this week Don’t get the idea that Dave isn’t All the precious time after not having seen her sister in four concerned about Caylie’s and Nicole’s Like the wind, the years go by. weeks. future, because he is. But a short phone Precious butterfly. Dave thanks the Watervliet Arsenal, call to him last September changed his Spread your wings and fly.” Benét Labs, and especially NFFE Local priorities and concerns for his girls. 2109 for the tremendous outpouring of Life isn’t about driving, it is about support. surviving. Songwriter Bob Carlisle’s According to WebMD.com, leukemia After feeling ill at school, Caylie “Butterfly Kisses” is cancer of the blood cells. It starts in went to a family doctor for blood tests. the bone marrow, the soft tissue inside Caylie and Nicole had just started their most bones. Bone marrow is where Center in New York City. freshman year at Burnt Hills High the blood cells are made. Over time, “Many at the hospital said this was School. leukemia cells can crowd out the normal Caylie’s second birthday,” recalled Whether you are 86 or 16, the results blood cells. This can lead to serious Dave. were not good as Caylie was diagnosed problems such as anemia, bleeding, Dave said that it is still too early to with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. and infections. Leukemia cells can know if the transplant will take hold, Dave said he was on a business trip also spread to the lymph nodes or other but he and his family remain very in Chicago when he got a call from organs and cause swelling or pain. hopeful. “When we get the word that his Caylie’s mother, Colleen, with the the transplant is effective, it means that news. He said it was the longest flight Caylie will eventually be able to come of his life trying to get back to Albany. home,” said Dave. “All kinds of emotions went through For the past several weeks, Dave and my mind, but my main thought was Colleen have been rotating every four that I was terrified for Caylie,” said to five days between New York City Dave. “I thought about our vacations and taking care of their other daughter, in Maine, Caylie gardening in diapers, Nicole, back home. The family typically NFFE Local 2109 and about what the nurse said when stays in the hospital room with Caylie Caylie was born that God blesses dads when they visit. If you wish to support Caylie with daughters,” Dave added. Dave said even when Caylie comes and her family during their battle Dave said he was doubly blessed home, she will still need to make weekly against Leukemia, NFFE Local with two wonderful girls. trips to New York City for follow-on 2109 has set up an account with Since the initial diagnosis, Caylie treatment. She will also need to get a the Arsenal branch of the Sun- has undergone numerous chemotherapy tutor for home schooling because she mark Federal Credit Union under treatments at the Albany Medical has missed most of the school year due Dave Boudreau’s name. Center. On 5 February, Caylie to her treatment. received a bone marrow transplant at Dave said Caylie misses not working the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer for the school’s stage productions Page 5 Arsenal-Salvo Feb. 28, 2009 Army addresses rising suicide rate WASHINGTON (Army News Service) -- The materials for commanders to use when talking with number of suicides in the Army has risen again, for Soldiers. the fourth year in a row, and the problem is being The general also said the Army would follow addressed with an Army-wide “stand-down” and the stand-down with a chain-teaching program - chain-teaching program. - an Army method used to ensure every individual The Army experienced 128 confirmed suicides Soldier has been exposed to new material -- during in 2008, up from 115 in 2007, said Army leaders the 120-day period after March 15. during a media roundtable Jan. 29. An additional 15 “The second thing that is absolutely critical is to deaths are being investigated as suspected suicides, reach out to Soldiers and tell them it is not wrong though Army experts say experience has shown to reach out for help,” Chiarelli said. “We have to that as many as 90 percent of suspected suicides change our culture.” are eventually classified as confirmed. In the past, he said, it has been a culture in all “The numbers represent tragedies that have the military services, that accessing mental health taken place across our Army,” said Secretary of the resources was detrimental to a servicemember’s Army Pete Geren. Adding that the Army is doing career. all it can to address the “That is something we problem. “Every suicide is a have got to turn around,” tragedy we take personally in he said. “We are committed the Army.” to doing that. And that is all The secretary said if leaders -- review what they the Army is to succeed in have done in the past, what counteracting the rising trend has helped us in the past -- in suicides in the service, all and continue to do those. At components of the Army - the same time, to reach out to - including the active-duty, their Soldiers and make sure Reserve and National Guard there is no stigma.” components -- must work The Army’s stand-down together and also work with will include training to help other organizations such as Soldiers recognize suicidal the Veteran’s Administration. behavior in their fellow To facilitate that Soldiers, as well as teach collaboration, he appointed them techniques to intervene. Vice Chief of of the While Secretary Geren Army Gen. Peter Chiarelli to has said the Army is unsure lead those efforts. exactly why the numbers of “We felt it was necessary suicides have risen over the to have a central figure at last four years, Chiarelli said the top ranks of the Army to reach across those stress was probably a factor. components and bring about the kind of progress “There is no doubt in my mind that stress is a we hope to achieve,” Geren said. factor in this trend we are seeing,” Chiarelli said. He Chiarelli said the Army must work quickly to also added that about a third of the suicides were reduce the trend of suicides in the Army, saying amongst those deployed, a third were amongst that if the suspected suicides did in fact turn out to those who had returned from deployment, and a be confirmed suicides, the Army’s rate for suicides third were amongst those who have had no history would rise to about 20.2 per 100,000 individuals. of deployment. “That number is particularly noteworthy, Army leaders also said that traditionally it has because the last reported numbers from the Center been both relationship and financial problems that for Disease Control -- which lags behind, was 19.2,” have contributed to Soldier suicides -- and that Chiarelli said. “That’s important because the Army increased deployment lengths then may contribute has always had a suicide rate quite a few numbers to suicides by adding additional stress on families below the CDC rate -- the average American rate.” and relationships. Chiarelli has directed an Army “stand-down” to “We saw the stress, we recognized it, and we address the problem, between Feb. 15 and March started putting resources to that challenge,” he 15. During that time, he said, commanders will take said. “I can tell you, senior leadership knew -- we time to direct the problem “head on,” the general could feel the pressure -- and we started moving said, adding that the service is prepositioning resources to address those issues.”

