Legwaila Transcript
ST/DPIST/DPI ORALORAL HISTORYHISTORY (02)(02) L521L521 Yale-UNYale-UN OralOral HistoryHistory ProjectProject Legwai1aLegwai1a JJosephaseph Legwai1aLegwai1a JeanJean Krasno,Krasno, InterviewerInterviewer FebruaryFebruary 10,10, 19991999 NewNew York,Yark, NewNew YorkYark 11 Yale-UN Oral History Project 11 Legwaila JosephJoseph LegwailLegwailaa JeanJean Krasno, IntervieweInterviewerr February 10,19910,19999 11 New York, New YorYorkk 11 Index: Namibia African Group 19 African National Congress (ANC) 22 Apartheid 33 Civil Police (CIVPOL) 28 Democratic RepublicRepubl ic of Congo (ORC)(ORe) 23 Democratic Turnhalle Alliance (DTA) 11,15-16,18 11 Front-line States I, 7-9, 26 German Democratic Republic (GDR) 10 Koevoet 21,23 11 Mercenaries 23 Namibia Elections 31-32,37-38 11 Independence 20-21,33 Non-Aligned Movement 8-9 Organization of African Unity (OAU) 2, 17 I Refugees 32-33 Resolution 435 1,9,13,33,371,9, 13,33,37 South Africa I Involvement with Elections 4,11-19,364, 11-19, 36 South West Africa People's Organization (SWAPO)(SWAPO) 2-4,7-8,10,15-17,19,21,31-32,34-36 South West African Police (SWAPOL) 28 I South West African Territorial Force (SWATF) 22 Turnhalle Paliy Conference 11 UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) 33 I UN Development Programme (UNDP) 33 UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) 33 UN Security Council 6-7, 9-10,21, 27 UN Transition Assistance Group (UNTAG) 1-5,7,9,12,1-5,7,9,12,14,16,19,23-25,29,35-3614, 16, 19,23-25,29,35-36 I World Health Organization 33 I I I I I I I I Yale-UN Oral History I Legwaila Joseph LegwailLegwailaa February 10, 19919999 I New York, New YorYorkk I Interveiwer: Jean KrasnKrasnoo I I Jean Krasno (JK): To begin with Ambassador, I wanted toto ask you a littlelittle bit aboutabout thethe I role that you had played in the United Nations prior to your position as Deputy SpecialSpecial Representative ofthe Secretary-General to UNTAG.
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