Page 6 Arsenal-Salvo Feb. 28, 2009 Forging bodies a step at a time By John B. Snyder

Using a tagline out of a World I recruiting poster, the Arsenal’s recreation specialist says, “I want you!” No, don’t look over your shoulder, he wants you. Kyle Buono, who manages the fitness center, MWR rentals, kids’ summer camp, movie tickets and anything else the command group throws at him, has brought new energy to the gym. Fresh out of the State University of New York- Cortland, this Clifton Park native may not yet know a lot about the military, but he knows fitness. Armed with a Masters in Physical Education he is ready whip you into shape — he gave up on me after I found his stash Above: The Body Forge offers multiple of Twinkies in his desk drawer. Not even a workout stations during lunch time for wrapper was left after I got done with them. those who might not have the motiva- In the short time Buono has been at tion to exercise after work. the Arsenal, he has led the restoration of the fitness center bringing it into the 21st Left: Spc. Shahnijah Fields coaches century. From new flooring to modern, Spc. Joe Riviello. Not only did they electronic exercise machines, this fitness exercise their bodies, but they also center should be able to compete with gyms exercised sound safety principles by outside the Arsenal fence line. working out with a buddy. According to Buono, there are more than 1,600 fitness center members. But you Photos by John Snyder may never know it, because on any given day the gym has but only a handful of folks a sweat as I flashbacked to my 7th grade working out at the same time. gym class. I remember the inside of Buono explained the appearance of low those lockers well as I spent much of the use as being attributed to the fact the center school year locked in one of those lockers. is open seven-days per week, 24-hours per day. So, members are School was tough in Southern California during my teen years. able to work out when it best fits their schedule versus between Nevertheless, Greer and others had a point and Buono agreed high use periods that are often found in civilian gyms before and that upgrading the locker room was on his near-term list of after work. projects to be completed this year. During a recent noontime visit, the gym was busy with folks In search of more hidden junk food, I discovered a racquetball trying to get in a quick workout. court. Not too long ago, racquetball was the sport of senior According to two Army National Guard Soldiers who were sergeants and officers. For some strange reason that phenomenon pushing each other to work harder, Spc. Shahnijah Fields and ended before I received my first military promotion, but I digress. Spc. Joe Riviello, the Body Forge is a great place to work out. Buono said he wants to touch on our competitive spirit and “I am trying to get back into working out regularly and so, the gym offers a convenient place for me to work out during my bring back the good old days by starting racquetball tournaments. lunch hour,” said Fields. After hearing Buono explain the concept, I thought about the Riviello added that although the gym has a lot to offer, he average age of our workforce and thought how wonderful it is wishes that it had an indoor swimming pool. I suspect the that the Body Forge is not too far from the Health Clinic. Arsenal’s outdoor pool posed an ice hazard given that this is Buono also plans to run softball, basketball, and volleyball February. So, request noted. pick-up games once the warmer weather hits. With global A common theme by those who work out regularly were warming, that should be around spring of 2050. echoed by Jeff Greer, Benét Labs, and by Joe Amorosi, U.S. Kyle ― by the end of the interview he allowed me to call him Property Management Office. Both praised the upgrades to the Kyle ― said that he is holding the line on membership cost. For gym in the last year but wished more was done to improve the $10, you can get a “lifetime” membership. Try getting that price locker room. anywhere. By the way, active duty, National Guard, Reservists, Greer led me into the locker room and I quickly broke into and military retirees get free membership. Page 7 Arsenal-Salvo Feb. 28, 2009 African American: Early service to our country

By Russell Brinthaupt When the Civil War began black men were at first Every February, African turned away from enlistment American History Month offices as the law prohibited helps to remind our nation them from joining the Army, about the accomplishments and some believed that they and deeds of countless would run once under fire. African American Civilians When it became apparent and Soldiers. Since the that the war would last founding of our country, more than a few months, African Americans have and after the advocacy of During the Indian fought to safeguard our Frederick Douglas, the , Buffalo Soldiers Federal government began made up approximately nation’s ideals of liberty and 20 percent of the U.S. freedom, even though they to support the idea of blacks troops. They themselves may not have in blue uniforms. also fought on San Juan In July of 1862, Congress Hill as shown in the enjoyed such freedoms. photo. During the Revolutionary passed two acts allowing the NPS Government War, free African American enlistment of blacks, but men enlisted and served they could not enlist until But they met with disaster buffaloes that roamed the in the same regiments as after the September 1862 as they charged into the plains. Again they proved whites, undergoing the same issuance of the Emancipation crater that was formed after themselves capable of rigors and sacrifice of war. Proclamation. However, the Union troops created performing the same tasks During white officers would lead an underground explosion. as white troops, sometimes More than 5,000 African them because it was thought They, like the white troops, better. American Soldiers served that blacks could not lead were repulsed with heavy One of the white officers in the Continental Army. their own kind into battle. casualties. The IX Corps who led these men was Gen. John J. Pershing, whose One of the incentives for The 54th Massachusetts sustained more than 5,300 Volunteer was casualties in this fight. The nickname was ‘Black Jack’ slaves to join was that after because he led a regiment their enlistment they would one of the first black units crater, which is still visible today, was 170-feet long, of Buffalo Soldiers earlier be granted their freedom, recognized by the Federal 80-feet wide, and 30-feet in his career. This name while their masters would be Government by proving followed him throughout his deep. reimbursed the value of the themselves in battle at Fort lifetime. With the Union victory, slave. The only segregated Wagner, South Carolina, Their reputation as tough African Americans continued in 1863. In this fight, and dedicated fighters led regiment in the war was the to serve in the Army as immortalized by the movie to the regiments being sent 1st Rhode Island. Several of Soldiers and Civilians. its companies were made up “Glory,” the 54th sustained to Cuba to fight the Spanish As the country turned its near the turn of the 19th of all blacks because Rhode 272 casualties in this fight. eyes west after the American century. Again, they showed Regimental commander Island was having a difficult Civil War, the Army was what they were made of, time raising enough white Col. Robert Shaw, who was tasked to tame the west. several of them earned the men to join the militia. white, died along with 116 It is here that the Buffalo Medal of Honor. From the end of the of his men. Soldiers from the 9th and African Americans American Revolution until In the Army of the 10th Cavalry Regiments have always served our the Civil War, black men Potomac, an entire division made their mark on history, country while fighting for were not allowed to serve in the IX Corps was made up too. freedoms that often were in the Army. The Navy was of African American troops They were given the not afforded to them. Their exempt from segregation who attacked at the Battle name Buffalo Soldiers by heritage is an inspiration to laws because of a chronic of the Crater, which was part the Indians because their all generations and one we shortage of manpower. of the of Petersburg. hair resembled that of the should not forget. Page 8 Arsenal-Salvo Feb. 28, 2009 Mayor’s Praise for the Arsenal and City By John B. Snyder budgets and a law to “The 144-acre Watervliet Arsenal took center control unbudgeted spending that has help Mayor Michael stage in the Capital Region business community to protect the city’s Manning said in his State and media for much of 2008.” of the City address earlier coffers. this month that “We are Mayor Michael Manning However, Manning’s in good shape,” as he praise of the City of highlighted several program and Watervliet staff seemed to highlight department successes. the main reasons why the city is in During his 35-minute remarks, great fiscal shape. Manning proudly talked of where “The Police and Fire Departments, the city has been, where it is today, together the largest expense to our and where it is going. And as typical municipal budget, both finished the year under their overtime and total of Manning, when he speaks of the budgets,” said Manning. City of Watervliet, he also spoke of The mayor also highlighted the Arsenal. several city-wide initiatives that will Manning said he is very pleased not only improve the fiscal strength the Arsenal took center stage in the of the city, but also the quality of life Capital Region business community for its residents. and in the media for much of 2008. A new Planning & Community “After years of attrition and not- Revitalization Department has too-good news, we have a reason to attracted more than $2 million in hope for the future,” Manning said in Billy Martin new grants for the city. regards to the direction the Arsenal Mayor Michael Manning is shown speaking The city also launched a Refuse is now heading. at an Arsenal-sponsored community event and Recycling Program that not only Manning highlighted the city’s last November where he praised the Arsenal workforce, as well as our nation’s fighting improved service to residents who efforts to secure approximately men and women. wish to recycle, but also achieved a $750,000 in state grants for two our local and national economies, saving of more than $100,000 for the Arsenal civilian tenants, Solid Manning was nonetheless able to city. Sealing Technology and Extreme tick off success story after story in A new Refuse Department has Molding. These grants may provide regards to the city’s achievements removed the sanitation tasks out of up to 50 new private sector jobs on last year. the Department of Public Works, the Arsenal. It may be hard for some to which has greatly helped DPW to In anticipation that the believe, but two years ago the City focus on its core mission. Arsenal Business and Technology of Watervliet was operating in a A new 19th Street reconstruction Partnership may create significant financial deficit. project that should start later this business activity for the Enhanced Fast forward to 2009, and the city year will feature new road surfaces, Use Leasing project, the city has has a strong financial footing. pedestrian crossing, curbs, and established an office on the Arsenal Manning attributed this financial landscape. to assist with future coordination, success to many factors and not Finally, the City has established Manning said. simply due to modest increases a new ambulance service that has EUL will offer approximately 60 in the city’s tax and water rates. already improved the response time acres of Arsenal land and facilities to Certainly, those increases helped to and served the community 84 times the Arsenal Business & Technology raise revenue, but they weren’t the in its first month of service. Partnership for civilian private only reasons. For a complete rundown of the development. For example, Manning talked mayor’s remarks, please go to www. Given the current challenges to about passing conservative, realistic watervliet.com Page 9 Arsenal-Salvo Feb. 28, 2009 Lake Placid business offers discounted lodging & food Lake Placid’s Northwoods Inn offers discounts to Watervliet Arsenal’s military and Department of the Army Civilians. According to Gary Smith, co-owner, Northwoods will provide Arsenal employees a midweek room (Sunday through Thursday) for $65 per night and a weekend room for $109 per night (Friday and Saturday). Certain blackout periods apply. Smith said that Northwoods Inn will issue a military “VIP” card upon check in to each midweek guest holding a military or Department of the Army identification card. This VIP card will allow each midweek guest to a second entrée free with the purchase of another entrée of the same or greater value for any breakfast, lunch or dinner. For more information, call Marc Corr, Northwoods Inn Northwoods Inn Midweek Rates: $65 per night. General Manager, at (518) 523-1818. Photo from www.northwoodsinn.com. Disclaimer: The announcement that appears on this page is intended to inform Soldiers and DA Civilians of special offers provided to them and their families and is not intended to constitute an endorsement by the Watervliet Arsenal, the United States Army, or the Department of Defense. It is strictly intended to be used for informational purposes only. City appeals to Arsenal’s spirit of volunteerism seven days per week and By John B. Snyder at any time a volunteer may wish to work on the In a recent meeting computers. with Mayor Michael All Housing Authority Manning, he talked about residents already have free the great Arsenal spirit of internet and so, once they volunteerism during the receive a computer they will recent holiday season. have access to information Now that the holidays are over, he wants to see if that about the community, as spirit is still alive within well as about the world. the Arsenal workforce. Several RPI students have Many of you know the recently volunteered for John Snyder a few hours and prepared City of Watervliet is not rich Matt Ethier, left, and City of Watervliet Housing Authority Director in regards to fiscal revenue, Charles Patricelli, await Arsenal support to reconfigure donated about 10 computers for but it is rich in community computer systems for housing authority residents. immediate issue. So, spirit to improve the quality given the size and heart of the more than 400 folks to prepare Pentium of the Arsenal workforce, of life of every Watervliet families who live under III computers for issue. Manning believes the citizen and worker. It is in the Watervliet Housing Some computers simply Arsenal workforce could this spirit that Manning is Authority umbrella. need someone to load reaching out to the Arsenal Manning and Patricelli software (Windows XP), quickly place computers workforce for support. said they don’t need while other computers will into the hands of folks Manning is in full computers, although they need hard drives installed. who may never have had a support of Housing would not rule out a future According to Patricelli, computer before. Authority Director Charles request, but what they need volunteers can work in If you can support Patricelli’s vision to assist now is manpower. And, the Housing Authority improving the quality of linking Watervliet’s low- volunteers don’t need to be warehouse or they may life for City of Watervliet income families to 21st computer gurus. take the computers home residents, please call century technology. In Patricelli has nearly 50 with them to reconfigure. Charles Patricelli or Matt essence, they want to get computers and associated He said that he will make Ethier at 273-4717, ext. computers into the hands equipment that requires the warehouse available 17.